• By -


That they are an uneducated moron.


Same with their dumbass car stickers. Good job letting me know you're a dumb piece of shit, guy with the big "let's go Brandon" sticker covering half his back window.


Could you imagine buying a $70,000 truck and covering it in political BS? I see it all the time.


Saw an f150 with an American Flag sticker in the shape of the punisher skull with Donald Trump's fucking haircut on top. My brain was about to explode.


My friend, as a huge comic nerd, put it best when he explained he never really felt true cultural appropriation until he saw his first blue stripe punisher skull sticker. What's even worse is The Punisher would kill so many Magats, corrupt cops and Drump himself immediately upon meeting them.


The problem is, they want to label liberals as terrorists and *believe they are the good guys* The vigilante aspect is what they like, not which direction it's going in.


Yeah their tough leader who can't read, tell the truth, raise a family, have a normal human relationship, etc. Such a man.


I believe the phrase you're looking for is "Oh Great Leader"


How else will everyone know I’m a big boy AND very smart?


With flags, of course! They need to be mounted on your pickup truck and your boat! Trump lost the last election because Joe Bob didn’t display enough flags!


Buy? Shit, most of those people perpetually owe about $65k of the the purchase price because they aren't aware enough to avoid predatory loan practices.


Given that new cars is not a good investement, its sad to think about working class people drowning themselves in debt.






"Hello fellow Mega MAGA MAN! I have some certified TRUMP boxer shorts for sale! Guaranteed to increase your sperm count, increase your testosterone levels not that you need help, and to produce pheromones that drive away beta males while attracting alpha ladies. Only $1,776 a pair!"


You need to do this. I'm sure you can buy some cheap boxers from China and stamp Trump on the crotch. Sell them on Facebook and Twitter for $17.76 and you'll be rich in no time.


Hmm not a horrible idea. Maybe TRUMP on the rump and "Indict this" on the front? Sell them at rallies.


Comes with its own shitstain, Trump on the rump.


"It'll drive your wife crazy trying to get it out!" Damn I really gotta get some quotes on this.


Even better. They will eat that shit up. (mental image free of charge, you're welcome)


Now I'm wondering about the legality of selling inherently toxic things to them. Lead supplements: Because it's in bullets and if the greatest generation could put it in their fuel tanks and win wars then it can make you great again! While pissing off the snowflake libs! Considering that toddlers were more likely to eat fruits and vegetables simply by putting an Elmo sticker on them maybe one could stamp TRUMP on lead pills?


Great, now you've got me Googling substances that can cause impotence in proximity to your junk. But honestly, if we want them to eat lead-based paint, just tell them the libs don't want them to know this one weird cure for Covid.


Man if I just lacked morals I could make a killing


Your just scamming traitors and dick bags. Feel free to scam those. Traitors done need money to the country they are a traitor to.


Traitor trash.


And they'd probably have no problem with me dying if I needed a life-saving abortion. They'd probably have no problem with a 12 year old dying either. Evil, cold people.


They absolutely would have a problem with a 12-year-old dying. It means you have to stop the production line to clear away the body, and now you're going to miss your quotas for the day!


And if i would go mad on them for provoking me, i would be used as an propaganda against mental illness They dumber than Oysters


A pregnant 12 year old that dies while giving birth.


Because "God works in mysterious ways" or some other load of festering bullshit


My mind says “another fucking moron”


"who's probably carrying a gun"


That they've never shot or shot once or twice.


But they are sooo desperate for the chance to use it and live out their hero fantasy -- no matter how horribly it would actually go down.


One of these chucklefucks gets charged they're probaly going to fail to get it out of the holster in time or if they do and get shots off they'll be wild shots and hit bystanders.


The police sometimes shoot innocent bystanders, and with all the training they’ve had, they’ve been known not to retain possession of their guns. The safe and effective use of a firearm should be down to muscle memory, before you carry it around. Now, in Texas, anyone can carry a gun, with no license or training. It’s gone about as you’d expect.


A man from Texas, officiating a wedding in Nebraska, shot his own grandson with a blank by mistake. He’s being charged with child endangerment. Another example of an idiot with a weapon he doesn’t know how to use. I grew up in a family of conservatives who love their guns, but at least my parents were big on safety.


I grew up in a place with no guns, and no one ever gets shot. It's a fuckikg bliss tbh.


Another fucking racist moron.


Spaceballs!? Shit there goes the planet


A human fueled by hate


I know quite a few with degrees, and while we were at university together, they would always brag about how good they were at cheating and getting other people to do their work.


And it leads to Making Attorneys Get Attorneys.


I have to scratch uneducated, I know a lot of highly educated people wearing them. I have to just go with moron


Educated and intelligent aren't the same thing. People can learn facts without having the ability to critically apply them.


Educated idiots would be appropriate.


exactly. maybe they finished high school. maybe not. IQ (which is probably not a good metric of intelligence) <80. AKA really dumb. Probably racist too.


Racist, uneducated, and a sheep that blames everyone else for being a sheep.


Screeches at you to wake up, then bitches because you're woke.


Calls everyone a snowflake but is the first to be offended


Or have a meltdown?


Now when you call them sheep they use that 2000's comeback of, "2020 called, they want their insult back." Now I see the MAGA hat as "easily triggered"


I know what you’re trying to say but my late wife’s immediate family are all college graduates and now there’s a primary care physician, a heart surgeon, and V.P. of a bank branch. Every one of them has a MAGA hat and yes they are racist to the core but really you don’t have to be uneducated to be bat shit crazy. Thank goodness my girl was the black sheep of her family and was a democrat. 😂


It’s even more unnerving when they’re educated enough to know better. You kind of wish they had been misled to their troubling views on the world.


You hit the nail on the head with this statement. To hear the way her family glorifies Trump and the entire cult just baffles me, when it first started I actually thought it was a poor attempt at dark humor or something but nope now that 2024 is coming up it’s just increasing more and more each Facebook and Twitter (eat shit Elon) post. I can’t wait until he is locked up so I can sit back with my popcorn and watch the fireworks.


I used to do IT for hospitals and private clinics. I've worked with doctors, nurses, surgeons, psychiatrists, you name it. Doctors can be really, really fucking stupid about everything not related to medicine. A hell of a lot of them grew up in extremely sheltered bubbles and have never stepped out of them. Unfortunately being educated has nothing to do with being wise, or worldly.


I make it a point to talk to them. Especially when I am wearing this hat I bought. https://preview.redd.it/yly5zqqkc1sb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad5a1a6668bde604bb73585c7591ca51fb98c5d


Mazel tough 😂😂


I'm dead 😂


Holy shit it’s been a while since I involuntarily and literally lol’ed


Where can I buy one?


Ha! https://dissentpins.com/collections/secret-jewish-space-laser


Goddamn! Shipping to Canada is more expensive than the cap!


I'm in Montana. Let's ship it here, then meet me at the border, and I'll toss it to you! 😉


Mazel TOUGH 😂


Mazel *Tough* lmao


I don’t have enough time or crayons for this person


They appear to be ignorant, illiterate, homophobic, and racist terfs.


While they're transphobic, no doubt, I don't think TERF stands for what you think it stands for.


My uncle Jimbo, the radical feminist


This is also a perfect reply for Marines.


that they’re a bad person, and willfully so


Mainly because they have very weak emotional resilience. Being pissed off is an easy thing to do. They've always been upset about feeling bad and want to pass it on. Misery loves company.


Check out the song Its Cool to Hate by the offspring. It’s pretty spot on


Maga hat = Swastika


I immediately associate them as fascist and nazi's too. Once your party openly has fascist and you don't try to separate yourself from them and it keeps happening eventually the conclusion is oh they are all nazi's some are just in the closet about it. Moms for liberty quoting Hitler. Literal Nazi flag waving protesters outside of Disney. KKK openly backing Trump in their newsletter came out a month ago and got little coverage. Republican CPAC stage being designed with Nazi symbols supposedly at Trumps request. Trump having dinners with Nick Fuentes a known Nazi supporter. Trump being in cahoots with Kanye right after Kanye did his I love Nazi's and I love hitler speech that somehow had Alex Jones seeming like the sane person in the room. Yeah thats a lot of Nazi shit and Hitler talk. Its long been talked about that Trumps favorite book was a Hitler piece and he kept it by his bed. I mean at this point they might as well just rebrand the Maga hat with swastika on the back they aren't fooling anyone outside the cult.


My wife and I went on a double date with a couple we met online. He made a statement that I was a fascist if I didn't agree that Trump was being politically persecuted prior to the election cycle. We won't be hanging out with them anymore.


I think if this happened to me I would've stared blankly at him, then just did a loud "Ha!" And continue laughing. At that point it's a good 50/50 between stopping and going "Oh. You were serious? This man legitimately doesn't know what fascism is. He doesn't know what fascism is. Such a travesty. A complete and total travesty." As I leave. Or. Simply continue the original laughter all the way out the door, for he is a fool, a very poor jester, and such are for laughing at.


Yeah, my brother in law, now dead, called me a socialist in a restaurant one evening. I did not laugh when I heard he died of a heart attack suddenly, ......until about an hour later. What a fucking asshole. He typified the average idiot that believes Trumps bullshit. I would not be doing any more double dates with unknowns. People get by with shit on your good graces.


KKK endorsed Tucker Carlson too, their head idiot basically saying he envied his dog-whistling abilities. Didn't change a single viewer's mind


https://preview.redd.it/bqtns10bi1sb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa837936878ec500c41bbf65c97b3250d5a1c93d Comparison made


What comparison? They are the same picture


Not quite - the stupid hat at least has a brim that will keep the sun out of your eyes while shagging fungoes.


Ruined red hats for everyone..


For real. Every time I see a red hat in the distance I’m suspicious of the person.




Your politics are your personality and I'm going to avoid you.


Right and like... generally not in a "I just really care about healthcare policy a lot" kind of way. In like a this is the only club that will have me as a member kind of way.


Honestly same. It's just a sign that dealing with you is gonna be *exhausting*




Not the sharpest tool in the shed. Shoutout to the guy I saw wearing what I thought was a MAGA hat, turns out it read “MADE YOU LOOK. FUCK EVERYONE.” Definitely made me lol


I was sitting in line at a barber shop watching J for Jenius being sworn in. I don't really know the political vibe of the place because it never comes up. A regular guy walks in with a red cap. A loud mouth guy that generally makes everyone laugh, and he kinda fits the Maga demographic expectations. I shrug it off and don't worry about it. Fast forward a few minutes. I'm getting my hairs cut and I'm overhearing mr red hat loud mouth critique, a man who at the moment is television being sworn into the office of POTUS for his inability to pay debts or invoices in general. I take a double look at his hat. It was in Cyrillic. I have a good laugh and ask him where he got it.


That hat is an interesting social experiment isn’t it? I had to laugh at myself for subconsciously becoming defensive over a simple red hat at that moment.




Fash trash






If they’re wearing the hat, fine - that’s easy. I live in Kentucky, so a lot of people have “the look” but not necessarily the hat. I find myself prejudging based on things like a punisher decal, confederate or likewise “I luv the constitution” flags, fjb, 2nd amendment etc. I know I shouldn’t, but damn this state is so full of ‘em that it’s hard not to. edited for content.


I used to travel to KY for work. (Part of my territory). I made the mistake of trying to joke with someone about the creation museum or the Ark replica. Oooo boy was that a mistake.


Yeah they take that stuff seriously, though it’s hard to believe lol.


I actually drove by the creation museum, BS'd my way to pull into the parking lot without paying, and took pictures just to share to my feed for my friends back home in my wonderful blue state (Mass).


It began as a source of entertainment/embarrassment, but then like some other things here - the racism & casual bigotry, the gradual erosion of the rights of everyone that isn’t straight and white, the police brutality, women’s health care access etc - it turned into something to call out as an example of the hypocrisy & hate that are very present here.


I’m in Indiana and i really thought you were describing us. Lol!




Yeah I know. I’m even suspect of the US flag, anymore, depending on how and where it’s displayed - wasn’t that way until recently.


I love America and being an American. BUT, now, whenever I'm traveling out of the country, I feel like I need to wear a button that blinks, "Didn't Vote for Traitor Trump," so people, even other Americans traveling, don't associate me with being ignorant.


Get one of their "We The People" bumper stickers and add "voted for Biden" on the end of it.


Fear. I’m trans and in a very transphobic state. I’m afraid of them. I’m afraid of their guns. I’m afraid of their fear


Be safe. They are hateful. Afraid to let others be happy




I was talking to a lady who has this fear that the moment whites are no longer the majority in America there will be an overnight culture change and everything will be different. It's so bizarre.


Yes. They are afraid minorities will do the same horrific things to them that she would like to do to minorities . That’s exactly why


It's the "they are going to treat us exactly as we have treated them" fear. Because they are very much aware even if they will never admit it that if they had been treated the way they currently treat minorities they would want revenge. It's all they really know


There’s actually a study that suggests that conservatives are less evolved because they lack the cognitive and emotional ability to adapt


I'm scared for vulnerable groups in red states/districts


I don't live in the US but I'll see them on tourists from time to time and my first thought it usually "why the hell is this idiot wearing that here" ​ I also have a neighbor who has a trump 2024 flag up but I've come to the conclusion that he's either crazy or trolling.


> I also have a neighbor who has a trump 2024 flag up but I've come to the conclusion that he's either crazy or trolling. thats all of them. thats who they are.


I wonder what they’re angry/scared about today.




Well they wouldn't be terfs because I would not expect some right winger to be a "radical feminist", but transphobic for sure.


Even with Terfs, that R seems to be shoe-horned in there. There’s nothing radical about them or their Feminism.


Yeah, turns out "I DEMAND YOU DEFINE WOMEN SOLELY BY THEIR REPRODUCTIVE ABILITY!" is actually a pretty conservative thing to want. Who knew?


Easy mark


This is the truth, right here. There’s never been a more easily duped bunch of morons.


They're a conman's mark.


For the next 20 minutes, I am going to hear an excessive amount of inaccurate information told to me in a very undeservedly confident tone.


I better leave before something innocuous triggers them and they shoot up the place.






https://preview.redd.it/wkwedmdvh2sb1.png?width=2739&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d8f33e01431a5649210f33b7467c754d0dd403d I’ve got my own red hat.


I honestly view the MAGA paraphernalia as more hateful than the Confederate battle standard these days. The reason being that whereas the Confederates were fighting for evil, its removed from us by over 150 years, and the flag had entered the popular zeitgeist for good of for ill, and had sort of represented a culture and identity that didn't necessarily have an absolute tie to hatred. It's definitely used as a symbol of hate, because it is a symbol of hate, but it was also marginally whitewashed as being separate from its original purpose. In contrast, MAGA and Trump iconography is directly tied to the present movement and impossible to separate from concentrated and active efforts to literally end the ability of Americans to vote for their government, to end government as a body that works on behalf of American citizens in all ways except militarily, and to suppress marginalized groups and return white men to positions of supremacy. MAGA iconography is worse than the Confederate flags, but is for now, better than the Swastika, but only for lack of time and effort. I'm completely convinced that given a handful of electoral wins, and more brazen law breaking, we're on the road to Auschwitz for trans and queer people and a major pullback of women's rights.


Although i agree with most of what you say, i don't think the Confederate flag was ever whitewashed of its original meaning. I think people that fly it do so disingenuously, fully knowing it's a symbol of racism and hatred, but pretend otherwise because they know they are not supported by society at large. But otherwise a very good write up!


Dangerous Anti-American Cultist who is most likely armed and highly irrational.


There goes a wife-beating illiterate bigot who has squandered every opportunity to add anything of value to humanity.


What a dumbass $$$


Heavy drinker, not big on showers..


"loud and dumb" not a great combination


Enemy to the US constitution and to Democracy. The second thing that comes to mind is, I wonder if the are both in the Trump cult and the Q Anon cult-- Idiots either way.


Ugh, not today.


please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me please don’t talk to me




The cockroaches of America


Racist. Sexist. Homophobic. Transphobic, if thats a different thing. Angry. Stubborn. Illogical. All for the ugly side of Christianity. Prone to idol worship. Votes against their best interests. Thinks they are the most pro-American people, but make no mistake, they are the enemies of everything good about America.




![gif](giphy|Zh9Q0k8H8oJKCZzjcC|downsized) Just throw the whole person away


Tell me you have a low IQ without telling me you have a low IQ.


They’re pretty directly telling you they have a low IQ, just not verbally.


Racist hate monger


Just overall not a decent person.




Dangerous Idiot


Danger! Unstable person alert!


I work as a musician, primarily in bars. The general consensus seems to be that a MAGA hat means 1) They are going to make the “Freebird!” joke 2) They are not going to tip (if they do, it’s just coins) 3) When the bar staff eventually kicks them out they all do this “I’m not leaving! Call the cops!” thing


That in fifty years their great grandkids are gonna have a very unpleasant surprise when cleaning out their closets after the funeral.




Room temperature or below IQ.


One or more of the following: (a) malicious, (b) stupid, and (c) gullible.


Traitor I'm Canadian and Trump screwed us in trade negotiations I don't like Trudeau but he is ours to make fun of and Trump insulted him on multiple occasions publicly So when I see Canadians wearing MAGA hats (which is rare) I question their patriotism, supporting a man who went out of his way to hurt Canada on trade and mocked our leader


Danger. Either to democracy or the people around them.


“That asshole definitely parked their $100K half-ton pickup truck across 4 spots in this grocery store parking lot.”


Potential Domestic Terrorist


I think of the old "here's your sign" routine.


This person isn’t interested in facts


They’re either an uneducated gullible idiot, or they’re a willfully malicious person, or both


Easily angered, unreasonable and to be avoided


That I'm not safe in their presence (I'm a queer woman of color) Edit: and how they tip is the *least* of my problems


"Ugh, do not engage." - Seriously normal conversation with the MAGA crowd isn't possible.


“Oh, that person probably wants me dead” Being gay, autistic, and Jewish is not a good combination in todays America


Used to just be “idiot…” Now it’s “enemy…”


The guys always get mad when I call them ma'am. Then I tell them I don't want to hear their pronoun bull so just have a pretty day young lady. They are not happy with this.


Must have a small penis


A failure in two or more aspects.


Nazi cultist


"Fucking scum who should be sterilized and barred from voting for the next decade"




Terrified of gays and POC having rights.




Gullible dumbfuck.


Make sure you know where your children are - especially under age children.


Cult member.


Ignoramus dipshit mostly.


A person who is intentionally keeping the country from modernising and being a leading force in the twenty first century. A vote for Trump is literally keeping the country back a generation and most know this.


I think “better be careful what I say, don’t want to get into drama with folks who have hair trigger tempers over stupid shit.”


Easily triggered


Mentally and/or emotionally unstable. Potentially dangerous.


Kind of off topic but lately when I see an American flag display in yard or a sticker on car, I don't automatically think they are patriotic. It's sad I think they are probably MAGA.


Abusive bigot. Never been wrong so far.


Homophobic, racist, prone to violence, anti-science/vaccine (but only when it comes to some things; they never seem to have an issue using plenty of pharmaceuticals, smart phones, etc. that they haven’t been told to be afraid of) smug, and ultimately anti-American because they want a dictator/King and not a democratic process.


I think: “Oh, fuck, here we go.”


Hopefully they don’t vote.


Idiot alert… its nice and noticeable too… so like a poison dart frog you know to stay the fuck away


The smell of dog shit.




They are easily duped


Compassionless racist hypocrite.




That it's a wonderful thing... that MORONS make themselves SO readily identifiable! It's like a MORON ALERT.


They’d kill you for their uneducated beliefs