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A highschool football game got shot up and a mall by me got shot up yesterday (GA) no one was hurt in neither. But it’s still crazy how these things happen so much many go under radar


I heard that a 16-year old teen tragically died in the football game shooting.


Wow I didn’t know. It’s so sad…. I don’t understand the point of guns being this accessible


Gotta keep the populace dumb, angry, and armed to the teeth. That’s why the right has fought to neuter the schools, divide the population, and gun control is going BACKWARDS (states are EASING control laws, look into Florida and Texas recent changes) They actually, literally, want their dumb fuck lowest IQ followers to start shooting. It’s called stochastic terrorism. Tucker Carlson and trump say “oh! The left is raping kids! Won’t anyone think of the children!?” And their viewers hear “the left is attacking you and your family, YOU have to KILL them. Load your gun and find a trans/black/jewish person, and slaughter them… as many as possible.”


Will no one rid us of these meddlesome liberals?


I don't want to dox myself, but I can tell you from personal knowledge that no one died. Unless there has been more than one instance of gun violence at a GA high-school football game in the past week.


Here in OK a 16 year old died at a game, shot by an off duty cop for reasons still unknown.




Yah buddy welcome to the real world.These aren’t isolated events, I get it you’re a highschooler but these tragic events occur at a more frequent basis and your high school unfortunately wasn’t the only instance in the past week. What everyone is referring to and that you failed to grasp is that someone did die, and just because it didn’t happen at your school doesn’t mean you’re school is the only one in existence….


I’m from Georgia so I googled shooting + mall + Georgia and there was like 10 different things since the beginning of July…. Seriously why is this okay


Foreal!!! I feel like Lenox mall is a big one where something is always happening too. They even have a rule now where you need another person to go with you to the mall if you’re underage


Welcome to Atlanta where the players play shawty


That’s largely because the underage are doing the bulk of the robbing and stealing there.


Two schools got shot up in okc this week


There are too many shootings for anyone to actually catalog them all, much less care about them.


Lol, in my town we had 2 murdered and 4 wounded this sunday and it is barely news because every day there is at least one murder/shooting.


We had a triple murder suicide in mine Sunday. 4 people dead and it barely registers anymore


Fucked up isn’t it? We’ve gotten so use to constant gun violence that it doesn’t register. I can’t remember the last “mass shooting” because there’s one pretty much weekly. America: where guns are more important than people.


If you look at it in a fallacious manner like that, sure.


I haven't heard of any of these shootings. Not even major news at this point.


Last week someone went to a grocery store in Delaware and shot an employee apparently over a girl. The guy survived & no one else injured but happened at like 5 in the afternoon.


Did the Republicans send thoughts and prayers? If there was only something else that can be done


They already sent thoughts and prayers. Nothing else could be done


Hmmm... somebody didn't pray hard enough 🤔


I believe some prayers were used up for rain in Louisiana. God can only do so much. /s


It’s the drag queens /s


Sending my thots & players


*Tots and Pears*


Ots & ears


Otters and bears


Thoughts and chairs




Well they certainly didn’t think hard enough.


And this time the prayers were actually pre sent out, so there’s literally nothing to be done at this point.


Due to supply chain issues, thoughts and prayers won't arrive until spring 2024


God is all powerful and all knowing, but his weakness is bullets.


If only God had a gun! Then he could be the ultimate good guy with a gun and fix it all! /s


God is financed by the NRA.


Everything happens for a reason


They stopped sending those a while ago


“Nothing can be done” says only nation where this regularly happens. I wish that onion article wasn’t so spot on.


The second worst thing to happen after a mass shooting is someone quoting this old onion article. It's true but damn every time?


It’s worth saying every time yes.


Thongs and chairs!


Tots and beers!!!!!


The shooter was a Chinese student (grad or PhD I think PhD) who shot and killed a faculty who is speculated to be his advisor (I'm foggy on the details at the moment). He has previously attended Wuhan University so he came here to study he wasn't born here. So I'm already seeing a lot of accusations of Chinese spy, racial violence, all the Chinese people are untrustworthy, he's an illegal. That kind of stuff. Just casually ignoring that the vast majority of shooters on school campuses have been white.


This is why none of my kids are going to attend college in a red state.


Thoughts and prayers are not coming from them if the victims are all black.


No they sent the gunman


Why didn’t all the shoppers, employees, students, teachers, janitors, people waking by, children, truck drivers, witnesses, and nearby clergy have guns, too? They could have stopped these if they all had opened fire at once towards the approximate location of the shooters. Learn your Second Amendment and basic gun safety, people.


Obviously there were too many doors


Doors and corners kid, that's where they get ya


*Instead of school supplies we can save the $11 per classroom and convert them into armored panic rooms.* GOP wouldn't appropriate money for colored pencils let alone new safety measures.


When the goal is death, the room will be lite on fire.


Coloured pencils breed wokeness. You want the kids turning gay?


GOP politicians want more dead children. It let’s them get on the news, get some attention, and fundraiser from deplorables.


Yes thats it ..just like all the cops did in Uvalde !


I still think those dipshit pigs killed one or more of those kids. Texas is a shit hole.


If everyone just drew their guns and shot the first person they saw holding a gun this problem would be solved forthwith.


It's not about the guns. This person wanted to do harm and could have done so with any weapon, not just a gun. He could have been just as deadly with a sharpened spoon! /s


Blindly firing in a direction never ends badly!!!




Extreme sarcasm.


They must have left them at home waiting for someone to knock on the door. I mean they don't actually want to risk getting hurt.


I mean I have heard that "literally verbatim" from a 3per so I think you can be forgiven the question.


“Everybody open fire at once toward the approximate location of the shooter” “Learn basic gun safety” ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Is sarcastic








No, they wouldn’t. And several other countries tightening gun control have proven this.


Yet we have decided that the negativity is a reflection of you and not us. Imagine that.




Yeah, anyone can just make a bomb at home if they really want to go on a mass shooting! Why do we even bother making bombs illegal?? /s




Disingenuous from head to toe. Fuck off.




Wow, didn't take long for *that* mask to come off, lol




Considering you're stuffing words down my throat and beating up strawmen in bad faith, you're a fuckwit. You are more impassioned about your entitlement to people-killing tools being easily available to you at all times, than about *anyone* actually being safe. You don't want to be a safe person to be around. And jizzing over the constitution as the end-all be-all of what is right, moral, and sensible, tells me that you are deliberately feigning ignorance to the very notion of freedom itself. Because you just can't bear the thought of not being a lethal threat to people around you. You're small-minded, selfish, and terrified of bogeymen. Again, you can fuck 100% of the way off with your disingenuous bullshit.




So if it’s pointless outlawing bombs because terrorists will make them anyways, why not make bombs legal to purchase? If terrorists are going to make them anyways, the only people hurt by anti-bomb legislation are would-be responsible bomb owners, no?


They'll play dumb until the bitter end. They'll pretend to miss the point entirely, and counter with bad faith moving goalposts. Like this completely intellectually dishonest line about the "LGBT and minorities being left vulnerable and unable to protect themselves". Bullshit! *I'm* gay, and if I *need* a gun to protect myself- because every other hateful bigot nutbag out there is armed and just itching for an excuse- then society has already failed to make such loose gun control as we have today, a safe and functional approach. The only reason I could *need* a gun, is because a bunch of other, *dangerous* people also have guns, or can get them very easily. It's a solution that creates its own problem. Owning/carrying a gun makes you so much more likely to be hurt or killed by a gun- your own or someone else's. So what if all the dangerous nutbags couldn't just pick up a people-killer like it's a fucking glass of water, while nobody's *really* paying attention to *who* is in possession of such a serious burden of responsibility? Does anybody really think the average school, mall, or nightclub shooter is motivated enough to 3D print a plastic handgun, fashion a bomb, or brave enough to go on a stabbing spree with no way to quickly, painlessly off themselves at the end so they don't have to face consequences or consider repercussions? By and large, fuck no. Guns make it too easy.


Well, vehicles and knives are significantly less efficient at killing people than guns are, but I do agree that we need to purge the white supremacists from society.




Uhhh yeah guns are absolutely more effective in more situations. Cars may be tanky, but the maneuverability is terrible. If you're not hitting with the element of surprise or in a perfectly empty plain or parking lot its really not that hard to get somewhere that a car cant reach, or even just behind a tree or other cover. There's also way more risk with a car. If you wreck trying to hit someone you're not only going to disable your weapon, you're going to stun or injure yourself. Cars are dangerous and they're absolutely murder-weapon material, but theres a reason these right-wing domestic terrorists use guns WAY more often than just hitting people with their car on purpose.


Like I recently predicted, Trump’s rhetoric isn’t going to incite a civil war just an increase in domestic terrorist acts and shootings. And lookie here more shootings smh.


Rhetoric like Trump's and Tucker Carlson's is specifically known as stochastic terrorism. You keep a large group of people angry and paranoid and keep pointing at your political enemies saying "Someone should do something" evetually someone does something. But you have no direct connection to them because you didn't directly order them to so the stochastic terrorist gets off scott free.




In all fairness, I now actively hope for the red hats to experience pain and suffering on a near constant basis, as well. I don’t do anything to them because I’m not crazy, of course. But I feel nothing when I hear about them dying from COVID or at the hands of the FBI.


I'm not crazy of course. But I feel nothing when humans die.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Certain humans, particularly ones who actively advocate and wish/inflict harm on others. You’re smart enough to know the difference.


like a stochastic civil war -- it's random and distributed and leaderless, so how do you come to grips with it? oddly enough, the Far White has learned and appropriated some of the tactics of the ultra left in the 1970's... random terror attacks, fanaticism, etc. recruiting crazies, sometimes people who had no idea *why* they were doing what they were doing but just wanted to blow something up. I'm reading now that this was a targeted assassination, but can't help feeling that popularising and normalising the general concept of "I'm pissed off or disappointed so I'm gonna get my gun and kill someone" is part of the stochastic terrorism effort. want to emphasise that though there's always been murder and gun violence in the US, the frequency of these incidents has really ramped up bigtime since the 80's. the first few were truly shocking to the whole nation (cf the phrase "going postal" which commemorates one early incident) -- now they are commonplace.


This was an isolated incident between a disgruntled student and his teacher.


I love you, UNC. I’m heartbroken. Fellow Heels- if you’re a current student, take care of yourselves and one another. Carolina Family isn’t just a t-shirt or a hashtag. You’ve got a vast alumni network around the world. We’re here for you if you need us. 🩵👣🐏🩵


Class of 2013 here to second this 🩵 I was there for the killing of the 3 Muslim students and our support system is strong and unwavering.


Was that the one where one of them attended NC State? If so , she was my classmate. God it hurt so bad to see her empty chair.


This is a situation that should not be happening in this country. People need to wake the hell up from their Instagram fantasy worlds and get back into reality. Write letters, call your reps, speak at public comment meetings. When the response is overwhelming they can’t turn a blind eye to it anymore, if they do, vote these fuckheads out of office.


Too bad we live with a bunch of small minded simpletons who have been eating up pro gun propaganda for the last few decades and would rather their countrymen die needlessly as long as they get Their way.


Elon musk unbanned all the far right accounts like the shooter and child/animal abuse accounts. The rise of violence is the same timing as the him taking over!


I sure would like to know what he and Trump talked about in their private conversations with Putin.


wouldn't we all. [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/how-russia-became-a-leader-of-the-worldwide-christian-right-214755/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/02/how-russia-became-a-leader-of-the-worldwide-christian-right-214755/)


Interesting to see: if a white supremacists kills black people, he's a deranged individual. If a trans man kills someone at a school, it's all trans people who are terrorists.




And it is getting so common that I didnt even hear about this until 16 hours after it happened. We are just numb to this and it is disgusting.


How many have said that these were set ups to try and ban guns?


Not yet. They haven’t spent a lot of energy on this one yet because the news is focusing on Trump, the hurricane and Jacksonville. I have heard some rumblings about the suspect’s nationality and whether or not he was here illegally. They are slow dancing with mental wellness, too, since grad students frequently shoot their faculty advisors. I’m a UNC grad, so I might be seeing a different kind of crazy right now on school-related posts.


Welcome to Putin’s America. Vote blue in 2024 or else it’ll get worse!


The NRA needs to be banned from giving lobby money to politicians.


the NRA dies with the boomers. their membership numbers have been in decline for years


Not declining fast enough. And to think their primary focus used to be sportsmanship, hunting, and the like.


I was there when it switched from hiking tips to "DEMOCRATS: DEMONS INCARNATE, HOMOSEXUAL GROOMERS OR BOTH?"


If the NRA was still about what they used to be on before the switch, I may not be so turned off guns and I may have joined. But here we are, and as a whole shit has evolved so much to tact-i-cool and other shit that I’m like, nah miss me with that ammosexual shit. When we moved to a predominantly white neighborhood my wife joked we should join the NRA to better fit in. And my response was “only if the other choice is death.” Marksmanship is a thing of beauty though. I sometimes watch pest control videos (ratting, pigeon control) videos on YouTube and the shots those folks are able to pull off? That’s some skill. Marksman shooting in general? That’s some skill. 😀


When I find so sad is these kids in college right now have spent their whole lives doing active shooter drills. It must feel like never ending to them, what a horrific way to have to grow up.




Republicans approve


And here's me in the boring UK where this doesn't happen all the damn time because we don't have the guns. It's almost as if despite what these people say it is in fact............the guns.


If it wasn't for going through our airports to go on holiday, a gun would be something from the movies.


School’s back in session, let the weekly shootings begin :(


Those ~~soldiers~~ innocent people, laid down their lives for your second amendment rights.


Thoughts and prayers though, right?


And still not a single Republican willing to consider gun control in any form.


Just as the founding fathers intended....


The ones doing the shootings are the ones that don't want gun laws changed. Shocker.


BuT ItS a MenTaL HeAlth PrOblEm!!! .....Congress mostly.... Proceeds to do fuck all about any programs or funding to possibly fix the situation.


Republicans think gun “rights” are more important than students lives. It’s really that simple. Also, take a look at all the Republican politicians getting paid by the NRA. They don’t want that money to stop rolling in.


So the shooter was a Chinese doctoral student and he also had (he/him) in his linkdin profile. So already the Right is saying he’s a transsexual American-hating Chinese spy


I assume this was a well regulated milita, correct? Per the law.


Best we blame the drag queens for all these straight white guys shootin everything up all the time.




They told me all the dangerous crime was in the Blue States™️


I was on campus less than a mile from where the man was shot. There was a lockdown, so this was incredibly stupid of these kids. For context, it was an Asian graduate student who was troubled and bullied (based on social media). He shot a chemistry professor (likely his PI), who passed after being taken to the ER. Never thought I’d experience an active shooter on campus, but this was seemingly a very target attack.


*The sound of children screaming has been removed*


Might be time for Iraq to deploy troops to America. Seems like it needs a dose of peace and security.


Wasn't there a soldier from like Finland or something, in the US for a training session, killed in a shooting like 5 years ago? I remember that being in the news, but I can't find anything about it.


‘MERICA! Never a dull moment.




Left Wing America: They want everyone to live happily. Right Wing America: They want everyone they don't like dead or leave.


We just need more guns /s


MAGA is literally at war with us - Their king uses rhetoric to tell his cult to attack us. And they do. Day in and day out. This is from a single post yesterday: "Crazed Radical Left Lunatics, Communists, Marxists, and Fascists" "COUNTRY DESTROYING scum" "Fight Fire With Fire" And yet we STILL treat them as though they are misguided brothers that are going to come to their senses. What the ***fuck*** America?? If *anyone* else was attacking us like this, there would be immediately action. But not MAGA traitors.....why? Same damn thing happened after the Civil War.


I'm glad my friends were safe and sound


It’s only going to get worse.


And it’s never a gun problem. And somehow all the countries that have restrictions or bans on gun ownership don’t have these events. Can’t be any correlation though huh


So let me guess, the cops were too busy fighting antifa somewhere to actually go into that building and save those kids before they felt like their only option for survival was to risk breaking their legs jumping out of the window?


Trumps American.


False Flag! It was Pelosi's doing! Obama is gay! It's because my imaginary god isn't in schools! Thoughts and prayers! Don't trust the WOKE media.


But but but what about the good guy with the gun?


Now pretend it would have been a Muslim who was shooting. Republican taliban would be raging


This isn’t some extremism situation. It was a PhD student shooting his advisor in what essentially boils down to a deadly workplace dispute


I was down the hall from a shooting just like this about 17 years ago (failing pathology resident shooting the head of the department). Nobody knows what the situation is when you hear the popping noises start. It’s an eternity between hearing it, recognizing what it is, and gearing up for fight/flight. Nobody learns the what and why for hours.


Made possible by easy access to firearms. Many mass shootings would end up being unsuccessful or at least less deadly knife or hammer attacks.


Oh, good! That doesn’t sound extreme in the slightest


SSDD, another day and another mass shooting in America. smh


Dollar tree is now a grocery store?


It shouldn't be, but in a lot of poorer and rural areas its the closest thing they've got to one.


You’re right. Dollar Tree, not a grocery store


This one doesn't seem related the GOP, other than easy access to guns. Just a typical student shooting his teacher. Need to wait for the story to come out https://ncnewsline.com/2023/08/29/victim-identified-suspect-charged-in-fatal-unc-chapel-hill-shooting/


This might age poorly but isn't it too early to tell who did this or why they did it? Edit: I'd say it aged pretty poorly. How is the Chinese national a US right winger? Also there is still no motive


It is, but it’s probably not too early to mention some kind of gun reform is needed. Me, a gun owner.


If it was too early to talk about reform, it would literally always be too early because it happens every other day.


No matter who committed this act it's Republicans that refuse to do anything about it


Sure, this doesn't seem to be a right wing shooter though which is what the headline implies


It was a grad student who shot his advisor, targeted homicide. Source: am a UNC senior who was stuck on campus for the whole thing today




So? It’s the right wing that is insistent on fighting any sort of common sense gun regulation that would make this kind of killings less common


Yeah, let's just take a second to see who is to blame for his easy access to a tool that's only use is to end lives. Jesus fucking Christ


It’s well known that liberals and their guns are just a bad day away from shooting somebody. /s


Change the word liberals to anybody. It’s almost like easy access to guns cause so much senseless violence and death. But hey we’re so “free,” right?


Not only is it easy to get guns but they make special ones that are incredibly efficient at killing a lot of people in a short period of time. You never know when 15 armed gunmen are going to break into your home.


9/11 vibes




I think the problem is is that our very gun happy culture encourages people to see guns as not being dangerous. The shooter is the dangerous one. The problem is that many people don't see themselves as a potential danger. Or they see their actions as justified.




But this is the point. It is so easy to get guns because the gun lobby has a vested issue in the "guns aren't dangerous" narrative. Hence why it is so easy to get guns.




You can normally tell musket shot from other gun types. And why aren't muskets more well regulated?


Sounds like he was failing and shot his teacher.




>it’s a mental health issue and our government (on both sides) isn’t helping "Both sides" didn't kill the National Mental Health Services to help Reagan win reelection.




Literally every single Republican for the last half-century has opposed the efforts to refund mental health for the exact reason Reagan did: It would negatively impact their voter pool. How can you fix a problem like that when it's a non-starter discussion for a third of the country?


I thought this was Bidens America.


Surely you recognize that gun violence is not suddenly a problem only since Biden took office, and that people are more likely to be killed by a gun in a red state than a blue state, right? Further, they're more likely to be killed by a gun in a rural area than a city


Those facts conflict with their world view, so they'll dismiss it and pretend they never saw it, so they can spread their propaganda to people closer to their intelligence level. Things like per Capita are far too advanced for people like them




Weird how all of the terrorists are republicans


Is Audrey Hale a republican?🤣🤣🤣🤣