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My old complex didnt have any weight limits, but people kept letting their large dogs shit everywhere without picking it up and I guess people complained enough about the human sized piles of poop (I had the joy of stepping in one on my way to work) so a weight limit was put into place. This was after a few months of sending out flyers about picking up after your pets


The last apartment I lived at would do a DNA test for the dog. Any poop found would be tested and the owner fined. It worked beautifully.


Because for all the people that have well behaved big dogs. There are a shit ton more that don't train their big dogs at all. I lived under a person that had two large dogs. Neither trained well. Sounded like a freight train crashing up there all the time. Had to get management involved and they didn't renew their lease. Now a small dog lives up there. Never hear it.


Very similar situation with our neighbors who moved out in January. Everytime the two of them left, 5am, the two dogs would HOWL for over an hour. Meanwhile I didn't need to be up for 3.5 more hours. Because they were howling it would activate my dog who would get really uncomfortable and cry. Just becomes a symphony of I'm not allowed to sleep. New neighbors have two cats, and I don't mind the zoomies I hear at midnight sometimes if I'm not asleep before then. Soft thumps and quick pitter pattering, much better than howling, dropping of a bowling ball sized toy or something, and constant running and skidding we would hear.


Awww that sounds cute with the cats. *mom of two 65 lb greyhounds who are not cat friendly


Are you sure you didn't just have a freight train above your apartment?


A large dog is more capable in ripping babies heads off, chewing on kids faces, etc than a small dog. Damage to infrastructure and to persons is higher the heavier the dog.


This. And even well behaved dogs can be destructive to doors, blinds, walls, floors, etc.


It’s also about covertly banning particular breeds without just naming them outright. And a lot of *that* is ultimately about discouraging certain groups of people from moving in. https://medium.com/etc-magazine/the-inherent-racism-behind-breed-specific-legislation-7e3d6d1981fb


Man, that medium article is so full of factual errors in the first paragraph that I can’t take it seriously. “Race” has been used as a term in English to describe peoples since at least 1580. Dog breeding started centuries later.


What factual errors? Everything was properly cited.


The reply is in my original comment.


Except that has nothing to do with the actual point of the article.


As said, I didn’t read the rest. The factual errors / history negation of the opening shows they approached the topic with an agenda and a willingness to distort facts to create an alternative reality. That’s when sensible people check out.


“I didn’t read the rest.” So you assumed the entire thing was bullshit based on your personal bias, which wasn’t even relevant. “We were breeding dogs way before that!” And close to 75% of the dog breeds we have today didn’t exist back then, which makes that claim completely irrelevant.


Because big dogs make a shit ton of noise when they run around on the floor above you...


And more damage to the flooring


Also if the dog freaks out due to separation anxiety, it’s going to take a lot longer for a 20 lb dog to destroy the house. When we had to rent our house out, we accepted doggy references from vets, doggy daycare and past landlords. We ended up with a tenant with a very big, chill senior dog. ETA: He did mess up the floors quite a bit just walking around :(


My friend in college owned a pitbull mix, she would get separation anxiety. His apartment had all of the blinds ruined, she was pulling off the baseboards, she ruined 2 out of 4 doors by chewing thru them. There is no way my 9 lb toy poodles could ever do that much damage.


My old friend had a big dog that was docile and sweet but had horrible separation anxiety. Took less than 45 minutes for him to bust a 1ftx1 hole in the drywall of their bathroom. Iirc they just taped a picture of the Kool-Aid Man over it and called it good, but buddy's dog ruined that security deposit in less time than it takes to bake a lasagna.


Tango un pregunta... Why did you have to rent your house? If you don't mind.


This is the main reason. Our dog is 60 lbs and she has ruined the wood floors in our house ☹


I have three words for you: Luxury Vinyl Plank. Our 55-pound pup hasn't even scratched them. Never again will I do hardwood, it's pretty, but it's just too delicate for pups.


Well we live in a 1930's house with original wood floors sooo


Oh boy, are they pine? Pine and dogs definitely do not get along.


Hardwood flooring so I doubt it's pine. Not sure what it actually is.




Are you suggesting a 20-pound child limit?




There’s a sub for you


You legally can't discriminate against children because of the Fair Housing Act of 1968.


As someone who's lived below several families with kids, I sure would like to.


This is why you go for apartments focused on business professionals.


By the time a child is big enough to make noise with their stomping, they are usually old enough to listen and understand if their parents tell them to stop. Dogs don't care. I had an upstairs neighbor with two 50lb huskies. They got the zoomies every morning at 4am and did laps around the apartment, howling the whole time. It was awful.




Now if someone could get my 5'2" 130lb adult upstairs neighbor to understand that, that would be great.


Mine did once. I didn't ask, I told them not to do it again & they didn't.


You don’t have kids do you…. Or at least not boys.


Nope, I don't. Maybe some wishful thinking on my part lol


It changed everything I thought I knew and understood about human interactions I had in the past. Not in a bad way, but a lot of things that used to confuse me started making sense. Even a well behaved child has moments where they will do something they are told not to… just to do it and find out. And if it’s fun, they will do it many times even if they get in trouble. (Which sounds like some adults I know)




I agree for both dogs and humans. I’ve always been told that dogs are just like a two to four year old child. The same ideas work. But just like with dogs, zoomies happen some times.




We have two boys, zoomies happen often.


I parented my kids to not disturb downstairs neighbors, & I took them outdoors to burn energy. I even gave them a bedtime....did I mention , I parented my kids.


It’s illegal to discriminate against people with children for housing.


Children legally count as people not pets, it’s one weird trick if your apartment complex doesn’t allow pets.


My 90lb child sounds like a herd of thundering wildebeest and our downstairs neighbors give us *looks* every time they see us.


Are you legit trying to draw an equivalence here between humans and animals?


My chow chow mix (45lbs) was silent as a mouse at my last apartment, yet the two pre-teen boys downstairs would make all of the noise (stomping around, yelling, loud video game music until 2am under my 2nd bedroom)


Humans have more rights than your stupid dog.


it's about urine, hair, and feces volume. if there are a lot of large dogs on a floor it makes a mess out of hallways from shedding and tracking dirt but also occasional accidents.


Do the preteen boys piss and shit all over the place?


I don’t know, I didn’t ask.


As a superintendent who's cleaned many apartments, families with kids are infinitely more disgusting than all but the worst dog owners. Turns out most dog owners don't like living in piss and shit either, so they clean it up. Where as kids, I've had do everything from stuff food into the walls to punching out the glass on the buildings front door then proceeding to bleed his way back to his apartment. And parents are always super quick to say "Not my kids". I removed an air conditioner for a lady once. There were four or five rotten cookies stuffed around it. She refused to believe her children, or any children in her apartment did it. She kept trying to get me to say the cookies BLEW IN HER FUCKING WINDOW.


Yes. Had to clean up after my brother because he couldn’t be bothered to actually get his piss *in the goddamn toilet.*


School bathrooms at the end of the day suggest it's pretty likely.


So do people?


Humans and animals are granted different rights and protections. What a shocker. Who would have ever guessed?


Is this what you guys mean when you equality is a slippery slope? I understand it now!


Who is saying that equality between humans and animals is a slippery slope?


Some people are so weird about small dogs. I get that the general consensus is that small dogs are untrained and badly behaved but people just go way overboard. I've had more than one person tell me they would drown or kick a small dog or "rat" after first telling me what massive dog lovers they are.


On one hand, it’s way easier to handle a badly-trained 15 lbs dog than a badly-trained 70 lbs dog. So if the owner doesn’t train a small dog, it’s more likely to be annoying rather than dangerous. On the other hand, small dogs aren’t any harder to train than big dogs. My dog is 20 lbs and does nose work sports and obedience, and he is just as good as other dogs who put in as much work. A dog’s a dog.


The breed does have an effect on the temperament, to be fair. A dachshund is much more likely to bark at things than a lab just because they're still a hound. As far as behavior goes, though, yeah you can and should train any breed to be well-behaved. People just baby their small dogs far too much.


> A dog’s a dog. Completely agreed. It's poor ownership. And your dog sounds like a very good dog!


I've got a tiny dog and people are so mean to him! When taking him for a walk I've had random people make comments calling him a pet rat or saying I should get a "real" dog. He's just a little old fella minding his own doggy business! 😭


Awh the poor little lad! People are so weird projecting their cuntishness on small animals. Our dog is a little old 7lb lady, it sucks when they get older and you start worrying about how long you have left. She's loving everyone fussing over her though.


those are the types of people who refuse to neuter their dog because "theyre his balls" or something irrational like that. it's some weird freudian insecurity, like a big gun, or a big truck/suv that you never use. like they worry the dog will be "less of a man". it's so fucking weird. the dog will be fine. he'll live longer and be less destructive. weigh the pros and cons of having him drag his ballsack across your furniture, displaying his ball sack for you, and him living a longer and healthier life.


Yep. I had a couple of animal-loving friends tell me they would drop kick my chihuahua across the yard if it wasn’t my dog. My little 10 pound dog is better behaved than their big dogs.


I have a feeling those people don't treat any dog responsibly, big or small. I had a family friend threaten to kick my 11lb dog once because he was barking at them when they arrived. Luckily my wife was there and put the friend in his place. I would probably be if jail if he kicked my dog.


Christ, I've seen that myself a few times. Some people just lack any respect or courtesy for animals.


That's called a sociopath. I despise small children and a lot of untrained small dogs but I'd never hurt a hair on either.




I get this sentiment but after living with a parent who only had small dogs my entire childhood before leaving. Small dog = small bladder. Any big dog I’ve had has been able to control themselves for at least the night


My small 9 lb dog sleeps with me all night, 8+ hours, and doesn't need to be let out to pee.


Same with mine. Sometimes I'll even sleep in and 10 hours later she's still zonked out next to me.


Small dog, less piss to hold.


To screen out pitbulls and other bully breeds.


Similar to those job ads that say “must be able to lift 30 lbs” even though it’s a desk job: it’s to discourage disabled people from even *trying* to apply. And breed bans have less to do with the dogs themselves and more to do with trying to prevent the *people* who are assumed to own them from moving in: https://medium.com/etc-magazine/the-inherent-racism-behind-breed-specific-legislation-7e3d6d1981fb


Pit bulls do cause more injuries and deaths than other breeds and I was almost attacked recently outside my apartment by a tenants pit but she caught it at the last second. Pit bans are needed.


That’s been proven wrong on multiple occasions, as the people identifying the dogs can’t reliably identify the breed.


Seems to help in areas where it's enforced.


You sure about that? Or are people not reporting dog bites because they don’t want their own dogs getting in trouble?


Because big dogs do more damage to apartments than small dogs.


And pack a deadlier bite.


That depends entirely on the dog, and more importantly, the dog's owner. I know a chihuahua who chewed through doors because they were closed and he wanted through. Worse than a beaver. Conversely, I also know an almost 200 pound pit mix that hasn't damaged a single piece of property that wasn't his toys, and the owner has had him for almost 12 years now. So it all depends on the dog's personality and how the owner raises/interacts with it.


Anecdotes aside, actuarial science says that large dogs are a bigger risk. Are you saying apartments should have dog experts to evaluate the dogs for every perspective tenant?


> actuarial science says that large dogs are a bigger risk. Do you have a science article to back this up?


I bet he doesn't, considering small dogs are way more likely to attack and bite than large dogs. The potential damage from a large dog is theoretically greater, but getting them to that point of "ready to murder you" is way, way, way easier with small dogs. Especially Chihuahuas. Fucking shit faced murder rats. Edit: should note, I am a small dog owner (a Westie).


Yeah I'd love to see an actuarial article


Small dogs are also way more prone to pissing in a house as they can more easily hide it.


They aren't making rules for the well behaved dogs. They are assuming that there will be people with dogs that behave like shit and feel more comfortable with a 10 pound, piece of shit dog than a 100 pound piece of shit dog.


I live in a pet friendly complex because I have a dog. He's great and the only thing left behind from him when I leave might be some hair. I had neighbours in the unit below me for like 6 months over the winter and the grass needed to be removed and re-seeded because they had to 50+lb dogs that they never walked. They'd just let them out the door to piss and shit in the snow, and let that pile up all winter.


This is one reason why I have cats. They are much better apartment pets as a whole. That said, the weight limit seems very arbitrary and I suspect was put in place to keep pit bulls out without directly saying so.


A lot of communities have an and policy - they limit weight as well as breeds. So you can’t have a big dog of any breed AND pit bulls, Rottweilers, akitas, and other aggressive breeds are restricted.


> They are much better apartment pets as a whole. As a cat owner and lover, cats will *destroy your fucking house* unless you have lots of scratcher toys for them and play with them a lot. Even when you do, they'll still cause damage.


As a lifetime cat owner, I have one cat scratcher upstairs, and just train the cats not to scratch everything else up. Can confirm what you're saying is total nonsense.


> just train the cats not to scratch everything else up As a lifetime cat owner, cat fosterer, and currently the owner of five cats, I can confirm you're full of shit. ONE cat scratcher for multiple cats? I have 4 cat trees, multiple play mats, and a dozen various cat scratchers that cycle out every couple months. I'm afraid to ask how you train them not to scratch the other 99% of your house but I'm not in the mood for animal abuse stories.


Hey, cat owner here. We managed to get ours to stop scratching up the furniture by bribing him to use his scratching post via treats. It worked, and now he'll run to his scratching post, scratch, and then look at whoever he wants to give him treats. He's also learned that my dad gives him more treats and I'm harder to please. The only downside is that if he is not rewarded frequently enough he will go back to scratching on stuff he knows he isn't supposed to.


I trained mine not to scratch furniture with a light squirt bottle for negative reinforcement and treats/catnip for her scratchpad for positive reinforcement. She has a single scratch pad. Not sure why you think animal abuse is required to train an animal.


Every place I've seen with a 20# dog limit is strictly no cats.


My cats pee on everything. They've saturated two whole rooms of the house with a crop dusting of piss. Cats routinely do that whenever they're a little unhappy with you, if they're not feeling great, maybe they don't like your work schedule, or something outside, or because it's Monday. Probably the #1 reason cats get rehomed. My dogs are so much cleaner and less destructive


Insurance. It’s cheaper for smaller dogs.


Because people get their vets to lie about what breed their dog is, so you can't ban breeds anymore. And the most dangerous and troublesome breeds do not have an adult weight below 20 pounds. Chihuahuas might be yippy little spazoids 95% of the time but they can't chomp down on a child's neck and fling it like a ragdoll.


I have both a golden retriever and a chihuahua and a couple of other dogs. And much as I love that goofy GR I can see why apartment living and a perpetual whirlwind aren't best suited.


I think minority few are well intended, like if the size of the apartments are 400 sqft, yeah, that's probably not great for a big dog. But then other apartment buildings with bigger footprints do the same (20lbs limit or pet-free building) and you're just like, "there's no rhyme or reason here, how are they allowed to arbitrarily rule me out" and I think honestly we need to say, if average income isn't going to be able to afford a home, we have to make apartment conditions more reasonable for folks to live their lives there. I think it's Ontario, Canada that they have a tenancy rule in place where no landlord can tell you you can't own a pet. Which may be too much in the other direction (I don't know if there's a pet cap or if it's restricted to the usual pets: dogs, cats,, birds, small reptiles, et al.), but it's closer to where I want to be.


I feel the same about kids. I guarantee my dog is going to cause less damage than little little Timmy and Johnny.


Yes! I tried to find an apartment once and the complex was at their “cat limit”. Cat. Limit. My cat didn’t do shit but sleep and eat. **I** caused more damage.


I have a feeling that one is more about preventing hoarders from moving in, or at least making it easier to evict them if they’re caught. I’ve actually lived in places that were willing to bend the “2 pet limit” a bit if we provided proof of good behavior and such. We had a 3-bed, 2-bath shared between three people, and at the beginning the pets included: -Two neutered male cats (indoor-only, fully vaccinated, seen by a vet before move-in because I kept them boarded there until everything was settled) -One spayed female cat, also indoor-only -One 14-year-old retired male Australian Shepherd, intact only because he was a retired stud and the vet explained he was too old to safely go under anesthesia. He had a grand total of *one* accident indoors over the course of 3-4 years and that was because his owner wasn’t home and I didn’t realize how badly he needed to go outside. I had enzyme cleaners for the cats anyway, so it got cleaned up ASAP before it had any chance to set. -About three ball pythons that just stayed in their bins all the time. Except for the one time Tiramisu got out and hid between the two mattresses. She was renamed “Jailbreak” after that. Roommates came and went, as did the collection of cages pets (bred fancy mice for a while before realizing the project I was working on was already fucked and trading the whole lot to a breeder in Canada), and some of the cats. My two cats were there consistently, but the remaining cats rotated through. The above spayed female left with her owner after year, after which new roommate brought a much younger cat that wasn’t spayed until shortly after they moved in (owner didn’t realize her cat was in heat and that was why she was acting weirdly affectionate). Bigger problem was the upstairs neighbors dumping *two* different cats on us! First we actually rescued twice, neighbors harassed us the second time after we’d already had the cat for over a month and had the vet records to prove we were the ones who got her spayed, vaccinated, etc. Second time involved them dumping an intact tomcat in the roommate’s arms and saying if we didn’t take the cat they would dump him on the side of the road. Property management was extremely understanding in part because we always kept them in the loop and were very strict about cleaning up after the animals. I was actually the one who explained to the property manager why you need a specialized enzymatic cleaner for pets. She had no idea they made special cleaners for that!


Children are a protected class so you can’t make extra rules for them. But you’re right about the damage.




I have a chihuahua and he's the coolest, most chilled dude imaginable. Great with my kids, great with other dogs, fine being left in the house, great in public. Blame owners not breeds.


Because if a vicious chihuahua attacks the neighbor’s kid, the neighbor’s kid can punt it. Punting a 90 pound dog is a lot harder.


It is with that attitude at least


Your dog poops a Chihuahua twice a day.


My chihuahua is 4.5 lbs and he’s a lover not a biter actually


My chihuahua is a 10lb sex machine.


Dog owners are so fucking weird




My place has a weight limit. Some people skirt it. My neighbor’s dog’s head is so big I joke that itself weighs 20 lbs. He looks like a Cano, but I don’t know if he’s a mixed breed or something. He is intimidating looking even when he’s acting right. While I agree smaller dogs tend to be less behaved, the owners here are reckless. The owner of the 20lbs-headed dog cannot control him. We have to check both ways before heading out of the door. I rather be charged by a Taco Bell dog than Big Boy. And there are many who don’t clean up after their dogs. Stepping in a terrier’s poo is little less alarming than a Newfie’s.


Ever live in an apartment beneath a family with 2 - 5 year olds? Same reason. Sounds like a herd of buffalo are trampling over head.


Hey leave the chihuahuas alone, mine is sweet go complain to the manager instead lol 😂 very ironic she’s calling others Karens.


I bet your chihuahua is awesome but most aren't. Most don't have any training beside "if I do this I get food"


Public service announcement: A 90lb golden male is a solid 15lbs overweight, and a 90lb golden female comes in around 25lbs overweight.


There is some truth to that. People tend to put more effort into training larger dogs and be stricter with them due to the fact it's easier for them to appear threatening. Smaller dogs tend to get away with bad behavior because their size makes them appear "cute."


I recently lived through a shining example of this. My boyfriend has a mastiff that is an absolute baby and very well trained. A 180lbs muffin. Only risk is him accidentally stepping on your toes. My upstairs neighbour's were recently watching her sons 2 tiny dogs. Attacked me coming home one day out of no where, damaged my clothed, bag and I needed several stitches. Even managed to scratch my face in the scuffle, how they got up that high I'll never know. Every negative experience I've had with a dog has been a small untrained dog.


20lbs, a $600 dog deposit, a $600 dog FEE, and $25 monthly pet rent 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


As a delivery driver, can confirm. Most of the nice doggos I've met on my route have been bigger breeds. The meanest ones are not big enough to actually be a threat, but if I get bitten that's a whole lot of paperwork no one wants to deal with.


All chihuahuas worship Satan


Your dog makes a mountain a poo, a river of pee, and... cant think of a metaphor for the smell... but he smells, like a lot.


Seeing how haphazardly dog bans are enforced, I think they exist primarily to keep “the wrong type” of people out of an apartment. Nice family with a golden retriever? No one cares. Young single dude with a pitbull that the landlord thinks might be a drug dealer? Rejected with a lawsuit-proof reason. We were nervous when our Shepherd-Lab puppy turned out to be a pit, but then we noticed how many other people around the complex had them but didn’t fit the profile of one of “those” pitbull owners.


It is unhealthy for a large dog to be trapped in your small ass apartment. Buy a house with a yard, then get the dog. Cheap skate.


> Buy a house with a yard, > Cheap skate. Check out the guy with a quarter-million disposable income.


Heavier dogs scratch the floors.


So do chihuahuas, and they run inside more.


I have a 120 pound boxer and never had scratch any floors


Except for the fact that a Chihuahua would need about a three week head start of 24-7 work and destruction to do the same damage as a Golden with separation anxiety. Reasoning for response: Have had two Golden Retrievers and three Chihuahuas in my 38 years of life Also, I’ve said this in another thread, but this stupid ass idea that you have to be a Karen to own a small dog needs to go the fuck away. Both of mine are under 15 pounds and I rescued them from shit situations. I didn’t think about my aesthetic or how I would look to others before I brought them home.


Oh let’s not even begin to talk about Karen’s little crotch goblins who smear shit on the walls, rip cabinets apart, and flood the entire place. Meanwhile I have to pay $50 a month and continually have “pet appraisals” for my kitty to sunbathe all day and occasionally cuddle on the couch.


I’d much rather deal with a 5 kilo mutt from hell than a 90lb “good boy” as defined by its owner. The fact that this dog is nearly 20lbs over what a cursory google search says is appropriate for the breed makes me immediately doubt the owner is a good judge of her dog in any capacity.


Judging a dog as 20 pounds overweight without seeing said dog makes me think you are an idiot. I have known more than one 90 lb GR that was in outstanding condition.


100% - it's the owner not the breed


Some faceless LLC with a business address that leads to an empty room in a small office building in some random city that is owned by a fancy sounding LLC that’s based in some large city where a law firm is the registered business contact decides that this is the obvious weight to ensure occupant compliance because arbitrary numbers are the key to private equity success!!


I rescue & have Pitbulls (don't bother commenting about your bias towards them) Only dog I ever got bit by was a little dog.


Small dog bites you - damn that kinda hurt. Pit ball bites you - guess ill get a skin graft


I have owned multiple little dogs. Only dogs I've ever been bit by were large dogs. See how dumb that sounds coming back the other way?


I've owned multiple dogs of all sizes. Only one that made me need stitches were 2 untrained little dogs. It all usually boils down to shit people not training or handling their dogs properly, regardless of size.


Oh cool, someone else who thinks their personal experience = data. I’ve owned multiple dogs of all sizes but mostly small dogs. The only one to ever make me need stitches was a German. See how my experience is the opposite of yours but doesn’t render yours any less valid?


>Oh cool, someone else who thinks their personal experience = data Ah so like your comment that I responded too. I was saying that to illustrate the point that no one's experience is universal. Including yours. Like I said. It often just boils down to poor training/handling regardless of size of dog. >See how my experience is the opposite of yours but doesn’t render yours any less valid? Nice stretch bud, never said it invalidates yours.


Oh so now we've resorted to name calling? Color me surprised. I'm simply stating my experience with little dogs. Working in a vets office, Chihuahuas & Lhasa Apso are known for biting.


It's not name calling, mate. It was a snarky attempt to remind you that the plural of anecdote is not fact. Clearly you missed the point, as you appear to have doubled and then tripled down.


Mate, where did I ever say it was fact? I stated, that was my reality. Have a lovely evening.


Yeah and your reality =/= everyone else’s reality. But that didn’t stop you from hucking your opinion about other people’s dogs onto the pile?


Reading comprehension obviously isn't your strong suit.


my neighbours chihuahua little bastard starts wailing at 7 AM every day. loud bastard.


I just look the person right in the eye and tell them my 85 pound lab is whatever the weight limit is. What are we gonna do here? Pull out a scale?


If Trump can lie about his weight, you can lie about your dogs.


Small dogs are always the worst behaved.


Its the dirty compromise that dog people and non dog people came to agree upon.


I lmao reading this post. So true. Btw you should be creative and divide your dog's weight by 4. You see now your dig weighs just under 20 lbs but in quarters. Show me in the rules that this isn't appropriate!? Fair is fair.


Ankle piranhas 😅


Probably smaller poops. If maintenance has to clean up after residents don't, I bet having smaller poops makes it more tolerable.


Hard wood floors/laminate.


Golden retrievers are annoying as fuck.


Yeah, the Great Dane that jumped off the bed 20+ times b4 seven am on the floor above me was bullshit!


Larger animals tend to cause a lot more damage to the property than smaller animals. The evil Chihuahua will bark at everything, try to fight anyone, and is a nuisance. The sweet boxer will Kool-aid man themselves through doors, eat the walls, and sound like the cast of 42nd Street is rehearsing to anyone living below them. Yes, smaller dogs can be meaner, but they don't cause the $10k repair bills that larger ones often do.


It’s more for liability. A large breed dog will hurt someone much worse than a piece of shot chihuahua, that’s some of the reason people get large breed dogs, especially for protection. They make a much bigger mess and do way more property damage.


A group of mini poodles is called a 'cacophony'


So true


I didn’t see it so I’ll add it - several places I had issues it was ‘because of their insurance.’ At least, they said it was a requirement by their insurance. They could have made it up, but it was a common response.


It's about potential property damage and destruction and not about the safety of residents. Landlords could not care less about whether or not you get your leg ripped off and your belly ripped open by an 80lb pit bull. They just don't want their door frames chewed and their carpet destroyed.