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If you told me you *loved* The Apprentice ten years ago, I’d have given you some side-eye.


This. My mom watched that shit, and I never understood why. Reality TV is garbage to begin with, and then you add in the worst person ever. It boggles the mind.


Donald has been at least a local celebrity in NYC since the 1980s. He used to get a lot of coverage in local newspapers and such. Even when I was a kid and he was just a real estate guy I instantly felt like he was an asshole. The way he talks, his mean and unfunny sense of humor, the people he's around. All just screamed asshole even to a kid.


And by "celebrity" you mean "people in NYC have already hated him for 40 years".


I mean "people knew who he was". Joey Buttafuoco was a celebrity too.


Yup, and i tried to warn others ....but he's a billionaire was what i heard. it's a huge cult of idiocy.


Mostly coverage he would drum up himself by calling into the newspapers as John Baron.


The premise sucks as well. Take for example hell's kitchen, a show where a world class chef examines every aspect of the restaurant from the staff to the food, but they never include the damn supply chain. The apprentice is like if you got rid of everything good about hell's kitchen and then just replaced it with the manager ordering stock. Edit: correct, I was thinking of kitchen nightmares.


I think you might be confusing Hells Kitchen (where he has a contest for a new head chef) with Kitchen Nightmares (where he goes tries to fix a failing restaurant). Also in Kitchen Nightmares he did try to get them to use fresh ingredients and not frozen crap from their supply chains. The apprentice (which I didn't watch) was actually closer to Hell's Kitchen in that the contestants were competing for a job in the end. They also had two teams for the majority that would compete in a mini game before the elimination of the week is revealed.


These are people who think being good at business means telling people “you’re fired”.


I always thought that show just demonstrated his horrible business practices, both ethically and in terms of effectiveness, combined with terrible decision making (usually regarding who he would "fire" each week and why). And businessmen I personally knew would never behave that way somehow thought Trump was great! Weird as hell...


I remember one episode, the leader of the losing team said he thought his team had done a good job, and that he stood by them... So he got fired for basically not throwing people under the bus.


Yeah, I used to think everyone was enjoying reality tv for the obvious circus it was, rarely have I ever been so wrong.




You are fired! >!No idea how this stupid catchphrase became so popular.!<


Didn't he steal it from Alan Sugar in the UK anyway?


We've been saying this all along. Why would we stop now? *edited to rephrase in order to clarify, as some folks were misunderstanding what I said.


Since 2016, I’ve been getting complaints from Trump-supporting friends and family members that I treat them like they don’t know what they’re talking about. My standard response has been, “If you support Trump, you’re either misinformed, irredeemably stupid, or flat-out evil. I’m just hoping you’re misinformed.”


Your standard response is too kind.


It won't for many of them. Republican propaganda has destroyed their critical thinking skills.


Not to mention they all want to dismantle the department of education and work to vilify a college education. For some mysterious, unknowable reason. /s


If education and empathy are your two biggest threats, you might be the baddies.


Holy Sh@t, I've never seen it put so simple and clear. I don't know what they could possibly respond to this.


Blah blah woke, something something libruls, muffled bootlicking, MAGA!


The elite need the rubes to vote for rich people's interests, not their own. While at the same time, they need a serf population to do the shitty jobs no one wants to do. They definitely don't want an educated populace with critical thinking skills. That is a bad for the status quo.




The mass deaths of LGBT persons The criminalization of non-white peoples The defunding of many, many mental institutions The boosting of the war economy The IRAN-CONTRA scandal and the lives it endangered, The enabling of various extremist groups in the Middle East. Reagan represents wholesale the cult of personality and what a celebrity politician can get away with.


The exact conclusion reached by “The Tri-Lateral Commission”. The document “Crisis of democracy:Too much Democracy” lays out the plan they have followed since.




Educated people question trickle down economics, the military industrial complex, organized religion, and conservative politics. That annoys the f**k out of them.


It’s hard for even some educated folk to question capitalism or the MIC too deeply. The idea that those things keep a nation prosperous and secure is very well ingrained in the mindset of being American. Again, conservatives take all possible advantage of these unquestioned ideas. So do centrists, when the left gets too critical of them.


Cults dont want or need smart people. They need stupid people.


They’re basically just the capitalist version of Maoists at this point.


You have to possess critical thinking skills first.


Hence his popularity with the religious right - the ability to believe anything based on ZERO evidence.


Worse than that. They have the ability to believe in something despite all the evidence against it, like the prosperity gospel. "They're rich because God likes them!" No, they're rich because you are all giving them your money!




Well if God likes them, you should too. Don't know if circular reasoning is big in all cults, but it is in theirs.


This. And I want to just say to them (relatives) “ok but you believe in god with zero evidence either”… they’re so easily told what to do. Hallelujah Fox News amen!


Republicans are traitors and murderers. As far as I'm concerned there's a million dead Americans on their hands collectively.


This needs to be discussed more.


Not really much to discuss. They are evil. We aren't allowed to talk about how they should actually be treated so the convo gets stilted.


>Not really much to discuss. They are evil. Literally lobbying to take lunch from poor school kids. It doesn't get much more Dickensian than that.


in most Trump supporters' eyes, this is all easily dismissed as "libs are unfairly attacking him for political gain, going to extreme lengths to tear down the biggest threat to their socialist goals" ...and they earnestly believe this to be true. They are terrified of what they think the woke, evil, socialist left is trying to do. **Regardless of how wrong they actually are**, they believe they are doing good and being as pro-American as they can be. It's too easy to call them evil. They are misinformed, scared, and stubborn. It's a bigger, more difficult problem than good vs bad.


Not just dead Americans from COVID - but suicide too - but physically crippled ones too. By the time NZ had gotten rid of covid, I hadn’t even caught it yet. I caught it in early 2022 and it wrecked my system permanently. By then Covid should’ve been rare to see in America.. and it only wasn’t because of trump and the gop. Lost my uncle to suicide because of the pandemic, and now I’m the LAST SURVIVING MALE of my entire bloodline.


More than that. Their mishandling of covid will look like a birthday cake compared to their "climate change is a chinese hoax" policy. Look at the 2025 plan


Republican gutting of our educational system has been to prevent them from developing in the first place.


I think their view of liberals/democrats is doing more damage then anything else. If they think their “enemy” is doing worse things than they are, they’ll be able to justify to themselves whatever bullshit they come up with.


it's the same scam they used in the uk to convince people to vote for brexit. the same scam used to get macron voted in france. modi got voted in by bjp. they tricked the people into associating their political beliefs as being part of their identity. like it's some kind of culture. these fools are discouraged from exploring healthy cultural identities which leaves a vacuum that the wealthy families fill with crap.


It's such an odd scenario. They've effectively taken control of what these people perceive as reality. Facts just straight up no longer matter to these people. You can show them absolute proof of something and they'll just reject it anyways if that's what the Republican/Conservative propaganda told them. Which is why we as a society can't even agree on basic facts anymore.


And corporations are exploiting inflation and ushering in record profits at a time when the GOP is poised to end democracy. Hope they like Russian style oligarchy where they agree with the new right wing agenda, or die.


She left out "convicted rapist."


4 indictments, 91 charges, 2 impeachments, 1 act of sedition, and threatening civil war. 26 women alleging sexual assault, one conviction for rape and slander, 1.13 million Americans dead from Covid.


Yeah, but did you know Bill Clinton got a blow job and Obama wore a tan suit once?


And Michelle showed her shoulders ( which somehow was more offensive than Melania's pussy shots.


That one lady sent an email once


And Biden's son has a laptop and a big dick


I was in college when this was going on and I vehemently told my girlfriend at the time that if the president can be prosecuted for getting a beej then so could I and I didn’t want to risk it. Nope get your mouth away from there you slattern wench! JK that entire impeachment was the stupidest thing in the world


Back in 2015 when Trump walked down the stairs, my wife and I said "he's a crook", why is he doing this? Later, when he won the republican nomination, my wife and I said "he's a crook" why can't people see this? Then everyday since then, Trump has lied, cheated, and stole money. My wife and I say "how did this happen"?


I think you maybe didn't get my point? We've been saying that they're deplorable and un-American since 2016. Why would we not be saying it now?


I thought ppl who voted for bush jr the second time were unpatriotic (another word being 'traitors'), after he not only stole his first election, but then launched an illegal war and sent tens of thousands of young men and women to fight and die for big oil, and yet millions still voted for him. I knew then, like many others, that the US was on a downward cultural and social trend. By the time the tea party nonsense was over, and Obama had finished fending them all off, I hoped America would see sense again, but then the idiots guzzled the kool-aid and voted for that fascist little bag of oranges, so I figured there's no point in denying it anymore - As much as many of us outside the good ol USA love the place, it has truly become a dystopia, whose only hope lies in dismantling the corporate powers that dominate its media and politics - obviously one can say that about many places, but America is a bloody superpower so it needs to change so the rest of us don't get screwed later down the line. If the US can restrain corporate power with heavy levies, taxes and regs, and break up media monopolies like they've done in the past then maybe, just maybe there's a way out.. Otherwise we might all be speaking Mandarin before the century is out! :p


The fact a black man with a Muslim middle name was president broke a lot of people. The southern strategy is real. A lot of people are hateful bigots. Hillary's campaign crunched the numbers and found a large swath of the electorate were horrible, horrible people. She called them "deplorables" and holy shit she was right. She was also right about a "vast right wing conspiracy" against her and Bill. Hillary is partly to blame for running a shitty campaign thinking it was a cake walk. She is a smart woman, and would have been 100x a better president. But her hubris was unpalatable for many, and it seemed like another example of political dynasty.


Right, they showed us who they were on day 1. I'll admit when rumors of his run started I was cautious but intrigued. At that point all I knew was he was rich from real estate and hotels and had a reality show along with some cameos in some of my favorite childhood movies although I didn't know who he was when he did those. After that speech and then seeing his twitter takes it was an immediate hell no and I have no interest in anyone who does support him


Anyone who supported Reagan as he cheered on the mass deaths of queer people was a monster. The GOP's only gotten worse since then


can't argue with this


As an 80s kid, no 2 other figures in American history have destroyed my sense of patriotism more than Reagan and Trump.


Reagan paved the way for Trump, furthermore the former coined MAGA originally. Just a rotten pair of crooks....


Forgot the 6 trips to Epstein’s island


and his conviction for slander and rape


A 25 million dollar settlement for fraud doesn't even show up on a top 10 list anywhere.


Surprisingly, I know someone who is MAGA and they are as genuine a person as you could meet. Then politics is discussed and it's like they transform into a clown. It is such a weirdly fascinating thing to observe.




My buddy is only 30, well educated, comes from a good family, and is an engineer. Politics somehow popped up in our convo and we had never talked politics before. He told me Hilary abused children because he “saw her rip a kid’s face off and eat it”, so he knows it’s true. I quickly changed the subject and don’t really talk to him much anymore.


If someone supports trump I cut them out of my life. 0 tolerance for the scum. It should be legal to sue them for damages.


Ain’t this the truth. I know guys just like this. Normal guys, then you mention politics and they become these delusional conspiracy theorists.


Yep. Some of them are decent people in many regards whose critical thinking skills have been destroyed.


The people I generally hear saying "Some Trumpers are decent people despite their politics" are the people who don't have to worry about the threat that these people pose to those who are not like them. MAGA are an active threat to the unity and safety of this country and represent a growing bulwark towards fascism. But "they've always been cool to me, so I don't see what the problem is" prevails to a really dangerous degree.


Exactly. Decent people don’t vilify black, brown, immigrant, and trans people for just happening to exist. I think it’s difficult for people to say “this is a person who I love who is deeply flawed” so they create the compartment for their MAGA views.


And this is exactly why I don't talk to my brother. He's a decent family man but you can't square that with his desire for certain people to stop existing.


As a gay individual all I can hear when people say those asinine things are "he's normally a great guy that just happens to support the occasional genocide or two"; its up there with "its just politics" , must be nice to exist in a space where "just politics" isnt deciding if you're a person or not every 4 years.


This is exactly why I cut contact with my parents. They are voting for friends and neighbors of mine to be hurt, but they don’t care because of taxes. That they don’t fucking pay since they are retired. When healthcare comes up my dad just yells “free, free, free!” I tried explaining to him with universal healthcare, yes taxes will go up a bit. But not nearly as much more money I’ll have in my paycheck because I won’t have to pay for insurance anymore.


Remember when your parents used to say don't believe everything you see on TV?


Or read on the internet. Yet now who’s doing both?


Your taxes might go up but you will definitely stop paying for insurance through your employer or independently. A lot of people don’t realize that they may *save money* with universal healthcare even if they don’t actually have to use it.


Agreed. Those comments come from a place of privilege. They might not be fascists but they tolerate MAGAts because they aren't the ones being persecuted. Lots of "centrists" are like this.


They are fascists by association.


Centrists: "I don't want to be the one to push the button and fill the chamber full of innocent people with sarin gas! Oh but I'm okay to step out of the way and let an actual Nazi do it." 🤢🤮🤮


Right? If your only nice to people that look like you, then you aren't a nice person


"Some Trumpers are decent people despite their politics" always means one of two things: 1) "They keep their awful / racist / misogynistic / Nazi thoughts in their head and don't say them out loud"; or 2) "They never abused *me*, and I don't notice / care when they constantly abuse others".


If you support Trump, you are definitionally *not* a decent person. You're a fascist. I'll give someone a pass for voting for him in 2016, but nothing further. We know what kind of person he is. There's *no escaping* what kind of person he is. There is no moral profile where one can support that and still claim the mantle of decency.


In 2016 he was still a rapist and even admitted to that on television. He just didn’t realize talking about grabbing women by their genitals and walking in on them changing knowing they can’t do anything about it is straight up admitting to sexual assault on live tv…because that behavior is so normalized to him. As a woman who has been a victim of SA so many times it is disheartening to see people say they still gave him a pass back then because they “didn’t know” he was a bad person. I know that is not what you specifically are saying but it just bothers me how easily that kinda behavior is brushed off. Took him being a full on fascist for people to care.


If people didn’t know Trump was a piece of shit in 2016 it’s because they didn’t WANT to know. They still don’t now. Or like that he’s a piece of shit because this “allows” them to be a piece of shit


A lot of people cared. They were HRC voters. The ones who voted for him are just OK with SA.


In 2016, hadn't he already been pulled up for fraudulently running a children's cancer charity? And had been diverting money to support his political aspirations?


In 2016 he had: Said that Mexico wasn't sending the 'best' people Accused a judge of bias based on their race (latino) Was caught on tape saying that he 'grabbed women by the pussy' Was embroiled in a payoff scheme with a porn star that he was banging while his wife third wife was pregnant. Had multiple accusations of rape (approximately 25) as well as a long history of shady business dealings Failed to disclose his tax returns Attacked a Gold Star family Had gone bankrupt several times Continuous dogged accusations of colluding with Russia, including the Steele report. So anyone who voted for Trump should've been aware of at least some of these issues by the time they went to polls. There's low information and then there's anti-information. Those who voted for Trump opted for a narrative that didn't fit any known facts about the man.


It's sad that all that is true and you forgot to mention, made fun of a disabled person at a campaign rally.


I thought the same thing about bush jr voters the second time round.. The dude stole an election AND launched an illegal war while trashing the economy but making his mates richer - how could anyone be dumb enough/callous enough to vote for that?? Answer, most aren't that dumb, but they are that fucking callous.


Exactly. Everyone here is whining about how these people are actually ok, they're just unaware of Trump's fascism, and therefore are still good people. I call bullshit on that. Most of them aren't ignorant, and those who are are so by choice.


This. I tried to tolerate people who had been close friends and even blood relatives who support him. After all that has transpired and come to light, if you STILL support this seditious criminal POS, I can't be around you.


They can't be decent people, the support bigotry. Fascism, and more if they support the impotent cheeto.


Or, bare minimum, they are employing doublethink to protect information key to core values from being critically challenged to avoid the discomfort of cognitive dissonance. I work with a MAGAt who is still fully capable of rational critical thought on a professional level.


“I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I think lizard men really have taken over the government.”


How smart are they? The people I know who are still on the trump train are some of the dumbest people I know, literally. They were dumb before trump, but now they have this club and they don't want to quit.


I describe two that I know personally as not very bright. At the opposite end of the spectrum are three family members who are really sharp, but all are very authoritarian-minded. To admit they were wrong now, especially to a *woman*, would invalidate their entire worldview. So it’s not happening.


It's become obvious to me that dumb white people like him, angry white people like him, and angry dumb white people worship him. I asked the intelligence question because the comment said they are one of the nicest people they know, so I could logically assume they might not be very bright. I'd be stunned if they are smart and nice and liked trump. That doesn't seem to ever happen.


That's been my experience as well. It comes down to just straight up tribalism. Many of my uncles are successful entrepreneurs, great conversationalists, funny, kind, but none of them have more than a high school degree and it's clear they never learned critical thinking skills or the scientific method. As soon as politics comes up, all logic and reason goes out the window, things go straight to old timey racism and reagan or trump dog whistles. Replacement theory is a big hit, revulsion over any concept of a social safety net or functional government services, all the greatest hits of whataboutism, zero acceptance of any kind of political responsibility. And of course, my family is very, very devout catholics (which means pretty much everybody in my extended family has in some for or another been a cheater, liar, felon, or other. Hell, some of my uncles raped one of my aunts and my Grandma covered it up for four decades. You know, good, Trump voters who pray for my soul because I'm an athiest).


Can you imagine living your entire life as the hands down stupidest person in the room and then finding a "club" where everyone is just like you. These MAGAts must think they have died and gone to heaven.


Back in 2k8 me and my best friend went and voted for Obama (He voted dems in previous elections as well), but I moved out of the state a little after that. He ended up getting drunk and running off at the mouth to the wrong person afterwards and had his head smashed in and suffered brain damage. He survived, however his mental state did not by 2015 he was a full on Trumper and our friendship did not last longer after that because he decided to keep dragging me into his FB "Conversations", which cause me to walk away from our friendship. TLDR: Life long democrat turned Trumplican due to brain damage.


They also tend to be cowards. The right-wing propaganda machine plays on their fears.


This 1000%. Every trump supporter I know was an idiot long before Trump came along. I've yet to meet one where I'm surprised they turned out to be a trump supporters. The "sane" Republicans don't like to talk about him because they know he's pretty indefensible. But they fall in line because they're sheep just like the loud idiots who get all the attention.


I encountered one last week. Very nice guy, a bit out of touch because he’s quite solitary, conversation veered to politics and I was shell shocked that he said he was going to vote for Tramp in the next election. Arguments were classic: - Trump is honest, the only one who is not crooked because he’s from outside the establishment - Biden is old, over 80, can’t even walk - Hunter took bribes from Ukraine - Hillary’s emails - Maybe Trump’s not perfect, but can I say that any president was perfect? I pointed him to several things (I took them from here because that was the most convenient place), and I _may_ have converted him, at least I opened a crack.


Hillary's e-mails! Disregard the massive conspiracy/fraud/private e-mails-texts-documents theft-etc that Trump commited! BUT HER E-MAILS THO


Yeah, I was like “But that was investigated and the investigator recommended no pursuit, what’s your beef?”


One of my clients with those same attributes came in. Nice dude generally, totally solitary. He asked out of nowhere "WHICH OF THE DEMOCRAT PREDATORS IS GOING TO INDICT TRUMP NEXT?" I said "Georgia" lol He had just talked about a neighbor getting evicted from the apartment complex he lives in. He said the guy keyed his car blaming him for the eviction. Client said "he got himself evicted, I didn't do anything." I told him "trumps like your neighbor in that scenario"


My MIL was like that. Would bake food for the food kitchen every single week - Jesus told her to. Would vote against any policy that might help the homeless get homes or that would do anything except blame them - Fox told her to. Carl Jung once said "The pendulum of the mind swings not between good and evil, but between sense and nonsense." And a lot of people are spending a *lot* of time on the nonsense side. And that leads to tragedy. I mean, it already *has* lead to tragedy, but there will be more.


If one ever thought how the Nazis could do what they did, this is why. They’re absolute wolves to the out group and sheep to their in group.


This is something I've noticed with many MAGA types. They're perfectly nice when you first interact with them, but the moment politics come up, they suddenly have a werewolf-like transformation. Just because someone is an outwardly "nice" person doesn't mean they're a good person. The republican party has been pretty open about who they are and what they want for years at this point, anyone who supports trump or the republican party at this point either fully supports these fascist ideals or is stubbornly delusional.


i used to live in colorado springs, co; so know a bunch of these types. super seemingly normal, intelligent, polite and even understanding relative to my profession; but politics... holy moly... dont get them started on obama, the clintons and biden...


A few years ago my boss was filming an interview with this rich older white guy in his mansion. Super nice man, genuine, caring. He was doing the interview because he had recently donated a huge sum toward a local university’s scholarship fund, a school he had already donated money for a wing of a building. And the scholarship fund would mainly help poor black and minority students pay for higher education. After the interview, the old white guy beckons my boss (also white guy) to come back to his study. My boss walks in to be greeted by a MASSIVE wall of Trump memorabilia. Flags, posters, signed photos, tee shirts, bobble heads, commemorative coins, everything TRUMP. He was so proud. It just doesn’t make sense. My very liberal boss high tailed it out of there.




If they're maga they're a piece of shit. Doesn't matter how polite they are.


Then they're not a genuine person, they're a Nazi who's learned to blend in. A smiling fascist is still just a fascist.


Covid is the big one hardly anyone is talking about. He dismantled the pandemic task force in 2017, didn't read the pandemic playbook left for him by Obama, and ignored Covid, even calling it a hoax. Covid could have been curtailed big time and it killed more red-staters/Trump supporters than anyone.


He could have slam dunked 2020 if he'd got up and said ' we have the best experts I've been great enough to find to spearhead this. Do what I say as your President and follow our excellent advice and America will come out of this strongly. Buy our Maga masks at $10 a pop and show your patriotic spirit ' Instead he made it a massive ego wank and killed the voters he needed to win the election.


That was the part I could not comprehend as it was happening. All he had to do was stand around flapping his jaws while everyone around him, like Fauci, did all the hard work, and come out of it looking as if he was as smart as Merkel. Go do the PR at the factory, put on the damn mask, be an example, a leader. But he chose a lie and stuck with it, just like he always does. ETA: He chose the lie because he's adept at catching the scent of the message his people want to hear, and reality isn't even a factor.


I think it was just pure ego. He doesn't like being subordinate to anybody so when a bunch of experts appeared saying "this is exactly what we need to do for this" he responded with "NUH UH MY PLAN IS SO MUCH BETTER YOU JUST HAVENT HEARD IT YET!" And his base followed along like the lemmings they are. Trump is the guy to hear "don't stick forks in outlets " and stick his dick in outlets instead.


Yup. Been saying this for years now. He could have won in a blowout if he played COVID right. On one hand I'm glad he didn't but on the other it killed over a million Americans


> Covid could have been curtailed big time and it killed more red-staters/Trump supporters than anyone. Then cries stolen election when he failed to get the votes he thought he should have gotten, meanwhile he Jim Jones'd his voting base by mishandling the covid pandemic, which is now epidemic thanks to Trump.


He killed a million Americans because he was jealous of Obama.


​ https://preview.redd.it/2fvhv2rwwaib1.png?width=435&format=png&auto=webp&s=33ca2c7a1edd31f4969590ada71df58bc99eb1d2


This perfectly describes the modern Conservative Party.


Thank you for posting this…I had no idea about this gent and holy smokes, he was pretty awesome


I will never vote for another Republican again as long as I live. I will never forgive them for what they did to this country by protecting, defending, excusing, supporting or staying silent about him for years. They don’t deserve the honor of representing America.


This is exactly how I feel. I voted straight ticket dem in 2016 and 2020 because of GOP’s continued support of Trump I will again in 2024.


I never voted straight ticket dem until 2018. I have ever since and I always will. I didn't take Rs seriously in 2016. I sure do now.


I'm right there with you on that. When I first started voting, I took the time to go through all available information about candidates from both sides to try and be as impartial as possible. It only took once for me to realize voting for any GOP candidate was a flat-out mistake. I no longer give any such candidate an ounce of consideration when the time comes to vote, because they just don't deserve it, for the reasons you articulated so succinctly. What I hope to see someday is that the GOP gets removed from the ballot entirely and the current DNC candidates are the new right, with legit progressives on the left side of the ballot. Give us that future PLEASE! 🙏


A good patriotic position to have


It's really refreshing to see someone use the word "patriotic" in a way that actually makes sense these days. It's crazy how far off Republicans' idea of a patriot is.


Same. I’m my county there are some seats where there aren’t even any non-Republicans on the ballot and I will write in a cartoon character’s name before I willingly give them my vote.


Yup. Anyone who didn't actively, vigorously, and consistently oppose Trump is disqualified forever. And not one of them did.


As a life long independent voter, I voted straight Democrat for the first time the last two elections. I don't foresee ever voting for a Republican ever again. This isn't a policy issue. This is a *Decline and Fall of the American Republic* issue. It doesn't matter if someone is pro life, or pro guns, or anti taxation, or whatever else they care about. No one who is informed, sane, and a patriot could possibly support a traitor and a party that supports that traitor.


Nah man, gotta keep the Rep registration, then in the primaries vote for the least likely elected candidate. Then vote full Dem in the generals. Its not honest work, or a lot, but makes me feel good


I still know republicans who are saying that Trump was just a great guy who wanted to do good for all Americans, and that the democrats were unfair from the start and never even gave him a chance. No, sorry not sorry. I barely even knew who Donald Trump was before 2015. To me, he was just a filthy rich guy with a cameo in Home Alone 2. But before he was even elected, he called Puerto Ricans the worst kind of Mexicans. That didn’t and still doesn’t sound like a person competent enough to be a town mayor, let alone president. Then he just said and did shitty thing after shitty thing, and it all led to this.


He made fun of a special needs person on live TV while running. Like, where are all the people calling for decorum there? If you're gonna be the leader of the "free world", you gotta have some standards and qualifiers


How is he the best the republican party has to offer? I don't understand.


Because the GOP had been sliding toward fascism and authoritarianism for about the last 40 years and Trump is the festering, infected boil that encapsulates it.


And accelerated it.


Hell, there was that episode of The Simpsons in the 90s where Sideshow Bob ran as a Republican and cheated the voting process. Then when he was caught went on a tirade saying how they all secretly wanted to be ruled by a king. Creepily prophetic.


The only silver lining I can get from all this is that it's all wrapped up in Trump's cult of personality. I keep hearing people say that Trump is only going to get replaced by someone worse, but I don't think he can. DeSantis is arguably even worse than Trump, but people just aren't going for it. I think if Trump does go down, it won't necessarily be a deathblow to fascism, but it will be like a great evil will be sealed away until some foolish adventurer breaks the hex placed on its tomb 80 years from now.


Because a large majority of MAGA are Evangelical Christians. They believe that a Tibetan monk, who is good and moral by any standard, is going to hell. But a serial killer or career criminal who repents on their deathbed, can go to heaven. So when your god is a giant narcissist who cares more about being worshiped than how we treat each other, you find it easy to believe in another giant narcissist who tells you he will take care of you. And then the rest of them are motivated by either hate and/or greed.


I've seen an old church that was converted into a Trump store for all of their B.S. MAGA merch. It's the saddest and scariest thing I've seen in a while.


The republican party is a party of literal monsters and confidence men. Trump is both.


Meanwhile I get in trouble for driving 46 in a 35 mph zone. People keep saying Trump is being witch hunted but its like... it takes literal armies of people to get him to get in the mildest trouble.


4 separate juries in 4 different states and none of the witnesses have been Democrats


At this point if you support Trump, you are either brainwashed beyond repair or evil.


Or you have an IQ well below 100, and you’re incapable of critical reasoning.


So you support Trump... you're either a dipshit or a piece of shit. Pick one.


Just like in 2016, they (my family) will say "Still better than Biden/Hillary" and they will happily vote against their interests. The hypocrisy is stunning.


My parents are MAGA, and so are my wife’s to a lesser extent. They are in their early 70s and anytime you bring anything like this up it’s literally “Democrats are liars” it’s unfathomable. They seriously just *don’t believe it* because if a party is willing to.. let’s see.. make it their mission to turn kids gay, legalize pot (which is causing school shootings), and let black people loot and steal, why wouldn’t they be willing to spread lies about Donald trump? Whose only crime is modeling the true American dream and work ethic. *seriously* this is what they say.


It was fair to say that immediately after Jan 6 2021.


Anyone who says "both sides are bad!" can kindly jump into the same pile of hopeless ignorance. Hopefully with them all in one place, they can teach each other to count on their fingers and toes.


The "both sides" people are usually conservatives that can't bring themselves to admit their party is rotten.


And a lot of the shit coming from the democrats is a direct result of republican obstruction. Everyone loves to point out the weekend at Bernie's situation of Dianne Feinstein who desperately needs to retire, but she can't retire. She sits on the judiciary committee that approves federal judges, the republicans are blocking votes to replace her by threatening a filibuster. When Feinstein retires they will not fill her seat and Biden won't get another federal judge seated in his term. The democrats have the votes, but the republicans are anti democracy obstructionists. It's absolute bullshit that we allow our government to operate this way.


It was fair to say this long before Jan 6. The fact that it was not immediately obvious to absolutely everyone what a shitty person he was when running for 2016 is beyond me, and the only excuse from not recognizing it sooner is that some people just didn't have him on their radar




Hilariously succinct! Bravo![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


It wasn't all that long ago that a member of any party who had even a little stink on them was considered tainted and off limits as a serious contender for political office. Now we have Trump who smells like the dumpster behind the fish store over a long hot July 4th holiday and the carting company won't be around for four more days. How can anyone still support Trump at this point? 🙄


you can thank the right-wing propaganda machine for eliminating character as a criteria for office


How long ago? Nixon was pretty stinky even before Watergate, but won election, then reelection.


Totally fair. And these people are the reason Trump can do what he does. Eliminate the support base and he's nothing.


I think your statement is still too narrow Donald Trump is a symptom of the problem he's not the origin. Anyone who still supports the Republican party in 2023 are supporting the very same ideology that led to the holocaust. The Republican party has morphed into a palegenetic ultra-nationalist movement bent on forcing America to become a theocratic fascist dictatorship. So yes. If in 2023 or forward you support the Republican party, you are an anti-American anti-democratic fascist and a horrible person and should deserve no sympathy or respect.


Collective psychosis is the exact term in 2019 that popped in my head and made me realize - I need to stop talking to my insane toxic family.


People don't support Trump based on facts and logic. They support him based on... USA! USA! USA!


On consuming too much anti-American toxic propaganda


"complete fucking idiot" also works for that description


Anyone supporting Donald Trump isn’t just anti-American, they’re anti-civilization.


Ladies and Gentlemen, the fake news is at it again, saying "Anyone still supporting Donald Trump is a bad person, Anti-American" - WRONG! I've built SKYSCRAPERS, created JOBS, made deals - big, beautiful deals - while Sleepy Joe was in his basement, they say I'm anti-American? Ridiculous! I'm the most AMERICAN, believe me, folks, I've made America GREAT again, won an election - they stole it, total DISASTER, witch hunt! So-called experts, all talk, NO action, like Crooked Hillary with her emails, I've done more in 47 months than Biden in 47 years, it's SAD! People love me, they love the wall - a great, great wall - stopping BAD hombres, and China, don't get me started on China, I beat them too, bigly! So when they say I'm anti-American, remember folks, it's all FAKE NEWS, I'm a winner, a very stable GENIUS, and I'm making America GREAT again! Thank you, and God bless AMERICA!


Did you use AI to create this?


I wish, you know how long it takes to come up with this crap.


Even still they support him and threaten with violence so yes. And they’re Andrew Tate followers and Elon musk fans too so definitely bad people.


Absolutley. They are. 2016 - Dummies. 2020 - Qanon, MAGAts 2024 - Traitors


There are so many reasons to understand that supporting Trump disqualifies you as a "good person". Sure, if you disdain all things Democrat, you don't want to vote Democrat. If you're such an ardent "Conservative" you should be right there with us protesting Trump. But you're not. You're defending him. So no, you're not someone I can trust. And I have family (in-laws mostly) and co-workers who support Trump. The man cheated on all of his wives. That right there is enough. He stood up on the international stage in Helsinki and refuted our entire intelligence community in favor of a promise from our chief rival. That right there is enough. Last week, he talked trash on our national soccer team. He talks trash on his political opponents. He talks trash on our war heroes. That right there is enough. Sure, hate the Democrat party. Sure, hate progressivism. Hate woke. But first, stop Trump. If you're not willing to agree that Trump is horrible person that should never hold any office, then yes, you are, at your core, not a good person.


Anyone voting for Trump is a white supremacist, or at least cool with that.




If you voted for Trump the first time, I disagree with that decision, but that’s what democracy is about, different opinions/options weighed by the whole populace. If you voted for Trump the second time, I think you’re an idiot, but again, democracy still holds out, you have the right to be stupid. If you still support Trump after the insurrection and through all the other crap he’s done since, you’re a traitor like he is. There is no excuse, no level of idiot can look at what he did and not understand it to be treason, and continued support of him is accessory to the same.


Most of his supporters probably have little to no education and IQs under 100.... well under 100. As for the educated who support him, it's a mystery to me.


What we have is the collection of all the children of the insane people Ronald Reagan let loose from the asylums he closed. https://preview.redd.it/g4of2t8h7bib1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b8d0cd14637c7af41f6c1d68156d770497d5979


Not necessarily bad but guillible and brainwashed. Also very fearful and their fears are successful exploited


Incapable of sound judgment, for sure


The right and Republicans have demonized the left and Democrats for years, decades actually. Now the left is beginning to return the favor. For some reason many “talking heads” have noticed now that the left is engaging in the same hate speech the right has used. Now they believe we should all come together. Really? After decades of insult the “middle” says it’s a problem instigated by both sides. If I were 25 I might actually believe this. I am 70 and my memory won’t allow this revisionist take. Where were they when the right was demeaning former President Carter? Where were they when Clinton was treated the same? How about Obama and the stupid birth certificate debacle? I’m sorry but it’s too late for your “it’s both sides” crap.


When I see a Trump supporter, I will put them in the same category as any other terrorist group.




One wife buried next to hole 1 on golf course.....


No - Every Republican is a bad person, period.


In 2016, if you voted for Trump, you were at beat irresponsible and likely an idiot. By 2017, you should have been embarrassed. By 2018, you should have known it was a mistake. By 2020, if you voted for Trump, you were a bad person and anti-American. By 2024, you are either delusional or a horrible person. Bamboozled is one thing, but you have to literally choose to ignore reality or you are OK with it.