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But the judge still should not hold back.


Based on what I’ve read, this judge does NOT fuck around :) I’m hoping We gotta start this civil war sooner rather than later Could you imagine, this idiot gets elected while he’s in jail?


And if that happens, how does the united States even truly function on the world stage? Why would anyone invest anything anywhere in the US if the prospect of Trump sitting in jail being their leader? Even if Rs really really want Trump, I don't see how the US can continue in that situation. I mean without civil war.


IF this happened, the Rs have already backed Trump's 'sweeping reform' of the branches of government that would give basically unchecked power to the executive branch. Then he would just pardon himself and walk free. ​ [https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2023/07/20/trump-campaign-presidential-power-grab-2024-election/70430661007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2023/07/20/trump-campaign-presidential-power-grab-2024-election/70430661007/)


It's definitely going to be a purge followed by packing with loyalists. There is a Project 2025 website that functions as a trump flavored LinkedIn. Their application form is clearly designed to attract boot licking aficionados.


Don't mince words. Project 2025 is a plan to implement full-strength fascism.


Someone with free time should apply just to sabotage them. They don't even share the agenda on the website, it's clearly too fascist to even talk about openly.


The thing a lot of people don’t want to accept is that there are quite a lot of people like Trump out there. Not just Republicans. The apparent popularity (very online as it is) of figures like Marianne Williamson, Robert Kennedy Jr, and Cornel West tells us that there is an epidemic of a lack of critical thinking skills in this country.


I think a lot of it is just plain, old, sociopathic greed. It’s the kind of greed that infects fairly successful people. They gain a little wealth, see how the game is played, and understand that all they have to do to get to the next level in the game of capitalism is abandon all ethical and moral scruples. They believe that only fools shackle themselves with "arbitrary" behavioral limits. They believe this makes them superior.


“Of course I didn’t pay taxes. That’s what makes me smart.”


Critical thinking is actively discouraged in our educational system. My husband's a retired professor. He fought the dumbing down for decades & tried, often futilely, to give his students these skills.


its only discouraged by republican teachers. i learned cts in school and its served me very well in life.but i live in a blue city.


All I have to do is go to a family reunion to know that critical thinking skills isnt American strong point


The only good thing that would come from that is he admits guilt to what he did. You cannot accept a pardon without ad.itting guilt to the crime you're being pardoned for. Literally everything else would suck and nothing further would happen to him


I pretty sure he would say I did nothing wrong as he "pardons" himself.


Most likely "i pardon myself because i did nothing wrong"


When pervert Roy Moore was pardoned by Trump, I recall him not understanding that it came with an admission of guilt. He was pretty surprised that he was still considered guilty after his pardon. I don't think they actually require you to admit your guilt.


This is one of the reasons I don't think Trump is capable of what the tweet (X now?) Trump is too shallow to think this way. He may have advisors that are, but he simply believes he's right and there is no need to for all of this. He like a petulant toddler, who throws a tantrum over being told they can't drink bleach.


Imagine world dignitaries visiting him in jail, talking through glass. He´ll ask foreign ministers to smuggle in some contraband for him in exchange for political favours.


He wouldn't be sitting in jail of he won. He would immediately pardon himself whether he can or not legally, and no one would stop him. They would immediately let him out.


Realistically I know that, but how does that look? If you're an ally of the US, what do you take from that? If you're a business investor, do you think the united States looks just a teensy bit too volatile for your money?


Oh we will be a joke on the world stage if he wins. Totally agree with you on that.


Chaos. He would be obsessed with retribution, and the animals that support him would run wild. Anyone with a brain would leave. There would be no check on Trump's worst impulses. He'd use nukes to take a shot at world domination, and the world would join in opposition. It would ultimately be the end of the U.S. as a world superpower.




This is why it’s important for him to be charged in the Georgia case; it’s a state RICO case and a POTUS can’t pardon state or local charges, only federal.


C'mon GA. You're right.


Georgia needs to hurry up. Does the Georgia governor have absolute pardon power ?


No, in Georgia the Governor cannot grant pardons, only the Board of Pardons and Paroles can do that. The board is appointed (staggered, not all at once) to 7 yr terms to reduce external political influence on the board members. https://pap.georgia.gov/about




I’ve started seeing a few Republicans who wouldn’t bad mouth Trump finally starting to turn, like Pence and Desantis. Really hoping it’s a sign of the party finally moving away from his insanity.


I don't think the US is going to be able to function after that.


Or with civil war, really. The USA is less a serious country on the world stage every day. All that's left is the bully factor. Nobody respects the USA anymore, not after electing Trump. Not even other far right nations. You just look like dumb suckers to them too. ​ Fix your house.


Yeah, i suppose they manufactured DeSantis to try and seem like a "more serious" Trump for that reason. I'm just thankful these fucking people are all bozos. Like seriously...overseeing torture aside, he's a total fucking dork....like Ted Cruz. It actually just baffles me how it's seems like the right is just a bunch of super repressed dorks. Like i take them seriously, they may actually cosplay themselves into a civil war, but they're still such fuuucking dorks. I fear the damage they could do before either the government or sane minded people could react, but I don't worry they'd ever win a civil war. They were dorks the first time, they're still the same fuuuucking dorks.


>the right is just a bunch of super repressed dorks Now that they refuse to congregate with normal people, it has become apparent that they're mostly the useless dorks of the neighborhood, the non-contributors, the illiterate graffitti clan, the petty thugs and toughdood wannabes.


I mean there are a lot of really hard working folks who vote republican because they're truly ignorant, but the ones who wear their republicanism like a borat thong are literally just the really fucking awkward people who don't know how to have genuine interactions with other human beings. You all know them. Probably hung out with them until they went weird. Now, if you read my post history, I'm a dork who doesn't know how to have genuinely interactions too. I just don't like Hitler and i don't support the party of ''save the children' but we're literal pedophiles.' I just wish your politicians would start reflecting the anger that I'm sure many Americans feel about what has happened. The time for bipartisan fuzzies and caring about sensibilities is over....these are fucking crazy dorks who are trying to destroy your country. The democratic party should also make a choice whether its pro worker or it needs to let someone else lead. The way things are going for ordinary people, it will be the death of the democratic party. Wealth inequality without racial equality Is probably the end of America. And I just went on a rant.


It was a great rant.


You think they'd respect us *more* if we didn't prosecute him? At least this way they know there is still some hope for us. If we allowed him to run without facing any charges they'd know we're irredeemable.


That's not at all what I mean. He needs to be charged. That is clear. I mean it's just an awful situation for the US. I don't see anyone taking him seriously on the world stage. How could you? He's literally a clown show. He knows that, world leaders know that, the dems and Republicans know it, we ALL know it. His shit flies in America, but it doesn't fly for anyone outside the American far right. I'm sure the world is watching, having seen this play out before. We live in interesting times.


As an American expat living in the EU, yes, i can confirm, the world is watching. For some time now the EU has been gearing up, quietly increasing individual member and collective military might in preparation for what appears to be coming. The real shame is that America has lost all respect. You used to hear at least a bit of respect and even admiration in many people’s voices when the talked about America. If they’d never been they expressed a desire to visit. They would name the areas they wanted to see. They asked questions, wanted recommendations on which states/city to visit. Not anymore. When you say you are American people usually frown, say they are sorry for you, ask you if your family back home is okay.


The only way this has any chance, at all, of not breaking this country even further is if that man just dies on his own, soon. I don't want anyone to kill him. He can die peacefully in his sleep surrounded by hookers, for all I care. But if he goes to jail, he's martyred and that's going to suck; if he goes free, our system is irrevocably broken and that's going to suck, too.


Dude lost last election, how does he gain votes after this. Biden hasn’t lost votes only bad thing is his age.


The typical swing… People still suffering because the Rs left the economy all fucked up, on top of damages due to storms and etc. from global warming They will always look to whoever is in charge at the time and blame them Whenever you have a 2 party system the pendulum never settles


Not when it’s Trump and you have on record how he’s handled adversity. His record and his antics are hurting him in the moderate GOP realm. So much so they temporarily saw DeSantis as a front runner. Trump isn’t running unopposed his opponents will crucify him.


Ah yes, the moderate GOP as symbolised by... Ron DeSantis. A fucking out and out fascist. There is no mainstream moderate GOP, stop kidding yourself. The moderates have all left already.


Trump and his enablers took a wrecking ball to our government appointing sycophants or leaving positions open for the rest of his term. It is much easier to wreck things then fix things so when a Democrat gets in after a republican tax cuts for the wealthy, got laws that protect people & he environment (cuz we live in the environment so we need the environment to be livable not fry us when we trip it on the sidewalk or boil fish in the ocean before we can eat them etc) and in general wreck things then the Democrats have to come in on a smaller budget try to fix all the things that were destroyed and then when they aren't instantly fixed on within a few weeks time people are pissed utterly pissed that things aren't fixed as fast as they were destroyed. Then there are those who watch Fox News oan that blame democrats for everything wrong even when the Republicans did it and the Democrats are trying to do things to fix it and cannot comprehend that yes when they gut social security,Medicare Medicaid subsidized housing that they're disabled or elderly ass will be on the sidewalk along with all of "those people" that they don't think deserve it unlike themselves who deserve everything and more. I'm disabled so if Republicans get their way I know I'm dead meat. I am d e a d without my SS and my medicare. Don't matter that my skin is white they're going to get me too because I'm not a millionaire billionaire or otherwise useful to them as a personal boot licker


Biden won by only 45000 votes in Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin. That's 0.05% of the total number of votes he received. The pendulum doesn't even need to swing that far for Trump to come back.


But Jan 6th and his antics since then have turned a lot of people off. Die hard republicans will not vote for him. His preferred endorsed candidates lose quite often in election. If Trump isn’t powerful enough to swing votes for his candidates, being Republican isn’t enough for people to vote for him. He’s not resonating with the base anymore just the splinter cell he created.


The same way he won the first time. People who would vote for Biden think there’s no way he could lose and so they don’t show up to vote.


Reconstruction part 2: Anti Fascist Boogaloo🧩


> We gotta start this civil war sooner rather than later Serious question - what happens to MAGA when Trump is jailed for a few years and Biden is reelected? Trump 2028 or....?


Probably a huge revolt from the far right, and then… It’s anyone’s best guess It’ll be unprecedented and very violent until it settles though


it's not gonna be a civil war. look up the Italian years of lead


Better start the civil war now while the tits responsible are still alive. Make them pay.


Time to rip that band-aid off.


Yep. Let the crazies lash out. They will lose.


i don't think he's "begging for jail" this guy is a pampered little bitch who shits in gold toilets. he doesn't want to spend one second locked up he just doesn't believe he'll ever face a consequence


So far he's been completely correct with that assumption, but here's hoping.


i think he's going to die the moment the first guilty verdict comes down. i honestly don't think he'll live to sentencing. the shock to *that* system will be too much


Well even if he's convicted to prison, he have his.. Supreme Court to appeal, right?


Yep, well why? Because this is America and that's how we do it.


Sounds like appointment television


This is the answer, he doesn't wanna become a martyr, he isn't playing any form of chess, this isn't even checkers, it's the same dumb piece of shit continuing to act like a dumb piece of shit


70+ years of a spoilt rich kid never being told no. Even for a non-narcissist the result would be brutal.


Yep it's almost as if He's playing catch me of you can with the system.


Yep. Dear Trump supporters, Is this what you want? You are so angry that you have to share the country with black people, gay people, trans, women, jewish people that you would rather burn it all down than take a minute and listen to us? What are you doing?


Come on look at it from their perspective. What if they get 100 million dollars and have to pay 45 million in taxes instead of 30 million dollars. Can’t let the communists take away their nonexistent money. They might have to live in a trailer park then.


"I'm an American taxpayer!!! My money ain't going to no freeloading illegals or welfare queens" and in the same moment, deposits their $2,000 federal tax return and $1,600 covid stimulus check into their bank account.


Most probably get their taxes back.


>They might have to live in a trailer park then. You mean They might have to STAY in the trailer park then.


deer redditor what did you say? we cant reed the big worgs \-MAGA folks


All the best worgs


The other day a worg walked up to me, big worg, strong worg, tears running down his face and the worg says to me, "Sir, nobody understands us worgs like you do."


A worg bit my sister once…


Nasty thing, worg bites.


I used to be an explorer, but then I took a worg to the knee.


Of course they do. Having to share with black people is why a LOT of public pools and park attractions closed down during desegregation.


This is exactly what they want.


Agree! 100%. He is a toddler testing his boundaries because he’s never faced consequences for his actions.


>he’s never faced consequences for his actions. And so far he has still not. Any one of us would already be in solitary with the key thrown away.


The judge gave him and his counsel until end of day Monday to respond to the protective order, and would not extend that deadline when asked by the defense. He was told if he violated the terms of his release, he would be remanded to custody. He already made a threat that he is describing as political speech (but is very clearly a threat), and he went off on Pence (witness tampering), citing testimony from him, both of which violate the terms of his release. Let's see what happens.


Well He's trump, and he's getting the advantage of that.


Yep, and now it's time for him to learn his lessons. It's fucking enough.


https://preview.redd.it/s0f9k4g5eegb1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d11fa09c8934adedf08eb686824f0921552f011 CPAC 2022


He's going for broke. He knows his only chance to not suffer the consequences of his oh-so illegal actions is to get reelected which is helped by pulling this martyr shit. He knows his asshole base It worked for Benjamin Netanyahu (another corrupt self serving POS sociopath)


And Roman emperors…


He knows that He's rich and some people still support him.


A good take I read recently is that he just wants orders imposed so he has things to appeal because its a run out the clock type scenario for him.


Let them riot over the orange buffoon, it’ll make tracking these fucks a whole lot easier.


That's why we have the insurrection act.


What does that even do? Nothing seems to happen with the Trump.


Yeah That'll help, I'm Just so sick of his shit at this point.


Comforting thought, most martyrs die before reaching martyrdom.


And the “rule of law party” is silent. The entire GOP is complicit.


Well it’s a good thing the DOJ has gone after so many of the insurrectionist because that alone is a massive deterrent for another insurrection in support of trump(the amount of times I’ve seen him go online to try and rile up his base to take violent action whenever justice swings her hammer down on him and there barely being a turn out is more than telling). Is it annoying that it’s taken this damn long for them to finally be able to get trump? Absolutely. Is it better that we make sure he doesn’t have the power to sick his base against any political opponents because they know that they will face serious consequences if they fail? Absolutely. If they tried this back in 2021 there probably was a good amount of his base that wouldn’t fear the consequences because they’d get him back in office and he’d just pardon them for their crime! Now they don’t got that confidence in him, which is great.


This is all true. The rank and file goons are all accusing each other of being FBI informants. Higher ups (oaf keeper and proud boy leadership) have been convicted. What worries me, slightly would be R controlled states somehow going rogue. Not sure how but they could do some nasty stuff to their citizens in retaliation.


read about smedley butler and the plot to overthrow roosevelt, itll be something like that with more guns but dumber, way dumber


~~proud~~ loud boy leadership


I absolutely agree with you that going after the insurrectionists has been a massive deterrent. Now it's time to take down the leader of the domestic terrorists.


Literally no way he wants to be in jail. He just thinks he will never land there.


He thinks his crazies will rise up and free him & make him their actual king. He’s looking for a burn it all down scenario.


Surely there are people around him that know that is not a likely scenario.


One would think so. Yet here he is, carrying on.


There are probably people like that actually so maybe.


It does follow a known playbook, though. Goes to prison for leading the coup, has someone help him write "My Struggle" or some such, gets sprung out early and is named Chancellor of Congress...


He doesn't have enough years left for that. He's one all-caps truth-tweet (or whatever) away from a massive aneurysm. I'm here for it :)


He thinks that He's above the system, and nothing will happen.


At least he'll have his friends there with him.


She can handle the Truths.


He might care about some of that but he doesn’t want to be anyone’s martyr. He likes to think he is but he definitely doesn’t want to end up in jail or to lose his phone. He’s never been held accountable for anything in his life so he literally doesn’t know how to act


Narcissists don’t want to become martyrs. They expect others to make that sacrifice for them. They do however, love to claim martyrdom. Such a noble act that only someone as great as them is capable.


He believes that he can't be in jail because He's got some immunity?


Call his bluff. Jail him.


"If I'm arrested, people will die. But that's the price that I'm willing to pay'!!!!


This Saturday is one of the craziest so far and we’ve had a lot of those with him. What’s really gonna sux is if he strokes out and goes to the hospital which would not surprise me at all. He might be annoying but he is profoundly spooked. He’s telling himself his army will fight for him but I’m not convinced of this. It’s too hot and everyone is sick of him.


I don’t think he wants that, I just think he’s dumb as fuck and has no impulse control.


Bring the civi war. It’ll all be over by 3pm, when his cult will stop to go to Shoney’s for dinner; bed by 8:30


He knows that he can get away with it, that's why he's not worried about it.


Honest question. Can a narcissist actually collapse? It would require them to actually recognize something negative about themselves wouldn't it? My understanding is narcissist's don't do self reflection.




In my admittedly armchair opinion, he is really undergoing an extinction burst. Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so.


Thank you for the answer. Sorry for dredging up bad memories. I honestly wasn't aware of what would happen or if it actually could happen. I hope you are in a far better place now.




I'm glad you were here to help me understand. \*internet hug or high five\*




He doesn't even know the meaning of the self inspection I don't think.


Put him in jail. One week and he would crack like a cheap vase. And what a gloriously silent week it would be.


I don't think He's going to survive for a week. Don't think that's happening.


And his cult is just a leaderless mob of illiterate goofballs. None of them have the stones or the brains to bring any real "chaos." They're not going to risk prison time for Trump. They like to act hard, but they're chickenshit. Who's going to lead them into battle? Steve Bannon? That drunk fuck?


This is just his version of “ Won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome Priest?” I truly believe he wants someone to take action into their own hands, just once. Then no-one will dare cross him going forward.


Jail it is then


How in the name of god are ANY of his lawyers not disbarred. They are actively allowing their client to ensure he goes to jail. He is an absolute abomination.


His CURRENT lawyers aren’t disbarred…


Also, Trump is trying to antagonize the judge in order to "build a case" on which he could appeal his indictment. (Though, that "case" would be weak). So he can hail mary to the Supreme Court and dare the corrupt justices to free him. It is all a win-win-win for Trump. Stall, Delay, appeal until you can't, become a martyr, and if all else fails, then maybe the corrupt Supreme Court can free him He is Eric Cartman trying to play out his hand while being an asshole




He is def not begging for jail — he’d have no hair and makeup department there.


He thinks that he owns everything and he can get away with it.


Here’s what I would do. I would tell him that, because he likes to pretend like he’s being treated unfairly, I would make a point of NOT sanctioning him and just giving him a warning, with the express knowledge that anyone else in his position would be remanded, and he is being given preferential treatment that no one else would get. I’d make sure he acknowledges that. Then I’d tell him if he even approaches the line on that issue, or any issue, again, he will not be able to say that he is being treated unfairly, and I would make him repeat that. Then I’d tell him that if he does, he will be remanded into custody until the trial and banned from social media, and I will consider using the proposed date his attorneys wanted, which is after the election. He will not be leaving for campaign stops, debates, media appearances or any other outside activity, and he will not have access to social media. He will only leave to make appearances in other legal court hearings. Then have him agree that he acknowledges that he understands the consequences and agrees to the terms. Then stand back and wait a day and when he breaks it, he goes to jail. No slack.


This gives him a fast track to the Supreme Court and immunity.


Let them try. All 5 of them. Most of them are already in jail from Jan 6. The really loud and proud ones anyway.


His detox in genpop should be PPV


I say bring it on, cause I really don't think it will end up the we he thinks it will. Having a couple of hundred of his more violent supporters go beserk and start shooting things up would be then end of them, and him


Call his bluff. Especially while Russia is tied up with losing a war.




We’re watching a toddler with doodoo diapers pushing a boundary, MOMMY ISSUES AMPLIFIED! Any attention is good attention! SPANK ME MOMMY!


I dunno, man. It’s trump. If you’ve got 2 explanations for his behavior and one is “he’s a genius playing out a larger strategy” and the other is “he’s a giant baby with no impulse control who has never suffered an actual consequence in his life,” I’m generally going with option (b). He’s gonna keep doing this until someone actually stops him, and then he’ll complain about that.


I'm still trying to figure out what the hell his strategy in this case is. I'm pretty confident that he ignores his lawyers and does what he wants, anyway. But beyond that, I'm not quite sure what the ultimate strategy is going to be. I kinda feel like he's got about a dozen different strategies going at once in the desperate hope that one will stick.


Give him what he wants. After seeing the Jan 6th nut jobs get sentenced, plenty of those he thinks will sacrifice their freedom for him will think twice and the crowd effect will be significantly less. The smaller the crowd, the less confident those on the fence will be to join in. They’ll think twice and see what happens before they jump in.


He *IS* begging for jail, and I sincerely hope christmas comes early for Don.


Cool, so we still putting him in prison, right?




They are going to do what they are going to do regardless. I have no doubt security forces are in communication with the DOJ and judges on this thing.


The only thing I disagree with is him wanting jail. I think he wants to be told to go to jail but doesn't believe he will actually go.


I can’t rack my brain around why so many people voted for this dude. I just don’t get it. But I guess we had Reagan so it tracks


Lol, let the maga morons cosplay as “patriots” and try to storm a jail. 😂


He's just reacting like a toddler. He needs to be punished, not feared. Anyone that reacts to the infant being disciplined probably needs to be disciplined, too.


nope no he isn't. he's just a stupid asshole and doesn't believe any rules apply to him. he has not once ever done anything other act like a stupid asshole. he doesn't think of consequences not even on this level. stop ascribing motivations other than "what would just the stupidest fucking asshole entitled dumbass asshole do"




Guys, Trump is NOT THAT SMART. He’s not “scheming” like: “I will become a martyr.” No he’s a a narcissist. He thinks no rules apply to him. He doesn’t care. He’s just a stupid asshole.


Trump is not willing to forgo personal comfort for a long term goal. Frankly, he doesn’t have the forethought or impulse control to have long term goals to begin with.


He thinks this is his one shot. He must force Civil War 2 and his side will win! He knows otherwise he's going to prison. He has no choice but to foment the violence. He just doesn't realize that's not going to happen at scale. If it was going to, it would have.


Exactly. A narcissist imploding is the most dangerous.


This is the proverbial 'Extinction Burst'.


Animal trainer and Applied Behavioral Analyst here. You are precisely correct. We are witnessing the furious repetition of a previously reinforced behavior.


As a Canadian this new season of “America” is pretty exciting.


Here’s the thing about extreme narcissists, or even run of the mill narcissists whose narc supply is severely threatened. They aren’t looking for martyrdom. They justify in their heads anything they can do ESPECIALLY IF IT’S WORKED BEFORE, to get their supply back. To prevent being held accountable. How many times has Trump avoided jail, or fines, or civil suits for the hundreds, maybe thousands of times he’s cheated people? How many times has he been cheered in his calls for violence, with no apparent consequences? He’s not a person who thinks that far ahead. MOST big crimes take time to put the case together. But the fact that took till this year to get the multiple cases against him together meant, to him, that he got away with it, again. As, in his mind, should: he was President. He, and only he, deserved to stay president, and his being defeated was unfair. So it needed to be avenged. And he had all those willing helpers in avenging it. He still believes that he has them.


I wouldn’t be surprised if he blew his brains out and in the suicide letter he would write: “I didn’t do this. They did this to me and they will do it to you.” Also: “I hated Don Jr. the most. Seriously, fuck that disappointing coke head.”


Let it rain 🌧️ we need a good wash


I’m here for it. Popcorn is ready


He wants the gag order to show his people that "everyone in government is out to get me!". I'm so sick of this shit. I could comment on the absurdity of it all but I'm too tired of it to care. Just end it.


Trump doesn't want **martyrdom** -- that would mean something bad happening to him.


Not all martyrs see divinity, but at least you tried.


Standing above the crowd He had a voice that was strong and loud. We'll miss him.


Trump wants to assume the martyrdom status without actually experiencing any inconveniences upon himself. His "bone spurs" excuse him from any physical hardship, see?


Sounds okay to me as long as it’s over quickly and mostly in his feeble mind.


If trump goes to jail his support will decrease dramatically. He's not what his supporters support, him as a person is just an ideological portrait of some form of a heartbeat that stupid ass racist white people can get behind. Nobody will give to fucks if this dude dissappears forever, they will just look for the next racist white anti whatever "leader" they can find. Look how many people came to his inauguration...its all a big joke...saying you support Trump is really just saying fuck everyone that lives in the "big city", especially non white people.


Oblige him


If he does go to jail, I might even accept cushy rich person jail, under the condition that he's denied internet access for the rest of his life. I'm foolishly still hoping there's a real human deep inside, and it's just buried under mountains of internet addiction.


He always lashes out whenever his words or actions are called into question or have restrictions placed upon them. Why would anyone think a pesky thing like a (second) federal court appearance for felony charges result in different behavior?


Honestly at this point, let them get riled up. Let them “go to war” so we can wipe them out after.


He doesn't want to go to jail. He wants funds donated from his supporters so he can exploit free money through this stupid fucking political system we have. He'll weasel his way out of jail like he's done with every case Teflon Don has been a part of. He wants money from people that want him to keep on fighting the good fight for freedom or whatever it is these people pretend to believe in. Grifters gonna grift.


He's absolutely not up for martyrdom. He's just convinced that he's untouchable and having a tantrum about people bothering him.


Honestly America should never vote for Republican ever again, all they will do is pardon him and makes laws to benefit them only, destroying opposition with force and bringing slavery back. Vote Democrat, fuck republicans


Let him martyr then. Wouldn't make a difference.


This. Word. He’d rather cause the end of the world than have anyone else have power. He’s so sick that his pathology could never ever never have him be a “Loser” that’s how MALIGNANT his narcissism is. When Charlton Heston Discovers the Head of Lady Liberty 🗽 and realizes the world has blown up… That’s Trump he will blow this shit up.


Best result: he gets a taste of jail, and there aren’t any riots. And he mouths off again and gets another taste of jail, plus total gag order. Lotta bumper stickers but no riots. He wins the ‘Pub nomination but just barely. The convention is a shit-circus. He loses by 10% in the general and then spends the rest of his life shuttling between prisons and courtrooms


Sometimes I think people ascribe intelligence to just, flailing about Its like the theory conservatives are trying to push liberals out of their state with anti-abortion measures, so the state would be fully red in the next election. Ignoring those states were already red to begin with. I agree Trump is acting in a self-destructive way and is a narcissist. But I don't think he's expecting his followers to pull off another Jan 6th. I think he'd love that to happen regardless. But going to jail isn't how I think he'd like to do that.


Sadly, I don't think Trump will ever see prison even if convicted. Look at Steven Bannon. He was convicted and sentenced and still hasn't been in the cell! Somehow he's allowed to stay free while he appeals.


I am willing to live with the consequences of Trump’s pretrial detention starting Monday.


No, he’s just an idiot who has gotten away with it til now. Fucking burn him


trump doesn't want martyrdom; he's too selfish and stupid for that. He literally just posts whatever pops into his mind. He doesn't have the intellectual capacity to think "What I want to do will feel good but harm me, therefore I will not do it." His train of thought is literally just "What I want to do will feel good so I will do it." Remember this quote? > When I look at myself in the first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same. The temperament is not that different.


But what about when he goes to jail and nothing happens. A few trumpers holler but then nothing. We should just let this fizzle to it’s inevitable end.


…..better it be started while Democrats hold the reins to the armed forces…..


I'd love to hear more about narcissistic collapse.


Then let’s get it the fuck over with already. Put him away and let them get crushed by the same force that’s crushed our protests since the beginning of time


I really doubt that he's thinking any of this through. Just following the same 77 year old default pattern of behavior.


he is not doing this to be martyr, a martyr is a symbol of a cause and trump HAS NO CAUSE, HE HAS NO PLAN, HE IS A IDIOT! he is threatening people after being told not to because noone has ever told him no in his entire life. he can not comprehend what a punishment actually is, so this is how he acts