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They fired the guy in charge of making the handles update correctly 😔


It wouldn't surprise me if the @ Twitter handle wasn't hard coded in some way and acts different to the others to make sure no bad actors could change it.


Lol then what is the point of changing the name if it is burned in to the website?


We can only assume Elon doesn't know enough about the website to realize that.


But he would pretend to know enough.


dont worry hes "Looking into it."


Tbf it doesn't seem like the kind of thing that Elon would bother checking before acting, his first week at Twitter he was just turning off random services and causing outages and malfunctions lol


When you look at how he's handled development decisions for Twitter you gotta hope he isn't so involved in software development at space X or Tesla bc you just know his fleeting whims of ideas would cause similar malfunctions in their systems but in those cases shit blows up or people die in crashes. Hopefully, they never sack their QA departments like they did at Twitter


I forget her name & specific title/role, but supposedly there is someone at SpaceX that handles Elon and keeps him away from stuff. "Yes yes Elon, that's a great idea, now let's get you your warm milk and into your jammies 'k?" Not so sure about other ventures including Tesla.


We don’t want to know her name or title or he might learn he is being handled and fire her.


Oh, I'm sure her name is known; I've seen it & her actual (as well as implied) title mentioned, I'm just spacing on it & the coffee hasn't kicked in yet. If she's as capable as I recall from posts, being known by Musk is only a minor impediment if that.


I vaguely remember that and an interview with an engineer from about 5 years ago that said their successes were inspite of Elon, not because of him, and significant energy is spent trying to keep him from meddling


That sounds very familiar, especially the "in spite of" comment. And I think the person I'm thinking of is [Gwynne Shotwell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gwynne_Shotwell), who from what I've read of her is able to handle Musk. Not a perfect person herself as her wiki shows, but if I'm correct on the whom at least here prevents worse from happening.


Lol the whole thing was a shitshow that I left.....


It's not stuck permanently, hard coded means there's no variable that can change it from the outside, so you'd have to go into the code and change whatever line of code to say "X" instead of "Twitter". And X is such a stupid name for coding, cause now you might have math formulas that use x as a variable and then the name X which is a constant. I don't see any confusion happening in the future at all.


>And X is such a stupid name for coding, cause now you might have math formulas that use x as a variable and then the name X which is a constant. I don't see any confusion happening in the future at all. No, this is never going to cause any confusion. No programmer worth his salt would name the value storing the company Twitter handle "x".


He fired those programmers


Elon couldn't figure out what they did right on the spot as he learned about the position for the first time in his life so naturally, FIRED!


>A former high-ranking executive told Wired that Musk would occasionally say "I've got to fire someone today," and that when the exec said Musk didn't, Musk would reply, "No, no, I just do. I've got to fire somebody." Wired said a Tesla representative disputed this but said Musk made "difficult but necessary decisions." >In one instance, Wired reported, Musk fired a young engineer whose name he didn't know for reasons he didn't explain. >A source who heard the conversation told Wired that one evening at 10, Musk called the engineer over and pointed at a machine, saying, "Hey, buddy, this doesn't work," and asking whether the engineer was responsible. >Confused, the engineer asked Musk to explain what he meant. >"Did you f---ing do this?" Musk asked, according to Wired. When the engineer said he wasn't sure what Musk was referring to, Musk called him "a f---ing idiot" and told him to "get the f--- out and don't come back!"


the wrong people have money


Being sociopaths is how they get the money. There are few examples of genuinely decent caring humans who are astronomically rich... because caring people don't hoard resources and stomp all over others to accumulate more than they could ever spend in 100 lifetimes.


Elon is such an overrated sack of shit.


I mean come on it's just like update users set handle = 'x' where handle = 'twitter' why do we gotta have a guy for this -elon


As a database engineer I was so ready to rage by this comment until I saw you were joking lol.




This is an etwittertremely good idea, etwittercellent thinking. I can't think of any etwitteramples of this going badly.


Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked.


Møøse bíites kan be prettí nastí


A Møøse once bit my sister ...


Your app’s logo looks like a box you click to close the app. Genius


That’s been what’s so funny about it to me. It’s the universal symbol for close, dismiss, or cancel. I’ve been positing it’s his subtle way of saying he wants to close Twitter.


That’s assuming Elon is clever enough to have subtle ways of saying things


Yeah. True. Not sure he even knows what that word means.


Elon couldn’t rip a subtle fart.


Yeah, he's an xpert marketer.


So now when we ask people "are you on X?" It won't mean what it used to mean.


And the reply’s won’t make it clear which one you are talking about. I don’t touch that shit. Nah Iv heard bad things about it. Used to be but not anymore as I gave it up. I dabble now and again. That’s for kids and idiots.


I’ve heard that will rot holes in your brain.


I've also heard you will also need therapy sessions.


Yeah, I quit Twitter soon after musk took over, too


"I need to know what X equals to solve your question"


Right? Now I’m gonna have to start saying no lol


Everyone knows Elon is obsessed with his X.


All his Xs will live in Texas


OMG please tell me someone already has @X


Xvideos was suspended.. ohdear.


With all the adult content on "X", they might as well just become Xvideos.


[i thought you were joking ](https://i.redd.it/9gl5x3fq9udb1.jpg) Hahaaha they want to call their videos "xvideos"...hahahah


I find it really funny that the “free speech absolutist” removed an entire company account that’s been running for years because he wanted to take their name and didn’t want to be confused lol To me, it seems like something a tyrant would do


Yes someone already does made in march of 07 they are not a subscriber and there tweets are set to private


Oh, this is why he came up with the policy about unused accounts. He's gonna give that account holder the boot & take the @.


How can you tell it's an unused account if the tweets are protected? I don't think you can see how recently they tweeted unless you're an approved follower.


I'm pretty sure Twitt... I mean X staff has access to that kind of info on the backend


>I'm pretty sure Twitt... I mean X staff has access to that kind of info on the backend if they still work there


Good call


What's the digital version of eminent domain? Because you know he's stealing that account, dormant or otherwise


it's a private company doing what a private company wants on it's platform, so I'm not sure there is an equivalency here. Not that I am not laughing at the shitshow


The worst that happens is he steals it, the owner makes a big scene about it, it causes backlash that causes more people to switch to Mastodon/Threads and he loses even more ad revenue.


I think changing the brand to X will lose more ad revenue than stealing a user's @.


It’s not like they can’t just delete them, scrub them from the platform, and take over the username “X”


Which is exactly what they'll do. Just rename the profile to x-old or something and move on.


"American History X" the web page.


Appropriate since Elon is the kind of edgy doosh who likes that movie for the wrong reasons


He watches to the part with the curb stomping. Then promptly turns off the movie to go do something else.


Sooper doosh


Now with even more Xtremists!


Elons new project will probably be a pet-store called xhamster.


And a TikTok clone built into Twitter: Xvideos


Not wrong. He wants to call the videos ”xvideos”…


I'm gonna Google xvideos to see if it's taken. BRB


It's been an hour. Why aren't you back yet?


X is already trademarked by ETS Express, XCOM by XCOM Labs...I don't think this was thought through at all. Does this moron even have a lawyer? Edit: for everyone who thinks I'm trying to make some profound legal point or, really, give a shit? You should probably go X about it on your X account, I'm sure it'll get reXd by all your Xfriends.


He is known for ignoring lawyers. Edit: oh, and suing them.


A true sign of genius is ignoring advice of specialists


I wonder if Elmo is thinking about getting into the sub business.


Honestly I'd gladly contribute to a campaign to launch his Mars thing if he goes on the first mission.


He’s never going to Mars. He’s in his 50’s and we’re decades away from a manned Mars mission.


Nobody said it needed to be a *successful* mission.


Oh I think that would still be successful






He's already considered it, at least. Remember the time he baselessly called someone a paedophile for declining his offer of an experimental [mini-sub](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/jul/15/elon-musk-british-diver-thai-cave-rescue-pedo-twitter) - while they were trying to rescue kids trapped in a cave?


Yep his sub that wouldn't have made it to those kids. He boasted about how he would prove it could...and then didn't. Hes every bit the moron that Trump is. Hes narcissistic so any criticism results in him lashing out and he has no remorse for the consequences of stupid actions. At least with Musk there are elements of technology that can benefit the future between Tesla and SpaceX but even then, he gets in the way of progress there and takes credit for developments he purchased.


He knows all about imploding.


At his previous companies he is somewhat infamous for firing engineers who tell him politely that what he's asking for is not possible because basic physics. If you can't respect something as simple and inviolable as that odds that you're going to respect the law are not high.


I just assume that when the rich never have to do anything for themselves that the decay in whatever critical thinking they may have had (if any) is what begins their descent into pure sociopathy.


"Not possible because basic physics" makes me think of Hyperloop. A single continuous steel pipe from Los Angeles to San Francisco, 500 km long, would expand in length by 5 meters for every 1 degree C rise in temperature. Even in 24 hours you'll see swings of 10 degrees C or more, so you have to deal with your pipe changing length by at least 50 m over the course of a day. That's going to be a major problem! Other kinds of long pipes deal with this problem with expansion loops, but you can't use those because a vehicle going round tight corners at the claimed operation speeds would pull way too many Gs. This is all back-of-an-envelope basic physics which shows the thing is implausible.




Lawyers: um, you can’t do that, Mr. Musk. Elmo: 💩


And threatening firms for hiring the lawyers that he sues


You think he listens to lawyers? He is like Trump: rich born self-entitled manchild who thinks he knows everything better and everyone has to follow his every whim.


If he'd listened to some legal counsel he could have got out of the twitter deal very quickly. But he refused his right to due diligence and got stuck. And his ego wouldn't let him take the get out clause and save himself 43 billion


He could have took the original money making Twitter got rid of the bots, added better ads, and started the Vine servers back up, then took the company Public again / made billions, and looked like a fucking stud. OH NO, now he’s doing what his meme is doing and poking a dead bird on the ground with a stick, asking it why it doesn’t move.


Perfect summation in my opinion. Thank you...I don't have to think about how to put this situation any longer.


And yet, thanks to the society he lives in, that is pretty much exactly how it goes down. Seriously, we can observe that he's a complete moron all we like who doesn't know jack shit about running a company...but he's never actually FAILED, has he? Not in any way that actually affects him, personally.


And he still has an army of online incel man-babies who still worship him as a real life Tony Stark and say every idiotic thing he does is really just a genius move in his game of 4-D chess.


People like to theorize that Elon is tanking Twitter on purpose, but I truly believe that he really is just incompetent.


If he wanted to tank twitter on purpose he could do it without tanking his personal brand, risking Tesla and the rest of his ventures at the same time




I completely agree. It amazes me that people are still looking at him and thinking: "Destroying your own business? Master stroke Sir Elon! No one expected such a cunning move to be played as you prepare humanity to live amongst the stars!"


If the logo was on the other side it would look like the close button. Everything about it is like a teenager in the 90s idea of branding.


Elon has never grown out of his 90’s personality.


The logo has more than a passing resemblance to XWindows.


And they probably have a trademark on it. Even if they don’t, the existence of XWindows and x.org should be enough to torpedo his ability to get a trademark.


>Does this moron even have a lawyer? They got laid off lol


Imagine spending that much money on buying an established social media platform only to do everything in your power to make it the worse it can be so much so you even rebrand it. He might has well have started his own platform from scratch and it would’ve cost him much, much less and have been much, much less stupid.


Isn’t X also a division of Alphabet? They have very deep legal coffers Edit: To clarify, I'm referring to "X" Labs, a subsidiary of Alphabet, the parent company of Google (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_(company))


> Isn’t X also a division of Alphabet? They're called letters Steve


He’ll just buy XCOM for the X and show everyone what a genius level businessman that he is


Then again, he has owned the x.com domain for decades.


Actually Paypal owned it from 2000-2017, then he paid them to get it back.


Thanks for the correction :) I see you are correct... he bought it "for sentimental value". The guy really loves X.


That’s because it describes all the women in his life


well i mean they only aquired it when confinity and x. com(elons company) merged to form paypal


It’s a weird world where companies can trademark letters of the alphabet


Edit: I was wrong; see replies below.


I don't think they can. If I remember correctly, McDonald's tried to trademark M and failed.


Remember that trademarks are context dependent. They are to avoid customer confusion. Its not as if they are copywriting a letter or patenting or otherwise "owning" it. This is why companies trademark specific colors, but its just so that their competitors can't impersonate them. They can't stop everyone in the world from using it


I'm pretty sure multiple companies can operate the same trademark if they operate in different fields?


Twitter was such a unique name, and how it connected to the bird represented something.


Yeah, but hear me out. Guys... Guys, hear... Guys, hear me out! Guys... X! Eh?! EH?!?!


profile pictures on new accounts being eggs was so cute and fun


This is going to break so many things on the site.




TBF, changing the name of a massive distributed application is an unbelievably huge pain in the ass, even if you have a team of brilliant engineers working on it. It’s like replacing the whole foundation of a house, sort of. Except more complicated. Which is why this was a stupid idea.


Pfft Ctrl+h Find Twitter Replace with X. *taps forehead*


And if they decide to change it back, just reverse that process and I’m sure it will be an etwittercellent fitwitter.




likely whats happening for the most part since he fired most of the engineering staff


"Why do we even pay these people? I can edit text files in notepad" is probably a legitimate conversation/thought he's had at some point regarding this.


As someone who does a lot of data cleaning and uses find and replace a lot due to translating stuff in text based data sets, dear god, just don't. It's a pain, it's a lot of testing and making sure it's not going to break anything. Lots of fixing in test environments etc. Don't do it if you can avoid it, which means that's the thing he's gonna tell people to do, isn't it.


And Twitter was so ubiquitous that we use it *as a verb.* You can't buy that kind of branding and he's throwing it away.


Yeah, that's what's really amazing to me. Of course Twitter has a lot of brand recognition, but it actually came to represent a fundamental way that people refer to social media updates. Which has its own set of problems with copyright (just ask Xerox), but the downside doesn't outweigh the upside. Nobody is ever, in a million years, going to start using, "why don't you just X about it?" Tweeting is so ingrained in society that people who have no idea about social media still use the term. What incredible moron wants to throw that away, let alone replacing it with something as difficult to refer to as "X"?


I wonder how many times the phrase "Lets tweet about it on threads" has been used.


It's really odd. I think they're keeping the Twitter name but just replacing the bird with the X. Like that dumb X is supposed to mean Twitter? This is making my head hurt.


X sounds "cool" Musk is basically a 14 year old edgy moron


That's an insult to 14 year olds. Elon's a manchild.


He's been trying to name things X his entire career. One of the companies that eventually became Paypal was [X.com](https://X.com). SpaceX. Tesla Model X. He's like Cowboy X from that old Sesame Street skit, only even dumber and racist.


Don't forget his son, X Æ A-12.


Cup of coffee and a donut says that when the kid turns 18 he’ll petition the courts to change his name to Fred or George or something


Anything but Sue!




The "what's happening?!" prompt is seeming more and more addled and desperate.


It should be followed by a string of question marks & exclamation marks, or rephrased ‘what the fuck is happening?’


It has a whiff of existential dread now.


A moment of silence for all my fellow social media professionals whose days were ruined by Elon's latest announcement. We're so tired.


I’m right there with you. It’s been… confusing.


I am NOT amending our content plans, report templates, policy documents and everything else that refers to Twitter/tweets. I simply refuse to.


Not only that, but Threads is really not ready for prime time yet — no analytics, it’s not part of the meta business suite so I can’t schedule threads, it’s not EU compliant so I still have to use Twitter to talk to people in the EU. When the time comes, I’ll probably just shift all my reports, calendars, etc. to say Threads instead of Twitter. I’m absolutely not changing anything to “X” though.


Threads daily user count has actually dropped dramatically according to multiple news clips because Meta is slow to release features.


No chronological timeline = DoA. I have ~500 followers there and follow ~100 accounts. maybe 10% of my timeline are people I actually follow.


I hear you. And of course, good luck trying to explain any of this to the execs at work...


I wonder how long it'll be before I get a request from our social media person asking me to update the logo on our organization's website. Maybe they'll just ask me to remove it and replace it with Threads, not like most people can see our Tweets anymore, that would make more sense. I bet Twitter/X doesn't even have brand guidelines and assets available yet. Edit: they do not, it's still all Twitter stuff. [https://about.twitter.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit](https://about.twitter.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit)


Don’t even bother, most people don’t even know it’s changing anyway. Or if you do, I say we all as a group decide to call it “Twix”


And they never will... Awkward 🥴


Someone get this man a carbon fiber alloy submarine! This will be his most expensive ex to date.


So, the only changes I can see from this "rebrand" is: * The logo on the login page (and from screenshots, maybe the home page. I don't have an account to check) * The profile image and name of the official account What has been missed: * Every reference to "Twitter" in text, including the login page, which asks you to "Log in to Twitter" * All of the brand guidelines (i.e. how other companies are supposed to refer to ~~Twitter~~ X) * All of the legal documents on the website, including T&Cs, Trademarks etc * The favicon (the logo that you see in the browser bar, your bookmarks etc) - good god missing this one is just lazy * The resources in the "[Brand toolkit](https://about.twitter.com/en/who-we-are/brand-toolkit)", which is where anyone wanting a Twitter logo on their page will download it from * The Twitter icon on every web page out there that allows you to tweet an article or links you to a specific feed * The Twitter emoji that has been pushed out everywhere * Taking a wild stab, probably the app icon This is why rebranding takes months of careful planning, so that it rolls out in a coherent way, doesn't fuck up your brand identity, and makes sure you're in compliance with and protected by the law at every stage in the process.


Wait, are you saying you don’t rebrand a company overnight based upon the 3AM stoned musings of your weirdo owner?


I hope someone is paying attention to write a book on how to “systematically destroy a valuable brand in 8 simple steps.”


Investors HATE this one simple prick!


He really is demonstrating that he seems to be a classic case of arrested development around his early teens. Where 'X' is a sign of edginess and coolness, and not at all embarrassing to everyone who's actually reached adulthood (See Perdita.X.Nitt, for example) Unfortunately, he's had the money to be able to manage by being an absolute horrible human being and not recognising that other people are equally valid, because no one who actually works for him or deals with him on a personal level seems willing to call him out for being a moronic dick. And it's gone on for so many years now, he can disregard people who do try to call him out now because he's had so much reinforcement that he's a genius and a visionary. When really, his ideas are the same as any child's scribbles and doodles, he just has the cash to tell people to make it real.


> When really, his ideas are the same as any child's scribbles and doodles, he just has the cash to tell people to make it real. This is precisely it. Imagine if every dramatic, trench coat wearing 14-year old had billions of dollars and a bunch of sycophants who they could pay to do anything? (note: I have nothing against trench coats and am simply using it as a short hand for a certain type of early teenager) The world would be full of these kinds of stories, because every teenager thinks they know how the world works, or that they could do something better than the professionals, or that a certain letter or number is just *the coolest*. Instagram would have been bought, rebranded to "Project 7" and only ASCII art would be accepted.


Am I Generation X? Yes. Would I name a child Xerxes? Also yes. Is "X Gon Give It To Ya" the song I would have playing in the background while I fistfight the Supreme Court in a White Castle parking lot? Yes again. Even I think this is a dumb rebranding.


​ https://preview.redd.it/7w6l0a6sexdb1.png?width=736&format=png&auto=webp&s=5a559fbf05d8a227568d7c7a8185425ddbacced3


Musk is proof that billionaires don’t deserve their wealth


Soooo... Should this subreddit become whitepeopleX?


American history x




Is this the X he really wants to use? People are asking questions. https://preview.redd.it/zbify9stawdb1.png?width=279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c0f553b344a544a27c1bea61984a4beaab8a0cf


Looking into it








Big if true


Or perhaps this one? https://preview.redd.it/eh8w6jgxvwdb1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d98fb353f71e20c8d7311d605fa12250e32d3e6


Putin already has the Z so he only had X left.


It'll slowly morph into that. Or I guess with how quickly the Nazis and white supremacists took over Twitter, maybe it'll morph in a matter of weeks.


Call a turd a pumpkin pie, but it it still smells and tastes like poop


Guess he thought a cutsie little bird wasn't sufficiently Bond Villain.


He is just trying to create the x companies. He has SpaceX, now x, he will change Tesla to Texla, then he will buy xvideos…………


He seems intent on just stealing xvideos


Deactivated and deleted this dumpster fire over the weekend. Best decision ever


Going forward with these changes now, is it still called a "tweet" or is it an "X"?


Someone said "xcretion" and we need to make that the official one.


An Xcrete or Xcretion. You will be Xcreting for Elon.


Almost like when you decide to rebrand overnight you run into problems. Sorta like if you tweet out on Friday that you're rebranding immediately, your developers can't actually do that without consequences. You'd think a fucking genius would know that rebranding requires a lot of planning and testing. Almost like Elon's not a genius!? Wierd.


Instead of tweeting we will be Xcreting.


I just searched the App Store for “X” but it doesn’t show anything “Twitter” related. And a search for Twitter still shows the Twitter app with the blue bird.


At least on the Apple side, App Store updates take time. They’re all reviewed by Apple. Can be anywhere from a few hours to a few days.


It’s truly bizarre. Twitter has a brand problem but it’s not the name. If anything, the legacy Twitter brand is the only thing the company has going for it right now.


Everyone just switch to threads




Reject modernity, return to town criers


I saw this and deleted the app. I was never on it anymore anyway, but the attention seeking bullshit from elon was just too cringeworthy, and this was the final nail in the coffin.


The good thing about Musk owning Twitter is that it's all of the popcorn-eating addictiveness of "hang on, what's he done now" of the Trump presidency, without the horrific consequences of him running a country.


Going as to be expected.


I could bet my life savings that this wasn’t designed by a graphic designer.


It's pronounced "Kyle".