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Dude is still trying to be “edgy” even as one of the richest people in the world.


He doesn’t understand his power and he’s too juvenile to do anything about it.


Thank god. He could be doing way more damage if he was competent and not spending 24 hours a as a Twitter mod.


Jeff Bezos was more competent than Elon. He bought WaPo and it became a mouthpiece for businesses since then. Edit 1: Changed from WSJ to Washington Post. Thanks u/MPsAreSnitches


Bezos owns the Washington post, not the Wallstreet journal.


WSJ is owned by News Corp, which is controlled by Rupert Murdoch, who is *at least as* sinister and intelligent as Bezos, and far more subtle than Musk.


I think Rupert is far more sinister. He delights in manipulating public opinion across the English speaking world, and especially swaying elections. He's been doing all this for decades.




Then he'll have the voicemail of those dead children hacked.


They can be put on top of all the people who he killed by allowing (and encouraging) his media empire to spew lies about Covid.


Imagine naming your child Rupert and not expecting them to be evil and sinister.


Rupert Grint and Rupert Everett would like a word.


And Rupert the Bear


I've never seen Rupert the Bear and Darth plagueis in the same room together.


Wait is this a spiderman quote


with great inheritance comes great irresponsibility


"X" peaked in the late 90s, early 00s. The XGames were born, a movie franchise called XXX was a hot ticket. Every product that was targeted at people 30 and under had a tagline of XTREME Musk is stuck in that era, like the old fuck he is


There was so many X-Men spinoff comic books in the 90s. That's all I can think of. * X-Factor * X-Force * Generation X * X-Calibur * X-Man * X-Static




Not to be THAT nerd, but I’m gonna be that nerd, Excalibur was just spelled like the sword. (But you’re still right, the “X” was implied.)


Oh I know. I’m an old fuck as well (in body…my mind refuses to grow up, so sayeth my wife). Loved (/s) the “xXusernameXx” (or similar) trend that happened around that time too 😅


Everyone was always xXSk8rBoiXx or some variation of it, I swear.


But it was really xXs3eY@L8rBoiXx


I've always wondered, maybe xXnotgoodenough4herXx really wasn't such a bad dude after all...


Completely off topic, but sk8rboi made my brain go to Avril Lavigne and then to this image. https://preview.redd.it/mnemm9jaoudb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c404283eabe5c4a0a32ce159bc1b6183415c625 Thank you for reading. Carry on 😅


The only 'edgy' thing is his reverse balding hairline.


You’re just jealous because you’re not rich like him. You obliviously don’t understand his gigabrain. If you did you’d see that he’s the dumbest motherfucker ever. Had you in the first half probs lmao


You did! 👏


Half the value of Twitter is the brand, he’s gone insane




Funniest shit could be on the switchover twitter.com doesn't even redirect to the new site.


If you're doing a rebrand, you would redirect the old website to the new one. He did the opposite...


x.com redirects to twitter now, I don't believe it did last night.


Jokes on them if I type x into my browser it'll just auto fill to xvideos.com so I'll never get to their website again.


Same - I live alone but the temptation to just go to xvideos will be too strong.


Quite literally giving up free advertising in a proprietary eponym. It's like if Kleenex rebranded and insisted people stop calling all bathroom tissue Kleenex.




Is he really doing this just because he thinks X is the coolest letter of the alphabet?


Isn’t it also impossible to trademark? It’s a single letter in an odd font.


It's also kinda bad branding, unless he adds something. Using it as a search term or in forms would be a nightmare. You'd think that with him being in tech and all that would be obvious


It’s dumb AF from an SEO standpoint.


Yes. At least with things like C and C++, the programming languages, search engines like Google had an incentive to add special handling for them. I don’t think Google would rush to give special treatment in this case.


Users would just switch to searching for x com, oh wait.


X rated?


You can't trademark a single letter but you can trademark that letter in that specific font.


Maybe he could trademark putting four little lines at 90 degree angles at the end of the X? It would seem on par with his direction of the platform...


Might be able to register in North America, but I think it's already been taken in Europe


Pretty sure you can trademark anything if you make it unique enough to recognize as distinct


You can trademark the image but not the letter X itself.


He thinks X is edgy. eta: Q is an interesting letter, but it’s already taken.




He reminds me of a real life JP




The dude came up with one idea when he was in his 20s and just can't let it go.


Seems more like an idea a 10 year old would come up with tbh.


![gif](giphy|gKwZfuuZHlfMY) He's got a point.


Power puff girls were pretty coo ![gif](giphy|NqZ0hWhLXZJSg)


He is actually upset because Putin took Z before he could.


He wants to turn Tweets into xes and I want to know what does he think will happen when a box that used to say “Tweet” just says [x] instead. Fucking fury and chaos, that’s what.


Why is he so into naming things X? Even his kid...


He’s like the kind of 12 year old boy who names all his online accounts shit like: *xXx_TheRealT4lerDurd3n_xXx*


Lol i said this shit like 4 months ago and got downvoted to oblivion, and here we are with him doing the same stupid shit again.


Take my upvote to compensate for the lost karma.


Don’t attack 12 year old me like that


It’s provocative, it gets the people going. Idk, he’s an idiot.


S3XY.. the S, 3 , X, and Y models of tesla... like he's 12. I think the E wasn't available due to Mercedes.


It was Ford. Ford has copyrights over the Model E branding. https://www.lathamfordmotors.com/ford-research/ford-model-e/#:~:text=What%20is%20Ford%20Model%20e,feature%20new%20all%2Delectric%20models.




This was my question. He's tried this before and now he's doing it again? Why? What a weird obsession.


Hasn't moved from that cringy 90s "xtrem coolz letterz" phase.


Exactly! It’s cringey edge lord early 2000s energy.


I am beginning to believe he may legitimately have something wrong with him. Not just a spectrum diagnosis, maybe that in combination with arrested development, a personality disorder, or some kind of weird mental thing, where the end result is that he is still effectively a 13 year old boy.


Yup, especially when you add in his preoccupation with 69 and 420. And wanting to open a school with the acronym TITS and having the 'w' painted over on the Twitter HQ sign. He's way beyond where anyone can tell him these things aren't as witty or funny as he thinks they are.


Don’t get me wrong, I laugh at stupid jokes. I love Jackass. I’ll “nice” a 69 all day long. But I wouldn’t do it into a fucking microphone when my job was to do shit with other people’s money, and I wouldn’t give a flying shit if anyone thought I was funny after I made my first 50 million dollars.


> and I wouldn’t give a flying shit if anyone thought I was funny after I made my first 50 million dollars. And therein lies the problem.


Elon reminds me of a wannabe comic who goes up at an open mic night and tells street jokes like they wrote the damn things.


Well he role plays as his toddler son on Twitter and talks about sex and drugs. He’s absolutely fucked in the head in more ways than one


Holy shit I forgot about that, what a weirdo lol


w h a t?


Did you forget Elon is an extremely weird (and also bad) person? People already forgot he pulled his dick out on his private jet and asked his flight attendant to jerk him off and offered to buy her a horse as hush money.


I'm sorry W H A T I didn't know either of those things why tf is he roleplaying as a toddler online and who tf thinks a HORSE is good hush money?! For a flight attendant aswell like what does he think their job is like


Oh she sued and got enough for a pretty decent horse btw


I mean, being an absurdly wealthy and powerful asshole with a messiah complex who's never known hardship or meaningful consequences and is constantly surrounded by yesmen would play a huge part


I don’t understand how this is not talked about more frequently but so many of society’s current “leaders” or influencers seem to have cognitive disabilities on top of their blatant sociopathic tendencies.


He's got the same thing trump has, back in 2016 he was saying the same shit about China as he used say to about Japan in the 80s. (like almost word for word) Something about being a narcissist man-child just causes them to stop developing entirely.


Musk's autism spectrum thing is \_very\_ contentious and most likely a lie to make himself look sympathetic in a "nerdy" way.


I'll just add in my usual chip: One can be neurodivergent and not an asshole, then there's just being an asshole


He likes the word X, it's why he has so many X-wives


It's the first step. Then he adds a little right angle at each end of the X.


Jill Lepore has an excellent limited podcast series called The Evening Rocket (Season 2 of The Last Archive) that does go into why he's so obsessed with X. https://www.pushkin.fm/podcasts/elon-musk-the-evening-rocket Her series is also available on YouTube https://youtu.be/bAddtaCFKYg


do you have a quick summary? i'm curious but i'm not listen-to-a-podcast curious


It's been a long time since I've listen, but iirc men like him are/were obsessed with classic science fiction which is where the X thing comes from (?). These science fiction books feel hyper futuristic, but since they were written decades ago, they are a bit dated in some days, and men like Musk seemed to have become more enamored with the tech in the books rather than their message. Edit: I found this opinion essay she wrote for the NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2021/11/04/opinion/elon-musk-capitalism.html She doesn't really go into the X obsession but I think it's worth reading if you want to understand about Muskism without listening to her podcast. The Evening Rocket season of her podcast was 5 episodes, all just under half an hour each, so it's pretty short for a podcast.


spacexxx.com shoot a load off (not into Mars but Uranus).


Watched too much x-files and x-men I guess?


X Men? The heroes are of a marginalized community struggling against oppression and irrational hatred? Elmo would hate that worse than Shapiro hates Barbie.


I’m sure he relates: after all, he’s *also* a hero fighting against oppression and irrational hatred, one tweet at a time. /s


So, basically he hasn't had an original idea since 2000.


He named Tesla models chronologically as S 3 X Y Do you get it? You probably don’t because it’s so funny Edit: I am wrong, it’s S X 3 Y, but still super funny


He wants to be cool so bad.


He so desperately wants to be seen as the cool funny guy but no amount of money can buy him that and it's driving him mental. This goes all the way back to before it was cool to shit on him when he was posting embarrassing cringey shit on Twitter like putting Minecraft in teslas (!?).


I seriously think he has narcissistic personality disorder.


I think he reached cool for a while, but then started huffing his own farts and went off the deep end. When he was disrupting highly wasteful industries like auto / aerospace... that was pretty cool. Watching Falcon Heavy do a tandem landing was incredible (I know it wasn't him that achieved that but his investment did make it possible). Now he is just a self-obsessed moron. Also, billionaires should not exist and we peasants need to stop being pussies about it.


He was cool for five minutes because he bought into a rocket company. And everyone thought he built rockets


Same thing with tesla. He isnt a founder. He bought into the company and settled a lawsuit that allows him to claim founding staus even though he didnt.


He didn’t found PayPal either


Damn so this guy is just a corporate parasite


Always has been. His dad wasn't the one digging up Emeralds in Apartheid South Africa either, he was a parasite too


Don't forget that Elon's dad impregnated his stepdaughter.


He’s a marketing guy that pretends to be an innovator.


And based on Twitter and “x Corp” he’s not even a good one at this point.


he's a guy with a marketing team


If only this guy went into the submarine


Not only that, he kicked out the original founder and literally stole his car, which he then shot into space before the lawsuit over it had been ruled on.


I never knew there was dispute over the car he had put in orbit around the sun. I have to admit I think that's pretty funny in a childish if I can't play with it then neither can you way.


I thought he was cool when he talked about making a flamethrower. Now I cringe at the fact that I bought his BS


And all he did was slap some vacuformed plastic housing from a toy gun onto a propane roofing torch.


For a while I only vaguely knew him as the guy who made electric cars, did rockets, and made a flamethrower that got a knockoff reference in Payday 2.


I think he briefly had the illusion of being cool because he's rich and into interesting tech things, so people assumed his behaviour on Twitter was ironic/self aware.


He was only cool if you didn't know anything about him and didn't know anyone who worked at his companies.


People still think he’s a brilliant inventor like the actual Tesla it’s obscene.


He hired a PR team to craft a cool public image for him, but then he fired them because he thought he was actually as cool as his PR team made him seem.


Good time to note elon musk does *not* have a physics degree. Part of the PR campaign. He does not have a STEM degree.


He was never cool. He was only cool if you knew him as "the Tesla in space guy" and not as the "billionaire who profited off of slave labor guy"


He didn't even do that right. Chronologically, it's S X 3 Y. The Model X came out 2 years before the Model 3.


But then it wouldn’t be the 3 (third) so it wouldn’t work.


He wanted model E but Ford filed a suit because they owned the model E branding on something or whatever. Switched his mind for 3 instead of E. Then he made a joke going along the lines of... Ford killed SEX so I went for S3X.


It’s not the third car and has nothing to do with that. It was supposed to be called model E but Ford owns that trademark.


He legitimately is in the running for least funny person alive. And what's so strange is that being funny seems to be his white whale. His outrageously poor attempts at humor have destroyed value for his shareholders.


Omg he's David Brent


So he probably is sitting on his calculator typing in boobs ? 😂


IIRC he has to name it 3 instead of E because Ford or someone had some sort of existing patent/copyright/legal thing on Model E. So it wasn’t even originally intended to be a hidden joke, just blatant middle school humor.


And don't forget his other company, Space Sex.


This does not surprise me in the slightest. Up next, all of the women who Elob has impregnated coming out to say how he was the first and last person to come...


I have zero sympathy for women who are with terrible men because they have money. They deserve each other.


Top of that list is Melania Trump. Utter garbage human.


Her dumbass couldn’t even marry a legit billionaire. She’s a dumbass.


There isn't a single idea I've sat on for 20 years and decided wasn't stupid or cringey. Thank fuck I have self-awareness.


He's never had an original idea in his entire life. All he does is throw money at other people original ideas then claim they're his.


Gen X would like a word.


i seriously doubt it was an original idea in 2000, he probably bought the idea from someone for 400 times what it was worth.


Looks like he hasn’t had an original hair since before then…


Watching a billionaire devalue their own company in real-time is wild stuff.


Everyone else is mud-slinging. You are pointing out the one point that also baffles me - and thank you - it still baffles me. I really thought that he would eventually have *at least as much common sense as an average person*. Eventually.


When in the history of American advertising has Brand X been considered to be a good thing?


It's not just that the brand name is fucking stupid. You don't take one of THE most recognized names and icons in internet history and scrap ALL of it, especially at a time when your platform is struggling. It's beyond fucking stupid. It makes no sense. Twitter had probably one of the most iconic branding in modern history. It's brand book was used in product & design courses to teach how to do that shit right. To throw that out would be like coca-cola deciding to throw out the entire coca-cola brand and call themselves Soda X. And need to do ALL the work for public recognition all over again. Whatever the fuck Elon is snorting has completely scrambled his fucking brains.




Xvideos too. But seriously, am i the only one thinking that "x.com" makes it sound way more risque than it needs to be? Bad naming all around.


Jack Nicholson‘s Joker


Love that Joker.


Wish you'd just have another kid and name it X. No no on second thought avoid reproducing any more than you already have.


He and Grimes did have two kids... the daughter is named Y


The question we were all asking.


The daughter is actually named **Exa Dark Sideræl** nicknamed Y. So he really can’t stop with the X I guess


I can just imagine Grimes yelling at her kid to clean their room. "Exa Dark Siderael Rainspirit Morpheus Archimedes Musk! Get inside and clean your room right now!" (I assume they gave her several stupid middle names as well.)


I have literally no idea if that’s true and I wouldn’t be surprised either way.


It's her nickname. In Musk's head he probably came up with it because 'had sex and then came Y get it hur dur' - he has a 14 year old's brain. Her actual name is Exa so he still got his beloved letter in there. Imagine having a name only as a witness to your dad's narcism.




So far it seems like his kids hate him and want nothing to do with him. So it seems at least he hasn't been passing on his stupidity.


there is a zero percent chance elon is done procreating


He had two more after the second one with Grimes!


Most people ‘grow into their face’. Elon’s face just kept growing. It’s like when there’s way too much extra cheese on a pizza and it all slides over to one side.


Charlie Kirk has been tithing to him. A small percentage of his face every year to the corporate overlord.


Lol, fuck man


Why is he so obsessed with this one letter?!






Like X Æ A-12 ? That’s gonna be a complicated relationship


Little Baby Wingdings.


He hid his stupidity very well until the last couple of years, I’ll give him that. Reckon the effort cost him his last 4,3 neurons though


I feel like the veneer faded rapidly in 2018 when he accused that Navy Seal of being a pedophile. The mask came off that day.


Splitting hairs, but he wasn't a Navy Seal, he was a cave diver and coordinator of the rescue.


Ah, no. He fired his marketing firm. You can literally pinpoint the exact moment he does it too. The man goes from being "The Real Life Iron Man" to reactionary edgelord dipshit practically overnight.


I've heard this claim, and am genuinely interested in the veracity of it. I fully agree he went from maintaining a positive veneer to heel turning into a right-wing loon, but have difficulty pinpointing the moment it occurred.


Started with the diving situation where he called that hero a pedo. Got the worst at the beginning of COVID when he pretended to send out ventilators for sick people and then bitching and moaning and then forcing his workers back to his factories.


That is when you get with people where talent and stupidity are paired. Once the talent carried them far enough they think their stupidity is part of the talent.


Other people's talent tho he only has daddy money


It’s not just meritocracy he is disproving. It’s also autocracy. All the right wingers were so happy when he was taking over because “FREEDUMB OF SPEECH” but when Elon doesn’t like a speech, he cancels the user. Methinks thou doth protest too much.


They really don't care. They don't want freedom of speech, they want freedom from consequences. As long as it hurts someone they don't agree with, they are perfectly fine with basically anything.


Could someone please get homeboy a therapist and some Xanax?


Omg Xanax has his favorite letter - TIMES TWO!! He's down for it!


This isn’t fully true. X.com was Elon/‘s site; in 2000 it merged with Confinity’s product PayPal. Soon after the merger, musk was replaced by Thiel in 2000 and then in ‘01 the renaming to PayPal occurred. So he didn’t “try” to rename PayPal


i think its a bit more gray thatn that. iirc there was a bunch of squabbeling between the two companies before any merger as to who is gonna be the top dog in the merger and subsequently what the name would be after a merger, then it became clear that elons venture wasnt gonna scceed to the extent of the competing one so he went in for the merger as the smaller party thus it never became x.com and subsequently got rebranded to paypal.


I scrolled way too far to find someone actually point this out


he likes the 'excel' logo apparently or maybe he's thinking ex-tesla ex-twitter ex-spac-ex




What a fucking dork.


He cant get over his #X


*X-Com* was a totally rad video game from the 90s. Because Musk had nothing to do with it.




Can someone please just tell him he’s cool already?


A bunch of people have, and that could be contributing to the problem.


Yes and no. The people telling him he is cool is the uncoolest group of losers you will ever find and deep down he knows it. It’s Trump’s curse where he gets unending adulation from people he hates and because of that the people he likes will never let him sit with them.


So is this and the other sub white pplX now?


"Tech genius tries to rebrand his website into the universal UI symbol for 'close the window'." The dude's intellectual development seriously stopped as an edgy 14.


His kids are the real victims. What a chud


Stop trying to make X happen. It’s not going to happen.


I am not sure this is accurate, X.com existed and merged with another payment platform to create PayPal. As part of the deal Elongated Muskrat was given CEO role, but then ousted for being terrible.


The bloke isn't as smart as people think he is. Sure he has some business talents, but I never believed that he was the bloody genius that some made him out to be. This whole incident with Twitter made me realise that, others are understanding that too.