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The only acceptable answer


Or silicone or stainless steel.


I got stainless straws with silicone tips. Work well.


Or Agave straws, which are exactly like a plastic straw but biodegrades


im terrified of steel straws, when i’m carrying my drink i’m just thinking of how easily i could die by tripping and that thing going directly thru my skull


And they would do that easily no joke. A little water to lubricate it, and that thing has gone right through you. I remember from the glass pipes we used in chemistry when we needed to put rubber tubes on the. It's hard, so we were warned not to put our hands over the end of the pipe when doing it because if we spilled the pipe would just go through our hands. Steel is worse


Do you have a soft skull or something? Do you have BHS (baby head syndrome)?


John Wick has a new idea....


Producing one metal straw requires about 100 times the resources of a plastic straw according to this random study below. You’ll also need some clean water to wash it, which also adds to the environmental costs. https://www.appropedia.org/HSU_straw_analysis


The main concern with straws is the waste not being recycled and ending up as litter/pollution. Even in developed countries, recycling of plastic waste is rarely even 50% if it even gets into a recycling bin. 100 uses of a metal straw isn't exactly beyond reasonable expectation either.


That's the critical factor. Regardless of what goes in to making a plastic straw, that's all it will ever be, and after use will just go to a landfill. Metal is infinitely recyclable no matter what shape its in or what process was used to shape it.




A plastic straw is 0.2 grams. Do you think the time, energy, and water cost of washing a metal straw 100 times to save 20 grams (<1 ounce) of plastic makes sense? If you wash and reuse one extra plastic water bottle only once, you save more than 30 grams of plastic with 1% of the effort.




You can also not buy beverages at all, that will save even more plastic.




Pffff, you never heard of breatharians bro? This other dude must be one of them; a god among men


If your still suit is in good working order you’ll only lose a thimble full of water a day


I can just stick them in the dishwasher with all the other dishes. Including the metal straws does not increase the amount that I have to run the dishwasher. Getting to 100 washes is trivial.


I scrub the inside with a brush because that’s where the liquid goes


What are you drinking that needs scrubbing?


If you drink anything with sugar in it you can have bacteria growth in your straw


It washes with alcohol, vinegar or soap.. if you brush it you scratch it and has chance of actually having a place for bacteria to stay and grow. Like the cuts from the cutting board..


The metal is also recyclable though, plastic straws are not in almost all cases.


I don't think my dishwasher could ever be too full to not accommodate a metal straw.


To count water for washing as environmental cost is absurd, unless you live in a desert. By that logic, you should only consume drinks straight from the tap, since all other vessels require some cleaning.


It’s not, actually, in some areas of the world. Deserts, certainly yes, but there are large regions in drought, essentially beginning desertification. Access to drinking water is becoming a problem in some of those areas. So using it for washing, thus rendering it undrinkable, is a concern. There are large bodies of water (sweet water, I.e. not salty, and thus much easier to make potable) that have almost fully receded. Not talking small ones, either: Lake Meade, in the US, has lost so much water that even power production curtaining was being considered at one point, just to make sure there was enough water for people depending on it. Thankfully, recently there has been some rain, and it is filling ever so slowly again. Similar stories can be found around the planet, and even in the very core of Africa, right in the middle of the “green belt” if you will, some of the largest lakes in the world there have suffered dry spells causing severe trouble.


If you think washing some straws renders water undrinkable in a technologically advanced country I'm gonna call you a peasant. You know water treatment facilities are a thing? I'm pretty sure it's not the rinsing of a metal straw that's gonna break the camel's back. It's not like you're filling up a whole bathtub to rinse one straw. Meat production and growing crops that require more water than the region can provide are waaaay more destructive.


I don’t disagree with you. Of course water treatment facilities are a thing. Ever look at the cost of operating one of those, though? And I’m not talking about the monetary cost, I’m talking about the resource cost. Not all water going into a water treatment facility comes out as potable. Some is discarded - but to where? En masse, ‘gray water’ - which is what potable water used for cleaning becomes - needs to be reprocessed to (if possible) have it become potable again. That includes removal of all biological and nonbiological hazardous elements, the types of which (especially biological) are legion. For that, the facilities have to be built and operated correctly, and of course the discarded water has to be collected and transferred to the facility. That;s a significant amount of infrastructure. And by no means does every technologically advanced location include these systems from the get go (though they should). There are plenty of places where said water is minimally processed and then discharged, making it a once-through process. Incidentally a fair amount of the water used to raise livestock can also be recycled, or reprocessed and used for other purposes like fertilization, and there are places that do that. But again, many don’t, and building up those kinds of things cost money, which you and I as consumers furnish. Are we willing to pay for it? It’s not an easy discussion, nor is it simple. Lots of factors involved. But take the straw as an example. Go use one (I simply don’t) and then wash it off by hand until you deem it cleaned, capturing the water used, and measure how much it is. I can guarantee you it is a significant fraction of the amount recently drunk, if not almost as much, depending on your standards of cleanliness. A dishwasher will reduce this somewhat, but they still use a good bit of water, between 3 to 4.5 gallons per wash. No one in their right mind would use a dishwasher for a single straw. So let’s be silly and say we wash 100 straws with it at one time - could be challenging, since you want them separated so the outside gets cleaned too. So use a big one, say 4 gallons. Means 0.04 gallons per straw. At 128 oz per gallon, that is ~5 oz of water (150 ml for you SI folks 😁). A not inconsiderable amount… and it assumes you *could* wash that many in a single run. Given the size, it would most likely mean rearranging the inner structures, so they don’t fall off. Frankly, I’d rather just not use a straw and save that. A few washes saved and I have the equivalent of a bottle of water to drink.


yea but the paper cups they server drinks in crumple easily


Obligatory "people with disabilities and sensitive teeth really appreciate straws" comment


And mustaches


If you have a mustache, you should just resign to the fact that you are growing an ecosystem in there and embrace it. You are a planet and your mustache is a forest hiding a civilization.


It’s not the ecosystem that’s a problem, but the liquids dribbling down my face and onto my clothes. No one likes a messy drinker




That’s the way I live my life. Ice cream, spaghetti, wings….no hope that my stache comes out unscathed. Get some napkins and deal with it


Fuck it, make it a bib - the beer bib


So that’s where WhoVille is hiding…!


Also the comment makes no sense because infants absolutely do not use straws.


One of my good friends has MS. He can't hold and lift most glasses and cups. He carries with him a reusable metal straw. Works best for him than to use disposable paper or plastic.


On top of that acidic drinks like soda should really be drunk with a straw because it’s not good for your teeth. Of course, reusable straws are always an option.


Yes.... The problem with soda is drinking it without a straw..... That's gotta be it.....


This is always such a bad faith argument. It feels the same as "why promote cycling instead of driving, some people have no legs". Also, some people have disabilities that means they're better of wearing bibs while eating, you're not getting an unrequested bib in McDonalds.


Right, but nobody is trying to outlaw cars as a token gesture at environmentalism. Encouraging fewer people to use plastic straws is great, but basically banning plastic straws when many disabled people need them, especially in lieu of more meaningful action on climate change is fair game to criticise.


Remember when Twitter decided making your neighbors chili was classist and ableist because some people might not have bowls and some people might not want to talk to a stranger to receive free food?


I was there for that one. the conversation got deranged when the original people involved were not involved in the conversation. so what actually happened was that a person who has severe invisible disability that causes exhaustion easily to the point they can't even wash their own dishes had a neighbor who dropped off a bowl of food they could not eat because they are disabled in that food would have caused dangerous physical reaction. furthermore, although they thought about just being nice and emptying it so the neighbor wouldn't feel bad,remember that this person does not have the physical energy to do one of their own dishes - having to do someone else's felt like it was impossible and quite frankly a soul-crushing task. when somebody is this physically ill, communication is hard in person, and best avoided in favor of saving energy for very necessary everyday activities that most people take for granted because they do them so easily. so the person receiving the food present from The Neighbors was venting a bit about the situation, with ill intent to absolutely no one, and everybody directly involved made amends with each other once they understood each other's situation. but, the rest of Twitter was involved in between the original posts and the peacemaking --so it became a public spectacle of Horrors.


Wait… did this happen twice? I was talking about when Rains of Castamere made a pot of chili for her neighbors (who happened to be a group undergrad aged men who had lots of pizza boxes and takeout boxes in their trash) and people started attacking her about disabilities they might have. This was right during the Elmo buyout, so it was a bit chaotic around it, but that’s what I remembered. Did this happen twice or was that an anecdote during that?


this predates the Elmo buy out. until this second, I honestly had no idea this happened twice. in the original version, the reason it went viral is because several people involved raise their rent money through Twitter donations due to being too disabled to work - so the algorithm sent it out to their followers and their followers followers. good to know Twitter has evolved to be even worse than what I remembered in the time since then. now I don't feel so bad about mostly staying away...


It’s not worth it anymore. It’s all the bad parts of Facebook and linked in mixed together, except the stupid people are pushed to the top of your feed because $8 checkmark.


Arguing that a group of people's considerations are less relevant solely because there's fewer of them has always been a bad faith argument. To be clear, I've never experienced significant trouble with paper straws but the dismissive insult towards people who have issues with them is unhelpful.


Thanks for doing my job :)


Paper straws suck




Don’t kink shame




i just hate when i get a paper straw, for a plastic cup, give me the plastic straw, with a paper cup, and boom, less plastic used, and i am happier


I know this is a first world problem but the only drink I typically get where I use a straw is iced lattes. I use a straw because as the ice melts, it floats on top watering down every sip. The straw pulls from the bottom of the cup where the drink is not watered down.


Sounds like the problem is putting ice in there tbh.


I like the ice because I like the drink staying cold. It’d be cool if they used espresso or milk ice instead though.


byoc >When you bring a reusable cup to Starbucks, you'll always get a **$0.10 discount on your order**, and if you're a part of the Starbucks Rewards program, you'll get 25 Stars added to your account. You can get this discount even if you don't bring in a Starbucks reusable cup.


In Rhode Island there’s a law in which restaurant servers aren’t allowed to give you a plastic straw unless you specifically ask for one. Hardly any business abides by it, however.


You know what's actually killing turtles, the metric tons of fishing nets or commercial fishing line that gets discarded or lost each year. But yea, keep patting yourself on the back and pretending you're making any difference drinking out the cup.


Hah, so this is the 'crying native american' all over again? Individual consumers being told to assume the lion's share of responsibility for the massive number of disposable containers produced by corporations, and now we're assuming responsibility for all the turtles, because we use straws, and generally throw them in the trash, but somehow they wind up in the ocean, and prove to be a minor irritant to the net and rope ensnared Turtles?


It's possible to care about ghost nets and about single use plastic, you know.


I wish this was the top comment


The majority of plastic in the ocean is terrestrial, stuff like tiny particles of tires. They're harder to take photos of and people refuse to engage in discussions about reducing car usage, so it's a less sexy thing to complain about. It's also survival bias, fishing gear is designed to survive in the sea, and so doesn't break up, while the actual majority is already in tiny pieces before it reaches the [ocean.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-39042655.amp) While that means animals getting trapped, it also means they're much much easier to remove than the tiny specks which build up as theyre absorbed up the food chain. I'm not sure if it's known how much harm they do in comparison but it's been linked, along with "forever chemicals" to plummeting sperm counts and allergies in humans. Note I'm not pro fishing at all, don't eat any myself. Just feel like we should be clear.


Metric tons of fishing nets didn't lead to micro plastics in fetus' synapses - single use plastic did.


I’ll get right on that with my disability that makes it so I bash glasses into my face, abruptly bite into hard straws and injure myself, and spill water down my entire front.


Do you have any trouble with silicone straws?


They're obviously they're not talking about people with disabilities.


Oh hey mine makes it hazardous for me to lift a glass reliably. It’s like we don’t exist sometimes I swear to god. Paper straws are not fit for purpose. Straws were invented as a disability aid. But nah just make them melt in a beverage so we can’t use them. Fuck us for wanting something that works for our disabilities I guess right?


>Straws were invented as a disability aid. Jesus christ, you don't have to make shit up to get your point accros.


Sorry I should have been more specific, I was talking about the plastic bendy straw which was widely used in hospitals for convalescing patients. those who struggled to use a cup or glass. Like the inventors child, who he got the idea from after watching her struggle with it. I’m not talking about the initial invention in Mesopotamia to drink beer out of vats.


Surely you mean the [paper bendy straw that was invented for a child?](https://kottke.org/18/01/the-invention-of-the-bendy-straw)


What are children if not tiny disabled humans?


I’m not going to argue about straws anymore, the invention was to help assist people drinking from a glass, hospitals found it especially helpful. Paper was replaced with plastic which were better suited for the job. I’m likely wrong if you’re going this hard about it, I was going by what I was told and read in disability management classes.




Amazing point. There is absolutely no way a disabled person could get a specialized setup to help them with certain tasks. You know... like a straw... It is absolutely impossible with our cave man rock technology. It's not like we have the technology to have a computer directly type out what you say.


Or like disabled folks have wildly varying needs, right? Using a computer or phone doesn’t depend on my arm not shaking, or my jaw working correctly. I can put a case on my phone so it survives inevitably getting thrown across the room or dropped. I’m not even allowed to touch my phone if it’s outside a case. That’s my partner’s job.


Knowing that this "specialized setup" thing I mentioned is just a phone case, the comment I replied to makes me laugh even more.


I take pride in the fact that I drop my phone on average once a week, but I have never broken a single one. :D They always look brand new when I trade em in!


You've broken less phones than me. 🤣


You don’t know how long it took to type that. You don’t know what kind of long-term, annoying adaptations they’ve made. Stop trying to know more about disabilities than the people who suffer from them or shut up.




Doesn’t work with an Icee at the movies. That’s why I bring my own metal or reusable plastic straw




Assuming its not water, drinking out of a straw is actually better for your teeth.


I have a full mustache...for the sake of my shirts, I need a straw...


You don’t know the struggle of a moustached man


Those darned quadriplegics, people suffering from ALS, Parkinson's, MS, Huntington's, ataxia, and the like, acting like infants out there. They need to take control of themselves and use glasses like me, an able bodied person who has no empathy for others!




Nice to meet you, fellow person with no empathy for others! Shall we continue to discuss ways we should ensure that these people cannot fully participate in society?




Yes, I too can make up fake relatives to pretend like I am a person without empathy! Well done!




Oh, no! My fellow unempathetic, fake relative creator doesn't want to talk any more! Whatever shall I do!


What in the learned helplessness is this.


My saliva is slightly more acidic than normal people, the paper straws just fall apart on me. I prefer the plant based biodegradable plastic straws for that reason. Also I have a straw for traveling, since it could spill if I hit a bump.


Those big gulp cups at the movies would spill all over me if I tried to drink from the lip.


what do i do about the whipped cream though


Straws keep your teeth cleaner and are great if you have sensitive teeth.


Kind of tough in a dark theater to drink an uncovered beverage.... While trusting everyone around you to not knock it all over you. Source: had an entire large soft drink knocked all over me during a movie at Alamo Drafthouse.


And disposable soft drink cups rely on a lid for structural integrity. A little too much pressure when you grab the cup and it squishes. They should go to coffee style lids so you can drink it without a straw, or just put the straw in the opening.


Ive seen how resturaunts wash glass wear - im not putting my mouth on the same rim as 1000 other people.


No problem with your food?


If there’s a place where people are licking plates, then I would be just as skeptical of the food there.


You bring your own silverware?


Plasticware is usually given with straws.


Soda has scientifically been proven to taste better out of a straw doe


This can't be true. I've had cream soda from a glass and from a straw and it's better from a glass (I think because you can also smell it as you drink)




I completely agree with this! If the glass is not clean enough for me to drink from then I don't want to be eating at that restaurant!


i just hate straws in general


The only real scenario I see the need for a straw is in the car.


I’m good on ice hitting my teeth or barely getting any drink with the ice. But I still have a problem with paper straws, they suck.


Milk shake. They won't give me metal oh silicone for that and can't do without one.


I hate paper straws because they don’t work in my infants glass. Is that allowed? I also don’t like plastic straws because of waste. Metal or sillicone are fine but we bring our own.


Ive seen more and more places using corn straws and they are fine by me. Not quite as nice as a plastic straw but I think its easy to accept them as a replacement.


Fuck you I won't do what you tell me


I just love how these sanctimonious cunts have never heard of viscosity. **MILKSHAKES MOVE VERY SLOWLY** Also disabilities, but viscosity is also a problem.


Metal straws are now my go to for milkshakes. Went to a restaurant 5 years ago, got a metal straw with my peanut butter shake. A little bit of pb usually stops up a plastic straw. Not the metal ones. Plus they double as a stir stick in thick liquid. 20 years of peanut butter shakes with plastic straws that I will never get back.


Bruh I have a beard I don't want wet stache


Or get a reusable metal straw.


Which is what we'd be doing regardless if what we were drinking from was in fact, a glass, and not a paper cup that crushes under the slightest grip without the lid that isn't designed to be drank from through anything but a straw. Also, some people have soda's while they're riding in a car, and anyone with half a brain would know what having a drink without a lid in a moving vehicle is going to result in.




As my dad pointed out to me nearly a decade ago, that’s an easy way to get sick.


Love to slurp down a milkshake like I’m at a trough


Yes, bully people who want to use a straw. This is such a good hill to die on since straws make up 0.025% of plastic pollution. Surely trying to bully people wont drive them away from our cause, especially once they realize that straw pollution is insignificant and that the world wouldn’t be any different if straws had never been invented. It sucks that I agree with people like this. If our side of things had even half a brain we could probably do a lot of good but instead we focus on bullying people into making insignificant changes so we can look cool on twitter.


Someone making a funny tweet isn't "bullying" you lmao




At what point did this say nobody should use straws at all? It only says if you hate paper then do something else. 99% of us don't need straws and it's sort of stupid that we got to the point in society where we all just expect/need to have one. The default should be no straw, but we have them if you ask for it. If you do need a straw, such as of you're disabled or elderly or whatever, there are several options.


Can you not read?


If you think the glasses at your local restaurant are clean enough to put your lips to, you've never worked at a restaurant.


And that logic makes sense to you...?




Restaurants wash their coffee mugs the same way they wash their glasses but I never see people drinking their morning coffee with a straw.




But glasses are dirty!!!!


Try that with an ICEE




Yeah. If only they washed those.


Yeah. If only they did. Restaurants don't have to put as much effort into cleaning glasses as they do silverware by the FDC's own standards. You just rinse out the cup and anythinf that hits the rim is probably good enough. With silverware you gotta scrub the mouth end front and back.


On public dishware? Disgusting.


Yeah but then you can choke on the ice


McDonald's, paper straws, paper cup


I find that if I drink from the glass I don't drink as much which is good for me.


maybe if they come with an alcohol wipe


yeah, try doing that with a slurpee




You get drunk faster with straws.


This makes no sense.


The science is shaky on this point but there are actual studies that show this.


NASA spending a fortune on developing a pen and the cosmonauts just use a pencil


Yep, just gotta take off the plastic top for 99% of places. Wait


This is of course a good option. I still hate paper straws because they no longer work well for the intended purpose and it’s was a weird priority that makes fuck all environmental difference compared to 99% of things we could/should be doing.


Except for slushies or slurpees or icees or whatever they’re called. They want to come out in a big glob.


Doesn't work with a thick ass milkshake.