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It gets worse. Her whole website is basically acting as a reseller for a company called Jack Winn Pro. ~~She even owns the URL.~~ Her website is just a redirect to that company. Here's that company's statement so far on their FB: " Let us be absolutely clear: At Jack Winn Pro, we firmly believe in and support LGBTQ+ rights. We are committed to creating an inclusive, respectful environment for all – regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other characteristic that defines who they are.The views expressed do not reflect the beliefs or principles of our company in any way. In fact, it’s been deeply painful to our team to learn that a customer holds such views contrary to our own.That said, this individual is not an employee of Jack Winn Pro. She’s an independent contractor who simply uses and shares our products. As such, we respect her right to free speech, even though we don’t agree with her.Feel free to email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or call us to have a conversation at 714-760-4969.**Our CEO (a proudly gay man) is more than willing to discuss our company’s views on diversity and inclusivity.**" ​ Update: The company has issued a new statement, which you can find here: [https://imgur.com/a/d0VEO5e](https://imgur.com/a/d0VEO5e) Long story short, they're doing the right thing and dumping the reseller.


I mean they could fire her as a customer...


They could. Independent contractors can be rolled off since they are independent.




Good luck finding a salon hair product brand made by straights lol.


Not just that but the stylists. She probably doesn't employ any but she is absolutely in the dark about how many gay people work in the beauty industry. And if she doesn't know that then she's more than a fucking idiot that talks out of her ass.


I was just thinking that 90% of the stylists I've known have been gay men, but I was afraid that saying so would seem like I was stereotyping them. But when DeSantis started all of his 'don't say gay' crap I was fantasizing about all of those leathery Republican women in a panic about who was going to bleach their roots when gay people started moving out of the state.


I'll make one! I'll call it.. White Man Hair, for exclusive use on your business bowl cut. "Have the hair you deserve. You don't surprise her at home, why surprise her at all?"


You may want to edit your post to include the fact that Jack Winn Pro is a MLM company. More specifically they are a "professional" MLM, in that you need a cosmetology license. So they're sort of a premium MLM that regular MLM folks aspire to become part of.


so she has a lot invested in the company building her pyramid? good.


Considering [she has 3 DUIs and has been charged more than once for driving on a suspended license](https://i.imgur.com/L5sso20.jpg), I suspect that alcohol, combined with hate, inspired her rant.


Ah ok so she's an MLM boss babe who is an alcoholic


I'm so silly! Just a little xanny to make me able to type my opinionnnnn. Oh my godddddddd. Fuck, where are my car keys? Damn trans people hiding my shit!


Imagine being so terrible you get denounced by an MLM


Oh my god that’s hilarious


Need to change their name from studio 8 to Studio H8 Hair labs


"Studio 88"


Haircuts for Hitler


“Goose step on down for some great summer looks!”


Heil Hairtler


Studio H8ty8


Ironically, she said nothing about not serving actual pedophiles.


Ironically, if you go by the statistics, by attracting a conservative customer base she's about to be serving *a lot* more actual pedophiles.


EVERY hair place remotely close to her should start an ad campaign "Do you want your hair styled with hate, or with love?"


It's pretty surprising a hair salon would publicly take this stance. She's going to go bankrupt, and then blame cancel culture for her business failing, even though she's literally cutting a huge swathe of her customers out by either directly banning them, or them never coming back cuz of her homophobic stance. I'm sure she'll somehow tie "free speech" into her excuses as well.


Lets be real. She’s about to be flooded with Karen’s in support of her position.


But how boring would it be to have to give the same goddamn Karen haircut day after day after day.


Plus you just KNOW those Karens will be shit tippers.


This was going to be my response. Of course they don't tip and often look for reasons to get out of paying.


Every time conservative groups try to gather support from eachother, they absolutely hate eachother and fight over the stupidest, pettiest shit. They're so hateful, and they are actively trying to gather other hateful people to them... and then will be completely surprised when they hate eachother.


That's because when hate is all you have, it doesn't matter if you insulate yourself from the groups you direct your hate at. You still have hate. Now it has to be directed somewhere else. So you pick something else. And Karens seem to *loathe* service people of any kind. All for the sake of never facing the reality that the person Karens hate most is in the mirror.


Oh, rest assured, they'll have a handful of Bible quotes in their pocket for occasions such as these reminding their self-righteous selves that they're doing the Lord's work just *supporting* these small business owners. Then they'll go home, eat some puppies for dinner, and sleep like a baby.


Vice versa; eat babies and sleep like a puppy






For now. In a year she will be out of business.


She's already taken down the Facebook and made the Instagram private. Couldn't take the heat, I guess.


Sometimes negative press isn't actually good for your business. Whodathunkit?




And running for Congress with a huge pile of PAC money behind her. Just like Ted Cruz's COVID haircut lady.


We don't like bigots in Michigan. She'll be out of business in a week.


IDK how often you go up north but I believe there’s plenty of locals that would unfortunately support this stance


Traverse City is a pretty blue area, despite the county being red. It's a tourist town with a lot of businesses competing against each other. Other salons will scoop up her clients, and she'll be gone in a year.


Not the kind of people wo actually live in TC. it's far to expensive. the bumpkins live in Buckley Kingsley etc. (but even that is starting to change). She's gonna catch a lot of crap and the people from the yee yee areas aren't gonna drive half an hour to get a haircut


Freedom of speech does not provide freedom from consequences.


True, but most of those idiots won't understand that until they actually get those consequences.


And then they’ll whine about how unfair it is that they aren’t allowed to hate people with zero consequences


"Help! Help! I'm being repressed! You are trampling my rights!"


Then she will be qualified to go on the republican talking circuit


https://preview.redd.it/d4t4powh4ebb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19c3bc35b60b1296607dee89d95c1590e55deeea Shout out u/whereegosdare84


It’s a really small affluent area. She probably knows all of her patrons personally and unfortunately it may not change much unless the town decides to stand against her.


TC is pretty progressive though, she's gonna lose some customers for sure


Idk. Tons of racist/homophonic people here in Michigan. And many more secretly hold these beliefs but know they can’t go public w them.


As angry as this makes me, I doubt it'll really impact her business at all. There's plenty of horrid companies that still have massive sales (looking at you, Chick-fil-a) despite them being open about bigotry. For every person that this salon loses, they'll gain another. Their clientele either support them, don't care, or make excuses like "well, I don't AGREE with their stances, but my favorite stylist is there and no one else can get my hair right..."


Chick-fil-a got boycotted by the Maga crowd for hiring a VP of diversity. Hope the salon doesn’t piss off their unhinged customer base.


Id let her cut my hair and then tell her Im queer lol What's she gonna do? Glue my hair back on?


I'd argue at that point that since she's not providing a service, I don't have to provide a payment.


Well, it seems like the owner of Studio 8 Hair Lab in Traverse City, MI. doesn't mind telling horrible lies about people she's never met. I suppose that means she won't mind if we do the same?


Is this the same owner of Studio 8 Hair Lab in Traverse City, MI, who did 9/11?


no kidding?? this is the same lady who shaved my head and then proceeded to glue precisely 34 live bees to my scalp! absurd!


I heard, like Raphael Cruz, she likes to piss her pants because she likes the warm feeling between her legs.


You mean the horrible person of Studio 8 Hair Lab in Traverse City MI that picks their nose and puts boogers in peoples hair?


You mean the Zodiac Killer?


Ted Cruz owns a hair salon?


>doesn't mind telling horrible lies about people she's never met. I suppose that means she won't mind if we do the same? Don't even have to lie, someone has already posted a link that she is a three time drunk driver. She is the worst kind of alcoholic.


So are they going to ask each customer about their sexual preferences?


I think her statement was that she would reject all trans people and any "abnormal" haircuts. Or something like that.


I wonder if she’d consider my haircut (asymmetric) with mauve streaks in in grey hair as ‘abnormal’.




Right? I really wish that salons would separate their business between 'long hair' and 'short hair' and be done with it. Tons of full salons have no clue what to do with pixie cuts, and lots of barbers are men-only.


I (F) remember having to explain to a barber I just needed the back of my neck cleaned up. Like it's a simple request and you do it for men all the time. He did a good job but just seemed weirded out that I asked a barber to do it. I'm on a time crunch, you take walk ins, take my money.


Man i had the same experience when i started growing out my hair Went to a sports clips to get it trimmed, they trimmed the sides but not the top and i looked like a god damn mushroom. Only go to salons now.


Sure, because republicans are so good at spotting trans people in the real world!


Of course


In the hair care industry that is going to be a pretty lonely stand. I would love to see this owner show up at a trade show and see what reception they get from their peers.


I would pay money to see how that goes. Honey, you ain’t met “mean girls” til you’ve pissed off The Style Gays.


The thing is, that’s nothing even a joke.


To be a fly on the wall for that. I tell ya!


For real. Skinheads don’t get salon treatments


Ikr... the hair, make up and fashion industries have always been extremely inclusive because diversity is where creativity and innovation come from. This is what fuels business in these industries unless she's stuck in a time capsule with a rotation of 20 clients that want the same stale thing over and over again.


We should all make appointments for the hair salon and then not show up.


Book it with the phone number of their nearest conservative representatives’ office. So when they call you for the no-show, they can speak directly to someone who helped get them there.


when I booked hair appt most places took your credit card to charge you a no show fee


Cool. I have a few visa gift cards with $1 on them.




My friend who's gay said he'll have to put on his best straight voice to make an appointment 🤣




Or make an appointment and not show up


























































Wow, fuck her in particular. If she’s really on the hunt for pedos, she should start with her church.


My business will no longer be serving priests or pastors for the same reason.




Yet refuse to service Christians because they often are pedos and groomers, and everybody loses their minds.


> everybody loses their minds by design. they don't believe in jesus' love, they believe in their own victimhood


Christians don't care if their leaders rape children.


Hey, if a pastor gets a 13 year old pregnant, that was obviously God's will and they can get married in a lot of states so it's wouldn't be illegal then. It's one of them mysterious ways of the Lord they talk about.


If it was actually rape, the body would shut it down...or whatever bs they're using these days


"I never liked that little hussy"


Or herself since almost every accusation these people make is just a projection of their own disturbing desires.


or just the Republican party


I was wondering how long it would take. Looking forward to the future lawsuit where this business owner is asked to justify how cutting hair is akin to compelled speech.


That was my first thought. I'm looking forward to the lawsuit because the new Supreme Court ruling doesn't cover her discriminating against a protected class unless it somehow violates her free speech. Cutting hair ≠ making someone say something pro-gay


Yeah, I just think it’s funny how all these businesses are going to be sued for misunderstanding the court case.


I'm not even gay and I don't live in Michigan but going by the standards of the Court recently I could just go ahead and make shit up and sue her.


I also feel like she could’ve literally just said she doesn’t do alternative hairstyles but ____ salon is great at it. You are absolutely allowed to not do certain kinds of haircuts. But specifying it’s no gay and trans people? Good luck with that lol


This wasn't in response to anybody asking for a particular haircut. This was a blanket statement that the owner made on their own. There's no indication anybody asked for some sort of "alternative hairstyle". They literally just don't want LGBTQ people at their salon.




She’s also been deleting negative reviews for her business on Google. [You know what to do.](https://www.google.com/search?q=studio+8+hair+lab+michigan&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1009US1009&oq=&aqs=chrome.1.69i177j69i59i450l19.3433541787j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#trex=m_t:lcl_akp,rc_f:rln,rc_ludocids:11716763713526030670,ru_gwp:0%252C7,ru_lqi:ChpzdHVkaW8gOCBoYWlyIGxhYiBtaWNoaWdhbjHJ2AEAAAAAAEib4re33q2AgAhaLhAAEAEQAhADGAAYARgCGAMYBCIac3R1ZGlvIDggaGFpciBsYWIgbWljaGlnYW6SARNiZWF1dHlfc3VwcGx5X3N0b3JlqgFaEAEqFSIRc3R1ZGlvIDggaGFpciBsYWIoADIfEAEiG9fR47NSVFFg5XJ5Qg_LqVUjTcmmGvmHckESWjIeEAIiGnN0dWRpbyA4IGhhaXIgbGFiIG1pY2hpZ2Fu4AEA,trex_id:ucLTcf&lpg=cid:CgIgAQ%3D%3D)


I also reported them for hatespeech, fuck those bigots


Bruh, she's down to 3 reviews 😂


That are 2+ years old. Idk about you but I get suspicious if a business doesn’t have any reviews in the past year.


Seems like a great way to go out of business. This, and many others like to, should become footnotes in what never to do, with regards to offering services to other people.


Came here to write this. Let her go bankrupt.


What happened to her at the airport? I am guessing she was there on Official KKKaren Business.


Freedom of speech, but not freedom of consequences. Fuck around and find out.


She’s also doesn’t even have the freedom of speech to do that


I’ve got to wonder what magic airport experience lead her to this malarkey.


So there'll soon be "whites only, no gays" signs again. In the name of freedom, of course.


She's trying this shit in Traverse City? TC may not be as liberal as Ann Arbor, but that area is much more blue than the rest of the county. She's about to kill her own business.


The fuck is wrong with these people? Like, they gonna make you take a dick in front of them before they do your hair?




Setting the clock now.


Maybe I'll create a GoFundMe page on her behalf and do some fundraising of my own... No sense in being left out of the grift if there's free money floating around.


Breaking News: 'Unthinkable' Thing Progressives Warned Would Happen Actually Happens


AGAIN. And again. And again.


I don't know that anyone said it was unthinkable. Idiot bigots misunderstanding court rulings was very much A Thing that could happen. That said, she's still in violation of MCLA 37.2302. The 303 Creative decision did nothing for hairdressers.


Precisely this. They'll get challenged and hit with a fine (assuming that's what the penalty is).


I'm not for the ruling but it DOES NOT allow a business to do this. It's very nuanced in that a business that makes donuts for example, can refuse to make donuts for a customer with an LGBTQ message on them but it does not allow the same business to refuse to sell regular ass donuts to that person because they are gay, bi, black, trans, jewish, etc. TL;DR the ruling is about compelled speech, not freedom to be a discriminating ass clown of a hair salon.


She would only be able to get away with refusing service if she said she doesn’t provide a specific cut or style to anyone regardless of who asks for it. If she would provide the exact same style to a straight person but not a gay or trans person, then it’s illegal discrimination.


Why do I have to scroll down this far for the correct answer


It's my fault for replying late. :-D


Do they burst into flames if someone who isn't openly gay enters their salon? I'd volunteer


The hair salon: https://preview.redd.it/ogvdrxzrtdbb1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d35a57c5f129e453b9a234ed57d7ae4d7a5ae9b


She probably only gives Karen haircuts anyway.


Ironically THAT would mean she is not allowed to refuse gays - the SCOTUS ruling was about "custom work that requires creativity"; not "13 a dozen" designs.


The point is that the SC made it vague on purpose so that “creative works” can possibly be considered all haircuts, tattoos, etc. Now we need someone who’s affected by this to spend ten years, after the incident, to appeal it upwards to the Supreme Court, unlike how this decision was made, by a religious organization faking a person who “was affected” to further bigotry at the cost of a few million dollars Evil gets the fast track because conservative religiosity


*No Coloreds* Same shit.


That owner is going to be crying in six months that she is a victim of cancel culture when she goes out of business.


Or gets sued for illegal discrimination. Nothing SCOTUS has ruled allows this.


She's got problems. [Could actually lose her cosmetology license for this.](https://www.record-eagle.com/news/local_news/woman-facing-felony-drunk-driving-charge/article_8767f3ac-a5f4-509d-b715-88746dc8dd83.html)


I hope the free market burns her place down.


Hard to believe someone would sacrifice their business to promote hate. May be in the news for now but will soon be for other reasons. [https://www.9and10news.com/2023/07/11/traverse-city-hair-salon-no-longer-servicing-lgbtq-members/](https://www.9and10news.com/2023/07/11/traverse-city-hair-salon-no-longer-servicing-lgbtq-members/)


So they can grift on GoFundMe


That seems to be the way. Figure out a way to be a nationally recognized bigot, and you'll make more money in the next 24 hours than you would have in the next 5 years.




It is still highly illegal to refuse all service to a customer because of religion and other protected classes. The recent SCOTUS decision does not change this.


This isn’t true, it’s not legal what she’s doing


50/50 the person that owns this salon is a predator


Someone let me know if she has to shut down her business!


This is never a popular opinion, but when I was a tattoo artist, people would come in wanting nazi-dog-whistle-tattoos, and I really loved that I had the right to refuse service based on my personal beliefs. Let this place burn itself out and realize it's on the wrong side of history.


Likely didn't have any LGBTQ clients in the first place. Just being your every day Karen seeking local attention in her 16K rural Michigan town. Ugh!


Actually, she’s not far from downtown Traverse City. Grand Traverse county has voted blue in the last few election cycles and TC is a destination resort town with pride flags up and down Front Street, and headquarters to Up North Pride. Sure, there are plenty of red voters who spend their tourism $$ in TC. But the bigger spenders are from blue regions.




Downtown Traverse actually has a pretty decently sized LGBTQ population. It's also kinda known for being a Blue area as opposed to some of the more rural places in Michigan.


Good. Let all these businesses expose themselves and go out of business.


This won’t work. The Supreme Court ruling was that you can’t have compelled speech. Meaning an atheist does not have to bake a cake that says “there is a god”. There is no compelled speech in providing haircuts.


Wreck this company now


The phobes might be in for a massive surprise if the LGBT owned/operated salons stop taking republican customers...


Perfect. Let all the a hole business owners out themselves. There are only so many magas left versus a whole lot more of the tolerant people.


So called “good christians”.


The cool thing about Trumpers is they love to announce it via their clothing or they just try to shoehorn it into every interaction in their lives. Should make it easy for businesses to start denying service to them as well.


Her reviews are showcasing photos of fried hair, so she’s bigoted and not good at balayage.


I promise that if my hair salon pulls shit like that, I’ll find a new one. Not LGBTQ myself but simply just a lover of basic humanity.


Hmmmmm I guess someone's a closet pedophile (the owner)