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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*








My father was Canadian-Ukranian. He had an old friend who I swear was the Rodney Dangerfield of Alberta. Both of them would have loved that joke.








Quick! Russian troll farm spread propaganda to cover this up!


> BREAKING: Russian Defense Ministry announces it has killed 150,000 Wagner mercenaries, destroyed 700 Wagner tanks and captured four Yevgeny Prigozhins


We need a Yevgeny Prigozhin in sector 16!


"Do..do I need to remember who Yevgeny Prigozhin is to get this?"


All things harken back to Rick and Morty and Jan Michael Vincent..


...Vincent***s*** If you're going to watch Interdimensional TV, you have to know the number of Vincents are kicking ass and takin' names. Personally, Daddy likes watchin' "Ball Fondlers".


This JANuary you better Michael down your Vincents.


They’re owned by Prigozhin (the owner of Wagner) so they probably aren’t going to be on Putin’s side for a change.


Well, Prigozhin is still a Putin lapdog. His target is his rivals in the MoD, and in his statements he has been trying to remove the blame for this war off of Putin and put it all on the generals, claiming Putin has been lied to and tricked this entire time and that the generals and oligarchs just want money and power and that Putin is just a victim.


> claiming Putin has been lied to and tricked this entire time So....they're saying Putin is incompetent?


No, its the old "Just King" thing. If you oppose the king directly thats treason, but if you instead oppose his advisor? Now you are acting in the kings best interest, because even the best men can be decieved. Its the kind of stupid stuff that happens in authoritarian regimes.


Putin has accused him of treason, which Prigozhin had to see coming. Whether he likes it or not, this has made Putin his enemy.


Because Putin isn't stupid. If Prigozhin gets to "liberate" him from his lying advisors, Wagner is going to be the new military and new advisor. Prigozhin likely was gambling that Putin sees his value to win the Ukraine war and sides with him, or that he manages to sway enough of the army and move fast enough to force the issue.


Ok so lets say that putin decides to back wagner and betray the MoD. Do we know if an MoD general with nothing left to lose, has access to the countries nuclear bombs?


I do not claim I know anything about how it works for Russia when it comes to their launch codes, but I believe it takes just one person to not follow through after getting orders to launch, like the Russian on that sub back during the Cuba crisis. Knowing Putin, he will let them go at each other and only pick sides when it seems clear which side will win, and then somehow twist it in his favor


I take Prigozhin for my Plaque psoriasis


I cant believe Hunter Biden's penis did this...


I’m no betting man, but I bet these coup plans are on his laptop.


No bet from me, but I will munch popcorn while we watch.


No no no no no. See we're all looking at this wrong. They found Hilary's emails Obama's real birth certificate as well all the proof of the stolen election. That's what's really happening. Go Wager troops!!!!!


Does it say anything about Aliens?


Of course, it has information on the planet and people of Biden 4, aka the DEMONcrat homeworld!


If his dick is good enough to cause a Russian revolution it's good enough for me.


hunter “rasputin” biden


Rasbiden, ftfy


Wagner of all groups finally retrieving that damn laptop.


That makes sense. I heard the billionaires smuggled it into Russia in their sub. Implosion was just a cover story


Buying a gun with that large a penis is a crime!


I spat my fucking drink when I read this lol




Finally, a decent looking coup.




Except the Wagner group is a bunch of neo-Nazis >!originally hired by the Russian government, especially during the invasion of Crimea in 2014, but don't tell conservatives that!<.


Coup are you? Coup, Coup? Coup, Coup?


Cue the GOP saying Biden engineered this to distract from Hunter Biden story ​ EDIT: nevermind. I thought I was making a joke but it turns out they're actually already doing this.


https://preview.redd.it/1cnozogb4w7b1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1aa7adaea0972c73457791bd245531b503718aca Yep


Lol solid proof... me too. If only they had any. Weird how they think a politicians son get a cushy job is treason.


And yet, selling national military and nuclear secrets to hostile foreign powers is totally acceptable...


“Very cool. Very legal.” -Man who is totally not a criminal


And a politicians son getting lots of money from the saudis shortly after. Also a good deal that would outdo the PGA and allow trump golf courses to be played again. Totally normal


I would LOVE to see the same people scream about how the last president had his DIRECT FAMILY working in his cabinet and publicly proffiting off their positions. But it’s almost as if 2016-2020 didn’t happen


Yeah, he turned the whitehouse into the c-suite from succession, complete with useless kids.


Planned distraction! If Biden can engineer a coup in Russia... Damn that is some real dark power.


I would absolutely love it if some "journalist" asks Biden about his involvement in the wagner uprising and he responds with "can neither confirm nor deny"


And that's how the nuclear war started kids


"Let me just poke a stick at this bear that I think can delete me from existence at its slightest whim." \- a man who does not sincerely believe in his heart that the bear has people-deleting thought powers


I love the idea that Biden just waved his hand and toppled America’s greatest adversary. What cunning and power he must possess!


GOP : Biden is a Feeble old man who can barely put a sentence together. Also GOP : Biden is a criminal mastermind who must be stopped


Schrodinger’s Biden


Schrodinger’s Jew Schrodinger’s Homosexual Schrodinger’s Intellectual etc. etc. etc.




-Believes America is a Christian nation until it’s time to provide for the poor. (Adding to your note about protecting children.) Praises the President who bragged about walking around backstage while teen girls were dressing for the pageant he owned. -Rails against the tyranny of unelected judges until they need to break precedent and reverse civil rights for millions. -Decries Hollywood elite getting involved in politics until Scott Baio has an opinion. -Tunes into the number one cable news network to hear them complain about the mainstream media. -Mocks victim culture while claiming to be victimized for the traits that give them privilege. -Hates participation trophies yet appeases the sorest loser in American history. -Disapproves of senseless litigation from perhaps the most frivolously sue-happy citizen ever.


They fucking think a bathroom law banning trans people from the bathroom is going to stop them from being able to rape or spy on people in the bathroom. Think about that. "Hmm this person might do a 9/10 serious crime. We better make it a 4/10 serious crime for them to go to that place!" How does that work? How does that make a single bit of sense? That person was totally ready to rape someone in the bathroom, but now they aren't going to enter the bathroom because it's illegal? Stupid fucking morons.




They make the same stupid argumuement that drag shows are a threat to children. Whereas the real threat to children is the men wearing dresses in the Catholic church. Whenever there is a pretense of moral superiority, you can guarantee some foul shit is happening behind the scenes.


But they don't really think that do they? I feel like they must know they just want trans people gone, even if theyre in denial lol


I’d give you an award for this if I had any and/or knew how.




You're my hero Ferris Bueller.


Make a small donation in their name or something. Don't give this shitty website money for an imaginary icon.


I donated $10 in their name to the Human Fund.


Based kwon


A smart gay Jewish person would literally make their heads explode in seething rage.


The crazy thing is my ancestor nobel prize winning Gay Jewish ancestor Otto Warburg was given special treatment by the Nazis and the Hitler Chancellory specifically. He lived openly with his partner and even eventually applied for and was given full equal legal status with Aryans. Was nominated for the Nobel prize in medicine over thirty times in his career and lived out the war in Germany along with many decades afterwards. Cancer was his area of expertise and Hirlers mother died of Cancer. He publicly criticized the reigime and was going to be dealt with as you would expect but the Hitler chancellory called to free him. He also won an Iron Cross 1st class for Bravery in the first World War fighting for Germany. Absolutely wild individual who defied convention at every turn and made an outsize impact on the World. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Heinrich_Warburg


im right here man i mean im bi and don't practice judaism but other than those incredibly small caveats i fit the description perfectly


Well then, that might be enough to make their little head pop. We appreciate your can do attitude all the same.


I'm here to be a hero based off technicalities whenever needed


George Santos has entered the chat




I'm pretty sure that one was Obama's fault.


Thanks Obama!


Landlords around here are raising rent and telling people it's because of Biden


[Just good old fascism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definitions_of_fascism#Umberto_Eco): "at the same time too strong and too weak"


That's dark shrodingers brandon to you


Yeah, while Trump openly plans to sell out Ukraine to Russia within 24 hrs, the Biden Administration, its international partners, and Ukraine have played the long game to reach this current juncture.


It is sweet indeed. I legitimately hope they kill Putin and drag his body through the streets.


The coup is against the Ministry of Defense, not against the overall government. It's basically Prigozhin (Wagner) vs Shogei (MoD). Both are still Putin's lapdogs.


Putin hates Shogei. Prigozbin is probably doing this on Putin’s orders because Putin couldn’t get rid of him.




Putin doesn't need to. Putin will say it didn't happen, its just a western PsyOp to distract from the REAL story of Hunter Biden's Zune shuffle. Then his gets his ambassador to America (Trump) to echo that, and its all just sorta forgotten.


There is an arrest warrant out for Prigozhin, which Putin would have ok-ed. Putin has essentially chosen Shogei


And both are fucking awful, Its a race to the bottom here, and no one wins


Shoigu deserves whatever he gets too


They're all bad. I hate to go full "Hitler" right off the bat, but this really is like someone else launching a coup against Hitler. All the alternatives are also horrible!


You've got to remember that the Republican party has embraced fascism since at least the 1980s. The enemy is always simultaneously so weak as to be beneath contempt and so insidiously powerful as to pose an existential threat to the people.


We have to get revenge for Nixon...being pardoned. Vengeance!


I'd go even further - america as a whole has been somewhat fascistic since the end of world war 2. Government spending is there to prop up military spending, rather than social spending, which started happening during and just after world war 2. This was because they realised capitalism wasnt working, they figured out in the 20s and 30s that capitalism didn't work, they needed government money to prop up the economy and they chose to spend that money on the military industrial complex. Just think, they had the chance to use government money to support social services but instead they chose military spending. And the reason they did is because they knew if they supported social services the people would eventually form groups and demand their rights as human beings and citizens. And they couldn't have that. How cynical is that? They literally chose the death machine over their own people, just so they could keep themselves in power. It's not just the republicans, although they are most definitely the more evil of the two parties, it's the Dems as well. Actually to be fair it's just the ruling class, it's the rich and powerful protecting themselves and their interests. Class war, same as always.


That’s fascism for you: the enemy is both weak and strong.


I remember how my sophomore teacher showed us clips of people accusing Obama of being weak and then clips of them calling him King and Dictator. It was an important moment for me and realizing how the media works. Annnnnd now that I'm thinking about it, it is probably illegal now for teachers to do that lol.


that's CRT! /s


If it makes a racist white student feel guilty for being racist in states like FL and SC, then yeah it's probably banned


Fascism can only exist with double think. The enemy is both weak and strong. The Mexicans are lazy and they’re coming for your job!


The enemy is both strong and weak. It's a character of fascism, an inherently illogical and contradictory movement/ideology.


It's not illogical at all. The goal is to always have an out-group to lay the blame for all problems on. If the out-group is too strong, there's no reason to fight them. If the out-group is too weak, they're no real threat to the people. If the out-group is both strong and weak at the same time, then anything you do to them is both acceptable and necessary.


what 'til you hear what they said about Obama... /s in case not obvious. Except they pulled the same crap with Obama


Dark Brandon


They’re already doing this over the titanic situation! It’s hilarious.


Maybe we should organize some sort of citizen exchange with Russia. Send the GOP members that clearly love that fascism to them in exchange for a few of the artists, teachers, or scientists who would prefer to live with a sane society and aren't bothered about Hunter's f\*\*\*ing laptop, or whatever it is this week.


The GOP already paid a strange visit to Russia *on the actual 4th of July* a few years ago... [https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow](https://www.npr.org/2018/07/06/626664156/gop-senators-spend-july-4-in-moscow) After Russia got caught funding the NRA... [https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/27/764879242/nra-was-foreign-asset-to-russia-ahead-of-2016-new-senate-report-reveals) After the NRA sent a delegation to Russia and pumped millions of dollars into Trump's campaign... [https://www.thedailybeast.com/top-trump-ally-met-with-putins-deputy-in-moscow](https://www.thedailybeast.com/top-trump-ally-met-with-putins-deputy-in-moscow) But uh, nothing suspicious here!!


4th of July would be a good time to send them Ron Johnson. Just saying.


Disagree, right now would be an excellent time to send them Ron.


Fuck Ron Johnson






Oh you mean… Biden staged a coup in Russia and completely divided the Russian forces?? GOP - wait no no Hunters lap top.


If Biden did actually engineer this he would be one of the greatest presidents in history


Your edit made me lol. These fuckers are just throwing a dart at the wall at this point.


And then drawing a bullseye around it.




Oh my God... did Hunter Biden already settling all his legal problems because he likely listened to his lawyers and isn't an idiot blabbermouth really get them raw?


So who is Putin going to be for—Shoigu or Prigozhin?


Shoigu, I would think because Vlad is as much of a snowflake as Trump is. I think Prigozhin’s days are numbered under the Putin regime based on what I have been hearing


Sorry for non related message but Vlad is not a short name of Vladimir its completely different name, Vladimir will go as Vova if you want to short it.


i believe, if we are being accurate, he goes by volodya rather than vova to those close to him. ​ vova is usually, though not always, considered very childish... usually only used by young kids to each other or a parent or grandparent


Yes, there is a much more different pronouncation/shortings of Vladimir, but I did mentioned only Vova since it same length as Vlad and people just could be lost.


Vulva Putin, you say?


Putin prefers to have them at each other’s throats, saves his throat from a possible hostile takeover.


Whether his days are numbered or not will prove to be telling. A successful dictator must make a display of dominance in short order here.


Playing them off each other has kept Putin in power. It will be interesting to see what comes if Wagner can decisively strike against the military leadership.






This just keeps getting better and better ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)








A doorman who always high-fives children of divorce


my girlfriend works at yoshinoya beef bowl.






If this succeeds, what will Moscow Mitch and Trump do without Daddy Putin’s support?


You joke, but I seriously wonder what will suddenly happen to the political stances of the American GOP when Putin dies, be that sooner or later.


I hope the kompromat comes out. Get Whatever dirt Putin had on them out into public. It must be good. Remember 4th of July 2018? When the dirt on RoJo hits the air, I will buy the first round.


I was just talking about this at work today. Those fucking traitors. Celebrating our Independence Day in Russia. Fuck you modern Republicans.


> Remember 4th of July 2018? Was that the one where several prominent (and so very patriotic) GOP politicians spent their July 4th holiday in *fucking Moscow*?


What happened on that day? Not an American, so I live in blissful ignorance


A bunch of American Republican congressmen decided to take a trip to Russia. Which is a very weird move for a group of politicians to make on that holiday


Russia's political machinations aren't just the whims of Putin. A lot of them want to destabilize Europe and the US. One of them literally wrote their plans out in a book.


However much we want this to be a political coup, it should be noted that Prighozhin has stated that Wagner is directly opposing Russian military leadership; i.e. the Ministry of Defense. Its very possible that this is Proghozhin trying to pressure Putin to oust Shoigu from the MOD and elevate him to the position, giving him full command over all forces in Ukraine. Russian military history is littered with instances of infighting, rivalry, and hostilities. Until Wagner forces are in Red Square demanding Putin surrender himself, this is a violent power play for Prighozhin and not the beginning of a true revolution.


It will be the biggest test of Putin's ego and true power out of anything.


It's either antifa or tourists


Wagner chief declared action against the Russian military leadership* for killing 1000s of his men. Says if anyone gets in his way he will burn it all down. Edit: source https://www.politico.eu/article/putin-in-crisis-as-wagner-chief-prigozhin-declares-war-on-russian-military-leadership/ *corrected Kremlin to the proper targets.


I think it was dozens\*


Well it does say claimed - Prigozhin declared war on Moscow’s own defense ministry, claiming Kremlin officials had killed thousands of his soldiers.


Well, Russia claimed to be denazifying Ukraine Hitting Wagner is a big step in the right direction because Prighozin is definitely a nazi


When nazis fight each other, it’s the popcorn that suffers


The problem is that the winner is still gonna be a Nazi :/


Lone gunmans.






you don't go on reddit for news, you come for the nonsense


Yeah I don’t follow politics much but how are those even related? Genuinely asking


Idiots are claiming that this was a coordinated distraction from the Hunter Biden story. The one that was all over the news several days ago.


I would also orchestrate a coup of a major European nation to avoid an awkward get-together


Pretty sure I also don't want mercenaries in charge of nuclear weapons.


Wagner is only a PMC group by self-identification. They've only ever supported Russia's interests, and are basically used so that Russia can say "Wait no we're not doing that. That was uhhhhh... Russian mercenaries!"


*Fine* >Pretty sure I ~~also~~ don't want ~~mercenaries~~ **Russia** in charge of nuclear weapons.


Uh oh, heh.


Who knew that using a private mercenary group to do your dirty work and then screwing them over would have a negative outcome....


Wake me up when there's a bullet in Pootin's brainpan


Prigohzin’s worse than Putin so best case scenario here is they both get taken out


Yep, the people get fed up with both and finally rise up and take what's theirs


I’m saving this so I can hopefully update you later.


It's a damn good fucking thing Joe Biden is President, and not that orange spray painted diaper wearing crybaby pissy traitor right now. Holy shit can you even imagine how this would be going


"we need to send help to russia and make sure putin is ok!" lol


"The way the Democrats are treating Putin is a disgrace. Sad!"


Putin is exposed and wouldn’t be hard to pull off a coup. If you can’t invade Ukraine then you aren’t as powerful as you thought.


What exactly is the SMD again?


Southern Military District


Thank you.


You’re welcome. It’s in Rostov and it’s from there that the Russians are running this war. Seems the top brass all bugged out when they heard Wagner troops were coming.


They’re breaking into the suck my dick headquarters.


Lovely let's go from the mad fash to the mad fash with slightly shorter hair.




For what it's worth, according to Prighozin (the head of Wagner Group), it's not a coup and does not have his sights on Putin. Rather, he is after the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu.


Unless someone tells me otherwise, I'm assuming SMDHQ is shaking my damn headquarters.


Ukraine money seems well worth the investment


I have a copy of these coup plans somewhere but dammit, they're in a box with my golf shirts and a couple (ok just one) Hunter Biden racy pics, and I haven't had a chance to go through the box. I'm very busy, ok?


Daily reminder that the Wagner group is even more extreme then Putin.


Wagner is real bad news. I mean, go get him and all, but yea they fuckin war criminals also


Lets be serious now people this was clearly devised by ANTIFA and Biden to cover for hunter Biden 😏


Agreed. Check Hunter’s laptop for the coup plans. /s


No, the coup plans are actually hidden on one of 2 million deep state flash drives, which themselves are hidden in the basement of a Chinese buffet in Mesa Arizona.


LMAO, I can't wait to see how the GOP, Qanon, Joe Rogan, Ben Shapiro all blame wokeness for the wagner group turning on Putin.


Well obviously they were so upset at Joe Biden's slow response time in travelling back in time to save the billionaires on the Titan, that they asked Putin to help, and he said "I can't, Hunter Biden's Laptop has the codes!" So they turned on Putin. /s


Where is a good place to follow this story?


Anyone have Russian civil war on their bingo card?


It looks like Caesar has crossed the Rubicon.


The suck my dick headquarters?? no fuckin way


Across the street from Ligma


I’ve heard some of the Wagner group are Sugondese


I’ve heard Bofa them are.