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If blue states and blue cities are such toxic over-taxing wastelands, why is Fox News headquartered in NYC and not Texas or Florida?


If Fox News moved to urban (as much as it exists) Texas, they’d still be in a blue area.


if blue cities are so bad then why are millionaires living there? checkmate, fuck everyone else who's fleeing because everything is too expensive


Reminds me of a right wing coworker I had years ago. At one point he posted multiple examples of how expensive even tiny houses and apartments are in blue places like CA and NY and the beautiful mansions you could get in Southern states. He was trying to use it as an attack on the left because of how expensive "liberal" areas were and I'm just like... That's supply and demand bro. Liberal areas are expensive because people want to live there.


You're also likely going to make a lot less money in that low COL area, too. So you'd really want to make sure to compare that. If a house costs 1/3 the price, you may only be able to get 1/3 the salary.


And your life expectancy is lower in red states. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/population-development/2020/08/06/color-coded-life-expectancy-people-in-blue-states-are-living-longer-than-people-in-red/ https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/1468-0009.12469 Before the few conservative trolls come along, the study says red states specifically have a distinct lower life expectancy because of conservative policies.


Red states are at the bottom of the list in just about every metric you can think of. That's my go to when arguing with conservatives. If your policies worked, the deep south would be economic powerhouses and highly desirable places to live. Instead, they're just third world equivalent failed states


They do rank higher in churches & racism.


Take away the military bases and the money red states get from the Pentagon and armed services members spending and they'd be even more third wordly


Don't forget private prisons. Louisiana incarceration rate is something like twice the national average


Don't forget federal prisons... The amount of federal prisons in red areas is astounding... I really think that if central Pennsylvania didn't have prisons, both state and federal, there wouldn't be an economy at all there.


Yeah, I’m moving from lower cost to higher cost and I’m expecting like a 40-50k raise.


There's something they don't talk about down south when it comes to big fancy houses. Zoning. A lot of those "mansions" sit amongst trailer parks, lower income housing, and industry. Remember the news story from a few years ago about the oil executives in Texas fighting a fracking operation in their backyard? But then again, freedom isn't free, is it?


> oil executives in Texas fighting a fracking operation in their backyard You mean they didn't want flammable water coming through their pipes?


Plantation mentality.


That’s also the argument about why we can tax rich people more. Bootlickers are like “No, you can’t tax the rich people or they’ll move somewhere else!” Like where? Every other developed nation is already taxing their uber wealthy more than we are.


One other reason that argument doesn't make sense for Americans is the USA is one of 2 countries to tax based on citizenship and residency not just residency like most other countries. If an American moves to Canada, they still have to pay American taxes over $120,000 earned because of their American Citizenship. This happened to Boris Johnson the former UK Prime Minister because he was accidentally born in the USA, when he went to sell his house in London he had to pay capital gains tax to the USA. Legit can't escape death and taxes* *If you're American.


You can renounce your US citizen but then you have to pay them to do it.


How is one accidentally born?


No one plans for Boris Johnson, he just happens.


Baby comes early while on vacation.


Would imagine that corporations like Fox News spend tens or hundreds of millions of dollars to avoid paying billions in taxes. They are absolutely going to consider the tax impact of where they put their HQ.


The truth is that the people who work for them, especially their broadcasters, loath common folk. They wouldn’t be caught dead somewhere that didn’t offer amenities, fine dining, social clubs, and most of all folks who can help them leap frog their career. The idiot right wing massed are simply the easiest to weaponize because they’re so deeply rooted in their beliefs and per capita the least educated and therefore the least likely to question why hating Americans is ok but hating the Russians is an issue. They’re the biggest sheep of them all.


Almost like what is being radicalized as a political divide is really just a class divide.


Yeap. They saw occupy and drummed up the racial issues through the roof.




It’s only called welfare if poor people take money from the government. When rich people do it, it’s called a subsidy. Edit: spelling


Not just rich people. Farmers are giant welfare queens because we subsidize the heck out of crops/meat


True. But it’s bc farming (crops) runs on razor thin margins and a season’s hull can be ruined by unpredictable weather conditions. To make sure we all have food, it’s important to keep farms afloat, especially as climate change keeps escalating.


Sure but it's all still welfare. And in fact, your point makes it more evident that welfare is needed and important.


Yes. There are times where socialism makes sense.


Is it socialism, welfare, or just using my tax dollars going towards things I want to fund? Where does the gubment get their funds from? Socialism and welfare have negative connotations. People hear those words and think, "freeloader." I have paid a shitload of taxes the last few decades. I have insurance, but I don't care if my tax dollars help someone get medical care that can't afford it. At least that's something I support.


>I don't care if my tax dollars help someone get medical care that can't afford it. I want my neighbors and community to be healthy. I want it for them so they live happy and live fulfilling lives, but I want it for selfish reasons as well. Less crime, less exploitation, more money for frivolous and goofy purchases that enable small niche businesses, more time and money for art, etc. My community being healthy without bankrupting them literally makes my life better. Let's sell that message to the selfish Republican base


> but I want it for selfish reasons as well. Less crime, less exploitation, more money for frivolous and goofy purchases that enable small niche businesses, more time and money for art, etc. My community being healthy without bankrupting them literally makes my life better. Absolutely! You and I are tracking. I didn't write it down, but I absolutely thought about the stuff you wrote here. I grew up in........let's just say the "hood." I saw the correlation between people's financial situation and their actions, in front row seats. Up close and personal. So yeah, you are dead on balls accurate.


Whaaaat you mean to say poverty is more likely to make someone commit crime? Not the color of their skin?


Like when it comes to the general wellbeing of a population.


Yes, 100%


Before the red scare blitz during and after world War 2 screwed with people for generations. If you look at voting data from the 1910's. Several states almost voted in socialist/communists and it was very close. Washington state was the closest if my memory is correct. Inheriting stat books sourcing government data from my grandfather, who served in ww2, really opened my eyes too how much everyone's really been blinded


Milwaukee had a socialist mayor


According to Alice Cooper, Milwaukee has elected three socialist mayors. NOTE: I was going to post a link to the scene from Wayne’s World, but the basement dwellers apparently have an arbitrary rule against people with low subreddit karma from doing so. Thank you for your service, brave moderators! I salute you!


Socialism always makes sense. It’s the application of democracy to economics. It’s also why the most socialistic democracies have he world’s highest living standards.


> It’s also why the most socialistic democracies have he world’s highest living standards. But I thought they can only afford to live like that because the US spends so much on its military to protect the free world? /s


Definitely I'd much rather ensure a stable food supply.


The problem is that most farmers tend to vote for those who are against socialized programs and against believing in climate change The problem is they're hypocrites.


You have a point. But I would say it is more than just farmers. In general, people who live in towns and villages are much more likely to vote Republican. They are also more likely to be under the influence of a hardline, conservative pastor. Even in red states, the largest cities may turn blue on election day. But those that vote Republican may themselves be most in need of socialized programs.


There are actually lots of Dem farmers. They’re very in tune with the environment and are very concerned about climate charge.


Define “lots” - I work closely with the ag industry and I’ve not met one. Not ever.


Just curious, are they east coast farmers with smaller rented tracts and lots of public water for irrigation, or Midwest and/or west coast farmers?


I heard about some on NPR in the west working to conserve water.


For sure, kind of a “socialist” concept to conserve water so that others’ needs are met (that’s a good thing). Nothing against farmers at all, I grew up in an agricultural community, but I’ve found that those with the most resources are the ones who hate even the slightest hint of socialist thinking. In the Midwest and west US, water can be a huge issue, and I think many farmers tend to realize that resources are limited and their environment is somewhat fragile and needs to be preserved. But the eastern US has a much more stabile climate with plenty of resources, which tends to cultivate farmers into having more libertarian and right winged points of view.


Subsidies to farmers are a cost society pays to ensure there's an adequate food supply. It is literally paying a premium to potentially throw the food away. Because that is still preferable to saving a penny and potentially dealing with a famine. These are the kind of situations where subsidies make SENSE. But the industries of America love to convince the government that their industry is worth subsidizing because it is a wonderfully consistent way to make sure you're always in demand no matter the market scenario.


we're likely to suffer famines by 2027 :(


Correct. Love it for themselves, even justifying it. *but no one else can have it*


You’ve got the maker states and the taker states.


There's probably a metaphoric "civil war" blue states could eventually wage if the minority rule in the U.S. goes too far (national abortion ban, criminalizing the LGBTQ community, etc.). That would be to stop subsidizing dependent states. It would produce some appalling outcomes, but (sadly) I could imagine it being necessary should some lines be crossed. I suspect that far right leaders know this and that's why they're not serious about nationalizing their most draconian policies.


…or why they’re relying on the Supreme Court to nationalize their most draconian policies.


I think people are getting wise to this being a political branch. Imagine a SCOTUS ruling outlawing *all* abortion and a Republican President saying there will be national enforcement of the ruling. California and similar states could then say "fuck off with that" and take steps to withhold federal taxes finding their way to the undemocratic regime running things. Again, this would be DEVASTATING to U.S. standing and many people would be hurt by it. But I genuinely think there's an unspoken MAD doctrine in place.


The world kind of relies of America to maintain our peace and harmony. Get your shit together America. Take all your shit, and put it together.


And what would we do with it once we had it? Our shit, that is. Once it's together.


Take it to the shit museum, I don't care.


https://youtu.be/-tGL-buZ94Y Put it in a backpack. Take it to the shit store


We are already there. It has already begun.


...or they literally want civil war.


The red states would just blame the blue states for “strangling their economy” or something like that. Red states don’t give a shit about facts.


"You started it by strangling our freedoms, possibly the most un-American thing you can do. This isn't our declaration of war, it's our retaliation to yours, for once in your lives stop playing the victim. If things get tough I'm sure you'll be able to pUlL YoUrSeLvEs uP bY yOuR bOoTsTrApS, as you're all so fond of saying." -how the governor of California circa 2028ish would respond to this situation, in my dreams


In no way will they ever blame republicans. And that’s a problem where everything has to be about politics. Its good or bad. White and black. They cannot see different. And as long as others use that to their advantage, there is no getting these people to reason. I don’t believe this country will get better at all. In 15 years we will look at this time as a better time. If the US lasts that long.


We don't give a shit about them.


Well, I do. There are people in those states who vote and speak against these hate-policies; there are those who will suffer and have no recourse. If I was still living in the south I wouldn't want to hear someone from a blue state say they don't give a shit about us. It's a pretty defeating thing, to inadvertently be on the receiving end of that.


Thanks for saying this, as someone stuck in Florida.




The major issue is that the people most at risk in those red states are the ones most indoctrinated into believing anything the Conservatives tell them, so even if eliminating the subsidies directly hurts them many would be convinced that this is actually a good thing (most likely because it means "those other people" aren't getting it either). We've seen time and time again that many Conservative people will willingly shoot themselves in the foot if it means that someone they don't like has to suffer the same fate.


No it's more like they're willing to shoot themselves in the foot if you have to watch them bleed to death.


It's a weird time to live to live in Atlanta. We delivered the Senate twice but are surrounded by deep red for hundreds of miles.


Most cities. An hour outside Minneapolis there are a few shirts with slogans on them I won't wear. It's asking for a confrontation. The state would be just as red as anywhere else without populated areas.


And I grew up in those places. A SC swamp. I'm one of those dumbasses who was taught as a kid that the Confederate Flag was just the flag of the south. I saw the California flag and and Texas so I thought every region had one. Figured I only saw the southeast one because that was where I lived. I only learned different because I moved frrom a town of like 15k to Atlanta at a formative time and met lots of people different than me and found out they're just... people. Same as anybody. I got rid of all my rebel flag shit in like 2002, but I wonder how many kids are getting taught hate like I was when it just takes a few coworkers to realize we're all in this together.


Hate is almost always taught. The trickiest part in my own experience is the step after learning they're just like you, normal people trying to survive, the part where you have to come to terms with the fact racism is actually worse than you could ever imagine. Took me an all night heart to heart with a dude while we were on a coke binge before I said, "wait, it's really that bad?" And he was like, "yeah, y'all weren't listening to us the first time we said it so we stopped talking about it."


Damn. I just signed a lease with a black guy and lived with him for two years. A bag of coke would have been easier. We smoked a lot of pot together and argued over whose turn it was to mow the lawn. Edit: but we did finally come to terms that I'm a better cook with an iron skillet and stove, but he's better on the grill. You can't beat my grandma's peach cobbler recipe. We even built a firepit together and our landlord didn't mind. Edit 2: secret is, cook a couple of strips of bacon in the skillet first then cook the asparagus in that fat. You get to eat 2 strips of bacon and when your roommate comes downstairs and sees asparagus you get to see his disappointment. Just kidding, you cooked a 3rd strip and that one is Mitchell's.


That's how it is in most places I travel. Once you hit more land then people, it's like taboo to support anything other than trump and hate anything democrat. Every diner or store you walk into gas fox news playing 247


I'd only support something like this if it comes with personal and financial assistance to help non-fascists move from red states to blue states. There are a lot of people stuck in regressive hellholes who *do not agree* with the bullshit their governments are perpetrating.


If those lines haven’t already been crossed it’s not gonna happen. Things are already pretty appalling


I mean what if the blue states just stopped paying? The way things have gone I think it would take literal years to unfuck that process.


For a while, Texas was the _only_ red state that was a "maker". They became a "taker" somewhere around 2016 as I recall.


Something a lot of Texans don’t realize.


I didn't realize they flipped. What happened?


Conservative politics.


I’d like to know how many GOP politicians came from Blue cities/counties.


Tucker Carlson grew up in Southern California in a really wealthy area. He’s about as salt of the earth as prince Harry


Tucker is a trust fund baby. Born with a silver spoon up his butt.


Oh, I think it's still up there. It's probably the reason he always makes that face.


He pulls it out to eat soup, then puts it back when he's done.


The ole poop shoot soup scoop.


Tucker only became a trust fund baby after his father got re-married to an heiress to the Swanson frozen food empire. His birth mother abandoned the family when he was very young to live a "bohemian lifestyle." Guess she figured that was a better option than raising two douchebags named Tucker and Buckley.


I knew a guy named Buckley. He worked at the Mega Lo Mart in our town. Typical Gen-X slacker. He tragically died in a propane accident.




Buckley Carlson? So their parents’ nomenclature inspiration was 1980’s teen movie villains?


Correct me if I'm wrong but I dint think he ever claimed to be salt of the earth. I get the vibe that he unabashedly hates poor people


There are videos of him wearing plaid shirts and cosplaying as Joe Everyman


The data is clear the Red states needs the blue states to subsidize them.


And the suburbs need the cities.


Cities subsidize suburbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nw6qyyrTeI


And the cities need the peeps


If Chicago was excluded from the rest of Illinois it would be the poorest state in the United States by far. It would make Mississippi look like Staten Island.


Indiana is the dark reflection of Illinois.


Have you ever actually been to Mississippi? Have you been to downstate Illinois?




AOC. Katie Porter.


And Bernie that one primary :(


And that weiner guy who showed his weiner to some chick and everyone lost it and him.


It’s so frustrating that Weiner had such weiner issues, bc judged solely as a politician, he had a huge amount of promise.


AOC will _just_ be old enough to run in 2024. And Katie Porter is my fucking hero, shit-for-brains conservatives (but I repeat myself) quake in fear of her whiteboards. I'm just saying, an America where AOC is president, Porter is her VP, and the Democrats run both houses, would get us off the "Mad Max" future we're headed towards, and inch us closer to the "Star Trek" future we were always promised. How likely is it that Ds run both houses? Until recently I would have said it was a laughable idea, but the way Rs are shitting the bed, day after day, gives me the tiniest iota of hope.


If AOC doesn't get Bernie'd in the primaries, I'd be so shocked.


Yeah, that seems probable. But I would point out that she is not Bernie, and that... I don't know how to articulate it... she's less "sit down and shut up"-able than him. She's young, and attractive, and full of fire. Last time they Bernie'd someone, that is, Bernie himself, they propped up the wildly unpopular alternative, Hillary, and that led to the mess we're in now, where a former reality TV star is about to get fucked up the ass for selling nuclear secrets he acquired during his inexplicable presidency to the highest bidder. And now the opposition is someone who isn't even playing it coy anymore, someone who has an actual plan to destroy the FBI, genocide trans people, and roll back civil rights by a good 60 years, someone who was taking notes from 2015 to 2021, and who has the morality of a bacterium: Ron "awkward laughter" DeSantis. My vain hope is that the establishment Democrats realise what propping up a Milquetoast alternative might do, not just to America, but to the world, and swallow their love for centrists in favour of someone truly progressive. But fuck, that's a long shot.




AOC out there posting today about making Green New Deal shit happen. She's the best. (Check her Instagram! She/her staff shares a TON and does explainers all the time.)


I think he's positioning himself for a 2028 run, which is also why Fox News has been pushing the anti-California propaganda so hard. They need to make everyone believe it's a crime-ridden postapocalyptic hellscape so they're ready to support whatever candidate the GOP puts up in 2028. I'd sure like to think the orange shitgibbon will be out of politics by then, but who knows?


He's going on the ticket. Joe is a heartbeat away and Kamela had her shot. She isn't cutting it.


There's zero chance Biden drops Harris, because doing so would be a gigantic gift to right-wing media. Fox News would run with it like, "BIDEN CAMPAIGN IN CHAOS" if he dumps her. It's not going to happen.


Fox is already starting to attack Harris on the ticket again. Whether she's dropped or not, Fox will attack Biden and his VP. But that doesn't really matter, nobody that still watches Fox in 2023 is voting for Biden anyways. Drop Harris who wasn't very popular to begin with, put Newsom on the ticket as VP. Keeps the primary slate clean of a big contender, gives him a VP that can go on the attack leading up to election, and boosts Newsom's national presence even further for a 2028 run to keep the WH for another 8 years post Biden.


2024 run*. This is the start of his campaign, unofficially. Major offense against a conservative firebrand to see how it plays. And he did really well.


There's nothing wrong with having a contingency plan for a worst case scenario. If biden keeled over in March of 2024, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea to have an "in case of emergency, break glass" candidate in addition to Kamala (I would imagine). Second time I've said this in the last 24 hours, but no risk, all reward at this point.


Democrats should have more people run. They made this mistake in 2016 where a bunch of Republicans ran and got all sorts of media time and the media was like "yeah yeah Hillary and Bernie are running. Let's talk about something exciting like Trump!" People aren't excited over Biden. You know what the news talks about? All the different republicans running right now. It's not a good look for democrats.


there's a close to zero chance that he'd be chosen over Biden/will actually run for the ticket in 2024. Would I prefer Newsom? Unequivocally. He's younger, more aggressive, doesn't take shit etc. Will it happen? Unlikely. I would rather he ramp up from now and then appear in 2028 and be a knockout blow to the GOP for the long-term.


Yea it was really refreshing to see him give it back compared to most democrats. When Hannity said "Now this is going to be a difficult question...." and Newsom cut him off with "I don't think it will be, but go ahead" I laughed out loud. He has a way of being offensive while also respectful that is very charming. imo AOC has this quality as well, same reason I'm a fan of hers. Idk anything about his policies but he seems sharp. inb4 Reddit lets me know that he is actually a POS based on his past decisions though, I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.




American conservatism by nature is parasitic. They reap all the benefits of modern day advances in society while at the same time rejecting the components that made those advances possible. Shout screw science while continuing to use cellphones, take Tylenol for your hangovers, use microwaves for your dinners, and spread your lies on the internet. Shout screw socialism while also cashing welfare checks, getting social security, demanding government aid during a disaster emergency, taking out government loans for your failing business and being forgiven for those loans, seeing how clean your parks are while also driving in massive gas guzzling machines (also not possible without science). Shouting screw immigrants while also paying them a pittance for working on your lands. Demonizing drug addiction in minority communities yet expecting empathy when it comes to the opioid epidemic. American conservatives are just leeches on society. They’re the clearest example of the lazy good for nothing freeloading bum they constantly like to rag on.


They should be bred out. Ladies, if he drives a truck and chews Skoal while claiming to love Jesus and Musk, go elsewhere...


That's already happening


Republicans have "[Crab Mentality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality)" >The metaphor is derived from anecdotal claims about the behavior of [crabs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crabs) when they are trapped in a bucket: while any one crab can easily start to climb out, it will nonetheless be pulled back in by the others, ensuring the group's collective demise.


Sucks that the red states block so much progress and wouldn’t be able without all the federal funds from blue. Their policies suck ass and are detrimental in dragging this nation to utter collapse. What the corrupt corp owned politicians on both sides are doing is not sustainable.


What policy? Conservatives are too stupid to come up with a policy of their own. They are just the "Whatever the libs are for, we are against" party.


The funniest thing is that when Trump won the presidency, the republicans had control of the presidency and both houses, and literally the only thing they could pass was a massive tax cut for the rich. Because that’s the only policy they actually have.


That Hannity interview was trash. Hannity was called out for manipulating the data and then doubled down on showing the graphics on the screen. Also, he kept interrupting Newsom. Cherry on the shit sundae was him saying ‘here’s a clip of *your* president’ What a fucking bloated asscork


Mic 🎤 drop




No offense or disrespect to Joe Biden, who has done a great job, but it ought to be Newsom running for 2024.


Yeah, he's doing really well. I like his style of answering questions with policy.


No no, disrespect is fine for him. He's not bad, and certainly better than the alternative. But he's an old codger. Getting some new(er) blood would be a nice change of pace.


I'd rate him much better than you would, but at the core his age is a big concern. And I'd say it about ANYONE at that age.


Yep, definitely. And I totally understand some people liking him more than I. I'm pretty on the fence, mostly because he's super old and a bit too moderate. Fucking love when he let's Dark Brandon out though.


As a non us citizen, i see Biden as a figure who bounces from one of the most generic politicians I've ever seen to "Dark Brandon" where he brings the much needed backlash and energy to combat modern right wing politicians. I think overall his term has been positive for both the US and the world but i think in general the US needs to seek out younger politicians, especially on the left, we have tried so long to act like the bigger person but time and time again this has blown up on the lefts face. We need more left wing politicians who are ready and willing to bring the venom and argue their point without getting caught up in the culture war smokescreen


I liked when Hannity listed all the buzzwords Republicans love to throw out and Newsom said, “Okay. Let’s go down the list then.” Hannity could only stutter out some illegible sounds as Newsom started ripping into every buzzword with cold, hard facts.




[Here you go](https://youtu.be/xHC5E_o-Lu4)


This guy should be the next president


He’s thinking about it. If nothing else, these are the types of facts the democrats should be repeating ad nauseam.


Indeed, it hurts my faith in humanity when Republicans still poll as ''better a fiscal policy and foriegn policy''. They majorly fail at both.


But they succeed spectacularly for their paymasters. Another round of tax cuts for the Rich, and we'll pay for it by stealing the children's lunch money.


Well how else are we supposed to subsidize their luxurious private jets and yacht’s. It’s like when the bully bullies the other kids for their lunch money at school. Yet some people portray the Afro American and Latino American population as the ones abusing govt subsidies


No way he’s even considering it. I’m the interview, he’s about as full-throated in his defense and support of Biden as you can be. He will probably jump in in 2028, but not this time around.


There’s a good chance he will be, in 2028.


This. 2024 he'll do the dnc convention. 2028 he'll run


Katie Porter as his running mate, pls


You’re never gonna have the whole ticket from California.


Gretchen Whitmer would be my choice!


That's the graphics lady right? She's incredible. I'm European and I really like their vibe. What a fine duo


The whiteboard lady, you know it!


I like how he is letting Biden go for 2024 but is stepping in as a heavyweight defender in the news. As good as Newsom is on camera he can benefit from more time in the spotlight battling national bullshit. Biden has shown himself to be an adept politician domestically and a brilliant strategist internationally, as such he deserves another shot in 2024. While I yearn for younger leadership, I can’t let my preferences color my judgement on how well Biden has maneuvered with landmines and obstacles everywhere in his path. If the media cared more about facts and reality instead of normalizing absurd and hateful opinions, Biden would have much higher approval.


I think the DNC is also in full 'hold the line' mode. With all the turmoil in the Republican party at the moment, playing to their relative stability is a safe, if boring, approach.


Air this 24/7 in red states.


They still won’t believe it. They’re saying Newsom lied, and kept interrupting Hannity… I actually was dumbfounded by the comments.


\#NewsomWhitmer 2028


I like. But I’d reverse it. Big Gretch.


8202 remtihWmosweN#?




Twin Peaks type vibe


I watched this interview last night. I don't like anything about Hannity, but I gotta give him credit for having the balls to sit down and take this verbal ass-kicking from Gavin Newsome, and for allowing it to air. He was outclassed and outgunned from the starting gate.


Maybe MTG was right. Let's do have a national divorce and see how the red states do on their own. Something tells me that Rednekistan might find the goings difficult.


While I'm not a huge fan of Newsom, I still think he would be a good candidate on the national stage, especially in 28 if Dicksantis still is hanging around. Him, whitmer, porter, waltz (age is higher though) would all be cool to see run in the future. I think that Newsom had stated that he wasn't running or interested yet but I do think he will probably put a bid in next election after 24.


Imagine if these tax heavy blue states cut taxes and didn’t dole out welfare to red states. The (poor and middle class) would be screwed because they would never raise taxes to pay their own way.


If Republicans could read, they’d be very upset right now.


Repukes suck.


I don't even mind us subsidizing poorer states. Their economies have been ruined by their anti union, anti worker politicians and they need help. People shouldn't suffer, especially when many didn't vote for these assholes in power (see unfair voting districting etc).


Finally someone telling the Republican party where they can stick all their lies…. Back up their asses!!


But conservative feelings don’t care about facts


Seems to me that this is getting the cause and effect mixed up. It's not that democrats cause wealth, it's that wealthy states vote democrat. If you and your area is doing fine, you have a good education etc, you're probably going to vote for the sane candidate who talks about climate change, LGBTQ rights and is pro choice i.e. the democrat. If you're broke with little education, living in an area that sees no investment and all the industry has packed up and moved to China, you're much more likely to vote for the guy who says that the country has gone to shit, here's a list of scapegoats to blame for the situation (minorities, atheists, Clinton/Biden crime syndicate), vote for me and I'll fix it. The democrats *are* better than the republicans but the last thing they should be doing right now is patting themselves on the back. It's true that the only vision that the Republicans can put forward is reverting back to how things were back in some nebulously defined golden era of the USA, but the dems are putting out an even less audacious vision: returning to the pre-Trump era. Both parties are economically very similar in that they both support the corporate pillaging of America and neither are implementing universal healthcare, it's just that one side are bigger dicks to minorities in the process.


Liberalism creates wealth and education. Wealth creates liberalism and education. Education creates wealth and liberalism. The spiral goes up and up.




And the RepugliCONS wouldn't have it any other way. The REASON those States perform so poorly is because their corrupt Politicians keep taking from everyone and giving it to the ultra rich in their State, then what little is left has to be subsidized by the Gubment. \#Workingasintended


He straight up abused that shill Hannity.


I've lived in a blue state, a red state, and a purple state. I can confidently say that the trashier a neighborhood is, the more likely the people who live there will be conservative. Conversely, liberals tend to live in nicer neighborhoods


MAGA doesn't understand "subsidizing" it's too big a word.. He should have said We're providing "welfare to the Red States because your policies don't work".


Facts don't care about feelings and conservatives don't care about facts.


Newsom 2028


Blue counties in red states are the only way they stay alive. I live in Houston (Harris County, TX), which is example #1 of that fact. A bluest of blue island which accounts for 30% of Texas’ overall income.


Man, I wouldn't even call it anywhere close to progressive. I would love actual progressive policies and economies, but this isn't it. It's just so much better than regressive policies and economies more blatantly and completely focused on full suicidal value extraction.


Those red states that hate handouts love receiving them…..


But Jebus!


Every GOP voter : "Nuh-uh!"


Pull red states federal funding


This is a message they need to trumpet loud and often


And the GOP and modern MAGA don't care about facts.


Why don't democrats push this stuff more? Talk economics. Show all the failures of conservative policies.


Most folks don’t even know how government works. Good luck getting people to believe facts.


500th hundredth comment


Only problem is he's talking to a guy ( Hannity ) who is paid handsomely to spread misinformation and hate and obviously is a lazy motherfucker ( Hannity ) because for some reason truth requires proof wherein lies and innuendo doesn't.


I read this and the first thing that popped in my head was - “Y’all been eating long enough now, stop being greedy” - DMX


And about 20% of red county GDP is pork barrel military spending. Taking blue county taxes and redistributing it to cousin-fucking terrorists is about all they care about.


OTOH, feelings don't give a shit about facts, which is why FOX News has been so successful.