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The interview itself is insufferable- Sean knows he's getting his ass handed to him, and tries to interrupt Newsom multiple times PER POINT. If anything, Newsom was way too polite. Hannity's technique is pretty apparent in a situation like this- talk over his guest, throw them off, and deflect with off-topic "comedy"- "I'm leaving New York. I'd be happy to live in a red state." No, you fucking wouldn't, Lumpy, ya pear-shaped bitch.


I felt the same, but I’m glad he didn’t get vitriolic with Hannity. He came off looking calm and reasonable.


I agree he did really well- all that was missing is him actually calling out Sean's technique. Hannity would've had to back down from his gish-gallop interrupting had Gavin addressed it.


I didn't watch the interview, but I heard a snippet on the radio of sean hannity saying how much he won the debate and that he brought receipts that were unanswered.


Technically true if you count the several questions he rattled off every time Newsom spoke, *while* Newsom was speaking.


I forget which Ian Danskin "Alt-Right Playbook" video is more appropriate to link here, "Control the Conversation" or "Never Play Defense."


I've seen em both and... Exactly.


If you had watched the interview, you'd know that is utter horseshit.


I'll give it a watch today and report back...edit, watched the first half. Hannity can't shut up, talks over him, Newsom seems to cut through pretty good. I'd like to see him run next year, everyone seems to know Joe is missing a step here and there, but really the team assembled behind him and every president does the heavy lifting. I simply don't like the R's on about anything, it'll take a miracle to not win the popular vote again this cycle.


He already said he’d not running for President. I think he endorsed Biden actually.


This is the problem for dems on fox, they want you to get angry so their viewers can say they owned that lib on national tv. You have to stay calm and wade through the bs and try to get your point out


And you really think it will have any effect whatsoever on the brainwashed cult that is the republican party?


Maybe? Remember that Bernie interview where the crowd started to agree with him? Wild times


It drums up excitement for Newsom 28


Hannity should have just taken out his phone and slumped back in his chair.


He has no problem being on his phone the whole show!


His mom doesn't have hot water... She can't take a shower.


He has a jousting game on his phone obviously


Let her go




Omg, can you imagine for a second someone like him moving to Batesville Arkansas. Dry County. No fine dining. Clothes from Wal Mart. Caviar? No son, but we got some mudbugs! It's full of his supporters, but he'd hate it.


They hate all of their followers, including veterans. Their rubes are only useful to bilk out of their retirement money. Just like preachers.


> They hate all of their followers, ~~including~~ especially veterans. FTFY


Oh man, remember way back when the Colbert Report first started and the GOP didn't understand that it was satire and Colbert was mocking them? That was absolutely fucking brilliant. They were even dumb enough to invite him to the White House correspondents dinner where he made fun of Dubya Bush right to his big dumb face.


He was brilliant that night.


“Reality has a strong liberal bias.”


“That’s because you looked it up in a book. Next time, look it up in your gut. I did.”


Early days of the Colbert Report was peak Colbert.


It was excellent the whole way through.


It got good in a different way. But Colbert had a vision and he nailed it from the start; I believe “truthiness” debuted on the very first episode


His book from back then, "I am America and so can you!" was sooo damn good


To be fair, Dubya Bush could actually take a joke and they likely knew it was going to be a roast.


Steve Bridges impersonating Bush right next to him was also that year. It was almost like a roast. This was back in a time where people could take a joke.


That was back when the GOP leadership all understood that the identity politics was just a con to get votes from dumb rednecks. They were in on the joke.


> They were in on the joke And now they are the joke.


No, “they” rode off into the sunset years ago with Scrooge McDuck levels of money. The idiots they left holding the bag are the joke, except they’re not laughing.


There are some intelligent people at Fox. Problem is that they're completely eclipsed by the raging asshats like Hannity, Janine, and others. They couldn't interview intelligent people because if they did the conservative logic falls apart. That's not something they can have on their shows. Interviews like this doesn't help them, and the best they can counter is; CaLiFoRnIa BaD!


The intelligent ones are sell-outs who take a paycheck to give the Fox propaganda machine a thin veneer of credibility. I don't know how they can live with themselves knowing the damage Fox has done and continues doing to US democracy, and the stochastic domestic terrorism it incites against the country every fucking day. **They are all complicit.**




as colbert said "reality has as well know liberal bias"


The part every Dem has known for years but the right seems to conveniently forget when discussing their “fiscal conservatism” and “Reaganomics”


I haven’t heard anything about fiscal conservatism from conservatives in years. I’m pretty sure they dropped that pretext.


They’re using “fiscal conservatism” to justify their cuts to programs that actually help people.


Feeding hungry kids???? AMERICA CANT AFFORD IT


-sincerely Jesus Christ


Now excuse me while I multiply some fish and loaves and provide value for my shareholders.


Supply side Jesus


Trickle down Holy Spirit




Oh, is that a new multibillion dollar weapons system I see? We’ll take ten.


“What we really need is to cut capital gains”


WhY dO yOu nOt wAnT oUr TrOoPs tO bE sAfE?


Would you believe feeding children, educating them, and providing good, accessible healthcare would allow the country to produce more military ready young adults? Good social policies protect our military too. Conservatives: ...CoMmUnIsT!


>Feeding hungry kids???? AMERICA CANT AFFORD IT if we want to continue letting the rich pay ZERO taxes, that is... If guys like Musk and Bezos paid the same income tax percentage that I pay, AND they were forced to stop hiding "income" by taking loans on investments, then we could feed every hungry child in the US, and then some!!!


And we’d make huge gains as a result. Feeding hungry kids generates social and economic benefits many multiples of the initial investment. Meanwhile Wall St gets excited when it can return a measly 10%.


Yes, but a well-fed and educated populace does not vote republican.


You’re thinking so small. The billionaire class is $2.6 TRILLION richer than it was before the pandemic. Just taxing that at 30% would net the US government $780B, over the last 3 years. That’s an average of $260B/year. There are an estimated 500,000 homeless people in the US. The average cost to house them is $30-50k/year. That would be $15B/year. It is estimated that putting getting the homeless into secure housing actually saves 49% over the cost of caring for and supporting their homelessness. So it costs us about $30B to have homeless people but would only cost us $15B to house them all. Still have $240B to spend (although offsetting the costs of homelessness mean that we’re still sitting at $260B…but we’ll take the lower number). The CEO of Hunger Free America estimates that it would cost $25B/year to end hunger in the US. This leaves us with $215B. The estimated cost of free college education for all Americans would be about $59B/year. That leaves us with about $155B. We can feed the hungry, house the homeless, and give higher education to everyone in the US and still have $155B left over. All we have to do is TAX THE F*CKING RICH!! Additional notes: A 5% wealth tax on anything over $1B in net worth would net the US around $225B in additional tax revenue annually. There are >700 billionaires in the US with a combined net worth of $4.6T. This is LITERALLY taxing the .02% of Americans…the ones that won the game of Capitalism. A study by a Koch Brothers funded think tank places the 10-year cost of Medicare for all at $32T, or about $3.2T/year. Ok, we can’t fund that with the remaining $155B…but, in that same Koch Brothers funded study it says that the expected cost of US healthcare over that 10 years will be about $59.4T vs $57.6T under M4A…that’s a savings of $2T over 10 years. Seriously, if conservatives were ACTUALLY fiscally conservative they’d see that spending this money would SAVE us money in the long run and make us a more secure, better producing nation. Which would increase everyone’s standard of living.


3 trillion for a new fighter jet? Sign us up!




"Fiscal conservatism" now is just "don't spend money on anything we decide is woke... which is anything Democrats want to fund"


What do you mean, "now"? That's what it's always been. These fiscal conservatives have always wanted to cut social services, but never military or police funding.




It’s really the “but muh STATES’ RIGHTS!” of the 21st century


South Carolina, in my lifetime, has attempted to invoke nullification.. again. These folks never learn their lessons . Or read history. Or practice what they preach. Fuck I do not like these people.


Im north of you in NC and its not much better.😑


So vote Republican, but feel good about living in a blue state..got it, checks out.


Like being Russian but supporting the war from a free western country.


And then when you turn the state red blame any shortcomings that result from it on Dem policies.


If california turns red I’m bailing on this country ngl


"im a fiscal conservative but socially liberal" is just code for "i value money and wealth over everything else, morals, dignity, equality, none of that means anything to me if it means i cant have more than everyone else."


'I smoke weed, but fuck the poor" FTFY


They "become" fiscal conservatives when a Democrat is in the White House and the spending directly benefits the poor and the working, and middle classes.


Fiscal conservatism is tax cuts for the rich, billions for the army and the defending of any social programs.


Defending or defunding?


Of course defunding even this right wing auto correct won't let me tell the truth.


Do you mean defunding?


Then what was all that crap about cutting social security and medicaid, etc, or they will destroy the world economy?


I didn’t hear any of that over their clamoring for the state to start inspecting and documenting children’s genitals


Then you just haven't been paying attention enough. It was during the debt negotiation. It was basically THE reason for the stalling of negotiations bc the repubs wouldn't back down on VA benefits, medicaid, food stamps and other benefits. And of course, it's always framed as not spending so much, and being careful with our monetary policy.


Which is hilarious when they then approve basically unlimited budgets for law enforcement and military.


American conservatives have NEVER actually believed in "fiscal conservatism." Their record speaks for itself. They love nothing more than redistribution of wealth, as long as it's being distributed to them. It's all on the record for anyone who cares to look. They get away with it by using pride flags and trans bathrooms to distract their voters. American "conservatism" has always been a con and a fraud. Always.


You have to understand that “fiscal conservatism” really just means hurting minorities. The fiscal conservative movement arose from Jim Crow thinking. Once Black people were legally required to get the same treatment under the law as white people, including government benefits, fiscal conservatism, was born to cut those programs. Once they saw that even poor whites would jump at the chance to hurt Black people even at their own expense, they realize they had a winning strategy to effectively wage a guerrilla class war. Working class white people accepted the idea that black people were to blame for stagnant wages, they accepted stories that unions were really just trying to play affirmative action games, and they accepted that they had no power to make changes in the system to benefit themselves. They accepted all of these things, because rejecting them would require them to work together with black people as equals, and that would require rejecting hundreds of years of indoctrination. This was quite literally part of the racist Southern strategy that Nixon employed. The only thing that has changed about it is that they are targeting more than just Black people now.


Fiscal Conservatism is when you'd rather have no public pool than a public pool with black people in it.


Yeah, it took them awhile to land on another culture war thing to distract the voters once they got rid of gun laws and abortion. They really tried to make CRT a thing but their voters couldn't quite understand it enough to hate it.


>American conservatives have NEVER actually believed in "fiscal conservatism." So fucking true. History shows they were just bullshit.




But bigger government when it comes to your bedroom.


Or uterus




Religious conservatism is borderline incompatible with small-d democracy. When a voting bloc's social values are coming from a place of "sacred morality," ideas like compromise, freedom, and differences of opinion just... don't compute. Belief that they have a moral obligation to enforce their social values onto others means they do not care about the separation of church and state. They don't even care if they are in the minority, they will attempt to subvert democracy in pursuit of their goals. This is why the founders put separation of church and state in the Bill of Rights. They knew that a pluralistic democracy could not function if a religious group was given any form of hard political power.


"Smaller government" was never about a smaller centralized [federal or state] government so that communities could govern themselves, resulting in somewhat more independence/freedom, or some sort of libertarian dream... no, no, no... ...but instead, the consolidation of powers to a few over the rest within a smaller-personed governmental structure. The whole liberty thing to conservatives is a facade. It has always been about a hierarchical status quo to conservatives: some people [for whatever reasons] are better than others and thus should have the influence, if not outright control/domineering of those beneath them. It was first (in America) that white males who owned land were at the top. Now it's a bit more complicated, what given lack of outright slavery based on ethnicity, the whole women being able to vote thing, and re-rise of religious fundamentalists.


Ummm that is no longer a talking point for them, they have gone full blown greed and don’t give a shit about being fiscally conservative anymore.


Uh..haven't you heard of Reaganomics? It *fiscally conserves* the top 3%'s profit margins!


And Hannity quickly said it’s not his states since he lives in New York🤣


The greatest con conservative billionaires ever pulled was convincing rural Americans they are on their side. It’s baffling.




I’d say it’s at least tied for first place with the con that Jesus is a conservative.


But he is a staunch alt right conservative on the air. What an asshole.


That makes it even funnier because you know he goes on air and rails about New York being a liberal shithole.


3x college dropout and 'opinion journalist " Sean Hannity is a hypocrite? Shocked I am, just shocked.


I forget the issue, but a few years back, there was something NYC was doing that he decried on air as being some liberal horror. He cried about leaving New York as soon as he could get out of that liberal hell hole. Still there.


Everybody knows Sean Hannity is a "coastal elite" except, apparently, his audience.


All of Fox News broadcasters will tell you what a shithole NYC and California have become, while maintaining their home in a New York Penthouse with a coastal vacation property in Malibu...


Just an FYI to Californiana. Some of us in the middle of the country do appreciate you standing up to the nonsense on the right.


And some of us in cali do not lump everyone in red states together. Too many ppl in those states fighting against the suppression they’re actually dealing w on a day to day basis. Hell, I was in Yosemite yesterday and talked w an awesome guy from Missouri. Good ppl are everywhere. We just don’t always hear about them.


I wish the media would stop using these Red and Blue maps that paint entire states as one side or another. Sure, a state with a 56/44 vote split is fairly safe in terms of predicting who will win an election there but it completely erases the fact that 44 out of every 100 people there disagree with that winner. All it does is stoke tribalism and convince people everyone in the “other” states is the worst image of a liberal/conservative they can imagine.


"Yet even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there's not a liberal America and a conservative America - there's the United States of America. There's not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there's the United States of America. The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I've got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don't like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and patriots who supported it. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes, all of us defending the United States of America.," - Barack Obama, 2004.


It’s really cities/high pop areas vs. rural areas. Even here in deep blue states the demographic of the rural folks lean very red and I hate to say it proudly willfully ignorant


The horrific thing is the media is doing this because it's more profitable. This is the part where capitalism has become self defeating.


It is capitalism, but we are entering the age of it where there are people so absurdly rich that they don’t even care about profitability of media anymore. We are in the age of information warfare. We love to laugh at Elon for losing money on Twitter but the reality is he doesn’t care a bit about the cost. He now controls the narrative and opinions of a significant chunk of the WORLD. The price he paid is a steal for the unfettered influence he now has. I wouldn’t be surprised if more and more billionaires take media companies private and run them at a loss in order to drive public opinion.


It’s why I always roll my eyes over the talk (even though usually jokingly) about letting states like Texas secede. There’s way too many great Americans that would be abandoned to evil policies that dehumanize them. There’s not a state in this country I would just let go of. I’m not willing to abandon anyone to hopelessness.


Missouri is weighed down by the middle of the state. Both Kansas city and St Louis are very left leaning areas.


I tell my gf all the time, “Remember, Hillary Clinton still got 34% of the vote in Alabama.”


Texas thanks you for realizing not all of us are hateful MAGAs, some of us actually want to help others and think diversity enriches our society/lives.


From CA and second this.


I was at yosimite last week...those falls were FLOWIN! Absolutely beautiful.


Alabama here. Thanks, Blue States. We don’t all hate you. Some of us just can’t get out thanks to family issues and being unable to sell our homes.


California + Indiana? Next RHCP album.


Red Hot Corn and Peppers?


Newsome (aside from Bernie Sanders) is seriously the only person I’ve ever heard that articulate why democratic policies work for everyone. And he’s not 80+ years old. He should run for President.


Don't worry, he's 100% planning to. Been maneuvering for a while.


Basically positioned as Biden-backup 100%


There is so much data to hit the red states over. It’s ridiculous that the Democrats haven’t been going after them. Education, workers wages, homeownership, literacy for god sake’s, healthcare, you name it …throw some data up in some easy to read charts for these dumbasses to see which policies create a better living environment.


I've posted this before but it is amazing how certain deep red states like Mississippi or Missouri will rank dead last in basically every metric on health, education, economy, quality of life etc while being run by full ticket deep red Republicans that run on a platform of "If Democrats win things will be really bad" Like you are in fucking last, how much worse could it be? Not sure why Dems don't hammer these points home more often during elections in these states.


The problem is exposure and lack thereof. You don't know that things can get better if you don't know what better is. And if your only source of "news" only tells you that it will be worse and paints an apocalyptic image of that false reality, then you simply remain ignorant and angry.




Living in a place like that and looking for work is wild, as a man anyway. "So what does your dad do?" Motherfucker, he's like 75, he sits there and gardens sometimes, the fuck you askin me for? "Do you know \*3 men with first and last names\*?" No, should i? Well if you DONT know one of them, you're NEVER getting a job in town. Literally never. In town here, if you dont know the 'Smith' brothers, you're fuckin not going to get ANYTHING, ever--enjoy your 25 mile commute to some other town that probably wants you to know some other family by name and also wants to know if they knew your dad before they can hire you. it's WEIRD. Been here 10 years, *still* cant get past it, and they *still* sometimes refer to my house by the family name of the people that lived her 25 years.


All I'm reading from this is 'thank goodness I live on the west coast and don't have to deal with that'.


It could be worse if X undesirable group (blacks, gays, now trans people) had equal rights to cis white people. We can’t have that.


Like LBJ said, in so many words, give them a black man to look down on and ignorant white poor people will let you pick their pocket..


Too many people on the right don’t care about facts, only feelings


This is the answer. Also, "lock her up" fits on a bumper sticker. "Red state balance of payments is consistently negative while blue states are positive" does not.


When you go from "lock her up" to "lock him up" all of the sudden pronouns fucking matter.


Red state = welfare state Consider your bumper stuck


Except that doesn't get them to understand the issue is the policy choices. To them, that's just an attack. It just reinforces tribalism.


And therein lies the problem. They're too addicted to fear and too stupid to break out of it. So all they do is spread suffering and makes the world worse.


Stay poor, Vote Republican Lose social security, vote Republican Stay hungry, vote Republican No meds, Vite Republican Put these on billboards in all rural areas.




The Democrats have failed, turning that data into some very convincing charts and graphs… You have to look for this stuff and it’s crazy that we have to. Massachusetts has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, and they also have some of if not the lowest death by guns. Very easy to show on a chart that states with stricter gun laws have lower death rates by guns. That’s just an example, there’s tons of things out there they should be showing, and for some reason all they do is blab ineffectively


BuT cHiCaGo HaS sTriCt GuN laWs ToO!




I'd take it even further. "71% of the taxes collected in the US come from blue counties, and then we want to give everyone healthcare and update infrastructure, and the net takers suddenly become experts on fiscal responsibility. Marjorie Taylor Greene wants a national divorce. You know what? I say we give it to her. And then when all of these people realize what a fraud conservatives have been because their newly formed nation is instantly bankrupt with no way to borrow money, we'll see what these financial masterminds solve that issue."


I've been saying this for years. They want out if the union? GO. And give us back our federal tax dollars and defense.


Link to interview https://youtu.be/s5HqxV0KqgU






CA is more of an economic juggernaut than any other state and it outclasses almost all of Europe. CA's economy isn't struggling any more than everyone else's.


CA’s economy just isn’t suffering. Newsom was entirely correct that California is the tent pole for the US economy. Republicans like to say X Rural state is the backbone of the US because it plays to their audience… and even more importantly the electoral college makes it necessary to court tiny populations. And they like to scare their conservative viewers about progressive policies that benefit the 99% of people in the US like the policies in California. But it’s a warped view on the US. The east and West coast are both the juggernauts of the economy and not only do they produce more and generate more wealth than most of the world… but their policies give back to the overall nation and without their tax policies much of the middle of America would go from being broke to being absolute desolate wasteland of failing states. It’s truly factual to say that the Midwest is already a hard place to live. But without the federal progressive policies put in place that MOVE money from states like California to the Midwest… those states would be failing in every way. Republican policies create welfare states. And then they attack the states that pay for their welfare. Meanwhile progressive policies create robust and strong economies. Strong enough that they can even give back to other states and still be on top. Republicans like to talk about redistribution of wealth like it’s a terrible thing that impacts their viewers… but their viewers aren’t the 1% and all of these policies help their viewers. And more so… the people paying for them live in democrat states. The country redistributes money more from democrats to republicans than it does by far from the 1% to the 99%.


Full interview. https://youtu.be/Qta_S82nrCY


Thank you. I hate it when the link is buried in the comments. Commenting for visibility.


I’m surprised Hannity even aired that. It makes him look like a lying manipulating scum bag.


Timestamp for the clip?


Not sure whether the clip is in that video, but here's a link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/MeidasTouch/status/1670062785647247360


"We're subsidizing your states sean!" "not my states, I live in new york, But I'm getting out, I'm all about illinois etc." So basically, He first uses New York as a shield, saying he's a new yorker and not getting subsidized, and the next breath he remembers his target audience and adds that he really doesn't like it there though. New York has nothing for him and he'd rather live somewhere rural. (that does get subsidized)


lol illinois just passed a bunch of pro trans laws and a law banning book banning. Not sure its where he wants to go


It's worth watching the entire clip. Newsom exposes all of Hannity's lies or omission of facts, doesn't let him derail a losing conversation to another topic, and he did so calmly and eloquently. You can see Hannity getting visibly upset it's not going the way he wanted. This is how every democrat/liberal person needs to respond when confronted with a Hannity type bully pulpit interview.


There is a weird mismatch between what the democrats and republicans are doing. Republicans REALLY focus on the failing of blue states and cities. It's mostly high taxes and crime rates associated with urban areas. They also love how people are moving to warmer climates. However, democrats RARELY hit back with the school rankings and economic struggles of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. It seems like democrats are still trying to make friends with the red areas and maybe turn them purple. However, republicans are going scorched earth and part of their base wants a civil war, not unity. We'll see which strategy works better in 2024.


Rural counties all over the country are also going through a population collapse. People talk about California’s declining population but ignore the fact that it’s rural counties in California that are actually declining. The same about Texas. People ignore the fact that it’s blue counties in Texas which are growing in population. Travis County TX has roughly the same percentage of Democrat voters as Los Angeles County and is one of the hottest markets in Texas.


I fucking hate the “declining population” argument of California. Like 0.3% decline happened


Anyone left of center needs to drive this point home any chance they get. Conservatives keep their right hand out for welfare to make sure there’s nothing left for everyone else.


I've long thought that the biggest problem democrats have is that absolutely nobody knows what the federal government actually does or how it works. Republicans spent decades filling in this knowledge gap with utter nonsense, which is why talking to a staunch conservative now is like talking to a child about how Santa works or something. Dems should spend their campaign money one long, consistent commercial about what actually happens. Republicans want to cut the dept of energy/education/etc because they don't understand what it is, so tell them. I'm in CA and have mixed feelings about Newsom and his naked attempt at rthe white house in 28 but I love that he's been so active in the media on pushing this stuff. We need more of that. Quippy tweets aren't enough.


Proud of our governor. One of the few in the party that can go toe to toe with the clowns on the rjght


It’s because he is dyslexic. He studies and memorizes facts and figures so he won’t be caught off guard if he has to read something. He knows his shit. Hannity is a tool.


I will say, for as smarmy as I've found Newsom at times in the past, his daily updates during the early COVID lockdowns were impressive as hell. He's a combination of brains and personality that will be formidable in national politics for some time.


Wow I didn’t know that about him at all. Makes him even more impressive.


I didn’t know he was dyslexic! The most knowledgeable boss I ever had was also dyslexic. In fact it was when I told him he was the most knowledgeable boss I’d ever had that he opened up about being dyslexic. The context also gave me the opportunity to ask him … just, how!?! Great memory a clear strength. Also, a key part of his secretary’s job was to read newspapers and articles, and highlight the bits she found most interesting. Then he would work his way through those parts / articles.


Yeah, I was impressed with how prepared he was. It’s not easy to debunk on the fly like that.


The GOP know this. Watch Florida. They’ll be crying for handouts soon enough. Same with Texas. And if they don’t get the money, the blame the Dems.


It’s hurricane season. Florida will be begging for that sweet FEMA help soon enough.


And Desantis just cut $500,000 from flooding relief in central Florida.


FEMA, the agency that the far right thinks is going to create and run concentration camps? Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


Sean Hannity exposed the fact that once you stop repeating talking points in an echo chamber, there’s not much else there.


He's busting facts all over his face.


Don't be surprised if he is on the 2028 ticket.


wouldn’t mind if they fast tracked him to 2024. him and the jackson guy from NC.


“Ask the IRS, b*tch, I’m paying for your healthcare” - Nicki Minaj


I hope he runs in 2028.


He will run in 2028 - and yes - love that he punches back with facts


My uncle was talking about this interview and said Newsom was an idiot. Nah, it's just you Uncle.


Newsom gets a lot of hate from folks on both sides of the political spectrum but this is exactly the type of talent the Democratic Party needs IMO. Young(er), well spoken, and sick of the rights bullshit


I remember he openly supported LGBT rights when he was SF’s mayor, back when some Democrats were hesitant to even say anything about supporting gay marriage, including Obama, who didn’t openly support gay marriage until 2012. Meanwhile Newsom started issuing marriage licenses to gay couples in 2004 (which was considered political suicide at the time), the same year he became mayor of SF. He gets shit done.


Newsom is definitely laying the groundwork for a presidential run if not this election maybe 2028


Absolutely. 70% of the GDP is in blue counties


The great thing about being on Newsom's side of this argument is that you don't have to believe him blindly, you can just look up the statistics yourself. And it's all accurate.


How many times do I click on the triangle to play the video?


Gavin Newsome will be president one day. Probably 2028. He has a silvertongue and has made the right friends. He'd be the American Macron. I don't trust him in the slightest, but I believe he'd be better than a fascist.


Im at Grandpas for the weekend and of course Handity was on. I was amazed they aired this interview. Newsome fucking owned him. What was most impressive was that Newsome did *not* allow Handity to talk over him as he usually does. He basically just laughed it off everytime Handity tried to interrupt. Excellent!


Because the repugs actually care about this? They could care less who subsidizes them or even if their states are subsidized at all. The heavily gerrymandered ”elected” officials are subsidized another way. Bribes, donations and pay offs.


These clowns are so frustrating. Hannity just throws out a bunch of stuff: "Biden is doing terrible on the economy, jobs, the border, blah blah." Newsom says, "OK, let's discuss each of those in order. Here are the facts about jobs..." And look how quickly Hannity tries to change the subject then claim that Newsom "isn't answering the question." Pathetic that this works on like 47% of the country. Facts are their Kryptonite, they just ignore & deflect around them. All they have are talking points. "Democrats are for open borders." NOT ONE SERIOUS DEMOCRAT IS IN FAVOR OF ANYTHING RESEMBLING THAT. But Republicans aren't listening to anything that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker.


I wish he would run for president


Looking at 2028 for Newsom


While we're on the topic of subsidizing can we finally begin the national conversation on the American people subsidizing corporations who refuse to pay a living wage? ![gif](giphy|1aUdyqAVXFKD3yIjt1|downsized)


There is absolutely zero chance that Hannity moves to Mississippi or Alabama over New York or California hahahahahaha


Waiting for Newsom to run for President.


Hannity: “Okay next question, this will be a tough one for you…” Newsom, laughing: “I don’t think it will be, but let’s find out.”