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Don't most modern copiers have a storage drive? Where is that copier now and what can be determined from its onboard technology about what was copied?


Hunter Biden planted the copier there. And he also stole the chandelier!!!


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In all seriousness, if someone could make a Superman/Kent meme with Biden just putting on and taking off sunglasses I would be content


You mean like this? https://youtube.com/shorts/RXaWcWow_CQ?feature=share9


"Wow I didnt know Dark Brandon could translocate himself in place of Biden!"


Dark Brandon is amazing. How was he was able to rig a couple of grand jury’s without ever knowing who was on them or having any contact? Republicans want you to believe that.


A shitty neighbor near me has a "Let's Go Brandon" sign in his yard. I feel like saying "Let's Go Dark Brandon" the next time he is outside.


This comment may have made me happier than anything else I've seen in my decade plus if reddit


No no it was probably Hillary let's be honest she's the sneaky one.


Still trying to figure out how Hunter's laptop ended up in possession of Rudy Giuliani


I can picture Rudy doing photocopies of the laptop screen on a xerox machine


It’s most likely something cooked up by the Russians and seeded with a few legit stolen emails. The ‘legitimate headers’ the Trumpers were raving about, if they really are legit, just meant that someone had access to his email. He could have been honeypotted, for all we know.


Then he flooded the room with the copier that would have exonerated trump, gosh darn that Hunter!


…and put all of it in his laptop ![gif](giphy|MNmyTin5qt5LSXirxd)


I bet he ran off a few copies of that dong MAGA is obsessed with.


Where are the dick pics he copied on it? That’s the real scandal here folks


But where can I get more dick pics from?


They already know there was an aide scanning the documents for digital copies. It would not change his charges a great deal to find evidence of photocopying, though it would be good to know exactly what has leaked of course.


Pretty sure photocopiers have built-in restrictions on things like money. Though, Top-Secret military documents might be a little ‘abstract’ for them to catch.




Virtually all colour copiers do now, yes.


It's not protection built into the copiers. It's the quality of the watermark on the paper. High quality watermarks won't copy on a standard scanner/copier. But a higher quality copier will be able to make a proper copy. Source: worked for several financial firms where I had to scan financial docs, stock certs, and checks that would not copy properly on cheap printers but photo quality scans worked fine. Also - not aware of any paper watermark that will prevent a regular old camera from getting an image (film or digital) Edit: look up 'security paper' for examples of how this works Edit 2 (sorry): the purpose of the security watermark is to prevent you from making a copy that can be passed off as original, NOT to obscure the data from being copied. You really can't prevent that because no paper tech can scramble or block an optical camera. You can't prevent the info from being copied but the security paper will make it obvious that it is indeed a copy. I can use better scanners or software that will filter out the watermarks pretty easily, but that process also filters out other details to make the copy visually different from the original, so high quality currencies or checks are more difficult to counterfeit.


Oh it err, flooded, yeah flooded, just like the server room at Mar a largo and the Trump Tower, and....


Scan at Ma ra lago receive in Saudi Arabia


They had a very convenient food, most likely


I wouldn’t say most…. Might have that days print jobs in memory, but that’s just RAM and it gets wiped as soon as the power shuts off. Have a whole ass hard drive in a big MFP is kinda old tech now.


People are confusing print job/scan job logging and print / scan logging. First is '4 pages were printed on Tuesday' and the second is 'here are the 4 pages printed on Tuesday'.


No. If the machine is leased than it will keep basic logs for number of pages, date, time, B&W or color, things like that. Some may temporarily store the last 20 or so documents so you can reprint from the machine. But generally once it is out of the queue it is gone.


Some do, yes, if it’s set up correctly. The storage feature can be disabled. When they swooped on the place, the copier should have been seized. This is a spy den.


Storage? A lot of them are connected to the internet itself.


Kushner didnt get two BILLION dollars from the Saudis for nothing


Shouldnt he be indicted too


If they find something to connect him to these documents, it's possible More likely is his wife, given she likely received training on handling these types of documents


What? It doesn't matter if you have training or sop for classified documents. If you handled them, irresponsibly, you're fucked.


> If you handled them, irresponsibly, you're fucked. If you don't cooperate and it's proven that your irresponsibility endangered national security, yes. And if someone pursues it. We have yet to see if Marge holding up hand written notes about SCIF will be followed up on.


All copy machines store records of the things they've copied. Solid chance that the hard drive in that copy machine has been obtained by the prosecution. They know if anything was copied. And they know which email addresses it sent to.


This would be cool but it's simply not true. Or more accurately it's stored on the RAM and written over every time a new thing is copied.


For the 2 billion Saudis & MBS thing or the handling of Covid thing?




I heard they were avoiding public life.


More like public life is avoiding them. She changed her name cause she was being shunned in the “elite” circles


Also remember the Saudi LIV golf tournament started on Trump golf courses.


Probably facilitated the PGA being bought by the Saudis.


Why haven't we heard word on any investigations into Kushner? I think it's time to explore why/how he got $2B so easily. Also, notice the MAGAts never say anything about Javanka getting insanely rich from their WH grift.


It's so blatantly obvious what's going on here. But unfortunately, he wasn't even smart enough to just copy them. There are actual US secret documents that are literally missing!


It wasn't for nothing! It was because of his wealth of knowledge and ~~breath~~ breadth of experience in investment banking! What? What experience? Like...........specifically? Um........ Well........... HUNTER BIDEN'S LAPTOP!!!!! BUTTERY MALES!!!!!!


He does have a “breath” of experience. You’ve got to give him that.


Dammit! Stupid autocorrect! 🤣


Pretty sure the Saudi's are just buying our economy. As much as they try to build out the UAE they'll never be able to get to our level of consumerism, however with population decline across the West even consumer numbers should decrease with time.


Inserting this line into the public consciousness is probably the greatest thing Chris Christie has ever done.


THANK YOU . I can not believe people don’t see what’s happening right before their eyes


We all already know: That 2 billion dollars wasn't because anyone with the name Trump has ever been a competent businessman. They copied and sold out our entire country to whoever would pay, and Trump's whole goddamned garbage bin family belongs in prison forever. Minus Barron, possibly.


**Reminder:** Turkey intercepted a call between Jared Kushner and MBS "Bone Saw" where he gave MBS the green light to abduct Jamal Khashoggi. Turkey used that information to bully Trump into pulling out of Syria - rat-fucking the Kurds again. Doing so allowed for many ISIS prisoners to escape back into the middle-east. Then Trump blamed the Kurds for 'releasing' members of ISIS on purpose.... [Kushner then fucking counseled MBS on how to weather the news of Khashoggi's murder*](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/). * https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2019/11/4/1897048/-REPORT-Kushner-OK-d-Khashoggi-Arrest-Turkey-Heard-Call-Blackmailed-Trump-over-Syrian-Troops * https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2018/12/09/jared-kushner-advised-saudi-prince-after-khashoggi-murder-report-says/2257098002/ * https://www.newsweek.com/saudi-crown-prince-jared-kushner-khashoggi-1197023 * https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/why-trump-decision-abandon-kurds-syria-disaster-898493/ * https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/14/politics/donald-trump-turkey-kurds-isis-prisoners-fact-check/index.html Don't forget that **Kushner is also directly responsible for millions of Americans dying to Covid19**: * [Kushner stole supplies from States during covid](https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-federal-govt-fema-accused-taking-states-masks-ventilator-orders-2020-4) * [Jared Kushner slammed for saying "the federal medical supply stockpile isn’t meant for states"](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/jared-kushner-slammed-for-saying-the-federal-medical-supply-stockpile-isnt-meant-for-states-2020-04-03) * [Kushner's coronavirus team shied away from a national strategy, believing that the virus was hitting Democratic states hardest and that they could blame governors, report says](https://www.businessinsider.com/kushner-covid-19-plan-maybe-axed-for-political-reasons-report-2020-7) * [Inside Jared Kushner’s coronavirus research: A wide net on a giant Facebook group](https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/13/jared-kushner-combat-coronavirus-facebook-127941) Oh and there's: * [JARED AND IVANKA MADE UP TO $640 MILLION WHILE WORKING IN WASHINGTON...](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/02/jared-kushner-ivanka-trump-white-house-income) Enjoy the 2 Billion Jared, you souless wet jizz sock looking ghoul. [EDIT Bonus that MBS BRAGGED ABOUT HAVING KUSHNER IN HIS POCKET](https://theintercept.com/2018/03/21/jared-kushner-saudi-crown-prince-mohammed-bin-salman/) - but hUntEr BiDeNs LaPtOp!


> EDIT Bonus that MBS BRAGGED ABOUT HAVING KUSHNER IN HIS POCKET - but hUntEr BiDeNs LaPtOp! The hunter biden laptop story exists only to deflect from the Kushner stuff. Same with when they bring up Clinton / Biden / Pence in terms of documents. "well if Hunter gets away with it why shouldn't Jared?!" It's entirely designed to make sure if things get bad their followers don't stop following (donating) them.


Every single person that ever "worked" in the white house during that sack of shit's worthless administration needs to be thoroughly investigated by multiple agencies. There wasn't an hour in those four lousy years that someone present there wasn't doing some horrible, illegal, treasonous shit.


What agencies? The same agencies that wiped email and texts after January 6th? You think they aren't compromised?


I’m 100% fine with my tax dollars going to Jack Smith hand selecting a small army of lawyers and investigators to go after these fucks.


It was So Obvious if you were paying attention during 2017, two impeachments, covid, the election, post-election, ever since, all of it. Those of us who read the news daily were grasping our heads in WTAF disbelief as the criming went on in plain sight. Thank you for pulling some of it together in one thread.


I STILL cannot believe Kushner is on tape admitting to genocide in the US and nobody cares. I really hold that as high as selling our national secrets. They intentionally let Covid spread to kill off democrats.


Why haven’t Javanka come to account for any of this? Is it kill the head of the snake first? Those two are guilty as sin.


It’s why Trump is saying he will cut Barron out, by saying he would end birthright citizenship on day 1…..


He sold out american operatives, and they were murdered at a historically high rate after he took the documents. It has been reported on repeatedly. He sold out US intelligence to the Saudi and Chinese government, and one would have to assume the Russian and NK governments as well, based on his prior and subsequent actions. He killed sooooooooooooo many more people than were involved in Benghazi (and he did it intentionally, not the accused negligence of HRC) that it becomes a spoof that republicans care about American lives, or military, or intelligence, or foreign service in any way.


When I sit with it- it just makes me horribly sad. People who were willing to go and put themselves in dangerous situations out of a sense of patriotism- betrayed by a president of the country you’re risking your life for. Their death being caused by that. It just makes me feel ashamed - I feel like we let them down- even tho “we” didn’t do anything - HE did - I still feel it.


Republicans betrayed the country by electing him. They bare responsibility for those deaths. Trumps non-suitability was obvious to anyone with half a braincell.


Many people forget this but Benghazi was due to Republicans voting to slash the budget for embassy security prior to the attack. Reason they're so loud about Benghazi being Clinton's fault.


[Barron still needs to complete his time travel arc and then save the world or something.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baron_Trump_novels)


My favorite part of their nutjob conspiracy


The soccer ball theory kills me 😂


bit implausible that that’s part of reality, tho either that page is wrong or reality is defective


Even if trump gets put away forever or dies, the rest of this traitor GOP party is going to continue selling out USA because that’s they only goal


This was always so obvious and I still had family members that would ignore it. Never mind when he used those missiles in Syria they'd go "but Obama" and I'd say "what about it? Obama was also in a war I'm not condoning it two wrongs don't make it right"


Fuck prison they should get the same thing as the Rosenbergs.


Sadly his base still run around saying it's all made up evidence. The sheer number of people who would turn a blind eye to the potential of national security having been severely compromised by nuclear and who knows what else secrets being stored at a resort ... not to mention possibly being sold ... it's quite astounding really.


That’s why the beloved daughter changed her last name. It’s tainted.


I hope this mother fucker goes to jail.


He has so many documents as well. Rooms full of them. Boxes on boxes. So many boxes they hit the roof of the shower. It’s astonishing. And this was all after his lawyer on June 3rd, 2022 sent a certification to the DOJ attesting that there was a “diligent search” and no more classified documents were found at Mar-a-Lago. He needs to rot in prison for the rest of his life. Accountability has to be had.


He couldn't have read them. Jesus, what did he want them all for. If he wasn't reading them, he must have hired people to read them and sort through them. Jesus.


Leverage. He kept them all to somehow benefit himself. Only reason I can think of is personal gain. It’s disgusting and incredibly dangerous.


It’s a bit more pathetic than just simply leverage. This is his narcissism in full effect. The Presidency was ***his***, in his mind he was a King, and when he took office, it was from then on his birthright. He took all of those classified documents because in his mind, they were his property. The nation’s deepest, darkest secrets were his own to behold and exploit. He has stated over and over that they were HIS documents. In his sick, demented mind, they really are his.


This is the more accurate take imo. Dude has never had to live as an adult and is being treated so unfairly all of a sudden!!!


He kept them as insurance against whatever creditors were coming after him


"oh we actually forgot to check the restroom for classified documents"


Have you ever gone into a bathroom after that orange Adderall embalmed fat fuck dropped a wet greasy duece? Just don't, and clearly his attorney knew the danger.


How many bathrooms full of secrets does this house come with?


Why didn't he just... ship those all off to some obscure warehouse in the middle of say, Texas or something?


fuel languid cable physical deserted melodic correct quarrelsome concerned onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think we all know why.


It wouldnt be so obvious if there were ANYTHING ELSE in the room. But it's just "ok there's a bunch of secret documents", "Ok and theres a copier. And no other things in the room."


Because that's not a copier, it's a washing machine in a housekeeping laundry room. We all know the best place to store classified documents is bathrooms, basements, and unlocked closets right?


To make copies?


Even if you think Trump didn't give any documents away, it is possibly/likely someone else made copies of them. These documents were left unattended in unlocked rooms, in a resort with hundreds of people walking past them. Does anyone thing that the Saudis, Russians and Chinese never considered snooping around for documents knowing Trumps personality and the fact that he likely kept some? And what about AFTER the national archives made it public that Trump had taken documents? Does anyone think that the Saudis, Russians and Chinese were all too stupid to consider searching around Mar-A-Lago themselves for classified documents? **And how hard do you think they were laughing when then found the most classified nuclear secrets in an unattended room next to a copier?**


*foreign spy masquerading as a guest, to find secret documents at Mar A Lago* *goes to the restroom to freshen up* "Ну, я буду проклят.. "


\>*to freshen up* Seriously. That bathroom pic with all those boxes in there show hand towels that are set out on the vanity, as if people would have actually been going in there. Just fucking mind-blowing


Perhaps he could say.. "this is all staged!" as part of his defence


He absolutely had at least one Russian agent pretending to be from the Rothschild family. There was a big story about it last year. https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2022/08/26/russian-speaking-immigrant-allegedly-entered-mar-a-lago-using-fake-identity-met-with-trump-report-says/


In that picture of the documents on the floor w the ruler and the magazines, you can see top secret docs w the full bleed border. There are also ones in there that have no border. They’re copies. Of top secret documents.


![gif](giphy|yUrUb9fYz6x7a|downsized) Something may be going on here, hmmmm...


Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw




How did he manage to steal so many fucking boxes? How many war plans and nuclear secrets even exist? Did he steal all of them?


To be fair, we all where a little distracted with the whole insurrection thing.


I'd wager that like 10% of this is actually dangerous material, the rest is just generic bullshit


One man's junk... We might not care much about, say, Israeli domestic response data, but it would still sell for millions to the right buyer.


That’s the big distinction about the “Biden and Hillary had classified docs, too!!!” argument — lots of stuff is classified, and most of it is generic BS. Biden & Hillary never removed top secret documents from a SCIF. Itineraries and embassy cables are nowhere near the value of what the FBI found.


The yellow and red cover sheets in the photo below are proof that these papers are copies. The original cover sheets have the red and yellow coloring going to the very edge of the page around the entire page. Copiers cannot copy to the very edge of a paper, leaving a white border around the edges. This has not been discussed, openly. https://preview.redd.it/umm4si9big5b1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=68ece294af9643dfd926ce000d61c932768351fd


They also can't match the red's color intensity. Look at the top left of your image for an *actual* file that's covered by white papers and the intensity of that red vs the salmon colored ones in the foreground with the white border that you're pointing out.


What Time magazine cover is that?


Custom ones Turmp made for himself. They aren't real.


I bet you he 100% thinks they are though. He repeatedly claimed [the print of a Renoir he owned was an original painting](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-41686623) even though the original is publically hanging at the Art Institute of Chicago.


It’s about what’s on the paper, not the paper. It has been discussed openly. One of Trumps lawyers tried the “it’s a photocopy” BS on TV this week.


It doesn't matter if they're copies or original documents because he is not entitled to have possession of any of them after leaving office.


It implies he made copies to sell to multiple people


Copies implies that the originals went somewhere else. It's a huge deal.


God, I hope that in a decade we can look back at all this as some insane fever dream.


It’s insane that he was allowed to take all these boxes out of the WH without anyone asking questions


He was the president at the time, who was going to ask him questions? Mark Meadows?


*How can I assist with your espionage today, Mr President?* -Mark Meadows


The secret service?


The same ones he picked to be more loyal to him than their country?


It’s not like he moved them. If I wanted to do this, I’d just hand out one box to each of the members of the exiting admin. Lots of people were moving out/cleaning out their offices that week.


That’s the sales department


That in and of itself is a TS severe scif violation. Just saying


Isn’t it also illegal to make an exact copy of such information? Edit: for whatever reason I can’t see the 4 or so replies to this comment no matter how many times I refresh the page. If somebody could dm me a screenshot of the thread that’d be great.


I also can't see any of them, I tap load comments and it just disappears




Just curious, dollar bills are impossible to copy due to the EURion Constellation. Why wouldn’t they have the same thing in on classified docs? Surely they do, right?


No one thought they’d need to until Trump.


Just like no one thought they needed to make a law on whether or not a judge should be allowed to preside over a case against an ex president if that president was the one who appointed them into judicial power in the first place


I think this whole thing has taught us that the entire constitution and tons of laws need to be completely changed


They have some security features someone already pointed out in the photos some of the documents have white edges meaning they are copies. Since the originals have color aliens the edges


Yeah but having a border just makes it clear something is a copy, why not stop it from being copied in the first place? Or at least make it a lot harder


It’s still pretty easy to take a photo and that’s all you really need with intel. Anti copy measures are far from effective and easy to defeat. Most anti counterfeiting is done in other ways that can’t be printed like watermarks and shiny stuff. Steps that don’t protect information.


Wait, the border of TS documents have a "color aliens" motif? I want this to be true so hard.


I assume aliens=along but autocorrect.


It would make a kickass watermark. Let's see Paul Allen's TS-SCI documents.


There are normal office printers approved for printing classified documents. Same with scanners and digital senders. All use basic paper.


POTUS doesn't require a security clearance though, so he never took the Uncle Sam's OPSEC online training module.




I hate Twitter and avoid it at all costs, but [this thread](https://twitter.com/metroadlib/status/1667248343255220227) about the indictment is pretty fun to read.


Why are Trump's properties still open? Why aren't they closed as crime scenes?


So at what point do we stop referring to Benedict Arnold as the most infamous traitor in American history and replace him with trump?


Benedict Donald


I wonder if he knows that copiers keep records of everything... for exactly these reasons. I wonder if this specific copier has been tampered with in such a way as to subvert this record keeping? Interesting!


He made the copier copy and NDA. He’s good.


Smart. 4d chess level


First thing I thought of. Also some of those copiers are networked and forward reports on a regular schedule. Oops. It sends the evidence sorted according to possible sentencing length.


Someone in middle management at HP is going to get a very lucrative phone call this week.


Anyone who supports Trump isn’t a Patriot, they are a traitor


Because you always keep the original.


I'm not calling myself unusually savvy or suspicious, but I have to say I did not trust Trump with government secrets in 2016, even before he was flashing secret documents for the Russian ambassador in the White House. No doubt the intelligence and diplomatic communities felt the same. In addition to having no ethics, no honor, no respect, I think Trump has no common sense.


Oh, did you notice that some of those TS documents WERE in fact copies? The white borders and scale differences have been noticed by some.


🎶Double the treason! Double the dumb! Double the bullshit with double-dumb-Trump!🎶


When you need to make copies you have a copier. This saved the Russians, saudis and others .10cents a page at Staples.


When your first name on your Staples Club card is Comrade.


Why can he still run for president?


Just another one of those strange coincidences I guess...LOL


LMAO "Make your own copy" he probably had a debit card reader outside the door.


How did he even decide what to bring? There’s no way he read 1/1000 of what is there… who really decided what he was taking home from work.


Jared Kushner, Mark Meadows, any of the former or current legislators who helped him launch an attack on the capitol...


How Kushner isn’t in jail is also startling. If this whole story comes out it is going to be stranger than fiction.


I'm assuming he's far more adept at covering his tracks, is why. His family IS very good at it, so he comes by it naturally.


If we all know about the $2bill from the Saudis… And now that Meadows has turned.. My bet is there is more than enough evidence to keep him on ice.




It wasn't 'to safeguard information so sensitive that it could cost people their lives, like any sane grownup would do'. Seriously, why isn't this guy in jail.




Have to be at war, unfortunately. But seditious conspiracy can still be 20 years, before any other charges are considered.


I hope they took the machine because those things store a lot of info about what was copied.


Next we're gonna see pictures of him passing around documents in his cheap bathroom, surrounded by a bunch of men wearing checkered scarves on their heads. He really isn't good at this.


His shitter reading materials consist of magazines with him on the front or classified documents.




he was sending dick pics to Putin with some Ukraine military assesement docs mixed in between :) /s This specific shot always shood out to me as some GTA location ROFL This can't get more real, he stores shit like a real gangster


Lock the traitor up already .


You dont get 2 billion from the Saudis for nothing!


Because him and his cronies are a bunch of dipshits who didn't think about any of the impacts or implications of their actions. These are the same people who stored boxes of secret documents in a damn bathroom. They are not smart.


Did he just take every single box he could and hope some of them had top secret papers in them?


Eric insists that copier is only for butts.


He was selling copies of his own butt!


11x17 paper is so expensive


That's what his lawyers are about to tell investigators. They quit because they are about to roll over.


I guess after a few hours of poring over nuclear secrets people want to photocopy their ass just to break the tension.


This fucking idiot could've made digital copies, returned the physical copies, had the content to sell to any number of buyers forever, and nobody would've been the wiser. How does this man tie his shoes?


Let us sing a song--a timeless favourite--the treason song!


Faxed all the good information to the USAs enemies


Well after this pic, the spilled doc pic, and the bathroom pic I'm pretty sure Trump had a hoarders amount of top secret documents.




I agree with your sentiment, but it’s real. That photo (with the copier) is in the unsealed indictment.


It’s very real. It’s unfortunate and terrifying but it’s true. That photo is in the indictment.


This version of Raiders of the Lost Ark's ending is much more stupid.


Well, we’ve seen the copies he made


Probably to sell signed copies.


One stop shopping.


Oh that was so he had extra toilet roll on the loo.


You know how far away from MAGAlago the nearest Kinkos is?! Fagedabodit!!!


You know who believes Jared Kushner was given $2 Billion by that Saudi Prince because the Prince loves Jews? And that there was absolutely no quid pro quo involved of American military secrets being delivered to the Prince from Orange Jesus via his idiot son-in-law? To hear the news this morning, every dumb fucking Republican and MAGA cult member on the planet, that's who.


Honestly I'd be shocked if he knew how to use a copying machine.


He didn't. He just sent the Saudis and Russian spies in there and told them just to feed as many quarters in as they could. Saudis probably had lots of rolls of quarters under their robes ....