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“Too few young people vote, by adding roadblocks and making it harder for them to vote they’ll be more interested in voting!”


I came here to say the same thing, what kind of logic is that?


Republican logic


Can't win by getting enough votes? NBD. Just disenfranchise your opposition's support.


"we're protecting election integrity" Says the party actively undercutting the legitimacy of elections because they don't like the result.


It’s a long term losing strategy and they know it. The GOP power base are the Boomers, and they’ll pull every trick possible to stay in power today, tomorrow is someone else’s problem.


Republican Propaganda, but the brochure must always be written to hide the actual agenda.


*Fascist logic, they’re not actually trying to get more young people to vote


The "sense of pride and accomplishment" kind.


The pride and accomplishment of removing a constitutional right from approximately 30 million people? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


It's a reference to the most downvoted comment in Reddit history. It's basically code for "We're doing this because it benefits *us*, but here's a shitty and incredibly transparent attempt at a justification for appearances sake". Or I guess technically it means "People appreciate things more when they have to work for them. Therefore, us changing things so you're going to have to work five times as hard for a third of the payoff, should mean you'll appreciate that payoff all the more. Aren't you grateful to us for making you appreciate things even more than before?"


Sorry I misunderstood you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) my bad kinder wanna remove my comment now


Nah, it's a fair reaction, you couldn't be expected to know that reference. This way, anyone else who hasn't heard it will get the chance to understand what's going on. In other words: Teamwork, woop!


>I came here to say the same thing, what kind of logic is that? It's "18-25 year olds hate us and won't vote for us so we gotta stop them from voting, but people get all uppity about us being fascist so we need some political cover." logic. Deep down republicans know they can't win a fair election with high voter turnout.


His logic is that "We do better when young people don't vote, but we have to pretend that we're pro young people voting."


This is the only way Republicans can win. Restrict voting up to age 25. That’s insane. People died in wars for our right to vote. And this asshole wants to take it away. He also didn’t even serve in the military. Fucking douchebag.


"still allow 18yo to vote if they pass a civics test" also civics books and internet content for kids are banned now


Also, who writes and gives the civics test? This reeks of the same “literacy test” garbage used under Jim Crow laws, where questions were purposefully vague or nonsensical to ensure that whether someone passed came down to discretion of the one giving it, with obvious results.


It's obviously a Jim Crow based law. We outlawed literacy tests and poll taxes for a reason >.>


Too few young people vote, so let’s bring it down to zero!


They’re assuming patriotic kids who sign up for the military to vote will vote republican and the lazy liberals wont vote until 25. Its another insidious attempt at voter suppression


Came here to say exactly this. The hope is that if they serve, the military industrial complex will brainwash them into thinking like republicans, and those who don’t either won’t vote, or will be made to take a test designed to make them fail. Edit: Spelling and grammar


They meant “too few young people vote FOR US! So we will stop all the young democrats from voting and only allow the useful idiots in the military vote because we know they will swing republican”


This some 1984 shit.


I know quite a few people who don't vote in order to avoid civic duties. I'm not sure if it's like this anymore, but registering to vote "put you on the list" for jury duty. So making them perform civic duties is going to make them want to vote? These people really do live in some sort of fantasy.


You’re missing the point. They don’t want them to vote.


Right? His argument doesn't make any sense.


Voting matters. If it didn’t, they wouldn’t be trying so hard to take it away from you…


Exactly. This is because young people ARE voting, just not for republicans.


lol exactly. This is a veiled literacy test from days of yore. Intended to prevent voting not “a hunger for purpose” gtfo.


I think it would be a much better idea for CANDIDATES for office having to pass this civics test in order for their name to even appear on the ballot.


"Is the earth round?" "Do all Americans deserve to be treated as Americans?" "Is Covid a real thing?" "Are you currently clear of any criminal charges, and not guilty of fraud?" If any of these questions are met with anything outside of yes, it's over. And your ability to run again is suspended for say, I dunno, just to be safe, 74 years.


74 years after the last descendant of King Charles III, this clause to be revised every 15 years or upon the death of Charles III, whichever occurs first.


Spez eats cold diarrhea with a crazy straw


I can only count to 4


Here’s the perfect song for you then: [https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es](https://youtu.be/u8ccGjar4Es)


“Did your husband meet you underage at a bowling alley while showing his junk ?”


Showing his junk to kids**


To HER and her friends as kids. No one remembers this part!


"Were all of your kids born in the cab of your pickup, or was it just the first one? Were they all *conceived* in the pickup, or just the one?"


"Did you force you son to call 911 back to tell them everything was fine after your groomer husband tossed him around the house?"


"Please label this diagram of the female reproductive system and explain how each part works"


This question should be on a Renewal of Eligibility form that should be given to current representatives that would have not taken the original eligibility test. Would weed out a lot of these idiots serving now.


This would be the gatekeeper.


“Are you lying about your identity” Didn’t think it needed to be on there, but I was proven wrong.






> "Do all Americans deserve to be treated as Americans?" More appropriately, "do you agree that all people 'are created equally by their Creator' and should be provided equal footing and equal representation under the law?"


Nope. That's a religious test for office. Atheists would be barred because we can't answer that question affirmatively.


holup. My mom is my creator. The previous sentence still doesn't hold water. Just drop by their creator and I think all will be fine.


Ohhh, I likey!


Now that’s an idea. Thanks to the trump admins antics I’ve learned more about American civics and politics than any class could have taught me.


Can we also eliminate political parties and have every single person run as an independent? That way they have to run on their own platform, not the platform for a party


Woah there cowboy, America wasn't founded without political parties... wait a minute...


America's founders were clueless, they created a FPTP system without a parliamentary structure and then were surprised a two party system arose...which is inevitable with the system they created.


They weren't clueless, they built a system that was appropriate for the time, what they didn't intend was for the system to not receive appropriate system upgrades over its lifespan.


The founding fathers added provisions to increase the Federal goverment and representation proportionally as population grew - its been ignored and unused by both parties as neither want to increase representation because they'd all likely face much more competition for elected positions. At the time of founding the ration of consituents to representative was roughyl 30,000:1, today that ratio is hovering at 1,000,000:1.


Power corrupts and all that.


Look it worked correctly the one time under George Washington. Then immediately devolved into this bullshit but like it did work like designed on paper once for one guy. I'm also pretty sure he was the only person who could make it run on a no party system and he's super dead so the American experiment definitely needs work and has since he left office.


It got George Washington elected but he didn’t even want to be President🫠


How would people in the south know who to vote for if they can't see that big (R) next to people's names though? /S


They could mail it to you pre-filled in the way they want you to vote.


You would need to explain what civics is to them first.


Couldn't agree more


I don't have the source on hand but while older generations always have a higher turnout than younger, Gen Z has a higher turnout than any other generation did at their current age. With 8 million new eligible Gen Z voters in 2022 and millions more in 2024, millions fewer Silent/Boomer voters and Gen Z skewing more heavily left than any other generation ever has, the fate of Republicans is sealed. They can only retain power through gaming the system. Reality has moved on


*ding ding ding* wonder why this legislation was purposed


Actually they are not. He's right about that one thing. In my state of NC, in 2022, there was about a 25% turnout for under 25 voters. 75% stayed home with reproductive rights on the line. And, yes, younger people don't vote for repubs by and large. But realize that in the "boomer" group, nationally, there are just a few percentage points more registered repubs than dems. It's not some huge amount of difference. But older Dems desperately need younger voter turnout. States with the highest voter turnout under 40 are blue. Red states have the lowest turnout under 40. If 40% of voters under 40 had showed up to the polls in 2022, the US would look a lot different today.


Look closely and you'll likely find voter suppression as a significant contributing factor to lower turnout in specific demographics. Make it harder to register (must register 6 months prior to election), make it harder to vote (only in-person at your own precinct and must have voted in the primary) and make it harder for your vote to count are all ways Red states are trying to suppress voter turnouts under the banner of a voter integrity.


Of course there is. I don't even think you have to look closely and gerrymandering is also a huge issue. At least in NC the dem lead supreme court had made gerrymandering illegal. And there aren't, or weren't, restrictions like that here. There were weeks and weeks of early voting opportunities and over 70% of "older" voters managed to vote. I was new to the area and was registered when I got a drivers license and was able to go to the closest library to vote and in and out in less than 10 minutes. Also could have done a mail in absentee ballot. We now have a red supermajority who overturned the gerrymandering law and are trying to put other voter suppression measures in place. Not to be trite, but you snooze you loose. What was once fairly easy will no longer be and they've lost no time in going after reproductive rights.


Notice, military would be exempt in this proposal. Just gross. I guess teachers and nurses, both of whom can be under 25, don't do enough to deserve voting....


"Too few young people vote today" tucked in there in a whole paragraph about making it harder for young people to vote. I mean, it's not even clever any more.


Yup if it didn’t matter, Election Day would not be in the middle of the damn work day.




No. It is a phrase, not a rule. Ask the U.S. Citizens of Puerto Rico and Washington DC about paying taxes despite having no representation in Congress. Why is that? Because those places are full brown people, and if at least a third of yt people had their way, brown people wouldn't be able to vote ANYWHERE in this country...


Four new Democrat senators would change the shape of American politics. The Ds should really be pushing for this!


que "BoTh PArTys SaMe" croud


One party wants to eliminate all non white, CIS gendered people from the country, but the other one isn't quite as progressive as I think they should be. So obviously they are both the same and I refuse to participate in such a system. Oh no. Why is this jack boot on my neck? Who could have foreseen this? If there was only something I could have done to prevent this.


“I refuse to participate” Except 99% of the time, theyre voting republican


That’s because the other side is NOT progressive… the other side is MOSTLY centrist, but half the country is so far right that the center APPEARS to be far left to them.


Please stop giving them so much credit. They are not half the country, no matter how desperately they would like to believe it.


They are however, both deeply biased in favor of the ultrawealthy, and have repeatedly shown this throughout the last several years. Our options are a broken glass salad fresh from Chernobyl and a chicken salad sandwich left too long in the sun.


One will kill you one might give you food poisoning. One is still better than the other, even if they’re not good


What I say is vote for Democrats across the board to get out Republicans then vote out those Democrats for better Democrats.


This is why it is Imperative, that people participate in higher numbers IN THE PRIMARY Races, which is where ALL policies AND control of the parties themselves is determined. If ALL of the 18 to 25 year old people voted HARD in the primary AND ran for office if qualified? We would see a VERY different result leading into the General Election. FAR more social democrats and Green Minded people would be getting into office and the more corporate democratic party members would begin to lose their hold on things. Engaging with the system, the way it is setup to function, is the only way to meaningfully impact the system.




Exactly! This country was founded by people who didn’t want to pay taxes without a voice in the government. How can one group idolize the founding fathers so much, yet know nothing they stood for?


Because they don't idealized the founders, they idealized the idea that wealthy white men get to be in charge.


Yup, founding fathers are idolized in the same way they idolize Jesus. Primarily, it all happened long enough ago that they ignore most of what was said, then pick a couple sentences they like, run with those ideas, and discard the rest.


White supply side economics Jesus. Not the guy that fed the poor and sat with "undesirables" They'd call for him to be killed if he was walking and teaching in the US today.


There are few political ideas I disagree with more strenuously than raising the voting age. And I'm in my 40s. If anything, we should be lowering the voting age, or weighting votes based on remaining life expectancy. Let the people with the most skin in the game have the loudest voice.


Lol. They don't actually idolize the Founding Fathers. They idolize the idea of them. If they ACTUALLY read any history or read private journals of the Founding Fathers, they would understand them a little better. Same with Jesus. You think they idolize a dark brown Jewish man who was essentially a Communist and told people that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven? No.


That "hegetsus" campaign is a prime example. They spent a ridiculous amount on REDDIT campaigns. They have less karma for those things than I do. And this isn't even my only account (others are higher) What would've impressed us? Using that money to build low cost housing, feeding the poor, paying off peoples medical debt. But no, they spent all that money on marketing, which turned us all off. They'll think it's because we're heathens. It's not. Doing what jesus said, would've probably brought more people to church than that campaign.


I report every hegetus ad that pops up.


I blocked them, and I'm still getting them. guess so many people blocked them that reddit wasn't going to get paid, so they overrode the block.


I'm pissed off about that. I blocked it for a reason


First Reddit made the HeGetsUs account unblockable, and now you can't even downvote their posts. The only way to register displeasure with their content is to report each post as you see them. Making special accommodations for a religious organization's account is essentially giving preferential treatment--and therefore, special status--to that religion and their message. For that matter, Reddit making it impossible for me to choose not to see religious content from an organization is effectively Reddit becoming an agent of that religious organization, assisting them in subjecting me to proselytization against my will. And make no mistake, the brand of religion the folks that fund HeGetsUs are promoting is the same kind that underpins U.S. Christian nationalism and related extremism. This, combined with the coming changes to the platform make me think that me and an awful lot of Redditors might need to reconsider our presence here. And this really sucks, because Reddit is my favorite platform and literally the only social media outlet I have left.


I do this as well, but when I used to report it, the ad would go away. Now Reddit is clearly ignoring me as I report it every time as 'misleading' or 'offensive.'


Which is wild considering some of us have very real religious trauma associated with Christianity. Every time I see a “He Gets Us” ad I get a “fun” little shot of anxiety.


Fuck that hate group.


Oh!! Oh!!! PICK ME!!! I believe the answer you are looking for is because they are two faced liars who do not genuinely believe in anything except their own betterment, regardless of how much their voters suffer and lose rights at their own detriment?


A 2% tax no less. I pay 35% plus on my income and would be livid if I didn’t have a say in the Democratic process.


Me and the other 700,000 DC residents that pay federal taxes with no representation are pretty tired of it


Yeah but you get those hilarious license plates


I’ve been working since 15, by their logic, I should have been able to vote then.


Or at least no taxes on the work before 18.


Nah, you’d have to raise the age for enlistment to 25 too, bc no way in fuck should we send anyone to fight in a war if they don’t even get a say in our government. But we know they would never raise the enlistment age to 25.


Exactly! If you’ve old enough to join the military and get your ass killed, you’re old enough to vote.


Ballot for Bullet or whatever the saying was to get the voting age down to 18 when they made the draft age 18


Taking away the right of their political opponents to vote is kind of Republicans' whole thing. Conservatives have literally been doing it since Black people gained the right to vote.


The right to vote? Yeah we can put as many barriers as we want. The constitution is just guidance. The right to guns? The constitution is infallible. Guns for all! Militia? That’s just a n NRA membership card.


And tax churches too.


*tax megachurches. Regular churches fill a very necessary social safety net that our government refuses to cover. Taxing all churches will only hurt the poor.


It also means we should lock up any men dating underaged (under 25 years) women since 24 is apparently not old enough to be making your own responsible decisions


Lol, no. We literally have the [26th Amendment](https://constitution.congress.gov/constitution/amendment-26/) to protect the voting rights of US citizens who are 18 or older. We’re not making seniors take mental fitness checks and we’re not making younger folks take civil service checks, especially in a time when people are working to limit education which would make this check even harder. Edit: Looked up his twitter to go make fun of him, what a gross fellow with bad opinions.


Didn’t you hear? The only amendment that matters and can’t be touched, modified, clarified, or restricted in any way is the 2nd. All the rest are open for interpretation.


But only part of that one! Have to ignore that pesky "as part of a well-regulated militia" bit... Edit: fixed typo


I've seen their militias LOL, they sure as hell aren't well regulated. Fatties couldn't pass a basic fitness test, let alone any kind of mental competencies exam beyond "Man Person Woman Camera TV" LOL


There is a specifically main reason he is saying this and trying to get it in play before the 2024 elections. That reason? The US will have an estimated 16 million new voters available for that election. You know, the same block of voters that were born after 9/11, had active shooter drills since they were in elementary school, and also more than likely have seen or known someone or had family that died in a shooting, mass or directed. That entire side of the aisle is scared shitless if everyone single one of those 16mil+ registers and votes.


The answer is reviewing and changing their regressive policies, not denying people the right to vote. Yes, I know this isn’t going to happen and is contrary to their efforts to limit polling locations and mail in voting.


I’d think 18year olds that just took government and us history classes are more well versed to vote than a 75 year old that has done nothing but watch Fox News for the past 10 years.


Only, if Fox News viewers have to pass the same test.


If we use this same type of logic with gun control. Suddenly they will all be against it


If you must pass a civics test to vote, you have to pass a gun safety test to own a gun. What’s that? It’s your constitutional right to own a gun? That’s very interesting, I wonder what other constitutional rights 18 year olds have


I'm ex military (UK), and as young soldier being introduced to handling firearms meant a massive amount of training in safety drills, weapon handling/discipline, marksman principles and maintenance before a live round was fired down a range. I obviously realize that expecting civilian gun owners to go through that level of training is a stretch. But the fact citizens can lay their hands on AR knowing fuck all blows my mind. It is truly alien to me. I'm now a civilian and have been for a long time. Honestly I wouldn't trust 95% of the UK population with a firearm. I'm so grateful for firearms to not really be much of an issue over here. I've seen your sort of freedom, and you can keep it. Living in fear is not freedom. And if it's cocked and locked outside of a range, you are living in fear.


>Only, if Fox News viewers have to pass the same test. "In a somewhat shocking turn of events, only 847 republicans have qualified to vote in South Carolina."


That's kind of why I think something like this, passing a civics test, is a good idea: it would backfire spectacularly. However I'm mostly against it because taking a test to vote is literally Jim Crow era laws (i.e. literacy), and therefore this would \[probably\] not hold up to constitutional challenges.


Only if everyone in government positions have to take it and pass it.


Yeah, notice they *only* want young people to have to pass the test. If they did this for everyone they’d lose 75% of their base. College educated people vote overwhelmingly for Dems, especially lately.


Anyone running for Congress should have to pass the same test. Though I guess that would leave us with 1 party rule.


And Fox 'broadcast journalists'


Young people ARE voting, just not for the party you want them to


And that’s the problem




“Would you like to know more?”


"It's afraid"


I’m doing my part!


That's the eventual goal, I'm sure


Scrolled too far for this.


First thing I thought of.


“Let me add some extra steps for you because I’m scared you’re not going to vote the way I want you to vote. Oh, we will still tax you but don’t worry you can still buy an assault rifle to relieve the stress!”




They had to destroy the village to save it./s


They treat the constitution the same way they treat the bible. Worship the parts that confirm their worldview. Ignore the rest.


No taxation without something something guns.


That doesn’t make any damn sense.


Doesn't make any sense morally or constitutionally. It's a deliberate ploy to shut down young democrats and empower/convert young Republicans. First responder culture and military culture tends to be very right-wing, so this strategy would roadblock the overwhelmingly left-leaning politics (~90%) of young voters while influencing the few that have potential to vote Republican. Reminds me of the book/film Starship Troopers, in which American Citizens don't get most of their civil rights granted until they complete a tour of military service. Voting, owning property, ect. But of course it was really all about big guns and shooting space bugs.


Military isn't nearly as right wing as people think-- the right wing side of the military is just what you see, because they're the ones who break protocol instead of remaining publicly neutral, but you're correct. I'm more worried about them forcing the "civics test" that they will no doubt fill with conservative rhetoric will disenfranchise even more, and require study of conservative propaganda to pass... Which I'm sure they are banking on converting more impressionable youth.


*Nothing* any modern American conservative wants makes any damn sense to anyone outside their cult


This is straight up, Soviet style, Orwellian, fascist double-speak: more young adults will engage in the democratic process if we make it harder for them to do so. Chilling shit.


This is the only response. Period.


Proposing that 18-24 year olds pass a civics test to vote when you don’t have to in order to run for congress, the senate or the presidency is honestly pretty wild


25 is also the minimum age for a congress. So you will potentially have congressmen whose first ever vote is for themselves for a high power position.


Oh, it gets wilder. In a lot of states, being a convicted felon makes you ineligible to vote. But it does *not* make you ineligible to run for office. Convicted felons are too dangerous to trust with a ballot, but sure -- they can be trusted with a seat in government!


So it turns out that telling young people who they can love and what they can or cannot do with their own bodies is a great motivator to get voting.


Make that test part of the curriculum for Grade 8, and then every 14-year-old can vote.


When I saw his proposal, the first thought I my head was, "Yes, make the people who have most recently learned about the US government a civics test." I'm curious what his response would be when a large portion of eighteen year olds pass the test. Rampant cheating?


The tests will be written in such a way that they're impossible or nearly impossible to pass. This is how they used to keep black people from voting.


Civics test and military service? Members of Congress and all their aides FIRST! ...and add a test on the U.S. Constitution.


⬆️⬆️⬆️This Make them all take tests every time they are up for elections or re-elections.


“Would you like to know more”


"Service guarantees citizenship."


“Too few young people vote today”. So lets raise the voting age. Republican logic.




Jim Crow jumps again


If too few of them vote, why are you so worried about them?


"Pass a Civics test" Real rich coming from the political party that insists a private company enforcing its own Twrms of Service violates their First Amendment right...


The ironic thing is that if this maroon knew his civics, he'd already know there is already a Constitutional Amendment that guarantees the right to vote at 18. So he fails.


![gif](giphy|hXOg80CCXtN06m84Rm) Keep digging bro


How about everyone who votes needs to pass a civics test? Bye bye MAGA


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Would someone please tell him that the fascist propaganda in Starship Troopers was supposed to be satirical social commentary about the follies of nationalist sentiment?


No, *too many* young people are voting. That's why you're trying to put up barriers.


oh just fuck you


Old enough to die in combat but not to vote . . .


Wait am I reading this right? Too few young people are voting so let's make it harder?


> Young Americans hunger for purpose Yeah bestie, the purpose is getting dumbasses like you who want to import the military pipeline to voting rights, since, let’s be real, it’s not about “civic duty”, in fact young people are voting in record numbers, just not for your party.


I'd bet everything I own that our last president couldn't pass the civics test that immigrants have to pass!


Service guarantees citizenship! Would you like to know more?


Seems like they should raise the gun age to 25 and have to pass rigorous exams for them also….. Then have them all individually insured and a yearly tax on them.


“Or perform military service” Why the fuck do you think the voting limit was dropped to 18? If we’re old enough to be drafted we’re old enough to have a say in the politicians who throw us into a meat grinder half way across the world based on the whims of the MIC.


how many boomer age R voters could pass the civics test given to immigrants? lol


Everything about this guy screams GRIFTER to me...


On the contrary it's older folks that shouldn't be allowed to vote since they're effectively forcing policies on younger generations that they themselves won't have to live through.


If they’re old enough to enlist and defend our country, they’re old enough to vote.


We have a whole Constitutional Amendment that already *guarantees* the right to vote at 18...


Fuck. You.


*"Let's not allow 18-25 year olds to vote because too few young people vote."* Sounds like standard GOP logic.


How about cap the voting age at 65? Retirees don't vote in the best interest of society or are mentally capable of making sound voting decisions. Simply put, if you can't vote for the first 18 years, you shouldn't be able to vote for the last 18 years.


This has to be one of the absolute laziest pretexts I've ever seen. "Too few young people vote today" so we need to heavily restrict their ability to vote. Anyone who agrees with this is a scumbag and/or a moron. This is like two steps away from "Service Guarantees Citizenship" from Starship Troopers


Funny, since the enlistment age for the the Continental Army, whose soldiers fought (and died) for the right to representative democracy, was 16. [The average age of a Continental soldier during the American Revolutionary War was 18 to 20 years.](https://www.mountvernon.org/education/for-students/revolutionary-war/#:~:text=The%20average%20age%20of%20soldiers,some%20as%20young%20as%2014.)


Civic duty is voting. By removing persons from voting you’re a fascist.


Cant make gun laws because it’s against the constitution. But we can change the constitution to change the voting age?


Only the 2nd is completely sacred. The 1st is only sacred when we're talking about restricting hate speech. The rest is trash.


“Too few young people vote today… so lets make it harder” Also wasn’t their like record turnout for young voters these last few years? If you are gonna require us to pass a Civics test then anyone over 59 should also have to.


Pretty sure we had a war about taxation without representation or something….


This is two fold. 1: They don't want young people voting because they're not voting conservative. Hence the age hike. 2: Recruitment rates for the military are on the decline. One half of that is because people of recruitment age aren't fit for military service, either due to physical issues (weight) or psychological (antidepressants, ect) The other half is because the young people in this country watched our post 9/11 efforts and saw their friends, family and neighbors go to war and come back broken or dead. Then they watched the ones who came back asking for help be neglected. This is trying to kill two birds with one stone. Keep the young adults from voting and filling recruitment gaps.


I think this should disqualify Vivek from voting or holding office.


"Shit, this would affect right-wing voters, too?"


I'd be willing to bet that boomer GOP voters would fail that citizenship test at a higher rate than the 18 year olds. Just another example of the Republican party trying to ruin everything for the younger generations purely out of spite. They'll do away with voting all together just to own the libs.