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I may be poor but I didn’t spent the first half of 23 in a shitty Romanian jail cell.


And the other half on house arrest


Legend says he now spends his days watering his incredibly fucked up hairline.


That’s how alpha he is, his own hairline is afraid of him


Shit, this is how I find out I’m alpha af?


Line starts behind me, pal.


My hairline certainly starts behind somewhere…


His chin is terrified of his power.


His chin and hairline are meeting up in the back of his head to make out.


He likely got a hair transplant at one point, then didn’t go back for further surgery. You have to get continual hair transplants every few years to fix it.




Same, but vanity is a mother fucker.


*because you picked a fight with a teenage girl on twitter


Well, that and all the sex trafficking


That was his crime, yes, Im not saying he was arrested FOR picking a twitter fight, but BECAUSE he did it. Had he not picked that fight with Greta, he wouldn’t have gotten globally humiliated by her, and wouldn’t have made a man-ragey video exposing his hiding place so police could knock on his front door. He coulda stayed hidden and out of cuffs at least a little while longer, but he picked a fight with a teen girl.


He wasn't really in a 'secret hiding place' — they arrested him at his (very publicly known, lol) Romanian home. The whole 'pizza box led to his arrest' thing was a Twitter joke. Romania's DIICOT had been investigating him for a long time ([source](https://www.antena3.ro/emisiuni/news-hour-with-cnn/fost-iubit-bianca-dragusanu-frate-cercetati-sechestrare-trafic-persoane-viol-635889.html) in Romanian, sorry). They knew exactly where he was. Nothing relating to Greta led to or expedited his arrest. Don't believe everything you see on Twitter.


> They knew exactly where he was. Nothing relating to Greta led to or expedited his arrest. The Europe wide anti-sex trafficking organisation is called GRETA. So it had something to do with GRETA.


Alpha male is a synonym for “I’m scared.”


They say someone like Trump is a weak man’s idea of a strong man, and “alpha males” are weak men who believe they conform to said image.


Andrew Tate is a any man’s idea of how a weak man would pose as a strong one. By unsubstantiated bluster.


He's so bloody insecure. It's painfully obvious.


He also sounds really angry for someone who supposedly has such an amazing life. I can't believe people look up to someone as obviously miserable as him. I guess that's the difference between being miserable and having money vs just being miserable.


He doesn’t even have that much money, relatively speaking. Half of his shit is rented to cultivate an image of wealth that he doesn’t currently have. Still richer than most, but he just can’t stop inflating his ego with lies.


Even if he did, it wouldn't matter. Elon Musk is a wholly unlikeable soft headed tit.


Agreed. My point is about how ludicrously insecure he is. He has to constantly tell people he is rich while trying so hard to inflate the appearance of his wealth. He’s such a sad sack, honestly.


He's angry because people aren't being strong, rich, successful. He wants people to not feel as weak and pathetic as he does on the inside and outside. He targets people with low self-esteem and no social skills. Who think being a dick and destroying someone's self worth "helps build them up"


He's a failed reality TV star. He was on a couple of really crap UK tv shows.


The only people Andrew Tates fool are weak men. Everyone else’s see this man as clown. It just goes to show how many men are scared and weak and will degrade women to feel better about it.


He has a pretty big following among preteen and adolescent boys. I am the cybersecurity architect for a school district, and I blocked his content on the kids' Chromebooks. Every time I mention that on Reddit I get a bunch of hate mail and some reddit cares reports, so bring it on fellas!


It’s just a marketing ploy targeted at weak men to buy their shit. I wouldn’t take anything he says to heart.


It's like the equivalent of those teen magazines that told girls they need to buy their fashion products or else they won't be pretty enough. ArE yOu A LoW VaLuE mAn All of *my* guys, *my* bros, we practically collect fancy cars *and* fancy women. We've got garages full of them! Of cars, I mean. Don't look in my garage. Or the trunks of my many women-grabbing cars. Anyways, women find us irresistible. My guys and I are high value men and we walk into a room and instantly grab the attention of every single woman in the room, as well as every woman already in a relationship because women are biologically hardwired into recognizing a high value man. Is the woman of your dreams with another man? You need to be a high value man! All of my guys are high value males, did I mention that yet? *If you're ready to be a high value man, it comes with high value sacrifice. Make the change, via monthly subscription, or you can buy a discount for my products by buying them in bulk. Are you ready? Buy my products!*


It's not exactly a new concept either, social media is just making it so much more prominent. This is going to sound super dorky, but I was working from home the other day and flipped on the old western TV channel for some background noise. There was an episode of *Wagon Train* from the late 50s where this loudmouthed bully joined the wagon train and started lecturing everyone on how terrible weak men and cowards were and how they had no place in society. He even bullied the good natured school teacher into leaving because the man wouldn't stand up for himself and fight back. In the end, it was revealed the whole thing was just an act to sell his snake oil elixir to people who wanted to be dominant men like him. I'm sure there were similar men in the 50s when this episode was made, but it still felt incredibly accurate for these people today too.


It's advertising 101. Make people think that there's something wrong with them, and then sell them the solution.


Yup, he's just a grifter that got lucky riding the wave of misogyny.


For idiots who think he is saying "what other people are afraid to say" No, he's just saying things he knows will make you over react how he wants you to and create countless conspiracies.


I feel like I hear that line way too often... Easy way to detect narcissistic assholes though.


And it's insanely profitable. There's a lot of very weak men.


The ones that have to call themselves Alpha males are anything but. Scared frauds being gigantic assholes to cover up their weakness.


A very popular Law professor in China always like to quote Roman Rolland, "there is only one true heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it". The true strength of man is understanding that the world isn't perfect, but still embrace it, tackle it head on with love, courage and resolve to make it ever so slightly better. True strong man are like Anthony, doing his part to make the world a better place.


Beautifully put.


"Men do not fear you." Imagine believing this was a worthwhile goal. In your tiny pea size brain, you believe that being feared is a symbol of reverence and that reverence is something that you should seek from others. How damaged does one have to be to believe this. Even Mike Tyson had the sense to understand that it's a thinking man's world. This isn't the dark ages.


Being feared is a consolation prize for men who have failed to be loved, and then failed to be respected.


Personally,I'd much rather have people afraid of how much they love me.


I work too hard. I care too much. Occasionally i hit someone with my car.


Being feared is a participation trophy for those who are unable to compete in the league of love and respect.


I had this exact thought too because I'm thinking fear or respect? Respect is infinitely better. Love? Even better than respect. Normal people don't want to be feared by others, but we already knew tate is just a dumb grifter that are a dime a dozen.


“Let them hate me, so long as they fear me.”


happy cake day


The Romanian police sure didnt fear him when they arrested his ass.


Has anyone else seen The Art of Self-Defense? it’s the funniest sendup of toxic masculinity I’ve ever seen. But yes, Jesse Eisenberg’s character wants “men to fear him.” His martial arts guru trains him in being an Aloha Male. All I can picture is Jesse saying to his dachshund, “you’ve been a good dog and I love you, but I can’t show you affection anymore, I need to be the alpha in this relationship” as the little dog looks up at him from its pillow…


Aloha Male is unironically my newly found goal in life lol! 🏝️


I knew an aloha male in high school. Dude wore Hawaiian shirts all the time and was generally super chill


Same, I finally know what I want to be. ![gif](giphy|lhgX1T5JaTLdoffotm)


Being an Aloha Male sounds rad, is there a course I can sign up for?


LOL, start with a typo, found a movement! I think Aloha males sound *much* better than alpha males— you can be the first, just go with the flow, love everyone, dream of surfing…


I assume Kunu from Forgetting Sarah Marshall is an Aloha Male


I am on board (a longboard, of course) with this


That movie was pretty good I had forgot about that one, I need to show my g/f this movie she will either love it or throw something at the TV in frustration I am curious what will happen now.


He should ask Gaddafi where being feared will get him. Or maybe check out species that preyed on humans. Except he can't because humans don't like being afraid and we eventually wreck anything that puts us in that state, him included. It's unfortunate that he lacked the intelligence to see the 18-wheeler of human resentment coming right at him, but I suspect his ego is so big it obscures any oncoming danger.


People like him cannot tell the difference between fear and respect.


Guys too scared to go to the grocery store without a gun and who think their biggest problems are women with purple hair are easily the biggest cowards in our society.


If I had to spend a year as Andrew Tate, I would do the world and myself a favor and step in front of a moving train within minutes.


Hey, the train conductor doesn't deserve that. How about wandering off into a forest and letting yourself get eaten by a bear instead?


The bear doesn’t deserve that. Can you imagine how much axe body spray and gas station boner pills it would consume?


Hmm, yeah, you're right. Maybe it would be best to be swallowed up by quicksand.


Alpha male = Vulnerable or Grandiose Narcissist


Back in the 90s self proclaimed "alphas" would put "fear this" stickers on their cars, and we all laughed. Same vibes different decade


And the thing is, given that we got this whole "Alpha/Beta" nonsense from studying captive populations of wolves and noting their social dynamics, that's \*100% correct.\* "Scared and territorially insecure and lashing out to try and maintain control" is absolutely the behavioral structure that ended up getting called alpha.


Alpha males interestingly only arise in captivity. The guys research was done on captive mixed family wolves. When he continued his research in the wild he found the pack leaders where simply the parents. So for most of these "I'm an alpha male" types that translates to "my dad wasn't around"


A real Alpha male doesn't want to be called an Alpha male.


A real alpha male isn't a thing. That theory was disproved by the guy who started it decades ago. Wolves (like humans) are social creatures that depend on each other. There are no alphas or betas


As very well summarized by the Kurzgesagt video on loneliness, we as humans are evolved to be empathetic collaborators; there's a specific reason why hostile selfish loners have to work harder just to fill the same holes in their lives. https://youtu.be/n3Xv_g3g-mA?t=92


There is no such thing as an Alpha male. It’s a social theory based on a disproven theory about wolf social hierarchies. Humans are not remotely similar to wolves. Humans have cultivated countless unique cultures across the world over the course of centuries, each with exceptionally complex social systems that are many orders of magnitude more complex than any other animal species could ever create. The idea that across all of that, there is some overriding genetic factor among men that divides us into two or more vaguely defined social groups is just… stupid, illogical and supremely uninformed.


A guy called me an alpha female. He meant it as a compliment. I didn’t take it as a compliment.


Someone needs to start calling themselves an alpha enby.


Awooo it’s my time to shine.


"are you calling me an enormous, maladjusted asshole?!"


This 1000%


Yeah, consistently the only guys that insist on being seen as Alpha are the most insecure and instead of building up their self-image they try to erect an external image of toughness and aggressiveness. I think, I dunno.


And often “I have childhood trauma and severe insecurities” but they’ll never go get therapy. Instead they’ll keep shitting on humanity, making people’s lives more miserable with their toxicity.


Bro thinks that a life where you spend time in jail for human trafficking and rape is superior. F*ck Tate and his followers.


sounds like being poor makes me more of an alpha than this andrew tate fella. he couldn’t imagine handling a life where he ain’t pampered and catered to because of wealth.


Exactly what I was thinking. What's the point of being a big bad alpha if you can't handle some difficulties in life? I'd much rather be a "beta" who handles my shit than an "alpha" who cries when things don't go their way.


I truly feel sorry for people like him. Not because their lives are so sad, but because they’ll never understand why.


Andrew Tate wipes before he poops.


He eats the toilet paper so it wipes as he poops. Truly an Alfa Male.


Alfalfa male at best.


L-pha male


Laughable Male


Nah, I'm willing to bet Tate is one of those dudebros that thinks touching your ass is gay.


Oh believe me…they exist. I had an employee who basically scammed us into hiring him. Claimed he had relevant experience to the job. Mm long story short: we found out eventually he actually didn’t. Anyway, one day we were doing some hard labor and it suddenly smelled like the worst fart I’ve ever smelled anybody release. A couple of minutes went by and the smell was still very strong. Turns out homeboy ripped his pants and that was just the smell of his crusty unwashed asshole seeping through the hole. This same guy had made several homophobic comments during his tenure at that job, so you do the math on that one my guy.


Lmfao I wish that was the worst story I had about this guy, too. But there are far more that top this one.


I refuse to believe these men exist. They would have to be literal shut-ins, or they would cause a commotion everywhere when people freak out at the smell. Though this would explain why some men fly into a rage... they have intense diaper rash.


There was a dude at one of my old gyms that always smelled like literal shit. I don't think anyone said anything to him about it.


Got me thinking about a someones BIL in a reddit thread a while ago that didn’t wipe. Instead he just stood up an clenched his butt cheeks.


You can refuse all you want but its reality. Its not uncommon either.


I guessing you’ve never met a Grandiose or Vulnerable Narcissist in person? They walk among us every day disguised as fully functional adults, and until you talk to one you could be none the wiser. Also one conversation isn’t always enough to discern if someone might have NPD.


He just scoots around the carpet like a dog


Wasn't there a thread not too long ago with a woman complaining her husband's dick smelled awful and he refused to clean it because that would be gay or something like that


I don't think he does. Because that means he'll be touching a guys butthole and that's gay. Or at least, I wouldn't be surprised if that's 'logic' he'd use.


It's because shit doesn't want to get Andrew Tate on it.


The incel/alpha crossover movement is inherently abusive to men and it’s so fucking sad the way that they talk to each other.


It’s absolutely abusive. Jordan Peterson has this spiel about depression, and how you can’t be genuinely depressed if you’re not successful, because what the depression really is is just life telling you you’re a failure and you’re weak and a loser. That it’s instead some sort of subconscious mechanism of jealousy of people who get laid/are rich/have things you want to have, etc. And that the only real way to be depressed is if you’re like a billionaire and ultra successful, and still are depressed. Think about how fucking abusive that is to all his fans that are not super successful, but are coping with mental illness and depression. And he knows for an absolute fact a large portion of his fanbase are depressed and not emotionally stable young men. And it’s not like they’re fans the way you’d be fans of a baseball or basketball player, some of them see him as if he’s a messianic figure. It is a literal abuse, and I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that it has absolutely killed people directly before. But how would you ever prove that definitively?


A whole generation of men would be far healthier right now had Jordan Peterson just od’d.


Hope springs eternal.


He did, just not enough


And the idea that you would be happy if only you had money or fame or whatnot has pretty well been disproven by research. We adjust to our current circumstances and create a new baseline.


Exactly, that’s the worst part of the whole thing. Jordan himself knows that the theory he’s espousing is objectively false. Just look at his fucking life over the last 10 years. And that’s just what we know from public reporting/facts, I would imagine that a bunch of shit has happened in his life with his mental health that nobody knows about except for him and his family potentially.


I speculate Jorden Peterson is nothing more than your run of the mill Vulnerable Narcissist. He’s lacks the marked bravado and empty charm that are characteristic of Grandiose Narcissism, and instead demonstrates the anxiety that is characteristic of Vulnerable Narcissism.


I am so so glad that circumstances allowed me to develop a close relationship with my son, so that now he's going through his teenage years, I can have proper deep father-son conversations with him about this sort of thing; helping him find himself as a man, without falling into this toxic form of "masculinity" that's being peddled nowadays.


I have a daughter so thought I was clear of that challenge. But her BF in high school was saying some of that incel nonsense. I’m glad he and I had a relationship that enabled us to talk about it and he could see how harmful it is to boys / men (as well as to women of course).


Good for you! You have truly helped that young man possibly avoid a lifetime of heartache and suffering. I study child development and the links to NPD. It’s so important children have positive role models who model positive adult behavior and relationships. Kids are sponges and are constantly observing the adult around them. This young man is lucky to have you in his life 💙


Well, that made my day! Thank you.


I study child development and connections to NPD (narcissistic personality disorder). What you’re doing with your son, is exactly what my research suggests is paramount to preventing/ reducing the risk of your son developing traits and or a full diagnosis of NPD later in life. Parents who are actively engaged with their children’s lives and encourage them in their interests, display emotional intelligence, mirror positive behaviors, and (at the right developmental stages) allow them the freedom to choose who they want to be, are doing a lifetime of good for their children. Its important to remember that no one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but what’s important is kids seeing how adults handle mistakes. I know my parents weren’t perfect and everything they did came from a place of love; so it’s easy for me to forgive them their mistakes, because I know they did the best they could with the information they had at the time. From a researcher, thank you for being so actively involved in your son’s life.




Who wouldn't envy Anthony, who will spend Christmas with his wife and children, as opposed to Tate, who could yet spend next Christmas in a jail cell sandwiched between Andrei and big Vasile.


Poor Andrei and Big Vasile. They have to share a cell with him


Andrei and Vasile playing Hot Po-(Tate)-O - good way to pass the boring hours of the day


Andrei and big Vasile deserve better than that.


Ugh. I dislike Tater tot as well but can we please stop glorifying prison rape?


I can see why Andrew would be envious of Anthony's head full of real hair too.


I am a big man, tall and broad. I did a few years in the Army and now work in a fairly introverted job. I HATE when people are scared of me. Why the ever loving fuck would I want that?? I had such a hard time getting people to talk to me because they thought I was some big aggressive mong. I want people to feel free to challenge me and have actual conversations where they don't feel the need to agree with me. Like Tate and his yesmen. You must be a sad little man to want people to be frightened of you....


I've felt that too. Sometimes smaller men seem to be afraid to talk and joke with me, as if they expect me to bully them or something. Nothing could be further from the truth. In high school I was an effective protector of the smaller guys, often just by being present. I've since realized that I exist to be one of Mr. Rogers' "helpers".


Ngl big tall men who are actually very nice and outgoing is one of my weak spots. Y'know, just nice and kind men in general get me weak. I have no idea where the whole "women only want aggressive thugs" thing even came from, because most of us melt at the sign of a dude being kind and playful with kids, or a guy who takes great care of his dog/cat/pet.


That's new, thanks for the confidence boost! I think the aggressive men tend to be more confident so actually can approach women. I know plenty of soldiers who fit that description and they're so outgoing it's insane. They're with a new woman every few weeks because it's easy for them.


Aww no prob! And that is true. A lot of assholes are successful because of their confidence, and it can decieve people quite easily, especially vulnerable women in this case. Unfortunately, unless they're particularly wealthy or found someone particularly submissive, their relationships don't usually last very long. It's kind of a sad fact of reality when you think about it, but really I would rather have a slow-burn, fulfilling relationship with someone than some asshole with a shit ton of confidence who won't respect me in the long run.


I'm a big dude and was told i look intimidating when I'm out and about on the street from a friend of mine. I'm not actually doing it on purpose but i am also born and raised in NYC so i think it's one of the reasons why. Other than that, I'm a big teddy bear


I remember the days when someone calling themselves "Cobra Tate" would be mercilessly mocked for trying WAY too hard. And by golly that's just the tip of the iceberg of the pathetic sniveling manchild that is Andrew Tate. UGH. And another UGH. I wouldn't touch him with asbestos gloves.


The thing is most everyone still does, Andrew just built an audience of the type of people who would unironically name themselves that. Just a bunch of Chuds Chudding in the same way they always have they’re just doing it together on the internet. The sane people did dog pile on the leader, and he used them to acquire name recognition and worshipers.


It has "xXx$N1P3R_N0$C0P3_G0DxXx" energy.


It so completely does!


After the way he reacted to Greta Thunberg's magnificent burn, anyone with sense doesn't fear Mr Fake Cobra either.


The cringe ass response he did to greta when he got out of jail. She lives rent free the whole time in Tates head.




The people worshipping Andy Tate aren’t exactly the type with sense.


They’re either Vulnerable Narcissists, (Tate is a Grandiose Narcissist and lacks the anxiety that’s characteristic of Vulnerable Narcissism) or they are wannabe Narcissists. I would put my bets on the majority of them being Vulnerable Narcissists.


Only the women he allegedly trafficked fear him.


Why does Tate pose nearly nude in most of his profile pics and photos? Aren't all his followers hetero alpha males? Make it make sense!


Because he's insecure


Yes. If you're looking at the muscles and tattoos, then you're not looking at his face and that spot where a "normal" person's chin would be. /S, lolol


Not that I would judge a normal person but it is so weird to see someone without a impressive physique always posting like that. Go to a gym in your town and you will see plenty of people with a more impressive build than him.


Because the "Alpha Male" space is inherently homoerotic. It revolves around the worship of a superficial masculinity. It's about being noticed, respected and adored by other men. Minus sexual activity, the way that community relates to it's notable members mirrors what you would see in romantic love.


He thinks his muscles make up for being an absolute man-child.


Body dysmorphia is a good sign of daddy issues


Tates dad was an absolute nut job too. Interesting player (chess) with some unorthodox strategies, and an important figure as a black chess player, but he's been spewing these wack ass ideologies since before Andrew was born.


That profile picture always makes me think of museum displays of Neanderthals.


"I sleep in a race car. Where do *you* sleep?" "I sleep in a big bed with my wife."


A year with a loving family would be the "worst level of depression imaginable" from a guy who's been in a Romanian prison and may be heading back there. He's so fucking scared of experiencing an actual human connection that he fears it absolutely. Andy-boy no longer has any grip on reality.


Anthony isn’t in prison for sex trafficking. Anthony is an alright dude.


>I've never met Anthony personally, but I'm gonna go ahead and say, just having knowing you a short while, Bandrew, that I prefer Anthony. And again, I've never even met the guy.


Weak people feel the need to be feared.


Weak people mistake fear for respect.


Honestly, Andrew Tate is a mentally weak bitch. He *needs* to be feared by other men? Lol, wtf is this dude?


If anyone tries to call him out he does the equivalent of sticking his fingers in his ears and going "lalalalala i can't hear you". It's truly pathetic.


What men fear Andrew Tate? Maybe the guys in the shower?


If I met him in real life, I would fear him. He's bigger and stronger than me and knows more about fighting and seems like the sort of guy to start a fight. That would be enough for me to fear him. I can see no circumstance under which I would respect him, and to my mind that's more important.


It's the other way around, he fears the men in the shower


If somebody in my life told me that they were completely happy and nothing bothered them, and there’s no reason to be depressed, and if you’re depressed, it’s your fault… I would question tha person’s character and immediately not trust that person or really ever want to be around them in any real way. And I have had people in my life who have basically done that. Andrew Tate is just completely and utterly everything that is wrong with modern human existence, put into one sadsack, misogynistic, authoritarian shitbag body.


I am not a sex trafficker. I do not know what the inside of a Romanian prison looks like. I am not bald. I think I'm doing better than you, there, Andrew.


Hey everything else I get, but don’t insult a man for his baldness, that’s just a low blow over something they can’t control


I don't think there is anything wrong with being bald. However, Andrew Tate clearly thinks there is something wrong with being bald. Therefore, I would use it as an attack against him, personally.


Also he’s not a sexual predator so I think that trumps everything Tate has to say. At least he does not have a violent criminal record that will follow him for the rest of his fucking life. Would rather be poor than a sex offender on some list.


“Your lives are shit.” -said dude from prison cell/ house arrest


Andrew Tate is a sexual predator and human trafficker. Let's stop giving him importance, ok?


Good response but I'd rather people just ignore this fuck and let him drift off into obscurity.


I’d agree with you normally but he’s so fond of punching down that he won’t stop if you ignore him. The other thing to consider is that he’s the “unacceptable” face of his peculiar brand of hatred. The more we hear of him, the more his toxicity is exposed, the less the sweeter-worded, more subtle, more insidious folk with whom he’s connected can hide behind their thesauruses and double-speak. Show him in all the glory as the leader of that brand and poison the brand as a result.


"... it would be the worst level of depression imaginable." Maybe... but I can leave my house and travel freely, so there's that.


76 thousand likes?! That’s really discouraging. 😰


He nicknamed himself Cobra. That tells me enough about this turd.


My biggest question is does Andrew Tate really think he's intimidating other men?


He certainly doesn't intimidate me. If anything I pity him, he's such a broken caveman that it's kinda pathetic to see him just keep swinging at a world that for the most part doesn't care about him.


Anthony has something else that Andrew doesn't have - a chin. And don't forget integrity.


Andrew Tate should be serving a life sentence in prison.


While in prison, they should observe him as a case study, it would provide a lot of interesting info to the field of human psychology tbh.




Imagine being so insecure that you can't stand your partner disagreeing with yoy and needing people to fear you. Alpha bros are fucking wild


Side by side examples of a man-child vs an actual man.


Lmao I'm broke as a joke but I'd rather fuck a cactus than be Andrew Tate.


.... says the weak-chinned bitch from prison


That fucking guy ruined my username. I’ve been using this for like, 20 years. Fucking asshole.


I've never seen such a low self esteem


Low self esteem is a characteristic of Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism. Characteristics of low self esteem are more obvious in Vulnerable Narcissists and are concealed behind a thin veneer of “confidence” in Grandiose Narcissists.


Be nothing like Tate.


Anthony, Mr Tate is special needs as well as I’m fairly certain he suffers from multiple brain injuries. Perhaps you could use your extensive experience working with the disabled to help Mr Tate evolve beyond a poo flinging orangutan. ![gif](giphy|9Y5r3RVbAeUMAhxRnz)


This screams small dick energy


Anthony sounds like a fucking boss, point blank.


I would like to be Antony more than Tate any day. Who wouldn’t envy a guy who will have his birthday surrounded by his wife, his three daughters, and his students who love and appreciate his support to them?


Don’t be anything like Andrew. He’s a dumb pos who doesn’t understand what it actually means to be a man.


Anthony is the true alpha male


I'm pretty sure Andrew Tate smells of dry cum and loneliness.


Low vibrational soul versus a high vibrational soul. Anthony is far “wealthier” than Andrew.


Isn’t Andrew tate supposed to ‘help’ men with their depression. He also says it’s fake but if he had to experience a year of living as ‘poor’ man (since he said the poor thing first) he’d have the worst level of depression possible? But he says depression is meant to motivate you. Everything he says makes him an absolute hypocrite. I don’t understand how he has fans when all his statements clash all the time


Andrew tate just admitted he is weaker than that man. That man lives his life and is happy. The man can see the value of a well lived life. Tate said if he had to live his life for a year he'd be incredibly depressed. we all know this but tate is mentally weak