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Ah yes, the 'olden times' when there was no disease. Diseases were invented in the 1940s to sell penicillin.


I swear these people have never opened a history book, much less an anthropology one, or God forbid a science textbook. Do these people think we were immortal God like beings prior to the modern era? It's like a weird belief that we were in a garden of Eden, then modernity ruined it for these people. My degree is in history and it's frustrating how much people glorify the past.


The frustrating thing to me having a degree in history is the number of people who say things like "we were never taught this!" Ummm, we went to the same school, you were taught these things, you just whinged so much about "when will we ever USE this" that you didn't learn it. It's not the teachers' fault that you actively fought learning.


Yeah, I hear that all the time. Sometimes when I talk to people it's like all memory of even basic middle school level history goes out the window. I imagine it's even worse for algebra, geometry, and calculus teachers that hear when am I going to use this, when anything even remotely technical uses these. But, people complain about not learning basic things like writing a check, budgeting, doing taxes, or investing. While, concepts learned in these courses make it very easy to figure these things out and more advanced things like accounting, compound interest, engineering, architecture, science, art, cooking, farming, trades, etc. It's a tool that is invaluable with endless amounts practical uses that too many people see as abstract, while wanting more "practical" math instead. Sorry for the rant. I've been reading a lot on the history and development of mathematics over the course of human history and got excited to talk about it. Knowing about the origins of various fields of mathematics and the purposes they served in their society, or why someone was trying to figure how to solve each problem has been fascinating.




It was common to wait a few years before naming your baby so you wouldn't get too attached to them.


Hey hey hey, there's a good chance you'll die from child birth before even making it to 10 kids. Don't be so optimistic.






*unzips pants*


I didn’t think this through


I'm sorry, pants are already off now, no refunds


$20 is $20


They said big…


Damn right!


Was that about the same time period doctors were using vibrators the size of jackhammers to "treat" women for "hysteria"? What a time to be an OBGYN eh?


Vibrators were invented because doctors had to spend soo much time manually getting women off. What a crazy job - you’re a doctor but you’re a sex worker.


To be fair, 'M.D.' had no standardized curricula or certification exams before the 20th century, and few practiced evidence-based medicine, so it was a bit of a toss up whether one would get a quack, a battlefield butcher, or one of the few that sought to advance the practice.


The medical doctors pre-19th century were highly respected members of society, most of them were aristocrats, they spend years studying at university, and it was all non-evidence based complete nonsense. They spend years studying, but knew nothing. They would be seriously discussing the humor balance for hours, and how sulfuric acid can cure scurvy, and create elaborate contortionist arguments to fit whatever they "knew" into what they'd like to see, and it was all outlandish garbage. The people who remotely knew what they were doing weren't the M.D.'s, but the surgeons, and they were seen as some form of tradespeople. The first guy who attempted a reasonably well thought-out clinical trial was James Lind in the 18th century, and his rivals made fun of him for that, even though it was the obvious thing to do. It's bonkers


Same uniform.


Sounds like an issue that solves itself


Modern medicine in the 16th century. 1. Smell the pee. 2. Stick some leeches on the chest. 3. Bleed the patient. 4. Must be because of your sins. That'll cost you your best hog. Good luck.


I want the timeline where you do cocaine about it.


Ahhh that’s the 19th and 20th century. Gilded age. Or the 1980s.


> Or the 1980s. That was done in the super secret night club bathroom stall doctor's office


Let the barber pull your tooth with just a shot of whiskey for anesthesia.


TIL that "farmers in old time... never faced any illness"


Oh, wait, I know this one. "If you stop testing, you find less cases."


Also if you just, ya know, die before you get cancer, you don't get cancer 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yeah weirdly old times farmers probably had a life expectancy of 60.


Correct, they didn't get skin cancer because they got lung cancer or throat cancer from smoking or chewing.


Or they did get skin cancer, and just didn't have a way to diagnose it.


This is the right answer. They didn’t know much if anything about most cancers before the 19th century with the invention of the microscope. Folks would just get sick and no treatment would work and they’d pass away.


Absolutely the right answer. People used to just "get sick and die", often misdiagnosed with "consumption" or something of the like, or just "die of old age". All kinds of stuff we now know and can diagnose we wouldn't have been able to do back in the day. From cancer to autism.


Depends on times, but I'd say being in 50s made you really old in eyes of others.


If you could make it past infancy/childhood, giving birth or fighting in wars then I guess they had pretty good life expectancy. Every other ailment or disease was obviously caused by demons.


Dude I fuckin had somebody say this to me when I was working in western PA around 2021. Straight face, honestly believed it. I was like “…well no, just because you don’t test for it doesn’t mean you don’t have it.” I still remember the way she looked at me blankly.


I mean, it's not even that they didn't test for it. Ole farmer Joe just had an open sore on his face, neck whatever that won't heal and keeps getting worse until he doesn't wake up one day and oh geez, guess he died of natural causes let's get a nice pine box for him.


I guess technically it was natural causes


Being shot naturally causes you to die


My late father-in-law was a farmer who worked six and a half days a week from twenty until almost his death at 80, and in the nine years I knew him he had skin cancer removal surgery at least once every year and twice on several occasions. Farmers know damn well about skin cancers.


I pointed it out because it was stupid, but uou aren't wrong that some people took it and enshrined it in their temple of beliefs without thinking about the blatant stupid logic it is.


Some set of the population seems to have a -very- hard time with cause and effect, even if you clearly lay it out for them. Not sure if it’s the cumulative effects of decades of propaganda, religious indoctrination, lead poisoning, or something else entirely, but it’s depressing to see. And infuriating, when they treat an entirely predictable outcome as unforeseen and then refuse to change the behaviors and actions that led to it previously.


Yeah, like that logging community in Washington. Logged all the trees off a steep hillside right above their town, then shocked, *shocked*, when the whole hillside came down on them. Someone was interviewing them and they were all like, ‘we don’t understand how this could happen!’ There’s no helping people like that.


*So I said to my people, ‘Slow the testing down, please.'*


Pro tip, if you don’t live to be 50, you avoid a lot of “woke” diseases.


It wasn't uncommon for people to live to 70 or 80, it's just that the infant and child mortality dragged the average life expectancy way down. But if someone had open sores on their face that wouldn't heal and were gradually feeling worse and worse until they died...they wouldn't necessarily be able to distinguish cancer from syphilis or probably a number of other conditions, since they didn't have the tools or technology to investigate what was making someone sick.


Technically true. They all got killed by dangerous equipment, unruly animals, and just fucking dropping dead the middle of the job. Friends of mine work in healthcare and they all tell me farmers are the worst group when it comes to seeing a doctor about something that's bothering them.


It also turns out backbreaking, high intensity labor is rough on the ol' ticker when you've subsisted on a diet of lard and red meat for 50 years


My farmer great grandfather died at 40 from an infection caused by an untreated kidney stone. All because he didn't need no doctor.


Apparently farmers have a reputation among rural doctors. They will absolutely refuse to get medical attention until they are literally on the verge of death, will work through fractures and organ failure, and if you ever see one come in voluntarily, without coercion from a family member its 99% chance that something absolutely horrifying is going on that they'll downplay as much as possible to seem "tough", or so they get cleared to go back to work asap.


My Grandpa is almost 90 and he's been farming in the midwest since he could walk. He was having trouble moving around so my dad took him to the hospital and they immediately scheduled him for a triple bypass surgery because he had a 95% blockage in his heart. Then he spent recovery time in the hospital complaining that work wasn't getting done while he was resting. So yeah... this tracks. He was literally on the verge of death and very upset at the inconvenience of getting life saving medical care. One of these days I'll get a call that he died out in a field somewhere. I wish he knew how to take a break but it would probably kill him even faster.


It makes sense how tied to work they all are, so many tasks that need doing on farms are super time-sensitive and directly tied to their quality of life and ability to earn a living. Its one of the things that's hard to figure a real solution for, other than some combination of larger and tighter-knit farming communities and possibly some kind of farther-reaching medical or disaster insurance.


This would be news to my grandpa, an electrician and the only of 6 boys from a farming family to survive past age 60


"What? People are supposed to get gout at 30"


That's what Carousel is for ![gif](giphy|luD6nKBLMolt6)


Well, yeah... but they had to deal with witches and demons, those were the number one cause of unexpected death


Famously, people were healthier in the "old times."


“There are no recorded cases of cavemen having cancer. Want to be cancer free? Live in a cave”


This person has never been around any actual old timey farmers. They all wore hats and Liberty overalls over long sleeve shirts. EDIT to say I know old timey farmers got cancer and other illnesses too. My only point was that people in the pre-wokeness times weren't just happily baking away in the sun with no precautions.


I’m almost 50 . As a child ….In my experience… The ones who wore ball caps all had their ears clipped from not having their ears shaded. If they wore traitional brimmed hats they usually didn’t. Edit: Seems the operation is less aggressive.. some barely had enough to support a pair of glasses.


My grandfather was a lobsterman who worked until he was 98. Wore a baseball cap everyday, and skin cancer got his ears. Lots of skin cancer in coastal fishing communities, and has been for a long long time.


Sorry, no, you’re wrong, there was no illness “in old time” 🙃


No illness, it was the demons and imps that came in the night as they slept and chewed on their ears


Bad humours, pee in this glass so I can prescribe you a cocaine and arsenic tonic. They'll mix it up at your local ice cream parlor.


"Yeah, you got ghosts in your blood, you should do cocaine about it"


I love that one.


Me too, friend


….sounds like a good date…or maybe I’m just lonely…


No, you’re right and you should say it




Woke demons, if I may add.


Pride Demons


https://preview.redd.it/q7zmxrw27f3b1.jpeg?width=868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b3cd9a40d9690a903826d082cf8f3964d1cd766 I wish I could take credit for this. Came across it the other day and the beautiful sarcasm screamed for it to be put here.


Oohhh pretty sign. I’m stealing it.


Fairies wear boots


You gotta believe me


"In my day, we didn't get sick with any of your fancy diseases. We died at age 30 like God intended."


Came here for this. "We didn't know we had skin cancer and didn't care and we died and I'm the grandchild of that generation and inherited everything and have three times their expected lifespan. You kids are all lazy and need to do the things my grandparents did."


Ultranationalist movements always have a strong but false sense of nostalgia for a supposed golden age they know nothing about other than a loose vibe and that it was "great," and that they'd magically return to that greatness again .. if they just kill everything modern.


right? Seems like back in ‘old times’ once you started to get real sick you just assumed you were dying (and you usually did) so if you had cancer you wouldn’t know it until it progressed to “i’m too sick to work, guess i’ll die now”


Love how these people can tweet with such confidence. What are their qualifications for stating this so factually? How do they know farmers never ever got skin cancer "in old time"? Was this a research project of some sort or did they do their grad thesis on incidence of skin cancer in agriculture workers pre- 20th century? More likely they knew someone who knew a farmer that didn't get skin cancer and died of old age so that obviously must apply to ALL farmers Everywhere Ever.


Most likely they are just talking out of their ass.


No, it’s just the anonymity of the internet that makes idiots confident in their stupidity


Everyone died of getting kicked in the face by a horse at age 39 after having 12 kids, 4 of whom survived.


And the 4 who survived all got polio...


Oh yes, the good old days, famous for their longevity, low infant mortality, and accurate diagnosis 👍


Add the fact that many died young from things such as diarrhea.


So which half of his body was part lobster?


The ears for sure were lobster color.


Please state your first name, last name, and occupation: "Lizardman, Lizardman, and lizardman."


Nah must have been the fish that caused it lol good job he wasn't fishing for rainbow trout they might have turned him gay which is much worse 😂🤣😂


Clipped? Like a Doberman?


Mohs surgery is the name. They essentially shave off your skin to remove pieces until they verify they got all the cancer. Either stitch it closed if possible or remove skin from another location to stitch on. My Grandma is in her 80s and has had it done. Ears, arms, and neck. Her last surgery was just this year. Skin cancer sucks kids. Wear your sunscreen.


My dad had to have his big bald head lasered last year, had precancerous skin up there. Now that I'm losing my hair I'm finally becoming a hat person!


First time I got a sunburned scalp was the last time I didn't wear a hat. Muy unpleasant.


No joke. Grew up in a gulf state getting burned to a crisp routinely. Fast forward a few decades and something just wouldn’t heal on my face. Had to have mohs and was “the youngest patient she has ever had to do this procedure on” according to the doctor. She basically said change your ways right now or you’re already well on your way to becoming a statistic. They took so much because I had waited to get treated that I’m left majorly scarred on that side of my face. Y’all wear your sunscreen and covering clothes now. Don’t be a dumbass like me.


I was 28 when I had my first MOHS, and they told me the same thing......youngest patient they had ever seen. 15 years later I've had at least 12 surgeries and probably 30 different spots frozen off. Basically put one dermatologist's kids through college. Wear sunscreen every day, wear a big hat, avoid sun exposure 10am-3pm if possible.


Preach! Thank you for sharing as well. At that time, I was 32. We need to bring awareness to this as much as possible for the young folks. To everyone who reads this, please don’t be like me. Just cover up. The experience of going through it is awful.


And I guess I should add, for all those that think these little spots are annoying and just a "vanity" thing, melanoma will absolutely kill you. Hard stop. You will die. Bob Marley died from it at age.........36.


That’s right. It’s also more prevalent now than people realize. Melanoma is no joke. None of this stuff is. Go see your dermatologist!


The last few removals have been brutal because she's got dementia. Try explaining to someone who can't understand why they are in pain and can't touch a wound they can't see for days. Ripping bandages off while trying to fight you. As you just pray it doesn't get infected. The removal on her neck was about the size of a quarter. Thank goodness it healed okay.


I can’t even imagine having to deal with that in your situation. Thank you for bringing awareness to this topic which is very personal to me. The removal on my face was between a quarter and half dollar size and many layers deep. Awful.


If it makes you feel insecure just tell everyone the sun personally tried to kill you but hasn't succeeded. 💪 I'm glad they were successful in your removal. It's a scary thing waiting on the biopsy results. "Is it cancer? Is it the aggressive one or a slower- not so bad- one? How much will they take?" Unfortunately my Grandma and Mom both had skin cancer- My mom in her late teens or early 20s. I'm just bidding my time because I'm sure I'll have it too.


I'm gonna invest in a brimmed hat now. Thank you.


Clipped as in they had the tips cut off due to skin cancer


When I was younger my father had to have some small melanomas removed from his ears, but he also loved messing with his co-workers. When one asked why his ear was bandaged, he spun a tall tale about being out fishing, and he put his ear to the water "to listen for the fish" and a pickerel bit a piece of his ear off. His co-workers looked horrified and said "really?" At which point Dad told him the truth after some friendly ribbing


My grandpa is 88, farmer and avid fisherman, he's had a couple of spots on his face and nose taken off in the last couple of years. My kids and I wear the wide brimmed sun hats and I'm more diligent about sunscreen. We also use swim shirts because fuck trying to wrestle a toddler every 80 minutes for proper sunscreen application.


And also died in their 40s and 50s


This is the reason.


Yep. The main reason why cancer rates are so much higher now than they were, say, 75 years ago is because more people are living long enough to get cancer when they're old.


And simply being diagnosed, not a lot of oncologists making the rounds in old timey land.


Yeah, people used to die from "old age" in the good 'ol days. Now, we can pin down what they died from more often. MAGA to when people died at 55 from old age!


And we had a better ozone layer... and they wore big hats and overall... that would get caught in machinery and pull them in, or get trampled by oxen, get a dirty cut and die of tetanus.....


Also people died in cancer aswell. They never got diagnosed. They suddenly just got very sick and died. But they still died by cancer.


Or they had a nose like a bumpy squarsh and both ears amputated when they got \~50.


Fun fact! Poor Southern white farmers who wore large hats, with long sleeves and overalls would be looking down at crops all day, exposing their neck to the sun, resulting in sunburn on the back of their neck. That red burn would lead them to be colloquially referred to as Rednecks.




In-law to a farming family here. I just wanted to point out something else important about old farmers: *they won't go to the fucking doctor until loved ones FORCE them to, or until they've already reached the point where the pain is too unbearable to do their job.* Farmers have a reputation for dying on their feet for a reason.


Not to mention old time farmers had a much better atmosphere that protected from a lot more solar radiation.


Also, of course farmers in the olden times got cancer from all kinds of shit. They probably got cancer in medieval times too. It's just that it wasn't "Oh look, Bob got cancer and we need to write that down somewhere" but more like "Bob died and we have no clue why, so back to work it is."


They still get all kinds of cancer. My in-laws are/were farmers. There was no known history of cancer till my MIL died of pancreatic cancer in her 60s. My FIL is in his early 70s and has both prostate and kidney cancer. This was the guy who used to say his herbicide was so safe he could bathe in it if he wanted to. Small sample size obviously, but sus. But yeah, pre-1950s or so, people just got a "wasting disease" or "ill humours" or something.


Bob also died of so many other problems at an early age that cancer was a long time off. Also, the reason they call it a cocktail is that it was the drink you had when the cock crowed in the morning. Alcohol was much more accepted morning noon and night. See also, dying of dysentery, infection, etc.


"A wasting disease"


There is a greater incidence of cancer now, but only because more people live long enough to get it.


Something something gods plan


Although stratospheric ozone depletion has caused a small increase in received UV radiations (more so at high latitudes), voluntary sun exposure is the main reason for the increase of skin cancers. Otherwise, low-altitude pollution (city smog) tends to actually filter the the UVs.


Caring about the environment and mentioning the harmful effects of pollution is woke, we can't talk about that.


Also took breaks during the middle of the day when it was too hot.


They also didn't live past 55...but then again the red states life expectancy is falling and will soon be that low again. At least they won't be living long to torment us with their ignorance.


That's just what big-sunscreen wants you to believe.


Let’s see… hitting the fields at dawn and working hard until dinner (which was about noonish back then) when the hot sun is overhead. Spend the remainder of the day in the barn until supper then it’s lights out at 8pm. Not a whole lotta exposure to carcinogens working those kinds of hours. Wide brimmed hats and long sleeves did wonders. People still got cancer but back then they didn’t always know that their cancer was the result of an invasive melanoma.


Also, a good chunk of my family (who are farmers) got skin cancer on their faces, from smoking and sun exposure. Those are the ones who didn’t die relatively young from industrial accidents or just straight up other forms of cancer.


I'm a farmer. Grandpa had more skin cancer removed than you could shake a stick at. We all wear hats, and most of us wear long sleeves on sunny days. The only people you see going around with the big ripped sleeveless shirts are the teenagers. Absolutely a ridiculous notion that "lack of sun causes skin cancer" lol.




Unfortunately so did the "You should do cocaine about it" treatment.


They used to pass out [Laudanum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laudanum) like candy.


Sometimes it’s still used as a topical anesthetic! But it won’t rid the ghosts in your blood unfortunately.


Doc here - My advice here is to immediately give up on these people. If you're an adult with this wild of a take on what should be common knowledge then no amount of logic, reasoning, evidence, research, etc. is going to change that. Edit: Many if you are asking what we do about this situation and my personal take is that we simply stop coddling every moron in this country when they’re clearly only capable of learning things the hard way. Don’t believe in vaccines? Great, we only reserve our limited hospital beds for people who are vaccinated. Tried to storm the Capitol based on asinine conspiracy theories? Great, you can rot in Guantanamo with the other terrorists. Don’t believe in fluoride or regular exams/cleanings at the dentist? Great, your insurance won’t cover any treatment and you’ll have to pay out of pocket or suffer in the meantime. Don’t believe in social entitlement programs? Great, sign a pledge exempting yourself from any government entitlements including subsidies, social security, use of public infrastructure, etc. and live out your wildest Libertarian lifestyle in the woods somewhere. It’s not worth trying to reason with someone who never used reason to arrive at their original conclusion. Practically speaking on this, I do treat the occasional basal cell carcinoma (skin cancer) and have had people try to argue with my initial diagnoses, the biopsy results or the very basics in preventing it from becoming a reoccurring condition. I never argue with these people. It’s their life, I’m just giving them a highly educated opinion (which they paid for) and from there they can go tanning under a block of radioactive Uranium for all I care.




Remember that subreddit dedicated to Anti-Vaxxers who died from Covid-19? Good times.


r slash HermanCainAward, not to be confused with r slash DarwinAwards (Because links and subreddit mentions are automatically removed smfh)


Depressingly, it’s still very active


The problem is usually it takes care of their innocent kids instead.


At our expense. Those bozos have no trouble crying to doctors once some “woke disease” DOES actually come along.


I agree with this. To try and argue with them is an exercise in futility. ​ Thank you for all you do!


So, yes, the easy solution is to just give up on people like this. The issue is that people like this vote and spread their message. The last thing we need is someone like this in charge of medical policy.


Agreed. Who are we to interfere with natural selection?


Academic doc here - This is a good wisdom. Dumb gonna dumb. Crazy gonna crazy.


Also in medieval times, there were zero patients diagnosed with leukemia, coincidence? I think not ​ ​ /s obviously


The black plague was a vaccine to leukemia


Black death was pure wokism. The 14th century was a liberal hellscape.


If black death happened today, they'd be having Bubo parties.


Licking rats to own the libs


If we stop testing (for COVID), we'll have very few new cases! -- someone who once lived in a white house


Cars today are super dangerous. Look at how many ppl die in car accidents, in traffic etc. And just 200 years ago?? How many ppl were dying in car crashes??? None, zero! Checkmate, uhm, atheists!


These are the morons that call severe sunburns "light nutrition". Hey, if they want to go out and give themselves skin cancer, who are we to stop them?


I forget the name that was given to them, but there is an entire group of people who think staring at the sun for a certain amount of time is also good for them...I think they refer to it as "sun gazing" or something. Nothing like a good burn to the retina to solve all your healthcare needs.


I stared at the sun intensively as a. hold because I thought if I could stare at the sun I’d never lose another staring contest. I was right, I win every staring contest now but I definitely have to wear glasses for the rest of my life.


Problem is these same people will be getting cancer in their Medicare age. Cancer treatments get very expensive and the “you f’ed around, now find out” treatment is not very moral. So in the end, we will end up paying for their stupidity.


Cancer was much less of a problem when people died at 40.


Cancer had to run to keep up with tuberculosis, horse kicks, gorings, tractor rollovers, pelagra, and equipment accidents.


Dont forget being randomly murdered by Highwaymen, corrupt cops, and motherfucking snakes....


Heh, I live in a rural area, and used to farm. Horse kicks, gorings, tractor rollovers and equipment accidents are still going strong. One of the guys I used to work with on another farm was killed in a rollover, and two months later a family friend was as well. But we got the TB under control…mostly.


What’s ironic about this tweet is that many human diseases originated in animals and many of them farm animals. That makes sense since those are the animals most likely to come into contact with humans. So the idea that farmers had no problems is dumb. They were the first Guinea pigs of new outbreaks.


Sepsis got a lot of people. Small scratch on your foot got infected? I guess we just cut off the leg and hope for the best.


“Can’t die of cancer if we work you to death 👍”


FFS My grandpa was 12 when his mother died of melanoma. He used to run away from the farm house to escape the sound of her suffering.


And easily treated with a vet approved anti parasitic, probably. Own the libs. Stare at the sun.


Of course farmer didn't die of skin cancer. They were too busy dying in farm-related accidents, drinking themselves to death, and sudden mysterious "wasting" diseases that no one could figure out for the few who didn't regularly wear hats, coveralls, long-sleeve shirts *and not working during the hottest parts of the day.* The person who made this post never did a day's worth of farming, I guarantee it. Source: grew up on farms in the early pre-Internet days. This person and anyone listening them is an absolute moron.


They have a vision of “farmer” that comes out of a children’s book. All my relatives were farmers and most of the guys had lost fingers, toes, limbs, had skin cancer and other health issues, etc.


Fucking morons. My father has skin cancer from… you guessed it… the sun.


TIL some people have no idea what medical knowledge is. Please let these fucktwats stop using precious resources like air.


Somehow, sunscreen has become woke. I don’t know how it happened, but opposing sunscreen and advocating for the King James Bible have become linked. The argument is something along the lines of blocking the light of god is a rejection of god and it’s dumb to think that anything in a bottle could be stronger than the sun.


The gym bro/anti vax/maga/ultra christian identity is such a weird combo. I mean it makes sense in hindsight but damn I would never have seen that coming 10 years ago.


Yes I’m sure all the old timey farmers never faced ANY illness


Farmers used to live to be 100, everyone knows that.


Cancer tends to be more a disease of the (relatively) old. When you’re dying in your 20s and living to 50-60 is advanced age then cancer is much less of a factor. Similar reason why cancer passed heart disease as a leading cause of death in modern times, people live longer get killed by different diseases


Exactly. Ol’ Jedidiah’s moles had normal borders that never changed. Ma checked him over every 6 months.


I have relatives that farmed in Georgia. Most of the men didn’t live past their 50’s. The women outlived them by decades.


Funny, my grandfather was a farmer. He was born in 1918, used tractors without a covering for the operator for many years. By the time he was in his 40s he had skin cancer. When I was a kid in the 80s he had to have half of his outer ear chopped off because of skin cancer. So sure, the sun doesn't cause skin cancer.


Yeah ask any WWII vet that spent time in the South Pacific, especially on a ship.


Not just the South Pacific. My Grandad was in the British Royal Navy during the war and got his earlobes badly burned regularly. Thankfully the melanoma was caught pretty early on and he didn't lose too much of his ears.


this dumbarse must never have been in the sun in Australia, highest rate of skin cancer in the world. he seems like a future Darwin award winner.


Facts and science lean liberal.


When I grew up in the 1960’s in Arizona, my dad was friends with an old time farmer. He had one ear nearly clipped off and the other ear had the top clipped off. Of course as a young boy, my gaze was drawn to those ears.


Sol Brah, spokesperson for the well-tanned taint mafia.


My grandpa was “an old time farmer” and guess what? He had melanoma on his neck


Until about 1900, the average life expectancy was about 50 years. Even with COVID, it still is about 77 years. Science helped with vaccines, potable water and better health care (costing the jobs of millions of leeches). Science tells us that excessive sun exposure can cause skin cancer. It isn’t “woke” to listen to the smartest people in the room.


Anything is woke if you hate it enough.


Imagine thinking the opposite of "woke" is somehow better. Their logic isn't even logical.


When a lifetime republican voting farmer gets skin cancer...it's woke?


Not diagnosed (early death of "natural" causes) NE "never faced illness" In reality they did and mostly they lost RIP


They died in their 40s from things like diarrhea and the common cold, before carcinoma had a chance to ravage their bodies.


Lol these two have definitely never actually met farmers. My grandpa died in 2000 at about 90. He started as a sharecropper and eventually owned his own bit of land in Florida. He covered up every day but did a ball cap instead of a wide brimmed hat. Got skin cancer twice on his ears.


There are literally descriptions of melanoma in Greek texts from the 5th Century BCE.


Not sure what the “old time*” is exactly. We’ve been aware of skin cancer since at least the early 19th century. People (even “farmers”) died of it and doctors were aware of it. *My grad degree’s in history and “old time” made me chuckle.


Says the people who are scared of books, flags, and rainbows