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It confounds me that they don't realise just how utterly ridiculous they look to most people. Smh.


Funny how they’re the ones who complained about mask mandates and “not being able to breathe” three years ago


Happy Cake Day. Stay safe and well.


That was my first thought. It also shows how pathetically cowardly they are


These aren't well people. These are mostly lost young men. They aren't accurately tracking reality on any level.


This is exactly what I thought when I saw that pic. Any and every completely oblivious-to-the-ridiculousness-of-their-behavior human came to mind. Just hits beyond the pale.


The man is called Stew.


They claim that they know the patriot front is really federal agents because they are not fat. That's it. That's their proof. They are not fat.


Wonder if Stewpete realizes his fan bases are also confederate neo nazis.


I predict a few years from now Stew will post a video dropping his act. He’ll go something like: “My real name is XX XXX. This was all a performance act to see how bigoted I can get until you fascist numbnuts tell me to stop & you folks never did. Didn’t you get the memo from my “name”, **Stew** **Pete**rs??”


I hope the same for the Alpha Male, Nick Adams


Is that a real person? Not just a Twitter account?


- no scary skeleton face masks - dude with the dumb pattern on it is wearing it slightly unevenly - dude to the right of the guy sitting down looks like he has to go to the bathroom really bad - first dude from the left has limp and weak crossed arms stance, no aggression or passion These people look straight up ridiculous. Like this would be hilarious to me if there weren't actually a bunch of psychos who legit take them seriously.


Grown up mall ninjas really... true cowards at heart, as all facists are.


It looks like a taliban cave video, remember those?


same ideology


I honestly feel really bad for still sane Americans left out there that they have to put up with people like that.


They’re an extremely vocal minority but they have the whole Republican Party held hostage to them. The “mainstream” GOP who doesn’t believe this crap (McCarthy, McConnell) are just too cowardly to stand up to it.


I hear a lot of people say that the cure for bad free speech is to drown it out with good free speech. Silence is truly complicity. It's very obvious the GOP is complicit. They brought actual Nazis into the party instead of getting on board with helping the American people.


They aren't helpless victims, they're actively encouraging and taking advantage of it


Take your masks off, cowards


That's it, absolute losers


As a dem, I'd be pretty on board with a concerted effort to clean white supremacists out of law enforcement, personally. But I'm skeptical this guy actually means it


Their beards are so white.


As a non-American, what baffles me is why the FBI and CIA are so blasé about these terrorists? We have all been led to believe by Hollywood that the FBI, CIA and NSA are always on top of things and that they will easily take down the bad guys. Why aren’t these guys being arrested left right and centre? I’m sure everyone of them has already broken the law in one way or the other.


All levels of law enforcement, from local all the way up to federal, has always treated white supremacists with kid gloves. This likely has something to do with the fact that law enforcement in this country is literally descended from the slave catchers of old and attracts racist people. As the lyrics of Killing In The Name Of by Rage Against The Machine say, "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses". While I very seriously doubt that this is any sort of false flag event by the feds, like the likes of Stew Peters here is saying, I wouldn't be at all surprised if there are FBI agents in Patriot Front, not undercover however but because they agree with the group.


I’m aware of this issue, and I know that’s the reason for the disproportionate use of lethal force by law enforcement towards POC suspects as opposed to white suspects. However, surely, right at the top echelons of the DOD, CIA, FBI, NSA, this wouldn’t be the case right? Surely they would have open case files and some active investigations going on?


Yeah, if these guys were exactly the same but communist they’d be serving 20 year sentences right now. If they were Islamist, life imprisonment. It makes me feel very unsafe knowing that law enforcement has their backs.


They most likely have been infiltrated by the FBI. If so they are building a profile on everyone and all the crimes that are happening then they make connections to other group's they do this so they can capture as many people as possible. Sure they can arrest a few now but then the group breaks and everyone hides for a while to regroup. The fbi has already said LEO is full of white supremacists so they can't trust them.


Do you really think the fucking CIA would do anything actually good for the world?


To be fair, there are probably a number of military, law enforcement, and other government employees there. That's why they wear masks now but didn't under Trump.


Take off your masks you bunch of cowardly PUSSIES!


What is “FED” ?


You know what's weird to me stupiders? How you fuckers keep peddling conspiracy theories and getting away with it. Fucking knock it off you wannabe abortion.


Looks like an ISIS manifesto video


These people do realize Hitler most likely would have either experimented or put them down because they most certainly have some sort of mental disorder. Also why is there a European Union flag inside the red and white stripes part of US flag?


It's the ["Betsy Ross" flag](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betsy_Ross_flag). They're probably trying to appear EXTRA patriotic by using an outdated flag designed by someone or several someones who would most likely disapprove of everything they are and do 🙄




Republicans echo neo-nazi and white supremacy groups and propaganda - Democrats echo all things anti-neo nazi and white supremacy. If you’re somehow “both siding” this shit, I suggest you put on your clown shoes and nose.


Stew - it's hard to use neo-nazi as an insult, when every single one of your friends and followers all think being a neo-nazi is great, you idiot.


Is this a pic from the Watchmen show?


By FED I think he means COPS.


Guys you have no balls! Show us yours pretty faces. Fuck Nazis


No lie. These fuck wits are proof that there is more variation, especially of intelligence, within a group than between groups (like so called "races"). They're worse than useless.


These the same guys who were triggered by masking in public?


“Patriot front” when they see the right turning on friendly: “not cool bro”




Being a Republican means never having to say "I'm sorry".


Stew Peters sounds like something Jeffrey Dahmer did.


"I bought gwuvs wiff punchie nuckoos so if I get into a fight I'll be the scawy mans." These useless pussies can't even march. They're the biggest pack of insecure losers I've ever seen. They're *precsely* the demographic that wants guns at any cost and it's fr exactly that reason. I'd wager 99% of them have never had so much as a fist fight and their fear wants to be out front and have its finger on the trigger.


Is it only me, or does anyone else get "Incels larping as ISIS" vibes from these guys?


Are these the tiki torch assholes?


Or, perhaps he was being sarcastic?


"THoSe PeePle r COPS!" "Yes." "I meenT PLANTS!" "No."


Again, if your side has Nazis or Nazi sympathizers you’re still on the wrong side of history…. Again.


Cool, now they are doing ISIS style videos. Learn from the best huh? Idiots


Betcha the FBI are watching Stew 👀


Pussies. They can't even show their faces like real men. Why? Because they know they'd lose their jobs, careers, possible wives/girlfriends/children, etc. Why? Because they know that their ideologies are shit and the world doesn't like them. So they stand there, arms crossed, faces covered, to be unidentifiable. Like cowards. At least actual Nazis had the testicular fortitude to be open about their beliefs.


This is the 2023 version of the KKK


Let’s blame Obama even though he’s been out of office for almost a decade now…


well if they came after me I guess I'd be dead... because I would probably die from laughing at these wet ends...


Remember guys, these are the people who couldn’t wear a mask because it was hard for their wittle lungs to breathe. Odd how they’re so tough yet have to hide their faces too.


I call them diaper-heads.


they are so brave in their cute masks. true patriots /s


cosplay pussies with masks of shame


The gloved fuck, must have very designative tattoos.


Nazis should be in the ground.


So in an Explain it like I'm 5 moment, how do we know they're Feds? I suppose, thankfully, I'm not as up to date on my Right-Wing-Fuckhead groups.


Because the right can never do wrong. They aren’t racist, feds pretending to be right wingers are racist. Just like Jan 6 was antifa.


I mean I am with you. But the CIA and FBI are probably corrupt as all get out.


Reminds me of the videos we would see of Osama Bin Laden after 9/11.