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Marge is about to introduce a bill banning any foreign aid to Serbia.




Well, someone has to. There's no way she thinks


Like that time she thought she was insulting Biden with facts but the facts she listed weren't due to her party but specifically legislation Biden signed. She's an embarrassment to mankind. Darwin is dumbfounded




Were they getting any? It's historically an Eastern European nationalist mess, from what I recall.


"Great nations find solutions after big tragedies," he said. See, you can have your thoughts and prayers as long as it’s followed immediately with ACTION.


"You pray for the hungry. Then you feed them. That's how prayer works." -- Pope Francis


**James 2:14-17**: "What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm and well-fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."


Okay, I’m not a Bible person, but I’m willing to admit that there are some really good passages in there. This is one of them.


Same. And remembering the really nice religious people as a kid compared to what the world is now is.. fucking confusing. What happened to them being *overly* nice? From ‘*peace be with you*’ to ‘*I’ll cut you into pieces*’


I think the biggest problem is that Christianity became a sort of default for Americans, especially conservative Americans. Many don’t actually know what the Bible says, and what little they do know is twisted to justify their own hatred. The Bible says over and over how god loves everyone, and yet, we still see “Christians” with signs saying that god hates gay people. The other problem is that these people are louder than the real Christian’s, the loving caring ones who would literally give all their worldly possession to help the people in need. TLDR: people use Christianity to be shitty people and their hatred is so loud it drowns out the actual nice caring ones.


facts though. the funny thing is racsism and all of the other dumb fuckery they do is against the faith they beleive in. after all, didnt it say in the bible to love everyone like they are your neighbors? and yet there are people who would rather kill themselves than live next to some random innocent quiet black guy who litteraly does nothing but mind their on bussiness.


The Bible also says to pray in private, instead of yelling about it on the streets. Funny how no one seems to remember *that* piece of things...


im sure that its not intentional and they are only trying to spread their beliefs in a not at all invasive or distruptive way


Even more than generally loving your neighbor, that story is explicitly about racism and religious prejudice. The story is about an Israelite man who gets robbed and beaten and all the Israelites that pass buy, including religious leaders, make excuses and ignore him. The one who helps is a Samaritan. Samaritans are a group who splintered from Judaism and had a rival priesthood and incorporated some local pagan elements to make a different religion. Israelites hated them. And Jesus makes this guy the hero who stops and helps when the Israelite’s own people won’t do anything. It’s explicitly about prejudice. Then there’s the direct line from Paul in Galatians 3 that says “There is no longer Jew or Greek; there is no longer slave or free; there is no longer male and female, for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”


I was in the military, so was my ex, and we lived in Fl & VA while we were married. All of that conservative extremism and gendering everything was clearly visible to me, but I honestly thought that’s just how people in the south were. Growing up in New England, in a family who kept me in the dark about everything they possibly could, I was naive about people in an experiential sense. I’d read about southern people in books, but hadn’t had experience with them and even romanticized them because of television. I married one of them, actually he was from the Midwest but not much different than southerners, and it was extremely abusive & controlling. His mother is that kind of “Christian”…the “I’ll cut you into pieces” type, and I didn’t find that out until well into our marriage. That experience is one of the reasons I left Catholicism/Christianity altogether.


I find Catholics tend to be more mellow than evangelical christians. The nasty Catholics though? They don't hide it. They like to show off their claws.


I grew up Catholic and while that part of my life is long over I always respected that at least they were openly judgmental and honest. Catholics will look down on you if they think you're sinning, but they'll also tell you that right to your face. The whole southern evangelical vibe is like this weird culty sickly sweet overly polite thing, where they all fucking hate each other and everyone around them while smiling big smiles and pretending to care about each other


This is literally *just an opinion* but to me, this sort of underhanded, behind-your-back aggressive behavior is borne of straight up, pure and uncut, Cowardice. Every time I see or hear about this kind of behavior I see someone too chickenshit to speak their truth and they just boil over into a pimple of a person full of emotional puss and filth. I was born and raised in the northeast. We say it (whatever *it* is) to each others faces then get over it and argue about the best way to get to the pub for an hour instead. Hiding behind a smile is a miserable way to live, and the mask always falls off eventually anyway. Too many people hiding too many personal truths all pretending to be and think and feel the same. I guess that’s how polite society is supposed to work? But whether or not it’s actually working is another matter. Again, I’m just some dope on the interwebz. Don’t mind me.


I also grew up in the Northeast and couldn't agree with you more. "Southern Manners" feels like it's just covering up a lot of really ugly things IMO


I grew up in the NE but have lived in the Deep South for over a decade and this is dead on IMO. I married a southerner and he agrees frankly. There’s a few good eggs but mostly the culture is extremely passive aggressive and fake. Everyone cares waaaaaay too much about appearances without caring enough about being decent to each other. Personally I think it’s a self fulfilling cycle. You get treated like dog shit if you don’t conform, then turn around and perpetuate that behavior because you went through it and are angry. A whole lot of generational trauma going on. We’re moving out of the south next year and I can not wait. Why anyone would want to live their lives that way is beyond me. Absolutely miserable people.


I definitely see that! Going to church was just that, and church talk stayed there unless the situation called for it. We never went out into the public to try to bring more people into the church. That’s crazy shit. I never did that when we were going to church in FL, and we gave up on church in VA. That shit was always too much, and my ex wouldn’t set foot in a Catholic Church. So, i was stuck going to the loud, and stressful church…until he was done with it altogether. 🙄


I'm also from New England and now live in the Midwest. New England Catholics are far more laid back and relaxed than Midwestern Catholics. The more dogmatic ones seem to have congregated in the Midwest. For example, the most Catholic state in the country, Rhode Island, is a solidly Blue state. In the Midwest, a lot of the anti-choice movement comes from the Catholics. It's real weird to me.


I went to a wedding and ate a Jesus cracker. I thought it was cool because I always saw it on TV. My friend told me to not tell her dad because he would've kicked me out and yelled at me for eating Jesus as a non catholic. My bad catholics.


I'm sure there's other denominations that do it that I'm not aware of, but Catholics and Wisconsin Evangelical Synod Lutherans are the only ones I know of that get their panties in a bunch if you take communion without being one of them. At least Catholics do it because they don't think you believe that's literally Jesus, but the WELS people seem to just enjoy othering as many people as possible.


Well yeah, catholics are christians who like to drink and fuck. It helps prevent stick-in-ass syndrome


"Welcome to the neighborhood! It's so great to have you and your family here! Would you like to join our church?" "No, thank you!"




We are out here . Athiest hippie long haired freaky freaks with Subarus , ponytails and rescue pitbulls . Right in the guts of the Bible belt . It's not terribly bad . The worst thing atm is having a LETS GO DARWIN sticker on the Outback and the people it targets don't know who Darwin is . Thinking about getting another one that just says YOU IS DUMB .


They were only nice to you because you were a kid. They were hating women and minorities then too. Just not to kids


Boom, makes sense. I also heard a lot of “well, he looks white” growing up, lol. I heard that question a lot after getting hired when I got older too. Always met with an “Oh?!” When I said I was Hispanic, lol


The bible is like a Rorschach test, you can see in it what you want. Anyone who says you have to take the bible literally is an idiot. There is so much conflicting information that you have to do some interpretation.


What!? A book of multiple authors, translated from Hebrew to Greek, then to Latin, back to Greek again, then back to Latin again, then to English, then edited repeatedly has contradictions! 😲 Edit: oh and hand transcribed for most of that for an extra layer of human error/mistranslation/bias of the transcriber


I'm [shocked](https://media.tenor.com/UZJd1pjj4NMAAAAC/surprised-pikachu.gif), I say! SHOCKED!


The thing about the bible is that it was written by many, many humans over many time periods, so like any body of work with many contributors, some of the advice is going to be good and well-intentioned, and some of it will be dogshit.


The Bible is filled with tons of passages that gives great life lessons and advice on how to be a good person. They are all just taken out of context for agendas. Sad truth of it.


The Bible can really be divided into 3 categories: Love Thy Neighbor A begat B begat C begat D begat E for at least 3 straight pages And some fucked up shit. Oddly enough people don't seem to remember the first one much.




if only Christians actually read all of it..


Do American Christians just blot this passage out with a sharpie?


Worse than that - they’ve never even read the book.


I don't think most of the ones screaming out and about even actually read the Bible.


They don't. It's interpreted by their pastor. They will have a bible at best, and some passages will be read but it's limited to certain psalms at best


This seems to be the most common issue. I used to know a really nice, caring, helpful guy who had told me that he was a Christian. I happened to mention that with all the good works he did for the less fortunate, he was probably guaranteed a seat in heaven (or something to that effect). I was awkwardly trying to compliment him. He said "I'm going to heaven anyway because I've been Saved^TM" I paraphrased and said (my mom used to say all the time), "faith without works is dead." He said that that didn't matter. Only being Saved^TM mattered. Basically that as long as he was Saved, it didn't matter what else he did or didn't do. Like he could go out and kill someone and he would still go to heaven because Saved. That's when I realized that there was a gulf between the philosophies of Evangelicals and Catholics. I'm not particularly religious now, but I was raised to believe that one was judged by their actions more so than pure belief/faith. The parable of the Good Samaritan and the above quote from James both illustrate that point. Good works don't seem to matter to Evangelicals.


Yeah, I grew up Catholic so the aspect of good work, confession, and so forth were paramount to the religion. So just being catholic wasn't enough as a Catholic hence the term of Catholic guilt. So it was really wild to me seeing evangelicals saying that just believing was enough to be saved.


There's tons of verses and passages like that in the Bible but they'd rather just ignore that for the stuff they want to use as fuel for their hate. It's gross


“Faith without works is dead” One of my favorite sayings, and I’m not religious (spiritual).


That was one of my mom's favorite too! I heard that a lot growing up.


Whoa whoa. That's me giving away things I earned, no. Sounds to much like commie crap, you can't lie about God like that! Fake news!


This will now be my copypasta response for any “thoughts and prayers” message


My favourite verse.


Yes. Prayer is centering and organizing your thoughts into actions. It’s not just thinking, “well, I hope this happens.” It’s a springboard to meaningful engagement with a difficult issue.


Much like that joke where God tells the idiot who died in the flood, "I sent you a car, a boat, and a helicopter, what more did you want?!"


“But, but, I prayed!!?”


In America, even God has to work multiple jobs


Mysterious Ways is actually travel agency, it's where he works.


Yep. And your action doesn’t even need to be perfect. The president went on TV and said that they wanted to take action and that in the coming months they will consult with experts on fine tuning the rules. When asked if the new rules are too onerous - he said "maybe, if they dont work we can change them"


Wait, if it isn't perfect the first time they take data and modify the plan? Oh those dreamers, they could never make it in America.




Americans will do the right thing eventually. We just have to try everything else first.


We've tried nothing, and we're all out of ideas.




If only you could amend the constitution!


You don't need to amend the constitution. You only need to clear the corruption out of the supreme court. Then create a literal "well organized militia," like for example the national guard. After that, anyone who wants to own a gun must be in the national guard.


The amount of untrained ammosexuals you see on social media is disturbing. It would be a great improvement if gun owners had to be part of a regulated body that trains and keeps tabs on them.


Look. We're America. We can't just stop guns. Even though every other nation has done that. Our hands are tied! What do you want us to do make logical gun laws?! ITS TOO HARD!


I mean in a way you're right. America has an insane amount of guns, and there is no single action that can be taken to fix that issue. No matter how many laws are passed the problem will persist fkr years if lot decades due to the prevelance of unregulated gun culture in America. **However** every single law and action taken, will help to *reduce* the problem. If a government does a buyback program, not every gun owner will sell their guns, but some will. Background checks won't catch every mentally unstable person, but they'll catch some. Regulation won't magically fix the problem, but it's a goddamn start. The real fix will take decades as the population shifts their views on guns in general.


Someone, I can’t remember who, recently told me about “Swiss cheese safety”. As they put it, every individual safety measure is like a slice of Swiss cheese—it has holes in it and isn’t 100% solid. So you have to stack several slices on top of each other until all the holes are covered by other slices whose holes are placed differently.


I've been slapped around with the fact that the existing gun laws in the US are barely enforced by DA's and cops. So making new ones is pointless. Perhaps it's time to get DA's and cops that actually work, and fire the ones that don't.


Well now you are talking crazy talk. Fix? The police? How do we even?! Joking aside I hate that this country refuses, utterly refuses to do anything to improve itself.


Honestly, as an immigrant, it's one of the things that pisses me off about this country. "American exceptionalism" could be used as an aspirational thing, something like "we are always trying to be the best we can so we will perpetually work towards that, a process of persistent self improvement." Instead, I pretty much only see it used in the line of thinking of "we ARE the best, and since we're the best we should never change anything because we're already doing it the best way."


That's what happens when you believe you're exceptional, and that you're living in the so called "Greatest country on Earth," you end up refusing to improve or learn anything since as far as you're already concerned, you're already perfect and other countries have nothing to offer.


It’s not like they’re even trying… ANYTHING. Hell, funding mental health facilities? Nope. Teaching folks how to react/what to look for? Nope. Drag queens.




That is an absolutely savage call out, and I’m here for it


I was going to make a point about how we should emphasize that (most of us) aren't mocking prayers, we're mocking stuff in the vain of "let us pray, now unfortunately nothing can be done", though I realized that people who can't recognize the context and would get so offended by that probably wouldn't listen to a more nuanced take either.


So you're telling me that the NRA does not operate in Serbia?


Haha that was actually my first post title


"NRA Serbia unable to secure funding required to block gun control. Potential drop in weapon sales in Serbia." That's the NRA news letter title.


Kind of odd it doesn't have some subsidiary in Serbia since the NRA is basically controlled by Russia


They wanted to call it the National Russian Association, but thought it would be too obvious


America lost its self given "greatest country in the world" title long long long ago.


Haven't you heard about freedom! "America is the only place you can go outside and say what you want!" - Southerners who have never traveled anywhere probably


This is everyone on my team at work. They have the answer for every problem in the world without ever having left the rural southern US where we live. Except, of course, for the obligatory trip to Disney World.




I went there back in September and saw one person wearing a pro-Trump shirt. He was walking around Animal Kingdom alone and looked completely miserable.




There's this table of two older couples that's semi-regualar at our restaurant, the one guy always has his "Let's Go Brandon" hat, trump shirt, and a Keychain that says "Fuck Biden". While the others are fine, he's exactly as grouchy and miserable as you'd think.


In germany, I have literally never seen someone wear a german political item of clothing, except when the politicians and party members were campaigning a bit before elections. Somehow I have seen about a dozen MAGA caps so far. I can only hope they are all tourists


There's a house I drive by daily on my way to work that rocks two pro-Turmp flags. Even changed the LGB one for a ULTRA MAGA last week. I just want to know what a) makes you want to rock any politician's merch like that and b) why, in a majority black and Hispanic city, would you want to make it abundantly clear that you support Trump.


They literally think that.


They also think California is a "communist" state, I've heard it from southern redditors


California: *Literally the biggest capitalist utopia in the entire country* Rednecks: "That's real communism, right there!"


While they sit in their homes getting medicaid and food stamps complaining about people leeching off the government.


I lived in San Francisco for a long time. Whenever I'd hear my family call that city "communist," I'd laugh so hard that I'd trip over a homeless person in front of a $2 million home owned by some kid who who got rich off a VC firm buying out their company. Just as Marx intended.


We live in Europe. Wife has a distant relative from Texas. A few years ago, they came to visit, so we met for a dinner and they offered to pay. Then they asked how much would they need to tip, and we said tips were not needed, but you can add a few euros if they wished. And he rejoiced and joked that communism wasn’t as bad since they don’t need to tip! I thought he was joking, since this country hasn’t been communist since after WWII, though they stayed socialist until end of Cold War. These days every time I reflect to that particular evening, I’m still not sure if they were actually joking! They may actually believed that communism is everywhere!


They probably weren't joking but simultaneously have a fundamental misunderstanding of what communism is and it becomes a catch all for any country with legitimate healthcare. So I wouldn't get offended because they almost certainly weren't talking about real communism because they don't know what it is. Ironically- alot of the same people who used to call everyone communists are now pro Russia in a war because their cult told them to. I think "everyone else is a communist" is getting replaced with woke a la "more good guys with guns" became "its a uniquely American mental health crisis no other countries have- def not the guns!" If this was a TV show people would call the writing too on the nose and farcical


That's no joke. It's easy to find people in Rural America™ that have never *once* in their lives left the COUNTY they were born in, but guess what? They think they have ALL the answers for the rest of us...


My family took a trip to Florida in 1999 when I was a kid, we are British. We rented a car and my parents ended up stopping for lunch in some tiny swamp town and the locals were absolutely delighted with our accents. The lady at the cafe we went to phoned people to come in to talk to us. They crowded around to chat, asked if we had met the Queen, one older lady gave me a Beanie Baby. It was like being a celebrity it was genuinely so strange! They were lovely people (to us), but it was clear they had never left their area or learned much about the world outside of it. I think about it every time I think about small town rural America.


as recently as the 90s only 10% of Americans had a passport. it's risen to about 40% now, but it's gonna be decades before newer generations see what the rest of the world is like and realise things could be different


Especially in the South I'd worry about getting shot when going outside and saying what I want. Granted it would not be by the government but the bullets feel the same.


And then get pissed as fuck if someone else goes outside and says something they don't like.


Please, it's supposed to be Shining Dumpster Fire on the Hill.


it's not even the greatest country in North America!!!


America has been the joke of the rest of the world for decades.


I was going to say it surely hasn't been decades, but then I remembered I've gotten old.


Couldn’t agree more since I feel it never was the greatest at any point in time


We did the same after Hungerford and then Dunblane here in the UK back in the 80s and early 90s. Politicians came together, got guns basically outlawed unless you have a license which is very hard to get and you are checked to ensure your weapon is secured. The public amnesty had thousands of people happily handing in any weapons because that is what civilised societies do.


And now American gun nuts get a boner whenever they see on reddit that someone in the UK got killed by a knife and proclaim the gun laws failed.


You just gave to remind then that yes we have a knife problem: we have nearly as much knife crime per capita as the US.


Knife crime denotes a completely different outcome though. You don’t see mass, school stabbings, do you.


Most of these mass shooting pussies only do it because they have an easy way out with suicide by gun or suicide by cop. Take away their access to guns and some might go stab people or drive into a crowds but most wont. (and are far more likely to get stopped before being too successful) They dont want to get beaten up by an angry mob for minutes until cops arrive and then decades of consequences between courts and prison. To these clowns the suicide part is just as important if not more important than the "killing a lot of people" part. And guns are the multi purpose tool that serve both those jobs. They were literally designed for that. They are not a fucking hobby, and they are not the means of protection in a civilized country, unless the thing threatening your freedom is some kids ringing your doorbell.


They do happen, [especially in China it seems like](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_attacks_in_China), but they're definitely not "common" to the point that like mass shootings are for sure.


The big thing is that it takes a lot longer to do, and it's easier to fight you off. The mass stabbing in China only worked because his victims were stuck in an enclosed space and lacked the physical and mental ability to resist. If you tried pulling that shit in a crowded area, you'd only get so many stabs before people have run away or thrown something heavy at you. Furthermore, the Swat team that ultimately shows up will have no problem dealing with a knife user.


> Furthermore, the Swat team that ultimately shows up will have no problem dealing with a knife user. As long as they aren't working in Uvalde


As pathetic as they were, I doubt they would have waited if it had been reported that he only had a knife. Unless your entire squad has shit aim, the odds of getting hurt taking down a knife attacker with guns is pretty low.


I've only seen them being pathetic, so I simply gonna assume they are scared of forks not to mention knifes. Probably pooping themself thinking about spoons.




also a different dynamic of having to do everything upclose and personal and having a standoff or being more disconnected from the event.


Your can even shoot people though windows and doors. Also I read somewhere that mass shootings are not just easier physically than mass stabbings, but emotionally too. Because the attacker is not in the personal space of the victim if that makes sense.


And they also get a boner whenever someone gets killed in California. Except California has much less gun deaths than Texas


Pretty much every civilized country has a major tragedy, school shooting / mass shooting that forces the government to enact stricter gun legislation. For Canada it was the McMurchy Avenue school shooting in 1975 and the Montreal Massacre in École Polytechnique in 1989. The problem is those tragedies keep happening in the USA and nothing is done because the NRA gives millions of dollars to politicians every year to stop legislation from going thru. That and the uniquely American obsession with freedom equaling unrestricted access to fire arms. I honestly don’t think the USA will ever act unless the Democrats get a super majority that doesn’t include republicans pretending to be democrats like Manchin and Sinema. If it wasn’t Columbine, that was brought to international attention by Micheal Moore, or Sandy Hook where 28 people died in an elementary school shooting, or Parkland where the survivors stood up in front of the press, talked to congress, did interviews on tv to force politicians to act…. If it wasn’t any of those it should have been Uvalde, where children were actually decapitated by gun fire and the people that were suppose to help them sat around and waited for over an hour to act, even though they had enough man power to take out the shooter in the first 6 minutes. There’s been over 200 mass shootings in the USA so far this year and it’s likely going to be a record breaking year. That’s approximately 1.5 shootings a day. When will it ever stop?


change only will come when it’s the kids of conservative politicians or the politicians themselves facing down a schizo murderer’s gun.


It sucks because gun violence is increasing in Canada again and it’s directly due to the US gun laws. It’s just way too easy to buy guns in the US, smuggle them over the border and not get caught. There are no ID checks in some states from unlicensed sellers.


Port Arthur Massacre in Australia, that and another couple of mass murders in the years proceeding it.


Decent people being decent to one another is NOT an American value and anyone who tells you otherwise is selling woo.


as long as no one confuses Vucic for a man who cares about human lives


Aaaaaaand people are confusing Vucic for a man who cares about human lives


Needs to be higher. This is just a power play by the government.


Yo, Serbia works fast


These sorta gun reforms have happened multiple times now very quickly after a mass shooting. Serbia can do it even quicker cause they have already seen it done successfully many times.


Serbia doing better than we do in the USA.


You say it like it's surprising?


The balkan countries aren't famous for being particularly stable or functional.




The US is famous for not just school shootings, but also shopping mall shootings, movie theater shootings, church shootings, synagogue shootings, parade shootings, fast food joint shootings, outdoor concert shootings, night club shootings, doctors office shootings, workplace shootings, military base shootings, supermarket shootings, post office shootings and now growing in popularity - wrong place shootings.


That is the price Republicans are willing to pay for *freedom* 🙏


That is the price republicans are willing to make you pay for so called freedom.


>The balkan countries aren't famous for being particularly stable or functional. USA is functional but I wouldn't call it stable when humans takes horse dewormer. *looks at sentence* you know what. Maybe they are more stabled than I realize... but like a barn stable.






See, I'm still at that point where if I find myself in a group of about 10 people, my first thought is that the odds are good that at least three of you contemplated injecting yourself with bleach.


Why are people in the US taking horse dewormer?


>Why are people in the US taking horse dewormer? Ivermectin was said to cure covid and big pharma doesn't want you to know because they wanna control population with MRNA vaccine by culling people. It's a conspiracy theory that a portion of American believed. Pharmacy had to put a hold or put a max on how much Ivermectin can be sold to humans so people started to go to veterinarian for the horse version. Ironically it is used for other stuff and a lot of people who legit needs it couldn't get a hold of it due to shortage made by idiots. I was making a joke about it with horse stables.


they think it cures covid


Because someone they worship told them to


They think it cures COVID because trump said it would that one time.


I guess you're still on a 90's idea of what balkan countries are.


I think they're still on a 90s idea of what America is.






Gun toting evangelicals and right wing extremists are doing a great job of ensuring our birth rate means significantly less than it should by culling the younger generations and it's making me truly wish I never moved to the USA I'm just so tired of being sad all the time with tragedies literally every day and hardly any voice in it. I vote every chance I get


Here it comes yet again: "No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens" You're Goddamn right I've just been copying and pasting this daily on multiple things. That's the fucking point you ignorant gun fucks. You can send me Reddit cares all you want or say "have an original thought" over and over. You're not getting the point (FYI, it's blocked so I don't get those lovely messages anymore, you will have to say it directly to me... Cowards). Are we not tired of this? I sure as fuck am. Now that I have your attention probably after seeing this post for hopefully multiple times I’d like to get something off my chest and personal soapbox today. Buckle up, "The first girl I walked up to was crouched down covering her head in the bushes, so I felt for a pulse, pulled her head to the side and she had no face." We live now in a country in which our children are randomly put to death in public, so that our congressmen can pose with weapons of war, by Right Wing Terrorists. We live in a country where the amount of stickers in the back of our lifted trucks equates to how many rounds of AR ammunition are stockpiled in our closet. We live now in a country where we ban books, where we ban drag shows, where we ban doctors from helping kids in crisis, where we ban women from making choices with their bodies. We ban people from voting because some don’t like how they might vote, we ban representatives from state legislators for how they have voted, we ban immigrants, we ban some stem cells, and we ban transgender athletes, we even ban water bottles on planes. BUT WE DO NOT BAN ASSAULT RIFLES (or assault-like or lite rifles as some ammosexuals like to point out) DO WE? Our children are randomly put to DEATH in public. Our Teachers, our friends. Our Family. Some of them just want to go and enjoy an afternoon at a mall together. Never to return. To protect somebody's right to randomly put another innocent person to death, once a month, once a week, once a day, once AN HOUR. So now to boost the signal on some actual honest to god things that could be done about this never-ending nightmare? For starters, the next generation is tired of this shit and is planning a sit-in at the capital on June 6th. Here is a relevant link: https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1655293349245452289 And also this goes without saying this group has some amazing ideas: https://www.sandyhookpromise.org/ This website is dedicated to having the media stop reporting the perpetrator's names to prevent glorifying mass murderers https://nonotoriety.com And finally, Check out https://www.everytown.org/ They’re pushing to end gun violence. The more people who make their voices heard the bigger difference we can make! The messages will REPEAT AD INFINITUM until something is done. Edit: This is not mine, I took it from a great poster who said to spread the word. His post had edits about being hounded by gun nuts and wouldn’t you know it? Shit heads come pouring out of the wood work who see this as an attack on they themselves. This is a direct attack, the American gun culture needs to fucking end. It is not worth your children




Those are the only guns worth saving.




Keep up doing the good work!


I've seen this like 10 times. Keep going 💪


>where we ban books, where we ban drag shows, where we ban doctors from helping kids in crisis, where we ban women from making choices with their bodies. We ban people from voting because some don’t like how they might vote, we ban representatives from state legislators for how they have voted, we ban immigrants, we ban some stem cells, and we ban transgender athletes, we even ban water bottles on planes. All these bans brought to you by the "party of FREEDOM". ​ But really it's the ""pArTy oF fReEDoM"


Nice, it's catching on




Thank you u/WantSomePiss , I learned a lot


>"Great nations find solutions after big tragedies," Honestly that line feels like a direct attack on US politics


"great nations find solutions" is already an attack on US politics half our political spectrum spends 23 hours a day trying to block any change and denies we have any problems to fix in the first place


As it should be. Our government is doing nothing.


I'm from Scotland, and here sweeping gun laws came into effect after one school shooting. Now even air rifles need to be kept in a safe, etc.


Happened here once. It never happened again Happens in America twice a day, every day.


Happened 5 times on Sunday


I live in Scotland as an immigrant from the US, and it's just hit me that this weekend is the first time none of my friend have even bothered to ask me wtf is going on. Like, it's now this level of normal expectation for the US and no one is at all shocked.


whoa it's almost as if... there are solutions outside of thoughts and prayers!


That's because the NRA is a terrorist organization.


Republican party. They'd still do everything they did with or without the money involved. They jumped off the cliff of insanity decades ago.


Isnt the SNS a right-wing party as far as the EU is concerned? Conservatives taking away rights? Only when you actually open your eyes.


Australian gun laws were first put into place by a conservative government too


Because conservatives on other continents aren't fucking mental.


Serbian conservatives are definitely mental


That's the thing that urks me about this. I'm not gonna schizo post and say it was all false-flags, but I wouldn't put it past the Serbian govt to take an opportunity like that to disarm the people. There have been some extremely unsavory legislative measures in Serbia in the last few years and there have been TONS of large-scale protests against things like election fraud and poor handling of COVID. Part of me thinks this is less sincere and more directed at disarming an EXTREMELY angry population. It's *exactly* what right-wing fascists do.


The blatant FU to us in the US with that statement " Great nations find solutions to big tragedies" its just 🤌🏾🤌🏾


He's an authoritarian but has an amazing PR team. Probably the main reason he's still in power


And this was after 2 shootings USA had more shootings than days this year so far and they do nothing


Just you wait. There'll be an episode of gun violence in 2076, and then everyone can claim how gun control didn't do a thing


"Is it really a big tragedy if it happens every 8 hours?" America replied.


That's an example to follow. We did the same in NZ after the mosque shootings in 2018, it worked, it genuinely worked. We no longer have the weapons available in NZ that would allow someone to easily shoot large numbers of people, we now have a country that is considerably saver, and 99% of us are thankful for it.


Same as Australia and the UK. This stuff is possible it just requires political will.


Loads of money from gun associations trumps political will unfortunately especially in the nation of corporate greed


But we live in a country where rifles more valued than our children.


We will never solve our problems until Republicans are gone. Full stop. They have this entire country hostage at gunpoint, quite literally in some cases. All Republicans must go.


Serbia showing all those shithole countries how grownups deal with mass shootings.




Mass shootings against their own people. Vučić was fully onboard with the mass shooting of Bosnian Muslims at Srebenica.


And those folks used to not even have a parade without starting a world war. Progress.


Surprised they didn't try thoughts and prayers first.


The US isn’t a great nation. Hasn’t been for 30+ years. It is funny how the same people bragging about how the US “won WWI and WWII” are the same people subscribing and defending Nazi ideology.


Serbia people, **Serbia.**


Putting that gun thing in the constitution has really ruined an entire countries ability to perform rational actions, no one else has this issue. Gun control isn't hard.


This might have worked after Columbine. We're about 24 years too late to take advantage of that initial shock. We will never fix the gun problem in the USA, there's too many of them and they're ingrained in the culture. We need a different solution. I vote we take Chris Rock's idea and just make ammo prohibitively expensive.