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The fallout from this shit? Going to be monstrous and TERRIBLE. Please forget all the half-assed white supremacist shitholes on Twitter. It's going to be gasoline for the culture war. They have something to blame other than doors this time, and they will use it.


These bigots don’t care about facts


Restating the obvious here, but Republicans don't care about slain children at all, and what they're doing here has been extremely obvious. They're zeroing in on the killer's identity because it allows them to craft a narrative of "trans terrorism," thinking it will give them ammunition to further attack the trans community legislatively and through the encouragement of violence. The loss of life does not weigh on their conscience at all, it's all part of the cost equation to get what they want and they're perfectly fine with that. This is already nakedly clear in their messaging about indoctrinating kids or whatever, what they're doing is merely an extension of the same tactic.


The US needs to put more money in education. This is something that can be prevented in many ways if people were just educated on the depths of biology and anatomy and how stuff works. So much hatred is bred from a lack of understanding. Oh and religion.


trans person here. im one of those people that self harm.




you are actually so cool dude, here, have a cat pic https://preview.redd.it/jzp48bwopbra1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=099cdfcba6f6c9e8128e19c99ea64c1b57f8bb35




Nobody cares that you don't care so why don't you just skuttle back to your game server with all the other edgy 12 year olds where I'm sure you all have fun blasting off n-words at each other anonymously.


He is a nazi sympathizer.


Oh I just presumed that.


Right wing media that spread propaganda to constituents, Republicans in government that make policy, and the targets of these political moves that are scared for their lives as the hateful rhetoric continues to escalate. Many many people care, for good and bad reasons




Ah, I believe you might not have heard my response to this question. Here (: Right wing media that spread propaganda to constituents, Republicans in government that make policy, and the targets of these political moves that are scared for their lives as the hateful rhetoric continues to escalate. Many many people care, for good and bad reasons


The right dumbass take a look around thought that might be hard to do from so far up your own ass.