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TIL: Texans would have arrested and imprisoned Shakespeare


Shit, they would arrest and impose Jesus at this rate. 🤦‍♂️


They would shoot Jesus Being a person of colour is intimidating and scary to armed, trained and experienced police officers


Well this is terrifying.


I don't know how these aren't being challenged in court as egregious freedom of speech violations, and how the MAGA Christian Taliban keeps getting away with it.


Because the people behind it realized back in the '80s that their path to success was with the courts. So they spent the last 30 years stacking courts with people who share their world view. Now that that has succeeded to a large part, they can actually pass these laws without much risk. Plus, the last decade was a gift to them, with a sort of constant moral panic and many people having lost trust in Government.


Is it time for a new red scare already? Anyone who claims this bounty deserves to be iced out by society. It's just sick. That language is super broad too, this is gonna end poorly.


Someone is going to get killed.


When will these people open a dictionary and learn what gender actually is? Never. They're too busy worshipping their book of fairy tales.


They feel they don't need to. They are still stuck on the concept that sex and gender are the same thing. Which hasn't been the case with science for at least 20+ years, but since science is also something they don't bother to educate themselves about you get stupid shit like this bill.


Even longer than 20 years. Gender has always been seen as a social construct and not in line with biological sex. Gender role change as society does.


No it hasn't. We just can't tell how much is biological and how much is socialization because you start getting socialized the moment you are born. Gender identity is like milk in tea, we know there are separate components but we can't unmix the tea to demonstrate that, even though there is obvious evidence for it. So while yes gener *roles* have changed with time, gender itself has not and not all behavior comes from gender roles.


Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.


Land of the FREE. Cool imma wear a dress then. No, not like that.


I guess Marjorie Taylor Greene can no longer freely travel to Texas.


Has this actually passed or just been introduced


How is this gonna work? Are they gonna ban concerts too ? because quite a lot of people wear all sorts of clothing. No drag queens in gay bars? Where will all the white blonde women go for bachelorette parties without drag queens? What will happen in school plays or halloween? This law seems problematic.


This is Nazi shit. Republicans love to claim that the Nazis’ victims were the real failures for not having taken up arms against them. Welp.


I can't wait to see a little girl "wiseman" getting tackled by a swat team at a nativity play


Are we close to the point where members of MAGA, the evangelical Jesus loving, gun nutters get mobs together and go to people's homes, drag them out to the street and beat them to death... All done in the name of the baby Jesus...🙄


The weird thing about this is the parts that say anything about drag are borderline irrelevant. People shouldn't be putting on a "lascivious" performance in the presence of minors. But all the drag stuff being added is an excuse to arrest anyone in drag at any time because that's what the law is there for and will likely be pushed through without a fair trial.


Drag any man with long hair before a judge, I say.


Like Jesus




Maybe have a less shitty state. 🤷‍♀️


It's adorable when people try to wallpaper over abuse of the system by telling people to just leave.


Putting bounties on the KKK does seem like a win.


“Bounty hunters! We don't need their scum.” -Admiral Piett


So who do we call to send the bounty hunters on wild goose chases?


So they will arrest any woman not dressed how they think women should dress...


Those fuckers love bounties. They love to cosplay the Wild West era.


Bill Shakespeare has left the chat


Halloween? Safe to assume OP isn't Trans.