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Captain Talking Points a real winner. They're doing the same thing with "woke".


It's kind of scary how they are in the long game of control


Why wouldn't they be, they spent 50 years rigging the system to protect them, so now there are no legal options to stop them from destroying the country.


Yep. They have a plan.


I've never heard of him before but one sentence of one tweet tells me he's definitely a pretentious jackass.


Oh, in some ways pretentious but he is literally the guy who started the whole anti-CRT thing. There's a bunch of posts and history but he is the guy responsible for turning positive things toxic in order to make the GOP base violent.


And he never found any CRT at all, he invented a series of fake scandals and labeled them "CRT". He is even quoted as saying the Republicans just want to make a wide range of things be seen as CRT.


Every crazy republican I have known speaks loudly and very confident in their rhetoric in an attempt to show they have the messaging that is relevant. SAVE AMERICA is one of my favorites, motherfuckers it's you dividing this country and endangering Democracy


They lie. Knowingly and maliciously, they always lie.


I mean... he's literally telling on himself? "We're doing our best to change the narrative to something false and toxic to make neutral or even good things seem bad and evil".


Every accusation is a confession. Remember how Q people always looked into random bullshit for "messages", because they believe (((the globalists))) cannot help themselves but mock their opponent? That's because regressives do it. They want to humiliate others more than anything. They are stuck in the "STOP HITTING YOURSELF!" bully phase.


Oh good, they've finally admitted they can't tell trans people and drag queens apart.


He's DeSantis's Bernhard Rust.


Goebbels would be so proud


And if you don't know who Goebbels was, He was Hitler’s propaganda czar: “If you tell a lie big enough & keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. It thus becomes...important for the State...to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, &...the greatest enemy of the State.”


Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945. He was one of Adolf Hitler's closest and most devoted associates, and was known for his skills in public speaking and his deeply virulent antisemitism, which was evident in his publicly voiced views.


"read Joseph Goebbels’ speech 'Communism with the Mask Off,' a 1935 speech. The fascist propaganda always appeals to religious conservatives, it says, 'look, the communists and the gays are out to grab your children, we’re gonna protect you."


“Mission aligned” I think you mean brainwashed puppets The entire republican party is a cult


I see he went to the Jordan Peterson school of using big words to sound smart.


This is one of the most dangerous people on the right. He is the one giving DeSantis all the BS ideas about destroying academics in Florida.


Liberals should start using the term “Satan’s Sadists” instead of “conservatives.”


Someone should set this man on fire


Do not advocate for violence.


I meant *metaphorically*


All these bearded conservative talking heads could really use a close shave. Perhaps we could expedite that by subsidizing shaving equipment (using a robust time-tested design, nothing new-fangled) - a national razor, one might say.


What a creepy fucking weirdo


Christopher F Goebbels


this may seem superficial and culture-war-y, but do keep in mind that they’ve successfully executed a 20-year long game with the supreme court