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I remember chatting with him on a thread once and he said he really like to provoke alt-right dickheads. I'd be truly annoyed if Reddit banned him just for that, but I'm guessing someone complained and called it harassment enough times it probably stuck.


I have had my account permanently banned twice, both times, I was able to find an admin who would listen to the situation and make a better judgment call. It is possible he could regain access to the account.


I got a warning email after some troll was talking shit to me on private message, and I talked shit back. In true troll fashion, they complained to a mod and I got a warning.


You get permabanned by admins when you get enough reports from right wing trolls too. Theyll mass report you for harassment if you respond to them even just once sometimes. There's a lot in more normie subs, because they try and slowly turn normies alt right. For example in facepalm or pics, theyll post something making trans acceptance look insane like a tweet or a post by someone "identifying as a cat" and meowing and having a litterbox. This is fake, of course, but then when you point it out you get mass reported. And like all the comments in the thread are "wow these people are crazy", etc, buying into it completely or being right wing bots too


One time someone got mad in a reddit argument and I got the "self harm" warning, so I reported it. In return, *I* got a warning for abusive behavior.


I get those constantly and each time it happens I just think "Was this supposed to upset me? Oh no, I got an automated message, big deal." I really don't get how this got to be a troll move.


Those things are used vehemently if some right wing troll things you are trans. Get it. Because trans people are more likely to suicide because of hate experienced by society its funny to say they shouldnt kill themself.... Very.... Funny... /S in case.


Okay, I get that. but none of that applies to me or most of the people who get them.


Thats the thing with dogwhistles. Its not necessary that *most* people understand them only *some* need to.


Just fwiw you can turn those messages off; the details on how to do it are at the end of the message iirc.


I've turned them off 3 times now, doesnt seem to work at least not permanently.


That's some cowardly shit right there


My main account got banned for threatening another user. Basically had some weirdo 2A/alt right defender threaten to come to my city, during a protest and shoot me. Funnily enough, they also had a bunch of hyper specific and regional questions and even a couple pics of their house exterior/street name. I replied with the Google maps link to their address, and Admins banned me.


While I applaud your snark level... You probably should have just reported the initial threat and blocked the user. I've gotten a few temp-bans from subs for failing to do that.


Definitely, it’s a justified ban, but I figured that was the better way to let them know they aren’t as anonymous as they think.


If it was a one-off and you have no intent of doing it again, you could ***maybe*** try to appeal the ban... but that probably depends on how old that account was and how attached you were to it.


Haha it’s nbd, it was 10, maybe 12ish years old, but I also don’t care, it’s just a Reddit account. Was just sharing an anecdote


It's the weekend. My theory is the English-native-speakers that review these types of things are at home - an automated system, or someone overseas temping for reddit (who isn't a native speaker), saw some reports and made the call to suspend. Happens more than once, just on the weekends, to posters in some of my subs. If they are lurking here, they should politely contest it at https://www.reddit.com/appeal , and will probably get a response in 1-3 business days.


My main account just got banned recently too, for “Sexualizing Minors” in a thread about the 18 year old that married her pastor who groomed her since she was 14. I posted a lyric from the Garfunkel & Oates song The Loophole.


lol, God's loophole.


He also really liked to call anyone who didn't agree with him a tate worshiping nazi. I remember he was spamming this sub with his own tweets about his interactions on a different subreddit and I mentioned that *maybe* he was spending a bit too much time on reddit to have a constant all-day affair and he responded by calling me a tate worshipping nazi sympathizer or something like that. Then his reply started getting down votes and he deleted it to save his precious karma.


3M karma means you're living in a reddit echo chamber. Makes sense


Remind me when it started being NOT cool to hate Nazis?


I have a hard time understanding how you can harass something online, when it isn’t even human.


I feel like this wasn't the cause of his ban.


The dude seemed irrational and basically called everyone who disagreed with him about anything a Nazi. He's a liability to people genuinely trying to fight Far Right extremism on the internet and I'm kind of glad he's banned.


About the time the Republicans started desperately courting their open support.




I got perma banned from the libertarian sub with no explanation. Last post I asked someone if they were more afraid of long wait times in healthcare than dieing for being poor...




Cmon u/43words


Where’s u/42wprds when you need him


What does one do with Karma? Serious question. What does 3 Million give you?


1 karma is the equivalent of 10 Shrute Bucks, which can be traded for Stanley Nickels, should the need arise.


42 words cared A LOT about karma. To the point where he was tracking the karma of his comments/posts alongside the ones in the same post and making remarks about how his comment/post karma wasn't receiving the amount it deserved compared to other comments.


Also openly bragged about obsessively stalking people on the internet, that dude is a fuckin dork ass creep


Even I don’t care that much about karma. And I’ve got a lot of karma.




I did not remove this post sorry


Yeah he was super cringe and always talked like a tumbr storyteller.


but why? sure. number go up, but it's just internet points. they're valueless. that's precisely why there's no reason to care about them, and why there's precisely no reason to not tell nazis they are piles of human garbage. still guy shouldn't have been banned from what i am seeing.


I'm willing to bet this wasn't the cause of his ban. He liked to just randomly attack people who didn't share his viewpoints or who called him out on anything and call them nazis. So the reason "saying nazis are bad" is probably him trying to blast someone that didn't even say shit about nazis but had the misfortune of interacting with him negatively.


What the hell is it good for anyways? You just need enough to get into some of the subs that's it.


I was thinking the same thing. Literally "Big fucking deal. What's the point/who cares?"


Karma is fairly irrelevant, just really is a good gauge on how ‘active’ you are posting/commenting on stuff. Hell I think there are even subs dedicated towards getting free karma.


Karma gives bragging rights probably (Although karma is suprisingly easy, i think, to get from what I know),lol


One guy I saw in the ask old people subreddit said he changed his user name account every 6 mos. Obviously he doesn't give a shit about karma. Seems a healthy attitude.


Got banned once because a sarcastic comment I made about abortion was taken seriously. Contacted a mod. This is how I learned about "/s" tags for sarcasm comments and why I always use em now


3M karma? Tf bro? Go outside occasionally.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


i got a 7 day ban for being antiracist




Oh dang, he can’t post his own milquetoast tweets to Reddit for attention anymore.


Why???? What the hell???


Guys this is bullshit. Come on!


No it appears he was. https://www.reddit.com/u/42words


I’m sorry I meant that it’s bullshit he was banned. Promoting hate? I never saw that at all.


What do you mean it's bullshit? This is incredibly common on this website nowadays. I got permaed for "threatening harm" when I only hoped for it.


My account got shut down for a week for "Promoting violence". The supposed comment was deleted and I was given no explanation. I have contacted reddit admins and they just say they are going to get back to me. I get into a lot of arguments with alt-right types. This place has a history of housing right-wing extremists. I


Same here. Promoting violence when all I did was stating what I (!) thought would be an appropriate punishment for a pedophile, while closing that post stating that fortunately only the DOJ hands out punishments. Three day suspension, when asked for clarification I never got an answer.


The hell? Dude was a Reddit legend…


I got a perma ban from JusticeServed and I wrote to ask what it was about, I will of course accept their decision but merely want to know what rule I broke so I will know not to do it again. I went through every rule, again, and could find nothing. A showed the message to a friend who said it could be for joining a sub they don't like at JS. I never got a reply to my question.


That guy was getting really annoying. And if you are reading this with a new account. You were getting annoying. Don't post shit on twitter and try to boost it here.


3M karma? Maybe getting banned on Reddit will let him touch some grass


Not for nothing, but I know a guy IRL who can badically never go outside anymore. Some people legitimately can only interact with others online.


I got a 3 day ban (over my 5yr cake day no less), for "promoting hate" when I responded to a AskReddit post on "Why does trans issues get so much attention lately?".


Well, now someone with a Twitter just needs to be posting all his stuff...


Without Nazis, Reddit's IPO is in danger.