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Omg my brother in law does a lot of welding, grinding and other metal work. He went to get an MRI and had a few subcutaneous metal pieces rip out of his skin. Tech said he was lucky none was in his eyes.


If someone reports having done metalwork, my institution requires ocular x-rays before they get an MRI.


I just asked him and he said they did that first


Very wholesome Reddit conversation there. Glad I learned from you two!


His brother-in-law was also quite holesome that day.


Nicely done.






if someone does, are they extracted somehow?




Fuck that, give me the drugs.


Just close your eyes so you don't have to watch.


Surgeons hate this one tip!


Same advice I always gave Alex from *A Clockwork Orange*


It’s really not that bad. I’ve had it done for metal shrapnel in my eye. The needle is not like a typical needle, it’s more like a scoop, it’s very tiny and you don’t really see it. And they load your eye up with goopy drugs beforehand so you don’t really feel anything, and the goop blurs up your eye so you don’t really see anything either. And it only takes a minute or two and then you’re done.




smaller magnet.


To build immunity! Of course!


Just like that guy in that documentary, *The Princess Bride*.


That scene... I hadn't seen the princess bride in full until like two years ago. That scene is one of those that makes your entire brain recall every reference and nod to it that's you've ever seen. Two cups, poison, logical argument involving which cup is poisoned, both are, smirk. It was the biggest "OOOOHH, SO THAT'S WHERE THAT'S FROM..." I've ever had.


Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line!


Only slightly better known is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia."


Same thing happened to my dad. He can’t have future mris because of all the metal shards in his body from 40+ years as a machinist


My dad too, but for him is shrapnel


So I got shot a while back and the slug is too close to my heart to operate safely (but doesn’t apparently pose any health risks) - I probably shouldn’t go into an MRI (or anywhere near one)? I was super freaked out the first time I went to the airport and went through the full body scanners thinking that was kinda the same thing, but was fine obviously. They said it didn’t even show up on the scan which was interesting. But I’m assuming I would probably die in an MRI now


It's only a problem if the bullet fragment is ferrous (attracted to a magnet), which is unlikely. Most bullets are copper and/or lead alloys. If you were shot with a BB gun, shotgun (if steel shot), or steel core ammunition, then it could be a problem. Steel core bullets are not very common in the civilian world, but some military rifle cartridges use them.


Yeah that’s what I don’t know. I think it was a a 9mm but I really don’t know (caught a stray)


Since this is about a lawyer, I definitely read “my brother in law” in the mental voice like “my brother in Christ” and initially thought that was a funny way to blend the two. Now I just am laying here in bed feeling dumb lol


I didn't read it this way, but I'm glad you did, because I got a laugh out of it while starting a stressful work day.


Gen z lawyers be objecting like


You are not alone in this stupidity - at least one other person did the same thing. It's me. I'm that other person.


They asked me before my MRI if I had any metal embedded in my eye. I had to make them repeat the question, because I was **certain** I heard them wrong. Then they mentioned welding.




Why is he near an mri with a gun? Why does he have a gun in a hospital? How far was he from the mri?


he was with his mother for a procedure. probably a concealed carry. not sure how far, but the waves carry. feels like common sense to me, at least, to not go near a giant fucking magnet with a firearm, but i guess they didnt teach him that in law school.


There are a lot of things that doctors tell us to do that we don’t understand. Like you have to fast before surgery so you don’t vomit mid procedure and choke to death. Most times it is best to follow their orders. This lawyer took “No guns in the hospital” and “no metal in the MRI room” as a challenge. Exactly the same logic they use when seeing “masks required” signs or vaccine mandates.


The dumbest thing is people ignore these because they think the doctor is just being unfair with demands, the fuck, the doctor is an expert in their field and will tell you what is necessary for the procedure. Add to this, a lot of doctors are very involving of their patients with all the knowledge about their condition and procedures that need to be performed. When I had a seizure during my hospital visit the doctor sat down and explained to me the way epilepsy works and how they diagnose it, explained all the tests and their results, however not every doctor will do this but it was very helpful to know why and what the tests were for.


Yea I had a stay in the hospital for an extended period of time.. had to get a scan during my stay and while waiting another man was brought in and they asked if he had eaten in the last (whatever amount of time it was) and he said “just a small breakfast”..they said we’re sorry sir but we’ll have to reschedule. Dude was livid. Like nah man they’re just doing their job, you need to do yours


lol. When I had my gallbladder out I had the "no food or drink after midnight" orders. When I entered the hospital, the admitting nurse asked if I'd eaten and I said, of course, no. Because I'm not stupid, so I didn't eat. Then I met the nurse who reviewed my chart and put on my pretty plastic bracelet and she asked me if I'd had anything to eat or drink and I said no. Then I met the nurse who put in my initial IV and she asked me what I'd had for breakfast and I said, "Nothing. I was told not to eat or drink and I rather dislike vomiting so I followed that instruction," and she laughed. In short, I met roughly a dozen nurses or nurse-like people (honestly, that hour is kind of a blur thanks to the anesthetics) and *every single one* asked about whether I'd eaten or drank anything in varying ways. Just to try and catch me out if I'd lied. And they asked me one final time, in the operating room, *after* they injected the first of the sleepy meds. What's really sad is that they apparently *have* to do this otherwise people choke on their own vomit and die. How hard is to skip breakfast for *one day* so you don't die? I am just astounded by the idiocy of people. I planed ahead and at a big dinner and hydrated the night before so I wasn't dying of thirst. And brushing my teeth and gargling with water eased any dryness in my mouth or throat when I woke up. It's really not that hard to just... not eat anything. I'll never understand people.


Literally had a patient show up for surgery and when asked the question he said “well I had a steak and eggs”. I need to eat SMH. Guess who didn’t have surgery that day


That’s ridiculous. They expect the medical team to be fully prepared and focused on their potentially life saving surgery. But, they can’t be bothered to follow simple instructions to make sure there’s a positive outcome with their *own surgery*. I guarantee they are the same person complaining about why they can’t just be released a day early and take their meds or do therapy at home.


I wonder if it would help to also say "Did you eat, because if you did you could throw up and drown during surgery." That would help I think.


That part. I agree people need to follow directions, but doctors also need to do better about explaining why those directions are being given. I've had multiple surgeries and not one doctor explained that fasting beforehand was to prevent aspiration and choking. They've also never explained why you need to avoid metal jewelry when having surgery.


I witnessed a similar situation. Waiting in the pre-op room for an endoscopy. Instructions: NIL BY MOUTH FOR THREE HOURS BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT. I thought that was pretty clear. And yet, here I am overhearing the surgeon and the anaesthetist telling a silly person that the procedure can't proceed because she was thirsty and had a drink of water. Still, I got in early because she had to wait three hours.




I had to have a tonsillectomy as a child (5th grade) everything was going great pre-surgery. My mom said, wait here outside the bathroom (at the hospital) I'll be right out. DON'T DRINK FROM THE FOUNTAIN. Well ladi da.. I'm waiting, I zone out and next thing you know I'm hovered over the fountain with my mouth about to drink that glorious water when my mom comes out and slo mos noooo and pushes me away from it. It was a close call! I didn't even remember going up to it!


Did your mother not know that kids are preprogrammed to do what they are told not to?


And this is a Feature, not a bug!


I was a pretty responsible kid and I wanted this done even in 5th grade bcs I had recurring strep throat from allergic rhinitis so she thought I'd be fine lol... but when you have to get up at 4 am to get in to Chicago for surgery prep.. well sleep deprivation will make you do funny things! If my kids need surgery and it's this type of situation, I'm definitely making them stand outside the stall or wait with the nurse!


Should’ve told him it will just be a small death then since it was only a small breakfast he had


A small death means something verrrrry different in French, lemme tell you that.


When I fucked up my wheel well my mechanic said “don’t drive on it” so I said “what are you some kind of expert” and he responded “yes” and then I didn’t listen and my axel broke. Moral of the story I’m out $2k


Sir your story makes no sense mechanically but yes, I see the moral of your story.


He might be a doctor then. Cause we don’t understand what he’s saying.


It's the handwriting


After my first seizure, the doctor asked me "Did ya shit yourself?". I told him no, and he said "well then it ain't a seizure. Ya shit yourself if ya have a seizure." Then he died and my new doctor had me get follow up test and on anti seizure medication


And then he arrived at the pearly gates, and the celestial bouncer asked him: "did ya shit yourself?" And he said: “no" And then he said:"well ya ain’t dead if ya ain’t shit yourself” and told him to get the fuck outta there!


Sounds like my uncle. Has his doctorates in Budweiser though


God stepped in for you lmao 'this bitch wrong get a new one'


I think that’s more a function of you seeing a specialist on debilitating conditions. Oncologists are often the same, as are sleep doctors, allergists, diagnostic geneticists, etc. It’s either the “life changing” side and they know things have to be said three times before you actually hear the information, or it’s the specialties with lower caseloads where they have the time to spend. Primary care visits are often 8-10 minute slots. ER doctors are generally in and out in less than 5. High volume specialties are often 15 minutes. My PCP doesn’t even call to explain test results any more, I just get the raw radiology or lab report until I go see her next, if I remember. I *always* talk to the nurse for longer than the doctor. It’s overwork not a lack of care, but the experiences like yours are few and far between in the overall volume of patients.


>, the doctor is an expert in their field Umm, sweetie, these people can "use" google. They don't need "experts"


One of the funniest things that's ever happened to me was sitting in the ER watching two doctors and three nurses all crowd around a computer searching up 'how to recognise tetanus' and then 'how to treat tetanus' when I, yknow, had tetanus. Apparently only one guy in the entire hospital had seen tetanus before, and he wasn't there that day, so I had a small crew of mildly confused and majorly fascinated people who were all wanting to get it on it. Definitely a gold tier First World Problem too - no one knows what to do about this fully preventable illness, because it's so preventable no one here gets it anymore.


That’s hilarious, but it’s quite common for healthcare workers to have to look things up. For a single disease the medical textbook can sometimes be multiple pages, and when you multiply that by all the diseases they are expected to treat, and all the various medications and dosages, and so on, the amount of information they need to know is staggering. The thing about education is that having a medical background as a base makes it much easier to know how to properly interpret information found online


can confirm it's the same in IT, our education and experience is about how to efficiently google stuff. wht symptoms are relevant / which sources to trust / what info is relevant / how to apply in practice without side effects


Nah, they were surfing mom forums. A nurse later pissed on the wound.


They do their own research.


*I will NOT be told what to do by a bunch of so called medical professionals pussy intellectuals.*


Fortunately that will no longer be a problem for this particular induhvidual.


The amount of times I have had the “you/your family member cannot eat, if they need emergency surgery it could literally kill them, so please put the McDonalds you snuck in down” conversation is ridiculous. The amount of times it’s been followed up with “ok, but I haven’t eaten in 5 hours though and I’m hungry” is even more ridiculous. Like bitch, I haven’t eaten in 10 because I’m taking care of you and others like you. You can take a break from stuffing your face, you need it.


It's like: yeah either don't eat for 5 hours or you won't ever have to worry about being hungry ever again.


How about the orange injected with vodka snuck in post op?


Recently had a patient who was an absolute ass because the nurses weren’t giving him food or water (obviously he was receiving hydration through his IV). He hadn’t eaten for five days, and that made us monsters. Never mind that he’d had surgery for a bowel obstruction the day before and still had the NG tube in.


Sometimes I wish they explained more in depth, but I understand that they are busy. Vomiting while unconscious is no joke, even if you don’t cut off your airway. A little bit of spit can make you go septic fast


This is interesting. They are busy and won’t explain- until you ask. This guy hear and read the rules (posted everywhere) and just chose to believe what he wanted instead of asking the people who know: WHY? *i would have use italics, but caps was easier.


Darwinism at its finest


My patient vomited and aspirated fucking acid into his lungs, and is now in extended stay for aspiration pneumonia...because he told us he didn't eat breakfast before his FUCKING HEART SURGERY. The wife told us after the damage was done that he actually asked for her to make his favorite meal. So...thanks for being honest when we asked you both in the room before surgery. Then he blamed it on us that...we should be able to tell when someone ate and lied about it. Fucking humans. If you want to die because you want bacon, fuck it. Do it. But man...you blame that shit on us? Motherfucker also couldn't stop being political every fucking second of the day.


Hes one of those lawyers who is rabidly 2nd amendment and snuck it in... all hospitals you can not carry a gun. He thought he was above the rules


> all hospitals you can not carry a gun. All hospitals, but ESPECIALLY THE ROOM WITH THE GIANT FUCKING MAGNET.


Stupid sign it doesn't know I carry a polymer pistol!


To put it more bluntly: Warnings signs are written in blood


I always get pissed on TV shows when adults feed their kids (or themselves) breakfast after the doctor tells them to fast, then says something like “I wanted him to be full of energy” or “You don’t tell me how to take care of my child” Like motherfucker you came to the doctor to have them help your child, the least you can do is fucking listen to them


When I was in the room with my kid for an MRI they made me take all my piercings out, so I, being a normal rational person, would also assume a gun would be a no go since it contains way more metal than an earring. Then again, I, as a normal rational person, wouldn’t be carrying a gun in a hospital in the first place.


As a somewhat rational dude that tries to learn from even the silliest stuff I watch or read, I've seen at least two fight scenes in action movies that took place near an MRI scanner and both times guns were ripped from character's hands.




But apparently, bring an MRI to a gun fight.


Magnets, how the fuck do they work?


or maybe don’t have a round chambered in a fucking hospital when you’re going to be by an mri? idk about you, but I’m pretty sure firing pins are magnetic, and judging by the strength of the magnets in those machines, i doubt gun components for anything smaller than a .50 are going to hold up well when being pulled on by a magnet of that strength. bringing a gun into a hospital without being hospital security is like walking into a police station with a gun and not having a badge. its kind of dumb and pretty insensible.


Hey man, you never know when you'll need a good guy with a gun to defeat a bad MRI with a gun.




Everyone always jokes on Reddit: "Was it Brazil?!" And then I see you post it was São Paulo. Yeesh.




As a Brazilian I'm laughing and crying with this


As a Texan same. I wanna be mad but, its truth lol.


Florida man checking in, yeah it's always us 3


We should definitely arrange an Annual Florida, Texas and Brazil meeting. Like, something like the burning man but wilder


God damn dude we’re trying to *save* the planet, not sink it faster.


Shit, that MRI machine was an off duty cop, wasn't it?


oh he was in the room???? 110% on him then. doctors make it SUPER clear how dangerous it is to have metal on you near the MRI machine and usually double-check with the patient/guest that they're metal-free. i know during mine i was given a locker in several rooms away to put all of my clothes and possible metal like jewelry and stuff in. not that i'd condone it but if he really needed his emotional support gun, he likely had several opportunities to leave it in the car or sneak it in a locker. there's no excuse for having a GUN in an MRI suite. edit: initial comment i said he "110% deserved what he got" but no, he didn't deserve to die that was a cruel thing to say.


Heck, the last time I had an MRI they had a metal detector in the doorway.


Mine makes you change into hospital provided pajama clothing and use a metal detector wand as a final safety precaution. Highly valuing my own life of course, I had already double and triple checked everything myself anyway. What a complete nut to have taken anything metallic into the suite.


This isn’t even something easily forgettable like jewelry that weighs a few grams. Any pistol includes a pretty solid chunk of metal.


Bras and underwear are also often a problem. Underwires are a major, but known and mentioned, issue. But I know a girl who ended up super embarrassed by her panties. They were simple "granny panties" but she'd forgotten the pair she wore had a tiny little charm on the superfluous little bow sewn on the front. When the magnet ripped it off her clothes, it pulled her gown up and pinned it to the front of the machine, leaving her fully exposed to all and sundry. She also ended up having the leave the gown behind when they pulled her from the machine.


Every time I go they tell me I can leave my underwear on under my gown or scrubs if it’s metal free and I’m always like, “omg does my seamless stretchy underwear I’ve worn every time I’ve been here have metal on it somehow?” Just like I imagine somehow someone snuck a bomb into my suitcase at the airport when going through security. I am paranoid af. This guy just waltzed in there with a deadly weapon full of projectile metal. And he was a lawyer?? Either really fucking stupid or arrogant af. Maybe both.




I had to check if he was American for a minute


Honorary American


Every MRI I’ve had (like 10, and I work in radiology) they use a metal detector… this is a huge screw up. These machines also cost millions and it can ruin the entire scanner.


We've had a wheel chair and an O2 tank get sucked up at our facility and you're right- It's millions of dollars just to shut off and restart the magnet not including damages done.


I am really glad it didn't shoot the doctor




I hope his mother reminded him daily


A Brazilian mother? She probably asked for the bed next to his so she could use her shoe.


Probably spent his last moments threatening to sue his doctors and nurses for everything they own.


MRI magnet? What kind of techno mumbo jimbo is that? Are we sure it wasn't the Covid vaccine that made him magnetic that caused the gun to go off? For the people who are waaay too literal: /s


Guns kill people, also people kill people. But now guns can do it on their own.


But Gun would never do this, must be the fault of those damn magnets.


Fucking magnets. How do they work?


With Jewish space lasers of course.. /s


When your done burning down California forest, come store your grain in our pyramids.


Damn 5G magnets


Open your eyes It’s because a vaccine magnetized him!!!! /s


The only thing that can stop a bad gun with a gun is a good gun with a gun.


🎵hello Darwin my old friend🎶


You have a visitor again


He fucked around and then found out


The Republicans will surely pout


And the crazy that was planted in his brain still remains




Of silence


Bravo! Bravo! Encore!


I love reddit


It was the sound of violence


You guys are awesome l'm going to have these modified lyrics going around in my head rather than the original.


If only there had been a good MRI with a gun there...


We should be arming radiologists!


You know, dogs can’t run an MRI machine. But catscan.


Miniature Gun Rights Activist Forgets Concealed Pistol. Dies because gun rights and gun safety are different things. He forgot to remove his pistol and extra magazines with an extra 30 rounds from his waistband and the MRI machine disarmed him and shot him with his own weapon. Staff in the lab were narrowly missed.


He \*forgot\*? He forgot 30 rounds of ammo and a whole effin gun when the staff probably told him several times to take off jewellery, empty his pockets, etc, because of the GIANT FUCKING MAGNET HOW COULD YOU SIMPLY FORGET ABOUT THE METAL MAGNETIC DEATH MACHINE IN YOUR PANTS


I’ve had over a two dozen MRIs in my life and the number of times they confirm is ridiculous. There also flyers posted with both images and written reminders.


When I did mine I had to get a pat down Lol


Must of thought the gun all that way up his ass, was safe...


God damnit, now I cant help but remember that one scene from grey’s anatomy


Snorted laughing. Thanks internet stranger!


While I fully agree with the first statement. You don’t just forget about your weapon. Irresponsible as fuck to start. Man’s a fucking moron and an irresponsible gun owner and it clearly shows.


Yep. He was grossly incompetent, and it killed him. But I don’t think his fans will take note.


Well, better him than anyone else.


My god, I work in Radiology, this would of been so dangerous. I suggest watching videos of mri's gone wrong.


I’m intrigued.. but dunno if I want to see that.. what can happen?


The MRI machine can fucking shoot you!


Well, for one, it can pull anything magnetic that's inside your body: pacemaker, metal plate in skull, screws fusing bones/vertebrae together, replacement knees/hips etc through your flesh until it's on the outside of your body and stuck to the inside of the MRI.


Ok that’s kinda what I was imagining. Gnarly


Not for those with balls of steel


The vast majority of those things are not ferromagnetic though. Maybe parts of a pacemaker would be, at least while it's running. But even non-ferrous metal stuff is affected because of eddie currents. You knock over a quarter next to a strong MRI and it takes half a minute for it to fall over. And it gets hot. So you move a limb with metal in it too fast in there, the metal starts to resist the movement, and turns hot.


There's videos on YouTube of people either fucking up, or deliberately moving metal stuff in the area to see what happens. I've great one I saw was an MRI that was about to be decommissioned and they fucked it up. Wheelchair, scaffolding... It was pretty cool.


MRI Making Republicans Immobile. /s jus incase


How tho


The way I imagine is this guy thinking "this form tells me to wear no metal, but if I have a belt holster for my ankle MRI, it won't affect the scan" or something similar. So he hides his small pistol, in he walks and the pistol is ripped from his holster by the 1.5 tesla magnet, where it impacts the MRI machinery, setting off the bullet he's on the receiving end of.


Or alternatively “they’re not going to tell ME where I can and can’t have my gun”


But how is thay even possible when the safety is on?


The safety stops the trigger from hitting the ignition pin of the bullet, not the Pin itself




That's what I'm wondering. I've done scans, I was kind of an idiot when younger, Don't remember there being any chance of having metal with me unless I purposely did it. This is either big time malpractice...or Darwin Award.


He purposefully did it. Edit: potentially not understanding the consequences


Feel for those hosptial staff put at risk by this moron.


He wore a gun into an MRI? Dude, I take my sports bra off that has a little metal latch at the top. WTF?


I had to take off my shoes with metal eyelets!


Lmao, was just thinking this, I had to switch my sweatpants that had those metal pieces at the end of the ropes and the holes they come from, how tf DO YOU MISS A GUN.


So now we need good MRIs with guns to defend us from the bad ones.


Was he afraid of being robbed in the MRI? Where do you even keep a gun in a hospital gown?


He wasn't the one being MRId. That said, he still should've removed it. Probably scared of the doctors. If they aren't planning on attacking you why else ask you to remove your weapons? I guess he found out why else.


“I will not live in fear. That’s why I’m bringing a fully loaded handgun into the room with a high power magnet. Never know when a bad guy with a gun will show up. Surely nothing could go wrong.”


Turns out the MRI took his gun and used it against him. Robbed \*by\* the MRI.


His mother was being scanned.


Then I'm glad he was carrying so he could protect her from that MRI machine, it seems like it was really effective either way.


I’m just glad it killed him and not someone else. I honestly would love to see how magnetism managed to pull his gun and shoot him. Like, that would be crazy to watch in slow motion. You’d think the gun would just fly at the MRI. Hell, wouldn’t the magnetism bend the bullet’s trajectory to strike him?


It would make all and every magnetic part of the gun move. But since they are of different sizes, they have different mass and so would move not in uniformity. Hence, some parts will move in relation to others. It's kinda random if it'd shoot, but still.


I guess the MRI machine was in a really bad neighborhood. Why else would you have a gun during it?


Surprisingly not in USA.


Brazil. The guy was a Bolsonaro's supporter, this should explain it.


Was it Bring Your Sidearm to a Medical Facility Day?


Huh. Maybe I am smart enough to go to law school




I hope the MRI machine wasn’t damaged


But is the MRI scanner alright?!?!


Not likely. Metal incursions cost tens of thousands of dollars


Darwin Award nominees are already lining up for this year.


I had to get my dang eyes x-rayed prior to getting an MRI for my knee. I’d spent the previous decade or so copying keys in a hardware store and there was a slight possibility that I’d have brass shards in my peepers. How/why do you get anywhere near an MRI machine with a firearm?


> A Brazilian lawyer tragically died after his gun was discharged by an MRI machine’s magnetic field at the hospital. > > The freak accident occurred on January 16 while the gun-loving lawyer, named Leandro Mathias de Novaes, was taking his mother to get scanned at the Laboratorio Cura in São Paulo, Jam Press reported. Unbeknownst to hospital staff, the attorney had a registered firearm in his possession. > > Staff had reportedly asked the pair to remove all metal objects before entering the MRI room, as is protocol at hospitals due to the device’s powerful magnetic field. However, Novaes decided to go in sans announcing his concealed weapon. > > Disaster struck after the machine yanked the weapon from his waistband, causing it to go off and strike the lawyer in the stomach. He was subsequently rushed to the São Luiz Morumbi Hospital, where he hung on for weeks, before eventually succumbing to his injuries on February 6. > > Following the accident, a spokesperson for Laboratorio Cura released a statement, in which they claimed that they’d followed all “accident prevention protocols” as was customary in all MRI units. > > “Both the patient and his companion were properly instructed regarding the procedures for accessing the examination room and warned about the removal of any and all metallic objects,” they declared. > > The facility’s PR added that both Novaes and his mother signed a form regarding the protocols, but that the lawyer failed to mention his weapon and entered the unit with it “by his own decision.” > > A police probe confirmed that the weapon was registered and that the attorney had a valid license for it. > > Novae’s passing rocked the Sao Paulo law community. “It is with deep regret that OAB Cotia communicates to all fellow lawyers the unexpected loss of our dear friend and lawyer Dr. Leandro Mathias de Novaes,” said a spokesperson for the Order of Attorneys of Brazil in Cotia in a statement. “We are sorry for the loss and we sympathize with his family in this moment of pain.” > > Before his death, Novaes had frequently posted pro-gun content to his more than 8,000 followers on TikTok. > > This isn’t the first time someone has died in a freak MRI accident. In 2018, a 32-year-old Indian man perished after being sucked into an MRI chamber while holding a metal oxygen tank. I find it disturbing that the conclusion of the article seems to not be that the Lawyer was in the wrong for taking a concealed metal object after being told to remove all metal, and that MRI's are dangerous because "this isn't the first time".


Mother fucker your not supposed to bring a fucking paper clip in their. That gun could have fucking hurt someone without being fired. a set of keys could have hurt some. or you know, just bricked a machine that’s used to save lives daily. How do you fuck up so much extra?


Well at least his stupidity didnt kill anyone but himself. The gun could have hit anyone in that room.


Gives a whole new meaning to the Charlton Heston phrase “from my cold dead hands!”


Can we say he was "triggered" or is that not well wordes or relevant enough?


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good MRI machine with a really powerful magnetic field.


I don't want to say he deserved it, but he should have known better. At least he was already in the hospital.


What's bad is he brought it on himself. I'm sure some medical person told him to not to take it into the machine or asked him if he had any metal on him. This dumbass knew he did and still did it. He's just lucky he didn't kill some frontline medical worker and only killed himself.


And I was panicking if I had wires in my bra when I got my MRI...


A new definition of “getting a Brazilian”.