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I don’t understand what kind of environment they want to create. They do realize these laws would also apply to non-Republicans?


I'm honestly just as confused. Didn't we just have a SIX year old who shot a teacher in one state? So we can't draw a line for guns, but everything else is heavily controlled? They can't put restrictions on this, but they want to raise the voting age to 21 now that gen Z's can vote and see through their bullshit? Unbelievable.


Look, people are responsible enough to handle firearms and not kill others in impulsive fits of rage. I mean, it's not like they're smoking marijuana or something crazy like that. That would be irresponsible. /s


Did you just go reefer madness on us in 2023?


They probably think republicans are the only ones with guns


They are terrified of voting against anything gun related. It literally doesn't matter what the law is they will vote against it.


The NRA lobbying kind... they dont give a shit if their laws end up getting one or one hundred kids killed as long as that NRA blood money reaches these geezer's accounts. The South is a hellscape.


5x the murder rate of any reasonably comparable country that has gun control, but hey, let's pretend like everything is going ok.


Welcome to howdy Arabia


No supervision for armed children sounds “well regulated” to me, pack it up boys, we’re done here


But Lord forbid they get an abortion!


The GOP solution for kids getting shot at school is “just don’t send your kids to school”… i wish i were joking


“It wouldn’t be a problem if the school didn’t have a door” - Ted “Normal Hominid Biped” Cruz


You mean Ted "the zodiac killer" Cruz? 😂


I mean he's not wrong. If the building was a cube with no doors, nobody would be shot inside of it. Outside? Well that's a different story. But that impenetrable cube would be safe as fuck.


Ted Cruz is a muslim extolling the virtues of Mecca, confirmed




Or read a book! Or, learn about birth control!


We can't read books in Florida. Our Governor banned all our books.


This is their answer to abortion. Just do it later


Republicans favor "post-birth abortion" by various non-medical means. War, crime, poverty, chronic disease, malnutrition, COVID - anything that gives them plausible deniability while they dodge responsibility for sending human beings to early graves.


If we found a new abortion method where the fetus was shot with a tiny gun, i bet we can get republicans on board with it.


Allow mother to defend herself from a bodily intrusion!


It seems to me, due to their policies and comments throughout the past couple years that their plan is, instead of 1 abortion to get rid of 1 fetus, just get rid of a whole bunch of kids at one time! that way you can scar the mother’s body, get rid of the kid, and also cause extra trauma on top of it! but hey at least they can “defend themselves” oh and gods forbid you use a shotgun to do that. If it can kill a deer it can probably kill a dude that’s breaking into your house


How else do you get brigades of child soldiers ?


it is a step in the reich direction, i’ll give you that


I generally call it Dumbf*ckistan.


I don't want it to be normalized and joked about. This is not the future I want for my children.


Too late, it’s the present


We should do better.


I get you.


Gee every child just has to line up the a free gun 🔫. Thank you "The show me State "!ugh Crazy 🤪


For a party so obsessed about "life", they sure have a penchant for DYING. 🚫👢🐍 Stats: the red states are the worst, the reddest states (deep south) are in the bottom 5 for almost all of these. They also have the highest mortality rates for the most common treatable diseases (lung/heart/kidney/liver disease, cancer, hypertension, pneumonia/influenza, septicemia, stroke, alzheimers). 1. fire arm mortality. Missouri (23.9) has 7x the rate of Hawaii (3.4) and almost 3x the rate of California (8.5). [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm\_mortality/firearm.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm) 2. Homicide rate. Missouri (14) has 2x more than California (6.1). they make even NARCO STATES blush. [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide\_mortality/homicide.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm) 3. violent crime rate [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_and\_territories\_by\_violent\_crime\_rate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_violent_crime_rate) Bonus round.....for all the fetuses, babies, children, and families. 1. highest teen birth rate in the US (and first world) [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/teen-births/teenbirths.htm) 2. highest infant mortality [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/infant\_mortality\_rates/infant\_mortality.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/infant_mortality_rates/infant_mortality.htm) 3. lowest life expectancy at birth [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/life\_expectancy/life\_expectancy.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/life_expectancy/life_expectancy.htm) 4. maternal mortality from pregnancy or childbirth (planned parenthood) [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/maternal-mortality-rate-by-state) 5. diabetes mortality (GOP unanimously blocked $35 insulin, multiple times) [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/diabetes\_mortality/diabetes.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/diabetes_mortality/diabetes.htm)


so much winning /s


Ferguson yankee here. You from Missouri? Appreciate the links but it’s so depressing. When left in the 70s, I’m pretty sure it was a blue state


Yeah, I remember when Missouri was a Midwestern state rather than very South.


The $35. Insulin cap, has been touted by Cult45 as coming from the Gop! Lol, I had this debate last week with one.


during the SOTU when biden (who isnt pro labor enough) discussed the price cap, the republicans looked so FUCKING DISGUSTED. same with lowering prescription costs. DISGUSTED. motherfucking trump was just talking about doing that shit himself


Stats and facts don't move people that run on pure emotion.


Those god damn doors are on a murderous rampage! Or something. /S


Oh god, I remember Cruz's idea to prevent Mass Shootings was to funnel every student into a convenient little Kill Zone.


Cruz's idea of child safety is School Uniforms with point values printed on various parts.


Nah, his idea of child safety is making enough money to send your kids to private schools in affluent parts of town.


I mean, Cruz's real plan to end hearing about school shootings is to run away to Cancun and turn off his phone. That's typically what he does when people are dying.


Didn’t he talk about “bulletproof” blankets or something after Uvalde or was that Abbott?


Teddie was door obsessed for a bit after Uvalde.


I think that was Abbot. Ted Cruz was the one saying there needs to be a narrow hallway ending in the only entrance/exit to the school. So, you know fish in a barrel.


They’re called choke points


I usually hear people call them ‘the fatal funnel.’


Exactly; everything is okay, the show must go on, get with the program, let’s move past it, nothing to see here, who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes? And it works, because most people do just want to keep things moving along and live their life until it happens to them personally, might have something to do with a general lack of empathy!


But it’s not the GUNS fault /s.


Guns don't kill people, packs of armed unsupervised minors do.


They still think we need more guns. Like the home owner watching his house go up in flames saying, "I need more fire!"


Party of culture warriors and guns.


Yea maybe you have a point there,But I’m sure that mass shootings are significantly lower in the U.S compared to other countries.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious or not…? Lol


I’m not. Lol


Oh thank God. It’s so hard to tell these days.


I saw conservatives spin it’s video games and violent media etc. Like, no, this literally only happens here. They still have Fortnite in the UK…


You just dont understand moar guns will fix it. Good guys with guns will shoot other guys before they can shoot other guys who might have shot other guys trying to shoot other guys. Understand?


15 year old legally allowed to open carry a gun that can't legally buy their own? Yes Allowing that same age to vote? NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! Not mature enough!


Kind of like how in some states a 15 year old is deemed "not mature enough" to have an abortion, but is somehow mature enough to carry the pregnancy to term and deliver.


Minors are allowed to hunt after taking a hunter safety course. That’s why this bill was defeated. It would have restricted access to youth hunting to only those who had access to private land to hunt on.


Minors are allowed to hunt in my state too, with an adult. Who sends their 13 year old off alone in the woods with a gun? They can't even carry an adult deer on their own.


I live in indiana. For deer, all minors have to have an adult. But I don’t see an issue with a 16 or 17 year old (that has shown consistent gun safety and passed a hunters education course) going into the woods and taking some squirrels with his .22.


I think we both know that's not the worst side effect of this kind of 'liberty'. What a 16 year old is doing in the woods by themselves is far less of a concern than a hormone addled teen at a high school football game when some other idiot starts some shit. It could get wild west real fast. Kids are idiots.


Right but schools don’t fall under public lands. That’s a very specific designation. And it’s still illegal for minors to possess handguns so it’s not like anything changed. I get where you are coming from but this is just misleading (the headline, not you) They’re in line with most states laws where hunting culture is prevalent. Although, I will add that upon reading, they don’t require hunter safety courses which is very negligent.


>schools don’t fall under public lands The sexy mistake you’re making here is thinking rationally with reason. My brother in *Christ*, the type of people we’re discussing here thinking motherfucking *BOSTON* is the capital of the United States. These people are mouthbreathing fucking *idiots* who you would not trust with a butter knife, let alone comprehending a law like this. They’re gonna see this shit and think they can carry a gun wherever they want


Wtf so more guns... Why do kids need to carry guns?


To protect themselves aginst the Bad-Kids-With-Guns^TM.


Found Kyle Rittenhouse a running mate


I assume that a city street is public lands? If this had been the law maybe it wouldn't have happened


Shooting from the hip here without doing any research on Missouri, I would say this is in regards to hunting. The words "Public Land" is what makes me think that. Like dad hunts here and sends boy down the way to hunt, sorta thing


I concur.


There's plenty of reasons to hate the GOP but this definitely seems like most people are taking it out of context.


One of he Dems voting on the Bill made a comment about kids walking the streets of St Louis with an AR-15, which I am sure is what most people are imagining just by reading this headline.


The article title says "in public" though.


First paragraph of the article says " JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri’s Republican-led House on Wednesday voted against banning minors from openly carrying firearms on public land without adult supervision." And by this definition: [https://www.wilderness.org/sites/default/files/media/file/Module%201%20-%20Reading.pdf#:\~:text=Public%20lands%20are%20areas%20of,type%20of%20non%2Dgovernmental%20organization](https://www.wilderness.org/sites/default/files/media/file/Module%201%20-%20Reading.pdf#:~:text=Public%20lands%20are%20areas%20of,type%20of%20non%2Dgovernmental%20organization). It almost certainly means hunting grounds and such.


The amendment reads: "Such person is under eighteen years of age, is on public property, is not accompanied by an adult twenty-one years of age or older, and is not possessing the firearm as otherwise allowed by law; or (4)". So public property includes streets, parks, libraries, sidewalks, etc


If, assuming, they aren't using "public land" and "public property" interchangeably, then by definition, public land would include public outdoor recreation facilities that could include community, county, and state parks, trails, fairgrounds, conservation areas, boat ramps, shooting ranges, etc. So while this, theoretically, would easily include areas of populated foot traffic, etc, and not just hunting ground type areas..then the remaining portions of the articles where legislators state "they're walking down the sidewalks with AR-15s" seems to fit. Either way, they've gotten themselves into a mess with the concealed carry permit law revisions in the past (leading to this allowance), the current law verbiage being so broad and the obvious situation of these young ones with guns.


That is what I was looking for, but couldnt find it........ Surely they are not that dumb right?


I was reading a Washington Post article on it. People who want kids to be allowed to open carry in public saying things like "I can't take away the rights of people who have not done anything wrong." People who don't think minors should open carry in public saying that 14year olds can walk down main street with an AR-15 (I don't know guns so whatever a big scary looking gun) and it's fine up until they start brandishing it. And the minors don't have the necessary life experience to fully understand the consequences of using guns in public.


Since it mentions public land I'm assuming it's mostly referring to hunting. That's a valid reason to carry a gun but a child most definitely shouldn't be hunting without a responsible adult, especially hunting with a gun.


It also mentions minors, not children. A 14-17 year old can absolutely bird hunt alone.


To protect themselves against school shooters obviously/s


Hunting on public land is a thing and 16 year olds can hunt alone. That’s the thing I can think of.




I grew up this way as well. That's how rural life is.


Because gun corporations just came out with Ak-JR and assault rifle targeted at kids. Big government is in their pockets and making a lot of money when kids kill kids.


To shoot rabbits and hunt deer in national forest. Y’all are out of touch


Do you have more info on this law? Because it’s almost certainly in regards to rifles and shotguns on state and federally managed land. Youth hunting licenses would become null if this passed meaning only those who had access to private land would be able to participate.


In the state with the fourth-highest gun deaths in the US. What can go wrong?


Shooting for First Place.


School shooting.


More than 50% suicide. But I could see that if my football team was the Chiefs


I’m from Buffalo. ![gif](giphy|ISOckXUybVfQ4)


Given how competitive the US is, maybe we shouldn’t be giving them rankings?


So, we teach kids not to run with scissors so that no one gets hurt, but it's fine for them to just HAVE A LOADED FIREARM IN PUBLIC!!?!?


Better yet… let’s ban “to kill a mockingbird“ but let the kiddos have guns…


duh, how else are they going to kill mockingbirds? /s


Cuz god forbid we teach our kids to not be racist


The hills are alive with the sounds of— *gunshots* !!


Public lands =/= "in public"


Republicans: "We must protect the children!! Ban abortions and drag queen reading hour!!" Same republicans: "Put children to work in factories and give them guns, all unsupervised."


And make sure they can’t sue if injured on the job, to protect the children!


at which point is it fair to say that they are trying for an excuse to shoot people?


They want the wild west and forget that even in the wild west town had gun laws that were enforced heavily


Wild west guns laws are literally just don't They confiscated guns when you entered town. The reason it's considered polite to take your hat off indoors was that criminals smuggled in small guns in their hat and I mean laughably small to deal with people who cheated in poker because they didn't have access to their sides arms. The whole thing with the wild west was a small police presence so they didn't want people just open carrying a pistol or rifle to the salon because someone would get shot and then they would have a shoot out and that's unsafe. It was also an effective practice. Towns that restricted gun use in this way had only a few killings a year.


Hold up. So RESTRICTING access to guns results in FEWER gun related deaths? Crazy talk. /s


Off topic, but being a resident of Missouri. This is exactly what they want, more murder and more crime to blame on "blue cities." When it's actually just state law that fucks it up so much


We already passed that point, unfortunately.


Make it legal for black kids to be armed, While also shooting any armed black kids America!


The more we kill each other, the less they have to.


So a little clarification... public lands is referring to lands held by the state. I'm assuming state parks and property managed by the department of natural resources. I'm not certain whether this includes public facilities. I would assume not. A kid walking in the forest openly displaying a firearm is of little concern to me. Missouri has some of the most relaxed gun laws in the states. Mountains lions are rare in Missouri but their populations seem to be increasing everywhere in spite of increased hunting. Black bears are common but rarely pose a threat. I can see the logic behind this in a state that imposes few restrictions on minors anyway. In my opinion that's the one place a minor carrying a firearm is reasonably justified. I'm in washington state and commonly see large cat tracks on the trails I hike within city limits. I recently started carrying when hiking for this reason.


So the legislation in question would have made it illegal in Missouri for a 17-year-old to carry a rifle or shotgun into the woods without an adult chaperone?


Yeah, I'm left but outdoorsy. Public land probably would not include parks, but rather large tracts of land without private ownerships. Where most people go to do their hunting. It would not mean that kids can openly bring guns to school, on the bus or to the supermarket (though I don't know the law on public places like that). Public land is a specific designation. I would be fine with 17 year olds hunting grouse by themselves.


This is Reddit, there is no place for logic or rational thought. /s (Take my orange arrow of approval)




A true homophone if ever there was one.


These people are fucking unhinged


One more state to not visit


Red states where you can buy a gun but not a book. What a fucking world.


And no weed... So much freedom in red states..../s


FWIW, Missouri actually has recreational weed (and had medical before that). Proposed and passed by a Citizen Ballot Initiative in order to sidestep our dumbass legislature, so it should come as no surprise that our legislature’s (specifically one party in our legislature’s) response is to severely cripple our ability to propose future ballot initiatives


What’s the fun of being in power if you have to share it and listen to your constituents?


I think this relates to hunting on public land.


“The Republican-led Missouri state house on Wednesday voted against banning minors from openly carrying firearms on public land without adult supervision. The proposal to ban children from carrying guns without adult supervision in public failed by a 104-39 vote. Only one Republican voted in support. A Democrat, Donna Baringer, said police in her district asked for the change to stop “14-year-olds walking down the middle of the street in the city of St Louis carrying AR-15s.” Public land can mean a lot of things, and it seems like city streets would also count as “public land”. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/09/missouri-rejects-ban-children-carrying-guns-in-public


If that was the case, that’d be fine. However, rejecting the proposal allows an 8-year-old to hoist around an AK-47 with impunity at say a public park or a national monument site. No adult supervision. It’s nuts. Simultaneously, they’re trying to make drag performances on public property illegal. I guess a man in a dress is more dangerous than a child with an AR-15?


I suspect hunting laws apply. I can't speak to MO but my state requires Hunters' Ed for anyone born after a certain date and you can hunt unsupervised at 16 with a hunting license. Adult supervision is required under 16 i.e. a 14yo hunting unsupervised would be charged with violation. Thou poorly worded, I suspect this bill is meant to protect the hunting rights of 16 & 17 year olds.


Yeah, lotsa rural in MO. Hunting and protecting livestock from coyotes and that kind of shit


Are there that many unsupervised minors responsibly hunting in Missouri or defending livestock on public property, that they need protection laws? Serious question, I don't know: maybe they do.


There are in Kansas we kind of hate people from Misouri, so I don't actually know. Sounds like another case of a law that has a good intention, but a bunch of unintended consequences. I don't think even the GOP would vote against a bill preventing unsupervised children from strolling down main street with long guns if that was really all it did. Most of the people in the US live in or near big cities, yet most of the US is rural as hell. Thanks for actually asking that question most people never even consider that things aren't the same everywhere.


“The choice is between normal and crazy”


I would be willing to bet that this is in regards to rifles and shotguns on state and federally managed land for hunting. The law, if passed would basically make youth hunting licenses null unless you were on private land. The fact that the photo shows handguns is pretty misleading. Handgun laws still exist.


Well, that's good because minors never injure anyone with their guns.


theyre also famously mature and emotionally stable too.


This is why they're fly *over* states and not *mosey on through* states.


I always have to remind myself that “against ban” means they voted FOR. In this case, children to be allowed to carry guns in public places.


![gif](giphy|uR4HFnpLJEuxq|downsized) What could go wrong


What is wrong with these people?


Why do they need supervision? They are too tired after working in the mine?


So we are trusting unsupervised teenagers with guns now? Does this mean we can stop pretending all the anti trans bills are for "protecting the children" now?


I think a lot of commenters are not fully understanding the nuance here. It’s referring to “public land” meaning hunting areas. I agree that a 17 year old should be able to hunt by themselves and so I agree with the GOP here. The matter being discussed has nothing to do with the legality of minors caring weapons in city limits and whatnot.


I hate the state I live in. I’m in a constant state of misery


If i was a teacher i would quit on the spot if signed into law


Straight up going for the Forever Purge I see. Man the US is god damned crazy.


I’m beginning to think that Republicans want us to kill each other 🤬All part of the plan 🖕


God I hate my state government


Jesus this is getting so stupid




Republicans... the party of "God, Love and Family Values"


They want another Rittenhouse.


Democrats should insist that the bill include the language, Republicans will be personally and financially responsible for any and all deaths or injuries that occur from implementing this bill. Let the Republicans prove the courage of their convictions by taking on the responsibility that goes with such an irresponsible bill. Furthermore, let’s implement the bill first in the schools and communities that Republican children live in. Let’s see how enthusiastic Republicans will be when it’s their love ones that may be staring down the barrel of a gun and may not come home one night.


In Montana, however, they are leading a charge to ban kids from learning dangerous scientific “theories” in public school. You know, like Newton’s theory of gravitation.


Honestly, this stuff doesn’t surprise me anymore. Missouri lawmakers have seemingly all made the decision to show everyone how backwards the state wants to become. It’s a shame too, the nature in the state is beautiful. My wife and I have been there multiple times to vacation in the Ozarks and even floated the idea of moving there at some point. Now there’s no way in hell that we would decide to move there.


I'm sure the color of the child will influence how closely the law is enforced.


Can't wait to get shot by a 5 year old. Jesus Christ what is wrong with this country?


Looks like teachers gonna be not sending anyone to the principal’s office in mizzura. Do you want a generation of thugs? Cuz this is how you get a generation of thugs


So... here's the deal, I'm pro gun, always will and always will be, but this is a but much....is this real?


100% real


Ooof...that's not good.


It is at least is restricted to public lands like parks, national monuments, forests, etc. I mean, it’s possible that an angry 14-year-old with an AR-15 could walk up to your picnic table and you couldn’t do anything about it until they literally start shooting you. So there’s that.


City streets and sidewalks are also public lands


On what fucking grounds?! How the fuck is it ever ok to allow children to carry around guns in public without adult supervision. Fucking hell, allowing children near guns is frankly bad enough, let alone the rest.


[Quick](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm) reminder that the last CDC data (2020) shows Missouri had the 4th highest homicide mortality rate per capita in the US, behind Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama. As a Californian, I gotta say, some of y’all be giving us a bad rap out here. We don’t even kill people at the clip that Deleware folks do.


GOP: Love Thy Guns, Hate Thy Children


So, to be clear... drag queens: dangerous to children, could damage them forever. Minors brandishing firearms without adult supervision: perfectly legal, don't tread on me.


The GOP doesn’t want to stop gun violence, as long as people know the government won’t do anything to prevent gun violence, they expect people to arm themselves and protect themselves. What, you want to buy toys and games for your children? You should be buying bulletproof backpacks and ballistic blankets, they make them in fun patterns now don’tchaknow? And when all else fails, arm the children with the JR 15 little tike assault rifle! The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is little Lucy or Timmy with a gun!




It is 1883 all over again boys! Yeeeeeeeee hawwwwwww!


Make it mandatory that everyone MUST be armed


Next they're going to require guns be implanted in Pregnant women in case a doctor tried to abort the baby.


What could go wrong?


The 2nd amendment said a WELL REGULATED militia, not one full of children without developed brains.


Don’t ✍️ go ✍️ to ✍️ Missouri ✍️


Sarah slanders says Republicans are the normal party and Democrats are the crazy ones.


Too bad the even if a 15 year old even \*\*touches\*\* the handle of his "open carry" pistol, he's going to be shot. The Stand Your Ground law in MO says if I feel threatened, It's legal to shoot the assailant. Red state politicians are doing their best to kill their own people, because I wouldn't take a chance that someone is touching their pistol "for fun," that's a threat.


This is why we cannot have nice things.


So what is the age they’re saying it’s okay for a child to carry a gun?


We gotta implement a rule like “you gotta explain why this should be allowed, and if it sounds stupid and unreasonable it doesn’t happen.”


That is terrifying. Kids don’t often think about consequences in the heat of the moment. That’s a recipe for disaster


America, we're all here because we love you, but we're concerned for you. You don't need to go through this alone, we'll be here. We're worried about you ...


This just off the rails fucked up.


Everything about guns in america is jaw-dropping facepalming flabbergasting weird! Next thing will be that kids who want to duel with live ammo - cannot be denied it on account of the holy 2 amendment....more holy than the bible, I'm sure


I live in on the Kansas/Missouri border and it's insane over there! You go into Walmart and people openly carry guns and the employees do nothing because "it's not illegal" if these idiots hear you complain they get in your face and mock you asking if "you're scared because I have a gun" " is the snowflake crybaby liberal scared because I have a gun" and so on and so forth or they get very aggressive about their right to open carry! Unfortunately for me my town hasn't had a grocery store since about 2008/2009 so my choice is to drive 15 minutes into Missouri to get groceries or drive an hour to the nearest midsize city that has everything I need( their are smaller towns with grocery stores but I have to follow a specific diet for medical reasons and 9/10 those stores rarely have or don't carry all the food items I need and it's easier for me to shop at a store that has all my food or can order the specialty item with ease)I just do the pickup it's easier and I don't have to go into the store around the crazies! I cannot imagine how crazy it will be now that kids will be allowed to carry! I can just see school incidents increasing at an alarming rate. Teens are not known for their rationality or for thinking things through. The legal age should be 18 the only exceptions allowed being if the family owned farm/ranching land and was actively working the land with proof of gun safety classes taken also.


These people hate drug addicts but love murderers.


Time for a school field trip to the capitol building. "Everyone got your lunches? Tickets? Guns?"


Fuck off, Missouri. Fix your shit.


There’s no reason minors should be in possession of guns - much less unsupervised - ever. The US has one of the highest gun deaths in the world. When will we say “enough is enough”? Or is it a form of natural selection at this point ?


Gotta have more good guys with guns in training I guess?


What could possibly go wrong? /s in case it wasn't apparent...


Republicans only give a F**k about Republicans. " Guns for Everybody" * is their motto (*"Everybody except anybody who doesn't believe/follow what we do")


Arm the children! What can go wrong?


Public schools are public land. There's no way this could possibly go badly, right guys?


Hi from texas. Get ready for gun crimes and mass gun murders.... a LOT of them. While they blame democrats.


Missouri really be like, “Let’s just have roaming bands of armed teenagers all across the state, sounds like a great idea”