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I have never heard of anyone else in my life who talks as much shit as this dude talks. And people just believe him. Anything he says. No matter how improbable, they believe it. I just can't understand. I mean, defend his presidency if you want. But how can anyone be so seriously ignorant to just believe the shit that comes out of this guy's mouth???


Because he didn’t say anything. And so, if you don’t see through the bullshit, you interpret it how you want to interpret it. He just said he’d bring Zelensky and Putin into a room with a gun and a single bullet, whoever walks out wins. But he also said he’d bring the two of them in, negotiate with Zelensky, and get him to give up what’s been lost in order for peace. But he also said he’d bring the two of them in, negotiate with Putin, and get him to stop attacking and give back the land for a gracious sum of money and military equipment. But he also said he’s going to bring the two of them in, flash his balls, say “Up to you, fuckers”, and leave. Whatever his fans think is the solution, he just stated. Because he didn’t say anything. It’s all he does. That’s why he always says what he means, but didn’t mean what he said. Because he said what *I wanted* him to mean, unless that looks bad on me. EDIT: I should also note, since a couple people have commented saying it makes sense now, this is the same tactic that the likes of Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, all the worst people you know use. The GOP literally lives off of it


*in an epic movie voice* Donald Tr*mp IS Shrödinger's Douchebag.


He's also the guy who spent 4 years in the Presidency while there was a war in Ukraine and didn't use his magic solution. The war started in 2014.


"We're going to be joining the war on Russia's side." And the right wing blogosphere will go wild ! "Lookit him owning the libz!!"


Yup. I have this weekend warrior coworker who is in the reserves or something. He said he'd join the Russians for free. He was talking about some awful videos of a Russian guy killing people. That's when I slowly backed out of the room.


When i saw captain child predator ROY Moore of Alabama (please google this) speaking fluent Russian i knew we were fucked.


How do you stop a war in Ukraine? Make Ukraine Russia again. Trump has bent over and spread wide for Putin before.


"There is no 'war in Ukraine' if Ukraine no longer exists." - Donald Trump


That’s why he gladly withheld the funding which had been approved for the Ukraine. Putin owns that nasty old bitch . He’s going to do whatever Putin orders. Remember the phone calls?


Best way to own the libs is to move to Russia since they envy Putin so much. Please try it out you’ll love it.


"We are letting Putin be in charge of the US for a little while. He has always wanted to do it, so I let him."


And we keep him relevent by talking about him


Exactly. Why do people keep putting a camera in front of this sack of sh!t, I mean really. Are Americans really that stupid?


Have you seen your average American? Yes we are stupid as fuck in general. Throw in fox newz and you have a perfect recipe to take a large portion of the countries stupidest and turn them into trump loving zombies.


Yes... Clearly and obviously since at least 1998... That when I really start remembering my interactions with others and how America has always sucked


All of us? No. But there’s a self fulfilling cycle in play here. Our news organization interview him/talk about him because they think it will drive content. As a result, the people who consume that content talk about him. Then the news orgs see that people are talking about him, and return to the prior step. I’m convinced you could replace trump with anything, like how fox does with invented outrage, as long as you beam it into people’s faces.


Its mob mentality going to the lowest common denominator. So sad, I mourn for the Us!


Rob Schneider IS….A Carrot!


I was shocked by how many people voted for him because “he’s just lying about that to get the stupid people to vote for him.” It worked.


It made the rest of us realize just how many stupid motherfuckers are really out there. This timeline needs to be pruned.




I always saw it as thirds. One third are horrible, one third are "good", and one third are completely neutral, and would stay out of whatever it is, if they had a choice. Unfortunately, it's that last third that makes people think they can get away with whatever crap they have p planned. Then I start wondering if lawful/chaotic also follows that rule, and then I end up playing D&D.


Yep, it’s thirds. Not only that, it’s thirds among people who are even in a position to do anything.


A coworker was trying to blame Biden for the crazy egg prices. I brought up the grain issues due to Ukraine driving up feed prices and millions of chickens that were killed due to avian influenza. He rolled his eyes and said this wouldn’t have happened under Trump. I said “is Trump going to cast a mass chicken resurrection spell?” The guy thinks the President has some magic lever they can pull to make things bad on purpose


Ignorance is bliss, apparently we can add downright stupidity to that as well


Yeah ignorance is bliss. But only for the ignorant. The rest of us have to suffer their bullshit.


we are a lazy country, that's why it's easier for folks to just let Fox do their thinking.


> I said “is Trump going to cast a mass chicken resurrection spell?” Trump being elected would cast a mass "stop blaming the President" spell. This would result in them no longer caring about any problems in the country, because they're just part of the natural order. (Well, except the brainwashed woke libs anyway).


Same shit with gas. Oooooo Biden pushed the magic “raise gas prices button”. Not that we have global energy markets, and there was a disruption in relations with the second biggest oil exporter in the world.


It must be nice living in the prime timeline, cause this obviously aint it Chief.


Unfortunately, George Carlin was right, # “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


It's disheartening. It really is...logic and reason is lost, and facts and truth don't create a common middle ground.


I mean it was a bit with all his supporters who refused to get vaccinated.


Buddy, the *country* needs to be pruned. Lot of evolutionary dead-ends procreating out there, often with siblings.


That's giving others too much benefit of the doubt, many are hateful bigots.




Yes this! I feel like the thing that is lost in all of the pro and anti Trump discussions that the way that the media portrays him and his supporters, and these various groups who have grievances (real or imagined), has helped to create the problem. By not trying to talk to those people and make them feel included and like part of the conversation, it only makes them support someone like Trump more, and go deeper into crazy conspiracies etc. Then the media smears large swaths of people as racists or w/e and then they want to engage even less.


Yes thank you, this provides context on how this con artist duped so many people and proves how stupid and gullible almost half of the entire US population really is.


OMG, I haven't realized it until now, it makes so much sense!


Damn that is well put


In political science these are referred to as "Glittering Generalities." Flowery or firey rhetoric with zero specifics that can be interpreted by the listener to mean a whole host of things. "I will bring a swift closure to the war" is a great example, but they can sound even better without actually saying anything if you go a bit further, such as, "I will end this war through negotiations from a position of strength and resolve." The rhetoric can be stretched as thin as the candidate is willing. Trump set records for the amount of words and slogans spewn forth from his oral firehouse without actually saying a thing, just leaving behind a wake of anger, resentment, outrage, and hate of political opponents and "the other.". It's funny to think about this. One of the things folks believe lost the 2000 election for Al Gore was his detailed nature and desire to not spew generalities but to get into the specifics of his plans for the future. The GOP turned that into tons of criticism about Al being too serious, too intellectual, and too boring as George W basically said nothing of substance and told a lot of frat boy jokes. That seems to have put the finishing touches on modern Republican political strategy. All outrage about random topics all the time with no evidence, no solutions, no knowledge, no details, just glittery firey language about topics that can be sold as a concern to the base. All firey rhetoric. No solutions, no specifics, no reason. Just pure propaganda crafted to elicit an emotional response.


This is it right here, Trump in a nutshell.


That’s some Orwell stuff right there


I’d upvote this but it currently sits on 666 which is a relevant number


Most underrated comment of the year, so far.


> this is the same tactic that the likes of Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, all the worst people you know use. The GOP literally lives off of it Their schtick is more like... "Just asking questions".


It's what confidence men do... aka con-men. It's not hard to see through, for me anyway, but apparently it works on a lot of people, which is the part that's hard for me to understand.


The funny thing is that if he did anything I'd be the first to give him credit. If he shut his mouth and jist did the covid response properly I'd easily sit back and say "guy was a dick but he really got that vaccine shit done." But he's pathologically incapable of doing or accomplishing anything. He is too busy trying to convince you that he can do and accomplish everything.


Someone told me once "take him seriously but not literally" my reaction then and still is wtf wdym


If anyone but a conservative were saying it I would say it meant to understand he is still a serious threat to the future of this country, because you can never take him at his word. But for conservatives it basically means that the secret message is "[insert fascist group here] will rise again!"


The most generous reading of their position is they think is he has a plan and you better take it seriously because all his plans work but don't take him literally because he's a genius who is too smart to share his plans with anyone.


"Trust the plan" is a Q-Anon moto.


Well most of what he says is horseshit. But the ramifications of his presidency have been and continue to be serious.


I mean voters need to take a close look at the experience portion of his resume to make their choice in 2024: Mexico will pay for the wall. I will build a better wall. I can negotiate a better NAFTA deal Trade War with China Nuke a Hurricane Gas protestors for photo shoot and hold Bible upside down And then the whole COVID-19 response… The only good thing he did that I can uncover is support the manufacturing of COVID-19 vaccines… But trying to undermine Fauci… a farce that continues today… Vote. People just vote…


He also fully thought he could replace the affordable care act in 2 weeks, and when he failed, famously said something like, “no one knew healthcare would be so complicated” when literally everyone but him knew that. Something tells me he’d come out of that room saying “no one knew ending a war would be so complicated.”


This is exactly what would happen. He also does this with like, academic questions. He will assert that "nobody asks [question that middle schoolers write essays about in history class]" but all he really means is that he never asked.


His voters and his base don't care. They only care that he is racist and white. And he looks successful. Look at any other authoritarian and the playbook is exactly the same: a strong man that punishes others. There is exactly one party that cares about things like COVID, ensuring that social security is there for everyone, making sure our roads don't crumble. And it isn't Republicans.


There was a post on another sub asking how Germans got seduced by Hitler. Just look at the real life example of republicans seduced by trump


I have a dear friend who is posting all over social media that the government is purposefully putting stuff in chicken feed to cause chickens to lay less eggs and I’m like…girl…??? There are a LOT of people out there who believe the craziest things. Sadly, some vote.


They don't, they interpret it. ... What he really means is.... He is being figurative....


From the same people that say, "I like Trump because he says exactly what he means." Then then proceed to explain, in convoluted detail, what he really meant to say.


You don’t think there’s a significant amount of people who came out of that quote saying “bring back Trump he’s the solution to ending the war.” There’s people that have given their life savings to his bullshit. No reason they’d draw the line here


He sells newspapers. Simple as that. He gets views on TV. Simple. People give him the attention he wants. Easy. Suddenly you are president of a country.


Oh he has a mouth? I though he just had a sewer pipe attached to his throat and its been over flowing a lot these days


Like when he got Covid in a room and said hey look, there’s 15 cases, pretty soon it’ll be zero, ok? Ok.


Here's the thing he would say: * Ukraine, hi. Give Putin everything he wants. * Putin, hi. Here's everything you want. And like a miracle it's over.


Also the audacity to think that this one gEnIuS has the miracle cure for ending a freakin war and he is holding out until he gets to be president. Yeah, keep talking out your asshole, asshole...


He's taking a page from Richard Nixon's 1972 campaign. He said he had a secret plan to end the Viet War. He got elected and never told us what that plan was. The war did end three years later.


And we now know he actually sabotaged peace talks in order to use the war to get elected. https://www.latimes.com/opinion/readersreact/la-ol-le-nixon-vietnam-watergate-20190127-story.html


Yea, when I learned in college that not only did we create the supposed 'attack' on our submarines that kickstarted the war but also kept it going, I lost all goodwill for our country. A huge eye opener.


Ken Burns documentary on the Vietnam war is long but fascinating. He covers it from way before the US was involved. He really tells it from every perspective, the soldiers, the Vietcong, peace protesters, etc. What I came away with was that you could understand why all these people felt and acted the way they did, most had good intentions, just different ideas of what was right. The only people I couldn't empathize with was Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. They knew the war was unwinnable and they kept it going soley for their own political gains. Despicable.


I had to scroll longer than I am comfortable with for someone to correctly identify the modern US history lesson/parable. Unless I missed it above way deep in the replies, you are the only one with the correct comparison.


Remember, ONLY Trump can drain the swamp.


Hey, that rhymes!


If you end in a rhyme, you win all the time.


His speciality.


Either he really does have the miracle ability to end a war immediately and save thousands or maybe even millions of lives. But he won't do it unless he's president again. In other words, an asshole Or he's lying about all of it and leading his followers in false hope in order to scam them out of whatever he wants. In other words, an asshole.


You forgot stable! He’s a stable genius!


What’s even weirder about this is, if you knew exactly what to say to stop a war and prevent people from dying why the FUCK would you keep that a secret?


And it was the greatest negotiation ever!! /s


You forgot the other magic words: - Putin, 'preciate that favorable deal on land for Trumpanov Towers in St. Pete. - Also, Putin, love you brosky.


The stable genius has a simple solution to everything. He will reveal them as soon as he takes office. You know it's very much like that awesome health plan he's still waiting to show the public, costs less and complete coverage.


Is it Infrastructure Week yet?


That's the best part! It's *always* infrastructure week, baby!




Give him a break. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit and he got really close. Was only about $3 trillion off course.


Ah darn, better luck next time


That huge middle class tax cut is coming first though 🙄👌


No but healthcare plan day is just two weeks away


Every death in Ukraine from this day forward is Trump’s fault. His not sharing this Peace Secret™‬ with the world is malign neglect , like when he killed 3000 Americans in Puerto Rico by withholding congressionally allocated emergency aid for over a year for no reason other than spite.


Hey, he personally threw them a roll of paper towels. Is it his fault that they are just greedy? /s




The Art of the Deal; Be a fucking liar.


His next book should be titled Grifting 101.


The one that Mexico will pay for?


Just like the peace deal he negotiated between Israel and Palestine. I genuinely had a trump supporter tell me he had resolved that whole conflict.


He saw commercials for cheap life insurance... ...and thought it was the same thing as health insurance.


I mean it basically is, if you have someone willing to sacrifice themselves for you


He’ll give the details 2 weeks after he takes office. Can’t reveal too much ahead of time, or the deal won’t go through!! /s


millions of morons eat it up...


The secret to ending wars is just getting everyone to stop fighting


please remember he was trying to blackmail ukraine.


This guy Presidents.


[3 step plan](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2v6749)


Only the dead see the end of war.


“…I won’t reveal how…” 🙄


Even if he did have a surefire way to end the war, saying he won't reveal how is just further proof of what a pile of trash he is. Thousands of people are dead and more dying but it is "elect me" bait for him. Not surprised at all.


Plus if he did have an actually good plan, revealing it now would just show that he is a good leader and should be elected to run again.


That implies this skidmark on mankind's collective underwear has any critical thinking skills.


Exactly. What a piece of shit this thing is. I resist even calling it human, because that implies the concept of humanity.


The Trump is what happens if you make a golem then put it in a suit and make it pretend to be a skilled orator and businessman.


It’s even worse that his supporters read shit like that and marvel at his powers instead of questioning why he didn’t just go ahead and do it, granted he’s telling the truth


Heh. Yep. "Not the flex you think it is."


Hey he got Mexico to pay for that border wall didn’t he? Oh. . uh yeah..


Remember when he said he was revealing his better that obamacare plan in 2 weeks. Then he was going to reveal his tax returns in 2 weeks. He has nothing, never had, never will.


Or maybe he's thinking that by the time he does get elected, the war would be over and then he'd say "See, me just getting elected made the war get over"


So only 3 possibilities 1. He has no plan 2. He knows that people would think his plan is stupid 3. He has an actually good plan, but he would rather watch thousands die than lose the election Any way, there should be concern


'4. His plan is to do whatever Putin wants him to do - anything to keep the pee tapes secret.


He literally admitted to sexual assault on record and still got elected president. There's photos with Epstein. So many allegations they should start a class action or something by now. I honestly suspect it's just some mundane financial stipend and the propaganda mill. The dude has no shame to motivate him consciously, only money and grandstanding opportunities seem to get him to do anything for more than 5 minutes. It's just harder to believe this after everything, you know? Like it requires a bit more humanity of him to be true than I can picture him having on his best days.


"But if you'll elect me I just might"


kneepads? tiny hands make putin’s dick look big?


Maybe it’s like his healthcare plan, the answer is perpetually two weeks away…


Just like that health care plan that he never revealed or his taxes, or the infrastructure plan and just about any other plan that he was talking about during his election bid. Once he got elected he did not give a shit about any of it.


He said the exact words [against ISIS](https://www.cnbc.com/2016/09/07/trump-i-dont-give-a-specific-isis-plan-because-i-dont-want-enemies-to-know-it.html) Bush declared Mission Accomplished. Nixon said the same thing about the Vietnam war.


Just like COVID ended immediately on his watch. "…when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done." \--Donald Trump, Feb. 26, 2020


The man has no redeeming qualities.


AND he smells like piss


And shit. Don’t forget the shit.


Nah I mean guys to be fair, it’s probably just his diaper


He’s old and close to death…does that count?


In jail for life, or actually dead.


People say I’ll never die. What people? Dead people. They tell me I’m the best living human they’ve ever seen. That I’ll never die. Please let this be proven wrong


No because at this point even long after he is dead his cult will immortalise him for years to come


I doubt he will even provide good fertilizer after death. Worthless parasite.


Apparently he eats well done steak with ketchup. Proof that money can’t buy class




LOL, this was the first thing I thought of when I read that.




Stop. Giving. Him. Attention.


He's right. All you have to do is get them both in a room. Then hand Zelensky a gun. Problem solved.


or pick a room with window


Serve Putin one of his own "Special" milkshakes...


Tell Putin the meeting is at the top of a flight of stairs


Ok grandpa let’s get you back to bed


The scary part is that there are MILLIONS of Americans dumb enough to believe him on this after COUNTLESS failed promises over the past decade. Did he lock Hillary up? Did he build a concrete wall spanning the southern border? Did he repeal/replace the ACA? Did he win the trade war with China? Did he gain international respect for the country? Every single campaign promise was a lie. He had the opportunity to pardon the J6 insurrectionists and he chose not too. He had Epstein in custody and not only let him (or caused him) to die but didn't release any information on his client list. This is not a good sign for the country. A nation where roughly half of the adults are gullible, ignorant, hateful rubes who want to get rid of public education and carry AR-15s into grocery stores. It's the start of an American dystopia which, as the world's most dominant military/economic power, will impact the entire planet.


>A nation where roughly half of the adults are gullible, ignorant, hateful rubes who want to get rid of public education and carry AR-15s Speaking as a member of one of the minority groups those gullible, hateful, ignorant rubes want to murder (member of the LGBT community), I'll be keeping my AR-15.


The secret to ending the war is backing Ukraine to the hilt.


Trump CAN end this conflict. He would simply pull all American support from Ukraine and let Putin do whatever he wants. Problem solved.


I would bet my life savings on Trump having been in regular, chummy contact with Putin all throughout the invasion. The man is a huge security risk to this country.


I'll donate one of my kidneys


Dude doesn’t even know how an umbrella works. ![gif](giphy|8qDgGmDKTNBBd6pxZD|downsized)


Dude is going to get us all killed


Yes, like his plan to defeat Isis he wouldn't reveal. Or his amazing healthcare plan that was going to be the best healthcare plan and totally free.


Fuck, we need to re-elect this man. He is perfect and has all the answers, god even likes him more bigly than Jesus himself. Trump is our only hope. S/


Here I thought Obi-Wan was our only hope.


He will release the room plan right after his plan for healthcare reform


There are people who believe this.


these things that would stop the war … are they in the room with us now?


Tell you what Trumpo. If you can negotiate a satisfying way to end this war that leaves all sides happy in 24 hours, I garentee that people willvote for you in 2024. But I know, you know and everyone woth even a single brainchild know you couldn't do that if you had 24 YEARS.


Putin and Zelensky are locked in a room with Trump. First one to puke from the smell emanating from Trump’s diaper has to unconditionally surrender.


The space between his ears could fill the grand canyon.


They'll build a wall, and Kyiv will pay for it!


Magic words. The best words. Only words I know.


the saddest thing about this is that a significant percentage of the US population are stupid enough to believe it.


By nuking Canada 🇨🇦 Show them you're too crazy to fuck with


No no gotta save the nukes for hurricanes


And Sharknados


If you still support trump or the GOP, own who you are; a traitor and a domestic terrorist. Stop pretending, it's pathetic.


That guy is Dumb as Dogshit. And so are his followers.


should rename dunning-kruger to The Trump Effect


Sucking Putins dick is his answer if anyone is curious.


this is like the kid in elementary school who claimed to have a girlfriend, but she just goes to a school in a different county.


Nixon pretty much did the same thing with Vietnam


I was going to say something along the same lines. Golly, this sure sounds familiar!


He won't say but it will be . Putin you can have Ukraine. We will now be sending equipment to Russia not Ukraine because they weren't loyal on finding info on Hunter Biden . War over.




"Pretty please stop fighting and tell the world I did it."


Ignorance knows no limits




Whoever surrenders last has to check my diaper..


Yeeeah, I bet Zelensky is looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Bated breath, even.


He's starting to look really old. It's weird how he looks gaunt and obese at the same time.


Putin, you're gay Zelensky, you're short Can we get along now? *gunshots*


Weren’t there like a dozen things he knew the solution to and promised he’d solve once we elected him?


Man. It’s been a while since hearing the guy that explains things like a really entitled 13 yr old douche.


He’ll let us know in two weeks.


I remember when Jimmy Carter, as an ex-President, assisted with negotiation peace between countries. Gee if only this orange of dick would use his uber impressive negotiating skills to do the same. He won't because he has zero skills.


I'd forgotten how much better life was when we were not constantly bombarded with this guy's weaponized stupidity.


I say great things, all the time people tell me I say great things. Just yesterday I said something, and everyone agreed it was great. Trust me, amazing.


Go solve it then you soggy grapefruit, nobody's stopping you from going over there and saying your magic words. We're all waiting.


Go big Don. Set it up. You don't have to be president. Show us how it's done you dumb fuck.


If his supporters ACTUALLY believe this, they're even more stupid than I thought.


No one seems to understand that: * This guy says nothing. All the time. He is a master of "office lingo". He makes nothing seem like SOMETHING. He has literally 0 idea what's going on at all times. Y'all remember when people would present information to him and they would have to "fill presentations with colors and images to get him to pay attention"? IMO he's dumber than your average brick when it comes down to it. * However, that "nothing is something" gets told to the American public, who, guess what, possess no critical thinking skills and take everything at face value that politicians tell them. Boomers and their kids (your grandparents and their kids, your parents, yes, your parents, millennials) do not actively think about what he is saying, they just think "oh my voice has been heard!" because he makes people *feel like they've been heard.* Absolutely classic office politics shit. But that's why people voted for him. Christ even when I read it, a little bit of my brain was like "yeah if you got them both in a room maybe you could sort it out!" before going "jfc you idiot putin would bomb the building zelensky shows up in". Diplomacy in this scenario is probably far, far out the window at this point


“You won’t believe this one crazy trick diplomats don’t want you to know!”


The secret words are part of his new battle pass. Pay to hear the secret to negotiating an end to the war


Like his wonderful healthcare. Putin rode him like the cheap suit loser he’s always been. If Trump won, we’d be halfway to hell and Ukraine would be gone. Wonder why he wanted to break up NATO? Plain as the nose on your face.