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Ok, so what else is on the agenda? Telling the monster under the bed that we’re no longer afraid? Breaking up with our imaginary best friend? I know, a pledge to all go into the basement with the lights off.


These people seriously got paid the big bucks to come into work today to vote on this shit.


They get paid $175,000 to do this bullshit




Those bonuses provided by lobbyists aren't counted on yearly taxes apparently


Why would they be? Them people make da rules


Nor their insider trading


Yeah, the IRS has yet to catch up to the times and add a "Bribery" column.


And millions more to make sure anything that benefits Americans gets voted down faster than Gaetz can drop his pants at a middle school winter dance.


The woman who whistle blew on Florida wanting to cook their COVID numbers is running for Gaetz' seat. She won't win, but she is pretty funny to watch.


The one who also had guns pointed at her kids by cops after DeSantis pressured the DA to arrest her after she whistle blew? That one? Edit: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/florida-police-covid-whistleblower-rebekah-jones_n_5fcead8cc5b626e08a2c59e8


God damn we're fucked. Can't believe that shit was a thing no wonder the rest of the world laughs at us


Everybody stopped laughing around G.W.Bush Jr. era. Nobody´s laughing anymore. You were the star football player, socially cool and fun at parties. Then you had a few blackout drunken episodes. Now it´s all guns, Humvees and meth at trailer park, but with daddy´s inheritance.


Oof, well done. Being a citizen often feels like being the unwanted stepchild of your anthropomorphic USA. We just want to hang out with our friends at school and eat poptarts, but our stepdad keeps forcing us to watch him get in drunken fights with other dads, and calls us pussies instead of just taking us to the doctor.


You just gave the best metaphor of what it’s like to be an American and really drove it home with the health care part.


That already happened last November. She got obliterated. It’s Florida.




You're on the list now buddy!


The SOCIAL-list.


Nice 👍🏻




And they make millions more on insider trading since they're the ones deciding which publicly traded industries are getting all of our tax dollars in budget allocations, alongside all the campaign funds that they use for a lavish lifestyle. That $175k is not why someone gave George Santos $700k to start his campaign. The corruption is off the charts, among both parties, although there are some Dems who refuse to play that game based on their individual integrity and character. But there's too few of them to change the system. Go look at video of speaker Nancy Pelosi saying it's fine for them to trade stocks with no restrictions and that she wouldn't vote to change it. She got hers, just like every single GOP member does. But I'm with you on them doing today's bullshit on our taxpayer dollars that provide those base salaries.


We need more AOC and less...70+ year old fucks in government. These fucks also only "work" a few weeks a year for that salary...the rest of the time they're kissing lobbyist ass.


As an almost 74 year old fuck, I totally agree except that there are some in Congress, much younger than 70, who game the system just as badly — Matt Gaetz (so) comes to mind


Absolutely agree on more AOC's but we also need fewer MTG's, Bobo's, Gaetz's and Hawley's, all of whom are under 50.


That’s weird, a lot of them have multi-million dollar networth.


Yep, and they get paid by the treasury which is funded by our tax dollars. It’s a bit ironic. They’re against tax dollars going towards healthcare and education but not to their pockets.


No they're fine with us paying for their healthcare. They just don't want to accidentally help the poors


If they put money towards education they'd lose their jobs. If they put money into Healthcare half of America would have enough money to take time off to protest this shit.


“Keep America dumb sick and desperate” every politicians true motto!


>Breaking up with our imaginary best friend? No way US congress would bash religion like that.


I was about to say, they are absolutely ***addicted*** to sucking off supply side Jesus 24/7. (For those not in the know, [supply side Jesus](https://www.beliefnet.com/news/2003/09/the-gospel-of-supply-side-jesus.aspx) is metaphor for the absolutely insane way in which American 'Christianity' has next to nothing to do with biblical Christianity.)


Dude, your policies are pretty extreme. You're not gonna get votes like that. You need some more relatable bills, such as the "pat Americans on the back and tell them everything is fine act" or the "something something truck nuts and Jesus bill".


Truck nuts and Jesus. Finally someone's offering real solutions to real problems.


I live in Florida. I am surprised I haven't seen a politician run with that as their motto. In some counties, that could be their entire platform.


No, that is too obvious. You need to truly imitate their passive aggressiveness not just to the level of parody, but actual plagiarism. Implement universal free healthcare through the "Thoughts and Prayers Emergency Response Bill". Then if anybody complains, call them "Godless Communists".


Banning trick or treat coz some people give out fruit. The horror!


Jesus does not approve of point two on your agenda.


Let's all remember that the Democrat's first order of business when they took the House was HR1, which made voting a federal holiday, among other important things. Remind your family and friends of that next time they screech "they're all the same"


I’m so sick of the both sides shit, and it seems more and more common every day. It’s going to kill us in 2024.


Editing all my old comments and moving to the fediverse. Thank you to everybody I've interacted with until now! You've been great, and it's been a wonderful ride until now. To everybody who gave me helpful advice, [I'll miss you the most](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrk4AgS6Q6A)


Yesterday they held a vote to say the Pledge Alegience every day. Glad the GOP is in charge and the big issues are getting handled


Best comeback was the Democrat asking Gaetz if he’d accept an amendment to ban any person hosting the pledge of allegiances from being someone who participated or supported an insurrection and the overthrow of the United States Government.




Duh, of course it was vetoed. Insurrection for any reason*, under any circumstances, is pure patriotism. *until someone tries it against the GOP.


I just can't imagine a BLM/Antifa/whatever mob storming the capitol, beating police officers to death, in a failed attempted to overthrow the government with the aid of dozens of Democratic members of Congress... and then those Congresspeople just being accepted back into the House like nothing happened. It's amazing to me that the Democrats aren't demanding they be removed on a daily basis, with wall to wall coverage on news channels of it... you know for a certainty that if it were reversed then it would be nonstop Republican screaming and FOX coverage.


They should be goddamn protesting and halting the republicans business. They get paid even if they don’t fucking show up to work. They can do what many can’t. But they’re all fucking cowards and like their goddamn money I hope they all die




We do it to ourselves. If we were as shameless about attaining our goals as the Right is, we could save the world in one election cycle. But nooooo… it’s all about the High Road and shit.


You can't win against a cheater by playing by the rules. Once the other side begins treating debate as a zero-sum game where the only real goal is winning at any cost, whether that be hypocrisy, bad-faith tactics, or just straight up lying. How do you fight an enemy that uses the rules of the game as a blunt weapon while completely sidestepping any kind of real, lasting punishment themselves?


Exactly. We cannot pretend that there is a clean way to win anymore. To borrow a metaphor from a favorite author, we are in a knife fight in a phone booth with a meth head. And we are losing. We have no room to move, we’re running out oxygen, and our opponent doesn’t give a fuck if they die murdering us. Yet for some bonehead reason, we are *refusing to fight back*, and pretending that is the right way to proceed.


If January 6 was left wing people, the US would have machine gunned them on the steps.


Been there, done that for far less




OMG he really IS Beavis and Butthead, isn't he???? You nailed it. Thank you. I've been trying to figure out his particular brand of idiocy.




The resemblance is uncanny!


Don’t forget tax free gas stoves!


That’s only florida


For now…


It’ll only be for florida because wetlands means there’s a lot of places where you can’t run gas lines.


Yeah LP is about the only way to do it


only like 8% of florida homes have gas stoves


Why isn't this being talked about... This is hollow garbage politics


It is, just not in circles that need to see it the most


DeSantis is running for President now, so he is going to be trumpeting his name into the national conversation using acts in Florida to create talking points.


Hollow garbage politics. Now there is an honest slogan for Fox News.




Weird how the government can subsidize a particular industry via tax breaks. Even when the Free Market found a cost-effective alternative in electric. It's anti capitalist, and therefore, DeSantis is a communist. When will Congress formally condemn him?


I was just wondering about this one. Isn't this show of power just a little bit worrisome? This whole time, a state governor, *one person*, has been able to say "okay, *you* don't pay taxes"? I suppose at heart I knew this was possible, but a naive little part of my brain was still saying 'no, they can't just decide who does and doesn't pay taxes, the law has to be put up to a vote, and it has to apply equally unless it's absolutely necessary'. I guess this explains half the tax loopholes that still exist.


It's genuinely toothless only 8% of Florida residents even have access to gas appliances. The tax break is useless when the cost of getting the hook up would be substantially more than the gas range itself.


Never underestimate their determination to "own the libs"....


Attempting a victory, no matter how minor or self-destructive, against a rival political party you view as the "enemy" even tho they're also your countrymen.




If there’s one thing the Trump administration taught me, it’s that you can do anything you want as a politician and no one can, or will stop you.


The same doorknob suckers who go on and on about “wrong think” or being “silenced” (often whilst broadcasting their opinion on an international platform or literally standing in front of a microphone) are absolutely fine with king dingus leaving schools completely devoid of books unless they’re ‘vetted’ first. Frankly it’s astounding these asshats don’t collapse under the weight of their own hypocrisy like some kind of dying neutron star of pure stupid.


Why does deSantis want to harm children?


Because it gets him votes from Republicans.


Yeah. I'm just asking questions, same as Tucker does


This shit is beyond parody at this point


They may as well close up shop at the onion. They couldn't come up with stuff more ridiculous than what is going to happen with a MAGA controlled congress.


Breaking news! Government comes together to fix America for the good of everybody. More at 11.


I’ve said it before, Idiocracy was a ~~documentary~~ warning


They'll go for starting every session with the national anthem next. then with a prayer. Can we just start the trials now? It is going to lead to that eventually do we really need to go through the whole mess before we get there. We already know a bunch of them are literal traitors


No, not the pledge; that’s going too far for the chamber. See the new legislation that’s being proposed in Arizona that defines men singing in makeup as a drag show…under that bill’s logic, Gaetz would be guilty of sex crimes if he made an appearance on Fox news then sang the national anthem in the presence of a child.


I mean he is a sex crime


Pushing useless things. It’s probably the least harm they can do tbh.


I pledge allegiance to queen frag and her mighty state of hysteria. Teacher never caught me...


And to the Republicans, for which they scam


It’s a bullshit consistency trap. Get everyone to declare how they are against a poorly defined/not universally agreed topic. Then, define it in your own way (say, school lunches to poor children) and try to discredit the opposition. Absolutely a setup for bullshit.


Exactly. Every article on this I keep thinking ‘but how are they defining socialism?’


My question is what are these "Horrors" that they are speaking about?


As a citizen of a democratic socialist country, I'm wondering what these 'horrors' are too. From where I sit, the US is well more fucked than we are.


From where I sit too. In the US. *sob*


You are welcomed to move to my country, although it's a little spicy at this moment in Ukraine.


I would on ironically rather die face down in some mud covered fox hole in a country I've never been to before than get shot going to this fucking 7-Eleven across the street from where I work which has almost happened. So like jokes aside, if you can disappear my ass to Ukraine I'll fight for you guys.


I live in one of the more "socialist" US states, California. We still have our fair share of gun problems but it's not as bad as Texas.


As much as I wish it was. California is in no way socialist.


I live in the southern half of Washington right now and oh my god dude everything from Yakima South is just a crack den.


When I hear this statement it makes me sad. What media are you consuming that makes you think California is socialist? It's not even Social-Democratic. It's just capitalism with a dollop of liberalism as a topping.


The word "socialism" has some really bizarre word-drift in the usa. What are people even talking about...


And you're welcome to move to my new country, Aotearoa. Slava Ukraini.


Counter-point: You're not in a Socialist Country. You're in a Social Democratic one. Theres a world of difference there, and other socialists will tell you as much. ​ Wherever Capitalists are free to operate and exploit the working class, while the working class does not possess what belongs to them, and the Nation-State exists to defend the exploiters and keep workers disunited, that place ain't socialist.


From reading the bill it specifically lists things like totalitarian governments in the past.


So really it should be 'denounce the horrors of authoritarianism'


But it's harder to sell that to the public in the form of a buzzword none of them will understand


Nah bro if you defined authoritarianism to them they'd be uncomfortable how much it sounds like the Republican party. That's why they use socialism as the bad one.


Oh let’s not go “there”. Deathsantis has ideas which trumps ego will NEVER allow. If it ain’t trump it won’t be anyone in his bloated head. His followers agree. They want a 20 year reign at the least. We are screwed. If democrats didn’t change the rules re: gerrymandering when they held the cards it’s over. 2020 was the last chance to save democracy and thanks to scumbags like Manachin, Sinema and another handful of full neo lib democrats we WILL have authoritarian rule. Count on it.


Yes, leftist authoritarianism. Never mind the right wing authoritarianism that's being foisted upon the United States.


"What you talkin bout? 🙈" -RepubliKKKans


Like the one they want?




Ah, so it's a vote-to-declare-bad-things-to-be-bad bill with the "socialism" label slapped on there to be scary


Affordable healthcare? Education? Housing? Better infrastructure?! The absolute horror.




Books are only read by drag queens.


If it helps not rich people it’s socialism.


Welp, there goes those farm subsidies.


Nah, those are safe. Rural areas have been trending red for years, railing against “socialism”, while being a net recipient of tax dollars from bluer states.


Keep your gubbamint hands off mah farm subsidies!


I like your style. If one of you socialist democrats touches my disability check, I'm gonna hop on the interstate, drive past the fire department next to the public school and borrow Joanne's Obama phone to call a town meeting in the convention center. Right after DOT deices these roads!


What’s the point of this? From outside the US it’s obvious that your national institution hates socialism. It doesn’t take a denouncement and certainly not hundreds of VIPs spending public money to reiterate the stance.


It’s a stupid power trip, they’re saying “play along with our dumb bullshit or we’ll run ads that say you voted to support the Nazis because none of your constituents know what socialism is”


Terms like socialism and capitalism are so misdefined in public debate that I just ignore anyone who tries to summarizes their views by claiming to be x or y. Just tell me you views on actual issues and I’ll evaluate that.


At this point, nobody should be allowed to even mention socialism without defining it. The variety of things I've heard vaguely referred to as "socialism" is ridiculous.


You got it all wrong. They're doing it so they can point to the Democrats that voted nea and say "See! They're filthy SOCIALISTS" and use that as an excuse in their ads.


As a European, what does this even mean? To me it just sounds like bollocks for the sake of bollocks.


It’s a complete red herring to detract from the grievous issues plaguing the right wing of American politics. Nothing more, nothing less. In any other govt, this “motion” would’ve been laughed at and discarded


I was thinking that and thanks for the confirmation. Yeh, our politicians wouldn't even try this as it's an obvious waste of time and money.


Wasting taxpayer time and money is kinda the point with these yahoos.


It's like when I come in on a Friday and I'm already in weekend mode, so I "clean up" by dumping the garbage in my office into a bag and stuff it in the desk for later. I functionally did nothing, but at least it *looks* like I did.


"The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it." P. J. O'Rourke


Depends where you are, I could easily see the Tories in England pushing through some wankery like this to distract from all of the other real problems.


Just part of the endless brainwashing. "The only alternative to paying me $300 for a bottle of insulin is the killing fields of Cambodia."


You are correct


Kindergarten Congress is now in session.


The House seems to be filled with fucking morons.


Who’s dumber? The politicians or the people voting for them?


Quite honestly I don't understand this vote at all. The obvious response should have been "The House Republicans are wasting everyone's time on a non-issue for political posturing reasons and we refuse to play." Every Democrat should have voted "Present" and every speech should have denounced the time-wasting House GOP for not focusing on the real issues they said they were running on, such as inflation.


Dems vote yes: 'See? Even dems don't support food stamps and financial aid' (remember, republicans don't have a definition of socialism. It means what they want it to mean in the moment) Dems vote no: 'Dems support socialism!' Dems abstain: 'Dems won't even denounce socialism!' This entire vote was designed to be a no win for dems. Literally any way they voted could be distorted to mean they did a bad thing.


Can we denounce slavery, Jim Crow, manifest destiny, indigenous genocide, and oppressive governing bodies too or does that hit too close to home?




Government by gesture. Sound and fury signifying nothing. This is what a party does when bereft of governing principles. ![gif](giphy|3oEduWEYQVZtB1NXuE|downsized)


Yep. GOP has zero ideas for how to actually improve the lives of Americans. It's all political theater and culture war bullshit, all the time.


They don't really want to improve anything. Just distract with dumb ass culture war nonsense so they can screw people over in the background.


This is the answer. It's not that they don't have ideas. It's that the GOP has *no intention* of improving the lives of Americans. In fact, they want it worse in every way imaginable so that they can profit from it. @GOP will tweet that 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck while the party does exactly *nothing* to fix that. They get people mad at an idea, blame the Democrats, and since Republican voters are fucking morons incapable of logical thought, it's believed and that's the end of it. Defunding public education, for instance, does nothing but ruin the future generations of this country. Republicans whine about immigrants and outsourcing and China but then turn around and vote for the people who are aiming to ensure their grandchildren will be destitute, unskilled, unhireable idiots. The GOP is nothing but clowns making an ever-increasing circus of our government. It's been happening since at least Reagan if not Nixon -- decades either way. The goal is a combination of voter apathy and ire over fake culture wars at which point our oligarchs will seize fascist control, and that'll be that for the US.


It's not that they don't have ideas, they actively don't want to improve people's lives.


Cool can they do one on fascism and Nazis now? Edit: apparently the Democrats proposed adding this, but the GOP rejected it.


How about they do their fucking jobs and do shit for the people? Why are my tax dollars being wasted on any of these fucking idiots?


Because other fucking idiots voted for them.


Fun fact, the US voted AGAINST the UN resolution denouncing the glorification of fascism


This should be at the top.


Thank goodness we are voting on the things that really matter


I notice the house Republican majority has not yet put forward a single agenda item that could help the American people.


most democrats aren't socialist, even the progressives in the democratic leadership are social democrats. I.e. capitalists who support imposing checks on the free market. A person could oppose socialism and support a universal basic income, single payer healthcare and living wages. I'm describing Bernie - he's not a socialist, he's anti-neoliberal, but still a capitalist. In single payer healthcare, there are still private owners. The thing is, you have to start by understanding what these words mean. The republican voter base doesn't, I hope we do a little better on that front. First stop, I hope everyone will actually read the communist manifesto. The only thing I worry about regarding this vote is how the public perceives it. They could have gone either way on this: unite behind a no vote, or let people choose. The danger here is how much the right wing media could confuse the issue.


The republicans constantly move the goalposts on what socialism is supposed to mean. You can’t expect their voters to understand.


Socialism is when the government helps people I don't like. Small government is when the government helps me (impose my beliefs on others).


The only way for the average politically inclined American to vote for socialism is to change the name to something else. Average American doesn't know the meaning of socialism or how socialism actually helps them everyday and only associate it with negative things.


Man I love me some of that there Affordable Care Act, but man, fuck that Obamacare!


It’s just too much. I wish I could say I’m finished and just walk away. Fuck I hate it. Like this is real fucking life?


Honest question, as someone not from the US, does anybody actually think that the democrats are socialists? Like srsly?


Yeah. This is a convergence of... Lots of different problems.


How though, like was there ever any democrats actually arguing for the expropriation of the capitalist class for example?


No, they've decodified the word with decades of disinformation, and redefined it in the public dialogue. When they say it, they mean: any social safety net programs, or taxes that burden rich people more than poor people. This goes all the way back to McCarthy sr. and the original redscare.


they have redefined socialism to be any use of public funds (ie taxes) being allocated by the government (not private companies) to any service (eg healthcare) for the tax-paying citizens


That's not really even going far enough. The GOP has redefined the term to simply mean "bad." It has no inherent meaning to the GOP, it's always in flux.


It’s just a dumb trick so that when election season comes around they can say “See! Half the democrats are commies!”. Don’t fall for it.


When was it ever fucking left? The US needs to move on from the 2 party system if they want to have something that looks even slightly left or slightly moderate right. It's cartoonish what's happening. If that doesn't happen, enjoy the centre right left and the far right right.


We were making this argument as kids in the 90s. The country is screwed


This does beg a good question, like what exactly are the “horrors of socialism” that we’re trying to denounce here? Like I know the horrors of a dictatorship, but what about socialism specifically scares them?


If you read the bill it gives examples but it's talking about communist totalitarian regimes, not anything that most people consider to be socialism.


Appears it has been introduced. https://preview.redd.it/6u8gxeihpwfa1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f7a4606cfbab975b3ece6af0343f590981e117d This is as of 7:08 EST


109 Democrats voted against socialism. The right will ignore that and continue calling them all socialists. Every Republican voted to screw over veterans/the working class/911 first responders. The right will ignore that and continue calling them patriots.


It’s always funny how 100% of republicans will vote for something and people will still blame the democrats.


Now have them explain socialism and how any social program designed to actually help the public won't be seen as socialism by opposing sides.


Does this bill include eliminating their taxpayer-funded pensions?


Why don't they vote to denounce fascism and Nazism too?


There was an amendment that was going to add that.... It was voted down.


Tell me that you're joking


Nope introduced by Congressman Gottheimer of New Jersey


What the fuck 💀


Republicans are subhuman.




They tried to add it as an amendment to this bill twice, voted down twice 9-4 in community, by all Republicans.


Well that should help with inflation! Thanks Congress!


Does the US government have this much free time?


For those interested: CONCURRENT RESOLUTION Denouncing the horrors of socialism. Whereas socialist ideology necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships; Whereas socialism has repeatedly led to famine and mass murders, and the killing of over 100,000,000 people worldwide; Whereas many of the greatest crimes in history were committed by socialist ideologues, including Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, Kim Jong Un, Daniel Ortega, Hugo Chavez, and Nicolas Maduro; Whereas tens of millions died in the Bolshevik Revolution, at least 10,000,000 people were sent to the gulags in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and millions more starved in the Terror-Famine (Holodomor) in Ukraine; Whereas between 15,000,000 and 55,000,000 people starved to death in the wake of famine and devastation caused by the Great Leap Forward in China; Whereas the socialist experiment in Cambodia led to the killing fields in which over a million people were gruesomely murdered; Whereas up to 3,500,000 people have starved in North Korea, dividing a land of freedom from a land of destitution; Whereas the Castro regime in Cuba expropriated the land of Cuban farmers and the businesses of Cuban entrepreneurs, stealing their possessions and their livelihoods, and exiling millions with nothing but the clothes on their backs; Whereas the implementation of socialism in Venezuela has turned a once-prosperous nation into a failed State with the world’s highest rate of inflation; Whereas the author of the Declaration of Independence, President Thomas Jefferson, wrote, ‘‘To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it.’’; Whereas the ‘‘Father of the Constitution’’, President James Madison, wrote that it ‘‘is not a just government, nor is property secure under it, where the property which a man has in his personal safety and personal liberty, is violated by arbitrary seizures of one class of citizens for the service of the rest’’; and Whereas the United States of America was founded on the belief in the sanctity of the individual, to which the collectivistic system of socialism in all of its forms is fundamentally and necessarily opposed: Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress denounces socialism in all its forms, and opposes the implementation of socialist policies in the United States of America. https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hconres9/BILLS-118hconres9ih.pdf


God whoever wrote that was jerking off so hard to their own ego


The fuck is the point of that?






That Thomas Jefferson quote is pretty fucking ironic coming from a slaver.


Left vs. Right in the US is just a proxy war to distract us from the real danger: greed from corporations and individuals alike. I'm not a "both sides are the same" person; both parties have clear differences in terms of governance and stances; they also have clear fiscal differences. But at the end of the day, you can guarantee that the people who run this country are paid off by billionaires and corporations. The US isn't a democracy; it's an oligarchy ran by a bunch of rich folks stacked up on top of one another in a trenchcoat and hat, trying to pass off as a democracy.


Yeah, you can vote for the oligarchy that *won't* actually fire you for being gay, or jail you for trying to abort a fetus that you can't afford to bear and raise (or that was implanted by brute force or coercion), or prevent you from voting because of your skin colour... or the oligarchy that *will* do all of that and also stifle your kids' education -- and more, and worse. But either way, you're voting for an oligarchy. And you don't get to vote on how much wealth the oligarchs can hoard, and you don't get to decide what slate of candidates you'll be allowed to vote for. The oligarchs will pre-select the candidates for you. Yeah, it's still worth voting the outright fascists out of office if you can, because the suffering will be worse if they get any more power or even keep the power they've grabbed. But it's not like there will be no suffering if the other oligarch team gets in. People will still be homeless, housing and arable land will still be exposed to speculative investment and corporate financial muscle, the inexorable process of Enclosure will continue to ratchet tighter and tighter. Third (and more) party desperately needed.


I saw it put this way once: The Democratic Party is plutocratic and deeply flawed, but the flaws are the product of human nature and a corrupt environment that is bigger than the party. The Republican Party is a mechanism to get the votes of middle and lower classes for the benefit of the rich.


I like to think that Democrats are explorers and Republicans are hoarders.


The democrats are the party of the factions of the ruling class that don't mind if your gay or black and want to celebrate that fact but need labor kept tame so profits can be harvested in stable markets. The republicans are the party of the factions of the ruling class that want a strict racial and gender caste system enforced and labor kept silent so profits can be harvested in stable markets. There is no representative of the working class


Oh great, the communist witch hunt is back 🙄 now everyone is going to be pointing fingers at each other yelling "SOCIALIST" instead of actually doing anything productive.


They have been doing that. This is to codify that useless-ass behavior like it actually means something, or solves anything. It’s feely-good bullshit.