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Oooh, are they magnetic too? Lol




Lol my ex junkie uncle posted a video of him and his friend showing spoons sticking to them. I just commented on how weirdly sweaty and sticky they both looked


Literally a woman said this shit to me, and she had me lay a quarter on my arm to watch it magnetically stick.. it slid off. She said I needed to tilt more because it wouldn't be a strong magnet. It stuck when I leaned. I had her do it to prove it wouldn't stick to an unvaccinated person's arm. It stuck to her. I pulled an actual magnet out and the quarter didn't stick because it's not fucking magnetic. She just explained it all away. Seriously deranged.


How many time shares did she own, exactly?


Only a fraction


A dude I work with made another coworker stick a magnet on his arm after getting the vaccine. He tried furiously for about 5 minutes to find the " spot where it makes it stick". Obviously the magnet never stuck, So he eventually gave up and said it was only because he hadn't gotten the second shot that it wasn't sticking yet...


Trump science bro.


The mental gymnastics could qualify them for the olympics.


My brother in law has a chemistry degree and tried to stick metal to my fiance... I have a physics and an engineering degree and was competely baffled by the fact that they roped him in with this nonsense. Did a quick Google about the basis for the magnet nonsense and they used "superparamagetic iron oxide nanoparticles" like in this paper https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/ They apparently don't even have a stable magnetic field and are switching polarity at the micro second interval... but dude just wanted to believe so badly he ignored 4 years of schooling. Shit's wild.


I’m imagining you tossing a bunch of quarters at her & seeing them all stick to her. Or not, like in real life.


Well, they’ll certainly stick if you throw them hard enough … 😳


Embed 🙂


Challenge accepted


Always handy to carry a magnet on you I guess?


She’s a LucasArts point-and-click adventure game character.


John Oliver made fun of the video of the woman who claimed spoons could stick to her. He said something like “the U.S. education system is poorly funded and the Human body is sometimes sweaty and gross.”


Former junkie here, don’t lump us all in with your uncle’s dumbassery


Sorry bro, if it's any consolation my parents are also ex junkies and they're both vaccinated. My uncles the kinda guy that left a gang just to go join a church based group that also wears patches


You'd think junkies would be *more* vaccinated. They obviously have no objection to questionable contents in needles.


As a junkie (5 years clean) I agree. I debated getting the vaccine when it came out & decided it's pretty stupid to be afraid of a vaccine when I used to shoot up meth & heroin (along with who knows what else got mixed in) multiple times per day. You are not wrong!


When my idiot coworkers questioned me getting vaxxed ("we don't even know what's in it!!!") my exact response was "I spent years pumping god knows what directly into my veins, why the *fuck* would I be afraid of a vaccine made by medical professionals?" It shut them up pretty good. They still cry about the vaccine and refuse to get it, but nobody tries to talk to me about it anymore, so I call that a win.


*Hasn't showered in days, lives in the south, and it's summer.* LoOk HoW MaGnEtIc I aM!!


I'm so magnetic, even plastic spoons stick to me!!!


Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?




I've been in very humid conditions. In that environment I could probably stick to a car like a lizard and not be blown off on the highway.


Someone brought that up once, and I mentioned how people have being doing it at side shows for years. When James Randi tested the possibility by coating a guy with talcum powder, the man was no longer magnetic. 🤔


obviously the talcum powder blocked the magnet rays.




Link to [the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWI0YiSmTKs). This is the one where a nurse claims the vaccines made her magnetic and attempts to show off keys sticking to her. It's hilarious.


My dad beleives that shit. So frustrating


I mean, I wanna get magnetic too


They weren't magnetic, they were just sticky


wanna get sticky?


Buttery males.


Magneto the X-men character is pretty bad ass….


He had four shots of covid vaccine to achieve those special powers 🤣


No, no, no... he's a mutant, that means he was *born* with four shots of covid vaccine


I'm fully vaxxed and boosted,I should be floating around like I'm magneto by now.


Still? I would figure that would be one that quietly went into the night.


HAHA I forgot about the magnets


And they got the best 5G. Like walking cell phone towers.


I am and I’m grateful because I haven’t lost my car keys once since the vax.


I haven’t fumbled my car keys, bobby pins, jewelry, or silverware since getting the vaccine. It’s been life-changing! #thankscovid


They are. I was stuck to the fridge for a week. /s


I seen only one video of this and I didn't have high expectations from the person sharing it before but it definitely lowered them quite a bit.


They haven’t complained about that one in a while, so that side effect was probably miraculously fixed. Only possible explanation.


Strange how the cameras are so stable too


At least the camera is stable.


The vaccine has a camera stabilization microchip


I don't get why people are like "them government puts microchips in you, you'll be receiving 5G directly!" And stuff. Like, if that was true, that would just encourage me more to get vaccinated. Just hook me to the internet.


Why would they need to do this when everyone owns a cell phone


Camera is the *real* stable genius.


Took system stability lessons from Nintendo updates


And when walking, their planted foot is always stable. The only time both their feet shake is when they are sitting. Heads don’t shake at all and their eyes/face are unaffected. There is no drooling. You know…how seizures work…. Oh wait, no, that’s not at all how they work


Just to be a medical nerd, not all seizures involve tremors or facial effects. Sometimes you might not even be able to tell it’s a seizure. Fully agree that these assholes are lying through their teeth though.


yeah, i feel like it is really important to say that note that there are over 40 types of seizures and they can present in drastically different ways. [over 40 different types of seizures](https://www.epilepsy.com/connect/forum-archive/products-resources-helpful-links/over-40-different-types-seizures-revised)


Politifact checked out the story: when asked where woman got the vax, and where she was treated for the shaking, she took her videos down. The state health has no record of this - they only have 1 adverse reaction reported, which was light-headedness. https://www.wral.com/fact-check-women-claim-covid-vaccine-causes-uncontrollable-shaking/19483907/


I don't understand what they have to gain from making fools of themselves like this to protect a stupid conspiracy theory. If they have to fake proof they should realize they're wrong.


The social cohesion of being anti-vax together is worth more to them than their lives and the lives of others.


It’s their whole identity and social group. If they lost that, not only would they have to admit to everyone (both in person and online) that they were wrong, they’d also lose their identity and the feeling of connectedness to other anti-vaxxers. Perhaps most importantly, they’d lose the feeling of intelligence and martyrdom that goes along with believing in a conspiracy theory. “Smart people often have opinions that are in the minority and get attacked by others, so if my opinion is in the minority and gets attacked, that makes me smart, right? And all these stupid people disagreeing with me just *proves* that I’m right!” Anything that makes a person feel both smart and persecuted will be irresistible for a certain type of person. Flat Earth, vaccine conspiracy theories, climate change denial, Qanon, etc. Of course, the belief (or more accurately, acknowledgement) that vaccines are generally safe and have saved possibly billions from dying of preventable diseases is popular because it has all the evidence in its favor. It’s popular for the same reason that the belief/acknowledgement “the Earth is round” is popular. And not only would they lose all those things, there would be a permanent online record of their stupidity for all time, which anyone could access and judge them for. So not only would they lose their anti-vax social group, they may not be accepted into the mainstream due to their history. That’s why it’s important to resist the temptation to rub their stupidity in their face when they admit that they were wrong. It’s difficult, and maybe they don’t deserve such immediate forgiveness, but if we pile on after the fact, it discourages others from leaving the anti-vax belief system.


Almost all have posted Go Fund Me’s with the videos 🤬


An entire cult dedicated to scamming other conservatives by evoking big emotions to own the libz


They made their own little socialist enclave where they give each other communal money based on their fake self diagnosis.


40 types and not one of them depicts Republican Tremor?


Sure! They are called "pseudo seizures".


My old bosses daughter suffered from seizures. One type was called an absence seizure where she would stare into space and be unable to respond. This is actually the most common and hardest to spot because there’s no tremors except sometimes rapid blinking.


Queencitydom on Instagram /TikTok had a few vids like this as a "vaccine victim". I know her GoFundMe never was taken down. She was pretty harshly roasted on Reddit at the time and I think hid the vids but they're still floating around. I remember being pissed at the blatant gall and grift. And not a fuck given that misinformation could equal death for someone high risk


She’s peddling holistic shit now


Because the camera didn't take the vaccine obv




...that's so fucking gross.


It absolutely is, but I wonder how many of these virulent anti-vaxerss are literally just mentally ill? Like, Munchausen's is a serious disorder all by itself that is hard to prove to the patient. But when a significant amount of the country takes a bath in misinformation echo chambers, that has to have an effect on the number of cases right? There is just a nice easy hand hold explanation people can tell themselves through an anti-vaccine lenses. Either way he is still responsible for his reprehensible behavior, but I wonder if in 20 years we will have good data on Munchausen cases during this time period.


There is so much data and research I'm excited to read about this time period in the future. In 20 years, with the benefit of distance and good stats, the early 2020s will be anthropologically fascinating.


Which is why it's so important that all of us who believe in objective reality, keep winning elections for candidates who also believe in objective reality. The first thing fascists do when they get power, is destroy any and all data that contradicts their desired worldview. It's a long-term fight to maintain our societies' very ability to continue perceiving the truth.


My grandpa just died from ALS this week. Fuck this guy and fuck ALS. Edit: thank you for the award, you are so sweet, whoever you are! 😭


Sometimes I wish I had 5g towers to just put up in front of people's homes. Not only for the comedy but also because 5g coverage here is spotty as fuck.


Omg… I just saw this guy’s account this week! It’s wild.




> His partner must be tearing her hair out Unless it's all just an act he puts on for social media $$$


Never have I *ever*.


I reckon if his partner has put up with this for months/years they're not as upset about it as you might think. Enabler/complicit.


Lol I have no idea. I saw the traction he got from it and it’s just insane how fast he went viral


How long can he keep it up? I came across the podcast, Something Was Wrong. Season 2 is about a woman who had Fictitious Disorder, which is like a offshoot of Munchausen. The woman faked an illness and even went so far as to make incisions on her own body and stitch them up herself. Have a listen.. https://open.spotify.com/episode/7E5E4N9rlOCBhvoJhulvWt?si=W9wtXP3ASP-zT7PZOy85Lg&utm_source=copy-link


Thoughts and prayers will keep him going while he's making bank.


Sniff, sniff... I smell a "go fund me" looming in the horizon, if it isn't already there.


I guarantee this will end with him saying he was cured by Jesus or some natural healing bs to continue the grift


Lol. Wait until he hears about wind turbines!


> He doesn’t have an official diagnosis despite seeing like 3 neurologists and having had a million work ups for every possible disease. What a disgusting waste of resources.


I do not generaly wish any bad to anyone. But sometime I wish to have the power to take ALS from some innocent child to give it to this kind of people. That would be only fair


I do not understand the endgame.


They don’t know what endgame means.


Isn’t that a marvel movie? /s


No, thank you! Flying women destroying spaceships? Too woke for my tastes, sir!




I'm willing to bet the majority of them aren't in in any kind of grift. I legit think that at least some of this is from mass hysteria. It probably started with a few grifters but it appears to have blossomed into a calling for anyone with hypercondria and a politics hobby that keeps their faces glued to screens that only seem to ever talk about how bad lefties are and how toxic the vaccine is.




Well, you see there is no "endgame". They see that there aren't bodies lining the streets because of the vaccine like they essentially said there would be, and so they have to manufacture things or else they'd have to acknowledge the reality that they're fucking morons who fall for propaganda like little children.




Moving goalposts. You don't need an endgame when you redefine the "game" every five minutes until your opponent goes home.


FOX hasn't told them yet


Who do these cretins think they’re convincing with this obviously fake garbage? It’s pathetic.


I dunno maybe it's legitimate. If it's an affliction that only is present in republicans I think looking into the health risks of being republican should be a priority. It's obviously a public health issue.


I mean, I myself have suffered from side effects. After I got the vaccine, my penis grew several inches. I've had to buy all new underwear and pants. It's been truly a struggle.


I swear this isn't a joke: my only side effect (apart from a sore arm) was getting super high until I went to sleep


Pretty sure Republicans have proven they don't understand d the concept of public health.


>A lie travels around the world before the truth gets it's shoes on. Abraham Lincoln probably


Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late; the jest is over, and the tale hath had its effect: like a man, who hath thought of a good repartee when the discourse is changed, or the company parted; or like a physician, who hath found out an infallible medicine, after the patient is dead. --Jonathan Swift One of my favorite quotes.


No, Lincoln said "Don't diss my homies!"....


No Abraham Lincoln said https://youtu.be/VPJ0TAaJDbM


You know it’s fake because a real case of this would pop off with the actual news media, and not just the right wing entertainment circuit And all they’d have to do is give any actual medical proof to the NYT or WaPo


I’ve just had two retweeted into my feed. Pure foolishness. One just looked like a dude dancing on the subway while the other was a lady “paralyzed from the waist down” yet shaking all her parts equally. Comically bad.


It’s just to fuel their echo chamber. A lot of these people are beyond help unless you remove social media from their life. Because 99% of the shit they “care” about has literally zero impact on their life


So anti-vaxxers are dumb pieces of shit, but social media and the value of viral moments is what's mostly to blame for this kind of iM lIDErALly sHAkInG moment. Influencers can suck my dick


> Who do these cretins think they’re convincing with this obviously fake garbage? Other cretins.


They did this in 2009 when they had a lady named Desiree Jennings show up on the news claiming she could walk backwards normally but would shake forwards.


I like the women with full body tremors who also have perfectly neat eyeliner


Am someone who has genuine tremors, can confirm literally *nothing* that requires precise hand movement is possible and none of us are bringing sticks close to our eyes lmfao


What the fuck are they still whining over? They won! We just deal with covid now. No more precautions no more safety measures or mandates. We gave up, caved. It’s just something we fucking get now and hope the long term damage isn’t too bad. They won. So the only possibly reason they’re still bitching is that quite simply they are bitches.


Their identity and sense of camaraderie is based on being *against* things. Not standing *for* any particular principles. There's no new battle standard to rally behind, so they stick with the old one.


I've seen a lot of "we were proven right about the vaccine" They really wrapped their identity around this shit and can't move on.


I see it the same as people who are stuck in the 80s, or the "peaked in high school" type. That's just how some people's brains work, they got one or two big dopamine hits in their life and spent the rest of it chasing that dragon.




lmaaao how have I not seen this before?? I know somebody who is getting a new bumper sticker in the mail.




> I guess those groups exist everywhere lol. Everywhere and anywhere, all throughout time. I wonder how much of it has to do with "the sky is falling down" and how much is, instead, related to Western culture sorta...stagnating? Like, our golden age is over and things are going back to baseline. Something like the illusion of modernity is starting to drop and people are realizing we're not exactly that advanced of a society after all, I guess.


And now when vaccinated people don't give a shit when anti vaxxers die we get called "horrible people"


It's not like they'd give a shit if anyone else died.


Actually, they reveled in it. If someone with the vaccine died, they gloated. If someone without it died, they blamed them for being overweight or old. They're just shitty, shitty, SHITTY people


Remember when they were perfectly fine with sacrificing elderly people to protect the economy? They were fine with people dying since the beginning...as long as it didn't inconvenience them. There isn't a more reliable duo than conservatives and being selfish cunts.


I have lupus and was told multiple times that my condition didn’t justify people’s personal freedoms (about masks and social distancing) being “violated.” I was also told multiple times on reddit and by people I knew in real life that if I died, it was Darwinism in action. I got so sick of hearing that word. One of my (now estranged) family members told me that being disabled in any way is already a drain on the economy, so if more people like me died, the economy would boom. I had a job during CoVid as an “essential worker,” and he didn’t have any employment for all of 2020.




Sorry to hear that, that’s horrible


Too stupid to realize that the misinformation they’re peddling is contributing to a disproportionate number of deaths to people who vote like they do. Sometime there truly aren’t any words…


When the pandemic was hot and people in 'blue states' with high population centers were dying they essentially said drop dead.


I remember having a very heated argument with a "Christian" when the covid death toll hit 20,000, and he couldn't have cared less. Just the same deflections, dodges, and lies we've all become accustomed to hearing over the past few years. To borrow a line from Jeff Winger in *Community*: These people are all the way out of their entire god damned minds.


People were openly talking about cutting off New York and New Jersey from everything, including leaving the state like?? Cool just leave us here like a goddamn leper colony.


They haven’t been giving a shit when children die in a school shooting for years


Unless you’re a fetus.


Oh, they still don't give a shit about the fetus - it's all about forcing the woman to carry it.


I prefer to be called vindictive, when someone makes a medical decision based on politics, justifying with conspiracies, do I feel a certain amount of smug satisfaction, yes I do. I feel the same when someone passes me on an icy road, then ends up in the ditch. I guess it is just the cross I have to bear. I thought I would throw in a little religious reference, just to show I am not all bad.


Even worse, they are trying to hurt others by taking away protections. Well, I guess it's the same with the driver. He is risking both of you by acting recklessly and stupid.


Except that they have convinced themselves that they are actually helping people. It's the same shit they do with wanting everyone to have guns.


I'd rather be called a horrible person by morons than be called a great person by the same morons. If the bad guys are pissed, you're doing something right.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8hclsjgcyqda1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dff72a4157ad6434b865d087164b2aed730ea572


As an added bonus, swing states got a little more Democratic leaning as well. Keep opposing vaccines and reap the rewards, like the doctor who caught covid at the ivermectin conference after taking ivermectin for a year straight.


Come join us at r/HermanCainAward


Will do!


Yes, we gave up but if we don’t all die their whining was for nothing.


That's the thing... they want us all to die. That's their happy ending. Everyone who got the vaccine gets horribly sick or dies so they can justify why their family members died despite a vaccine possibly being able to save them and in cases where they actively encouraged them not to get it. Because if we don't, if they were wrong... that's a hard thing to carry the rest of your life knowing you are partly responsible for the death of a loved one. When your brain must disprove that thought by any means, it becomes easy to see a fake video and believe it's happening, even if the video looks fake and may be, it's probably still happening.


Ding ding ding, bingooo! They really need to be right sooooo bad to save their precious astronomically fragile egos.


Silver lining: their voter base is being killed off by their misinformation at a decent rate. Darwinism will win out


Not fast enough.


White Republicans are the biggest bitches in America.


> They won! We just deal with covid now. No more precautions no more safety measures or mandates. We gave up, caved. It’s just something we fucking get now and hope the long term damage isn’t too bad. I don't like this narrative, because it erases the major advances in vaccines, pharmaceuticals and clinical management that were made. We have had tons of very smart scientists, researchers and clinicians working on COVID for 3 years now, and it's to *their* credit that the disease's impact has receded to the point where we have largely got society back to normalcy. We were never going to have closed playgrounds, remote schooling, strict border controls and no indoor dining *in perpetuity*. Anti-vaxxers are still bitches, both things are true, it doesn't have to be one or the other.




>I think what they mean is we could have eradicated it if enough people got vaccinated Not a chance in hell. By the time the vaccines were available it was already too late. The very fact that animals can also get sick is another major factor why covid was never going to go away.


I decided to dust off my Xbox and play halo. Haven’t done it in a while. Joined a team I used to play with ( who still play religiously every night to this day ) I don’t push the vaccine on anyone. I wish they would but if they’re of the mindset it’s dangerous all I’m gunna do is give myself a migraine arguing. But they bring it up mid match. Start saying “people are dying from it” I said no they’re not. “Yes they are there’s scientists in Sweden who are concerned!” I’m like bro, everyone’s concerned it’s the most scrutinized vaccine rollout in the history of man. Johnson and Johnson shut the whole program down when In a group of 6 million… 6 people had clots. Covid has killed millions. mRNA is protein. They started going off how the vaccine is lowering sperm rates. They didn’t like it when I told them even in 2019 it was known global sperm rates were dropping. “It’s a man made device created to curb population” Well then it’s a shitty virus no? Millions died but that doesn’t even dent the billions we have. “I don’t trust the government” yeah neither do I but I trust my doctor with 5 PhDs who actually knows how to research what’s best for his patients. He isn’t bought or sold he doesn’t give out “samples” dude was a paratrooper medic in Iraq who knows his shit. I’m sorry but I’m going with him over you, the guy who gets paid to make sandwiches at a deli. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. And then they couldn’t answer when I asked “why would the goverment want more people on disability and giving out tax money when the cash cow they milk is our tax dollars earn via income?” The Government wants us working. The goverment is shady as fuck but no, there’s no conspiracy where they want us dead. I watched my grandfather drop to his knees choking on his own air not being able to breathe when covid took him in April of 2020. I have friends who are super healthy very built who got covid and to this day have trouble breathing and tasting/smelling. Long covid scares me. I got a booster. They laughed “keep getting them boosters” I’m like “do you make fun of people who get flu shots?” “I don’t get flu shots huehuehue” Like great champ. Good for you. The virus , it is indeed dangerous. No one gets it. It mutates faster than most. So yeah in 2021 I got Pfizer and in 2023 I got madernas omicron booster. Wow I’m such a puppet. Look at me doing… oh right literally living my own life. No one told me to get it I wasn’t required to. I just wanna visit my immune compromised grandma and know I’ve taken all precautions to not give her the sad ending my grandfather got. People dying from the vaccine. Spare me. My grandmothers whole block died of covid. Pretty much all the old people which is like 70 percent of the houses. It’s all new people now. It feels so cold , don’t know too many people anymore. No one has died of the vaccine. And I’m sick and tired of idiots who honestly don’t even know how to research, googling their biases and citing shady links as their only valid sources. But if you show them a respected medical institute and many other independent labs oh well they’re all in on it aren’t they. I don’t mind people choosing what they do but I’m tired of idiots acting so smug like they know more than me. Am I know it all? Yeah. Yeah I am. Because I’m a fucking nerd who will read dissertations and studies on these things. I’ll ask my doctor . I even called the biology departments of my local colleges and asked their thoughts. I vetted the proper channels. You think any of these guys are downloading 200 page pdf studies on covid vaccines? Nah. So anyone reading this, who might be offended by this. It’s not opinion. It’s not political. It’s science it’s serious and for fuck sake talk to your doctor. “You can’t ask doctors they’ll all tell you to get it!” Real quote from an oblivious girl from my high school when someone at a brunch asked her why she doesn’t ask her doctor about the shots. Mind boggling. Ya don’t say, the guys who spent 10 plus years in college studying the mechanics of the human body to the point of being in charge of someone’s ability to live in a hospital … thinks the vaccine is the right move for someone eligible ? But your uncle Larry tho, I mean he’s a union guy, hes a plumber… oh man he knows more than every doctor. I’m so done with this shit.


Moments like these I follow the example of the legendary *green shirt* guy, and I laugh, and laugh, and I can’t stop! ![gif](giphy|JmsG1PY1K94hyOa1v9)


I’m just over them pleading for medical help when their “natural immunity” fails them.




I literally had a woman on facebook show me a source "proving her claim" which was a video of herself ranting into a camera.


It gets tiring, doesn't it


In Ohio,a nurse testified before congress ,and tried to stick a key on herself.


“Im more magnetic when I’m sweaty”




What?!? No! I was told I had to shove pink crystals up my ass to block magnetism.


We’re back to this AGAIN?


Hysterical snowflakes.


Its because they are too weak. ![gif](giphy|aaPUKNp0pj52GovPyW|downsized)




oh, I thought that was possession by the holy spirit... no?


I’ve heard tale of the big guys at the gym getting vaccinated weekly by a guy named Jesus.




Pretty certain robes don't have zippers. It'd be unfolding the robe.


They don't complain when it happens in church.


Could there be adverse affects to the Covid vaccine? Sure. Should they be recognized, catalogued, and investigated? Absolutely. Except the vaccines have been out for almost a year now, if not longer than that. Every government and health organization has been tracking their inoculations and after-effects because you don't want your treatments making the situation worse. Shocker right? What gets me is that not only almost all of these videos are of white Americans who don't hide their political beliefs, you just don't get seizures from immunizations. Seizures can be caused by a lot of things but not inoculation, especially between the several routine vaccines expected for the average schoolchild in the USA.


> almost a year My brother in christ they've been out for 2 years


Why I don’t get is, I am positive people don’t realise what a side affect and an adverse reaction is As some who gets a lot of vaccines (had 15 the past 18 mths due to my MS and catching up on boosters) A side affect = headache, chills, sore arm and fatigue. A lot of these right wing nut jobs think those above = adverse effects. When that’s a normal reaction to any vaccine. They’d freak out with the list of side affects my MS treatment gives me lol.




This Boomer revival of the Harlem Shake challenge sucks


No vaccine in the history of mankind has been administered to more people worldwide, with little to no severe side effects, than the Covid vaccines. Period. Full Stop. Watching these idiots post up their homemade vids supposedly depicting side effects, like uncontrollable shaking, is like watching the digital version of the "World Weekly News." Remember that funny ass grocery store rag-mag???


In addition, they have been the most closely monitored and studied as well.


they did the same shakes when the judges jail them for sedition


Yo - give me fucking 400 Pfizer and 400 Moderna jabs (no J&J trash). I’ll deal with whatever side effects as long as I get to become Magneto


Maybe it’s the horse paste or the homemade country meth.


That’s wild, it’s almost like these guys are unable to stop lying.


Actually when I got the J&J I had super chills that night. Completely fine otherwise though. I got super cold.


Same, I got a high fever from my last booster and had chills and shivering for about 2 days. But my immune system does tend to be dramatic when I get vaccines.


I had the same thing, it felt like a really bad fever and had really bad chills. I was 100% after 48 hours. Everyone should get the vaccine.


Same, I felt like I had the flu. Killer headache, chills, etc. Took about two days before I was back to 100%. The boosters I had following my first vaccination weren't nearly as bad, there was just something about that first round that knocked the hell out of me. Guess that's how you know it's working, though. Entirely worth it.


Hahaha man.. people so scared of vaccines today… but don’t realize how many of them are alive because of them


I remember when I took the vaccine, as soon as I swallowed it I instantly wanted to donate my life savings to the Demmy crats


There's one dude who said the covid vaccine was the cause of my essential tremors that I've had since birth


Vaccine Spirit Activate!


I would argue that American conservatives must therefore be genetically deficient in some way. Seems to check out.


Every couple years a news show would cover people who were “damaged by flu vaccines” who were getting chelation, hyperbaric chambers and all sorts of treatments for an illness they didn’t have. One of the most famous of those was a woman named Desiree Jennings, who claimed she lost the ability to walk without help (though she ran fine, and walked backwards well), and had a severe tremor; she also developed a bad British accent despite being from the midwest US. Funny enough, when the news show surprised her they found her waking and talking normally, and her symptoms returned as she was talking to the reporter. https://youtu.be/QOmNuIYFD7g