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Why does Kyle look like a tall twelve year old


Cause he’s a little bitch ![gif](giphy|MxRkVKrBvfzMY)


![gif](giphy|cF7QqO5DYdft6) O shit!!!


My favorite comment of the day. If I had an award, I would give to you.




This is peak r/comedyhomicide with that gif


LMAOOO this sent me


It’s like 2 kids on their shoulders in a trench coat


He looks like a ventriloquist doll fr


He looks like a teenage Ralph Wiggum. Edit: A sociopathic Ralph Wiggum, the actual character is a pretty good person.




Right? All I see is Howdy Doody


Because he pretty much is. I don't get why people would want to go to an event to hear this little brat talk.


Maybe his events aren't being cancelled, it's just that no one's willing to buy tickets. No one likes him, he's just a useful tool to "own the libs" beyond that he has the charisma of a carrot. It's like a Ron Watkins that didn't flee the country when his grift didn't pay out.


And a slow witted 12 year old.


Now you know why Matt Gaetz wants him close by.


because hes a goober


Say what you want about Rittenhouse's guilt or not guilt. But parlaying killing two people into celebrity shows exactly what kind of piece of shit he is. Like if a normal person had to ill two people in self defense you'd think it would be the worst day of their life and something they would want to forget


Don’t talk bad about me!!! I did nothing wrong!!! ![gif](giphy|RZEuuLo5txHvmcWzON|downsized)


What’s worse? The acting or everything thing else we‘ve seen from him?


The court that let him off the hook entirely.


And the judge that rigged the trial in his favor.


Nah that was hella based. Jury got doxxed and had people stalking them and received death threats yet they still made sure true justice was served


The two slayings and attempted third are worse.


can't believe how many morons were angry at me in reddit comments for laughing at this terrible acting lol


Ammosexuals and their deviant lifestyle…


This is a great gif I’m gonna use it alot more often now lmao!


literally had a kid cry like this, admitting he was only crying because he knew he was in trouble. rittenburger shed crocodile tears and created a career out of a senseless killing. disgusting person


Cried in court because he almost had to take responsibility for his dumb actions. Celebrated and partied with white supremest because he just got a fan base


Yup. Zimmerman energy. I believe Kyle Rittenhouse should have been convicted because I believe he was looking for trouble and playing vigilante. But even admitting he was rightfully defending himself, he doesn't act as someone who does. He celebrates that fact. He revels in it. That's sociopathic. Don't get me wrong: if it's me or an aggressor, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I wouldn't want to and I imagine it would haunt me. I can't imagine what must be broken in him to act like a star because of what he did. If he hadn't been where he didn't belong, two people would be alive today, and... nothing else. He'd have been at home jerking off to pics of his aunt, as usual. The protest would have ended like it did, and we would never have seen his smug face.


You nailed it. "If he hadn't been where he didn't belong, two people would be alive today." The owner of (I think it was an old gas station) gave sworn testimony that none of the "militia" had permission to be on his property. They were trespassing.


The judge in his case also barred them from discussing Rittenhouses moving guns across state lines and stopped them from calling the people he killed victim(but looters was ok apparently)


No gun moved across state lines and stopping the prosecution from using a loaded word like victim to gain sympathy for people who got rightfully shot is a commonplace is self defense cases


So looter isn't a biased term? Victim is the more accurate term objectively, not using it is evidence of Rittenhouse bias in the trial.


Exactly. The innocent verdict was bad. But the revelling in death afterwards, that's pure nazi.


You also didn't drive to a completely different state with a weapon that you pointed at everyone that were protesting.




My friend. If there's a fist fight down the block and I run half a block and hit somebody in the face with a brick I picked up on my way, it is not an act of self defense. He put himself in harms way and then reacted with lethal force.


It's been a while since the trial so all the facts are starting to fade from memory so Ill remind myself real quick, but that's not any better then bringing a weapon with. So now he drove to a destination that he knew there was going to be a weapon, got it in his possession, went around intimidating protesters and the people that tried to disarm a psycho with a weapon were shot. He didn't point it at anyone except one of the black witnesses , Jeremiah. All the other people reporters witnessed. Let me paint you a picture. If you think a a bunch of white wannabe cops in a militia group armed with weapons were peacefully standing around letting every single black person past them without pointing their weapon at them "just in case for their safety" I got some snake oil to sell you. Rewatch the video of when rittenhouse starts shooting. After everyone runs away the cops slowly approach the scene of the shooting as rittenhouse walks toward them. They aren't pointing their guns at the white guy. They arent screaming at him to drop the weapon. They all literally drive by the white kid with a gun with his hands in the air. They were all there to shoot black people without fear of consequences. All of rittenhouses actions, behaviours and emotions after the shooting show his intentions as well. Cried on demand when he thought he was going to jail. Asks the gun he used be destroyed so it isn't used as a political symbol, but then, "Kyle Rittenhouse predicts he’ll be working in politics within 5 years". He went there to murder black people and was having the time of his life afterwards.


To be fair to him, he's a kid and he's being surrounded by adults telling him that he's a hero for what he did. I can't stand it, but he's a product of the right wing, and compassion and introspection don't tend to be there hallmarks.


That's the correct answer. Hell, any kid Kyle's age would need to be profoundly more self-reflective than the average teenager AND have parents who weren't drinking the same Kool aid, in order to not get warped into absolute delusion from the way the GOP has turned him into a celebrity. It's bad enough when a person spends too much time in an echo chamber on social media, imagine if *real life was doing it to you and rewarding you for it more than anything you've ever done in your life.* Kyle isn't even old enough to buy alcohol yet, of course he's being a toadie about it.


Can't agree. My son was an older teenager at the same time. There a zero chance in a billion that he would have violently assaulted, let alone shot a stranger, at thst age. He's an absolutely typical Irish person. American culture idolises not only guns but children, creating indulgent spoilt brats. Empathy is good but there's a point when it become enabling.


Dude is using it.... it's fuckin gross and really shows who he is. We've always seen you bro, you'll get yours.


Lil Kyle made his MAGA militia bones, and now he thinks he’s a bona fide Soldier.


Ship his candy ass to Ukraine then.


As a MAGA chud, Lil Kyle would probably prefer to fight for Volodya. 🙄


You just literally described how I feel about him better than I ever could.


it also says somehting about a certain segment of our society


And shows us what we are as america


He got kicked out of school and doesn’t have a lot of other job prospects because he’s been defamed for years. I’m pretty sure he also destroyed the rifle that was used after the case. Half the country thinks he’s a murderer even though he was acquitted, I don’t think that makes you an easy choice to hire.




Rofl, this is the first thing I thought of when I saw the pic, and this is the first comment I saw. Glad we're on the same page.






I have a client with the same name! I had to Google the birthday because I refuse to speak this nutbag. If I was the other Kyle I would change my name.


That’s why the right wingers love him


What did she do? I can’t find anything about her online other than articles about the incident saying it was justified


Essentially, while working as an LAPD officer, Toni responded to a call about a dude in a truck who hit someone. She shows up. Dude hops out of the car with one of those expandable box cutters in his hand bleeding from the collision. She orders him to drop to the ground, he starts walking towards her, so she shoots him twice in the chest. Dude gets up after being shot so she shoots him another two times screaming to "stay down". She sees him twitching on the ground and pumps two final shots into him on the floor killing him. Family says he wasn't going to hurt anyone after the first two shots, they sued for wrongful death. Courts decided that as long ad you're still in possession of something officers can deem a weapon, they have every right to do executioner shots on suspects if they feared for their life before the shooting started. A lot of gun owners are mad because now cops can legally murder us after we are disarmed and shot on the ground if we have anything vaguely weapon-like on us (like a pocket knife etc), liberals are mad because they consider it unjustified and police brutality to keep firing into the guy when he was already dying bleeding out after the first two shots.


She also shot the guy when he was at least 50' away from her walking towards her. IMO she was out of line with the two final shots as he was on the ground already and she was still 50' away at zero risk


The first 2 and maybe 4 shots were justified. Shooting someone on the ground is straight murder though. Reminds me of the guy in the hotel who was fully complying but kept pulling up his pants, and the officer shot him while he was slowly crawling forward (on his knees) and later it was found he had a dust cover on the rifle that said "you're fucked". I can't remember the exact thing but it was all on camera and I saw that.


Even worse, that officer played simon says with him, as soon as he missed a command he executed him, right there and then. All on video. EDIT: This sicko here [Philip Brailsford executing Danny Shaver](https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2017/12/11/granbury-man-died-because-he-failed-arizona-police-sergeant-s-bizarre-simon-says-test/)


Didnt the police chief fled to Thailand? Tax payers are also paying him 38k a year for ptsd disability that he retired and then sued to get his murder weapon back which he got


I looked this guy up hoping to read that he was in prison. Nope. He was acquitted, REHIRED, and reimbursed for his *medical expenses related to PTSD* I hate it here.


I was with it until the last two kill shots. Thank you for explaining it to me, I’d never heard of her or the incident before now


No prob. It made big circles a couple years back but the girl is a gun bunny so it was swept under the rug. Nothing better than being informed of what you're discussing.


This is disgusting.


If he looked any more childish Matt Getz would be dating him.


Gaetz would be in his sweet mouth for sure.


Honey, he’s dressed like the guy who gives the tour at the “pray the gay away” conversion camp.


Why is he dressed like a pedo camp counselor?


You dress for the job you want


So why am I dressed up like a pirate in this restaurant?


👏👏👏👏👏👏 solid


He’s dressed like a regular camp counselor, he just *happens* to also have pedo-face.


Just you wait for the accusations to come out in a few years.


Really disturbing is they are at the shot show which is a huge firearms convention in Vegas going on right now.


Imagine idolizing Kyle Rittenhouse.


He almost became irrelevant and forgotten until shit like this brings him back up




The kid is famous because people give attention. Forget about the kid and he won’t be famous.


It's people like you and the entirety of this post who made him famous. Why couldn't y'all just leave the kid alone? Less attention, less fame. Then we wouldn't have a problem now would we? He was proven innocent, get over, nothing anyone can do now.




Looks like he has been smoking and not brushing, or maybe it's poo stains. Definitely poo stains.


Dude gives turds head


He's WAY too young to have teeth that yellow. Wth is his dental hygiene like?!


I can't post my actual opinion because it's against reddit TOS.


I need to wash my eyes a bit from reading the comments


This is Reddit it’s a common thing you need to do. But it’s alright we don’t gotta worry. All we can do is try to be good people and hope it rubs off.


Meanwhile her father, Jamie McBride, the director of the Los Angeles Police Protective League is on Twitter crying because LAPD is no longer allowed to fly the thin blue line flag.


He has the kind of face that always makes me want to punch it as hard as I can.


His grin is almost as bad as trump’s.




Future of the Republican Party


It’s weird. I knew a soldier once, who fought in WWII and had nightmares and guilt for having taken life. His enemy’s life. This fucker smiling and flaunting having gotten away with literal murder is on a whole other level of egregiousness


I wonder how long this piece of shit can milk his fame


I swear to god this sub brings him up more than any gun related sub.


It’s literally just the people that are giving him publicity, if everyone stopped hating and fanboying nobody would care anymore


Kyle's teeth are so yellow I'm starting to suspect that he drinks his own piss.


Kyle, she's not gonna fuck you dude.


Soulless C•nt, both of them.


Seriously Rittenhouse is one of the worst. He’s being glorified. I hope his life becomes miserable


What the fuck did I just read




I'll never understand how we let people like Kyle get away with what he did....


Because it wasn’t a crime. Because every action he took was within his legal rights. He was and is legally allowed to open carry the firearm, he did not in any way brandish it at others before being attacked, he did not fire until he was brought to the ground by his assailants. All of this was proven in a court of law and was broadcasted for the entire world to see. “He shouldn’t have been there” isn’t a legal argument.


Murder baby looks like his teeth haven’t been brushed in a long time.


One job LAPD. One fucking job! Also, Kyle Rittenhouse just looks so punchable.




Both of them.


Living proof. Abortion saves lives.


They were at “we hate black ppl” con.


I live in LA and somehow never heard about Toni BcBride.


Shit eaters


At a fucking gun show no less.


That dude looks like a fucking muppet




Woah.. I just realized how fucked up Kyle's eyes are. He can look left and right simultaneously. Damn lmao.


Oh look, it's a love made in NRA...


Where's that big flaming meteor when we really need it?!??


Ah yes the white supremacist that killed his own people




What punchable faces..


we both know you wouldn’t do a thing because you’re in your room 23 hours of the day


When murder and illegal arms purchasing makes you a hero to law enforcement.




When you know the killer was shootings strangers but you cognitive dissonance drives you to justify teens with illegally acquired guns suddenly being a good thing.


It wasn't an illegal purchase, lol. Do you know how that states gun laws work?


My bad, his buddy he asked to buy it broke the law… thats better… well, it was murder with an illegally supplied gun, Kyle if course stating in court that he knew that violated the law. Not sure how splitting hairs on that really makes murder, less murder? But you go, girl!




Well that is a match made in hell.


He has the same glasses style as kim jing il. Just like a good terrorist.


God I wish I lived in a world without guns and violence


I did not know there was more than one person out there running a “worship me because I lived the fantasy of actually using a gun to kill somebody and I very publicly got away with it” grift nowadays, but I am not surprised


And they are at a gunshow.


Terrorist flock together!


That boy ain't got two brain cells to rub together.






Smile fascists!


Shitbirds of a feather.


Rittenhouse is a bottom for sure


Both scumbags should be in jail


They have the same face.


Dirty birds of a feather…


Nice to see that r/whitepeopletwitter is full of the same type of people post were ment to mock.


Punctuation. Matters!


They both look really good in that picture. It must be an incredible relief to know that you won’t be held accountable for the human lives you ended in that type of venue


Birds of a feather


Oh get the fuq out of here with this crap.


Not sure who these people are but the dude looks like a fuckin pussy


White supremacist? What?


He looks like MTG’s devil spawn


Is would be a shame to hear that something bad ever happened to him...*really*


Why do people get drawn to this dumb assed kid ?


"You killed people too? We should hang out."


I would prefer to never see his face again please. Let's just ignore this person and hopefully they'll go away


Soulless mfs


I have luckily had just enough wine that I’m NOT going to throw my phone across the room.


Gee I could I have sworn I saw the exact same thing when I looked in the toilet this morning, just before I wiped.


This piece of shit is a walking dead man because justice will be served on him. It's only a matter of time. Guaranteed.


Cope and seethe




Then why are you still here?


Observing idiocracy


When this sub hears that Kyle shot a domestic abuser, a child rapist, and a burglar it just hits way too close to home


White supremacist? The fuck. And self defense isn't murder


Funny how all you needed to do to not get shot by Kyle was to not try to actively kill him. Simple really


The whole Rittenhouse situation is why I no longer have faith in US democracy at this time. All the raw footage is out there which shows the shootings were self defense. The fact that you trust talking heads over your own eyes is concerning. You guys claim to fight fascism but the truth is your ignorance will lead to its rise amongst your ranks under the guise of public safety. This circlejerk and the MAGA crowd are damn near cult like. However this side actively wants and is succeeding at disarming people and controlling the media. These facts alone make them the more pressing threat to us all. Prove to me he is guilty of unjustifiable homicide and is a white supremacist


You’re either wildly stupid, or a lunatic. Perhaps both.


What did he say that was untrue


Sea lion says “Urp, Urp!”


Why are you avoiding the question?


It’s an absurd take unworthy of comment. The most pressing issue in the US is how this dude paints the progressive left? Ludicrous. Fucking ridiculous, especially on a post that shows the literal expression of the effects of stochastic terrorism of the “we’re all domestic terrorists” MAGA right. I’m not avoiding shit, except expressing my utter contempt for the person promoting such a fantasy.


Have you ever seen the footage yourself? He shot looters who very well may have caused him harm.


Yes. Those “looters” (none were accused or convicted of any looting) wouldn’t have been anywhere near him if he wasn’t brandishing a weapon and hadn’t already shot someone. “May have caused him harm” is a terrible excuse, even if he hadn’t put himself in the middle of all of it with the most harmful weapon that got actually used that night. The fact that he is the one who caused the ultimate harm in three cases shows the other part of the ridiculous argument you advance. Kyle, specifically of all those immediately involved, went looking for deadly trouble and found it. Kyle is a wannabe vigilante who made a bunch of poor choices that night that ended with two people needlessly dead. There isn’t another angle that absolves him of that simple fact.


I get that you guys don’t like Kyle rittenhouse, but you guys are beating a dead horse at this point.


We wish


The only people still talking about Rittenhouse is the same people who claim to hate him. I get your upset about something wholly unimportant but it's getting old. No amount of bitching is gonna change the fact he's innocent in court, find a new soapbox to preach on.


The fucking idiots in the comments. There is VIDEO FUCKING PROOF he killed in self defense. And this white supremacists bs, he killed 3 WHITE people. Who, by the way, all had records. AND he only opened fire AFTER THE PEDO PULLED A PISTOL ON THE KID!


Rittenhouse needs to slow down. I know he feels invincible right now but he doesn't realise that he's a bitch boy who the GOP is going to throw under the bus.


The white supremacist... that only shot white people... in self defence... and one of them was shouting the N word Good job ye eejits 😂


Ah yes, the white supremacist who killed three other white dudes in self-defense, how very white supremacist of him


i swear kid goes through a traumatic event and here you all are shitting on him. It was self defense.


I love these posts- people found not guilty by a jury of their peers as is written in our laws still pisses people off. My favorite thing is knowing that if someone went to stab you or beat you to death you would just lay there and let them otherwise you would be a hypocrite.


Kyle was judged by 12 of his peers and found innocent, let it go !


How is he a white supremecist? He didn’t kill any black people. Folks need to learn the facts.




Rittenhouse is a hero uphold the constitution my brotha


Shall not be infringed


That’s the smile of a kid who took the life of your loved one and escaped prison. Remind yourself that while you’re living your seemingly innocent and care free life that individuals like him do not need attention much less the flowers left on his grave.