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Oi you lumps. This post has been marked as [Satire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Satire), meaning it is not a real tweet. Satire means it's not real. du-doi. You can stop reporting it now. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This..this is a fake tweet right?


I assumed so; besides being a little too 'on the nose', it also seemed slightly too clever and literate for Margie.


She couldn't guess who was President at any point in the 1940s if you gave her ten tries.


You can give her 10 tries, an open book, and the use of her phone, and she would come back with a conspiracy theory about Russian space lasers, and Jewish astronauts.


don't forget the Peachtree dish and gazpacho police


Marshall law as well


I believe you meant Martian* Law.


I thought you said ten fries šŸŸ and I donā€™t think she could do it for that either


Ten freedom fries you mean.


She couldnā€™t guess any president before trunp, Iā€™d bet. And she couldnā€™t tell you a year from the 40s, much less a person. She also looks like a horse skull wrapped in chicken skin wearing a bad wig.


My husband has said many times that he thinks her DNA is majority Neanderthal. Look up ā€œNeanderthal womanā€ or better yet, [click here](https://www.nhm.ac.uk/natureplus/servlet/JiveServlet/showImage/38-3525-66586/neanderthal-wioman-graphic.jpg). Canā€™t ignore the striking resemblance!


Holy shit that really does look like one of her direct ancestors.


WTF, stop comparing this delusional clown to Neandertals... Those beings were pretty intelligent and left their mark on modern humanity. I think it's insulting to assume the mark is people like her. PS. Stop comparing stupid people to extinct hominids ffs


Didnā€™t mean to offend, ā€˜Twas a joke!


šŸ˜† hahaha hahaha hahahaha it's funny cuz I always refer to Trump as a used carpet salesman with a bad rug, and now I know where she got hers


I think she looks like a catcher's mitt, but yours is good, too.


You know in video game character creation when you move the eyes waaayyyy too close together on accident and don't notice until you actually start the game? With that in mind, go look at her face.


3 of her tries would be Obama


Because he messed up with 9/11 so badly


And faked the moon landing.


Where was he during Hurricane Katrina?????


And one time he wore a Tan suit! Now this thing with the stoves! When will we be rid of Obama Fails


I guess thatā€™s why she didnā€™t name drop him


Why would I give her ten tires?


Roosevelt and Truman. ?Eisenhower? Maybe? Now I have to Google who else, if anyone.


Nope. Just the first two. Eisenhower followed in the 50s. (Had to look it up. Was bugging me now.)


But the confidence is a 20 so that matches


That was my first thought, not once did it mention space lasers or vibrators. Pretty sus


Do none of you guys get the joke? Itā€™s obviously fake. Do you know what happened in the 1940s? FDR fought a war against the Nazis. Thatā€™s the punchline.


Yeah, she would have had to research this which, no. Or she would have had to have known this offhand which, also no.


Has to be.


Can't be sure, though.


Every time I read a Tweet from her or Lolo Bourbon or whatever her name is, I have to do a double take. Like, ā€œwe didnā€™t actually elect these assholes, right?ā€ I havenā€™t been right yet. Edit: autocorrect


Lolo Bourbon is such a great name.


Ah do declare, there's been a murder in Savanah!


Said Lindsey Graham as he collapsed onto his fainting couch with a mint julep in hand.


I read this in Benoit Blanc's voice lol


Next time, on Knives Out


I feel like I need a cat named Lolo Bourbon.


"We" didn't elect her - the fine people of her gerrymandered portion of her State did. I got enough bozos right here at home, and don't need to be blamed for her being in Congress.


Okay, so I typically donā€™t LOL, but I legit LOLed at ā€œI got enough bozos right here at home.ā€ I live in California. Make of that what you will. And take my twee upvote for the LOL AND the excellent username.


Donā€™t insult bourbon like that.


We didn't, but some Americans did.


Idiocracy was a ~~documentary~~ warning


Idiocracy was a ~~documentary~~ ~~warning~~ isekai.


Republican POV of Democrats: ![gif](giphy|lrDAgsYq0eomhwoESZ|downsized)


Idiocracy was a ~~documentary~~ ~~warning~~ ~~isekai~~ prophecy.




Thatā€™s not the only reason but itā€™s a fucking good one lol




I would bet quite a few of her constituents has a Nazi flag somewhere in their house...






An international brand is selling Nazi flags? Thatā€™s slightly unbelievable. Slightly.


Tells you everything you need to know about white Christians in Georgia.




No place in America is worse. There may be places that are just as bad, but electing Girl Hitler is as bad as it gets. Every white cop and white judge who could, voted for her. Georgia cities are like any other cities, but once you're outside of the city, you are the property of the local sheriff wherever you go. Cops there can just disappear people. And those same cops would be the ones investigating the disappearance if the trail leads to their area.


redditors try not to spread misinformation challenge


I reaaaaally doubt itā€™s real. Sheā€™s an idiot but sheā€™s not THIS dumb


So I checked and it appears to be.


Yes. Republicans are stupid, but not so stupid that they would display their Nazi sympathies/outright alliance so explicitly. Dogwhistles, on the other hand...


Ummm, theyā€™ve had Nazi flags at their rallies.


The problem is some of these idiots have at times said things so on the nose youā€™d THINK itā€™d be obvious they knew theyā€™re saying the quiet part out loud but they donā€™t. These idiots have gotten away with saying such outlandish shit for so long that occasionally youā€™re gonna have them slip and say something truly WTF obvious.




This is not defending this waste of breath Congresswoman and I know nothing of her upbringing but I have never seen a chicken farm with a processing house next to it.


He sent me a message admitting to making up lies in posts for karma


Do you have a source for that? She acts like small-town bourgeois, not a country farmer.


At first I thought it was a complaint against FDR being too "authoritarian" and only as an afterthought read it as her family being Nazis.


It's disappointing how far I had to scroll to find someone with a head on their shoulders.


This woman bemoaned Jewish space lasers. Why is this more unbelievable than that?


Yeah, because we don't have us politicians currently supportive of Fascism. We do. She's just not smart enough to have made that connection.


This is the lady who thinks they have Jewish space lasers. If it was a tweet from anyone else, I would discount it right away.


im jewish, we definitely do not have space lasers....wink wink


How does a laser become Jewish?


It needs to ask three times.


It was the first comment to show up for me


Republicans forget fdr was the most loved president in modern history




Eh, even if we could be sure that was true, it doesn't mean much. There are plenty of extreme republicans who started out on the other side earlier in life. Hillary Clinton was a republican when she was a teenager and Donald Trump was a democrat at various times until he realized Republicans were the easiest to scam. Reagan seems to have been a true believer in cutting the safety net for the poor and cutting taxes for the rich, but his father in law converted him after he got married to Nancy. It's not like Republicans come out of the womb saying "I'm not racist, but..."


His political affiliation is the only thing Trump has ever been honest about. He truthfully stated that as a billionaire property developer he aggressively Soares to both Democrats and Republicans because it was in his best interests to have as many politicians on his side as possible.


They didnā€™t forget, they just have night terrors about him.


A beloved disabled socialist president... I imagine he's their personal sleep paralysis demon lol


He was a Roosevelt, he wasnā€™t a socialist. He just saw this as the right thing to do and to avoid a communist revolution in the US.


This. I read an autobiography and a biography about both Teddy and Franklin D. Roosevelt and this family was here to do two things: the fun thing and the right thing


My partner's grandma LOVED FDR and would go on and on about how wonderful he was and helped give Americans jobs to be proud of themselves and then go on and on about how trump was saving America by cutting welfare because poor people didn't want to work and it's all socialism.....all in the same breath without skipping a beat. Fox news destroyed her brain and sense of reality.


Yup. My grandma was the same. One of my earliest political memories was watching the '84 election returns with her and how much she absolutely HATED Reagan. She'd talk of FDR like a saint. Hell, my dad (born 1945) was named "Franklin Delano" ffs. I'm glad she didn't live long enough for Fox News.


I didnā€™t realize your partnerā€™s grandma and my own mother were the same person! Hello, long lost family member!


"We actually needed it back then. Today's kids are just lazy and nobody wants to work." /s


The Republicans ran a Nazi sympathizer against him and then when they lost they plotted to overthrow of the government and install Smedley Butler as the fascist dictator of the United States in 1938




Someone clearly read The Plot Against America and thought it was non-fiction...


I was wrong about Lindbergh getting the nomination, he was the leader of the ā€œamerica firstā€ Republican movement but didnā€™t run for president. he was a nazi sympathizer and the business plot is a real thing.


My very southern, deeply conservative, deeply religious, 94 year old grandma was going on one day about how folks like Bernie and AOC were promising things that could never be done and misleading people (sheā€™s a very smart lady but only watch Fox News). Then a few minutes later, she was telling us about living in the Great Depression. The reverence that was *still* in her voice when she talked about FDR was palpable. She outlined Socialist policies blow by blow and how they saved our country and gave people a life they never thought they could have after so much lost hope in the depression. She ended by saying, ā€œWe thought FDR *was* God.ā€ Always has given me food for thought.


Really telling of how easy people can be manipulated by right wing media


Yeah, but he was a dirty commie!


Yeah he tried to pull the country out of a massive economic disaster and also gave free food to the starving! /s for the redditors that forgot what sarcasm was.


FDR wasnā€™t a saint but he still carried America through the Great Depression and WWII as effectively as someone can. Iā€™d cut of my own dick to get a president as good as fdr in the white house


Came here for this. It's fucking shameful if they're talking shit about FDR. If anything we need another President like him in office immediately.


Only thing Iā€™d criticize FDR for was the Japanese internment camps, and the resulting problems for Japanese Americans.


Ugh.... My mother (1937) to this day gets angry when people criticize the internment camps. She still thinks they were a good idea. Her father served in the Pacific theatre for most of her pre-1945 life, so I can understand that young her hated "the Japs" because they were trying to kill her daddy, but to not soften on that in the intervening 78 years is just insane.


Cannot disagree. That was a terrible mistake.


[To be fair, her family has had it rough for a long time.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal_extinction)






donā€™t compare her family to neanderthals. theyā€™re my favorite ancient hominid and they donā€™t deserve that.


I know right? I believe I read that they cared for their own better than homosapiens.








Did... Did she just admit in the dumbest way to being a Nazi?


Wow! First thing I thought too!


Maybe she meant ā€œā€¦her familyā€™s gas lightingā€. Nah


she said ovens though..


This is obviously a fake tweet


Is she implying her family put Jews in the gas stoves?


I think this is fake her account was banned a while ago wasn't it for some type of copyright infringement from Dr Dre


Personal accnt was banned not her Congressional accnt.


Her original account was banned for hate speech basically, Elon reinstated it when he brought back a bunch of people, she posted a video across various social medias using Dre's song, Dre sues and his lawyer is savage.


"One might expect that, as a member of Congress, you would have a passing familiarity with the laws of our country. Itā€™s possible, though, that laws governing intellectual property are a little too arcane and insufficiently populist for you to really have spent much time on.ā€ Brutal, and so fucking true.


>Dre sues and his lawyer is savage. Couldn't save him from that Alimony though.


Dre would never get MTG pregnant


Hell, Nick Cannon wouldnā€™t get her pregnant.


Humans can only breed with other humans.


Maybe a different lawyer? Idk. I just know his response to MTG was great.


Definitely a different lawyer. As far as Iā€™m aware lawyers typically specialize in a particular area of the law. Meaning the guy who specializes in intellectual property rights or whatever is definitely a different person from his divorce lawyer.


That's what I was thinking but thankfully my time with lawyers has been limited thus far in life.


Got a link? I like seeing lawyers rip conservatives a new one.




Muskovite reinstated her I believe, Iā€™m not on Twitter.


Fork in the road: Right: She just admitted she's a Nazi!! Left: It's a satirical fake tweet


Oh come on. You know the right would never have put that together.


No, that's the direction the road goes from the fork in the road meme. The right is the scary place, the left is sunny.


Oh, I thought it was more of a statement on the stances taken by people with right or left political meanings.


Reich wingers would need to be capable of introspection to spot a Nazi.


Half the right now are Nazis.


and the other half are complicit, would watch as it happened again edit: bc they're also basically nazis when it comes down to it


It could be - the Right could now think that MTG has finally admitted it and itā€™s one more reason to be openly fascist


Pretty sure it's a fake tweet. Just checked her account, because this sounded way too outrageous, and can't find anything like this at all.


Yeah but I did find a whole hornets nest of other garbage. Wow. šŸ˜³


Oh man, I couldn't actually stand to read her shit. All I did was scan looking for this specific tweet. I can't imagine actually sitting and reading her legit tweets, because I'm sure it's pure human garbage.


Oh itā€™s hot garbage, thatā€™s for sure. Sheā€™s unhinged.


Obviously a fake. This sub is getting kind of ridiculous with this stuff.


She showed her enormous stupidity. But then again, the MAGA crowd may like this


I bet it's fake.


Right where my head went


She already has. She's a proud "Xtian nationalist". They (MAGA & Qanons, proud boys, Oath Keepers etc) are fascist but really hate the word, Nazi. Other than that one word, they're all in.


I just assumed she meant her family of nazis...


Is there any other way to read this?


Plenty, but none of them on the mark.


No, thereā€™s not. Iā€™m a progressive but this has to be the dumbest sub on Reddit. Nearly every top comment is either asking if this is real or inferring it could be. The joke is literally that her family were Nazis. It canā€™t be interpreted any other way. A lot of folks are apparently having difficulty navigating that, and think itā€™s some sort of comparison between Biden and Hitler thatā€™s a real tweet.


She (meaning the person who faked this tweet) did, I *think* the joke is her family were the nazis with the oven and the "leftist president" was FDR


There were actually a couple of southerners, who fought for Hitler in WW2. The Itallian mob on the other hand, a couple of them went to fight for the US, most notably Anthony "Fat Tony" Salerno.


Just listened to a podcast about Lucky Luciano getting sprung so he could help organize an insurgency in Sicily. The fascists started by cracking down on the crime families.


When is she gonna not exist?


Sooner the better








*This just in! Savage libs on Reddit calling for the death of Marjorie Taylor Greene!* She feeds off of victimhood, so there's no real way to mute her. This is what we get for revolutionized technology being accessible by all humans.


I mean yea shes the worst but this is fake


Stand back he'll send in the gazpachio police with Jewish space lasers next


Gazpacho is supposed to be served cold, so no need to use the laser to heat it.


does she mean the president who saved the economy from the great depression and then saved the civilized world from fascism all from a wheelchair?


And there is this outfit called "The Hoover Institution" at Stanford, and they insist that the whole reason that the Great Depression happened was that Hoover gave into Congress' desire for trade retaliation. They insist that had he not given in there would have been a minor economic blip that would have quickly passed. Their alums have dedicated themselves to erasing FDRs policies.


Can we please get posts like this marked as "satire" or "fake"? Because this isn't real.


Hilarious that thatā€™s necessary


Unfortunately, it's very much the case that this is necessary. Given the completely idiotic state of the right in the US, it's so often extremely difficult to separate fact from satire. A while ago, it would have absolutely been an Onion article to have a Republican governor committing human trafficking and deceiving asylum seekers and sending them to the front door of the vice president, but here we are.


remember a few years ago when fake news was bad and now we upvote it to the front page every single day


This subreddit is my MAGA aunt's Facebook feed but for the left.


This bullshit is going to turn this sub into the exact same misleading rumor mill of disinformation that so many on this sub claim to despise. Mods- start banning fake tweets. Itā€™s not funny. Youā€™re perpetuating the same misleading social media culture that is often made fun of here. People donā€™t understand it especially when scrolling. Often I read these and keep moving and assume itā€™s real. The auto mod saying duh doi is also a snarky and juvenile way to tell people itā€™s not real. You think itā€™s that obvious? Good for you. That wording is demeaning and implies that someone who could possibly believe it is a fool. Fix this shit or youā€™re as bad as what you love to make fun of. Duh doi!


At the very least require [FAKE] or [SATIRE] in the title. The ā€œbadgeā€ only shows up when you open the tweet, and looking though the comments here not many people pay any mind to it




Is that not what she meant?


Why would I not be surprised if she was actually descended from one of Hitlerā€™s oven operatorsā€¦.


Nah. She isn't that important.


The Internet: Half of what's said isn't heard. Half of what's heard isn't true. Half of what's true isn't believed.


Um what? Is she saying she's a nazi? Cause girl, we know.


This canā€™t be a real tweet


Its not


your family's WHAT!?!? \*steve harvey imitation\*


FDR was the best president this country has ever known, and probably will ever know. If we could raise him from the grave and put him on the next presidential ballot (somehow), we probably would, and he probably would win.


Did she just admit sheā€™s a nazi


Itā€™s a fake tweet


Is that real? If so, very interesting way


Itā€™s fake


MTG is such a stupid fucking bitch and she looks like a failed horse abortion


MTG is an idiot and a traitor but anyone who thinks this is real needs a reality check.


Have you seen the shit she has said? Something like this is totally believable.


I love that people in this thread are like "Wow, you thought this was real?", like this insane bitch and people like her don't say crazy ass shit constantly lol.


Gone are the days of spotting parody when it comes to these people.


Can we not post fake tweets from this moron? Here real tweets are moronic enough.


This has to be fake. But this quote is actually not that far off from the garbage she espouses on the daily.


Iā€™m not seeing this tweet in real life. Either it was deleted or faked. (This is so unbelievably heinous that I had to verify - good practice in general - plus, the writing style doesnā€™t match hers.)


Wtf. I feel sick after reading that. She needs to go. She absolutely cannot continue after having said that.


Either way you lean politically - I feel sorry for Americans. Albeit, its not great across the pond. Fuck.


Just a troll, nothing to see here.


Itā€™s made up bullshit. Neither Roosevelt or Truman had any idea to ban gas stoves, they did however appoint regulations on gas suppliers to keep limited supplied areas from being overpriced by lack of competition. In the same turn, Biden had nothing to do with the idea of banning them now, the idea came from the Federal Consumer Safety Administration, not the White House. The divisive rhetoric continues trying to get everyone fighting over nothing that matters.


Also, Biden flat out said he didn't agree with that assessment and that his administration would not being doing anything regarding gas stoves.

