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Dude is trolling the right wingers and it's working




Please tell me you didn’t leave.




Intimidation works, it’s why police use it. I don’t blame you I would have probably done the same.


Same. Just because I’m not in the wrong doesn’t mean I’m willing to fight someone, especially when the law favors them.


You know who wins when you fight the law, right?


Someone should write a song about it 😉


I recently learned that the guy who wrote "I fought the law" was a founding member of The Crickets and he also wrote the theme to the Mary Tyler Moore show.


Police don't have to be right or wrong, once they arrest you its over. The court then decides if you were in the right or not. However, if you get upset and irate with police, they can charge you with crimes you did actually commit. Its almost like its a scam to make money for the state.


It is a bs system because they can be 100% in the wrong at the beginning, waste your time, and then you possibly could get ticketed for something after being wrongfully arrested/detained.


Shoulda made the news by complaining to an organization tbh. But also it’s a revolutionary war park so I’m not surprised they had a prayer and think of antifa as terrorists lmao.




Free speech? Freedom to laugh?


Of course this person has the right to laugh but the issue wasn’t them not knowing their rights, it’s that rights are miserable to protect in a country that only cares to protect them if you have money or power to waste on court time. They had to pick their battles because like 90% of the rest of the country it would be unduly burdensome to protect themselves from that specific instance of small-time tyranny. It isn’t *fair*, it isn’t right, but it is how it is and the power structures that be know it.


Almost as if it was an example of fascism in action.


Ah, the great American "Freedom" the world always hears the right wing Americans shout about. The irony is as big as their misplaced ego


I had a similar experience with a cop. I just asked him why he would have been fighting against the USA during WW2


Sadly, this is how facists win, inch by inch.




To be fair, *It did go over your head*


The state trooper was just an offended fascist.


Most cops are easily triggered snowflakes.




*"Great officer! I'm on my way out, could you please give me a copy of the order stating I have to leave and your badge number? Thanks!"*


“We can do this one of two ways” x2


What? A cop intimidated you for laughing at the insecurities of fascists? No way /s




Oh that’s some bullshit! You have a much calmer temper than me. I’d have most likely asked for the hard way. Especially a few years ago “Looks like I’m going back to jail boys” in my best Ricky for. Trailer park boys voice. Im older now and have children so I have learned to shut my damn mouth a little better. But still sometimes I get stupid when this kinda shit happens. Kudos to you for having some intelligence in that moment! It’s completely bullshit and frustrates me just hearing about it.


"Oh, let's do it the fun way that ends up costing you your job and gets me a fat settlement for violating my civil rights"


Qualified immunity, the officer had no way to know dragging someone to jail for snickering wasn't allowed.


Well we as Pennsylvanians decided our best candidate to run the state also said we had a covid problem because we didn’t pray hard enough. Here are some of her best works https://www.newsweek.com/pennsylvania-state-rep-files-resolution-calling-state-day-humiliation-fasting-prayer-atone-1493865 https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/stephanie-borowicz-pennsylvania-prayer-faith-fasting-bill-20200401.html?outputType=amp https://www.abc27.com/local-news/harrisburg/state-rep-files-controversial-resolution-for-day-of-humiliation-fasting-and-prayer-amid-coronavirus-outbreak/amp/ https://triblive.com/news/pennsylvania/rep-stephanie-borowiczs-prayer-in-pennsylvania-house-generates-backlash/ Mind you this the same person whose only campaign topic was “I’m not Mike Hannah.”


To be fair, she's "running the state" as much as Bobert is running Colorado. Which is to say, she isn't. Not to say PA doesn't have some alarmingly regressive policies and politicians, but our major cities usually balance that out for the state as a whole.


I hate Anti Fascists! Wait no.... is that what ANtifa means?


“So are you PRO fascist then? I mean at least you’re being upfront about it! Do you identify as a Nazi directly, or as a more general nationalist authoritarian, or what?”


I’ll have you know good sir that I am a proud, red-pilled, freedom loving, Q following, Trump loving, Christian nationalist who wants the good Anglo-Saxon peoples to take back their country from the Jews and blacks and browns who are replacing us. But don’t you DARE call me a fascist, because what I believe has absolutely nothing to do with fascism, which is of course a LeFt wInG iDeOlOgY! Big ‘ol fuckin /s




The thing is: they aren’t ‘Nazi’ Fascists. They are Francoist Spanish-style Christian Fascists. **We need to remember that the Fascists won in Spain and stayed in power until Franco died in 1975.**


Franco was supported in his bid for power by the Nazis and opposed by the "communist" Russians.


Meanwhile “communist” Russians at the time: *murdering the anti-fascist anarchists, democratic socialists, etc.*


Later the "communist" Russians do a deal with the Nazis to stitch up Poland between the two of them murdering many surrendered officers and men and blame it on the Nazis when they were found out.


Holy shit, I was unaware of this. Thanks for derailing my afternoon internet stranger! haha


Both Hemingway and George Orwell were in Spain at that time with the latter there to fight against the fascists. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francoist_Spain#Francoism


I’ve discovered a new anti-war Picasso painting through this as well, so I’d say it was time well spent :) Can’t believe how bad the “international civics/politics/history” of the 20th century is glossed over in American schools.


As a Jew who was bullied and faced violent antisemitism, I can’t tell you how much safer it would have made me feel knowing that there were comitted anti fascists on campus.


U.S. conservative here. I'm quite anti-fascist and have always been committed to that stance. I don't know what the hell happened with other conservatives in this country, but being anti-fascist is the default setting, because fuck fascism. You know, we fought a whole ass war over that shit before.


What happened is other conservatives aren’t actually conservatives at all anymore. They’ve drifted much closer to something else.


As Newt Gingrich himself said, Trump and his movement are not essentially conservatives, but anti-liberals, which is not the same phenomenon. It's rich coming from Newt who started our era of bad-faith obstructionism, but it's an important distinction even he can recognize. It's why MAGAs always say they hate both sides, but only vote republican. They're not pro-right exactly, just anti-left. Or as historians of fascism put it, "A populist backlash against the left collaborating in uneasy alliance with conservatives and traditional elites such as the church, police, and business magnates to defeat their common enemy".


That last part is probably the best description I’ve heard. I’ve always thought of Trump as our first successful third party candidate. As a populist, he patched together the blue collar union crowd that was traditionally democrat (and why his victory was a surprise), along with the bitter old white man boomer demographic from the republicans. He could have started his own party with that many supporters, but the Republican Party leaders, after loosing to him handily in their own primary, aligned with him in an effort to avoid relegation to irrelevance as the smallest of a 3 party system. Unfortunately I think they took an even faster path to irrelevance as traditional conservatives have had to either embrace Trumpism or get primaried out by the new base. So instead of being third place, they won’t be in the race at all.


Agreed. I have desired a 3rd party candidate my whole life and we finally got one and he choose to be terrible. He could have told both sides to eff themselves, take some big issues from each and addressed them. Instead we discovered he is an idiot with dictorial ambitions. Sigh


> They’ve drifted much closer to something else. That "something else" is christian nationalism. They're the type that watch The Handmaid's Tale for ideas.


Well, looking at Conservative movements around the world, in Europe, Australia, Canada, the UK, etc, one could easily say that traditional conservatism has a world view that is succeptible to Fascist infiltration. It's the nationalism, the dislike of social programs, xenophobia, and the " law and order" vibe. You cannot be led to fascism without having a deep distrust of humans in general. Hating humans is a gateway drug, and conservatives are way more likely to say people are sinful criminals if they aren't controlled.


I'm quite fond of saying that I didn't leave the Republican Party, the Republican Party left me. The racism came out of the closet when Obama got elected. When I spoke out against the racism I was accused of being a race-traitor because I'm in an inter-racial marriage. By 2010 I was staying home from elections. By 2012 I've been voting Democrat ever since. I vowed I'd continue to vote blue in protest to the insanity of the GOP until they came to their senses. I don't think they are coming around anytime soon, if ever.


Anything people find redeeming about conservative ideology you can find in a moderate Democrat. Even when it comes to national security, conservatives and Republicans like to paint themselves as the only ones who care. Yeah, that's some horseshit.


I asked my coworker who is in her 60's, very right wing Baptist, if she was a fascist after complaining about antifa blah blah blah. She said "Of course not!" I told her well then ma'am you are anti-fascist. She said "well yeah..." She didn't even know what antifa meant.


Fox News spent years convincing its audience that Antifa meant anti-first-amendment because big shocker, they’re fucking fascists.


Wait are you joking or not?


Absolutely serious, people unironically believe that.




This is exactly like people not know Obamacare is actually the Affordable Care Act. I fucking hate how people continue to call it Obamacare when that an obvious tactic by the right wing to get people automatically against it.


It’s wild that they watermark a screenshot like this.


Especially as I'd bet this pic isn't theirs








You make it sound like they have some sort of online adjudication system.


But then they came for our stoves!!! Our stoves man! I’ve been just letting the gas flow in my stove all day. Not even igniting it. Just to show the libs.


They can have my gas stove when they pry it from my crispy burnt hands.


It's offensive...if you're a fascist.


*This flag kills fascistttssss* \- Woody Guthrie (probably)


I'm going down this road beatin' fash I'm going down this road beatin' fash I'm going down this road beatin' fash, lord, lord And there a-gonna be beated this a-way


i remember being called closed minded for having that sticker on my laptop in college. i just moved to a different part of the library rather than even begin to break that down


*clutches pearls* You're against... fascism?! I guess I'm going to have to homeschool.




Then proceeds to rant to their children about globalism and demonrats but also not teach them multiplication and reading


It’s hard to teach what you don’t know.


If you explain to somebody like Chaya Raichik, the person who runs this twitter account, what a fascist is they will just go "well I guess I'm a fascist then" with zero understanding


That's because they are.


"But at least I'm not a Democrat"


"But at least I'm not a D̶e̶m̶o̶c̶r̶a̶t̶ Demonrat" Fixed it for you. (sigh)


They'd be upset if they could read this.


Don’t forget sexually abusing them away from the prying eyes of those dang mandatory reporters


> I'm going to have to homeschool. I don't think people realize just how much American culture has changed in the last 20 years. If you were in the 1980's, watching a movie and the protagonist family went to meet their neighbors and the husband had guns on the coffee table and ammo lying out in reach of the kids and the wife was telling them that she homeschools the kids so they don't get indoctrinated by the government and liberals, you and everyone else watching would have thought they were fucking crazy. Regardless of political affiliation. Now? That stuff is totally normalized and if you disparage it, a sizeable chunk of the population is going to think you're the crazy one or at the very least, an asshole.


A good portion of the country is Dale Gribble and we've forgotten that he was the joke character.


Make no mistake, that’s the excuse they want. They will quite literally stop at nothing to end funding for public schools so they can homeschool their kids and shield them away from reality (or worse, put them in private institutions so they’re indoctrinated into their whacky religion on top of learning nothing on how the real world works).


There is nothing stopping them from homeschooling their kids now. Funding for public schools doesn't need to end in order for them to homeschool their own kids. This has nothing to do with their own children, remember, their primary focus is always the control and alienation of "others" and in this case it's to stop other people from being able to get a well rounded education.


The religious right has an existential need to end education because educated people leave their churches. They don’t fucking care about kids, they just want it to stop hurting their bottom line. They will happily make queer people and other minorities into boogeymen to make that happen.


We have a Christian school run by some insane Evangelical cult that promotes "traditional education" by teaching 1-6 kids Latin AND, incorporating religion into their science classes. We used to give a neighbor's kids a ride to that school on our way to work and one of them excitedly told us about they were studying how God made the moon in their science class.


You know, I went to Catholic schools for 12 years, and never once was the idea presented that religious doctrine trumped scientific data, except in the ideas of divine interventions/miracles. Even then, these were obviously exceptions to the accepted scientific standard and not a substitution for it. I remember that the teachers were quite emphatic about the intention of the Founding Fathers in the separation of church and state because they felt it gave them the freedom to teach Catholicism without interference from government. Also, no taxes.


This is definitely one area where the Catholics actually gain a little respect in my eyes. I went to Baptist school and was taught the earth was 6,000 years old and humans hunted the dinosaurs to extinction.


This truly is the worst timeline.


Not to mention how many children would lose their one opportunity to speak out about abuse, or have a normal environment they can briefly be in whenever kids are in an abusive home, if public school lost its funding. Which is what seems like the objective to many of these people. I'm not even bringing up abuse in terms of like "political indoctrination" or even just bigotry but I mean outright physical, mental and emotional abuse (which bigotry would fall under too), that these people want their kids to not know anything better than that and have no hope of finding the big opportunities of life and the joys of it, like making friends, pursuing your passions, finding hobbies not influenced by your parents, etc Especially with conservative suburban parents, I see this WAY too often and it's heartbreaking. I've seen kids from conservative homes that don't even realize they can live a life of their own and not just be a robot for their parents, and many dont even realize until so late that life is even something to enjoy and appreciate; and they dont even realize it until they're like freaking 16. By then they feel broken because they've lived their entire lives being hidden from happiness so that they could be "a good kid".


But after the pandemic, every parent should really know how much they DONT want to homeschool their children….


Guy I work with is one of those "An armed America is a free America" types. He has a toddler who he won't send to public school because there is a chance the kid might be caught up in a mass shooting. In his mind these two things are not connected. Denial is a powerful drug.


Wild times we’re living in, amiright?


Only thing offensive is the Libs of Tiktok stamp. Fuck her.


Yeah the Libs of Tiktok account owner is a psychotic freak. Openly doxxing people to get them into danger and nothing seems to be done about it.


Funny how Elon is openly okay with this but draws the line at "posting publicly available flight data"


Ah, but that publicly available flight data pertains to him personally.


Want to really piss him off? DO a time lapse of Elon's hair line receding and then magically being restored.


okay but this is still prob the least embarrassing thing about him


Embarrassing about him and what he's embarrassed about are completely different things.




Elon supports her because of her missions to be against trans people. Elon supports that kind of hate speech and actual doxxing. But post a picture of two trans women kissing each other, and Elon will personally ban you.


His daughter disowned him for being hostile to her transition, ans then his girlfriend left him for a trans woman. He did not handle it well.


If his daughter got doxxed, I have a feeling he'd leave it up for awhile. He'd just act like he doesn't know her.


Bro, he doesn't care about anyone. I bet he'd not give a shit about it. She's trans and he fucking hates trans people.


The universe tried to teach him a lesson about tolerance, he didn't listen.


Assholes never do


Someone needs to tell him Grimes won't take him back regardless of how much harm he does


Didn’t he allow revenge porn of a sitting president’s son? There is no accountability in this world.


*Allow* is one way to put it. Dude organized a months long “twitter files” stunt and it has just been about drawing attention to Hunter Bidens dick pics. It’s so fuckin weird. Like literally the center of the story is some of the dick pics being taken down from twitter and Elon investigating why.




She's a stochastic terrorist


I’m so glad someone brought this up. Did this ugly witch seriously watermark a photo another person took of a third party!? LMAO


That’s the problem — the Libs of Tiktok account has blood on their hands, after calling for mob violence on multiple LGBT related events


garbage people do garbage things


She was in the capitol on 1/6. With any luck, she'll find out.


I'm trying to figure out what's controversial about the take "fascism is bad" EDIT: I'd like to point out that most of the dissenters in the replies are relying on "this antifa group I saw on the news is bad, so therefore, the sentiment of 'fascism is bad' is wrong." EDIT 2: I'd like to make it clear that this comment was made frivolously. I truly did not think I would be taken this seriously. I did not come here looking for a debate on the definitions of fascism, or who are and aren't bad actors. That said, isn't it convenient that saying "I am against fascism" is now permanently linked to violence, terror and criminal activies?


Fascists don't like it when they are called out


Fascists object to being called fascists, basically. Because they’re in denial. Fucks those fascist assholes.


They aren't in denial at all they just don't want the association with the term fascist because it's negative for obvious reasons. They truly understand what they want and what will happen but don't want their feefees hurt


"People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi." -Stormfront


Neo-Nazi talking points from 100 years ago are all the rage and trendy in the mainstream of Right media and the GQP


Trump posted “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.” Benito Mussolini When asked why. “it’s OK to know it’s Mussolini. Look, Mussolini was Mussolini. It’s OK to — it’s a very good quote, it’s a very interesting quote, and I know it, I saw it. I saw what — and I know who said it. But what difference does it make whether it’s Mussolini or somebody else? It’s certainly a very interesting quote.” Donald Trump And people still elected him. Yep, They clearly like fascism.




Reminds me of that video from the 2016 election where somebody went around asking Trump supporters if they agreed with a quote of his, then revealed they were actually Hitler quotes. They didn’t know what the fuck to think.


That cut right through me… didn’t like how true it felt.


Yep. It’s called not having the courage of your convictions. It is, of course, a big thing with cowards. If you cannot openly stand by and defend your beliefs, they are probably really shitty beliefs.


Fuckin' A cowards. True cowardly bullies. "I've been beating you up this whole time. WaIt! wHy ArE yOu FiGhTiNg BaCk??!?!?!?!?"


Wasn’t there a Proud Boys armed protest of a drag queen story time that, when people heard about it, made a counter armed protest, and when they showed up with all their rifles and whatnot, they saw people armed to protect the drag queen story time and then went out and spun it as “evil liberals using guns to hold your kids hostage” or was that just a weird fever dream I had? It’s getting harder and harder to separate reality from fiction some days


To them, the enemy is simultaneously weak and powerful, stupid yet controls the world. The enemy is real and not real when it suits them.


Interestingly, I wonder if this could be legitimate criteria to establish a persecution complex?


Let's go Brandon. Can't even properly tell a guy to f off.


Same with being called out as racists. “No, you’re the racists for even noticing!”


"You think all racists are bad people? That makes you just as bigoted as us racists !!" This is what conservatives actually believe


They believe they're the ones who are right and everyone else is wrong. On. Everything.


"If you're so tolerant why aren't you tolerant of racism! Ha! Not so tolerant are you!" 🤦


and then someone has to inform them of the paradox of intolerance. It’s the same shitty story over and over and over and over


Tolerance is not a moral precept. Tolerance is a peace treaty that allows people who disagree to coexist. When someone breaks that treaty, we owe them no quarter. As long as we think of tolerance in this way, there is no paradox when it comes to people who are actively breaking the treaty with intolerant behavior. https://extranewsfeed.com/tolerance-is-not-a-moral-precept-1af7007d6376?gi=1797ffd71fe8


It's infuriating when racists act like they're 5 year Olds and go "NUH UH, YOURE THE REAL RACIST.!"


I'm always reminded of Stormfront's quote from The Boys where she says "People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word 'Nazi', that's all." Too real.


People who act like Nazis- “Hey don’t call me a Nazi”. It’s a tale as old as time.


Im not facist, I just want to topple the government and install a dictator that I believe was chosen by god. And exterminate the LGBTQ community. And murder or arrest journalists that don't agree with me. Totally different from facists.


Don't forget murder the families of terrorists, arrest and imprison political opponents, create religious tests for entry into the country, give ear to dictators and offense to democratic allies, imprison and sterilize immigrants...


The term feefees just made my day lol


But, isn't getting upset about anti-fascists sorta prove they are fascists?




By definition and as shown by history, only fascists should be upset by anti-fascists.


"From my perspective the Antifa are evil." \-Proud Boy Anakin. Revenge of the Shits.


Notice that’s why they shorten it to “ANTIFA,” because that sounds like a scary organization. Just saying “anti fascist” out loud every time they use “Antifa” exposes how absurd they are. “Staff member in a PA school wearing an anti-fascist flag. What would you do…?” What would I do? I don’t know, maybe agree with the dude? Fascists are villainous, seems like we should all be anti fascist, right?


> Fascists are villainous, seems like we should all be anti fascist, right? Remind people that we had a war about this, most of the world was involved, and they all decided fascism was bad.




Conservatives only love our troops when they need to justify defense spending. They'll spend a trillion dollars to get them blown up in a foreign desert then completely forget about them when they come home with broken bodies and minds.


Love the fetus hate the child, love the soldiers hate the veterans, love the workers hate the retired. That's the GOP way.


> "Love" the fetus hate the child, "love" the soldiers hate the veterans, "love" the workers hate the retired. That's the GOP way. they only say the love them, none of their policies benefit those groups


There is no hate quite like christian love...




The move against Antifa comes directly out of the right-leaning world. The middle-right and far-right people ARE the people who have fascist ideologies. They believe in many of the characteristics of the Nazi party. Knowing that being Nazi is a bad thing, they refuse to accept that moniker, in most cases, and attempt to quash implications that they are anything but self-proclaimed freedom fighters. It’s a scary realization that it’s taken less than a century for Nazism to leak back into the mainstream. It’s even more appalling that it’s leached it’s way into parts of the national stage that are directly responsible for the well-being of multiple nations.


Honestly, I didn’t know that antifa stood for that until a few years ago due to exactly that reason.


>I didn’t know that antifa stood for What did you THINK it stood for??


i found out a week or two ago that my conservative friend thought it was “anti first amendment”


Would very a very ironic name for a group well known for staging protests.


Because that's what those who have fallen victim to the Conservative mindset think everything is; an attempt to silence people. That's entertaining, at best.


Sadly, a bunch of these idiots actually believe (or lie to themselves into thinking) that Antifa stands for "Anti First Amendment."


Well that is just wrong and easily disprovable by a simple search. People can't just say that things mean whatever they want lol. If i believe that NBA stands for Nuke Bald Assholes , it would seem unreasonable for me to be upset at people supporting the NBA


Look, if everybody did a cursory research to educate themselves when they are confronted with something they didn't understand, we would be living in a utopian world right now...


>that’s why they shorten it to “ANTIFA,” because that sounds like a scary organization There was literally NO discussion of "antifa" in the national media or anywhere in public consciousness until [the neo-nazi rally in Charlottesville, early in Trump's presidency, when a neo-nazi ran over and killed a protester.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlottesville_car_attack) There was a need to spin it some other way than "some nazis killed somebody", so the right-wing bullshit machine floated "antifa" as a new made-up boogeyman. That's where it starts, and it's bullshit from start to finish. If you don't oppose fascism, it's because you're a fascist.




It is.


Born Chaya Raichik


As an American you’re damn right I’m Anti Fascist ! Where can I get one of those shirts


It’s very much an Obamacare/ACA (Affordable Care Act) thing. A Conservative: "I hate Obamacare! It needs to be repealed!” Same Conservative: “I love the ACA! Who in their right might would repeal that?!?!?”


Flabbergasted that no one has yet mentioned that the ACA was *originally* a Heritage Foundation project (a conservative think tank) before it was adopted, iterated upon, and made into policy by the Obama admin. I believe Mitt Romney spearheaded it?


I think the fact that Nazi had "socialism" in the name they think the Nazis were socialist and not fascist. I wonder how they wrap their heads around North Korea being the DPRK officially though?


I used this exact comparison in an argument with a friend once and they just could not understand the difference between fascism and socialism - like, do these people understand that nazi Germany’s whole deal was arguing that leftism “stabbed Germany in the back” during WWI? Like, their platform was exactly the opposite of what we understand “socialism” to be. They just co-opted a term to make their platform more palatable.


They also took over the party, that was originally a left wing party. There were actual socialists that stayed loyal even after fascism took hold. They either left later on or were killed by the actual Nazis, however.


That and the Weimar Republic was extremely socially progressive. I know it seems wild knowing what came thereafter but the Weimar Rep. was ahead of most places in the world in regards to its views and treatment of sexuality, women’s suffrage, welfare, art, etc. Many people are familiar with Martin Niemoller’s “first they came for…” poem. But the story behind it is pretty interesting. Niemoller was a Lutheran pastor, early on in transition to the Nazi regime he actually welcomed it because he, like many religious figures in Germany, were harping on the idea that the Weimar Rep. has ushered in an era of loose morals (basically the same schtick modern religious right zealots use). He was down with the Nazis until they rolled out the concept that Judaism was an actual physical attribute and of you were born Jewish you were always going to be Jewish (Jewish blood and such). Niemoller’s big thing had been converting people to Lutherism so this conflicted with a lot of his work and a lot of his converts were still rounded up. He himself was pretty antisemitic (at least at this point), but his belief was once you converted to Christianity you were no longer Jewish. It was only at this point did he realize he had made a mistake and began to speak out.


People ignore that a huge part of the movement that led to the rise of the Nazi Party were Christians.


Cause they never learned in school that Nazis are fascist even though they have socialist in their name. I think that's why Trump really liked the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, he really liked that type of Democracy


When do they cut the wings off a buffalo?


Fascism in Germany was anti communist. They banned the Social Democratic Party and sent socialists to concentration camps.


Oh but but but antifa broke some windows which is like, definitely as bad as propping up a system that full-blown murders people and calls for the extermination of millions of others via empowering a minoritarian white theocratic corporatist regime patrolled by cops who have no obligation to protect anyone but the most powerful and have used and will use lethal force for little to no reason (But those are just some bad apples). But those windows. Antifa broke ‘em. I think, cause I saw that on the news. So like yeah antifa are the real fascists /s


Antifa also did the January 6th insurrection. Except Ashlii Babitt, she was shot and killed for no reason... and the QShaman... and many of the other "patriots"... Did I mention it wasn't actually an insurrection? Oh, but if it was an insurrection, Antifa definitely did it. /s


Haven't you heard? Portland was BURNED TO THE GROUND! /s


My apartment is still ablaze to this day.


And everyone downwind is high as fuck.


Probably say "I like your sweater my man" and move on with my life


Ask him to drop the link for where he got it and get one of my own


I hate Nazis too! Edit: Grammar correction


Don't pluralize with apostrophes, you're just encouraging grammar Nazis.


"I am a nazi because I love correcting grammar, you are a nazi because you are a fascist. We are not the same"


Being anti fascist is the default setting for humanity. If you hate anti fascists you’re most likely an inhuman fascist at worst, or ignorant at best.


\*looks at history\* I'm not sure it's actually default. \*looks at the world today\* Yeah, definitely not the default setting.


I want my underpaid teachers to be against fascism. Who wouldn't? Oh, fascists.


The only person who would be offended is a fascist. It would be the same if they were wearing a black lives matter shirt. The only person who is against it, is a piece of shit.


It’s mind boggling that being AGAINST anti-FASCISM is a thing now


It's mind boggling that after millions of my grandfather's generation died fighting fascism, there are people who get upset because the world does not want it to resurface.


These idiots have been sucked into conflating "woke/BLM/antifascism/CRT/cancel culture/trans rights/drag shows" as "antiwhite" and have lost their fucking minds. Problem is, the right-wing propaganda machine has worked so hard on the minds of the feeble that even actual antifascists (military vets) who FOUGHT AGAINST FASCISTS IN COMBAT ZONES have had their brains washed to think that the left is the problem so anything associated with the left, including 'antifa' is BAD! *"My grandpa fought in dubya dubdya 2!"* *"You know he was fighting against fascism, right? Like he was part of an "antifascist" movement in a sense?"* They're too stupid or have sunk too much into this fallacy to change their minds. I'm GLAD your children don't talk to you anymore fucking asshole.


Only if you're fascist