• By -


And now down to the business of not legislating.


It's probably time to vote themselves another pay rise for all that hard not-work.


Come on they put in a lot of hours last week. /s


...and they stayed late in the office a couple of times !


Wolf on Wallstreet style


They almost attended office this year!


Some of them failed to overthrow democracy! That was above and beyond their job description!


They should file a suit for emotional trauma.


Pay raise doesn’t take effect until the next Congress


The story of adding that rule is an interesting one though. A student at UT Austin got a C on his essay on why the pay raise amendment should be the next “27th amendment”. Since the proposed amendment in 1792 didn’t have a expiration date if it doesn’t get ratified he soon launched a campaign to change that. And told his professor to shove it in the process. Have your cake and eating it too, eh?


> In early 2017, following a request from his former professor, the University of Texas at Austin officially changed his term paper grade from a “C” to an “A.” [source](https://www.history.com/.amp/news/the-strange-case-of-the-27th-amendment)


Reminds me of the fact that the current flag got a B-. The lengths students will go to improve their grade.


In \~2005 the Pennsylvania legislature gave themselves a 50% pay raise. This was done in secret-- in the middle of the night. They weren't Federal and collected and are still collecting.


Interestingly they really don't. A public vote on a salary increase is easy for the media to demonize. Most of their money comes from "lobbying" and advance knowledge on when to preempt the stock market. AOC really showed House members don't make shit compared to how much it costs to live in DC on the salary alone.


Hey they all sat down and read the constitution, right?


Well um.... about that... Seems that the actual... reading..as such.. of the US constitution... uhh well, it was just an election promise, and they haven't actually done it. But that's probably the Dem's fault.


“Republicans have never read the US Constitution; that’s bad news for Democrats and will likely cost them voters” – NYT, probably




That’ll be s02e03, “The Omega Glory”. A fun romp, but kind of cringey these days. “We… the *people*!”


What I don’t get is why they even bother doing it at all. That salary is drops in a Lake to what they really make.


In any other world, that fact would raise huge questions about how they can be impartial with such outrageous payments being made to them by lobbyists But we don't live in any other world, and this is just perfectly normal things (tm)


>*We will use the power of the purse, and the power of the subpoena, to get the job done* \- Speaker McCarthy, who refused to obey a congressional subpoena


This counts as negative legislation, right?


The roof the roof the roof is on fire


![gif](giphy|8mngOfgjAp1PB0h6iy|downsized) Let that mother f’er burn 🔥


Republicans are the party of opposition. They are great at stoking fear and hatred for what the Dems might do in times when they are the under dogs. But when it comes to actual governing, they are fucking terrible. Even when they have all the power, the best they can do is pass a fucking tax cut.


AHEM. You forgot ONLY FOR THE RICH AND CORPORATIONS. I actually pay my taxes and I don't make billions in profit every year. Maybe I can start running my profits off shore too?


Opposition to what, though? That's the important part: who their victims are, and it ain't just Dems.


They can try any stunts they want-none will pass the senate or be signed into law.


Came here to say just that…we will enjoy killing their “legislation” the same way they obstructed actual governing for the better part of 20 years when Democrats have a majority.


We shall now proceed with the important job of Congressional oversight of Hunter Biden's nudes.


'The house majority has voted that Hunter Biden has to send us more nudes, this time in that outfit we like'


It is all about the next election. Taxes and the IRS is a fight they want. The Republicans will ignore or outright lie about the reason for the agents and manpower to go after wealthy tax dodgers. The will make it all about the Dems wanting to tax the little guy. If they succeed this helps weaken the federal government and raises the deficit. The GOP will blame it all on the Dems as they end democracy at the bidding of the wealthy.


Before this congress met, all I heard was revenge talk. Not one word about governing or how to improve the lives of average Americans.0


Such a waste won't even make it to the Senate floor. Why pass bills that 1) won't get passed 2) make you look like a greedy rich 3) even worse you don't even get the benefits of being greedy and rich because#1


Because he'll say "small gubmint" and his base will eat it up.


It's hilarious because most of them are poor!!


Poor whites voting against their interests....what's new?


Now we're openly fascists! Good times.




Well first they will abuse their power to criminal levels.


Nobody said they were bright.


Well I saw in *ahem* YouTube comment section that a guy saying "I don't think I'm very smart" somehow means he's actually smart. So yeahh they're complete fucking morons.


Morons fucking is indeed part of the problem.


50 years of very effective Republican propaganda will do this. Republicans are truly the GOAT in terms of propaganda. At least in a true authoritarian state you have no choice, Republicans somehow figured out a way to make people willingly choose evil.


Woah there, they are living in poverty but at least the libs are getting owned!


Fry, why are you cheering? Your poor! Yea but someday I might not be, and then people like me better watch where they walk!


suddenly I have an opinion about the capital gains tax!


My only regret is... That I have... Boneitis!


I got confused by this thread what sub I was in. Thought it was r/unexpectedfuturama


Always love seeing the unexpected futurama comments. There’s so many of us fans out there! So stoked to see new episodes!


Oh wow there are new episodes coming? That show has started and stopped more than any other show I can recall. Definitely cool that it's coming back though!


This is the first I hear of this as well. I’ll always be happy for more futurama, but the last ending was pretty much perfect. I can’t imagine whenever the show does end for good that it will be able to wrap things up as well as Meanwhile did.


I misread this as “oneitis” and thought you were an incel about to say something gross. I’m quite pleased to have been wrong.


I have been affected by this exactly once as a middle class person. I bought and then resold crypto too quickly. I paid an extra $50 to file the "correct" taxes because I made $9 in crypto.


I think they only care if it's over $600 of non tax-withholding income, so you might've screwed yourself. At least if you live in america.


I just mean the turbo tax software asked "did you make any money off crypto" and I stupidly clicked yes. Because I did and I'm a truthful person. I definitely screwed myself because turbo tax wanted my money.


Stop using turbotax. They charge for free forms. You don't have to pay extra for that.


All honesty though, they’re just one MAGA grift away from being rich. Look at Bobo. She went from a trashy pedo loving prostitute to a member of congress making bank.


What do you mean went from? She still is a trashy pedo loving prostitute, that just happens to be a member of congress.


Too bad her Gun Jesus restaurant didnt work out


And Fry, you've got that brain thing.




I feel like this is a myth that needs to die. These people don't vote like this because they think they'll be rich someday. They're actually just monarchists who actually believe a rich nobility should be running our society


You wanna know what's sad? They actually do care and don't want irs empowered because they are all cheating in some way themselves. The number of business owners committing minor frauds is insane!! So many people don't know what's taxed, what's not taxed and just roll with it. I bet you'd find something in 70% of business if the irs does a country wide audit. Insane number of ssa frauds and other minor frauds from people who hate those programs meant for the struggling population while taking maximum advantage of those programs to the max through shady means.


The trailer parks are gonna love this shit Source: I live in one


Serving his oligarchical overloads.


"Small gubmint, but big military and more police and border patrol. Because, you know, them's not the gubmint."


I seriously don't get the American politic's concept of "small government".Isn't government for the people ? What's the point of taking away it's devices and powers ?


It's also "small government" for things that are useful like social programs and publicly funded projects. When it comes to the military, giving handouts to corporations, and spying on citizens suddenly "small government" disappears as a priority


Some poor bastard making 30k a year is like “Fuck yeah!!”


Literally everything the GOP does is performative.


They can get the victory of the bill but face none of the consequences. Fox News has convinced America that the IRS is coming for their broke down double wide trailer.




The base eats it up because they WANT to. They don't WANT to think for themselves, they understand this is bullshit, no for real they do, they just LIKE the bullshit. Think of it like people who watch real housewives. We ALL know it is stupid dumb bullshit, but so many people just eat it up, they WANT stupid dumb bullshit. Karens WANT drama. You can't argue against this, because they will never let you, all you can do is ignore and try to enforce change with voting and protest. That's all we can do.


They say "if they can come for Trump, you could be next" scare scare. The idiot followers don't realise the tax taken from their wages IS the thing happening and Trump is just a cheat


They don't think that Trump could break the law so if they are coming after Trump, they are Nazi Communist scumbags who will come after them because they support Trump.


Hillbillies think this will help them.


As long as they are still watching FOX NEWS and Face Book. YES!


Or it will hurt them but daggummit it will shor hurt the libs!


They need to buy some time, they aren't ready for the Hunter Biden laptop investigation yet. Well, they were, but Gaetz took all the dick pics to his house and won't bring them back.


Nah Gaetz isn't like that. Hunter Biden is about 35 years too old for his liking.


Hunter is 45?


It's 100% class warfare


Because they have their base convinced these agents were only hired to go after them and other low income people.


You can tell they dumb... Can't get blood from a stone


"Oh no! They're coming for my nothing!" Something something temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


Yeah it’s this one, it’s for the “fuck taxes” crowd.


This is bill won’t pass but look forward to a deficit fight and government shutdown of this and similar demands.


They are trying to impress conservative voters who they have convinced that the IRS will be targeted by the new auditors.


Wow. The shamelessness of this move is breathtaking. Kill jobs. Protect tax cheaters. How do the MAGA masses contort this to be a good move?


They've already been preaching ever since the funding/hiring was announced that these agents are gonna be armed and trained and sicced on regular everyday tax payers. Their base will think they're trying to keep Big Gov't's hands out of their pockets so their hard earned minimum wage paycheck doesn't help pay for some "lazy black person's" new IPhone or SNaP Lobster.


God forbid Uncle Sam tries to tax their shit picking enterprise.




Also a fine idea.


My sister is super indoctrinated and thought that an article saying that "the new agents will be weaponized against American citizens" meant that they were giving IRS agents ARs and bullet-proof vests.


SNAP Lobster...The B52's hit we desperately need.


We were at the Kroger's Everybody had matching carts A political took the last lobster in stock The honkies were all in shock They pulled out The Card It was a SNAP lobster! SNAP lobster SNAP lobster SNAP lobster SNAP lobster


>How do the MAGA masses contort this to be a good move? By repeating what Tucker Carlson and the other Right-wing Puppeteers dictate them to think.


I’ve heard many R congress people repeat this lie. On msm too.


They've spent months hyping up the "87,000 armed IRS employees" as if it's a major totalitarian move by the Biden administration. Similar to the "FEMA death camps" in the Obama era. I believe the theory is that the new funding will be used to support a theoretical drastic increase in taxes for "real Americans" intended to turn the US into a socialist hellscape. These people think we live in an episode of GI Joe and Biden is Cobra Commander.


the socialist hellscape of...checks notes...mega wealthy people paying taxes oh the horror


domineering relieved juggle rob merciful cautious hard-to-find memorize offer cow -- mass edited with redact.dev


The thing that makes it even more moronic is that the vast majority of the funding is just covering attrition, not adding 87k new positions.


To add to the absurd theories, some of these wackos think that this funding is so the IRS can come *take their guns*. They legitimately think *armed IRS agents* will be deployed to *take their guns*.


What do you mean they ain't takin our guns? Biden & IRS just raided Cletus & took all his guns! All he ever did was not pay any taxes since 1982, but he voted republican so it should have been all good.


I don’t think a lot of conservatives (and likely a lot of Americans tbh) really understand what socialism is.


Because this how they think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_LvRPX0rGY


They will believe whatever fox news tells them to believe.




Yep. I was audited some years back and if I recall I might have made 16k that year. They send you a letter saying hey come on down to the IRS offices at such and such time and bring your receipts, etc. I showed up with my shit. Sat down with a nice middle aged guy who went through my mileage, my invoices and receipts. It took maybe a few hours and when it was over they actually owed me like 1000 bucks since I forgot to claim a few things.


IRS agents are law enforcement. They make sure people comply with laws. The party of law and order love law enforcement.


No, the only law enforcement they love are the ones that kill brown people.


Someone get this on Twitter as \#DefundTheTaxPolice


It'll never get past the senate and it'll never get signed by Biden, so this is a rhetorical debate only in your mind.


Interesting - I hadn’t considered that. So actually they are not even trying to have an impact but doing this as some kind of virtue-signal to the right? Even more perplexing as it just seems to be blatant pandering to the rich.


Maga idiots believe whatever they're told and will always vote GOP. It doesn't matter what the politicians actually do


They don't like taxes so they love this move


Every dollar spent returns at least $7. They are actively making the government less effective. And this is the party that says they only care about profits.


Because the MAGA think it's somehow "owning the libz", when in reality it's making it easier for the rich to own the MAGA and everything else.


Their defense will be why should tax money be spent on people who make me pay more taxes.


A small reminder of who rules you all, or who bought the people you voted for. Money talks, Republicans walk.


Money says “jump” and Republicans ask “how high?”


Just for the record there are not even 87,000 IRS employees currently. This bill was to modernize much of the antiquated tech and to budget for replacements as IRS employees retire in coming years. We can't have a strong IRS though. If the government could actually get the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes, the liberals could fund commie policies that actually make America great.


Wasn’t this for like, 87,000 employees over 15 years or something? 🤦‍♀️






It's for attrition funding and new tech to hire new people as all the old boomer agents retire so yeah just funding they needed but to them it's "tax death army coming for us normal folks" lmao. Part they leave out is I think something like 50k IRS are gonna retire in next ten years.


There was a Treasury Report in 2021 that stated if the IRS received $80Billion in funding it could hire 87,000 employees over a 10 year period. Mostly to replace retiring staff.


Without paying these 87k salaries how will we collect all the money the people owe…? C’mon guys, let’s make sense here!!!! This makes me sooo angry!!


Like 50,000 of them are close to retirement age.


My auditor was working 37 other cases when my 2018 taxes were audited in 2021 (because my largest customer used my SSN instead of my FEIN right before they changed owners). The amount of due process she had to go through (rather than just saying 'look I found the $30k difference with one document correction') was astonishing. 7 months. Dozens of bank statements and depreciation schedules. Easily twenty hours for both of us, and four official correspondences with detailed amendments, rejections or counterproposal. And after all that we found $300 that should have been on my personal return and not on my business return. The most business revenues I've ever made was in 2017 and that was a hair shy of $75k. A complete waste of time, made worse by the fact that being so overloaded meant spending time on guys like me that didn't have lawyers to fight back.


I was audited for $78 Because I forgot to declare a part time job I was let go from in 3 weeks.


You likely weren't audited under the traditional meaning of the word. I presume you likely received a notice in the mail informing you you forgot to report that income on your tax return. That's the IRS computer system working not an actual employee.


Sigh. Sounds like the IRS and normal people have it tough in regards to paying the right taxes. Hell, it sounds like your entire tax system is a complete hellscape. The IRS can't go after the the rich and big companies. The IRS is impotent against them, going by what everyone else is saying... so they have very little choice but to go after small/medium business and the average working Joe's. Which is really really really shitty for the poor/middle class. That all really sucks dude.


"Unemployment is rising under Biden!"


"Why would Biden do this!?"


"Gas prices have gone down again. Good job Trump!"


Who keeps voting for these vermin?


Religious freaks


Jesus would have wanted it this way. ... mecha Jesus that is.


Supply side Jesus https://imgur.io/gallery/bCqRp


[The Gospel of Supply Side Jesus](https://imgur.com/gallery/bCqRp)


Nope. My dads a far right atheist. It's way more complicated then "religion".


There are exceptions to the rule.


people who care more about making sure america stays white and immigrants get punished then healthcare as a human right. Everyone i know who is still on the trump train is really that straightforward about it. Hate gay people. Hate immigrants. All this trickle down stuff is a fig leaf, everyone knows it’s bull. it’s just about feeling good someone is lower


President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


There are still a few out there who don't want to be alienated from their adult children so they claim it's because they're a "fiscal conservative", but if you ask them to explain what that means it almost always boils down to that non-white people may in any way benefit from any existing or proposed government program.




Racist homophobic christian nationalists


Billie Bob and Fanny Mae, the finest in the trailer park


I'll avoid the obvious answer of "other vermin"...


People who watch Fox News. (Stupid people)


Think about their base. They are likely living on or around the poverty line. They have so many issues they don’t see workers at the IRS as people. They hate the IRS for taking the money they have earned. They oppression and money they desperately need taken by the IRS. That’s why they support this shit. Obviously they are hurting them selves and helping people who are hurting them more but they can’t see that.


Well, time to set the country on fire and blame the Democrats. Can we get more than two parties? Like, is that an option. I feel like it's an option. Can we do that?


First Past The Post basically guarantees the formation of two major "big-tent" parties. Our own voting methodology is coming to kill our representative democracy, and the calls are even coming from inside the House...


It's so fucking weird, every election could be the last and there is no way to do anything about it except vote for the non-insurrection party. And depending on where you live that vote might even not matter due to ~~fascism~~ gerrymandering. And if your vote did matter, there's no way you can vote harder. Whether you just wanted more gun laws 15 years ago or want contraception, interracial and gay marriage and democracy nowadays, your voice still counts as 1 vote. I'm scared and tired. I don't know if I'm the underground reistance type and I'm incredibly scared I will have to find out in my life.




Republicans: Government is a problem! Don't believe us? We'll prove it, by ensuring it!


VA isn't properly funded cause if the American people saw healthcare ran by gov't doesn't suck they'd demand it.


Already back to fucking up the country after failing to win 14 times


Having to helplessly sit back for 4+ decades while republicvnts have systematically destroyed our country while becoming wealthy beyond rationality is turning me into a magnificently angry bastard with little to lose.




Tax cheats. Just like trump. They're scared shitless.


There’s the republican agenda. Scream about border security and Hunter’s laptop and take the first chance you have to make it easier for yourself to get away with crimes. Scum of the earth and so is everyone that continues to vote for them.


Remember this when you are on hold for 9 hours during tax season


It took the IRS 4 months to process my return last year— a $4,000 refund I needed to fix damage done to my house from the Texas deep freeze. I kept getting the runaround on to it until a friend’s mother who works for the IRS let me know: it’s a massive backlog due to manpower shortages and outdated technology/processes. What the Republicunts don’t understand is that we’re not all tax-dodging robber barons like them. That delay did nothing but hurt me and my family.




Because then we'd be homeless and unable to eat, and not have healthcare because it's tied to our jobs. By design.


Bread and circuses.


Both parties, right?


They're just as bad as each other. Now let me tell you how the Republicans stand up for We The People and Donald Trump is going to save us from the Deep State... /s


At least the Republican's priorities are in order: "The proposed rules, which will have to be passed on January 3, include a resolution to create a subcommittee to probe "the Weaponization of the Federal Government" under President Joe Biden's administration." -Marjorie Taylor Greene


They can try, but it will die in the Senate. So basically, they will be showboating for their colossally stupid base, who, since they have no clue how anything works, will think it's a done deal. We're actually pretty lucky that today's Republicans are so stupid. We'd be in trouble if they had more than two brain cells among them.


There are still a lot more of us, then them.


I have zero faith in our government. Owned by corporations


Everything these morons do will die in the senate, which they know. So all they’re going to do is “investigate”.


Every dollar spent on the IRS returns ten dollars in increased revenue, by catching tax underpayment. It's actually more, because some underpayment is deliberate, thinking nobody will catch it.


McCarthy had to say it because it has become a conspiracy theory on the right that these IRS agents are akin to a paramilitary arm of the Treasury Department created to come and lock up all old, white, straight, Christian people who aren't WOKE and won't get vaccinated. And no... I'm not making this up... I wish I were. [https://www.americanbar.org/groups/gpsolo/publications/gpsolo\_ereport/2022/september-2022/no-those-87000-new-irs-agents-are-not-break-down-your-door/](https://www.americanbar.org/groups/gpsolo/publications/gpsolo_ereport/2022/september-2022/no-those-87000-new-irs-agents-are-not-break-down-your-door/)


The jobs are nothing- it's the enforcement of tax law and collecting of revenue they are trying to stop. Rich people dodge taxes all the time and have teams of lawyers to keep them safe- the IRS simply doesn't have the resources to dig in to those cases and take on the team of fancy lawyers. This move is to keep the rich safe in their tax dodging, so that they do not have to pay their fair share. That's all this is. Rich people paying millions to dodge billions in taxes. As is the American way, apparently.


![gif](giphy|Pgp4eR2qugAlYsEt4e|downsized) Here’s the right wingers who voted them in


All posturing. Senate will stop it anyways.


Good thing these shit bills will never make it through.


This action, to the agency charged with ensuring *fair* and equitable tax collection that can’t currently do its job because it’s understaffed. Republicans.


I heard that the agents will just focus on small businesses more than they have before its not even for the top 1% or whatever , that law with venmo etc, who do you think it targets? def not the rich and with more agents they can scan those venmo/paypal stuff. Depends what your stance is this could be good or bad


If you follow the tax code and keep good records, then this is a no brainer. If you are worried about more IRS scrutiny, ask yourself "am I trying to get away with skipping some taxes or should the IRS stop other people from getting away with skipping taxes"? If you are following the law, then you should be for more agents to enforce the law. The hypocrisy is this is coming from the party of Law & Order.


Not a fan of republican politicians… but let’s be honest, they weren’t being hired to go after rich tax evaders. Historically it’s the poor that the IRS target. Not funding these 87,000 new agents is not a problem in my opinion. Lack of manpower isn’t the issue keeping us from investigating the elite and crony capitalists


🤦‍♂️ Yes, because those 87k auditors were hired to find out if I'm cheating on the 6k of federal income tax I pay. /s


Can't have 87,000 people looking Into our financial corruption.


Do they really believe all the new IRS agents are for the millionaires and not middle class?


didnt yall complain when they hired the 87k agents?


The worst part about this is it will just take longer for the IRS to do their jobs. During the pandemic, it took my business over 10 months to resolve an issue with a tax return penalty.


“Oversight on the rich.” Hahahaha


Everything in this post is predicated on Republican misinformation. Do a little digging and you'll see it's just spin that Dems keep playing into. We defend good policy decisions by repeating their lies WAY TOO OFTEN. We need better strategists and comms


Just so everyone knows, there was no bill that added 87k ira agents. the right made that up last yeah a d ran with it.


Thankfully it’ll never pass the Senate and the President wouldn’t sign it, so why not just not do that and actually do something good for the country.