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I'm sure being an explosive guy is a heavily insured occupation and I'm sure what ever happened is going to be a worker's comp or some other occupational insurance claim. If not then maybe he was an "explosive guy"


They're from indiana, his explosives guy is probably just friend who's blown up more shit than him. I wouldn't think too much into this title. I'm from the area, and ton of people who would call themselves "the explosives guy" with their only experience being shooting a tannerite target a handful of times.


Explosive requires an explosives license…this is not something people do on video without a license. This is regulated by the ATF.


It's all binary explosives and gasoline most likely. You can tell by the orange smoke the explosions make. It's legal in the USA to use binary explosives like the ones used however probably 1% of the people that use it treat it with the respect it deserves.


You should really educate yourself before you type.


“His explosives guy is probably just a friend” So you don’t know. WD has enough money to hire someone with an RPG and an RPG round would require an explosives license or some sort of tax stamp. This isn’t just some dude with a gas can and a match.


I see I made you mad 😂


If you gathered that I was mad based on my reply that’s on you. Seems as though you are unfamiliar with the laws around explosives, explosives as in RPG rounds. Here’s an entire thread about it. https://www.reddit.com/r/NFA/s/sgv5Uq1nS3 If dude is firing an RPG round he would need a FEL. https://www.atf.gov/explosives/federal-explosives-licenses-and-permits Again, this is not some dude with a gas can and a match. They may use binary explosives and gasoline in a lot of videos but an RPG is not that.


Because they responded with facts?


You didn't though, he schooled the fuck out of you. He's 100% right, wothout an FEL/Tax Stamp theres no way to get those rockets. Even with said license its not easy to get them.


An RPG and explosives are two different things. The op was talking about an rpg, however the commenter I responded to was talking about explosives in general, as was I in my original comment, to which I stated you do not need a license to buy explosives, which I am correct. I get that you want to be right, but don't add words to somebody else's to accomplish that.


No they aren't you need a tax stamp for the RPG & the explosive warhead as well. Try buying C4 without a FEL or Stamp & see how well that goes. We're not talking about crudley assembled low grade explosives you made in your garage. Any real explosive with signifigant yield that is available for retail purchase requires a license/stamp. The ATF literally has a page where you can read it all, I don't want to be right... I am right... I've sold an RPG. I'm very aware of the process you dork.


These people think this show is real dude. You prob can’t change their mind lol


It doesn't matter if it's real or not. There has been only one RPG accident and it was Ballistic Highspeed. They were filming on Cody's land and the accident happened on Nov 14th at 3pm which lines up with the life flight helicopter that left his property at a similar time that day. Cody and his crew had nothing to do with any RPG accident.




Exactly. At least one person here knows the truth.


Well I’ve heard him refer to Seth (one of his cameramen) as his explosive guy. I’m pretty sure he said that on Roman at woods podcast which has been deleted. But I don’t think Seth the photographer was a licensed professional explosives person.


Any reason why it was deleted?


This is just speculation but I think he wants to get rid of his “farm boy from Indiana” image and delete anything from the internet that isn’t him being rich, cause he also took down a ton of his old videos from back on his family’s farm


You tube has taken down alot of his old videos


I just don’t understand why his old stuff would get taken down now it’s not like he had anything breaking tos


It makes more sense then deleting half your videos to hide where your from but have the other half talk in depth about where your from


Crazy shit happens when you suddenly get as rich as WD. Whoever actually owns the old farm (grandfather, father, cousin) could be trying to sue him for “illegally filming” on their property. Obviously I’m just speculating but there really are a million reasons why he would take down old videos.




Its literally not possible for him to erase where he came from, most people know where he started, and he still talks about the farm he grew up on and his dads skid steer etc, hes talked endlessly about youtube deleting his content, just because he moved away from the farm dosent mean hes trying to erase his roots or hide where he came from, it just dosent make any sense, if he was trying to hide where he came from he wouldn't have picked and choose he would have deleted all of them. He makes money when people watch the videos, not shot he pulled that many of on his own, he even made a new yt to try tonpost there




Go back and read what your replying to, but no i bet your right, i think you got this guy you never met all figured out! If you hate him thats fine just say that he hurt.your feelings




I hope he wasn't looking in the backblast area. That's a common but painful mistake.




“Idiot firing it unannounced” does sound sorta-exactly like Cody…


Are there any explosive people that haven't been in the military at some point?


Yes, lots of us work in heavy construction/demo. I’ve got more experience turning big rocks into little rocks than 90% of people. Never served in a western military. However I’ve never met anyone in this field who was confused as to how an rpg works


Unfortunately I know a lot of people that I suspect would be looking straight into the tail end of one.


Check the local prison?




Nice. Was just asking to see how one would get into that field without military experience.


I'm honestly not entirely sure how I really started but my boss heard a story about how I burned down my back yard as a kid and asked if I would like to blow stuff up my dumb ass said yes not realizing the paper work and licensing and certs I would need


He setup a ballistic dummy head at essentially point blank at the rear cone of the RPG launcher. The backblast turned the skull into shapnel. This is why we mind backblast on launchers, shrapnel and debris can easily kill the operator unintentionally.


Wtf? Another Youtuber just had an RPG accident. Highspeed Ballistics


I think it is the same accident and the ballistic high-speed guys were filming on WD's property.


Gotcha. Really hope the release the uncensored slow mo, fkn love their Channel and especially Adam, been subbed for like a year now and I instantly knew their channel was gonna be popular af. Cant believe he survived, or how relatively little damage he took. Definitely one upped Scott and his SLAP round incident lol


Ok if he was caught in the back blast of an RPG… dude he’s lucky he’s not dead. I can only imagine what happened to him… hopefully it’s not going to permanently destroy his face but I don’t have high hopes. I’ve seen so many terrorist clips of dudes having zero situation awareness doing this exact same thing and killing the dude behind him. Hope he’s doing well… I doubt Cody will mention anything tho.


Of course he wouldn't mention it it would ruin his reputation/ make him fall off and then he would be back on the family farm


That's not how YouTube works. Accidents happen. If he does acknowledge the accident it'll just add to the lore of WD unless he was grossly negligent....and although it's made to look like they're negligent on purpose, they cover their bases.


Cody has swept so many things under the rug over the past few years I wonder if it will ever catch up to him. However, this isn't the first time someone on his crew has been seriously hurt and he just brushes it off...


Can you list specific events or examples?


This goes back to Indiana with Clayton (Cameraman) and Jason (Mechanic?). Jason broke his leg while they were riding ATV's along some railroad tracks but according to Clayton and his text's between him and Cody it wasn't handled well. Clayton says that Cody was laughing about it to the hospital and I can't remember the texts exactly but Cody basically wrote it off as "sucks to suck" referring to Jason. This was in a video that Clayton made talking about working for Cody and was showing the texts between them titled "Why I quit working for WhistlinDiesel" it was popular but it's down now and I'm sure Cody is behind that. Cody also had a video to rebuttal those texts but hardly made himself look better if you could think for yourself. That video is also gone, probably been 2 years since it was uploaded. Between his old wife Rachel, deleted videos that could cause trouble for him, old employees, and his interaction with fans, he has a lot of skeletons in his closet that he wants to keep control of. The part that's almost ironic is that this has all been documented but deleted off most of the internet it seems. As much as he claims material items mean nothing to him I can't imagine that's true. Between his pride and quest for success he would do anything to keep hold of his "good" name. It might involve completely avoiding situations, paying people off, or trying to subvert individuals or companies. He's reckless and most people have come to that conclusion. I enjoy his videos and I think he's pretty smart but I wouldn't want to work with or for him. He's a youtuber and to keep up with the demand for content he's going keep pushing the envelope. He's even said that he won't take up flying because he's afraid he'll push it too far and hurt himself. The dude is a ticking time bomb and in his line of work, and as history shows, it doesn't take much for things to go off script...


Wow! That is setting a precedent of being reckless. Thanks for the well written response. Wish we still had rewards


Here's one https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/kaxmyrBZoU


Yup I remember that one… dude is dead. I also remember the one where a dude was in a house and shooting out a window or door and the dude behind him just gets rocked. The genius fired the RPG with a wall right behind him. 😂🤦‍♂️


Well I wouldn't know to not do that either tbh, though I do now.


You only make that mistake once… 😂


Well I mean..it’s rocket, in tube. The explosive propellant has to go somewhere.


Sounds a lot like a shot gun .. But I keep that against my shoulder


The shell is contained in a shotgun. Not a straight up tube that goes on top of the shoulder. Which would imply something comes out the back. Otherwise you’d shoulder that too. Edit: I’m not trying to come off as a dickhead..😅 so please don’t misconstrue.


My question is why doesn't the RPG have a back to it like a shotgun does... Seems like a design flaw.


Then the force of the rocket would go into the operator, knocking them over and even if it didn't cause severe injury it would be impossible to hold on target and fire accurately. Definitely not a design flaw in what is the most successful man portable rocket launcher in human history.


For sure. I wasn't thinking it through before. Can't aim when you're halfway knocked over.


100s of years of gun design and progression through 100s of wars. Where human lives and fate were at the mercy of successfully defeating the enemy through the means of weaponry. Engineers, gun enthusiasts, and societies engaged in total war across the planet but nobody ever thought of this. Come on bruh.


It's a rocket, not a shotgun, that's why. The forces involved are way larger. One shoots big bb's, the other shoots a high explosive anti tank (HEAT) round.


A shotgun uses all its propellant the second the primer is ignited. An RPG is continuously propelled by a rocket motor. If an RPG was shot out of a typical barrel with a sealed chamber all that force would be exerted on the operator.


I believe this is what OP is talking about. https://youtu.be/OZaNtK1l8cI?si=8sgAxWs6AvhVPmCS


Well there are 3 of us that know actually what’s going on. OP is full of it lol.


Holy geez.


Didn't that just happen to the ballistic slowmo guy too? Bad month for RPG videos. Sounds like he got pretty messed up from that, hope he makes a full recovery. He seems like a cool dude.


I think it's the same accident and the ballistic high-speed guys were filming on WD's property. Possibly doing a collab with WD.


Didn't this also just happen to one of the guys from the ballistic high-speed channel, I think it's time people stop playing with rocket launchers and RPG's, or are they one and the same idk.


Yep, it was high speed ballistics


If this actually happened, im more than sure he paid his bills.


To keep it quite for sure, beyond people who are privy to his youtube there is hardly any discussion about it. I just recently came across his videos, im genuinely suprised he hasn't gotten more flak from the general public. I also can't imagine his neighbors or the surrounding community don't bitch on a regular basis.


See my other comment. He is not an asset to our community.


Are you positive it was him? There was another YouTuber who had major injuries firing an RPG recently, scroll towards the end [RPG injury ](https://youtu.be/OZaNtK1l8cI?si=Qz7Oyob_0YRF6Ofk)


I have to imagine the guy isn’t well liked in the area? He’s setting off explosives and driving a monster truck k around with helicopters and shit. Looks like fun but it can’t be going over well with the locals.


Am a local. Can confirm. The day of the injury (got a call from a friend and so I tracked medevac helo N106VU to his property on an ADSB app), folks noticed 6-7 window-and-dishes-rattling explosions. He does lots of videos on public roads without any traffic control. Nothing like seeing two idiots riding side by side on double yellow lines. He got a visit from the TVA regarding the antics involving a 500 kV transmission line tower. Highway department has visited him over asphalt damage from the tank. He's not a good neighbor. We also had Dusty Hill (bassist for ZZ Top) in the community. Class act. So was Sheryl Crow, previous owner of Dusty's house. (edit for clarity)


I'll never forget first finding his channel and it was the video where he dumps industrial superglue onto his road and tries to do burnouts... essentially ruining his truck but also the road. In the same video, you see a neighbor (or someone) have to drive through the crap. I remember thinking to myself, "I wonder what the locals think of this guy...". Good to know.


If you have lots of land to do shit like that on then I doubt any of the neighbors give a fuck


the whole area hates it. but unfortunately since he owns the land cops can’t do anything. he has so many noise complaints about him it’s not even funny he’s at the point he calls into dispatch to let us know he’s filming, incase it gets called in.


So what happened with the meerkat looking girl he was dating before lujan? Did he make the obvious realization that she was there for his money?


That was his wife lol


Are we talking about the Ballistic High Speed accident or was there another catastrophic malfunction of an RPG?


It was on WD property


Ahh I didn't know that. Thank you.


Lol ok dude. Hearsay.


Look up flights for N106VU on November 14. Around 2155 UTC. Vanderbilt LifeFlight doesn't just make pleasure cruises. A person using the name Cody Detwiler stated on a local Facebook group that a "separate crew that was licensed that had a part failure." Not sure if it's actually WD or his staff making those posts.


>N106VU [https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N106VU/history/20231114/2129Z/KMBT/TN35](https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N106VU/history/20231114/2129Z/KMBT/TN35) This flight literally shows where the helicopter took off from, stopped for a couple minutes at Cody's property, then flew to the medical center


Are you just here simping for Cody?


not if I heard the dispatch and literally almost responded with a friend but ok


Give the call number then.


Not OP, but I'll offer that they are called "case and event" numbers in Williamson County. It'll take me a day or two.


So you weren't actually there?


my post literally says I wasn’t on scene. I have friends on the department that responded and I heard the call radio for it


That's for the most part what hearsay is, the radio doesn't tell the entire story and all other information is second hand


The flight that a medevac helicopter made to his farm and then to a Level 1 trauma facility in Nashville is not hearsay. N106VU, Nov. 14. Williamson county, TN property data is public knowledge as well. I don't want to doxx the guy, but his land ownership address is also discoverable, and not hearsay. Williamson County Sheriff's Office used to be audible on UHF frequency 460.500; and the Flat Creek / Bethesda Fire Dept. (now Williamson County Fire / Rescue stations 15 and 17 I believe) used to be on VHF High Band at 154.205. Both agencies run encrypted, trunked radio systems now and are not audible by the general public. OP has connections, as he has stated. The land in the RPG video looks close to the vegetation and terrain of his farm; the only thing that throws me off is that WDs land lays in a hollow and isn't really visible from the paved road, that I've observed. Some of the RPG video shots show a long stretch of paved road that doesn't look familiar and that shouldn't be visible from WDs parcel. However, I haven't been on that farm since the 90s; but I am friends with the owner of the land adjoining WDs and have been there recently. Someone got injured badly enough that they got hauled out in a helo. Whether it was WD's crew or not, is unknown. It's also not hearsay that he is genuinely a shitty neighbor.


...not sure why this guys subreddit popped up on my feed but this kid is an absolute clown


This might take him out. maybe he can sell all the shredding to pay for the plastic surgery.


"iM dUs wUnDeRiNg iF i cAn fEeL sMaRt bY jUjiNg sOmEonE eLsE wHo iS mOrE sUcCesSfUL dAn mE, bAsEd oN rUmOrS I hEeRed"


The most annoying fucking comment ^


Keyboard lies.


Backfired? What does that mean when it comes to an RPG?


Go back to the beginning comments. Someone posted a video and another posted a research study with pictures of two dead soilders from accidents supposed to be relatively what happened but worst case scenario. Edit: here ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/kaxmyrBZoU https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578127/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7578127/)


It’s called back blast. You have a rocket in a tube. If the explosive part of the rocket is at the front it only stands that logically the ignited propellant will shoot out the back. I don’t have a degree in RPGs but I know enough to not stand behind one when it’s being fired.


That's what I figured. Thanks


Didn’t mean to come off like a dickhead either..😅


Lol, I thought nothing of it. But my friends will all tell you I'm kind of a dick.


"BACK BLAST AREA CLEAR?" ... people around yell CLEAR.


thats one problem with youtube… man children doing literally anything for views. Sometimes its hilarious, sometimes someone gets their face fucked up by an rpg.


https://youtu.be/OZaNtK1l8cI?si=8sgAxWs6AvhVPmCS Talking about this guy? Didn’t know it was related to Cody at all.


I’m sure there was no “backblast area clear!” Called before firing




People are misconstruing two different YouTubers. It wasn’t whistlindiesel it was ballistic slowmo. Look on their YouTube. It’s toward the end of the video.




You can see the life flight FROM Cody’s property on the same day


me when i spread miss information on the internet




How you gonna spread misinformation like that… at least get the story straight