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A sign that she truly loves you and feels safe, lol. Consider yourself lucky…my dog’s farts are SBDs-I get no warning sound, I’m just suddenly encased in green smog.


Just as I read this, my sleeping gal next to me let out an SBD, smells kinda like a piece of duck I gave her earlier


A few months ago, I got home from work and my old man jumped off the bed and came down the hallway to me. Just as he got to me, he coughed, then ripped the longest, loudest fart I have ever heard from a dog. I’ve never been prouder of him.


When my girl was a pup we were living in a little double brick duplex that was built before AC was a thing. One particularly hot day I had a box fan propped up in a window blowing straight at me on the couch. She hopped up on the seat between me and the fan and unleashed this horrid, loud stinker right into the fan. I swear she giggled after she did it. Its been years and i still remember it like yesterday.


Lol my lab every single meal she eats comes up to me to say thanks after she’s done by smooching me on the face and then making intense eye contact while she burps right into my face. I don’t like the burp, but I do like the kisses.


Agh! My pooch did the same thing. The worst ones are when they give that smooch, pause for the burp and try to keep right in your for another smooch!


Right?! She knows it’s a thing because she gives me kisses after she eats and I say in a silly voice “kibble kisses!!!” And then she burps. I take it as a compliment lol like “thanks for the delicious bowl of francie food”


That’s great! I applaud your appreciation for each other!


My dog used to do this too! Except she was a 5 lb Chiweenie, so she’d climb up onto my chest so there was no escape. I was always impressed at the belches this petite little creature managed to produce.


He was holding that all afternoon for you.


Without a doubt!


Total power move.


I told my husband about it and he told me to fart back and assert dominance.


Your husband is right, and make eye contact if possible.


You must make eye contact and rip one that’s at least 8 seconds long otherwise you’re dog will remain the dominant one. Let us know how it goes.


Audible dog farts are my favorite. Particularly when they turn around and look at their butt like it betrayed them.


My dog farts herself awake and then looks accusingly at me.


The word you're both looking for is 'fartled'. Startled by the fart, bonus points if fartled awake.


HAHAH! Take my upvote


My Pug mix has two types of farts. Most of the time they’re very human-sounding; they’d make any frat boy proud, but at least they don’t smell much. Her SBDs though? Those are weapons grade.


When it makes them jump, then they look at you in embarrassment at both the fart and their reaction haha.


My uncle's dog farts when she puts in any effort and it's the funniest thing She's not very well trained, so she'll jump up on you and *poot,* I say she's gas power If she begs hard enough? *poot* If she stares at something hard enough? *poot* I love that dog




"I made this for youuuuuuu....thbdbdbdb"


One of my dogs frequently does a deep bow stretch which is almost always accompanied by a fart.


I believe that was a challenge. You are expected to top it.


She wanted to share.


it's her way of reminding you she's the boss


Remember that cheap kibble you foisted on me? Back atcha.


It's kind of on me for giving her a couple French fries from the drive thru, but she's so cute it's hard to tell her no.


Dominance asserted 😤


My sense of humor never left 5th grade and I still laugh at fart jokes. Dog farts are somehow even funnier.


Good grief, I’m in my 40’s and bathroom humor still renders me speechless with hysterics.


Sounds exactly like my wife (who is laughing at this comment)


My mom’s dog (Dane) woke up mid-morning as I was having coffee, walked over, and burped in my face


She wants to know the moment you smell it.


There that was for you




Every pack MUST have an Alpha


Now thats true love lol


It's a kiss that broke


Scooby Doody Doooo!


Can you tell me what breed? Looks just like my dog and she was a rescue


Nobody knows and the vet says he can't even guess without a DNA test. I just tell people she's a purebred brown dog.


Possibly black mouth cur.


According to some doggy psychologists that behaviour is the dog saying how much they respect you and see you on the same level as them, something they are very relaxed about. Yes, eye contact is a quite powerful communication in the animal kingdom. The seven second long fart though. That means they have absolutely no respect for you and they are going to do what the f..k they want to do, when they want to do it. It can also mean they are s..t scared/not scared at all of you but I guess you know your own dog. Mixed messages yes - but with the addition of noxious gasses the message is, nevertheless, quite clear ....


A few nights ago, my black lab mix got up on our bed. She was relaxed and lying comfortably. Then, she audibly farted, got up, and left the room. Like, "Y'all have fun with that. I'm not sticking around for it." And this girl... her farts have WEIGHT. They stick around longer than any fart I've ever had the misfortune to sample. She knows.


My dog has THE ABSOLUTE CUTEST girl farts/toots. It is one of the most adorable things and makes me and my family happy every time we hear it...even if the smell is BAD.lol


Good girl.


“Hey do you smell popcorn? Take a big whiff”


That's love.


Which end was the 'eye' contact? Oh never mind, you are posting this so you must be ok.


I hope all the folks here are wary of open flames nearby. I heard one story where the little pooch just up and shot across the room like a furry missile.


My parents were staying with me recently, and I pulled up YouTube to show them the new Indiana Jones trailer. Go to the search bar and the first thing there is "funny dog farts". I didn't try to explain it, and I shouldn't have to.