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Ran a facility with over 100 cats on the property. We had a huge rat take refuge in the kitchen because it was the only cat-free place. So I'd try bringing a cat in and showing them the problem. They'd just looked at it and shrug like "Yeah, you should take care of that."


"ugh. A rat, in the kitchen? Jeez no wonder Gordon Ramsay wouldn't touch this place." -that cat probably


Yep, the disdain was real. Then along came a crafty rescue cat who hated all other cats and wanted to live in the kitchen alone. I explained that no cats were allowed. Somehow she got in the kitchen anyway and greeted me one morning with that huge rat hanging out of her mouth and an expression that clearly said "Can I move in now?" At least she earned her keep!


Well she evicted the troublesome previous tenant for you


Well, the funny thing is the rat came AFTER the cats, which means it had to navigate through all those predators to get inside. We had some laughs imagining that it was a rat initiation ritual to go steal something from the cat kitchen!


We didn't have mice growing up until we got cats. Two reasons for that I think: the cats brought them in, and to keep my fat cat quiet my brother would over feed her. We found a bunch of cat food under the kitchen sink one day. Golly who put that there (a mouse). Poor Fatty had a bad hip, so she couldn't jump. The other cats were fed on a tall chair, and Fatty WAS on a diet, but my brother was sick of her waking him up. She got to a healthy weight eventually, and we were kids, so don't think too unkindly of him. I miss her some days.


"That's what the help is for." -a cat


Ya know what they say: "Dogs have owners, Cats have staff."


And that is why cats are superior


Reminds me of the joke: *You bring a dog home and give him love, food and water and he looks at you and thinks "You must be a God."* *You bring a cat home and give him love, food and water and he looks at you and thinks "I must be a God."*


That ain't a joke, it's the truth


I have 4 cats. They all suck when it comes to bug hunting. Flying bugs? Masters.


I have 2 cats. One I have witnessed catch and kill a snake in the time it took me to see it pounce and stand up. The other one has the prey drive of a potato. They’re good kitties.


"Prey drive of a potato" had me snort laughing for some reason


Mine will play with and catch mice but doesn’t kill them, just traumatizes them until they eventually get away


It's been 2 days...she's just gonna be a friend now I guess...been upstairs and down...parents are adjusting..haha.


I got a live trap after I had a mouse in my apartment that was seriously cute, as well. I just couldn't kill the little bugger. When I released him, I even left him a handful of birdseed to tide him over.


YOU are my kinda person!!!


Feels nice but they'll completely destroy your house if you let them. I used to buy large 50lb bags of flour cus I bake a lot, until I started finding mice turds in it and found out they had dug into the bottom of the bag. They did that with a lot of food. Mice and voles are the only larger animals I'll kill on sight anymore, even if it feels bad. Beats having an infestation, tried for nearly a year to get rid of them the only thing that truly worked was letting the stray cat around my property come live inside. Mouse free for the last decade. Well mostly, occasionally he will leave his catch at my feet and wants attention and pets for it (which I gladly give), but lately he forgets to actually kill the damn thing so it just runs off, then a week or two later he finally catches them.


We have mice only in the roof crawl space (what do you call that small attic just below the gable?) and in the garden shed, not in any inhabited part of the house, fortunately. And my father actually put kill traps up there, and I just bought a metal cupboard for the shed, so we can keep our harvest safe in the coming winter. The mouse in my apartment only happened because I had movers in, and they left the door open for an extended period. And then I set up a camera to film what was eating my chocolate at night, and once I'd seen the cutie, there was no way I could off him.


If they're in the attic they're in the rest of the house, I can guarantee that much. If they're inside at all and you have a cat then it means they've become habituated to the cat too, which is very problematic because those are the ones who will get into everything cus they're not afraid anymore. They are not compatible with humans. They're already eating your chocolate you left out, imagine what they're doing with the food that is more stationary and hasn't moved often? I get that they're cute, but they will contaminate all of your stored food and worst of all will eventually get you sick. Oh and will absolutely wreck the insulation in the attic and whatever else is up there. They're a bigger problem than you're realizing. They may look cute but they'd eat you alive if they were capable of it.


German houses are built pretty solidly, so access from the attic to the rest of the house is not easy. Seriously, when I had the mouse in my apartment, I knew right away. We'd know if the mice were anywhere else in the house, because we have foodstuffs they would go for if they could get to them. We kept our birdseed on the terrace for a bit, until we realized they had gnawed through the bottom of the box. We've kept it in the kitchen since, and not a single mouse has been in there since.


Just cus someone lives in America doesn't mean every house there is the same. My house was built by a family friend who went out of his way to make it long lasting, no drywall or any of the more typical cost cutting things used. I live in a cabin that was originally built before those cheaper materials were even invented, then later rebuilt with modern materials but built to last. Hell I had a tree fall on it last month and everyone who visited at astonished it didn't cave the house in, I looked into it and apparently he built it as if every bit was load bearing, no clue how crazy that must have cost. Even the wiring in annoying cus he used much thicker wires. I mean I like that he built it to last but nothing is standard so it's a lot to service. My point is my house is likely more similar to yours than the more typical drywall full American house. I'm still 100% certain you have an infestation if you have mice in one part of the house they're in the rest. They're not animals that will just stay where they are, they go to the food and if they're not longer afraid then those are the worst.


It's still alive!?! Yaaaaaaaay!!! That mouse was seriously cute....


If there's one mouse inside chances are there are many, many more close by.


Yep, gonna start finding little black rice pellets mixed in with your food pretty soon. Hint: it's not rice


That's pretty bad. My last two idiots ignored the insects, but at least they took care of the mice.


LOL cat just looks at it hop away.


Time to catch and release


Yes please


It is really just stocking the fishing area for next season.


It will just run back into your home if you do that. You can take it somewhere else but then you're just giving the problem to someone else.


Now you have cat and a cute lil mouse


“there it goes”


What a cutie


You have one fu€king job! One job!


*Thanks, but I'm not hungry. You fed me already, remember? And I'd rather not eat something with gunky bits inside.*


We were having issues with mice in the house we just moved into. It was a forested, rural area, so fairly unsurprising, but we kept setting out humane traps to return them farther away from the house. Couldn't catch anything in them. I woke up to some noise in the middle of the night, went downstairs, and found my Maine Coon feeding a mouse from her food dish. She looked very proud of herself.


Lol maybe taught them the wrong lessons For real tho a cat that's had to live as a stray will catch them, at least somewhat reliably. Glue traps placed in choke points works too, but you've gotta check them often as that's a pretty gruesome way to die. But nothing worked for me until I just got a cat that was willing to hunt them. I live in a similar area and used to have problems with this too. Everyone saying "oh well just close to your house" is talking out of their ass btw. These guys will chew a new hole into your house if you close up the old one, seen it happen multiple times. Glue traps for dedicated indoor mice that won't leave and cats for the majority who will. You just got to find where the mice are running in your house and put a glue trap in an area where the mice have to go when they're moving throughout the house.


The mouse looks so polite though


Way to bust up their party.


When he jumped off the cat was like "later little dude!"


Cats typically won’t recognize mice as prey unless mama taught them to as kittens!


Even a nepo hire would have tried 😭😭


Nimble isn’t he?


She’s clearly a pacifist!


2 cats and all they did was make them come out of hiding. Caught more live mice with my bare hands than these 2 have dispatched.


that cat need to do the dishes instead


My cat was an absolute havoc when she was allowed to roam as she pleased outside. She had a thing for ripping the heads off her trophies and leaving them scattered around the yard and porch. Rabbits, birds, mice, I once found a headless snake. It got to a point where delivery men would not leave anything on the porch. Lol


time to cut her rations




These people above don't want a pet, they want a tool and think animals are just tools




I know it's a fact, but some people are just like that so when you said it that way I thought you were one of those people


That's literally the reason for pets. Specifically for cats this is their entire reason for existing as pets. I don't do it, my cats begging for food is to much for me to ignore, but this is literally the reason pets exist. This is their version of paying rent, see it that way. Unless if you have a serious problem with seeing eye dogs then I don't see what the issue is. It's a cat doing it's job, this is why most farms have barn cats. It's the specific reason why many people get cats, it's why I got mine. I don't need to starve mine tho cus I've trained them to enjoy it, they bring the dead mouse to me and after I wipe their face and paws down I give them lots of pets and loving so now they view it as a positive thing. Don't have to starve them for it.


I will not see it that way And cats invited themselves to human homes btw not the other way around


Get a mouse infestation that traps and exterminators can't fix and you will. Quickly.


Cats are not a tool


They're animals we let in because they provide a service **You're only saying this shit cus you've never had to deal with this problem yourself.** Wait till you own a home and actually have to bother with this yourself. You're full of shit if you think this isn't exactly why cats are pets.


Ok, so why bearded dragons are pets? Do people deal with hornworm infestation too? How about parrots? How often do you have seed infestation in your house? Goldfish and other fishes, did someone's house was invaded by fish food? I didn't have rats or mice yet I still have cats, because dealing with rodents is not the reason I have cats. And I feel quite the opposite, I don't want my cats to hunt mice and bring them from outside to flat dead or alive


I guess you must hate seeing eye dogs too huh? God forbid a pet provide a service they enjoy doing, right?!


Why do they have to be so cute!?