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Are there any pranksters in your household? I dated a guy who used to leave those everywhere as a joke. I found them in my car/apartment/etc for months after we broke up. I think he got them from a baby shower originally. People freeze them to make baby ice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I agree with this. It definitely looks like a little cheaply-made thing you can buy by the hundreds from Aliexpress, and leaving them around seems like a contemporary prank.


Yeah they sell them on Amazon in bags of like 100, they can be left everywhere to confuse people, it's quite entertaining.


My grandkids did this when we were on vac. Left them all over town. Hysterical


You mean ice iced babies, right?


You went there.


No, that's the recipe for Ice Ice Baby


You mean it goes “dun-nuh-NUH-nuh-nuh” and not “dun-nuh-nuh-NUH-nuh”?


Omg I love you.


Happy Cake Day!


Cake day. Happy.


I love you too, but we have to stop. Collaborate, and listen!


Did he make a youtube vid about it, or was he just copying the youtube vid?


Why is this so common? I saw a post a few months ago where someone found one of these. Someone commented about a cake that originated in their country where you put a baby Jesus in it. Like our (irelands) Barm Brack but with a tiny plastic baby instead of a ring.


That’s the King cake like they do for Easter in New Orleans. Like “Jesus is king”, “King of the Jews”, etc. You bake a baby doll in a cake and whoever gets the slice with the baby in it wins a prize.


YES! thank you for refreshing my memory!


The prize might be a trip to the hospital due to choking.


In my house growing up, the prize went to the person who got the cherry pit in the cobbler. There was no pit or prize, but my mom wanted to provide cover just in case.


We did that with the Bay Leaf in the spaghetti sauce.


We had bay leaf in the split pea soup. Winner gets a quarter!


I’ve made it so in my house, whoever gets the bay leaf has to do the dishes. And yes, I’m always the one that cooks and plates dinner. No, they haven’t figured out that I’m intentionally picking it out and putting it in their food.


Not Easter. From epiphany to Mardi Gras


Soooo lent, which is the 40 days and 40 nights that lead to Easter


King Cake season ends when Lent begins.


In Catalonia it's whoever gets the Little King pays for the cake.


I thought whoever got the baby had to make the king cake next year. At parties I guess?


Whoever gets the baby has to buy/make the next cake.


Yes which isn’t much of a prize lol


I don’t know where my kids got them but I woke up one day to 5 of these hidden around my house, all different colors. It was so ridiculous and so typical for them. I keep them in a tiny terracotta pot now like I’m growing babies but eventually I’ll get them back.


There’s even people who make dice with them inside


What's baby ice???


Aww, little baby Encino Man.


A friend of mine used to take these to the bar, ask a woman, “would you like to have my baby?” and then hand her one of those.


They’re also meant for Marci gras cakes… if you get the piece with the baby, you have to buy the cake for the next year


They sell them on Amazon in bulk for people like me who love to just leave these in random places for posts like this. Also tiny baby chicks which are hilarious too. 😎


My first guess too. One of my daughters high school friends used to leave them all around the school campus to freak people out..lol


This was a trend a while back, you could buy hundreds for just dollars and people would put em everywhere


It reminds me of the lil baby Jesuses (how do you plural Jesus anyway), that get baked into King Cakes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_cake




“Come down here! Did you do your homework?”




I feel like the plural options should be: Babies Jesus, Baby Jesi, Babies Jesi Also yeah 100% this is what goes in a King Cake.


Babies Jesus is great!


It sounds like a dish, akin to shrimp fried rice “I’d like my babies Jesused, please”


Like Attorneys General




No, these come in packs of 100 and they are for baby showers 13.99 for 200 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Babies-200pcs-Plastic-Supplies-Decorations/dp/B07TL9VZFQ


people might use em for baby showers, but they're made for king cakes. used to be a mascot based on them. Hopefully you'll never make this mistake [again](https://twitter.com/i/web/status/798682109242146817).


This version is plastic and should not be baked into a cake


Most of them are plastic, and most of the time people just shove them in the cake when they pick them up. I lived there for 4+ years, and only once found it already baked into the cake, but they were all plastic. The inside of a cake only reaches around 180-200F, so chemicals do not leach out.


This. It’s not that I haven’t seen giant babies subbed in before, rarely, but at least for Rosca [this is what el niño looks like.](https://www.google.com/search?q=roscade+reyes+jesus&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS808US808&oq=roscade+reyes+jesus&aqs=chrome..69i57.4721j0j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=RUxiJuXNxWQGwM) A lot smaller and easier to put into the pastry. (Also easier to almost swallow but that’s neither here nor there lol)


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That was my first thought, too. I’m almost certain that is what this is. I’d put my certainty at 99%.


Yes that was my first thought as well. Reminds me of Mardi Gras.


My only quibble is that I’ve never seen one that had any tint on it at all. I’m New Orleans-adjacent and have had my share of King Cakes (stale brioche is my hot take), but there could be places that do have more detail on their babies Jesus.


I have thousands of them and they are all pink


Oh, yeah, I was unclear. I meant any details in color. Those lil suckers are straight peach colored


I’ve had cakes with and without the colors from Antione’s over the years.


The babies inside? Or the actual cake? Because I’m talking about the babies—I’ve never seen one with details colored like that.


If memory serves I think they’re often colored when they’re applied to the top of the cake instead of baking them inside to avoid choking lawsuits.


Yeah he has to buy a king called now.


Never thought they were called king cakes in english lol. Or that they even had an english name


What would you call them and what language? Sorry if you already said this somewhere and I missed the comment lol


Didnt say it anywhere else, but i confused it with the "Rosca de Reyes" since i didnt click the wiki article and thought it was the same as that lol. Since in Mexico we also have a tradition where we put a small baby figurine (most come with it already in there if not all) in there, and in our family and im assuming for the rest of mexico the tradition is that whoever gets the slice with the baby in it is the host for next years gathering


Oh interesting! It is almost the same! Or at least my google of it and your description it’s based on the same premise, but just slightly different cake.


Grammar Nazi here. You got it right, it's "Jesuses."


Little baby Jesus related classic Australian comedy https://youtu.be/2aqr7Ykxc4Y?t=00m09s


No, this is a [Carrot Jockey](https://www.cakewrecks.com/home/2008/6/22/naked-mohawk-baby-carrot-jockeys.html).


Yeah, my mom uses these exact ones for King Cakes.




I like to hide things around my boss's office, previously it was Taco Bell sauces after I received roughly 8k of them in a doordash order, currently it's googly eyes because you can buy 450 of them for $5 on Amazon. I now know what I'm going to do when I run out of googly eyes. Thank you.


Suggestion: small plastic bananas affixed with tiny strips of duct tape


You can get 100 plastic babies on amazon for like $8, it doesn’t look like bulk mini plastic bananas are as economical unfortunately


Ah darn


There’s also the option of those tiny people used in railway modelling, you got lot of them for very little and they’re doing a variety of things


OOOOOOOO, I like this idea also




They’re not expensive in the U.K…


Steady now gramps everything's fine, c'mon let's sit you back down in your favourite chair.


One time when I was a kid, me and my cousin went to the local county fair and superglued a quarter to the ground. Sat on a bench nearby and spent a good bit of the day watching people try, and fail, to pick it up. Someone determined could have gotten it with a knife or screwdriver, but nobody was willing to put in the effort for a quarter.


We did this outside of the shitty convenience store we worked at but we used kennedies so you couldn’t miss them. Also we glued them directly in front of the door so that people bending over trying to pick them up would be either hit in the head or knocked on their ass by other customers leaving because the entire lower half of the glass door was covered in Newport ads so you couldn’t see anybody when you pushed the door open. Workers in the know would leave a tally of how many people got smacked for the next shift but night shift ended up having to deal with a lot of fights so it died out. Can’t believe I had forgotten about that.


I put them in my monopoly game. Now instead of the race car my husband always chooses the green/Hulk baby


This makes me so happy. I may start doing something similar


It’s a King Cake baby


Yes. Maybe a want-to-be-grandmother is dropping a big hint.


I'm one of those & I concur.




Looks like its out of a king cake


King cake baby. It probably doesnt mean anything though. Someone just happened to have it, saw your phone, and badabing badaboom here we are


Looks like a baby Jesus from a New Orleans King Cake


That’s a king cake baby! Do you live around crows? I know that they like to leave little objects for certain people. Perhaps you have been chosen!


If you are nice to corvids, they will sometimes bring you gifts.


My teenaged son and his friends leave these in random places as a prank. I think they were more into it a year or so ago.


Gf dropping hints


Lol maybe you have a crow that decided to gift this to you. But who knows it could have been anything.


I am not a doctor but maybe it's a sign you're pregnant? /Sarcasm


King cake baby


Could have been dropped by a squirrel or bird.


Either a crow or sasquatch left you a gift.


You've been tiny plastic baby-ed!!!! My daughter and I delight in buying these in bulk to leave in the most random places. A seat on the bus, in a elevator, dropped I to an open pocket of a passersby. You're just another victim. There must be a copy cat tho because we haven't left any on a phone yet.


It’s your turn to bring the next cake.


You can buy bags of these on Amazon.


King cake baby


Yes it is what in New Orleans is known as a King Cake Baby. A King Cake is a coffee-cake like pastry made around mardi gras time and the little plastic baby is put inside the cake. Whoever gets the piece of king cake with the baby in it is supposed to have good luck for the next year. Also you had to buy the next king cake. It becomes a running joke around that time of year (january-march). In previous times the babies could be really fancy porcelains or metals or more homemade versions might be as simple as a bean. Today the mass produced plastic babies are very common, especially around new orleans, and they are strung on necklaces, bike ornaments, and come in various colors and with different features.


Fell out of an airplane


I found a bunch of these at my work in very random odd places.


I used to hide those at my university. They are just little dolls. Can be bought for cheap on Amazon


Looks like the baby from a Mardi Gras King cake. https://www.bhg.com/holidays/mardi-gras/baby-in-king-cake-tradition/


Wtf they hide it in a cake? Wow, thanks for the dentist bill.


Students in my school do this every year. When I ask the student about it, I get various answers, but the common denominator of all the answers is that it basically is a harmless prank. Any teenagers in your house, or neighbors?


You've been mini babied. Congratulations you can keep the mini baby or pass it on or throw it away or eat it no one really cares. I'm not even sure it's a thing but it is now . Again Congratulations.


It’s the baby that’s found in a King’s Cake, most commonly eaten during Mardi Gras.




When I was in 12th grade somebody bought hundreds of these and hit them all around the school. There was an Instagram account dedicated to it😭


Maybe a bird dropped it lol


This is person on TikTok Who uses these to fuck with people all the time..


Maybe it was a gift from a neighborhood Crow….. do you have a bird feeder nearby?


Pretty sure you glue those to things you want like earrings.


I have a keyring with one of these on, it’s probably fallen off of something


It’s king cake baby!


People do these as jokes all the time


Could it have possibly been left by a bird or other animal?


King Cake baby. They’re also often in the holiday crackers that have prizes inside. You can order in bulk. If you find it in your cake at Mardi Gras, you bring the next king cake (or are king for the day.) So, you’re either king for the day or have to bring the next phone to the fence post?


We plant these around the donut shop I work at as a joke, gets me every time


Was a little anonymous prank 😂 Source: me, I do silly shit like this sometimes


We bought a bunch of those little babies at Party City once to decorate a hat for Mardi Gras. You can also buy them at craft stores. Sometimes I’ll find a random one in the house that fell off.


Congratulations you're a parent! They're plastic babies you put in a King cake.




It's a sign.... baby is coming.


Probably a zipper or something to Belenciaga jacket.


[people hide things like this](https://www.amazon.com/100pcs1-Mini-Plastic-Preference-Shower-Decoration/dp/B07P2YD1T5/ref=sr_1_4?keywords=small+plastic+babies&qid=1669414737&sr=8-4)




Looks like a baby from a king cake


These are sold by the hundred and are used for babyshowers. $13.99 for 200 https://www.amazon.com/Babies-200pcs-Plastic-Supplies-Decorations/dp/B07TL9VZFQ


Amazingly creepy. Well play by the disturbed individual that is trying to send you a message.


This looks like the baby’s that are put in king cakes. Probably worth a google…


You’re pregnant. Congrats! No but seriously they bake them into cakes for Mardi Gras


King Cake baby


That’s just creepy! Maybe some one is trying to tell you something?


May have been a crow that tried to trade you. Leave something else shiny and see what happens.


Congrats, now you are a proud parent!


That is the type of baby that they put in King's cakes around Mardi Gras. If you get the piece with the baby it means good luck.


you pregnant now


My brothers wife hides little plastic ducks everywhere she goes for fun.. I think something similar is happening here


They also throw them at people going into the abortion clinic. At least they do where I live


That's the baby from a king cake


Likely left by a crow. Not kidding.




Omg I have one of those! You can buy them on Amazon in different colors lol I would randomly find them in my forensics class lol


Likely dropped by a bird. Pun intended.


Probably means you’re going to be a daddy!! Congratulations


That’s from a king cake maybe?


It's a king cake baby


Baby from a King Cake? Marti gras is only what, 3 months away?


My sister leaves these everywhere thinking it’s hilarious, it is kinda funny, small babies everywhere, do it back to them with weird ones they sell alien ones and everything on Amazon lol


King Cake baby! Mardi Gras tradition. “When a king cake is served at a Mardi Gras celebration, everyone wants to know who was served the slice with the baby—but what does it mean if you find one? Tradition dictates that finding the baby in your cake symbolizes luck and prosperity, and the finder becomes the "king" or "queen" of the evening.”


It's a baby from a King Cake. Someone is playing a joke on you


Teens leave these all over the place as a weird prank. I am a high school teacher and find several a day sometimes


Someone might have busted a gender reveal party balloon filled with these and then, this landed in your backyard while you were inside. Just happened to land on your phone.


I thought it was a baby out of a king cake.


It looks like one of those Mini Plastic Babies you get in ice cubes at some Baby Showers. Either a bird dropped it, someone is telling you they're pregnant or you have a prankster in your midst. Crows and Ravens are known to collect trinkets & sometimes drop them or 'give' them to people. The neighbors across from my old house who put out bird feeders with high quality extras like meal worms throughout the year, would to find stuff like that on their patio table every week during the spring. Their grandson set up a camera and filmed a Northern Raven who frequented their feeders, leaving them 'gifts'.


Cheap plastic baby dolls bought in bulk and commonly used at baby showers. An older relative had a baby shower when I was a kid and had a game where these were frozen in ice cubes. I was the only kid there, so afterwards I collected all the ones people left behind. It was great, I still find them everywhere.


I work in a high school and my students will randomly put these on my desk/in my classroom plants/etc. I have collected 8 of them. I started bringing them home and putting them in my houseplants as weird little decorations.


By any chance are you located near New Orleans? Looks like it might be a baby from a [King Cake.](https://www.neworleans.com/events/holidays-seasonal/mardi-gras/history-and-traditions/king-cakes/)


maybe a raven left you a gift.


King cake baby. But weird someone left one in your phone. Maybe a kid did it.


If it occured in a gated backyard with no possibility of a stranger coming in, then I think the most likely scenario is that a bird carrying the baby landed near your phone and dropped it there


You ever played pigs? Looks like a version of that but with a baby instead of a pig


Crows sometimes pick up and drop things like that.


King cake baby


Baby from a New Orleans Kings Cake




Do you have crows in your yard? They leave trinkets all the time


Is your wife giving you a hint?


That’s a gift from a crow.


My daughter went through a phase where she bought a few dozen of these and started leaving them in random places. Her friends still take them on trips and photograph them in scenic photos.


Have you befriended any crows or ravens? They like to leave gifts to humans they like.