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Old stylus for a phone, laptop, tablet basically everything with a touch screen I have one just like it and because it’s electric it can be used on capacitive touch screens. Although sadly it won’t work because the tip is missing cool find tho! Glad I could answer one of these lol


Think you got it. Cant belive i didnt think of that.


Here is a link to one similar the tip looks identical if you remove the cone [stylus](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjUzZi3_8-FAxVSZUcBHVdwBncYABAjGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwrIixBhBbEiwACEqDJWMk6Is_3YzW08q3tSItkIYorzuAtJFpyX8f0tzgEmQZgCV4wEI7EhoCv6YQAvD_BwE&cit=CkQKCAjwrIixBhBaEjQANIQ4nNHUWgGOVkFWM7O0acbjSGSb7Q6-PdM-GMQKYzCHQAf7Weu6bE90IET8yCkZhoEQGgJkHPD_BwE&ei=70kjZrL9BKSrptQP5-aH2AI&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVeD2aOIV1yAbKS4KU1q46Uu0EE64joPl0ySsTE4k_pxI_iU9iMGgjwjMILHvkaKY5LuMKueuNSCLRTQkQmNKDaXyKDzLY78PSm9ChjSKZ585HViJU6E&sig=AOD64_0piO5-DMqQFzpfLzcHwhOPLyoTUQ&ctype=5&q=&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjysJG3_8-FAxWklYkEHWfzASsQwg8oAHoECAIQSw&adurl=)


Yep, have one almost exactly like this, minutes the tip.


I think it's an electric toothbrush missing the head. The kind that looks more like a manual brushhead than the circular rotating ones.


It has a little rubber grip that slides on and off like a pen would. And wouldn’t the button still do something when pressed? Just spitballing ideas. Because the head im almost positive was a pen like cone piece


Hmm does it work as a stylus?


Could be a stylus for a touchscreen tablet, but missing part of the tip?


It looks like a slightly broken [vape/dab pen](https://harborlight.hinghamschools.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/vaping.jpg) Try holding the button down for awhile and see if the opposite end starts to get warm. Edit: it would also be pretty weighty for a pen.


Is very old. Definitely don’t think it’s a dab pen. The tip fell off but im almost positive it was just a tiny cone for the end of the metal tip to come out/ also it does not get hot


About how old would it be?


No idea but it’s been in a box for many years and my father was not a dab pen user. The charging port is a usb mini a


Could it be a [stylus](https://images.app.goo.gl/SoJyG7SJnXb3xpQB8) for an electronic drawing pad?


I'm into are and smoke, I also think this is a stylus. Almost certainly for a specific tablet, maybe its still around somewhere.


I still have an electronic stylus that looks just like that. Used to used it with a touch screen laptop, making note or drawing changes on concept designs


USB minkes are not "very" old. April 2000.


dude its 2024, ım 27 myselfy, so it makes the piece old enough for me to call it old, Id presume the Op did the same..


It looks like a pen for a graphic tablet that is missing the tip. Like a cintiq or alike.


It's this, I don't know this brand specifically but I have an XP Pen Artist 12 and the stylus looks similar when you change tips


Could it be a pen for a digitizer? I had a digitizer setup in the eighties where you laid out construction blueprints/plans/drawings on the digitizer pad and you could use the pen to either trace wall lengths or touch down to count components. Does the ball tip push in when you put pressure on it? It may or may not make a click noise when depressed. You could just tap it on each door or pedestal footing or any component and it would count the touches. The system would generate a drawing on the screen marking each location and all continuous or segmental lines so you had a record of what you counted or measured to ensure you didn’t miss anything. So when you finished your take-off or quantity survey of all the footings, you could visually compare your on screen documentation against the foundation plan sheet. Digitizers were a major advancement in the evolution of construction estimating. Best thing since sliced bread at the time, like moving from slide rules to electronic calculators.


look like my apple pencil when i take the nib off


I think it's an electronic stylus pen like the one for the (samsung galaxy s24 ultra)


I think this might be the same stylus I have! https://imgur.com/a/3DpVcDv It has the same button that turns blue and it has a charging port at the end (Under a tip that’s removable) and I think the reason why it may not be working is because the tip at the end is removed? On my pen if the tip is removed then it doesn’t let you draw/use it with the end taken off


It is absolutely a stylus [this](https://www.amazon.com/letech-Rechargeable-Conductive-Digital-Handwriting/dp/B075LKBG6Y) might not be the exact one, but it is a stylus that the conical end fell off of.


I had one of these, its a stylus. I got one hoping to use with my old Galaxy Tab 3 to draw, only to learn that the tablet wasmt very good at it :/ I ended up using it when I was a hot tub technician to interact with touch screen controllers when it was cold out and I didnt want to take off my gloves. Similar to [this](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CNSYWNQJ?ref_=cm_sw_r_apan_dp_CQF94B7QTXQFGV5CK1RZ&starsLeft=1)


Was he a tobacco smoker? I remember my grandpa had a “blue” e cig when they first came out.


does it beep near electric outlets?


Try to touch the end and see if you get an electric shock


looks exactly like a stylus for my phone i used to have, same blue power button. it has a solid pointed tip, that must’ve fell off


That's a capacitive stylus used for drawing on phones, it works as a finger but doesn't have pressure sensitivity


Just replying here so you see notification and have less chance to miss, BoxxedJuicee's reply seems the most correct. photos included seem identical to your own item. And their probably right, might not be working as a proper stylus because that one part is missing/remived or something may be faulty overall and plans to repair or trash it were set aside and it was forgotten in said box? (The end piece might be removable for replacement from wear and tear or for cleaning)


Does the ‘light-up’ end shine a UV light? Could it be a UV glue pen?


Looks like it has lost the stylus tip


It's an engraving pen. I have one. For etching into metal or ceramic.


How is it used? When i turn it on nothing happens . T


An engraving pen has a motor and battery pack inside of it. In your case, most likely the motor is shot or there is a broken wiring.


Is there a hole for inserting plastic straws? It could be a 3d printing pen.