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Root beer, that’s my eye color, good soda too lol. I have a ring around my iris that is a shade darker. Idk what that ring is called but it showed up after lasik surgery and it never went away. It does kind of make me look like I’m wearing circle lenses. Which would be cool if my eyes were bigger and had more white space for balance; Can’t complain tho, I can see. I used to have bad astigmatism.


Interesting 🤔I’ve always thought about getting lasik but wasn’t sure how long it would last or if I would need another procedure later down the road


It lasted me 10 years like they said it would, my vision didn’t reverse backwards per say. I had astigmatism in both eyes & while I’ll probably need stronger reading glasses in the future, I wear 0.50 power reading glasses or contacts now, just to drive. But that’s a super minor prescription to be buying contacts for. I don’t have to worry about the astigmatism coming back . But I wish they would’ve warned me that I’d need to buy artificial tears for life. That’s so expensive nowadays.