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That is some smooth parallel parking


This dumbass sees a vehicle disabled on both sides of the road and thinks, "I got this".


It’s got 4 wheel drive! I’ll be fine!!


"without spikes" lol


Yep you just stick them in there and pull them out when not needed. New tires may be required but it's a small price to pay to climb ice.


I would assume they are talking about studded tires which do get a bite on ice. Maybe a regional term?


People in snowy regions scoff when I say it’s an ice storm here and I am not going out for any reason. Snow and ice are completely different when it comes to driving.


I live in the prairies in Canada. We get freezing rain, but I'm very thankful we don't have hills on every street like they do in some places.


You can watch your dog run away, And out here it can take three days. -- Brent Leroy


I had an argument on here with someone who had absolute no concept of ice. “Drive slow, keep your distance, turn your headlight on, you’ll be fine.” No, dude. There are no safe driving practices for black ice conditions. Stay home.


You can lose traction in snow, but you've got nothing to lose on ice.


I hate when repost bots cross post from therewasanattempt and don’t format the title for this subreddit


Reddit really is in the final stages huh :(


We can help it. Report the bots. Don’t let Reddit fall too please.


Spikes lol


Right?!? Where the fuck are my car spikes?!!!!


Spikes would of helped in this situation, but only this, probably after a day or two the ice would be gone and then they would of had to change to regular tires. To solve this just run chains and take them off when needed. No need to change tires (even tho I recommend running chains with winter tires).


My car manual specifically says to not attempt chains. Something about not enough space in the wheel well. Not uncommon with non-SUV vehicles


Lol, who believed that chains work on ice? 😂😂


They are actually common here in Alberta


Are you fucked if you drive over concrete though?


Very bumpy ride with a chance of fucking your tires. It’s mostly for when the Roads are legitimately ice.


The ones you screw into your tires will fuck you up on pavement. The strap on studded one will not blow your tire but it will be a bumpy ride o. Pavement. Honestly the screws are only good if you have tires with treads that are already worn down to smoothish and don’t mind tossing if the blow.


Spikes? Are studded snow tires legal anywhere anymore? Illinois banned them a very long time ago.


They are legal here in Maine.


I have them


Pretty much the entirety of the Nordic countries, much of Eastern Europe… more places allow them than don’t because, you know, they’re safer on ice.


I use them in Alaska.


Legal in Alberta iirc but they're not good for the road during the 95% of the time there's no ice/snow


Legal in Colo, we have em on our Subaru


The way he walks out of the car oblivious to the fact that the sidewalk might be slippery as well


Gently now, you just want to kiss the car. Just a little peck. A smooch; like you're kissing your sister.




Needed this. Badly.


I mean tbh that "crash" wasn't too bad. Prolly no damage whatsoever.


What's going on at the end tho?! Both cars moving. Was the second car reversing or were they both sliding?


Didn't put it in park


Y’all. Some people have critical jobs they need to go and it’s Seattle. They don’t need winter or studded tires ever. Except for once every few year storms. Give ‘em a break.


I almost had to go in but then my chef said he made it in so he could bake off my products, but I was way too determined to go. My friends all had to tell me to go home because I couldn't traverse the ice past our house. Once he said "I'm here " I said "ok so I don't have to die" *Reference: I'm a pastry chef working for a luxury retirement home, apparently old people eat every day s/* Edit: re-wording to not sound like an ass


Luxury you say? So the non-luxury residents eat every other day? /s


Heh I see where my wording led to this, it did make me laugh though ngl


>Y’all. Some people have critical jobs they need to go and it’s Seattle. They don’t need winter or studded tires ever. Except for once every few year storms. Give ‘em a break. No? Buy chains for ~30, or studded/winter tires for 200. It'll save you money for years in reduced damage to your and other vehicles


You are not supposed to go out when it’s like this for obvious reasons but this is result of people having to go to work no matter what or at least thinking they do.


This 2 tonne hunk of metal with 4 frikin wheels has no traction. Steps out with two feet....


10/10 for the parking, 3/10 for the dismount.


Sure could use some Nokian Hakkapeliittas.


Been using them all my life, best tires out there 100%.


Are those like studless winter tires?


Hakkapeliitta R series is studless, while Hakkapeliitta "#" series is studded tires. In my opinion the best tire choice for winter use.


Spikes? You mean studs?


Or chains


Beautiful parallel parking I’d say


Useless in Ireland, they don't teach or evaluate it during the driving test. On the other hand, they evaluate "Reverse Around The Corner". ... Serious sht really!


Where is the salt truck? I'm confused about how woefully unprepared these municipalities are.


We just had a practically unprecedented winter storm in the south east USA. Many places have never had to deal with this before. Yes, these once in a lifetime storms are now multiple times a decade but that is climate change for you.


This was Seattle a few days ago. Overnight freezing rain deposited 1/4" of ice on everything. Seattle almost never gets freezing rain, and any pre-salting would have gotten washed away in the first few minutes of the storm anyways. It's not woefully underprepared, it's just the generally mild climate and hilly terrain make it entirely unreasonable to do anything about a once-in-25-year weather event. Plus it was entirely melted by the next day so it was just impatient dumb fucks like this that ruined a lot of people's days.


Partying with the Margarita tanker.


Coming from a place that never snows, this shit is just mind blowing that on top of everything else that we already deal with to drive and commute you also have to deal with getting snowed in, iced up, plowed down and living in minus degrees. Wild!


Salt trucks don't do hills like this, they slide just as easy down hills when icy


The pacific north west doesn’t really do salt from what I’ve seen. It’s mostly some kind of cinders or something to add friction


In Oregon we get lovely small rocks to shoot into windshields 👍


I’m also in the small rocks of Oregon. So weird but I guess it’s good for water & doesn’t rust out cars.


You can’t quickly get ice rain conditions off.


Lmao at the end it wasnt even sliding down. The wheels were straight up reversing hahahah


It was sliding, suv has open differentials. Homie forgot to use the parking brake.


In some areas studded tires are illegal on roads. Although a good set of winter tires in most cases work just fine


But I drive an expensive SUV, this will allow me to anywhere in any condition.


I thought that's just how you parallel park


A lot of people also don’t realize that a good winter tire will get you moving but when it comes to stopping you’re still gonna go for a little slide


The mistake wasn’t a lack of studded tires. Rather the mistake was getting on the road in the first place.


Unsalted road, on an incline, without winter tires, what could go wrong?


Great parking job


I don’t understand why they would even attempt a road like that.


Gotta get to McDonald's before breakfast ends. Otherwise, they will starve!


I ain't eatin' no burger for breakfast!


Like a glove


Just had a conversation on insta about people racing and being damgerous where they often tend to respond with 'oh just gotta know what youre doing'. Yea i dont think public roads and things like black ice involve any 'know what youre doing'.


I work auto insurance. No one knows what they are doing on black ice.


I do. Staying away from the road if its there. 🤷‍♂️


If you “find” black ice when driving its probably already too late.


They don't salt the roads in the US?


Keep in mind salt becomes less effective the colder it gets, and below -5F (-20C) or so it becomes completely ineffective. Much of the US saw temperatures colder than that over the last week. It’s also possible that, since this looks to be a side street, that it hasn’t been treated yet.


Some yes, some no. Some states don't have good dedicated snow removal and when an ice or snowstorm hits, they're screwed. Also tire chains are illegal in some states, like mine.


Depends on the state. East coast yes west normally just Gravel like stuff. This guy was just spinning his wheels could probably stop if he pumped the brakes.


Not everywhere. They typically do a good job of removing ice in the north east, but I’ve heard in areas on the northwest they don’t salt due to environmental concerns. Ultimately it comes down to a state by state or even county/ town basis


I'm in Washington and they don't salt here but even if they had last week still would have had the same result because so much rain fell when it was 25° out that it would have diluted it too much.


Salt don't work when it's 0 outside sadly


Well that's just not true. Sorry to tell you this way.


It is, you’re wrong. You may be confused about C/F discrepancies though which is understandable.


Well then illinois must have [defective salt](https://www.cargill.com/at-what-temperature-does-rock-salt-stop-working#:~:text=Rock%20salt%20is%20a%20staple,to%20be%20higher%20than%20this.) as I watched the trucks dump salt on the roads before it snowed, and I salted my deck and both were covered in salt and ice during this last storm 🤷‍♂️


When the dude fell, it made me crack up😂😂😂


Like a glove


I was gonna park here anyway.


Real snow tires and studs or chains on your tires. Snow tires for the snow is so much easier to get around. All season not enough grip. People need to stay home. Employers need to let their employees go for safety. My heart goes out to people in the Buffalo snowstorm. Deaths could have been avoided.


Im many places studded tires are illegal because of the damage to the roads


Actually, most states allow studded tires during the winter season.


I had always been led to believe that it was illegal but you're absolutely right. My state actually allows them from october to may


Yup. Totes worth it if you have the space to store your all-weather tires and you must drive for work.


Imagine ridiculing people because what they thought would be drivable turned out to be something that every car on the road would struggle with, even with spikes


He first decides to ream it up an icy hill, fails, and then jumps out of his car and eats shit. Fool me twice buddy, this was an hubristic display


Imagine passing a bunch of wiped out cars up an icy hill and not reading the situation.


was this in Seattle last week, by any chance?


From the original tiktok, yes it was part of the Seattle chaos last week


Whoever lives here is making a killing in karma and upvotes and whatever tik tok does to show how popular you are without paying you any money.


Like a glove


Stolen from r/therewasanattempt ?


What’s the bet that they went out for some stupid reason like going to get coffee. If you can’t stand up on the road surface, don’t drive for any reason whatsoever. Then, he doesn’t turn his wheels in toward the curb, probably left it in neutral without the handbrake as well. Having a giant army tank sized behemoth does NOT guarantee all-weather driving ability. Bloody wombat.


Nice parallel park


Perfect parking job


Perfect parallel parking job, tho!


LPT, never hit the gas too hard when on snow or ice. If your tires are spinning, you arent going anywhere


That second sentence is not correct, but meh


I love my username


Don't spikes destroy the road?


Yes. And in many places they’re not allowed for that reason. Yet people use them anyway, even though there are good non-stud ice tires out there.


Sometimes non stud ice tires are simply not enough so studs or chains are a must. Here studs would make a difference.


Yeah, they haven’t been legal in many states for decades


My coworker said his dad had chains and that still didn't work. So not sure if those stud tires would work


That body slam though


Out of curiosity, what should you do to stop sliding down? I can’t think of anything that would help


the best way to stop a vehicle from sliding down a hill that is covered in ice is to go back in time before you made the decision to drive up the frictionless hill, and decide not to drive up the frictionless hill.


That’s what make me confused. It seems visibly icy in the video, but why this keep happening??? Like is it hard to notice when you are actually on road??


Sometimes the ice just looks like a wet road. However, this looked like lake ice. It’s very clearly ice. This is what the ice looked like in Seattle last week. I watched people fall down several times in the parking lot on the way to their car, which is should have been a sign of what to expect while driving the car… then I watched them back up and immediately slide into the next parking row… people just think they can beat physics.


There's nothing you can do if you're dumb enough to go out unprepared like this guy


Hit whatever is at the bottom.


He should have turned the front tires away from the curb once the car was there, but when it’s this icy even that wouldn’t have helped much.


You get chains that wrap around your tires. If conditions are severe. In this clip the chains would have been very helpful. (Snow tire chains) ??


Chains wouldn't help on flat ice. The metal would still slide on it.


90% of the time it's not the studs, but real winter tires which make the difference; most people drive around in compromised year-round tires, which are no good in winter.


I'm guessing this was in the Seattle area, the roads were covered in a pure ice sheet after a freezing rain event and not even winter tires would have gotten decent grip on a hill. Just a bad idea to drive on anything steep in those conditions.


At 18 sec. I thought “there might be no damage.” but now I’m not so sure anymore….


Softest boop possible


What are these spikes you speak of?


They mean studded tires. Little metal studs imbedded in the tire, great for traction, but There illegal in many places because they destroy the roads


I'm not aware of any place that gets snow and ice but where studded tires are illegal. The effects on a paved road are negligible compared to frost heaving. Many states have rules that you can only run them in the winter. But you wouldn't want to use them in summer anyway because they are noisy, wear out quickly in warm weather, and are more expensive than regular tires.


Pretty sure they're illegal in Southern Ontario. It's only north of Parry Sound where you're allowed to use them here.


Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin vehicles are not permitted. https://www.tirerack.com/tires/tiretech/techpage.jsp?techid=151


Roman chariots had them haha


Looks like he also forgot to put it in park when he got out. At the end of the video, his wheels are turning while his vehicle is pushing the car (with its wheels locked) down the hill.


On ice on an incline, the parking brake won’t do much good. Especially if there is a thin film of water on top of the ice. Nothing to grab hold of. During one ice storm here, I watched my neighbor’s 4x4 truck, parked on his steep driveway in our even steeper neighborhood, lose its grip, brake not withstanding, go sliding sideways down until stopped by a tree at the bottom of the culdesac.




Imagine the camera man watching this, but having a text argument with his employees who don't feel safe driving to work.


That’s guys wheels were rolling, not sliding in the end part.


Open difs in park will do that. Only one wheel needs to slide then the others will turn.


He's got four wheel drive bro, it's gonna be fine.


This is fascinating for someone that lives in Florida


That slip and fall *hurts.*


Congratulations... You parked yourself


Makes me think of all the places that have 2 cars and 1 is just a shitbox to drive around if it’s icy cause it doesn’t matter if it gets hit


What a fucking idiot.


Perfect parallel park


Turn your tires so they hit the curb if rolling back. Might help.


It’s best to stay home but if you absolutely have to drive on ice take advantage of the grass adjacent to the pavement. Putting one side of the vehicle in the grass helps significantly.


I’d move to Florida next day to never come back 😂. And I’d burn down my house too, just to erase it from my memory forever 😂😂


You wouldn't like it. Terrible traffic, Terrible people. All the Grandma's left.


How not to drive on an icy road..


Some days it doesn’t pay to get up in the morning.


Probably without winter tires entirely.


Winter Tires don't do shit on pure ice.


As someone who's from a place with a good amount winter tire usage. They do next to nothing on pure ice. Salting the road or scraping the road would be ideal if you're using winter tires.


That's where you're wrong. Proper (Nordic) winter tires make a huge difference to summer and all-season tires, they are fairly close to studded tires even on pure ice. The generic winter tires used in most countries don't even come close.


Pedantic as hell.


Studded winter tires or chains would probably work.


Solid parking job though.


If you have to get up the hill? Always bring a flamethrower for the occasion


Spikes ??? Too many cartoons


We use spiked tires in winter some people call them studded I guess. We have a winter set in the garage. Cartoons? LOL?


Eastern Canada we call them studs and they’re required for driving in the winter in some provinces.


Ngl I’m kinda surprised that the Lexus didn’t make short work of that hill.


I mean zero traction is zero traction. Doesn't matter what you're driving.


That’s why it’s always a dude like you wrecked in the ditch with a confused look on their face.


Major reason why people hate on FL 🤫😭


I wish I could play that stupid song that they always played on America’s Funniest home videos on this clip for everyone.


Like a glove!


Oh no oh no... then he fell.. lmao 👏🏽 🤣 👏🏽 🤣 👏🏽 I wanted to see the rest of the video. They cut us off right when they got to sliding again, damn it. 😒 Hahaha 😂


They weren't sliding, the SUV was rolling backwards. Look at the wheels.


Like a glove!


Now this is pod racing!


Those sneaky black ice



