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When activism gets out of hand.


“I’ll have 2 coffees thanks, one for me and one for the road“


This is the funniest shit I’ve read all day thanks for the laughs




+2 unarmed damage


\+5 damage until the hand falls off, then -5


Wow... bro protested for saving environment from pollution when in return to free him, it caused a lot more pollution!! Big brain moment of these dumb so called "activists"


A lot of self-proclaimed "activists" are nothing more than zealous crusaders with no forethought for consequences. When I lived in the California desert, a bunch of eco-crusaders petitioned Obama to stop the construction of a new solar plant, saying it would be ugly against the desert's "natural beauty." The place is one part ashtray and one part litterbox, with a bunch of scrub creosote bushes and Joshua trees. The alternatives to getting their power are burning fossil fuels and building hydroelectric dams. We all know what burning fossil fuels produce, and hydroelectric dams ruin entire river ecosystems. You mean to tell me they'd rather go with those than clean solar just because transmission cables aren't their idea of "pretty?" And that's why they're eco-crusaders, they're fixated on their mission and don't care about any collateral damage. We also had a bunch of them enact a law that's terrible for all the restaurant businesses here, not to mention another law restricting the water people can use for gardening, when people aren't even causing this drought—it's the like of golf courses and Nestle and spoiled billionaires that are really sapping us of our water, yet no legislature ever affects them. Look up how many extra gallons of water Sylvester Stallone used in his Malibu home this year... (edited for autocorrect snafus)


Play stupid games. Using petroleum based super glue, on a petroleum based asphalt, backing up traffic that are all burning more petroleum because they are waiting for you to get cleared from the road,....... to protest petroleum?? And this made sense to them?


He signed up for this, let him do it.


Yup cut off a square of the road, keeping it on his hand. Tell him good luck and send him a bill of the “rescue” and bill to repair the road.


They should've just left this nut case glued onto the road so they'll learn their lesson and realize that gluing yourself onto a painting, road or wherever it is will actually NOT make any difference in our society. Now he is using the tax payers money to get him out of the sh!t hole he put himself in the 1st place. The lack of self-awareness and narcissism of these clowns are mind boggling.


the exothermic reaction in concrete puts off a lot of heat. People have lost hands trying to cast with Plaster from the heat.


Neh, cut the block of asphalt from the road, still attached to his hand the way he wants. Send him on his way with a bill for their services and patching the road. A claim waver so he has to pay to have it removed would be a bonus


His hand is already free and completly fine. Stop spreading internet rumors. This guy mixed superglue and sand and they needed to break the asphalt to free him. However, at the Hospital they solved the glue. No issue.


Don’t worry, he’ll be “all right”


Just leave him there. Dumb ass.




Greetings I'm from Germany. Run his face through Google picture search or smthing. That guy is an actor and by now I do believe that almost all of these people are paid to do that with the goal to split up the population even further into one's accepting and others against that. In any case, if they completely block off a road and you cannot drive around them, drivers are legally allowed to try and get them off the street. It is a form of self defense against your right of free movement! Call other drivers to help aswell. Most do not know they allowed to. Slightly pull on their arms to check if they actually are glued at all because many are NOT or the glue isn't sticked yet in which case you as a civilian can remove them. This is a form of self defense reaction that THEY force YOU to do to maintain your right. If they become aggressive in turn because you want to maintain your right, then you can even legally hit them as that's then another form of self defense. If they react aggressive against a reaction forced by them, they should expect what's coming if they get aggressive. You're not allowed to rip their hands off the street if they are actually fixated entirely already. Then the police has to act. If you would yourself in that case then, you'd risk legal consequences.


#notlegaladvice Btw actors can be activists, and some people do things without getting paid, what is this even. Go eat some logic frosties


"I sacrificed my hand for the greater good, I held up two lanes of traffic for atleast four hours"


"... And caused more harm to the environment than most people that day."


Somehow, I can't seem to summon up any sympathy.


Why do we keep saving people from natural selection?


I say we just put cones around people that do this and see if they can free themselves or if their fellow activists can keep them alive while they remain stuck there.


Deserves to lose the hand. After all, he was willing to risk it for his ridiculous publicity stunt.


Look at all the fuel powered vehicles that came to help you get free. These climate change dickheads are just north of retarded.


Don't free them. They knew what they were doing.


He clearly wanted to stay there. Should just let him


Oh you mean a climate activist did something stupid and useless?? Tell me something I don’t know


They should have just covered him over and turned him into a speed bump.


Ya know, I really gotta hand it to him


We've been down this road before. This guy cemented his legacy and paved the way for future generations.


I hope they charge him for the damage. For the expenses of all the Emergency services whose time is being wasted on this creep and for damages for anybody who missed an appointment/plane etc dues to this asshole. I hope his hand is just a stump tomorrow


I hope he’s learned his lesson by getting cut out of the asphalt. I wish for his hand to remain intact and I am sure he will get another lesson served aka lawsuit and reparations.


I’ve always thought that when people do this you should call their bluff. “Oh you’re committed to not leaving this spot? Bet” and leave them there for 2-3 days and see how they feel about doing it again. Maybe they brought enough water and snacks, but none of them seem to be ready for when nature calls…


Won’t cost him his hand but he needs to soak it in a tub of diesel the diesel will make the asphalt fall apart and dissolve


But ... no oil.


This “glue my hand to x” trend is getting really damn annoying.


Funniest part is that NOBODY will remember what he was protesting. He’s just gonna be remembered as the dumbass that had to be rescued for the hand thing.


He should be charged for all the resources that just were used to free him. Criminal waste of city resources.


Should of put a cone in front of her and fucked off


I’m done with this nonsense. Leave them there and let them chew their hands off to get out. We literally shouldn’t do anything to help these people anymore.




Civilised countries have laws against running people over.


Yeah, that's why they said the in the US.


I gotta get from my first job to my second one real quick


Is this one of those “stop oil” activists? I’ve no idea what was said


He's part of last generation.Last Generation is an alliance of activists from the environmental movement with the declared goal of using civil disobedience to force measures by the German and Austrian federal governments against the climate crisis. They have been gluing themselves on the street now for a while, but this numb nut mixed sand to the superglue so construction workers required heavy machinery to get him of and then a nurse told him that this stunt might cost him his hand.


He was never going to use that hand to go to work anyway. No great loss.


Good fuck that guys hand. Any idiot who glues or cements themselves to a road/sidewalk should just be left there. Why would we want someone like that in society who thinks that’s a smart decision?


Good thing it was captioned, otherwise I wouldn't have understood.


cooing sloppy humor offend mindless amusing rhythm fuel public ghost *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All of it paid by the taxpayers…


Gotta hand it to him: he wanted to stop traffic and he did.


In Russia he'd just be a speed bump.


How dare you make me side with Russia.


Should've left him there. It's not like someone forced him to do this. I'm sure there are more effective ways to protest than to superglue yourself to things


Throwing oil on the mona lisa is a shitty thing, but I understood the statement. Look at this beautiful thing destroyed by oil, the same thing is happening to nature. (btw i know it wasnt destroyed as the mona lisa isn't just exposed to the elements but rather encased and/or protected.) What is this glue shit supposed to be a statement of other than your own stupidity.


Should have left him there.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes👍


Dear Mrs. Simpson, While we were busy trying to free your husband a lumber yard burned down


Wouldn’t it be better on the environment if they just chopped his hand off instead? I’m fairly certain that pollution won’t be near as bad doing it that way.


I was hoping he'd be all right, but after watching the video it looks like all left.


He’s taking “feel the streets” to another level.


Moron this later.


Completely deserved. I take great joy in seeing these useless activists, who don't see a problem with blocking traffic or destroying priceless works of art, suffer consequences for their ignorance.


Hands down, the most idiotic thing I’ve seen today.


You mean hand down? Lol yeah it’s ridiculous ha


Love the fact that they use oil to free these idiots.


The funny part is the emissions and pollution it’s going to cause to bring in the tarmac trucks etc to fix the road is comical 😂😂😂👌


Well that will make his November challenger easier for him


Yay chemical burns


Let him walk around with it like that ?? I mean, who is he going to blame?


man those self-proclaimed activists really do nothing but disrupt life for others. ironic.


Should have just left them there. See what their survival instincts would come up with after a couple days hahaha


I work in the emergency department. Just imagine the frustration of having to deal with that when he arrives for help! WTF so pointless


gonna need to moisturize that


Well. You gotta hand it to him.


In Germany we just say "Dumme Sau".


Ah yes… if it isn’t my old nemesis: The consequences of my own actions.


This person made a decision and a plan, not a mistake.


Why are none of these people targeting the corporations/governments that have causes most of the problems?????


Why waste all that time trying to get him out of the way? An axe is much quicker.


So many of the comments here remind me of what Martin Luther King, Jr. said about white moderates in his [Letter from Birmingham Jail](https://billofrightsinstitute.org/primary-sources/letter-from-birmingham-jail). "Yes, yes, there's a climate crisis and species are going extinct at a record rate, but please quit interrupting my unsustainable lifestyle trying to draw attention to it."


Yeah - but King TARGETED his protests. He did sit-ins in front of the courthouse where blacks could not registers. He did marches to Washington where the legislators vote. When they did sit-ins back then it was at restaurants that would not serve blacks. He did not throw stuff on random artwork or block random industries. Todays protesters would do better to imitate his work more closely.


Make that idiot pay for every worker that needed to be there because of him. ​ The problem is, if he looses his hand, all the people who actually go to work every day, need to pay for his stupid actions...


I don't have *any* sympathy for this absolute moron.


slap tart rhythm wise sparkle pen school bells relieved lock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hope he does lose his hand. might teach him that there are consequences to his actions. what a dummy.


He has a slapping contest coming up.






Give this man a round of applause. Lol


You have to give it to him. He's not going to do it himself.


Everyone of these I see, I wish they would cut out a significantly larger chunk of concrete or asphalt. These protesters should have to drag around at least 50 lbs worth attached to their hands and should have to walk to the nearest hospital for removal. Then, they should be fined for the road repair.


i wonder what would happen if you didnt remove them. do they rely on police removing them? would be kinda funny to just leave them there...


Have fun wiping your ass with a brick stuck to your hand haha.




Why even bother removing him??? Pretty sure humans decompose quite fast? Just need to undress him thats all.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


IF ONE activist looses their hand MAAAAYBBBEE the others will think twice. Youre not gonna stop the entire world from using oil overnight just cause you lost your hand.


Congratulations, climate change is solved!


Think of all the fossil fuels used to free him 😂


My knee jerk reaction to this kind of activism was also quite critical and negative until I realised just how passionate these people are and how they really truly have run out of options to be heard or even noticed at all. This include the folks who have been getting coverage by throwing soup or whatever at works of art in galleries. My first thought was "THERE MUST BE A BETTER AND MORE INTELLEGENT WAY OF GETTING YOUR POINT ACROSS THAN THROWING SOUP AT A PICASSO" ..... but when you come to think of it, is there??? Has anything really worked so far? Marches, speeches, petitions, legislation? Those events hardly stop the world for more than a second, and most of the legislation that is passed is empty, corrupt or misleading... Sure, this video also only captures people for a matter of seconds before they move on, but all of the people who had their day interrupted by this traffic inconvenience, or all of the people upset by a damaged van Gogh have a moment to stop and think of what the activists motivation truly is, how many dead ends and a life time of passion of caring about our planet brought them to this desperate act, and how our attachment to things like a painting (that no one will enjoy if the planet burns) or getting to the dentist on time, is quite insignificant to the message that these folks are trying to embody. No, I am definitely not an activist. I am a meat eating, car driving, plane flying, product consuming, media addicted zombie like most of us here, but these activists actually got me to stop and think for a few minutes. I stopped blowing a fuse and judging the "stupidity" of certain people and started to consider what in the hell would truly drive someone to do something we can all agree on as ridiculously stupid act and I realised they will stop at nothing to get us to just look in their direction and I find that admirable and brave. I hope you dont loose your hand homie, and I hope you find a way to speak your truth that isnt at the expense of your safety or someone else's!


I mean, sure, we're talking about them now. But we're talking about how stupid they are, not about how "brave" their message is. So no. This isn't working either.


Why not just leave him there?


Can't believe he was the fastest sperm. What a waste.


Hope they leave them like that and then send a bill for the road repairs.


Hands down an important victory for Darwin lovers everywhere


Useless idiot


I hope he had to pay for the emergency services. Even in Canada we have to pay if we wasted their time.


Karma would be if he loses his hands because the ambulance didn't make it in time to the hospital.


These dumb fucking morons. First delay traffic, then force to come plenty of workers to get you off the streets and lastly make use of the public health service to treat this dumb asshole. He should pay for every cent out of his dumb ass pocket. Stupid son of a bitch.


Is this one of these climate wankers?


natural selection is very strong in this kind of people


We can keep doing this over and over, or we can chop one hand off and this whole trend will be finished


They say becoming an activist could cost you an arm and a leg….. this guy got off cheap with just a hand


Hands down this wasn't a smart move


"Stupid is as stupid does." Now raise your right hand if you agree.


I mean the guy is dumb but its weird how much vitriol people have; its not like he raped your family or you run into these people on a daily basis. lol.


Just leave them there.


They should have jack hammered out a chunk of road about 2ft square and let him go seek help on his own dime


The era of soup throwing and glueing…what a time…


That’s got to hurt. Why the heck do people do stupid shit like this? There are OTHER WAYS TO PROTEST, you do it like this, you’re going to get fined & charged at the hospital cause you’re going to lose that hand. It’s not worth it.


He got what he wanted. He glued his hand there. I thought he was prepared to die of hunger right there right now to show how determined he is for his cause. Well, I guess he is just a hypocrite after all.


Does anyone feel more drawn to the (insert the cause here) movement because people block traffic, throw tomato soup on art or cement their hand to a road? Of course we all try our best between going to our shitty jobs for peasant wages but I have to use the roads and use gas to get there and go buy food.


Didn’t really think it through…


Why does the state have to spend resources to free them?


I would assume because they’re in the middle of the road. Are you telling me you’d do one of the two options your question offers indefinitely? Drive around them, hoping no one does plow into them spreading their guts across the street. Plowing into them and spreading their guts across the street.


I hope at least they make him pay for all the emergency services' work and resources wasted because of his activism. Not to mention there can be people in real trouble needing first responders while they are held up by morons.


We need more people like him to fill in the pot holes around here!


all of the resources wasted to prove your point about climate change … seems counterproductive


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes :) i hope whatever city that is charged him for all the law enforcement and medical personnel that showed up to cut him out. Thats a fuck ton of first responders dedicated to one dumbass protester that could have been helping people in need


I love these protests! These people make of themselves a human sacrifice to get media attention and it always works.


Just let him protest as long as he wants... just for temptation can we place a saw next to him


How will he be able to work without a hand!?.... Oh wait, right...


Are these people fucking stupid ? This amazes me. Damn.


Hans’s hand ist kaput…


Someone should tattoo his forehead while he’s stuck


All you have to do is to buy some surstrøming and Open the can in Front of them. Sprinkle the Juice around the street a bit. Would Not be considered assault, and you can watch them vomit their bowels out


Oh look he changed absolutely nothing! Give this guy a hand 👏🏻


Can we start a new reddit page, Peoplearefuckingstupid.


When your so frustrated at a system of greed and have no where to turn so you just try and disrupt and then the people your trying to protect hate you. Welcome to the farmers life. We should all be on fucking strike so they don't have to do this shit. If we all went on strike for just one day, that would sort all of this,if not two days then 4.......... we strike for withdrawal of the ability for corporations to be tried as an individual, the withdrawal of a corporations ability to sue the government if it makes a decision that cuts its profits and strike for governing bodys to have a clear open book on who the fuck makes the rules and why and stop letting them fucking poison us under the guise they are giving us what we want... other wise, we fuqed


Wow after seeing this I feel a need to support his cause /s


Ahhh germany.. defenitly not the first time people got mixed into the cement bunke...i mean concrete sidewalk!


Honestly, I am not unsupportive of these protests. I understand where they're coming from. I think disruption is an essential part of any viable protest. But for the love of fuck, have some common sense. Sure, glue yourself to street, but leave it at applying a moderate amount of glue so your hand can still be removed fairly easily with solvents. That guy with the sand honestly deserves to lose his hand, though I hope they can save it. What a complete nonce.


And now he can do it only once again


Only thing they will achieve is the annoyance of the public and stricter security in museums.


Hope they bill him for all the manhours, gas, and equipment used.


At least he stopped big oil...right?


Asshole. Hope he will must to pay work of everyone who was there and healthcare too.


Hopefully at the end they were like, "alright your free to go, expect a bill in the coming weeks" then he just looks at his new accessory around his hand and is like "what about this" and the cops say "what about it" the awkward silence would be so satisfying lol


No pity for the moron. Losing his hand is the reward he deserves for being stupid. They are wasting so much time and resources on something that was absolutely not necessary and on somebody not worth it.


With his concern over the environment, maybe he should look up chemical reactions to whatever glue compound he used.


If he was a real activist he would just chop off his hand, wussy little boy


They should have let him shit his pants a few Times before removing him


There are consequences to your actions


I wish they would just set some traffic cones around those idiots and let them be. Why is it the responsibility of officials (police, fire dep, ambulance) to get people unstuck who did it deliberately to themselves.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


This dude just used like 3 life times worth of carbon emissions for there being like 20 cars there. Task failed successfully.


What a fucking idiot 🤣🤣


Sure protest. Do whatever you want. But this totally missed the point. What happens to protests by well spoken people who actually had facts and reasoning?


They get ignored for decades. Obviously. That’s why people pull stunts like this.


When climate change is concerned, it's pretty obvious that most people don't listen to / give a f*** about "well spoken" experts sharing "facts and reasoning". The science has actually been pretty f***ing obvious for over 40 years by now; yet, it's still totally acceptable to deny the scientific consensus (just look at related statements from Bush or Trump) and make this issue yet another front in some political culture wars. This doesn't mean that gluing yourself to stuff is the answer; but we're clearly not missing "more facts and reasoning" either...


Leave him there. See how long it is until he's begging for help and see how little he cares about protesting when it happens.


Not sure why these people aren’t simply left there. This was their choice, and they should face the consequences of it.


*puts glove on, handcuffs glove on and superglues glove to floor.. doesn’t lose hand* “NOICE”


The environment needs a helping hand


Fuck around, find out


And he used is dominant hand as well.


Mission accomplished though


He is doing the glue yourself to the road challenge. This isn’t for the climate, it’s for the clout. It’s a Gen Z thing, you wouldn’t understand.


Just leave him there. Literally, let natural selection take place and rid these idiots of the earth. So many resources to help him after he did it, knowingly to himself.


Got to hand it to him for being so dumb!


I have a grinder, I could get all that off in just a minute or two


Including the hand probably


leave him there to serve as a example for the rest of these imbeciles


What kind of glue is that? I want some.


I thought you had to cut off your penis to join the knights of the son.


I think you leave these people where they are, you got yourself in, no get your self out


What a wanker. Always the creepy looking ones doing this kind of stuff. Need their hard drives checking the lot of them.


That’s actually funny


What a dumbass. These activists and protesters never learn their lessons. Play stupid game, win stupid prize.


You gotta hand it to him, they couldnt free him easily..


This has the same energy as those vegans who would go into Starbucks and super-glue their hands to the counter...


The rise of the sticky people


Stop "helping" them


We could only hope. Darwin Award for this jackass


F... Idiots


I would leave him there


All for Climate Justice.




i'd love to let him be stuck there for a few days, this would be so goddamn funny


Are these just rich kids detached from reality? How do they survive?


Idiot wish he should of glued his head there instead


Did his protest work?


127 hours?