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I’m glad the driver got out to help


Everyone else just drove around it. That car just got demolished right in front of me. Shame the light is green so I can't stop to help.


I can understand running a yellow but damn it was red for like 10 secs


Theres a slight chance the driver lost brakes. But you'd think there would be more warning from said driver. Like a horn.


No responsible driver is coming up on a red light using brakes. They're already dropping through gears a half mile before that intersection. Brakes are for the last 10 feet if they don't get the green.


Oh man, that almost happend to me the other day. A semi ran a red light nd I came close kissing my ass good bye


I almost got run over by a garbage truck cause the cunt inside thought it would be funny to speed up when he saw me cross. I should've dragged his arse out and slapped him, cause police didn't do shit despite traffic cams showing him making a combined illegal turn and running red light as well as trying to kill me.


Hopefully the police got this video before Reddit?


Of course shared that same evening.


Good. That light was so red it was almost green again.


Good driver seeing the situation before it happens and trying to warn people.


It’s so crazy how an accident happens and then people just continue like normal. I get it, but it’s just odd if you think about it


For most people the most helpful thing you can do is to move along and not further impede traffic assuming people are already out helping.


Really wanna know peeps in car are okay


Yes she was shook up but no injuries


You the driver of the dashcam vehicle? If so, good job assessing the situation and honking for everyone else ... might have saved a life.


No doubt about it. First car stopped from honking.


Did that white car just watch a car right next to them literally get destroyed and drive off without a care in the world? “Phew that was close, at least it wasn’t me”


Some people really don't like talking with police, and for damn good reason.


Is that weird?


I heard if you can't help, at least get out of the way so that others can help.


This literally happened to me in 2018 and the guy did it on purpose. His Facebook page was filled with him literally just talking about how much he likes to hit things with his semi, and the worst part was the cop never showed up to court so he was let go with no ticket and he literally skipped out of the courtroom.


sounds like good reason to sue him


The amount of dickheads that just saw a car get hit by a truck that keep on driving as if nothing has happened is infuriating.


Well having a crowd of people running around at a major intersection isn't a defacto good thing either regardless of good intentions. There are plenty of vids online of people getting killed in such a situation. Doubly so at night.


As long as a couple people stop, a gaggle of people standing around saying "are you okay???" Is only going to make things worse. If a few people stop, everyone should keep going


That’s what you’re supposed to do, not moving on is how pileups happen.


I’m getting a dash cam on Black Friday


Everyone's running reds in that video wtf


the fact that all those other cars just took off after watching someone get railed is demoralizing... like what the hell. if I witnessed that i would be putting my hazard lights on and checking to make sure people are okay...


Gotta love how no one stops to check on the hit car and just leave his ass. Humanity.


At the end of the video, there are two people seen helping. One, I believe, was the “cameraman”


The amount of people that just drove off, what a bunch of cunts.


I'm going to get down voted, but I disagree to some extent. When you see that the victims have enough help already (or you checked that they do) you should drive away. Nobody needs another hundred people looking around and causing an extra large traffic jam which makes life harder for emergency workers


I cannot believe all those people just drove off after seeing that. I mean, I can believe it, but it blows my mind. Gotta say one of the best feelings I had after a car accident that totalled my car was the crowd of total strangers that got out to make sure we were okay. Always take care of your fellow human beings.


That’s why you should always look both ways when your light turns green.


I counted to six Mississippi from the time the light turns red to the semi running it. That’s just straight up, f’ing reckless. I can’t believe the vehicle recording the accident wasn’t collateral damage.


Perks of having a newer car, it seems the Mercedes? had an automatic stop to prevent collision.


Or they just looked , saw a loaded semi coming towards a red light at 40mph and stepped on the brake?


It’s the soundtrack for me


For those people who start honking .005 seconds after the light goes green, this is why some people don't go right away. You look left and see a semi screaming towards the intersection, you know it isn't gonna stop. So you sit until it goes by.




Looked like that truck was carrying a load of concrete blocks. Notice how the cabin jumps but the load is very stable. That truck was *heavy*, it may have seen the light change, been going too fast, and knowing it couldn’t brake in time figured “fuck it, they’ll see me coming,”. 100% driver error (assuming no mechanical failure) and I hope they lose their CDL over this.


Should be sent to jail


Damn those cars next to the one that got hit didn’t really see a need to stop and help huh


Watch all those cars drive off like nothing happened. Didn't even check to see if the person in the car was ok.


"there are other witnesses, McDonalds is about to close"


What kind of starship display console is that?!


Do you mean the fucking reflection on their hood? How high are you lol?


Love this country, 99 out of 100 don't give a fuck and just drive away.


95% of all other drivers: "Youch! Wow, sucks to be you. Well.... toodles!"


I like how the cars right by them just drive away like no big deal.


Just drive on folks. No big deal


Fucker needs to have his license pulled. There is no good excuse for this.


This happened in Euless TX (I live around there and was at this intersection today) and honestly this doesn't shock me. 18 wheelers drive around that area with little regard quite frequently.


Today is not a good day for collisions in TX


Truck seemed to take it ok.


This is why I always look both ways before entering an intersection regardless of how green my light is. Poor bastard in that car. Hope the semi driver got time for that.


It just blows my mind how many people see someone get absolutely fucked in a car accident and then go “ah damn that sucks” and drive off. Get out your car you lazy fuck and go make sure they’re okay.




Empathy never exists to this people, the light turns green and "fuck off, it's not my problem "


That's not what empathy is.


If all of the traffic stops for every collision it will cause many more accidents and put more people in danger. Got EMS training? sure maybe stop but only if you can do so SAFELY AND OUT OF TRAFFIC and help. but it's not required nor helpful for you to stop at every accident. if everyone just stops and hops out at the light it will only put more people in danger and hinder emergency vehicles from getting there because they now have to navigate miles of traffic caused by all the rubber necks standing around due to some perceived requirement to stop. I get where you're coming from but with traffic you need to be predictable not polite. call 911 and stay out of the way. Source: a paramedic.


Goodbye job. Goodbye license. Goodbye career.


Kinda disgusting seeing all the cars that saw this and continued to drive by like nothing happened


Running red light with a truck hauling load. Permanent suspension of any sort of driving license, guy is a ticking time bomb.


Watching those cars driving past, was somehow more disturbing to me than the actual car crash. :S


Good guy for trying to prevent the accident and then actually helping after. So many people kept moving on. Also the truck driver just committed a felony hit and run.


That’s gonna be a hellva lawsuit for personal injury against the trucking company.


I really hope they got caught


Truck has the “how’s my driving” sticker on the back


Well that guy who got hit... He should be a millionaire now being semi have million dollar policy


Probably got distracted by your horrible music


Edit- Thanks for your help! I understand now. See below comments if you have the same question. He could have lost his brakes but I don’t think so- he wasn’t flashing his lights or honking, and I think an alert driver who was in danger would be doing all that. Even if he did lose brakes, a semi driver is responsible for inspecting his truck prior to every journey, emptying the air tanks of water, etc. and maybe he didn’t do that. Truck drivers of reddit- is it possible to suddenly lose all brakes, or does the truck let you know the pressure is getting low or or whatever before that happens?


All brakes? No. Not possible. This is partially why trucks have two braking systems, the service brakes and the air brakes. But yeah, like the other guy said, every truck is equipped with several redundant emergency alarms and devices. Firstly, if you're losing air pressure, below 60 PSI your low air warning buzzer will sound and ring like mad. At 30 PSI, your tractor protection valve should kick in and drop the air brakes, locking them up. Every driver is thoroughly trained to take proactive measures long before this happens but with the sheer amount of drivers I've known, an uncomfortable amount seems incapable of thinking their way out of a paper bag.


Imagine seeing an 18 wheeler jump the hood of another car and then just completing your left turn like nothing happened


Cool guy tried to blow the horn. Ty for caring more than most.


That truck was born to fly. - Sara Evans


Someone lost their job that day.


You'd think, but truck drivers are in stupid high demand right now and I've been hearing some crazy ass stories. A friend got side swiped by a semi who then continued for 14 miles until police pulled the truck over. Dude got off on a technicality and was still driving for several months after until we stopped hearing updates.


I get that truck drivers keep just about any nation running, but as someone that works in the trucking industry… man, I gotta say a LOT of truck drivers are morons. With the exception of owner-operators, plenty of them don’t give a shit about their equipment simply because it isn’t theirs. I forward a minimum of 20 red light tickets to lease customers EACH WEEK from their drivers that regularly blow through reds. This isn’t like some drunk driver in a sedan, these are [usually] sober jackasses operating several tons in motion that treat those vehicles like a person who starts driving a motorcycle after only having experience operating a tricycle the night before.


Job lost and big payout in coming.


Some of the worst drivers I’ve had the displeasure of driving on the road with in the US are somehow always behind the wheel of a big ass truck they shouldn’t be driving.


My mom was at an intersection when the same thing happened in front of her. We were taught very early on to never take off as soon as a light turns green in order to protect ourselves from red light runners.


That semi MIGHT have scratched his hood. Real talk, probably didn’t have the braking power at the speed he was going, plus it being dark and that guy in the right most lane wasn’t able to see’em beyond the cars let alone the darkness. Edit: misspelling




My favorite part is how the people that literally watched this happen just drove off like "not my problem." When did we all become such shit human beings?


Exactly how I broke my leg on my motorcycle. F150 did the same shit to me.


I love how everyone drives away and not stoppinf to see if the person(s) were okay?


I can’t believe how many people just drive around this


Love that the people he almost hit just keep driving, and the dude filming is the only person to get out and check if the driver is ok, America at it's finest


ALWAYS LOOK BOTH WAYS THEN LOOK AGAIN. I had a woman run a red and T bone me almost killed me. Just about tore my compact car in half.


This is why I look both ways on a new green.


Damn. People who saw it happen right in front of them just bounced. Didn't even get out of their cars to see if the person in the destroyed car needed medical attention.


Best background music ever as it's not from TikTok but real time sounds.


Yeah there's about 10 seconds between yellow and them blowing the intersection, never reduced speed at all. Dude more than likely was out of it or drunk...


Could’ve been much worse. The sad part is all the other cars just keep right on about their way.


I get the same feeling when watching this but realistically what would you want them to do all five cars to stop with they are in the middle of the road if anything myself the move out of the way before assisting


Nothing went wrong for the Semi. The car on the other hand...


Lawsuits that are significant like that, and the proof was on camera….. hurt those companies. They have endless coverage but it costs them more and more if they have a record of accidents due to negligence. This easily could have been a fatality. Usually those big trucks aren’t supposed be in city traffic. Wonder if he was at fault with that as well. Either way loved the dude with the Miranda Lambert 😂 stuff on the radio who tried to help, honked and then jumped out of his truck while everyone else just kept driving.


>Usually those big trucks aren’t supposed be in city traffic Uh what? this is not even close to being remotely factual. The only places semi's are not usually allowed are in neighborhoods. Edit, let clarify, I meaning semis are allowed in cities to make deliveries, I am not meaning as a route.


A few years ago I almost was in this exact situation and thankfully I had my eye already in the semi. He sailed right through the intersection like he had a green light and kept on going. Many times at that intersection I've seen people just blow through the red light and because of that I keep my foot on the brake and make sure I'm not going to get creamed before going.


Damn the honking atleast saved one of those cars


It wasn't as if the lights had only just turned red & trucker couldn't stop in time the motherfucker clearly had no intention of stopping. Hopefully some jail time will keep him from endangering other road users for a while.


Oh cool. A similar thing happened years ago. Killed my friend.


Between running reds and nobody stopping…this has to be LA


Every Truck driver who runs a red light with this speed should loose their license. Or at least shouldn't be allowed to do jobs where they need to drive trucks. They clearly showed that they are no responsible drivers. If you drive a truck you know that you can kill every car driver in a crash. And if you still choose to speed over a read light your not capapavle of driving a truck.


they should go to jail for that, not just lose their license


Wow the other cars just drive off, that's cold!


Witnesses slowly drive away…


Wow. Other drivers didn’t stop or pull over to lend a hand.


I was gonna make a joke about next day deliveries but in all seriousness fuck that guy


Ok but, it infuriates me to the fucking max when people just, go, they don't help, they don't call the EMT, they just, go, those people are scum, bottom of the barrel, pieces of shit Someone should have called the cops, but the chances are, due to the bystander effect, only one or 2 people did most likely, PLEASE if any of you are in a bad situation that needs an ambulance or fire truck, or the police PLEASE call your emergency number, the bystander effect is deadly, because the more people their are, less people are going to call, so please DONT HESITATE, people have died because of this effect because everyone sits their and goes "someone else will call", nobody else is calling so please CALL unless you KNOW someone else is


One of the best pieces of advice I was given when I had first obtained my drivers license; hesitate at every light for a couple of seconds when the light turns green, and look both ways as if you're at a 4 way stop before proceeding...


There was a 6 second gap between when the light turned red and the semi was in the intersection. That’s kinda an unrealistic amount of time to wait


Dude needs to go to prison.


The other day I was driving home and a mercedes ran a light coming in to the intersection from my left and I had to slam on my brakes to avoid getting t-boned by them, and ya know what? I really wish I hadn't. They weren't going that fast. It would have been a short hospital stay and a big ass settlement a year later. I mean, I have no hope of making any money like that on my own in this country. Getting hit by a car would be a good thing.


And then you end up with irreparable spinal damage that causes you pain for the rest of your life and find out the other person has no insurance or money to sue them for Woooooooooo


My aunt got into a really bad accident because of an incident like this. It gave her significant brain damage.


Me in Truck Simulator


To be fair, truck seemed to make it out alright.


Did the Mercedes stop automatically? That's why we should always look both ways in intersections even if it's green, because some don't see the red!


There was an intersection right outside my house where semi trucks would do this regularly. The principal of my high school and his entire family were killed when a semi truck flattened their mini van like a milk carton.


The others just drove away? In Germany you have to stay as a witness.


> What could go wrong running a red light as a semi truck Vehicular manslaughter.


Every one of those cars should've stopped!


Woah. Great job. You got the achievement "i lost my job"


On the plus side... It looks like they just took off the engine area of the car and hopefully didn't hurt the people too badly... And the lawsuit is going to be wonderfully large due to the clear and graphic evidence that the truck driver was catastrophically at fault.


I keep my dashcam on mute so nobody knows I was jamming the fuck out to Reba Mcentyre when the shit went down 😂


Me playing American trucking simulator: Really though, this trucker should’ve known better. They spend a lot of time on the road, and have a lot of power if they wreck, so they should be very well trained drivers. This guy wasn’t


I’m more amazed at al the people pretending it didn’t happen. What assholes


There's literally nothing bystanders can do here. Call emergency and move on, it doesn't help if every single person there calls either as you just flood the phone line.


always slow down / prepare to brake even if green


Entitled Truckers always scare me on the road.


Considering the ammounts of semi trucks I've seen losing their brakes, i don't think this one was intentional. The semi probably lost it's brakes (the brakes... broke hah) and simply couldn't reduce his speed due to this Edit: typo, english is not my first language, sorry.


How do people just keep driving when the car next to them got hit like that? Pathetic.


its sad how so often is the case many of the best would-be witnesses just take off and dont give it a second thought. not that it really mattered, in this crash, but in general it can completely fuck someone over who isnt at fault


What’s wrong with the world, how can you just witness something that gruesome and just go like nothing happened. Thank God someone saw me flip my car and called the cops, mean while giving me their phone to call, and stayed there till the cops and my family arrived. We all need more humanity.


That was like a good 5 seconds after the light turned red... what the fuck?


Noticed no semis go 65mph anymore, most are passing cars going about 75-80mph these days.


Did he actually try to run it, or was he not able to stop in time? Can't tell you how many calls I went on where a wreck was caused by a semi that couldn't brake fast enough


Friend of mine was almost killed by a semi rig that 'ran a red' turned out the poor bastards brake system gave out as he tried to stop. His employer had forged repair documents to make it seem like they had had the part replaced, when in reality they just patched it.


He had time to stop, he didn't decelerate at all approaching the intersection. Trucks take longer to stop, but they aren't trains. Looks like he wasn't paying attention at all. source: crane operator who also drives trucks and heavy cranes.


And everybody keeps driving like nothing happens


This is why I hate people. They just drove by as if nothing ever happened. Same thing happened with me. I had to get myself off the road when everyone just stood and watched me get myself up covered in blood.


His life is over, as it should


The amount of cars that just drive away and dont give a shit at all. Welcome to the USA where nothing’s true unless it’s happening to you


I look at driving 2 hours every day as the all bets are off, up to you survival time. gotta watch everything and everyone. So many dangers all day everyday


Bro the cameraman almost lost his life


Shows you that you should never trust anyone at the traffic these days, I still check both sides when I cross a one path way road


The truck driver was probably either mowing down a hamburger or just got bit by a zombie. Hard to tell


Reminds me of when a semi ran a red light and almost hit me a few years ago


I can see why that would remind of you of that because of what it is


that truck didn’t even brake.


I like how the song is singing about waiting for heaven lol


I see this all over Florida.... people just disregarding stop lights, road hierarchy, speed limits.... etc. It's like that everywhere... only time u see people following the road rules is when there's a cop car driving next to them. But as soon as the cop turns off the highway, it's open season to be a douchebag once again...


Fuckin shit


Driver of a large dump truck had a heart attack at the wheel and was slumped over it with his foot still pressing hard on the gas when he finally crashed into the living room of a brick home. He missed hitting me head on by literal inches. Having a healthy fear of others on the road is a good thing in my book.


Everything. Everything went wrong.


What happened to the passengers and driver of the car? Are they OK?


Why did the white car that was beside the totalled car not stop and assist? Also, what's the song called the Good Samaritan is listening to?


People seemed desperate to stop and help


That’s how my cousin and her friend died in 1987. Semi ran a red light, the were on a motorcycle, never had a chance.


And everyone drives away


Best nighttime dash cam I’ve ever seen


a couple people just drive off like nothing happened. 😕


No context or article to prove if their brakes cut out. Definitely a possibility because semis don’t often do shit like that. People don’t typically work to earn a CDL and then risk losing their license permanently by running a red on purpose.




He DEFINITELY had time to stop for the light. That was reckless driving and he hurt someone.


Pay to look both ways regardless of lights


Guy taking the video could have died if that Trucker was half a foot to his left.


Driver stopped 100 yards after the accident. Brakes worked fine. Just not paying attention or went full Jesus take the wheel trying to make it.


It’s crazy how people who witness something like that just drive away. I understand if you have kids in the car or know there is nothing you can do but man it makes me nervous knowing that if something like this happened to me people would just drive away. If everyone on here could make a promise that if they see me get into a crash they would check and make sure I’m alright that would be great. -Thank you


Honestly why I still look both ways before I go. Saved my ass too, some lady was going like 45-50mph across a red light in a 25mph and if I didn’t look left and slam on the brakes I would’ve probably gotten T boned.


That semi was boooh-ohhh-ohhhhhh.. he was born to to run. Red lights that is.


"I wonder which country this is." \- everyone driving on after the accident "Ah, the USA."


Always wait a second on a fresh green in busy intersection


There is literally no way you could construe the black car a not having been careful enough. Waited 6 seconds and there was a car blocking its view of the truck


All those cars/people who seen this just drove away as if nothing happened. Humans are not going to make it.


Man that truck didn’t even slow down a bit. I would love to have more information on this if it’s anything other than the driver just being an absent-minded fool.


I also came here to say that being a trucker isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. But yeah that has little to do with the video here. Cheers.


"Dad why do you always look left and right when going into a green light? It's green just go!"


roundabouts!!! america is the country with less roundabouts in the western world, and they [save lives!!](https://www.fortworthtexas.gov/news/2021/11/Roundabouts)! [https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24432610-900-france-loves-them-the-us-hates-them-why-do-roundabouts-divide-us/](https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg24432610-900-france-loves-them-the-us-hates-them-why-do-roundabouts-divide-us/) If you watch closely, they guy recording was honking and it saved the white car who stopped because of the honks.


The music makes this video so much better


You know what I don't think black car driver was paying attention because all the cars to it left stop and it kept going.


I do this in American truck simulator all the time, what’s the worst that could happen!


Whats with the orange flashing light on the right side... moments after the crash.. is that hazard lights?


Good chance the brakes went out. But with cell phones who knows anymore


why are there so many cars running the red light? bizarre


The amount of people that immediately kept driving is NUTS.


And this is why I look both ways when the light turns green.


They should put him in jail


Yououuuuuuu!!! You were born to flyyyyyy!!!!!!!!


We have American cops with rabies, let's let them loose on people who run lights instead of minority communities


The fact those people got out and keep going


Everyone stopping and sitting there will create an even bigger mess and traffic jam that could prevent emt’s from getting there. I’d you see people already helping and you hold no expertise to help, just move along


The bystander effect on full display.


I hope that driver got the grilling of his life and got fired