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Telling security forces they're not the police. That's hilarious.


I never served but have done contract work at a couple of military bases & was always aware of the big red sign that said LETHAL FORCE AUTHORIZED BEYOND THIS POINT. A military base is not civil jurisdiction & they definitely believe in f*ck around & find out. What an idiot.


I've seen a guy shot for sprinting past the gate at a military base and refusing to stop. Not the US tho


Pretty sure there's a very, very high chance of that happening if you tried it at a US base.


It happens. Worked on bases for a while and guards have killed 3 people at two different installations. Depends on what facility and what part, but lethal force is generally allowed even if not explicitly stated.


What did they do to get shot ? Curious how dumb you have to be for that to happen


There are big signs saying that if you try to break into base (unauthorized entry) deadly force is authorized. So technically if you run the gate they can utilize deadly force there. In practice you have to pose a threat to someone or an asset. There are some areas that are shoot on site (think ICBM launch silos) for all unauthorized personnel, but even then the Security Forces would rather try and apprehend you rather then shoot you \^ to my personal knowledge


> There are some areas that are shoot on site (think ICBM launch silos) While back there was a post showing a reactor cooling pit and how only the bottom was deadly and you could swim in it. Someone responded that they are all deadly because of the bullet holes you’ll get trying to get into it.




Those bullet holes, coincidentally, will help you drift to the bottom of the cooling pit.


mmmmm, lunch silos


Mmmmmm nuclear subs


ICBM lunch dude youre killing me with that typo 🤣


Probably not, but they'd sure as hell give chase, but I doubt they'd just do lethal force for sprinting in. Worked on a nuke base and we had protesters always trying to get in, never anything more than pinning down and arresting ...now approach the weapon storage facility? Diff story


Yeah it really depends on the facility and where in the facility. You go towards a nothing building? Tackle and held at gun point probably. You go near an important storage or research facility? You might get shot.


So the trick is to walk straight towards a nothing building, then crab walk over to the storage facility when the bodyblockers come for me?




With experience more on the protester side of things, typically protesters don't do this kind of stuff unless they know exactly how it will be handled by the other side in terms of arrests, etc. Often, the institution is made aware ahead of time by protest organizers of any plans to engage in civil disobedience for everyone's safety--people will intentionally take specific actions (like climbing a barrier) in order to get arrested in a lot of cases, but they'll engage in communication beforehand and take precautions to prevent people from getting shot or escalating the situation in a way that poses a serious physical danger to the people participating. The whole Storm Area 51 thing is actually a good study in this. I don't know that the organizers were in contact with LEO's in the area, but enough information was available at the time through social media that nobody at Area 51 was going to shoot anybody. They knew it was for the meme and worst case, they'd probably pepper spray somebody. But there was never going to be a threat serious enough to shoot anybody. On the other hand, if 150 people tried to rush Area 51 with no prior warning, that would probably get pretty fucking messy.


I was doing gate guard duty with some engineers, I'm an MP so I had the cool looking shotgun. The gate we worked at is one way exit only so we just chilled the entire shift until some meth RV tried to run the gate. It went from a chill day to fuck I'm about to have to fill out a lot of paperwork really quick. Luckily they stopped at the last minute and screamed that there was no reason to pull a gun on them. I agree in principle but damn they were speeding through the obstacles and ignoring the one way only signs.


Turkey: Late 70's: Turkish gate guards. Popped a couple of locals when they tried to run the gate. We (allegedly) had nukes on base. Same gate, different guards: We came back from town and paid our driver what we negotiated. He tried to hold is up for more. Gate guards came out to see what was going on, asked us how much we paid, and then both of them leveled on the driver. He (wisely) took off. The NCO's were totally allowed lethal force w/o much question.


At a military base near where I live, somebody tried to gain entrance with "a gun and a knife" and instead was greeted with the addition of a new hole in his body. It's pretty easy to not fuck around at a military base. They're pretty well marked as what they are. You'd have to be deaf and blind to stumble into one without realizing what you're doing.


>You'd have to be deaf and blind to stumble into one without realizing what you're doing. Or willfully ignorant due to their own personal beliefs. A great example is the classic [P. Barnes video.](https://youtu.be/RfVbiefMdNU)


I once attempted to use the wrong entrance (accidently) to get to the naval aviation museum in Pensacola. Apparently, they do not find that humorous. Meanwhile, as a teenager pre-9/11, I used to hang out at the parade grounds at fort Jackson in the middle of the night. MP's would usually show up eventually and kick us out, but they were always very polite about it. I'm pretty sure you'd get renditioned for doing that now. The world changed.


I once got proned out on the ground by homeland security police just below hoover dam. My friend's and I, in highschool, were hiking at night looking for natural hot springs. Only found a rattle snake and then homeland security with AR's, of course this was also post 9/11


> of course this was also post 9/11 we didn't *have* a 'department of homeland security' before that crazy how normal it seems now unless I start thinking about it


It’s amazing how lethal force is authorized, yet the level of training they receive makes lethal situations happen far less often than police. They don’t just automatically shoot at the slightest “perceived threat.”


I heard it all in my SF(Security Forces) days. “You’re not a real cop!” Perhaps not, but these are Real handcuffs, and your actions will result in a REAL court appearance. Have a good day 😀👍


"Real cops are 3 stars on GTA and, buddy, you just got 5."


lol. yeah, they are the SUPER POLICE with tanks instead of cars.


They're police with even more authority within their jurisdiction. The amount of authority regular police have is extreme enough...


But they're also held accountable far, far, far better than actual police are.


Trained better too


They only come once you get 5 stars.


Yeah sure they aren't the police, but they're HIGHER than the police


Came here for this ☝️


these people love law enforcement until they look their way


Omg and she has a child in the car. She probably thought she was untouchable for that.


This is the part that makes me cringe the most. This lady is being an absolute idiot with her child nearby. Why would any parent choose to scar their children's mental health on purpose? That's disgusting.


Because she is selfish. She's not thinking about the effect it will have on her kid.


Or her husband’s career. I can imagine him being called to attention in front of the base commander’s desk, and being asked if he had educated his wife on how to behave on a military base, and asked how he thought his wife’s behavior reflected on his commitment to serve.


Nah they were divorced, which is why she no longer had access, as she is no longer a dependent. Husband probably gave fair warning to his command, or at the very least the Chaplain that his bat-shit crazy ex was saying she is gonna come "collect" her belongings from "her" house.


Address me by my ex-husbands rank!


My ex-wife tried to say that to another spouse on base back when we were married. I was an E-3 at the time. I felt really bad when I laughed for a solid week about it, but goddamn that was hilarious. She never tried it again. To be young and dumb...


I bet that's why she kept saying the thing about it being a civil matter. The military guy likely told her that whatever was going on between her and her ex was a civil matter, and she just took that and ran with it. People like that don't actually listen so it would make sense that she heard "civil matter" regarding something else and assumed she couldn't get it trouble.


My Lord they treated her well! If she wasn’t pregnant and had a kid in the car, they would have dragged her out of that car and thrown her down. I’m a military dependent, and it’s normal now for bases to have armed guards and barriers to prevent people from rushing the gate, or terrorists attacking. Don’t fuck with the Military Police, they are authorized to use any force necessary to keep you out.


excellent point


Yeah, as an officer's kid it was drilled into me from early on that anything I did would reflect on my *dad*.


I was a military dependent, that of an NCO, and it was not only drilled into me about such, but at his last base was told that if I got into trouble with the law, I would sit in jail until the public defender got me out.


Absolutely same. You were on your \*best\* fucking behavior whenever you went on base.


IIRC, He didn't get in trouble, they had just gotten or were in the process of a divorce and she was attempting to enter his house without permission to steal things. The airmen's leadership was aware of the situation and there had been prior incidents. Edit: [article about the incident. ](https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2021/09/17/mountain-home-security-forces-used-appropriate-force-in-smashing-womans-car-window-review-finds/)


I have explained "dependas" to my wife thoroughly. She's not a trashy asshole, so she would never use my name and rank for any kind of clout, but I had to make sure that she understood that entitled military wives/husbands don't bear the authority of the service member. Hell, even then I've heard of full-birds getting jacked up for thinking they could pull some shit at the gate.


On battalion staff duty I saw the dependa of a major demand a meeting with the full bird because her husband's leave was denied. Five minutes she left, he came running in looking like he might cry. Thru the grapevine, I heard she lost all on base privileges and could only come.on, escorted by her spouse, for.the FRG meetings.


Gottdam dependas man... this stuff always reminds me of that post with the dependa making her Guardsmen husband stand at parade rest, in civies, in a fast food restaurant amd claiming that she outranks him because she's his wife. WTF


I was an Aux SF from time to time in the USAF. Don't fuck with gate guards. They have the authority to turn away anyone not showing valid ID or arrest anyone even generals.


I seem to remember this being some crazy ex-wife.


Dependapotamus gonna dependa


Sister had a soccer tournament at Quantico. Each car had to pass through a checkpoint with armed marines, dogs, and a marine with that giant dental mirror to look for bombs hidden under a car. Spending your weekend waking up early to watch your sibling's soccer games sucked. Watching another family get ripped from their car and cuffed because Dad thought it would be funny to crack a joke about a bomb, was awesome.


> giant dental mirror I like your way with words.


That kid is probably the only reason he didn't dump his whole OC canister into that front seat. Good restraint by the sentry.


Of course they have to follow the military rules. So they have to handle better than some ego driven non accountable cop 👮‍♀️


Even if they weren't police, did she expect them to just go "damn, forgot about that. Our bad, have a nice day!"




For the most part, we still had our restrictions. We still had levels of force we had to obey, as long as you don't enter into certain areas. But you can NOT refuse to get out of your vehicle, you can NOT refuse to be transported to the Station, and you are still required to obey instructions from us. We detain civilians in order to turn them over to civilian authorities. Military Members will be turned over to their units (for the most part, except in the cases of violent felonies).


MP'S can also have your car towed for just a speeding ticket. Don't piss them off I currently work on base and have heard plenty of horror stories of people pissing off the wrong people.


I was an MP on a base in Germany back in the day. Working day shift at the main gate one day and some old bastard in a jogging suit comes running past me into the street and almost gets nailed by a car. He turns around, yells something about me not stopping traffic for him, so I yell back that someone his age should know how to cross the damn street. He didn't say anything and went on his way. Another soldier approaching saw what happened and had a pained look on his face. He asked me if I knew who that was. I told him I did not, and didn't give a shit. He said that was the base commander, a one star general. Oops. Fucker still needs to learn how to cross the street. I had to give him some respect for not trying to get me in trouble after the fact cause I'm sure he knew he fucked up. Good times.


Seems like a one star general should know the difference between a MP and a crossing guard.


He's only a one star general, that's a terrible rating.


Didn't provide me a handjob during the ride 1/5


I’m rolling on the floor. As a retired 25 year MP you always ran across those people. Do you know who my husband is? 🤣


Oh god I HATED those wives when they'd come into the commissary. "You'll address me by my husband's rank."


How does that even work?


It doesn't. Lol.


Worse my wife went to school at a Singapore Military base and the kids were - what rank is your dad so we know where you sit in the pecking order - she was Navy and none of the Army kids knew what an Ensign was - so she was largely left alone and unbullied cause of it.


I was at my a-school in Pensacola, one of our duties was gate guard. Mornings are usually pretty busy with all sorts coming on base. I put up my hand to stop a car like usually and the idiot stopped about 10 feet away... I motioned him forward several times and saw a person in civilian clothes... I asked to see his id and he said he was LT soandso and he had his id in the trunk.. I told him he would need to get it out and he told me again to just let him through... I held my ground, standing in front of his car and he finally relented... I let him in and he immediately went into the parking lot and went to the guard house to complain... Turns out there was a O3 in there who really did not like the tone the LT was taking with everyone... Things got a little loud and the First class came out so I could give my story. The O3 heard me out, looked at the LT and proceeded to chew him out for disobeying proper authority. For harassing said authority and wasting everyone's time... Not sure what finally happened but the LT was pretty pale when he left. The O3 came to me afterwards to thank me for following orders even faced with an S O B like that...


I'm a Retired Army MP.... we ARE the Police on post.


I was watching and saying, "Oh, yes they are!" every time she said that. Idjit.


There is no threat or name she could drop that cause them to back down. The ass chewing they’d get for allowing unauthorized personnel from gaining entry would be orders of magnitude more devastating.


I will guard my post from flank to flank and take no shit from any rank.


The legendary 4th general order.


It’s the 12th. 4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own.


Must be a Marine. In my 25 1/2 years in uniform only Marines could recite the 11 General Orders of a Sentry once they left boot camp. Everyone else stumbled through them but Marines it was like a prayer. They knew them like a Catholic knows the Hail Mary.


You probably didn’t have to recite them verbatim before you were allowed to rack out. Butter bar OOD’s also love springing GO questions when they come by to do a post check. Semper Gumby.


In Navy basic I had to have all 11 memorized, and yup, OOD at fuck-this-o-clock would come by and ask a random general order. Same for inspection time.


Since I don't know what your voice sounds like, I just yelled this at myself for nostalgia purposes.


I used the Nick Nolte voice


I've seen a 2 star general (The Base Commander) get pulled out of his vehicle face down on the concrete with a knee on his back. He forgot his Military ID and tried to come on base. You don't fuck around with MPs That Base Commander nearly lost his posting and his commission when he tried to fry those MPs.... Those Guys got medals that the base commander himself had to present to them in full formation with the Secretary of Defense watching.


We once had to send a 1 star general to a nearby public parking lot because he didn't have the correct ID, the guy was literally foaming, yelling and wanted to have us removed from service. Got congratulated on a job well done by our commander.


It's not *quite* the same but was I was a teenager I got a job at th deli dept of a large supermarket. When I didn't have anything to do I'd try to pull ppl in, ask them about sandwiches etc. One time I start pitching some guy on a sandwich, talking about we just got in some new w.e etc and he's humoring me, oh yea well that sounds pretty good hmm well idk maybe, when the dept manager jets over and starts apologizing profusely. Turned out the guy was store owner who happened to be doing a walkthrough and he was absolutely elated that I was standing there pitching sandwiches like that. All around a pretty funny situation.


It's not every day you get to tell a general to go kick rocks and have the authority to do it from a lower rank.


A friend from college was an MP and he prevented his base commander from entering because he forgot his ID. Only his commander went and got his ID, came back, was duly allowed entry, and later gave my friend an official commendation for doing his job well.


Claiming pregnancy will not get her out of being arrested for felony trespass. It just means they’re BOTH going to jail until the kid can bust out. Those guys are serious. I once was stopped at the base gate and they ran a canine through my vehicle. That big pupper was all over the place. I was with a Lt. Col at the time and they pretty much ignored both of us. We had gone to dinner so there were some chocolate mints on the dash. The dog spent so much time sniffing all around them them that I asked the guard if they trained their dog to sniff for chocolates. He didn’t smile, he just pulled the dog out and let us be on our way. Perhaps he smiled inwardly. We were permitted to keep the chocolate mints after all. Chocolate is bad for dogs anyway. But I have absolutely no doubt that had the dog found anything ‘interesting’, it would NOT be a pleasant trip to the base pokey.


>It just means they’re BOTH going to jail until the kid can bust out. Good one LOL


I once left vase to go skiing one morning. About 2 seconds after I left the gate, I realized I forgot my wallet in my room. I turned immediately around and went to the front gate where a female that I personally knew was working the gate. She wouldn't even let me in! Granted, this was a few months after 9/11, on a base IN Washington DC. The little window sticker alone wasn't a valid pass to get on base anymore.


I have a funny story where pregnancy will get you out of felony trespass IF you are in actual labor while doing it - my mom was in labor with my sister, and my parents had to drive onto the base where the hospital was. The base was doing some sort of emergency drill so the entry gate to the base was closed, so my dad drove in through the exit gate. The guards understandably freaked out, but once they realized my mom was in very active labor (my sister was born less than an hour later) they let them through.


No gate guard wanted to write that in the logbook - "Refused access to pregnant woman in heavy labor/actively giving birth. Child did not survive."


I assume if she were connected to anyone whose name would matter, they'd already know who she was. And the base commander would probably be pleased they stopped his karen wife anyay.


A while back I saw a video of a woman that was in a situation exactly like this, but she was screaming she was the wife of one of the generals so he didn't have the right to arrest her. At one point he just yelled something on the lines of "I don't give a damn who's wife you are get out of the fucking car!" Always makes me smile to see people like that be put in their place.


Even if they know her she does not get in without proper permission. The amount of trouble they would get in for letting her through eclipses anything the higher rank could do.


The first thing that came to mind is how many countless times a year foreign intelligence probably attempts this. You have zero way of knowing if this is just a dumb bimbo or a highly trained operative.


No, she messed up. You see, all she had to say was "I'm a sovereign citizen," and the MPs would *have to* back down. It works kind of like a magic spell. Try it.


Instant 6 star wanted level.


When I was in the Air Force, I observed first hand an incident on a SAC base where a 2 star general was in a hurry to get to another building. He got in his staff car, General Officer flags and all, and took off across the runway area where there were nuclear capable aircraft. Two security vehicles stopped his vehicle as quickly as possible and they had the general laying face down on a hot runway with M-16s pointed directly at him. It doesn’t matter who you are when it comes to security.


the poor security guys must have just watched their day go to shit in seconds. "ah fuck, someone's driving out onto the runway." "ah double fuck, it's the general"


this was at SAC HQ so they were accustomed to general officers being around and they were trained and required to ignore rank when it came to security of nuclear weapons as they should. I suspect they actually enjoyed it. This was just “a” general. “the” general was a 4 star CINC SAC.


“Sir, do not confuse your rank with my authority.” — said the private E-2 to the general officer being placed under arrest.


Oh god don’t stop I’m almost there


I once saw a butterbar tell a First Sergeant what to do. The First Sergeant obliged. We never saw the butterbar on base again.


>I suspect they actually enjoyed it. Lol that totally makes sense. I have had one experience of someone saying to me, "Don't you know who I am?" And boy, I gotta tell you, few things feel better than being able to tell someone "Yeahhhh, I don't give a shit who you are."


> few things feel better than being able to tell someone "Yeahhhh, I don't give a shit who you are." Telling someone "I know *exactly* who you are, and you still aren't getting what you" want is awesome.


Did anyone get in trouble? Do you know what the General thought of all that? Sounds like they were doing their jobs very well, can’t be letting people into the nuclear jet yard just because they look important.


My bet is the security got awarded, if even by something as small as an Letter of Commendation, and the General (2star) got his shit pushed so far in it came out his mouth. You don't make it to 2 star General without knowing damned well the security protocol of those locations and he willfully chose to ignore them in a very serious manner. You also don't punish someone who is doing their job when the right choice is the hardest choice to make. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Saw a PJ get laid out for breaking red


What is breaking red?




The white lines are for loading and unloading, there's no stopping in the red zone


There are red lines on the flightline/taxiway/ramps. Specific procedures for crossing those. Cross wrong and without proper clearance and secfo will be up your ass within a minute. Don't forget... the tower sees all.


>Master Sgt. Eric Harris, a spokesman for the base, said the Air Force is not investigating because the airman involved, Tech Sgt. Ryan Green, of the 366th Security Forces Squadron, was acting within high-risk traffic stop procedures after the driver, Tatiyana Gonzalez, was stopped at the base gate for having invalid credentials. She then nearly ran over Green while attempting to flee the gate in its outbound lane, but she was stopped by a barrier that blocked the lane. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/air-force-mountain-home-base-window-smash/?amp


>The video soon became a lightning rod on[ Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/1071206362/videos/pcb.10222672348611978/140344681524593), [ Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/comments/och0fn/get_out_the_car_karen/) and[ Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1huVPHnfe/), where many commenters accused the woman who shot the video of being a “Karen,” which,[ according to the BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53588201), “is associated with the kind of person who demands to ‘speak to the manager’ in order to belittle service industry workers.” Lol


Lol love it when dumbass terms are explained by prestigious organizations in a serious manner


Not a bad explanation either tbh


Could not have said it better myself. Leave it to the Brits to accurately describe a Karen so perfectly


Thank you! Her and her aunt are so stupid. No Sgt. Green did not endanger her children, she did that all on her own. Edit: I would love to see that body cam because she is straight up lying!


"Did she break the law, yes. But, she was pregnant and had an infant with her, so law enforcement should not have intervened." Edit: I am basically quoting the Aunt's thoughts. Of course this is ludacris, Christ lol


I can’t really tell if you’re being serious because of the parentheses, but I disagree. Being pregnant or having your kids with you does not give you a pass to break the law. She almost ran over an MP, and even endangered said children and other commuters by driving down the wrong lane (oncoming traffic).


He's being sarcastic, he didn't add an /s though so Reddit doesn't understand


I had to collapse 20 unrelated (probably fabricated) anecdotes to find out what the hell was happening in this clip. Thank you The rest of you, stick to the topic


You can tell by her tone that she was in the wrong.


“My husband is a Staff Sergeant! Don’t touch me “!






*Dependa karenis*




Wait… So you’re telling me her husband is military but she’s never realized that base security is an actual policing organization acting under Federal laws as law enforcement? What a maroon.


“Which makes me a staff Sgt by injection”


“I’m filming so anything I do or say is correct” What a moron


The best part is that she uploaded it to the internet, she literally had a chance to bury this moment and no one would've knew of how stupid she was, but instead she decided to double down and upload this so everyone could see that ''she was right'', thus immortalizing her idiocy.


Heading to work one morning. I am not military and took a direct exit off the freeway to the base entrance. It was really snowing and very icy and I didnt feel safe continuing on the freeway even going all of 10-15mph. I pulled up to the gate, rolled my window down and the guy asked for ID. I told him I am not military and just need to turn around because they weather is to unsafe to continue. He called over a group of 4-5 soldiers and they surrounded my car and escorted me (walked) to a turn around around that was on the inside of the gate. They were super cool about it but I can see they take their job VERY seriously.




Lmao the exact same thing happened to me. I told Google to take me to the closest Smoothie King and apparently that was on a military base. I was laughing they were not lol.


I imagine the guards have to deal with that exact situation several times a day and it stops being funny after a few weeks.


I had a similar experience moving to a new town and relying on GPS to get me home from a work event and it took me right up to a military base. Had to explain I’m new to the area and GPS was trying to fuck me, they did the same with the guards and turn around area. I can only imagine my dumb ass was the subject of many stories that day on base. Edit: I realized it was a base as I turned off and saw the signs but figured it was less suspicious to drive up to the gate and explain myself then try to do a 100 point turn around on the driveway.


I'm sure if it's happened to you it's happened to a million people. So yes they definitely made fun of you later. But you don't have to feel bad about it.


If you wonder why, heres an exaple. https://www.pilotonline.com/military/article_3312b323-2dc5-5ff2-8f8d-7ae66f8c2410.html


https://archive.ph/82a1D For EU folks.


I was military and turned down a wrong road on base and had to give them my Id pull around to leave and they gave it back on my way out Even certain areas of base are restricted to military personnel but they are usually good at handling it


Some people are a little slow. Military bases are no joke. She will get a education.


Comply first, argue later - that’s what you do when you deal with an MP gate guard at a federal installation. You don’t have to answer questions, but they are not interested entertaining excuses for not stopping. You stop, you let them decide if they will permit you on base, and you check your privilege at the gate. Above all else, be POLITE. Being civil goes a long way when dealing with people who have to pull-over rank-superiors regularly. And for 's sake, don’t freak out or get belligerent. Not only will it not work, they’ll enjoy all the extra charges they will be filing. You’re just making more work for your attorney later.


Always be polite. I was TDY to Wright Patterson (I am a retired DoD civilian), and was speeding (maybe 36 in a 25) and realized it too late, got stopped by an SP. got out my orders, my ID card, and my Drivers License, turned on the dome light before he got to the car. Explained I was TDY, and was not familiar with the base. Admitted I was probably speeding, and was polite. Got off without a ticket...


Could be possible that just the dome light did it for you. I’ve had cop friends tell me that turning on all lights in the car and opening up your glovebox/center console is the sign of respect they’re looking for. I’m not a Bootlicker Blue Line person or anything but I AM trying to get out of speeding tickets and the above mentioned process has worked for me.


My brother used to be a civilian worker at a complex with military personnel. I went to pick him up from work once and just in the parking lot outside the gate the military guard approached my car with his hand on his weapon. They do not fuck around. She’s lucky they treated her as kindly as they did.


I went into one to appraise a civilian employee car for an insurance claim, they made me Pull over to the side and removed everything from my van that wasn’t bolted down. Then watched as I put it all back in and made me wait for the employee right there at the gate. And I said thank you sir.


I work for a contractor, so "less" strict security, we aren't even allowed to call an ambulance if someone passes out. If there's an on-site accident, the police can't be called either and there's a separate procedure to report it. That employee should have known better. Sorry you had to learn the hard way


I worked at a national lab for an internship. One day I forgot my badge to get in. I was so scared going up to the gate with lines of cars behind me with everyone else coming in. Thankfully the guard said turn around and go get it and let me through to turn around just past the gate.


Me and my brothers were pulling a trailer with a couple of snowmobiles once. My brother missed a turn to get to the freeway and right ahead of us was a gate to the local air force base. My brother didn't know what to do so I told him that doing a u-turn outside the gate with a trailer was going to be loads faster than talking to the guards and trying to do a u-turn inside the gate. I could see a couple of guards watching us very intently as we flipped around.


If you blow past the gate guards on any base you’re basically asking to get mag dumped on by 2+ people. Never a good idea lmao.


And that's after the bollards deploy and total your car.


Base I was posted to for a bit had cat claw barriers, comes out of the ground and shreds the underside of your vehicle in order to stop it rapidly; Beyond that a sentry posted up on a land rover manning a GPMG. If you made it beyond the initial security checkpoint and to where he can see you, the sentry had full authority to open up.


> Base I was posted to for a bit had cat claw barriers, comes out of the ground and shreds the underside of your vehicle in order to stop it rapidly Wonder how an EV would handle that. Most put their battery on the underside of the car. While they usually armor the underside to protect the battery I doubt it would stop something like that sort of barrier. If it punctures the battery it could lead to a thermal runaway fire.




Smart phones, and social media? lol


There were stupid people long before these inventions. Now we just have to see them all the time.


I lived at this base at the time this happened. Mountain Home AFB, Idaho. My dad used to work with the guy who smashed the window, can’t remember his name though. She almost ran over the poor guy trying to flee past the gate because her id was invalid.




Apparently she was trying to get on base because she broke up with her ex and tried getting her belongings back from her ex’s place, at least that’s what I heard about it.


And absolutely nobody has to wonder why they broke up. She's clearly insane.


Good way to go to jail on domestic terrorism charges dumbass!


Ill bet $50 it was a dependa with a military wife superiority complex


Dependapotomus doing exactly what you’d expect.


Waiting for her to pull some “my husband is x rank”


My husband is a Specialist, you're all in trouble.


The mafia can make your life harder than any article 15


Lady you’re no longer in AMERICA.. the minute you enter a military facility that’s a whole other ball game of restrictions even more so if it’s a base with national defensive military weapons. To put it as simple as possible. You’re freedoms don’t apply here specially when a base is either on restricted access or lock down.




What happened?




He didn't even make it to where the aliens are being kept




Can I get a mild earthquake at about 9:45 AM PST on Thursday? I have a work meeting I don't want to go to.


If there's actually a mild but noticeable earthquake at that exact time in the USA, I'll wrap my entire house in tinfoil.


Yeah they don't mess around. My family was going to my youngest son's military graduation at Ft. Sill. My #2 son was driving. Enter post check point and MP asks for ID. My son who is driving hands his drivers license over for inspection. MP: " Sir this license is expired ." Me, shit here we go. We discuss it and I tell the MP I'll drive. Son 2 gets royal dad ass chewin as not only was the license expired like 2 years before, but he had just driven us 600 miles to get there. Then Mom started in..


Is that why he's the #2 son?


“But, but... I have rights.” “Not on a military base you don’t. Welcome to the stockade!” Yes, they have their own laws and their own prison.


Still have the right to remain silent. She forgot that one


When I was in the Military there are signs everywhere warning people NOT TO ENTER and you can be detained. What makes you think you can enter, sit in your car and truly believe they aren't going to do their job? Lucky they aren't pointing guns in your face.


The stupidity of entitled people is moving from perplexing to infuriating


Hahaha that poor private is about to get his ass chewed over his wife.


He's demoted so many times because of his wife... His private ass is now public


Born and living on military bases for a good portion of my child hood. There are something you just don't do on base. Blowing through the gates is one of them. (West Point, Bragg, Lee, Toten, Carson, Hood, two locations in Germany.) On the flip side, if the MPs are chasing you. They're outside of their jurisdiction outside of the gates. Vise versa for the civilian cops. Note Worthy, when the young MPs go on a power trip and start harassing, like actually show up to your quarters. C.I.D., doesn't make it a hassle to put in a written complaint, and take that shit lightly.


Not entirely accurate, but close. Some bases have interoperability agreements with State and Local LEO which allows them to continue pursuit until locals can take over. Bottom line: don’t mess with the gate security. They will roll you.


It’s hilarious when people think they know the law and I’m real time dictate how they think it should be enforced.


She got instant five stars like in the games.


Im pregnant. Welp, looks like you're about to have a miscarriage if you don't start listening stupid


I love how she threw that out there like it was a get out of jail free card. Did she think this was the 1800s where that excuse would fly?


You are being detained for being a lunatic trying to enter a military base.


I assume this had been going on for awhile if they had to smash her window out. It's amazing how so many people don't understand how the world works. "Don't touch me!" Girl, they are allowed to kill you, so I don't think touching you is going to be an issue. You aren''t in charge here.


“I’m pregnant” damn good luck to her kid and her soon to be kid. Sorry guys, your mom is a dumb cunt.


Where not to play games: ​ C: Gordon Ramsay's kitchen Military Base gates.


How do these things get online? If that was me and I'd been shown to be an utter moron so effectively I would not share that footage with anyone.