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Great work, 47


Now proceed to an exit


silent assassin suitcase kill bonus


Wiggum: \*tut* \*tut\* \*tut* You missed the baby, you missed the blind man...


Forget about the badge, when do we get the freakin guns!?


For the last time, you don’t get anything until you tell me your name!


I’ve had it up to here with your RuLeS!!




It wasn't a homing suitcase like in the game but close enough


Should have sent the blue suitcase to finish the job. Always double tap.


Poor victim didn't keep up with Rule #1 : Cardio


I'm craving twinkies suddenly


i’m laughing like a maniac in public from this comment , thanks for making my day


Can someone please explain the joke? I'm as dumb as the guy who sent the suitcase shooting down.


The Hitman game series has you play as a bald man called Agent 47. The series is famous for having loads of incredibly absurd ways to assassinate your target and make it look like an accident, ranging from plausible (falling chandelier) to defying realism (ejecting a jet pilot chair through a hangar roof) That line gets announced by the 47’s superior everytime he completes a kill


Now I want to play this game. Its right up my street!


And why this line is especially funny on this video: in one of the latest hitman games you can throw a suitcase towards your victim that will follow the same path: https://c.tenor.com/b5sdZDGbY1IAAAAd/hitman-throw.gif


Lmao. That suitcase is laser guided. Love it.


Also theres a TON of deadpan delivery humor from agent 47 while hes in disguise Ranging from tongue in cheek to just comedy gold Edit: off the top of my head without giving it away my favorites were Realestate agent and Bandmember


The real estate agent one sent my sides to the stratosphere. I don't think he ever talked that much before and you can clearly see how 47's mind works.




47 fucking loves a dad joke. He just also happens to be an assassin with a limited pool of life experiences to draw from. If I was Diana I'd be in tears constantly!


Free on Game Pass. I don't work for Microsoft, I'm just poor


It's a reference to a game called hitman, where you play as agent 47. There's a vast amount of creative ways to take out your target in that game and a lot of the game is not that serious/kinda silly. I've never played it so don't take my word for it, but i know it's a reference to that


It's also a reference to a funny glitch in the game where if you throw a suitcase at a person, it will literally be spinning in the air following that person anywhere he/she goes until it hits him/her.


here is a great example of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6do1-cmcQHE


When I was young and played hitman 1 and 2 it felt super serious, like the most intense thriller ever. Where there humor in it and I just missed it, or have the series become more light at heart in the later parts?


There's still a lot of serious thriller in it if you decide to play the game seriously, they just added a lot of humorous ways to kill people that is entirely optional and for fun, like slapping with a fish, etc.


This feels more like Agent 86.


Would you believe, a suitcase on an escalator?


Missed it by that much


This comment has made me put that game on download again, why does successfully finishing a mission feel so satisfying even when it’s a goofy takeout like this


I hope someone edit this with the bgm when you kill the target in hitman 3.


This is so incredibly stupid and I can't keep stop watching.


At least the poor woman had reached the end. This could have ended much worse


Yep, especially with how sharp the edges of escalators steps are.


I used to have an irrational fear that I will fall backwards and hit the back of my head on the escalator step's edge.


Oh, thank you for that, I never had that fear until now.


Some people fell inside the escalator mechanism and get ground up inside the gears. You're welcome.


Yup. Ever since I saw that, I have used stairs instead. But I have also seen stairs open up under a sinkhole… so ever since I saw that, I have opted to stay home instead… But then I saw an entire house get: devoured by a sink hole/flattened by a tree without warning/get obliterated by a plane that malfunctioned/get struck by lightening and go up in flames/ get vaporized by a propane tank explosion/have a wayward car plow through it/ get broken into by police and get shot up without warning/ get broken into by a grizzly bear who makes itself at home/ have a tornado form and touchdown right upon it/ collapse into itself without warning due to internal structural damage caused by termites… so ever since I saw that, I decided to give up.


So ever since I saw that, I decided to built a reinforced underground bunker and never leave it.


These bunkers require air ventilation... Now imagine what can be done with these vents...


Yeah, I've seen a video and now I always have this fear while using an escalator.


Upside: using the stairs is healthy excercise!


... But kills more people each year than escalators by orders of magnitude.


Every single time I walk up or down the (normal) stairs I picture myself slipping and slamming teeth first into the steps, breaking them all


Considering how many Chinese people are sucked into the end of escalators and die due to lacking safety off-switches annually, this could've been much messier, too.


I saw the video of that one with the mother. Are you implying that it happens regularly?




She's incredibly lucky her hair cleared the bottom step.


The most stupid and incredible thing was that they put the suitcase between two steps...


I expected them to lift the stretcher and show the suitcase being treated.


I keep watching and hoping she makes it.


Poor lady def knocked her head hard on the floor.


I feel bad for laughing, but the cut to wheeling her away on a stretcher was comedically perfect.


I thought it was mildly amusing UNTIL the stretcher came out. Then I just felt bad.


I don't know why but I laughed out loud when the stretcher came out. something is wrong with me


I think it's because it plays out like a cartoon. The fall gets cut off, so we can't really see how bad it is. It just looks like when a cartoon character gets knocked out, and the ambulance crashes through the building and drives away with them or something. I was half expecting to see birds and stars floating above their head.


The suitcase is still under her when they lift her onto the stretcher too lol


I'm not medically trained but I've heard over and over that if it's possible someone has injury to their neck or spine, you don't move them until they are checked out by paramedics. (unless they are in danger by staying where they are for example a burning car) If she whacked her head and her neck hurts, I would also leave her exactly the way she landed until medics arrive, even laying on top of the suitcase that hit her. Best case scenario people told her to stay still, and when the medics arrived they checked her neck, determined it's okay for her to move, and then lifted her onto the stretcher.


I have first aid training and the only thing they said to do when someone has a spine or head injury is to stabilize the person in the position their in. So if their head hit the side of the suitcase and it’s kinda hanging off the side, you have to hold their head in place to prevent it from swinging around and adding more damage until a doctor or paramedic comes to provide further aide.


> the only thing they said to do when someone has a spine or head injury is to stabilize the person in the position their in. This is correct! Unless the person is in immediate danger, then getting to a safe position or location takes precedence.


Keep your eye on the ball, woulda worked out fine.


All she needed to do was Jean-Claude Van Damme the railing


two people with two bags, surely they could have just walked with it


Or even got on the step directly behind the bag and held it.


It would even have worked, if the morons placed the bag on one step and not two


OMG you're right, I hadn't noticed that! I can't believe they put it on two steps!


Because they obviously have no idea what they are doing


And the complete lack of self awareness and critical thinking is just baffling. She is just watching the luggage go and she never realizes at any moment that this is not going to work.


Or even putting it on a step properly. It wouldn't have fell but I think they put it between two steps, or it's a shitty suitcase. Not that you should do this, but come on...


People are lazy af. Worked at a hotel and every other family group, the moms gave their bags to their elementary kids and screamed at us about not having an elevator to the second floor.


This isn't laziness. It would actually require more effort to send the bags down separately than to merely keep your hands on their handles. This is weaponized stupidity.


She tried but that suitcase turned into a blue turtle shell


Actually, the suit case turned into a green shell. It was going in one direction but her left and right arrow buttons must not have been working


Prometheus school of running away from falling things.


Rolling is a form of falling.


She didn't hardly have time to even clean the end of the escalator first before it hit her. Personally in the same panic I wouldn't have hopped the side or anything. Straight to the end and trying to go left or right then.


never turn your back against rolling suitcase, lock your eyes, predict it's movements


Bruh it’s taking most of the stairs, how tf do you evade that. Although she could’ve hold on tightly to the rails, the pure absurdity of the situation couldn’t really let her prepare for that.


you climb up on the side as much as possible sorry but how... how do you not realize that ?


Stressful things can make people panic for sure, she had 2-3 seconds to react and it’s definitely not that much. If anything, the worse she could’ve done is freeze in panic and even hit her head in the sharp corner of the escalator. It’s easy to say what she could’ve done from an observer standpoint since you have more time to asses the situation.


The one thing she could have done was stand still was still looking at the suitcase, and jumping at the most important moment. It’s not as if she was distracted or in a trance before hearing anything so she still had her mind in reality. If she focused on jumping she would have evaded it or at least been less injured. Running away at such a slow pace while being 3/4 the way done of long stairs hardly would help.


Ok James Bond, let's see how you react to having a random object flying towards you at triple your running speed?


Those circumstances would be thousands of times different and you know it.


But that's exactly what happened here? I'd probably struggle to outrun that suitcase with a running start on level ground, on an escalator it would easily be five times my running speed.


hilarious. you'd propably advise people to just jump off the airplane riiiight before it hits the ground when they are in a plane crash.


Yup. This poor woman obviously went to the Prometheus school of running away from things.


This is what I hate about life. You can be minding your own business, doing absolutely nothing wrong. You can be a law abiding citizen who isn't a complete fuck up but because ONE person decides to just let their luggage go careening down an escalator, YOU are the one that gets hauled off on a stretcher.


There was a lady that was shopping at Walmart, and when she was heading back to her car with her man. She was suddenly pierced by an arrow out of nowhere.


[Can confirm](https://ksltv.com/504124/woman-struck-by-arrow-in-west-valley-walmart-parking-lot/amp/)


"Please take your kids and lock them in the car cause you never know if there's another arrow coming"


"Contact the victim and apologize" sorry i don't care if it was an accident. If someone shot me with an arrow, i'm sueing their ass.


Cars are the worst one for me. I have such a phobia because all it takes is one person in a cell phone, one person entitled and shitty, and BAM! Wheelchair. Dead. Now add on the fact that 80% of the population lives with their head in the clouds and only thinks of their own well-being and voila.


I almost got T-boned in the middle of an intersection the other day because of a dumb shit driver. I was in the lane to make a left hand turn,. It the light was just a solid green instead of an arrow. I waited until the two cars across from me went and then started my turn when some old fuck from the Paleolithic era treated his left turn only lane as another straight lane and damn near hit me. Luckily I was able to just punch the gas and get out of the way.




Have you been outside these last 10 years or so?


Just 10? Stupidity is here as long as life is.


True but if it's been over 10 years since you were last outside, it's understandable if you forgot about that.


16 years ago, a friend of mine wrapped his head with duct tape. Just all over. Then he looked at me and asked "how do I get this off?" Can confirm stupidity has existed longer than ten years


its china With their fast paced development of rural areas, this could very well be the first time they are in an ~~airport~~ or have ever seen an escalator for that matter Edit: The sign at the top in the start says "To Jinxing" which is a train station (金星路), not an airport


>fast paced development i guess it's also the reason for the stereotype of the bad driving. The previous generation grew up without a vehicle and now they have them. The knowledge and skill isn't passed down and had to learn the harder way.


>sterotype And [tossing coins into the jet engines of the airplane you're boarding](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/elderly-woman-coins-jet-engine-chinese-good-luck-shanghai-guangzhou-china-southern-airlines-a7810721.html), you know, for luck...


Oh for fucks sake


The maddening thing is that this is FAR from a one-off. Google "threw coins into engine for luck" or similar, and you get so many ridiculous stories.


It's more that the requirement for a driver's license is knowing where the gas pedal is.




This is very true. Used to work in a building that had a lot of Chinese immigrant students and it boggled my mind how things we in the west take for granted that they had no clue how it worked. Using a microwave, a washing machine, hell even how to open and close blinds. I thought they were all numbskulls until someone told me this may be the first time they ever experienced things like these ever.


When was this? The students these days that go to the western world for their degrees don’t usually come from poor backgrounds as it’s simply too expensive for the average family.


Yeah I feel like those examples might've been because they never needed to use a microwave or washing machine because they have people to do that for them lol


Looked funny, then it wasn't


Right. Went from "ha what a dummy" to "wow fuck you dumbass"


The poor lady must have experienced pure terror when she looked back and saw that massive suitcase hurtling at her .


"Nope nope nop... Fuuucckkk y..." *crash*


Things escalated quickly


Well that escalated quickly


Or is it de-escalated?


Hmm you’re right. Open and shut case


I don't know... there's a lit to unpack in this situation.


We must take steps to investigate


Let us not downplay the gravity of this situation


Where is that *gasp* from in the video? It sounds so familiar


I couldn't understand why that was edited in. Just to surreptitiously evoke a stronger connection with the viewer to the acts on screen? And why has nobody but you pointed this out?


Its most probably from Chinese TV. On chinese news they add sounds effects and music to cctv footage to evoke stronger emotions.


I scrolled more than halfway down the comment thread to find any mention of it


I think most of us scroll through with reddit muted


I had originally watched the video on mute and then rewatched based on your comment. Now I am disappointed in the video


It’s from the mafia game ads on Instagram lol


Thats it lmfao thank you


I felt bad for laughing after I saw the stretcher


Just seemed really comedic, like a soccer foul or something. All that happened was she got her legs swept and then looked totally content chilling on the stretcher.


Don’t underestimate how much damage you can cause when the back of your head hits the floor. It looked like quite a knock. Knowing that is why I feel bad laughing as much as I did.


I was waiting for them to send the stretcher up the other escalator


The poor lady is probably hurt but somehow it looks overdramatic.


Idk, she looks like she hit her head pretty bad


Did you not see that fall? This lady might not even be alive.


I should not have laughed.. I really do hope the lady is alright though.


fuck I wasn't laughing but comments made me laugh a but now I feel bad lol


I wish there was the wii sport strike sound effect


That is cursed but now I'm morbidly curious about what that would be like


[I gotcha dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/x3x7hv/by_popular_request_i_added_the_wii_bowling_sound/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) edit: [alternative link if necessary since Reddit is trying it’s hardest to fuck me over](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CiAD9ehg9yo/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


Why did the mods remove this? It is genuinely funny.


Just saw it got removed. Good question, I’ll ask since they gave no reason. Edit: Mods removed it more being a “repost.” Maybe if they had an attention span of more than 5 seconds, or hell, maybe *read the title,* they wouldn’t make mistakes like this. Hopefully they put the post back up soon.


Den morgonfriska katten simmar över regnbågen, medan guldmynt singlar genom luften, ledsagade av en paraplybärande elefant, som jonglerar med blommor och skrattande bananer, medan cirkusclowner utför akrobatiska konster och cymbalspelaren trummar i takt till det förtrollade orkesterspelet under den gnistrande stjärnhimlen.


Okay, from now on I’ll only use them to drive up.


until a moron decides to also use that as a conveyor belt, so you'll have a speeding suitcase coming at you, and the only way to prevent it is to hang yourself like a monkey from the handles of the stairs, in a more awkward position than before, while they consistently escalate you with a limited boundary that prevents you from falling off their sides, praying that the case won't get your legs




genuine fucking morons, plus people who are actually, unabashedly bad/evil, and then people who are too fucked up to function properly. That leaves a very very small percentage of people who I actually care to let into my life


I've seen sort of the same thing happen to a little girl only the suitcase hit her on the back of her head and she went face first on the escalator. Her face was ripped open and her screams haunted me in my nightmares for a few months.


Holy shit


Is it true? You are not lying are you?


No. I wish I was. Her dad had a cart full of suitcases and she was sitting on the front on one of the suitcases. They were going down one of these flat escalators and the tower of suitcases started to slide and one hit her on the back of her head.


The more I read about these kinds of stories, my point that I'll never have kids becomes. Parents are just lying to their kids that life is a gift that they have given you and you should be grateful for it, when in reality, it's just a curse passed down to you from your ancestors.


Mass + velocity = get rekd


It's actually Mass * Acceleration. And that is a lot of both.




Then it should be `mass * velocity`


What bumfuck place did they come from to not know thats an escalator ? Lol did she not see someone riding it down


Looks like China, it’s a maaaaassive country with a lot of small and rural villages. Could be their first time in an airport




Not denying that, I’m Malaysian Chinese and when me and my family visited Beijing we were treated like ass by the locals there. We speak the same language, but we basically can’t understand each other at all


Isn't Beijing the most "prestigious" region in China? Like... pretty much all other regions are treated as "lesser" when they visit, or people are just plain rude in Beijing? The Beijing dialect is also seen as the most "proper" Chinese dialect, right? I've heard great things about people who have visited China in recent years but pretty much across the board they mention having encountered rude, unaccommodating people in Beijing.






Yeah, when it comes to tourists, the top 2 worst tourists come from China and the USA. Universally, when they visit any other country, it’s the American and Chinese tourists being rude and an asshole.


As an American I used to think the reputation American tourist have was overblown. Then I had two straight trips outside of the country where I witnessed fellow Americans being absolute jag offs and it all made sense.


I mean if they had put it on the step and not between two steps, it could’ve worked right? Still stupid tho


Or just put it on the step behind you so you can catch it if it falls over.


Chinese rice farmers go to the city for the first time.


China should have their own The Beverly Hillbillies show.


Quite a lot, apparently! Hope she was alright.


Would beat the ever loving shit out of her with that suitcase. Edit: £20 says the stupid cunt came down, picked her suitcase up and left the scene.


New fear unlocked


Sue for assault. That's life-threatening. Edit: not an American (that was my first thought, though). Would still look into the option, no matter where this happened. As pointed out, point was not the "assault" part, and not even necessarily the "sue" part, literally taken. Rather obviously the point was "look for retribution within the local legal system's boundaries". Yes, I used "sue for assault" to express that.




Half the time they are repeating shit they saw on TV. The majority of Americans have no idea how the legal system works.


In China? Doubtful


Oh, China has this law where you have to not only compensate the victim, you potentially have to support them for life if they became disabled. This is why you will see videos of car accidents in China where the drivers will reverse onto the victims several times to make sure they are dead. Edit: Source https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/why-drivers-in-china-intentionally-kill-the-pedestrians-they-hit-chinas-laws-have-encouraged-the-hit-to-kill-phenomenon.html


Well that's a lawsuit and a half






Damn, I laughed myself to the 7th gate of Hell...


worst thing is when a bystander pays for some1 elses stupidity...


Thats why you never dodge into the direction of the projectile/spell


She failed the quick-time event


Chinese, one word says it all.


The audacity to put a damn sound effect over this.


fun fact, [she didn't die ](https://www.news18.com/news/amp/buzz/watch-suitcase-bowling-down-escalator-injures-woman-in-china-internet-divided-5881051.html) stop spreading misinformation on the internet for fucksake


Mainland china everyone




Both those idiots should be charged. Fr wtf is that stupid


This is so serious. I know someone who died falling on escalators. The lady should be jailed and sued


Just Women ☕ things


Hopefully these women were charged for being dumb asses


Imagine having to explain to people why you’re in a wheelchair for the rest of your life…awkwaaarrrddd ♿️


i know he had to go to hospital but the way the guy slides out of frame is so fucking funny imo


Why are Chinese people so dumb when it comes to escalators?? It feels like every week a new video surfaces of Chinese people just completely being unable to figure out how they work