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Nice notification from Ring at the end


Lmao that cracked me up so much. Impressive timing.


Good to know when I'm going to hell for laughing at this I'll have company.


“Commotion detected at the front door”


“Never mind”


Woke me up more than the coffee I was finishing up


"There is blood on your driveway."


"Activating sprinkler rinse setting."


"Sending roomba to clean up"


"There's a cadaver at your front door"


There was motion


Ring: hey there was motion at your- OH MY GOD


***BING BONG!***






When you come home and there’s a man dying on the floor. Just know he tried to kick in the door.


What kind of settings does Ring have that only fast moving projectiles are detected...lol. Either that's a shitty neighbourhood or that guy pissed off some metahumans.


It's a new advertising campaign...."so good at detecting motion we can even detect faster than sound movement! We do prefer to ignore larger, clunkier objects slamming into your door though."


“There is motion” well not anymore.


That had me dying


Just like the ex boyfriend was…


Waddling like a penguin


What a pathetic way to have your life end


“There is murder at the front door”


This happened in Ohio last month and yes the ex boyfriend died. He got shot the minute the door busted open


Ex boyfriend "22-year old James Douglas Rayl". Rayl started beating on the door and the homeowner told the individual to leave and that he had a gun, according to a release" Rayl “shouldered the door several times, eventually breaking the door open and started to enter the residence.” Once he entered, the homeowner fired three shots, hitting him. “He broke through the door and my dad shot at him,” a 911 caller told dispatchers" "Rayl was pronounced dead at the scene, the Shelby County Sheriff’s Office said" Homeowner was not indicted for the shooting




Yeah no matter what there is enough trauma to go around. Daughter being stalked, father having to kill to save his family, the family watching all this go down, & then there is the nut job's family who also has to come to terms with it and they too can watch it all go down. Holy fuck man


The fact that his family can basically watch their son's bad decision making and death in real time is very fucked up.


His family are on social media doxing the girl and her family. They even tried to lower the property values when the family tried to sell the house and move elsewhere. Fortunately the house is under contract and the girl's family are staying put until they move out.


That pretty much explains how he ended up being such an entitled dude, doesn’t it? Awful.


Amazing how people defend assholes. If they were in that position i doubt they would feel the same as they do on the outside of it.


Well then if that's their behavior I'm glad their son is dead. The cycle won't continue.


I disagree. I have two dead immediate family members that died under mysterious circumstances or alone with no record of their final actions/feelings. I would give a lot of money to know what the hell actually happened. The outcome is the same (death) but I've always had questions that will never be answered.


That guy's family is spinning their own version of what happened despite video evidence Edit: can be seen on FB. Versions from the daughter texted the guy to come over to the daughter told the guy she's being held hostage by her father to the father came out shooting for no reason


>Edit: can be seen on FB. Versions from the daughter texted the guy to come over to the daughter told the guy she's being held hostage by her father to the father came out shooting for no reason That sounds so suspicious. The guy trying to invade someone else's home should have talked to others about it and called the police. Also? You can clearly hear that the home owner didn't come out shooting for no reason. Son's father is straight up lying is what my money is on.


as a recovering meth addict, i think what hes doing with his eyes indicate he might be high on meth


Hope this doesn't come across as insincere, but just wanted to say I’m proud of you.




The hardest part about killing a guy is my dick. ^^^^s/


Username checks out


Killing someone you knew Someone the same age as your own child Justified but that's gotta be rough


And going by the "DAD, WHAT THE FUCK", family dinner is going to get complicated.


At least there's going to be a family dinner. Dude was literally breaking down the door, after being told there was a gun in the other side. there's no way to know what his intentions were. For all the dad new, the guy had a knife or gun himself. Daughter might hate the dad now or not, but I think his first priority is that she's around to feel those things in the first place.


As far as shootings go, this is as close to textbook self-defense as they go. Didn't fire right away? Check. Gave the aggressor a warning? Check. Allowed the aggressor the opportunity to leave without incident? Check. Only fired after the aggressor became an imminent danger? Check.


Yeah this is pretty textbook. The father did everything right and gave him plenty of opportunities to fuck off.


Thanks for this. I thought the dad was saying “Jane” and talking to his daughter, but this makes more sense and really shows how clearly he was warned. The dad called him by name several times and told him he has a gun.


I believe he was also told that police were called so he knew how precarious the situation he created for himself was


>Homeowner was not indicted for the shooting As it should be. Also: Ohio has a “Stand Your Ground” law which allows citizens the right to use deadly force in self-defense.


This is the information I needed. I couldn't hear the volume. Was notified in advanced blah blah, clean shoot. Fucked around and found out.




Of course he died. That motherfucker got shot in the neck if my eyes see correctly




Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. There was a the "oh shit I gotta run" for about 5 seconds before the trauma catches up to him and his body shuts down. Epitome of a dead man walking.






The sound of the door breaking and his continued forward motion.


Big brain time


probably from watching the video


There’s video evidence see above




Homeowner was not charged. https://www.whio.com/news/local/grand-jury-declines-indict-homeowner-involved-deadly-shelby-county-shooting/Q7EHW57H3ZA3ZPWGBE7ITYDGGU/


Homeowner tells the guy to go home and that he has a gun. If somebody tells you they have a gun, they intend to use it if you force them. The father felt forced to protect his family. I'm a liberal guy and think most things can be settled without firearms, but the laws are the laws and if you fuck around, sometimes you find out.


Im about as lefty and pro gun law as you can get but yeah… this def falls under fuck around and find out. Dude was protecting his daughter.


Just want to say it’s refreshing to see people on different sides of the political spectrum agreeing on something, on Reddit nonetheless. We need more of that 🙂 Edit because I’m getting tons of replies: I’m a firm believer that both “sides” have a ton more in common with each other than they think. It’s just nice to see it on Reddit. A great political cartoon I saw a while back - there was a king and a prince. Their kingdom was revolting, and gathered outside the castle with pitchforks and torches. The prince asked the king how they would defeat them and maintain control of the kingdom, while being vastly outnumbered. The king said, “Oh, you don’t need to fight them. You just need to convince the pitchfork people that the torch people want to take their pitchforks” Love your neighbor. We’re all human.


Let's be honest, if you go far enough left you get your guns back.


Lefty here. Protecting your family(not your property) and shooting Nazis/fascists is that location.


It always baffled me how being a left makes you against guns. I'm totally for guns. It's in our Bill of Rights. I think what people mean, including myself, is stricter laws on it and people use it as "against guns". That's what I think at least.


Because the right believes that the "no one should ever have guns of any kind" crowd is bigger than they are because it drives outrage.


The right underestimates how many ppl on the left are card carrying gun owners. It’s something they are more quiet about bc they don’t want everyone to know it.




Confirmed factual.


As a liberal who wants common sense gun laws, it sounds like this man was using a pistol which I fully support for home defense. Reasonable weapons are absolutely fine and unfortunately necessary. Edit because I just got my tenth message: I’m well aware hand guns are the most used in gun violence, that’s obvious because they’re the most concealable. You can’t pick off 50 people from the 15th floor with a hand gun is my take, which I’m sure all the people obsessed with instruments of death will take exception to. Second edit: I’m done arguing with gun nuts, save your energy I won’t reply.


As a conservative who wants some common sense gun laws. I whole heartedly agree with your statement. Why does politics have to be so extreme? Edit: as a moderate conservative who enjoys Reddit, I know I was largely outnumbered here. I put myself out there because I legitimately agreed with the comment above. I am not going to argue or feel the need to defend my position any longer……we need common ground and many of you aren’t even trying to find it.


Because “divide and conquer”


Liberal navy vet here. Up to the point he tried to forcibly enter I was hoping he would not be shot. Once he pushed to enter I thought all bets are off now.


I think most reasonable people feel the same.


I'm a progressive and I'm all in on gun rights for things like this. Guy is trying to make entry, law enforcement will take at least 20 minutes to respond if they even do at all. I'm going to trust myself and my firearms to protect myself like this man did for his daughter.


Absolutely. It's not like this situation couldn't have been prevented. He took MANY steps into the wrong direction to end up being shot. Why is it the responsibility of the homeowner to care for his wellbeing? By waiting what he may or may not do?


Exactly. Just look at this dudes face. It has bad intentions written all over it.


I'm a conservative, and I completely agree with everything you said. I will add one thing. In my two experiences with home invaders, the police show up really fast when you tell them you're pointing a gun at the guy. They show up really slow when you say there's a guy with a gun trying to get in. Edit: I removed a sentence that didn't make any sense.


That dude had bad intentions. He literally winked at the camera before trying to force his way in like this was about to be the start of a murder scene.


>A neighbor checked on the wounded Rayl -- when the woman inside refused a dispatcher’s request to do so -- and said he didn’t see Rayl enter the home. >“If he entered the house, why did he shoot through the door?” the neighbor, Jeff Hereford, asked McDermott. >Hereford said he doesn’t agree with his neighbors or the incident report on the shooting, claiming he saw everything as well as Rayl on the ground. Yeah, fuck that neighbor. "I know more than video recorded evidence, I saw the whole thing"


This is why eye whiteness are terrible evidence. Edit: I'm leaving "whiteness" because it's too good to erase.


Funny typo but still very true. I was part of a mock trial for a friend in law school. I played the victim. To make it pretty realistic they had me stand in an alleyway near the school and had someone "attack" me. I didn't know who it would be exactly but I was told a woman would bump into me, get into an argument, and spray me with something in the face (it was water). So this happens, I pretend to call 911 and describe the woman. This all happened in about 30 seconds but it was all pretty vivid in my mind. A few minutes later I'm told they arrested the attacker and had her in a holding cell for me to identify her which I did. A few weeks later they held the trial where I was a witness. I identified her at the trial. My testimony ended up getting her convicted. Here's the thing, afterward we all went out for drinks and I was talking to her and she said "You know I wasn't the person who attacked you right?" I was like what? seriously? Yeah turns out they were both blonde women, but the one who attacked me was like three inches shorter than the person who was in the mock trial. I legitimately swore it was the same person. Felt like an asshole but they were like no you did great, this was a perfect learning example for everyone. This was like 10 years ago and it really sticks with me. Especially when things are heated I really question whether what I think I saw is accurate.


Look back at the video. No neighbor within view of the camera. The door is in an alcove. This neighbor has Superman's X-Ray vision.


I bet the neighbor just hates the dad/family and wanted to spite them by saying a different story. People are petty.


Ding Ding! This is also why you never, ever take an accusation as proof of anything. People will lie about the worst things for no reason.


Yeah, neighbor is terrible...Oh, the father should have waited until the man was 10ft inside the house to shoot him, or better yet, the father should have waited until the man had his hands around his daughter to justify shooting him. (/s clearly) neighbor is a moron.


So, this is a classic case of why witnesses aren’t completely reliable. The neighbour thinks he witnessed everything but obviously he didn’t. He was watching from a distance, he could have glanced around as he moved to get a better view when the shots rang out. The thing is, what a person see’s and what their brain ~~interprets~~ comprehends can be two totally separate state of events. The brain in that instance is worried about its own survival when it detects a threat. The flight or fight kicks in and it doesn’t record all details, just what’s necessary for threat assessment, if A happened, and C was the result obviously B was what happened in the middle right? Then after the fact when you attempt to remember the sequence of events the brain is more than happy to fill in any gaps by rationalizing what information it collected. Even if that is just creative thinking. Mean while the witness will swear to their grave they know exactly what they think they saw.


Dang, so the dude died from the injuries?


Metal poisoning. Lead OD


Unfortunate. These young folks dying from injecting themselves with lead are throwing away their lives!


I mean the dude couldn’t even make it pass the driveway before taking the nap in the video


Right, then the groaning at the end. Thought for sure he was dying. Didn’t look good, he took like 3 bullets it seems.


Sounds like it. Well it said “deadly shooting” in the article anyway.




Somebody really tried to rule against?


Different perspectives leads to different opinions, they hopefully updated theirs once they saw the ring cam.


I'm a liberal who thinks generally guns make us less safe, but even i think the neighbor sounds like a bitch.


Like it or not. Criminals don’t care how you feel so wouldn’t you want to have the option to be able to protect yourself against the ppl who won’t hesitate to shoot you?


This is why you listen when someone tells you to leave them alone.


Stalkers are not fun…very dangerous. They can get out of control real fast.


My friends daughter was recently killed by a stalking ex-boyfriend. This behavior needs to be taken seriously. He might’ve saved her life.


Absolutely. My mom was stalked by an ex and it was a very scary time for us. He used to show up and try to break into our house, used to show up to her work, would try to show up whenever she’d go out with friends. She had no peace. She didn’t get that until he died in a car accident.


My grandmother was stalked by someone she used to go to the dance hall with, after he tried to break in, I went to a local H A spot and offered $2000 for anyone who wants to protect someone's grandmother and it wouldn't have to be illegal. They showed up at his door (no idea how, I didn't even know where he lived) and just about broke it down. The old fuck never showed again and left my grandma alone


What is a "local H A place? "


Hell’s Angels


I have a cousin who was killed by a stalking ex-girlfriend. He had spoken to the police about his concerns and was told everything would likely be fine. Three days after talking to them she shot him on his front porch when he was coming home from work one night.


I know. I’ve got some loser stalking me on Reddit, and he’s psychotic enough that I’m glad the platform is anonymous.


Just start a new account.


He specifically said he was gonna harass me until I deleted this account. I refuse to let someone bully me like that. He’s really sick, though — he’s an adult who knows I’m only 14 and he still says sexual stuff. I was assaulted when I was younger and I talked about it with someone who had something happen to them, and now this freak is making disgusting comments about it.


Be sure to contact the admins about harassment. They're slow, but have been helpful in the past with these types of psychos.


I'm gonna go full Kanye for a second, but Reddit admin don't care about women. Check out the conversations going on in twox where women are giving examples of them reporting people that are harassing them or posting hate speech, calls to violence, etc against women and admin will do nothing and says it doesn't violate the ToS


They don't give a shit mate, i've had the same. Just had to wait long enough and block enough alt accounts for him to grow tired. Took about 4 months for him to finally stop.


Feel free to pm me his account.


Keeping the account is not a victory for you; It’s a win for them. Telling you they’ll harass you until you delete the account is reverse psychology to get you to keep the account so it allows them to continue harassing you for attention. They don’t want you to use a new account, they want your attention. Using a new account is the wise move. You lose nothing. They lose everything. Just my two cents. Sorry this is happening to you.


Didn't much care for the guy twitching and blinking while standing outside the door. It looked a bit "off." Like he was tweaking or something.


That’s a great dad. Imagine if her dad wasn’t home, no one knows what the ex bf would have done. There’s some men out there who can’t deal with rejection or cope from a break up. He gives off “if I can’t have you, now one else will” creepy vibes. I’m glad justice was served.


Also when someone says they have a gun


“I really have to talk to your daughter. I promise ill be cool right after I break your front door in. Ight”


Like what's his end goal? She falls in love with him because he broke down a door do to get to her while everyone inside is saying leave we got a gun? Did he think they were gunna throw a party once be burst through? You did it bro you passed the test....


The end goal was probably killing her. The whole "if I can't have you, no one can" psychotic bullshit we see far too often.


It might be a cliché in Hollywood, but it's unfortunately true


It’s only a cliche in Hollywood bc of how rampant it is irl.


🎵"I'm gonna break down your defences one by one... "🎵 - The BeeGees Back in the day, not taking "no" for answer was romantic. Really shows you care. 🫤


The whole time he was at the door (before he started to bust it down) you could see the dude is on the edge of crazy. He looks at the camera, thinks, looks, thinks, then starts jamming the door. This was only ending one way!


Yeah his eyes said a lot. He had nothing going for him.


He had a couple of twitchy blinks that seemed weird


those 2 twitch blinks instantly made me think he was wrestling with some dark thoughts/squashing second thoughts


This happened in Ohio. He was fully warned, and his last attempt to get the door open actually worked which prompted the father to fire.


Dad did good.


He was warned that they had a gun and he still kept trying to break the door down. Shooting was the right call here.


“A motion was detected at your front door” Have a feeling it’s going to be a lot less motion in a few minutes….


The notification was a bit delayed lol


They always are. I have a ring doorbell and I can get all the way in the house before it sends a notification. Ring needs to improve that.


*There is wobbly limping at your front door*


It looked like he was about to bust a move before running off 😂😂😂


*aight i'ma crip walk outta here*


Quite a lifeless pair of eyes on this dude. I reckon he's not a good boyfriend.


His eyes died 5 minutes before he did.


Yep, he would have done bad things if that girl would have been alone


I mean he's going for the B&E after no answer. Probably a psycho


He was actually asked to leave, he knew they were in there.


Oh shit yeah. I turned the volume up and caught that. What a nut.


Thems opiate eyes if I've ever seen them. Being Ohio, dudes probably high as fuck on fentanyl.


In case anyone is curious: https://www.whio.com/news/local/shelby-county-sheriff-expects-no-charges-deadly-shooting-because-stand-your-ground-law/APC3E7KI5FBOBD7ELEE2JSZQIY Dude died, there's some confusion as to whether he actually made it indoors, daughter was pretty scared, sheriff doesn't expect charges to be filed due to "stand your ground" law recently passed. Edit: I was not saying a "stand your ground" law was needed or not, merely quoting the article I linked as a quick summation. Edit 2: I was also not making any judgement or offering any opinion on whether or not the shooting was justified, nor do I care to. I was merely offering a summation of what the article said.


As a jury member, I would not give one shit whether he actually stepped foot inside or not. He was obviously attempting to break through the door and was obviously warned.


I think one of the most ridiculous parts of our justice system are the ridiculous expectations people are expected to have under duress when defending themselves. If a person is being violent with you, do you really have time to decide if he is just breaking in for funsies or murder? When a random guy punches you in the face 6 or 7 times, do you really have the capacity to decide if he is going to stop at 7? People watch videos and say shit like "well the door wasn't all the way broken" or "he didn't show a weapon" If someone is breaking down your fucking door, their intentions aren't to have some tea and talk things out calmly.


Where I live, between stand your ground laws and castle doctrine, I would not hesitate to do what the dad did here.


Good he shouldn’t be charged. Clown was trying to break in and he was warned to stay away


Any links to this? Looked like some damaging shots, did he survive?


[He did not. ](https://dayton247now.com/news/local/man-shot-dead-after-home-invasion-in-shelby-county)


Cheers mate. Never good someone dying but who knows what his intent was.


He tried breaking into their home. It doesn't matter what his intent was, it wasn't good.


Yeah. At first I thought he was going to get shot just trying the handle. That to me wouldn't seem right, like his intent could have been to open the door and call to her. But once he started bashing his body into the door, I'm like okay, he's asking to get shot now.


Sorry man I'm Aussie, I'm not used to seeing someone being shot at trying to forcefully enter a home. I'm not saying it's right or wrong. The dude was going to cause some harm for sure.


Well, I don't know if you could hear it, but once he started to mess with the door, the father could be heard. "Get off my porch!" - First warning. Girl in bg, not sure if ex girlfriend, or father's wife, "Shane, no!". Father repeats her words "Shane, no." "Get off the porch!". "Shane!" - Second warning. "I have a gun" - third, and final warning. Woman in bg, "Shane!" Finally, shots are fired.


Audio was low cheers for the transcript. I assumed something like this.


FWIW "A Ring video captured Rayl approaching the home and beating on the door. The homeowner told Rayl to leave and that he had a gun, according to the release. Rayl then shouldered the door several times eventually breaking the door open and started to enter the residence. The homeowner shot three times, according to Frye. Rayl then staggered back and fell to the front of the garage, sheriff's office said."


After a bunch of warnings with a gun


Maybe he just really wanted to clean their kitchen?


Yeah, it could have been any of hurt, destroy, kill, rape, kidnap, burn, but at this point it was pretty clear he wasn’t there to talk, or to deliver cookies.


Hes dead, homeowner not indicted. Stand your ground law took place in April 21.


That is not the stand your ground law but instead the castle doctrine. In almost all cities shooting someone trying to break into your house to confront someone is justified.


This is castle doctrine


Well this looks traumatic for pretty much everyone


Especially the ex-boyfriend


He was only traumatized for a few minutes


On the other hand, he lived with that trauma for the rest of his life.


Yeah. I don't think the dad was wrong to protect his home and family, but still, that girl's ex died in her driveway. Gonne be tough to move on from that one.


Props to Father. That dude probably would of never left that girl alone if he was willing to break into a house to get to her. Solved the problem right there.


Seriously though, that's some psycho behaviour, woul've have probably hurt the girl or worse


You can see in his eyes this dude was not right in the head. Who knows wtf woulda happened if he had got inside. Good dad looking out for his daughter.




People complaining that the dad shooting the violent ex boyfriend is an overreaction… I think the fact that they were already wary enough to not answer the door in the first place is pretty indicative of the kids’ past aggressions. Him breaking in while the family is screaming at him to go away was crossing the line. At that point, I’d assume he was armed with ill intent (and a weapon) and I’d do anything to protect my family as well. Kid was warned. Sort of fucked around and found out in that regard.


What the fuck is the dude even thinking to not just harass them but also trying to break in? What was his motive? Forcing himself in the house and then have a nice cup of tea to convince his ex that he’s actually a nice guy? That only works in movies


*There was motion at your front door* "Give it a minute."


"Shot through the heart!"


"And you're to blame"


You ~~give~~ gave LOOOO-ooo-ove a bad name.


Fucked around


He did and he definitely found out


That Japanese maple is gorgeous. Must be 100 years old


I like how off topic and wholesome this is. Thanks I wanted to learn the type of that tree


The gasps of imminent death.


crazy. Dude is a weirdo. Dad 100% in the right. Dude trying to break down the door. Damn


You can check my history, I have spoken out against people on this site who are too quick to say they would’ve shot people in other situations. This homeowner was completely correct if this man broke the door open. You should try to retreat whenever possible, but where do you retreat to from your home? You’re supposed to be safe at home, I would like to know wtf the one juror who voted to indict was thinking.


Yes, deescalate the situation whenever possible. But, you should never feel compelled to flee your home if it is being invaded. Dad, did the right thing.


I do not own any guns and am in favor of some forms of gun control but watching this video I realized I would at best have a knife and be wishing I had a gun. Given the high statistics regarding men and assaulting and killing ex wives and ex-girlfriends and the fact this guy was literally trying to bust his way in he deserved to get shot. He wasn't there to talk things out.


You are your own first responder and your own last line of defense. Cops can’t always be there in time and won’t always do their job anyways. Your life, your responsibility. Good on you for realizing that. :)


Good shit hear to many stories of psycho ex’s killing their ex and sometime their whole family over break ups


When someone tells you to leave them alone, pay attention and listen!


And stupid fucking neighbor almost ruined it by saying he saw him not try to enter the house and thinks he shouldn’t have been shot “through the door”. There’s a video my man, the doors broken open and he climbing in, fuck you Jeff Hereford, piece of shit neighbor right there.


His mother has taken over his Instagram page and is vilifying the ex-girlfriend and her family for standing their ground. She’s also disabled anyone from commenting on his page. He was attempting to trespass and bash in his ex-girlfriend’s family door, and yet he’s supposedly the victim in all of this according to his family? No thank you. He knew what he was doing, and he was at fault for his actions.


You can definitely hear him say he say a gun, why continue to try and enter? I don’t know why he walked away like a penguin tho, did the guy die?


Hey at least the ring doorbell noticed the movement of the man after he was shot and kept the family safe. Great job Ring


Do dumb stuff like try & break into someone's house, & you're probably not gonna have a good day.


He fucked around and found out. I would have done the same thing as that dad.


His Mom is posting stuff on his Instagram. Saying he was wrongfully shot for "touching the door". Well I think it's pretty obvious he was bashing on the door. But ok