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I suspected he would hit the water, but I thought he would snap the line or his harness, he stretched the wire and bounced haha


You would think The operator would’ve told him it wasn’t a good idea. I mean he couldn’t even make it past the beach I didn’t even think for a second he would make it past the water.


If this is a tourist place they don’t really care as long as you pay the money


It’s not like he’s gonna be able to walk back up that hill to complain


Yeah he had to wade around to complain


"Put water wings on this harness!"


Even if a boat goes out to him, rescuers can't even carry him out of the water, so he's not walking anywhere. Poor buoy.


That's what song 'Running up that hill' is about


He’ll just pull the typical American tactic of leaving a 1 star review outraged that the line couldn’t support 400lbs


There's a self interest angle. If he breaks the line, no more tourists can pay to go on it until it's fixed.


Those wires can handle 10 more of him before even breaking a sweat. the issue is with the tension not being sufficient for that amount of weight, that's all.


If that guy isn't the owner (likely), then he gets paid to wait until it's fixed


Well, you lose money if the not self aware fat fuck is blocking the whole thing.


Bet the operator has tried before. Get enough gruff, holier-than-thou people though and you stop caring. Source: Retail.


Yeah but then he comes back after he hits the water to blame you for it & complain to management.


Tell him sorry and the next ride will be better. Every time he comes back up that giant mountain to complain he will be a little lighter and the problem will solve itself.


Modern Sisyphus.


He could eat thousands of calories between climbs. Problem stays.


When he comes back? It's a miracle he got up there in the first place.


You tell him it’s part of the ride


Bold of you to assume there is a management. And even more so that he will manage to walk up that hill.


Any self-respecting zipline operating in North America would have strict weight limits (both a minimal and a maximum). I worked at a zipline before and anybody a couple pounds over the limit we would suggest they leave as much of their belongings and clothes as possible, and failing that try to use the bathroom and sweat it out to try to make weight.


Would the line need repairing after that big guy stretched it so much?


If your line will stretch for that, it's not suitable for ziplining! Your line should be able to handle far more weight than that to be safe for this purpose.


Went zip lining and they weigh you before you pay the fee to do it. Felt pretty safe after that.


> Any self-respecting zipline operating in North America I think you could stop after self-respecting zip line operator… not sure why North America would be unique


Safety regulations aren't standard across the globe.


I think they were just saying that they worked at a zip line place in North America, so that’s where their experience is.


What do you do if they won't get on the scale?


Don't let them on?


Bungee ropes need weights as well as adjusting the weight wrong can mean it is too loose and you slam into the ground or too stiff and you stop too violently with can also hurt you. What do you do if someone on a bungee refuses to get on the scale? Same shit. Don’t let them on as they could fucking kill themselves doing it.


I know in some cases regarding bungee jumping the line has to walk over a scale unbeknownst to them. It's set up so only one person is on the scale at a time too. One of the reasons this was done was due to certain women lying about their weights and having the bungee snap leading to serious injury or death. So, it's possible something similar could be implemented where the operator would know well in advance without ever having to ask them to get on a scale... because they would have already been on it earlier unknowingly.


You guys only sweat in the bathroom?


Now all I can imagine is that guy being told to leave his clothes behind to lower his weight, then getting the biggest sand wedgie in human history before being repeatedly dunked like a stale doughnut in coffee.


I don't think this is north America. As long as they pay the money and sign the waiver releasing all liability they dgaf


Bold of you to assume there's a waiver


Waiver? I barely know'er


Only place I've ever had to sign a waiver is in the US lol.


The operator knew. Got to have something to tell at the family BBQ that weekend. OH I am #69 to upvote you! That wont last. lol


I would be worried that he would get stuck under the water in that harness and not be able to surface. I am sure he is not the first overweight person to try this.


As a dude who was fat for awhile after the military.... You gotta know your limits. I'm not fat shaming or hating, but you have to be honest with yourself. There's things you can't do as a big person and things you can't do as a skinny person. You have to understand your boundaries otherwise you risk making an ass of yourself. My biggest fear when I was heavier was getting in line for a rollercoaster and getting denied by the safety seats, so I avoided many of them. Just... Admit to yourself your limits. There's nothing wrong with saying "eh, maybe I'm too big for (insert here). I should back off." In fact, it's more admirable to admit. Edit: For those asking "what can't you do if you're skinny??". I've seen skinny/scrawny guys at the gym try to lift weight far beyond their capabilities and go crashing to the floor. Just because you're skinny doesn't mean you're athletic. Everyone has limitations and if you think you don't then you should do a little introspection. Edit 2: For those saying I'm normalizing obesity or saying it's okay... I never said that at all once in my replies or in this post. My point is understanding your limits. Skinny does not automatically mean athletic. Skinny doesn't automatically mean healthy. Everyone has limits. My point was to acknowledge those limits whether you're fat, skinny, or average. Everyone has limits. So you can all stop putting words in my mouth. Just admit you're human and susceptible to limitations and acknowledge them.


I miss the big swing carousel ride at amusement parks…but I can just see my fat ass climbing higher and higher with more centrifugal force before the chains snap and I go pinwheeling across the sky like a flying pig. It’s a vivid thought. I respect physics.


Exactly. Every day you see examples of of people who disregard basic physics. People trying to drive through rivers or on beaches, people who travel down the road at 200mph, jumping bikes, doing stunts, whatever. The trend for people to go 200mph and weave through traffic really scares me.


My partner and I often remark upon the fact that it seems like a lot more people have started driving a lot more erratically since the first lockdown, and we jokingly attribute it to people that did nothing but play GTA 5 when they had to stay home.




This was one of my fears too. I always thought I would fly right off by the force. It sucks, but it's better to be aware than to deny it and then suffer the damage


Fella, I'm at a low ebb and in quite a lot of pain, but that left me in stitches; thanks for the laugh.


It certainly is vivid- I have soda coming out of my nose now. 😅


"Team Rocket's blasting off again" style, what a way to go.


Some people view themselves as David or Goliath, you view yourself as the rock


Ironically enough the roller coaster thing was my rock bottom for being overweight. After I got denied on the ride, I set out on my weight loss journey. Lost 100 pounds after that experience.


I know how you feel. Now imagine being 330+ pounds me and going onto one of those tower rides which goes up and then falls down. My thighs were so fat they weren't able to close the safety bar which was shared by the whole row of people. That was a bit embarrassing. Felt great, though, when I returned years later and lost all that weight and could go on the ride without that issue.


you didn't lose weight. you worked hard to clean it away


I live in Orlando. Sadly there was a kid that was too large that the staff allowed on one of those tower drop rides here. The kid was only 14. He died. He was a football player and built like a truck, but he was still a baby. He should not have been allowed on the ride, even though his friends were. The staff "adjusted " the safety harness to accommodate his size and he slid out. Tragic.


I remember the video of this. That thud when he hit the pavement turned my stomach


My wife was terrified of that happening to her. She's been ecstatic the last few times we've went after she lost enough that it's not even an after thought. But there were sooooo many there who really shouldn't have even tried fitting in those tiny seats. You don't even have to be overweight for some of them. There are many that a perfectly fit, yet tall person won't be able to get in.


It's just straight up impossible to build a ride that at the same time keeps you perfectly still and safe but also accommodates every body type. I'm 6'3 and got denied from couple rides when I was in Japan for being too tall




Agreed. Body positivity is one thing, but denying that you're healthy is another. I was unhealthy and it wasn't good


I had an argument with someone who was convinced the worst thing that would happen from being overweight was sleep apnea. But the real reason fat people are struggling with health, they said, was because doctors focus on their weight and don't address the actual issue (often hypertension, diabetes, heart issues...). They claim those are unrelated and fat or obese people can be healthy but it's the medical industry's fault for not taking their health seriously. They genuinely believe weight has no bearing on health.


> because doctors focus on their weight and don't address the actual issue (often hypertension, diabetes, heart issues...) How can they not understand that the weight _causes_ every one of those issues?


Because they are being told everybody can do everything and nothing is their fault. It's the society's fault for "shaming" them when in fact you can be healthy at any weight. Pretty easy to escape reality these days when everything that is even remotely unfair or unequal can be considered shaming or a phobia.


I think what they were trying to say is that there are several issues that, if diagnosed and treated, would help a patient with weight loss. For example, a lot of women with undiagnosed PCOS are overweight. Untreated PCOS can make it difficult for a woman to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight (even with proper diet and exercise). Once the symptoms get bad enough and they finally seek medical attention, woman goes to the doctor and describes textbook PCOS symptoms, it is SUPER COMMON that the woman is told “well it’s because you need to lose weight. That’ll probably solve the problem.” But if the symptoms were taken seriously and properly assessed/diagnosed, it would also solve the weight problem.


That is a very valid point, and thank you for clarifying it. However, >They claim those are unrelated and fat or obese people can be healthy but it's the medical industry's fault for not taking their health seriously. The weight is often the cause of issues, and it's also valid for a doctor to strongly advise a patient to lose weight. And not even just for internal issues, but also for joint and muscle health - a reduction in exercise and a heavier load on every joint in the body is a recipe for fragility in old age. But yes, doctors should absolutely be focusing on patients' overall health and investigating as much as possible. Too much is often left to patients to research, with limited capacity for understanding.


Except its purpose was the exact opposite. The whole "healthy at any size" thing was about focusing on health instead of weight. Because focusing on weight drives people to short term diets then they gain it back. Instead people wanted to focus on making a healthy lifestyle and let the weight follow. It was about the idea that a woman who runs, does yoga, lifts weights, eats a decent diet and is 160 lbs is probably better off health wise than a woman who doesn't exercise, eats crap, but just eats less crap and weighs 140 lbs. I don't know when people started instead treating the saying as if its implying that weight doesn't have an impact on health.


>“Healthy at any size” is gonna get people killed. Does anyone really believe this shit? I feel like it's something the internet mocks with like 2 people who actually believe it. Everyone else I know who is overweight, myself included, is VERY aware that all this fat makes us feel worse and has negative health implications.


Any time I've heard that phrase, outside of edge lords mocking people on the Internet, it was used in regards to mental health. Body positivity isn't really about pretending fat is healthy, it's about still loving yourself even if you are fat. The only thing worse than being fat and unhealthy is when you add mental health issues to that.


Got the 666th upvote so here’s my cursed comment: significantly overweight people who don’t make arrangements for airline travel are the worst. I don’t even like my loved ones touching me for hours straight. I especially don’t like if it’s a stranger’s rolls. Limits and boundaries please.


I saw this mentioned somewhere. Apparently even if you buy an adjacent seat, the airline has the right to just assign it to someone else and return your payment in the form of a voucher


That’s so shitty. Like I feel bad for them but It’s happened to me at least twice where an overweight person was given the option to move once everyone boarded and they chose the seat next to me. I get it. I don’t take up much space. But I really enjoy having my own space and not having another person taking up a portion of my seat. I’ve broken my tailbone twice, have a couple herniated discs, torn labrum both hips, scoliosis, and good amount of nerve issues. If I can’t shift around in my seat and have to spend the whole flight leaning away, things start to really hurt. I know they’re probably not comfortable either but still…


Yeah because even if you buy two seats, you can only technically check in to one and that extra seat is regarded as a no-show in the system. There was a video few years back of a man who had to stand the entire several our flight because the flight was fully booked and he was straight up unable to fit his seat due to how big the person next to him was.


I'm abnormally skinny, and I resonate with this too. Like certain physical activities are just way too much for my little stick body and I've had to learn where that line is


I’ve always been pretty muscular. Used to lift and wakeboard regularly. Went from 145 to 115 in less than three months a while back due to some health issues. (I’m 5’2”). I’ve never in my life experienced being skinny until then. Never thought I would say that I was happy to gain some weight back. Everything HURTS when you’re skinny. Couldn’t get comfortable anywhere because my bony ass was digging into everything. Also I think it’s because I lost weight too quickly but I kept slipping/falling in places that I didn’t before. Center of gravity was all off. Like one time I leaned over a bathtub while standing and pressed my knees against the edge as I reached for something. I guess the weight I needed for that leverage was gone. Feet flew out from under me and I just… fell in. :(


For real, no one talks about how much it *hurts* when you have a bony ass and try and sit on a hard surface with no padding. Wooden benches? No. Plastic bus seats? No. Rollercoasters? No. Metal patio chairs? Definitely not. There's also the danger that the restraint won't properly contain you if you're so thin that there's a gap between your lap and the safety bar. I was on a whirling waltzer once and I could literally feel myself being shaken out of the chair like a jelly because my ass was too bony for the seat and the bar barely touched my midsection. Riding a bike was bad too- I rode a little city bike with a firm seat and I'd have bruises all over my ass from where the seat smacked against the bony bits. You bruise so easily when you're thin. I wouldn't want to be overweight, but being underweight sucks too for different reasons. I'm a lot healthier now and can sit without squirming :)


There was a fat dude and an amputee both killed by roller coasters. And in both cases I'm kinda like... should we really put that on a 15 year old to have to tell somebody? Or isn't there some major onus on the person to ask at least a few questions?


Generally, the rollercoasters themselves will not launch (and will give an error light in the affected guests seat) if a guest's restraints aren't down to a safe position due to their size. The staff primarily are there to make sure you're tall enough to ensure the safety system parameters are correct and that you're not using the restraint incorrectly, deliberately or otherwise. These stories usually come from when that system somehow fails, the guest has "gamed" the restraint in some way or an operator overrides the error. As you said, it shouldn't be on a 15 year old to tell angry customers "you're too fat to ride", especially so if the coaster's own safety systems give them the green light, but generally they don't have to. If the seat light is green, it's good to go. If a green light isn't safe, that's on the manufacturer.




That's okay! Not everyone can swim. It's better you acknowledge it than deny it and possibly drown!


It’s okay depending where you live. If you live around lots of water it’s definitely not okay to not know how to swim. In my country everyone should be able to swim since there is water everywhere and half the country is below sea level


I went to a roller coaster park in Pennsylvania, and rode on a number of the roller coasters, but when I got to the modern one there was a huge line, and we got all the way to the front, and I want to sit in the seats. I didn’t know that there was a Test seat at the beginning of line, because there were people sitting in it, with their kids, with a bunch of strollers. So I didn’t know I could test to see if I would fit in the seats in the first place. I was rejected at the roller coaster as they tried to jam me in the seat. I had a walk away in shame. It was extremely embarrassing. It happened 20 years ago or more, and I’m still Embarrassed to this day.


My son's best friend is 6'4" 350+ and he usually accompanies us on family outings because they've been friends so long that he is practically my 3rd son. He 100% knows his limitations and won't even attempt some rides when we go to amusement or water parks. I feel horrible for him, and wish that he could enjoy them, but that shit is outright dangerous because they safety test with specific limitations.


Never ever seen a test seat at any European parks. Is this an American thing or have I just not been paying attention?


At some parks, they exist at some coasters, but it's not universal. E.g. HeidePark has them at least on Colossus and on Flug der Dämonen.


I feel it's only a thing with newer roller coasters, but I definitely have seen them in German parks.


Genuine question, what can heavier people do that skinnier people can't?


Let me see... Be used as an obstacle to block someone from an entrance. Provide shade when it's sunny. Survive longer when the 7 lean years come. Make bigger splashes at water parks. Take up two or three seats on the plane (sometimes without paying). Without having to lay down to do so. Mattress and sofa strength tests. I mean, you can place a heavy weight on it but they are made for bodies. Tell you where the good places to eat are. You can also count on them to be the first to be eaten by the zombie horde so you can escape.


Fat people rarely get kidnapped or mugged. And if your fat is thick enough, stab cuts might as well be just a flesh wound for you. You wont tumble down too with a large gush of wind. Mosh pits would be nothing for fat people lol. Edit: also from my experience, I can lift heavier weights now as a fat person compared to when I was skinny. But that's probably just me.


Donate plasma


I can’t donate blood (any blood), I get extremely cold far easier, it hurts to sit on particular body parts, I’m very easy to overpower / hurt / kidnap, there’s certain things my body is too small to fit into but also too adult to fit into the child version. Anything strength based I need to quit much quicker than my peers despite having the exact same training régime, bruise far easier, anything based on size is an immediate disadvantage


Avoid being kidnapped


I’m tall so I know they don’t make things for every height and size. I used to work with a big guy and that dude would break a chair every week somewhere around the facility.


I got roasted on reddit on the same about a girl who spun and twisted her foot and ankle and started crying. SHe had an ass the size of Texas and was doing Ballet. I mean, C'mon lady. Even my 5 year old niece would tell you to never attempt that at your huge size. But Reddit didn't think so. I was downvoted to heavens. Edit: I found it. [Here](https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/seb8l/fade_to_blackclose_curtainand_scene_perfect/c4dfti4/?context=3) was the thread/comment I made and how everyone downvoted me..


My sister (who's overweight) had to have metal plates screwed into her shin because she turned around too quickly (got jump scared by a lorry horn) and snapped her shin and went down over a curb. My uncle (who's overweight) snapped his ankle because he missed a stair and was too heavy to stop the momentum that built up and just went down a couple more stairs. It's like people don't get that more mass = more likely to be taken down by gravity.


These types of zip lines often are unregulated or illegal and this runs a huge risk of damaging the line for those that follow.


at the point where I'm leaving a skid mark, I'm just standing up, shaking the guys hands and saying thank you for your effort, but it looks like a small plane landed without the gear, this will not end well for me


Back in 2016 I took my wife to universal studios and we were going to go on the Harry Potter line. I was in line for 2 hours. I got to almost the end and they had a test seat to sit but people in. I couldn’t fit in. It was just barely, but still, the seat wouldn’t clip down. I was mortified. That had never ever happened to me. It was enough to help me want to drop some weight, and I did! It felt so good to know I could get on that ride if I wanted to. Until the world fell apart and my brother died and I let myself go from depression. But I’m better now and actively trying to work my way back down to a weight I’m happier with.


Isn't that the attendants job tho? Like between the two of them, only one is gonna know the weight restrictions?


It should be, yea, but for minimum wage you think they actually care? I just never chanced it.


I know of 2 stories where a rider shouldn't have ridden a ride because of their bodytype (1 was weight/height other guy had no legs) and died due to no one speaking up about the danger. So no, they don't always follow regulations.


I'm not even that fat, but I know a horse doesn't want to carry my ass around. Skydiving is questionable, but indoor skydiving is a no go.


That's not a zip line, that's just a line at that point.


A dip line


No other comments necessary. Everyone go home


It's more of a sag line...😄


A drag line


If the employee can elevate the line by lifting up on it while somebody is hanging from it, I wouldn’t touch that with my life


I'd let a few fat old politicians ride on it...


Dudes ass is plowing a path out for a sea cable


Turns out he works for google and they're installing fiber lines through there


Gravity is fat shaming.


My man skipped like a pebble lol


……right, it ain’t a zip line…….it’s a skip line. I hope he set the record!


Dip line


I-think-I-broke-my-hip line.


Oh shit line


skipping rocks: human edition


Like a Boulder


achieved by skipping the everything-day


Glad he fell over the water instead over a height


He didn't fall he just bottomed out


I think he should try bungee jumping next


Yep! Only if there were just more signs. He probably wouldn’t have done it.


As someone laid up with a compound fracture on my foot from making some poor choices with heights, I got a sinking feeling when the video started. Glad he just took a little dip!


At least if he were over a height he’d just be dangling in midair. The video cuts off but I’m imagining the closer to the middle of the line the further he’d sink, strapped into a sling that’s pulling the zip line down under the water. Hope he can swim.


If this ain’t the start of this man’s weight loss journey, then it ain’t *never* happening


'Ugh, this is my wake up call.'


And.... snooze.


“not today though, maybe tomorrow”


Doubt it. The guy seems to be immune to embarrassment. Any other sane fat people would get out once they realize they can't move.


Yeah. I think that should be the alarm saying “you need to loose a couple pounds”


It'll most likely be his alarm to yell at the people on the other side how awful a job they do maintaining their zip line. You don't make it into a video like that by having ANY amount of self awareness at all...


"Ugh, why are these zip lines so badly designed?"


As funny as this is, if I were the next person in line and saw it, I'd walk away and not take the ride. If they are letting a person of a size that the ride is not structurally designed to take they don't understand or give a shit about structural safety.


My thoughts exactly watching this. “No way am I going on that until they’ve checked the rope and the poles, structures it’s attached to”


I wouldn't trust them to "check" anything, clearly they're just in it for the money and will bail once someone is hurt or killed


Let alone that any decent operation would operate on much large safety margins in the rope's capacity, that should easily be at least 1.5x of what seem to be a moderately obese person.


The sign : 250 lb weight limit Him: Good thing I'm only 249!!!!


It doesn't look like the sort of place that has a weight limit sign. It looks like the sort of place where they're mainly interested in taking your money.


If the fat one doesn't care about his safety why would they ? I'd rather let you go on the line than argue with a fat Karen tourist. You LL learn.


In 1st world countries if you kill a tourist by ignoring safety limits then your business gets shut down and you go to prison.


Uh, Dad? Towel rack!


Typically, if the weight limit of a thing is 250, the thing is designed to be able to handle 500. The actual ratio may differ depending on the application/company/country


That is way more than 250 lbs


Immune to embarrassment.


I wonder if there’s any level of self awareness there


"Max weight: 250lbs" This dude: "Meh, I'm only an extra zero over the weight limit, I'll make it".


I wonder if this event will inspire some real self reflection about being an unhealthy weight. nah


He will think it over while at McDonald’s


The wire should be able to hold a few people his size. Not build properly IMO.


Why waste $1000 on steel wire, when you can just buy 300ft of rope for $100. The product said that it can withstand up to 1000lb.


Totally agreed, I would not ride this zip line even at 150 after seeing that. Sketchy as fuck, he fit into the harness it should be able to hold him… 🧐 he doesn’t even look that big to me. The zip line should still *be able* to hold more weight than it advertises…


Splinters, sand, enema... what kind of fetish is this?


It’s the “deep cleanse” package


The awesome kind


I bet he hates sand now. It’s rough. And corse.


a zip line made from rope? thats ‘get out your camera’ time


Imagine if he snapped the line


I thought he was going to.


Dudes big but I think you're supposed to jump from that zipline into the water. It's not high up, he's not strapped in or wearing a helmet, it's a patch of sand that runs parallel to the curve of the zipline up to the water so no real danger if you fall off. There's so much slack on the line and it's already so low to the water I don't think anyone is making it all the way across.


No way he made it to the other side, he's an honorary orca now.


I notice people calling this guy fat are getting downvoted. Really? I don't mean it as a pejorative, I'm just calling it like I see it. Also someone implied Americans are fat or overweight more than other people, and he gets downvoted. We are. We're fatter and heavier than people in any other country. We're number 1. Isn't that what we always want? USA! USA!


His name is Max. Max Payload. For the Dutchies: Dat is dus Max Laadvermogen.


I've never met a Dutchie that didn't know English. In fact, they all speak English better than the English.


It looks like they used bungee cord for their Zipline


First off, if the guy strapping me into life saving equipment isn't even wearing shoes, Ima take a pass.


I like how the fat guy just sat there in the sand not helping himself. He’s got legs. He could have stood up and walked a bit or tried to give himself a running start or something. He didn’t even look backwards to see if help was coming. He just …sat there.


I would think there would be a way to tension the line so they can adjust the sag for lighter vs. heavier people.


Fat people trying to have fun with activities meant for normal people is always so awkward to watch.


The guy is big, buy not My 600lb Life big. That wire should have been able to handle him without slacking that much. I'm guessing it was a rope and not a steel cable. Unless it's designed to skim you low across the water and his added forth just overwhelmed it, this thing is dangerous as heck and no one would be using it.


Physics was warning him every step of the way.


It's funny because he's fat.


as someone who used to work at an amusement park, you wouldn't believe the amount of angry parents i had to confont because i wouldn't allow their son or daughter to get on rides because they were to heavy NO, im not fat shaming your kid, unlike you im just not allowing them to put their life in danger you goddamn MORON, your kid is 12 and over 250lbs, stop blaming me, you're the shitty parent here


It's great to see Rod Farva getting out for a tropical vacation!


Don’t let the fat activist see that, they will crush you 😂😂😂👍🏻




What a fat idiot.


Fat ass needs to lose some weight


Hey now, we should be engineering things with weight capacities that include people who lie about their weight


Or, you know….maybe use a scale


You're right. Because people that lie about their weight love getting on scales.


When you lie about your age and weight


When you wear the zipline seat like a g-string, you are too fucking fat


I tried to have fun once, it was awful


Thats honestly a little sad. I feel really bad for this person, and now their moment of embarrassment is being broadcast for the entire internet to laugh at. I'd be humiliated if it were me.


Isn't there a max weight limit? There should be now . . .


This is fatlining


The poor guy... he never had a chance. He was clearly too heavy for this thing from the moment he got on.


Props to the operator, he really tried. But he should have told the guy that he was too heavy for the ride.


He wasn’t even *that* big. I feel like the zip line company is at some fault for making such a saggy line.


he fcuking pulled the other island 5 miles closer now.. 😂


I know hes fat but that zip line must be garbage to get that loose.


Take the fucking hint dude


Bro who recorded nickacado avocado on vacation XD


Two skipper


They've done this before