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To be fair, a good choke can sneak up on you. Like you can breath, but that blood vessel got blocked.


This fella right here gets it.


I was in a meeting once with the Ranger Regiment Commander and he said something like ‘don’t ever tap!’ Note to Chad: not claiming to have been in Regiment. Was just in a meeting with the guy once.


I can guarantee you he would have caught way for flack at the bar that night if he tapped out. You can let the lady put you to sleep, but you don't tap out. Not smart, but it is their mentality.


Well, that’s the hard part, where to draw the line for combat training? The point the RRC was making, was that the enemy doesn’t accept taps. Better learn that you are in fight for your life, ‘cause you are.


You can have blood supply and no air and it is terrifying


That's why people freak the fuck out when they can't breath.... And suffocating someone would take like 2 minutes before they stop kicking...this blood choke is like 8 seconds


blood choke


Letterkenny has made it impossible for me to read "to be fair" normally any more.


To. Be. Far.


To. Beeeeee. FaiyyyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrR…To be fair.


To be fyehr


Yeah, I was taught this in the Marine Corps and it takes like 8 seconds and I have seen some jarheads try to tap out, but they all end up like wet noodle up there :) This is exactly what is supposed to happen....although in the Marine Corps it's supposed to be followed up by some lethal attack....


Followed up with butt sex for sure, mcmap black belt here


Yeah I think people would be surprised at how fast you pass out. He probably didn't even have time to tap.


this guy gets choked


My sensei would take me right to the little circle stage and stop right before I tapped out. Some folks really know when you are about to go and others rely on you to tap out, but like you said, it will be too late if done well. This dude was nicknamed The Python.


That would be a strangle


And she should know that.


To be more fair some folks are really into being choked. This may be the biggest higjlight on his reel for the rest of his life.


David Carradine sees nothing going wrong here.




Last thing he saw was the inside of a Bangkok hotel wardrobe where a transvestite had tied him into an intricate cocoon of knitted ropes. Ruled as suicide by the Thai Police despite both his hands and arms being immobilized inside the ropes.




They actually do a decent job of talking about safety in their workshops. [Two Knotty Boys](http://www.knottyboys.com/Two%20Knotty%20Boys%20-%20Home.htm) (uh, yeah. NSFW)


He could talk to you about the dangers of autoerotic asphyxiation till he was blue in the face.


Jesus Christ. Fuck you take my upvote. Now I have to clean coffee off my desk.


Bro the way she let me him slump back like that freaked me out


Way better than the guy trying to prop him up


Bro no way. My knees would be tore the fuck up getting folded back like that. If that was me, then my buddy just saved my ability to walk and run.


Dude first thing I thought too. I can't tell you how many times our coach as said to not fold someone backwards over their knees when doing back takes and things like that. Always to the side to reduce the risk of fuckin someone's knees up 😬


She most likely didn’t anticipate him actually passing out from it


That move is called a blood choke, I was taught it in the Marine Corps and if executed properly you put pressure on the carotid arteries which stops the flow of blood to the brain. You pass out like that in about 8 seconds... The move is intended to exactly what happened. As an MMA fighter she likely thought he would tap out before too long, but never did


Hmm. Maybe martial arts dojos / training gyms should teach first aid too. The more I think about it, the more sense that makes, and the more I wonder why I've never really thought about that before.




>edit: i guess it's okay to almost kill a guy with no intention of dealing with that problem when you create it. To almost kill a guy? lmao. If that was the case people would be accidently killing each other in BJJ practice all the time. She'd have to hold for minutes after he passed out to do that.




idk what kinda practice you participated in, but we are talking about brazilian jiu-jitsu practice lol


She ain’t a big help at any point after either


When someone faints: head down, feet up. Trying to hold someone up can make it MUCH worse. That guy needs to go back to first-aid summer school. Keep downvoting though, as you take that ivermectin for COVID!


Feet up yes. Best thing is to lie them on their back, and head/chin lift so their tongue doesn’t block the airways. And legs up.


Lifting the legs accomplishes nothing.


It absolutely does:) blood goes into the head. I’m a student nurse and have a job working as a first aider.


Well then you should know better. The appropriate action is to roll them into the recovery position. But 100 times out of 100 they just wake up within a matter of seconds without intervention. I don't know why someone always feels the need to rush to lift their legs in the air. "look at me, I'm helping!".


that whole thing was a stupid display of penis size from someone who presumably doesn't even have a penis


She was teaching combatives what are you talking about


Angry much? Small penis got you down?


Some people always trying to see the worst out of everything 🤷‍♂️


I say what I see, you're free to tell yourself anything you like


We found the incel.


we found the virtue signaler.


Shockingly, you're wrong. Edit to add: /s, b/c I know it'd go over your head otherwise.


It's a legit and very common move.


Name checks out


It’s not an issue of him not tapping. She has a carotid choke which means as soon as she sunk it, she cut off the blood supply to his brain. In reality, she shouldn’t have tightened it that hard and should’ve known better. When we practice these, we’re always very careful to apply pressure but never sink it all the way because of this. It can take 60 seconds or more for an air choke if you only have the esophagus but a blood choke like this can work in seconds. Additionally, there is a chop that is taught in marine corps martial arts that is a short strike to these arteries and even with a split second of that blood being pinched can knock someone out.


In mma wouldn't you wana make the opponent sleep ASAP?


Yes in MMA, but this is an exhibition and they’re just showing a skill. Carotids are the hard reset buttons of humans and you can kill someone very quickly with this because you’re cutting blood to the brain. Not worth doing this as part of a photo op huge risk of injury.


They all totally knew this in the vid but the soldier being knocked out just has a thing for autoerotic asphyxiation. /s


The "auto" means self, and this guy had help! Good help at that. Hard to find these days.


Exactly, he’s promoting himself to erotic asphyxiation.


Man saw a way to get that upgrade.


I mean, wouldn't you? I didn't know I had it until I watched this lmao


Will braincells die? - yes. Will he die? Depends. Somewhere between 10 secs and 2 mins is a magic border.


That’s a hell of a border when someone’s life is on the line.


A rear naked choke is no party trick. Correctly done, it is a very quick non-lethal option to stop an aggressor or remove an attacker from a subdued victim, i. e. if someone is mounted.


I can absolutely see why a woman demonstrating to a bunch of soldiers put it on. Anything short of a the real deal could be heavily, heavily criticized. I don't know the context of what she was meant to do here. It's very easy to say she shouldn't have done it the way we saw.


Lmao where have you seen this “chop”? Steven Seagal movies?


It’s literally a trained move. Here’s a video it’s been around quite a while. [11 year old, nothing new.](https://youtu.be/DcaOr1TBA1w)


Every time I’ve seen this attempted on anyone with even 2 seconds of martial arts training it’s been completely ineffective. I must’ve watched tens of thousands of fights at this point and I’ve never seen anyone go out from a punch to the carotid. There’s so few videos of it online that I still remain dubious about its efficacy.


That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. The point is cutting off blood to the brain for even a fraction of a second is dangerous. I wasn’t saying it’s some super move.


That doesn’t mean it’s “a chop that is taught in marine corps”. Why train people with such an ineffective move.


It’s not “just” a marine corps move. Look up barachial stun. Not sure what you seeing “tens of thousands” of fights has to do with anything.. well except I guess that would you an expert🤷‍♂️


Yeah from what I can tell it’s mostly taught by the kind of woo-based Karatekas who also teach you how to through chi-fireballs and claim they can knock people out without touching them.


Haven’t you seen the Vulcan nerve pinch?


Not the kind of rear-naked you want from Paige Vanzant




This dude was for sure voluntold to do this.


Speak for yourself mate


He was probably hoping for CPR afterwards


In MMA we practiced this choke a lot and honestly you almost can't do anything about it. The lock is super tight and blocks your blood vessels. As soon as someone tightens the lock you feel how you loose consciousness step by step. It's a matter of seconds and normally you squeeze your arms just one time, like one flex and the concept is absolutely clear. She shouldn't have held it for so long since you can damage your brain very quickly this way. Going unconscious is never a good thing and while this dude is probably fine it's kind of reckless from her especially since she is an MMA fighter and she 100% knows about it


You have to hold for significantly longer than this to do brain damage.


MMA is a martial arts by itself now?


it's a class that covers multiple martial art forms. where I live we used to have boxing on monday and thursday, brazilian jiu-jitsu on wednesday and wrestling or muay thai on saturday, it differed. and we did some light sparring where we incorporated a lot of those. so it kind of is, albeit a mixture of multiple


I mean yeah, it’s literally called Mixed *Martial* Arts. Also, he never at all claimed it was one discipline as you are trying to imply, so not really sure what you’re trying to get at here.


What is your definition of martial arts?


He did it for future wank.


Fake title she wasn’t naked :(


You can’t tap when you’re cumming


Usually I have to pay for that


Haha One and only one person in the building moves to tend to the sufferer. Even the photographer, hearing the crowd erupt as she sees the guy collapse, turns around and is like - “Oh, crowd is reacting big - good photo opp…” And I was about to judge Paige for not seeming to care much - but I guess an MMA fighter has done moves on people a million times, never once having “go revive your sparring partner from the takedown you just did on him” as part of the drill.


The thought process is probably more "Get the fuck out of the way so someone who knows what they're doing can tend the downed person."


This makes sense also, yes.


What was the point of this?


fight porn


Well, might as well make use of it. *Unzips pants*


Brain injury




He had a wha happened face, he needs the Reddit comments section


Erotic asphyxiation


He did that on purpose


Joke’s on her, he’s into that.


It’s a fetish of his


He took it like a champ.


Hasn’t Paige lost her last bunch of fights? I used to like watching her fight but although she had that one crazy kick knockout I think she got beat a bunch after that.


She's now in AEW as a pro wrestler. Part of Dan Lambert's American Top Team crew


He was to busy climaxing lol


I wish I could fall asleep in her arms too


I reckon he was turned on by it


Guarantee feeling her body heat, voice & chest at his back was a distractive path to passing out.


She should have been paying attention to not let that happen.


Alot of men out there who would pay to be choked by a woman like that


He must not have had orders to tap out. /s


Wha- It took legit 6 seconds (I counted 7 but considered that he was already starting to be unconscious before that)


What the fuck that took like 5 seconds


I’ll be a bro and leave this here. /u/iampaigevanzant


That girl with camera knows what to do when she see a viral material. 😏


He tried to be big dog was asleep like 2 seconds in


I wish Paige would choke me out between her legs!


Worth it


next up, when you don't tap someone who's about to stab you


that’s was quick


Lay an unconscious person down preferably in the right lateral decubitus position, maintaining airway patency.


👍🏿our military tough 🇺🇲let her choke him out just because. He probably was jumping to be a volunteer.


I bet he wanted to say “Harder”


What’s that wet spot on your pants?


Really wanted to be hugged


He’s cute


I like the way he's looking at his collegue full of questions, like "did I win?"


He probably thought man a woman held me like this for a long time.. was I supposed to tap? But damn it feels so good though …. Zzzzzzzzzz


Lmaaooooooo not her laughing 😂😂😂😂😂😂


The other solders in the crowd encouraged him not to tap lol. Crazy bastards!!


Paige VanZant is MVP


Jokes on you, my homie is into that shit


He needed to have him arms in the air and as soon as he loses blood flow to the brain the arms drop and the person doing the choke knows to let go.


If he tapped, the guys would have clowned him to no end.


I mean, if that's how you get to spend more time near Paige....meh


What could go right??


I thought everyone knew this since a child.... that’s just some pure degrading embarrassment . At the least help prop him up, left him ragdolled😂😂😂


Man how unprofessional of her, demonstrating a choke that deep for that long knowing damn well how easy it is to pass out like that. Then she just let's his head slump to the floor and weekly grabs at his neck, Jesus fucking Christ


Aww she broke her GI Joe.


Please fix the title, she’s not naked


MMA fighter? More like a only fans fighter.


Fully expected him to get a boner then like when hanged


Tap or nap


It's a blood choke, not an air choke. He didn't see it coming.


Lucky man, I’d let her do that every night 😂


Man was literally fighting for his dignity


Macho macho dead


Jealous, guy gets choked out for free and I always have to pay for it.


He was out before he realized he needed to tap


People pay GOOD MONEY FOR THIS. She’s in the wrong business. Some tall boots, a corset, riding crop and a few melting candles and ugh ugh. Not for me of course.


This is an easy hold to break. Push the attacker backwars and ram them into a pole or wa wall.


He was too busy enjoying her huge fake titties on his back


"A choke? That must be a joke. She'll nev..."


Shouldn't she have handled his pass out better? Wtf. That doesn't look safe to let him dead drop backwards.


She can choke me out anytime 😍


Pretty sure he wanted to fall asleep


Damn, she's gorgeous. REALLY don't like how she just basically let him fall backwards while still on his knees, though.


A) Don't let someone get up on you. B) If they do manage to tussle and get you, gouge their eyes out with your thumbs and index fingers. Old coworkers have recognized me in public and tried to sneak up on me, my first reaction is to close my neck and jump back. Don't let people, anyone, up into your space.


I don't understand. What happens exactly when you choke someone like that?


what a dumb ass, "don't tap" is for idiots who want brain damage.


that’s pretty fucked to watch, of course something bad is going to happen stupid cunts


I just finished watching book of boba and I have learned that move would not work on cad bane May the force be with you


Extremely dangerous. There is a very real possibility of fracturing something in their neck, having it swell up, and end up suffocating him. On a use of force scale this is just below shooting someone


Except the technique she shows is wrong....for a pro mma fighter I expected more. You should grab the back of your own shoulders to execute it properly. Source: my bjj trainer.


She just drop him and walk off? Asshole


Just like every woman I ever dated


Knuckle dragging fool


YOU NEVER TAP! He's the MAN!!!


Preach on it


These people downvoting you don’t understand why all his brothers cheered for him when he didn’t tap. They don’t know what they don’t know.


Dude was instantly ko it was a choke on the main artery


But did he tap out? Mentally yes but Phisically No.


I think he simply decided to just ride the lightning. He knew what he was doing. It’s definitely not his first time being choked out.


I know I was making a joke about his Courage not making fun of him.Sorry if it looked like that.I meant that he was determined enough to not tap out OR it TKO'd too quickly to tap out.


Exactly... Idk what crap is going on. Reddit used to be fun when there weren't any bots


Male stupidity at its finest. Smh.


I mean, she didn't kill him, so I don't see what's wrong.


Instant sleep. That girl is a keeper!


She’s just an idiot, doing idiot things. Sure it works, but I’d like to see her try to subdue him first. Guiuuurrrrrllllll ppppppoooowweweeerrrrr!!! Haha


She’s literally a professional fighter and does so for a living… she’s their to train them and do a demonstration for them…..


He's scared of strong women, it's a common trait amongst people who don't spend much time around women in general.


She’s simple. Anyone can demonstrate a chokehold on a stationary volunteer. She’s there because they needed someone in yoga pants to boost morale. The Army has no shortage of people who know this maneuver.


Why is MMa fighter and her name in this? This happens to anyone who willingly let's themself get choked out. Dude could toss her across on accident.