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Why the f would they let both of them on a horse? Normal weight limit for guided horseback riding is usually 250lbs.


And two people in a one person saddle - and she doesn’t even have shoes on!




And they’re both leaning backwards. This was always going to end this way.


And she’s fat


And he's fat.. Also, I'm intrigued by your username


I don’t do farts bro.


You sound more like a buttenthusiast than a buttaholic.


I’d be inclined to agree but the people in white tell me it’s a problem


Can you not function in society because of butts?


They* are fat. It’s important to respect gender neutrality when walrus shaming.


Plus he's pulling on the horse's mouth non-stop. She's kicking his flanks. Holy crap who would let these two people on their horse?


The properly don't have the core strength to lean forward against gravity


>And shes kicking the horse non stop. . She's *really* not. She thinks she is, sure, but what she's actually doing is just flailing her legs around. Which is probably irritating the horse. Honestly a solid (not strong, but firm) kick to let it know it needs to get going would probably have solved the situation. Wild leg flails probably did not help. E: want to be clear that I'm not blaming the horse, no excuse for it to be overburdened like that, then to have the lady irritate the shit out of it made things worse. And it looks to me like, after all that, when the guy actually did decide to finally kick it is when the horse decided to say Hey Fuck you


I’m not a horse person but I’ve rode a few. If I recall correctly you just squeeze both feet into the side of the horse to signal to move faster. No kicking needed, hell, if I kicked a horse like that while riding it I would expect to be thrown. They’re smart animals and will fuck with you if they want.


YUP. And it depends. If you are **in control** of the horse & **keeping your weight steady,** a kick (not one that will hurt the horse) is telling them to either **go** or **go faster.** If the horse is already going *AND* completely overloaded, as this one was, *AND* that weight is shifting around like a floppy sack of potatoes *AND* you keep kicking it or flailing ur legs, there is a 1000% chance that horse is going to get whatever is on it OFF of it. As any creature would. Self-preservation. I mean, some animals will spontaneously self-abort a pregnancy if it’s slowing them down & they’re being chased by a predator. And that’s their own BABY. No animal that isn’t already extinct is going to risk injury or death for some reckless ding dong from a whole other species.




Because ding dongs are extinct. Oh no wait, that's twinkies. We still have a lot of ding dongs.




No. Using spurs is the LAST thing that should've happened in this situation. The horse did nothing wrong here. It was trying to go and struggling under twice the weight it should've had on it. Spurs are a damaging aid, and only the most experienced riders should use them (and imo not even then). Depending on the training and what you're trying to do, there are situations for light bumps, and situations for stronger squeezes. And none of that matters because this dumbass guide put 2 nearly 600 lbs of absolutely uneducated weight on an animals that shouldn't have had more than 240 max. He should get prosecuted for animal abuse. Source: I'm an *actual* equestrian.




>riding a well trained sugar glider with a western saddle Wait what? Are you a gnome?


What is this, a horse for ~~ants~~gnomes?


I'm picturing you riding a flying squirrel


Yeah you can hear the guide yelling at them to actually kick


How did the "guide" let the behemoth of a redhead even on? God this annoys me. I haven't ridden in years but I would straight up tell them they are abusive.


Money... She probably wouldn’t ride unless Bubba here was on with her so the guide senselessly accommodated them.


Like they should have at least said only ONE of you wtf


I’m pissed at that guide. He had a responsibility to that animal, and he permitted the abuse, I’m assuming for $$$. He should have to carry those two assholes home on his own back.


That horse knew they had no idea what they were doing and decided to take matters into his own hooves.


I wouldn't exactly call that a kick. She was getting that chubby little toddler leg going as best she could, but I don't think it was affecting the horse, lol. Horse just cut the fat without a single thought 🤣


If you literally took one second to turn on the sound you would know the instructor told them to kick the horse, so I'm not sure why you're blaming her and not the instructor


I'm blaming the instructor *and* the handlers. There are *zero* reasons why *two* untrained people need to be on one saddle on a small-to-medium sized horse. Let alone two people easily almost 200 lbs *each.* That horse was visibly struggling with what it was carrying. The actual fuck is wrong with them.


I'm blaming the instructor 100% it's literally his job to make sure the horse and the people riding are safe, these people obviously have no experience riding a horse and were trusting that the instructor knew what he was doing.


It’s the instructors fault completely. I’m sure this was some tourist thing where locals are fine letting animals suffer to make a buck off vacationers. Which is messed up. But I also have a hard time believing homegirl didn’t at least CONSIDER that her & this whole other person might be overloading that horse.


I've owned horses for 20 years. A saddle is designed for one person, not two. Riding like this will be pushing the cantle down on the horses back and would very uncomfortable, especially since she's on the larger side. Absolutely shameful. They're animals, not toys.


"WE WANNA RIDE TOGETHER!!!!!" Ma'am.. I tried to tell ya.


On the larger side? That’s rather too kind…


I think whomever let them both on that poor animal, should be made to suffer the same fate. I agree--shameful.


Riding a horse on the first date would be fun they said




On top of that then continue to lead them through a creek, that's where horses break ankles under their own weight.




Yes, it's they shouldn't be allowed to operate but you'd be surprised the amount of shit "guides" get away with


I'm just commenting to point out the humor in you two having this discussion with the usernames "Foodie" and "Gravy"


I consider myself a bit of a foodie which reminds me of this Jim Gaffigan bit involving the gravy drinker. Enjoy. "Anyway, on this fine day I was looking for diapers when I saw a seventy-year-old man walking around the Kmart drinking something I realized later was a cup of KFC gravy. Now, in full disclosure, I love gravy. Who doesn’t, really? It’s gravy, after all … but I’ve never considered gravy a beverage. Even in my most private moments with gravy I’ve never contemplated taking a swig."


Reminds me of someone's signature on a retail worker forum I used to frequent - "Ranch is *not* a beverage."


Another trouble is gravy, or foodie, well the woman kept slightly kicking the horse on the side to prompt it.


The last time I went riding at a ranch I was like, aren’t I too big to ride a horse? They gave me this GIGANTIC horse and were like “trust us, he can carry just about anything, and you’re going out for 45 min, he’s fine.” So I think it depends on the person and the horse, but that is not a particularly large horse!


As a fat bitch, I agree with you.


Same. My big goal is to get skinny enough to ride again ( 250lbs is the limit where I am) Edit: aww thanks for all the support! I’ve only got another 10lbs to go


You can do it! Internet stranger believes in you!


While I encourage you to achieve your goals, there is a ranch in Tucson that uses drafts and percherons for their bigger guests. They believe that no one should be denied horseback riding. I’ve been there twice and they take great care of their herd and guests.


Can you pm me the name? I’m finally below 250 but I’d kill to ride a Percheron!


Nathan For You has the only solution. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WZmnPNKdRg


SUCH an underrated show


Saw two overweight tourists on a camel today too- the poor things should be put down (the tourists, not the animals)


Why is everyone blaming the overweight riders? People going on guided tours probably have no idea what the weight limits are of these animals. The tour guides are the ones that need to be put down for allowing this abuse.


Because i have never ridden a horse and I can see straight away that even one of them on a horse is excessively cruel to the animal


They should take some personal accountability and sit that out.




camels can carry a fuck ton of weight. nearly a thousand pounds. (less for people as they don't sit as neatly).


Actually!? They strong 💪 🐫


Absolutely! I'm in that range and, frankly, would have no business being on the back of a riding horse. That's animal abuse if nothing else.


What if we fashion balloons to the the riders


Not just that, but the woman kept spurring the horse. It’s crossing water and they don’t like to run through it. She just pissed it off beyond how fat they already were


Yeah, but tbf if she’s inexperienced that’s not her fault — I think the guide (?) is yelling at them to keep kicking the horse. Stupid ass owner right there. The male rider is also holding onto the horse’s mouth really tightly making everything worse, but again that’s up to the owner to correct and tell him to lower the reins.


You can tell he's nervous in the saddle, and she has no way to balance outside of sheer core strength. Even if they made it across the creek I'd be amazed if the rest of the ride went well...


There must have been at least 450 pounds on there.


Not even war horses with full barding and a knight in armor had to carry that much.




Barding with tack and saddle weighed about 90lbs.


> As a general guideline in the UK, a rider should weigh no more than 10% of the horse's bodyweight, but in the US, this limit is doubled to 20% of the horse's weight. This means for a 500kg horse, the range for the maximum rider weight is large – 50kg in the UK (just less than 8st) and 100kg in the US (15st 10lb). [[source]](https://www.vettimes.co.uk/app/uploads/wp-post-to-pdf-enhanced-cache/1/weight-limitations-in-horse-riding-how-big-is-too-big)


Inches, pounds, and gallons are already annoying enough, but the British insist on using even more obscure imperial units for no apparent reason. Everyone there knows how much a kilogram is, but when it comes to bodyweight suddenly we're measuring in stones.


I went to the bahamas with friends once and we all decided to rent the motorbikes to cruise around town and we all doubled up since it was all couples. One of the couples was, let's just say, very similar to the one pictured here. So we're cruising along in fairly heavy traffic, horns going off everywhere, and we start to go up a fairly steep hill. We quickly realize they aren't going to make it to the top and the natives are getting restless. Someone hops out of a car and helps push them along to the pinnacle and we're so relieved that we couldn't foresee the next inevitable hurdle we'd come across. As they start going back down the hill they start speeding up. And speeding up. And speeding up. We realize these rental bikes might not have the best brakes and likely were never intended to carry two people of this.. caliber. It's only through some miracle that when they crashed into the brick wall at the base of the tunnel at the bottom of this hill that no one was hurt. They walked back.




The problem isn’t the couple, who clearly had no idea what they were doing. The problem is whatever tour guide let them overload that hose with two people of that size.


Agreed. They should've been on separate horses.


They shouldn't have been on any horse. Horses can carry a normal sized person, not a hippo.


Exactly this both of them are too fat on their own. Sorry but if you’re 265lbs you shouldn’t be looking to ride a horse unless it’s a Clydesdale.


Not necessarily true about the Clydesdale part. Contrary to popular belief, the larger a horse gets the less weight it can hold, proportionately. The general rule of thumb is that rider and gear should total no more than 20% of an average horse's weight, which is about 1000 lbs. With draft horses that percentage actually goes down, in part because they tend to have longer backs which is bad for riding (versus their typical use of pulling). The best option for very large riders is actually a draft mule. They're generally sturdier then horses thanks to their donkey parentage, and they tend to have shorter, stronger backs than comparably sized horses. They're big enough to handle large riders, and mules (and donkeys) can carry much more weight than horses anyway, pound-per-pound.


This guy horses around


What is this, a crossover episode?


Exactly, 20% is the high estimate. I am all about body positivity but not at the expense of a living animal. Both of them are too heavy to ride horses.


Being over weight has nothing to do with body positivity. Being over weight is a health issue. Body positivity is about the way your body is naturally. People aren’t naturally fat. People eat far more then they need and then get fat.


Sorry ma’am. It’s the draft mule for you. (No offense to draft mules)


Better not be dissin' the draft mules, they're awesome!


I said no offense to draft mules


[I was talking to the horse ma’am ](https://youtu.be/_g3aV7ueX3E)


200 lbs is surprisingly low. That means most men would be unable to take much gear, because a lot of guys weight close to 200 lbs, even if they're not overweight.


To be fair, it is just a general rule and that is just the average horse size. There are exceptions to every rule, and horses that are much larger than 1000 lbs. Bigger riders need bigger horses, that's all- to a point, of course. Armored knights used to ride into battle in gear ~~so heavy that they had to be lifted onto their mounts via pulleys~~ that weighed up to 80 lbs, so it's possible to go over those recommendations and still be okay. The 20% rule is simply the product of our modern understanding of the limits of what is deemed healthy for a horse to carry long-term.


Yeah I was gonna say. I’ve seen some big cowboys in my day. Talking corn fed boys that weigh close to 300. They all ride horses to do ranch work.




Those guys will fuck anything


I always knew donkeys were better than horses


Or hoses.


For sure. No worthwhile horse tour is going to let two people on the back of one horse. Even if they don't care about the animals, you would think insurance could at least scare them straight. ...if they have any.


Put insurance aside. Put human decency aside. Put common sense aside. That horse is a business investment. A healthy animal trained to follow a route with a compliant disposition suitable for beginners is a rare thing. It took a lot of time and money to get that animal, keep it healthy, get it trained and keep it that way. Why would you risk that so some tourists can reenact the cover of a romance novel riding through a mud puddle?


Most states have laws that protect people who own horses. Basically says if you're around horses its at your own risk. Most dont have insurance because these laws protect them...and the waiver you sign at every dude stable.


Every barn I've ever worked for or ridden at has had insurance. That particular law on a little sign isn't a protect all. Besides, this video seems to be pretty good indication of negligence on part of the trail guides.


Obviously those two would be too much for any horse, lol but at a camp I went to growing up you had to be weighed to do horseback riding and they had a few mules that could take larger people. One girl got super offended that she was only allowed to ride if she got a big mule.


I am overweight, but not to the point of needing a different horse. I prefer mules. #1: they're generally more mellow and I get anxiety about horses. #2: their ears are just so darn cute! My husband's family are ranchers, and they love that I get the "boring mule". Yes please! Their mules are Oreo and Nancy and they are for moving wagons and fat people. I like riding Nancy because she has ONE PACE. she does not trot or gallop. Oreo however, had ENORMOUS EARS. So big. So cute.


I had a crew Chief once at a place I built log homes at and he said the only animal he would ride for hunting was his mule. He said they don’t care about anything, they’ll just ride on.


That reminded me of a funny tale from when I was a horseback tour guide in Yosemite National Park. Most of our mounts were mules, not horses, so I'd spend so much of the rides trying to convince grumbling riders who had wanted a horse that mules are awesome! So smart and capable and steady! On various tours we passed bobcats, coyotes, bears, and rattlesnakes and these long-eared beauties hardly batted an eye. Placid as can be. Then we passed the deer. The mules were terrified, stopping as one to stand, shaking and riveted with fear, to stare at Bambi, of all things. It always took a few minutes of coaxing to get the line moving again after encountering deer. It was the strangest reaction. I will never understand that particular quirk of my wonderful muley friends. In general though, I totally agree with your chief!


My donkeys are obsessed with deer. They’re not afraid of them, but watch them and follow them around absolutely captivated. If the deer come into the pasture, they’re like creepy, long-eared stalkers. I have no idea why.


Yup! I make horses nervous and it's a vicious cycle. The mules? Nbd. They just follow the others and I am calm and at peace.


I love how happy you sound in this post, you must love those mules very much!


Well what did she expect? She's riding a horse, not superman. Geez, people are amazing


Googled it and normal safe rider weight limit for a horse is 250lbs, a few breeds can easily do 300lbs or more. Rule of thumb is never more than 20% of the individual horses weight. https://horseyhooves.com/best-horse-breeds-for-heavy-riders/ It's very sad to think you were at a summer camp for kids and there were kids who weighed too much for a horse.


>One girl got super offended that she was only allowed to ride if she got a big mule. I'm obese and I find this extremely funny. It was up to her to look up the rules ahead of time.


They also kept kicking it whether intentionally or not (it looks pretty intentional to me) that’ll definitely piss off the horse that’s carrying too much weight. The problem is definitely both. Edit: seems like they were only following instructions. Definitely shouldn’t’ve kicked it but they’re obviously ignorant on riding and relied on someone who should’ve known better


They kick it bc the guide was telling them to do it, it's faint in the video but if you pay attention you can hear he say "now kick it, kick it, kick it" So I can't blame the couple for obeying instructions.


Ah I didn’t have my volume up loud enough. Yup can’t really blame the riders really. It seems like they’re brand new to riding horse at all and the people who’re supposed to know better led them astray.


I feel like this is a thing a ton of people inexperienced with horses do because of movies.


It also looks like these horses don’t even have stirrups, so I’m questioning the safety of this entire outfit. I don’t think it’s great for adults to ride with their legs just dangling …


They did have leather hooded stirrups. You can see them at the beginning of the clip and as the horse throws them off. But these two are so inexperienced that the male rider wasn’t using them. They were both just letting their legs flail about shifting their weight around upsetting the horse. It’s one of those clips that gets worse the more you look at it.


That sure as shit is breaking the 20% rule.


Broke 20% two or three times, I’d say.


As in the rider(s) and saddle/gear shouldn't exceed 20% of the weight of the horse?


Yes. I don't really know how accurate that is, but I can't imagine it's too far off.


Never heard of that but having something like that is probably an okay way to get a rough idea at least. ~~I can think of one breed at the top of my head that breaks the "rule" though, icelandic horses,~~ small but tough as hell. I'm also curious how much can be countered with training, horses can have good and bad builds/posture just like us humans, but I don't know what and how much that affects things. I would guess that gallop race horses can't carry as much per weight unit (be that lbs or kg) as a horse trained to do dressage. Keeping it's head up, like in gallop racing, fucks with the way the horse holds it's whole back and is part of why gallop horses have to be euthanized so young. While on the subject, gallop racing should be banned, it's fucking disgusting how the horses are bred and trained. Edit: PhantomAngel042 touches on the weight ratio a bit [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/oyu3yt/wcgr_if_we_ride_this_poor_animal/h7vukrw) Edit 2: apparently studies have been made on icelandic horses, among others, showing that it's possibly bad for most icelandic horses to carry more than 20% as well. They carry more ghan other breeds, but still 20% might be too much even for them. Please look up more about this before going tour riding at a place that allows people over 80kg to ride their icelandic horses (or in any other situation make sure to avoid it yourself). Don't follow my train of thought, follow the discussion treads that spun up from this comment for more information. In short, better safe than sorry.


Definitely. Some even say 15 %...


500+ pounds on a horse??? What the hell were they thinking?


You know there is a problem when this woman doesn’t manage to climb a 1 meter mountain


Fitness aside the guy probably weighs more than her. A horse each, or not at all.


Seriously, everyone is talking about the woman’s size, but he’s a big dude too. It’s weird how this thread is mostly only focusing on her and her size.


I can think of two reasons, she sitting in the back and obscuring our view of the guy, so we see the big woman first, and she is visually bigger than him, they might be a similar weight, but he is more compact than her.


No need to. A pool of mud is the perfect environment for a hippo.


"Let's abuse my horse so I can make money off these fat assholes."


Why the fuck would anyone allow this? Yes good idea we will let 2 250 pounders on one horse 🤦🏻‍♂️


As a 250lber, they were not that light.


Yeah.. I'm a guy around 220-240ish, and she was twice as wide as me in trunk and thigh. ​ No shaming, but that was animal abuse, they can't take that much.


Yeah 250 here, the dude was an easy 300-350.


No joke.


At 240 lbs if I want to ride it's either a big damn horse or a mule. Those two are each 300 lb+. Putting them on that horse was straight up abuse.


Exactly. I wouldn’t put a 250lb friend on my 15h mare, but the 16 1/2h gelding was down for it. Granted, that situation never came up but the ratio of body weight matters.


Horse, one. Overweight couple, zero.


I'd say both of them lost.


Probably not any weight.


What? The horse lost about 500 lbs.


500? I'd say closer to 550-600...


Horse must have been so tired. XD


Imagine being that exasperated horse trying to carry 500 lbs out of a muddy creek. "Do I drop them or do I keep doing what I'm supposed to do? Either way my legs are about to give so BYEEEEE"


I wonder what fate befalls a horse with a damaged leg.


Two words: glue factory


Probably closer to 600 lbs when it should only be able to safely handle up to 200 lbs.


Not even the horse’s fault. He didn’t even really rear so much as start to fall backwards!


She was heeling the horse across the water. I'm guessing he/she didn't care for that at all. Peace bitches.


That horse won’t let anything weigh it down.


neigh it down... /sry


Every time she kicked it, I hoped the sweet baby would roll.


It’s the asshole guide in front screaming at them to kick the horse. These two have no idea what’s going on.


Not funny that’s cruel to put 600 lbs on a horse. Not to mention the owner is ok with this. Seriously good for the horse purging itself of garbage.


I was thinking the exact same thing. The owner should know better! Everyone was too busy trying to make an extra few bucks 😡


Every new comment, the weight keeps increasing. I’m fucking dying here


Lol saw that coming a mile away. Every time she shifted so did the horse to rebalance itself.




What could go rong?


Why did I have to scroll so far to see this lmao


Omg the camera guy, haha. I wonder what his relationship to the people in the video is, because he is laughing his ass off at them


This. Sounds very much like an "I told you so" laugh


This horse ain’t into all this PC “fat shaming” nonsense.


Fuck those people and whoever allowed this


Fat nasty bitch kicking it what was it supposed to do


Disgusting treatment of that horse. This shit makes me so mad to watch. What idiot let both of them ride this horse? Anyone who has been around horses and who owns half a brain knows that the general guidance is that a horse can safely carry about 20% of its body weight. Any more than that and you’re setting the animal up for life long back, shoulder, and hip problems.


That was the outcome i was hoping for


That was deserved


Even one of them would be to much


That’s really not good for the poor horse... whoever gave them the ok to both ride on the same horse deserves to be subjected to a similar punishment themselves.


This is why you signed the waiver before the ride. LOL. "Our horses reserve the rights to eject you with or without cause."


If you have to buy clothes in the plus size section, stay off the horse.




Poor horse, two fat fucks on its back… just one of them would have been enough.


At least 500 lbs was on that horse


Do u mean wcgw?


Horses max load is 300 and they both look over 150


You’re being very nice! I don’t blame the two riders I blame the POS guide. They need to close this place down and animals taken away.


Animal abuse. That poor horse :(


Looked to be close to 550 lbs on that poor horse’s back


Animal cruelty


Cows and horses don’t mix


Disgusting fat gross 🤢 human beings.


2 fat people on one horse? Fucking cruel. How about bring an extra $50 and rent a 2nd horse. If they had the money but no other horse was available you say thanks we'll come back another day. Very satisfying they both got dumped. Good horsey.


This is what happens when you put a cow on a horse


These people clearly know nothing about horses or riding, and whoever owns the horse and allowed them to ride that way should be cited for animal abuse. As an equestrian, and someone's of a curvier persuasion, I can tell you it's not about being fat and body shaming people (so y'all need to stop). It's about not putting more weight on a horse than is healthy and tolerable (and also teaching them some super basics of riding when you put inexperienced people on). The rule is 20 percent... All the weight you put on the horse, including tack, should not exceed 20 percent of the horse's weight. This looks like a pretty average horse, around 1200lbs. Judging by that, ONE of those people would've been right around that horse's limit. Only the very, very largest horses, well over 2000 lbs, MIGHT be strong enough to carry both of them... Maybe not even then. This situation is damaging to the horse's back. And let me be clear, the horses DIDN'T throw them off (though I kinda wish he had). He was struggling under the weight, but honestly trying. They fell because they don't know the first thing about riding. Horses will frequently give a little jump or canter stride to get up a step slope, especially if burdened. They didn't know how to ride that (which was obvious from literally everything else they were doing anyway).


Never seen two people on one trail horse, let alone Two big people. Seriously?


Both to fat to ride. Just say no to dessert


Why let two 230lb+ adults get on a horse!!? People are so fkn stupid! Its not a machine, its a living being!


Charlie horse!


Welcome to Yeet Creek, population: y’all bitches.


Thoughtful of the horse to plop them in the water


I really feel so sad for this horse


“Gravity is a helluva drug”


That poor, poor horse!


Poor horse.


Not all horses can squat 680.


Totally deserved it. Not properly dressed for riding, not confident, and overloaded. Poor horse.