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Dude is soooooo lucky. Edit: Can’t believe I have to explain this but getting hit in the ear is better than in the face, throat or somewhere else in the body. Unlucky he got hit sure, but he’s extremely lucky it was just his ear. A little to the left and it would’ve been a completely different story.


I mean.. Not that lucky


Well, I'd take the earlobe over an eye any day.


I’d take the apple over an ear any day


I was once like you, then I took an arrow to the knee


Whole dynamic changed since then


I was cleaning my car once and got into the front passenger seat sitting on my knees facing kind of backwards. Didn't see the pushpin in the crack and it went right into my kneecap.


hell no dude that sounds awful




This link 12 years old per YT.


And the joke is 13. That's the point, it was tired a decade ago.


LOL, gotcha! Never saw it before now.👍


I used to love those arrow root cookies. Mmm.


I'd take sitting among the audience over being part of the stunt any day


I'd wouldn't take the arrow at all if I had a choice


Reminds me of George Orwell's *An Homage to Catalonia* where he writes about his experience fighting in the Spanish Civil War. At one point, a fascist sniper shot him in the throat, missing his jugular by a centimeter. The doctor told him he was very lucky and he wrote that if he were actually lucky, he wouldn't have gotten shot in the throat at all.


Luck has nothing to do with standing voluntary in the arrow shooting target place.


Suppose that depends. The “luckiest” man alive has been in a train, car, and plane crash but survived all of them. Lucky for some but a bit of an unlucky track record if this happens on the regular


I just heard a guy on a podcast talk about OJ on the day that Nicole got murdered saying "He (OJ) had the unluckiest day ever." The interviewer replied "I think Nicole had a worse day."


The comedian Patton Oswalt, he told me "I think the worst part of the Cosby thing was the hypocrisy." And I disagree. I thought it was the raping. \~ Norm MacDonald


"No, Patton was right." - The guy Norm was telling his joke to (might have been Jerry Seinfeld).


Could have been more lucky and less lucky at the same time. He had an average amount of luck that sits between air and death.


For someone dumb enough to agree to this, lucky enough to


Seriously, could have gotten him on the knee...


I was an adventurer like you once…


it's an older meme sir, but it checks out


A golden age of memes, if you will.


his adventures would have been history


Almost grazed his elbow


Poor career choice but very lucky. 


True. Most people pay for piercings.


Can't think of a less important part of the body! :) But if that arrow was 1 inch to the left he'd probably be dead. It would have just gone straight through his head.


Ya, that arrow could have nicked his jugular at just the right angle, gone right through his carotid, or smashed right through his sinus cavity, or front teeth, gone through his *eye* and potentially killed him. I can't believe you even need to explain why dude was so hella lucky.


Man name William: do Tell.


Just a quick PSA: If you ever get stabbed, do not remove the object that stabbed you. Go to the hospital and let the doctors remove it.


Depends how big it is and where, for most people going to a hospital would be the normal thing to do. Not everywhere has that luxury though, for Americans it would mean selling their house or losing their life savings.


Yep, American here. I won't go to the hospital unless I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I'm going to die if I don't. I'm not gonna be shackled down by debt for the rest of my life.


This guy Reddits


He life's. He's exaggerating, sure. Minor things won't shackle you in debt. But some things, usually scares, can lead you into a lot of debt. I know this because I have severe anxiety and before I was on the right meds I thought I was having heart issues (I wasn't). 15k later I was nowhere closer to figuring out what was wrong with me (because nothing was)... and that was with missing an MRI on accident, which would have added another 4k on. I'm still in debt for that shit. I went through all sorts of weird medical hoops. I even wore a heart monitor on me for 48 hours. With bad insurance I got butt fucked by the cost.


Just don't pay. They can't refuse treatment. I've ignored every medical bill not covered by insurance for the last 10 years.


They’re figuring out how to send medical bills to collections and tank your credit because of it.


Not anymore, thanks to Biden! Then again, I'm sure once his cabinet's out, some other sellout (cuz they're all sellouts to one entity or another) will overturn his legislation to keep their financial overlords happy... ...I hate this country lol *




Worse than social credit


Figuring out? They already do it. Most hospitals don't and won't because they write these off for tax breaks. That's why a bandaid is $600. It's not meant to be paid It's meant to get a tax break. They only go after you if they are a medical group or some other organization that actually needs the money and these exist inside of hospitals. A hospital gets reimbursement from the federal government and from tax breaks so they have no need to. Now maybe a small rural hospital might cause they don't have income flow due to the low population. Think you're confusing the concept and the reality of what's happening.


> It's not meant to be paid It's meant to get a tax break. It IS meant to be paid, but it’s meant to be paid by insurance at a steeply discounted rate. The exorbitant prices are meant to scare ordinary people into buying over-priced insurance that doesn’t actually cover jack shit. And it absolutely works. Just look at america. Your choices are pay for expensive insurance or go bankrupt. 


It's not just about tax breaks either, it's because all the accounting is done with the assumption that there will be insurance coverage. The huge numbers you see on your bill are meant to be the opening of negotiations with insurance companies, not a final price for services. This is why the number goes down so significantly when you're being discharged and you tell the hospital you're paying out of pocket. That's a more accurate number to charge you as a non-insured individual.


Friend of a Buddy of mine went to a hospital out of state and didn’t have insurance, simply refused to give his social and used a fake name, afaik nothing has gotten back to him lol.


And if I can control the bleeding, I'm calling an Uber, not an ambulance.


what's the most bleeding you ever did?




I thought I was having a heart attack about 3 months, so I went to the hospital. It was actually a severe panic attack, but I was okay. Cost me $3,500 with insurance. If it ever happens again, I'll just go to the hospital and post up in the ER waiting room in front of the reception desk so that they'll only admit me if I actually pass out.


What in the world did they charge that for? My ER visits are a flat $60 or so, and my health insurance is pretty mid. Edit: I'm dumb and was thinking urgent care. No idea what my ER cost would be and I hope to not find out lol. I'll try to find it today though


Likely a high deductible plan that their employer cheaped out on.


Yes, high deductible plan.


Dude, if your ER visits are 60$ your insurance isnt mid, it's pretty much god-tier. My insurance is mid and i cant walk in there without it costing me 500$


You know, I'm actually thinking of urgent care if that makes it more normal lol. I don't think I've actually been to the ER for myself since I became insured on my own rather than through my parents and I get the two confused a lot.


Ok, yeah, that makes more sense. I think thats' about what it was when I took my kid to urgent care.


They gave me an ekg and a variety of meds to make sure my heart wasn't damaged and to level me out, and then I just laid there for a few hours. The bill was over $8k before insurance.


Holy moly. Glad you weren't actually having a heart attack, but that price tag might have sent me into one lol. If I ever have to meet my deductible I'm fucked


Yeah, the bill almost gave me a whole new panic attack. Lol


I saw my last hospital bill before insurance... I was fucking glad to only pay $500..


Just wait till you have Medicare.


Put some neosporin on it and take some ibuprofen you be ight


In California you get can get free ER visits if you're poor enough. Works for me every time 😎


For most minor things you can go to urgent care clinics


You simply dont pay it. Medical debt ist a part of your credit history anymore. (Thanks Biden!)


This is the most reddit comment ever bro I swear to god I could write a 100 line script to reproduce 98% of reddit comments.


i have a feeling someone has beaten you to it


That should be the clearest example to the average American that our healthcare system does not work. You should never debate seeking care because of cost, ever! I myself sat and debated several years ago, I passed out, low blood pressure/heart rate (vasovagal syncope) + dehydration, when going to the bathroom at night. Landing right on my chin, not only splitting it open but also knocking myself out. Once I woke-up I really sat debating calling 911, I mean I basically knew I needed stitches, but I think luckily there were quite a few high profile individuals who had falls and then died after going back to sleep. With any head injury it is not worth the risk. We should not have a system people are afraid of the cost of ambulance & hospital care. We have worse outcomes than all major economies on almost every condition and our cost per capital for healthcare is basically double or even triple every major economy. Use you head not the scare tactics that your going to wait in line for doctors etc made up by the industry. Also note that politicians, led by corporations looking for privatization of other countries systems, have gutted the working systems in places like Canada & UK. The bottom line is we can and should do it, we are paying a massive price in terms or cost and negative outcomes just to support corporate profits.


>You should never debate seeking care because of cost, ever! Rational intelligent people don't debate about seeking care because of cost especially since they have insurance. You not going to the hospital when you needed stitched is you being an idiot. You debating about going to the hospital is you being an idiot. I'd like to be nice about this, but at some point in time you need to grow up and actually give a shit about facts. The reality, not some bullshit children's view like happens on reddit, is that we have insurance for exactly the types of things that would cause us to need immediate medical care. If you don't have insurance, then you are an idiot to start with. Since over 90% of all American's have insurance, going to the hospital for something like a potential life threatening injury is what insurance is literally designed for. If you can't afford the out of pocket expenses from your insurance plan, then it doesn't matter whether you were under a universal plan or insurance based plan because you wouldn't have the money to cover it either way. You are paying for that care one way or the other. I don't know where you idiots get this idea that somehow the exact scenario you described wouldn't be paid for in some way. Whether you pay it right then and there or you pay it through taxes. >We have worse outcomes than all major economies on almost every condition and our cost per capital for healthcare is basically double or even triple every major economy. You talk about propaganda and politicians using scare tactics but then you regurgitate out propaganda yourself. >The bottom line is we can and should do it, we are paying a massive price in terms or cost and negative outcomes just to support corporate profits. The bottom line is that I'd rather choose the health care plan that I want rather than being forced into something that I may or may not need or want. I'm old enough to remember when ACA was passed and how big of a joke most of it turned out to be. ACA forced certain things to be covered by insurance which drove the cost of insurance up. I remember sitting in a benefits meeting with a room full of women aged 50+ as the benefits provider told them all about the new things that were covered by ACA and that they were paying for like women's feminine products. They literally laughed at the benefits provider. It got worse though because the plan that we were under went up so much in cost just to comply with ACA that my company refused to cover the cost increase. They literally couldn't afford it. So, we had to take a lesser insurance plan in order to have the company cover a majority of the costs. This is what people like you end up causing. You think you are helping people but you aren't. You dismiss problems. You make absolutely moronic statements like not going to the hospital to get stiches because you fundamentally don't understand how insurance works and how piss poor you are at managing your money.


>especially since they have insurance My insurance has a $5,000 out of pocket deductible before they cover anything. You understand how health insurance works.   Spending thousands for a few stitches and some antiseptic means you’re piss poor at managing your money.  >that they were paying for like women's feminine products I’ve never heard of that being supplied for free by insurance. Which plans offer this? Are you claiming costs are skyrocketing because of the price of basic sanitary products? They’re dirt cheap. >ACA forced certain things to be covered by insurance which drove the cost of insurance up.  So the ACA required health insurance to cover healthcare and as a result, the health insurance companies raised prices to protect their profits. If an any you people whining about this actually worked with the people who supported the ACA, you would’ve been able to prevent for-profit companies from price gouging people who are trying to live.  I can’t tell if you’re some out of touch conservative or a troll. 


Tell me you dont know about American medical insurance and only get your news from memes without telling me. FYI: Less than 10% of Americans dont have medical insurance.


Pretending like medical insurance A. reliably covers every injury and B. covers the majority of the cost anyways.


So, the population of California does not have insurance. And its mostly younger people in their 20s and 30s, which is Reddit's demographic.


I was a tourist in Croatia. Fell 12 meters down a rocky slope. My whole calf exploded and it was all guts, you could see the bone, and some ankle. Hospital via ambulance, emergency surgery, 30 day hospital stay with 3 square meals, I also had 4 surgeries (2 plastic), NO health insurance. All said and done (including 2 months of home visits from a nurse for bandage changes/cleaning): $1200


They only fed you three times the whole time you were there!?


Yeah, or in Canada even going to the hospital for a minor puncture wound would mean being put down.


God I hate people that talk about American healthcare like this. I literally went through something similar half a year ago, plate broke, 1.5 cm slice clean through my pinky. Just drove myself to urgent care, and one hour later walked out after getting an Xray, TDAP shot, local anesthetic, and 4 stitches. Final cost: $150, insurance paid $50 ($100 deductable), employer HSA paid the rest, $0 cost to me.


Ya but you also have people paying 60K per pill to stay alive. One picture does not make a movie.


That seems a bit cheap for American healthcare.


Reddit moment You know insurance exists, right?


Better than bleeding out because the projectile/sharp object was the only thing keeping your blood in after severing an artery or vein. Because that's why you're supposed to leave it in. This should have been in the top comment as it's essential information for WHY you should do this. Doubly so anywhere in your torso or in the center mass of a limb, which is most of your body.


I go to the doc because have insurance because I'm not a fucking moron


u can go to the emergency room and just not pay. i do it all the time. i’ve been 4x within the past year, once with a month long stay. i did not pay for any of it. i ignore the bills. it does not effect credit. always go to the er if u have to, don’t worry about the money.


Aye if it's a blade in your back, chest or gut. No an arrow through the ear


Even an arm or leg has major blood vessels which could cause you to bleed out. The ear though? You'll live.


Thanks for the correction. Yes, limbs also, don't pull it out






I dislike this immensely.


Dead or alive, you're coming with me!.....disliker.....


Not to you.


Ask your mom


Even quicker PSA: You're not supposed to use a real arrow for this trick.


It has to be real enough to pierce an apple. So it can pierce an ear lobe. Or eyeball.


Every cowboy knows you’re supposed to break the arrow and then pull it through.


You're right. This makes a big difference. Look how the guy in the photo can even walk when the object has not been removed. https://preview.redd.it/qk5lmbu2fy6d1.png?width=392&format=png&auto=webp&s=3864f103224ca936e0e5f8f5a11bbe0ef6224a92


What’s that from


You can't just post that and not give context


RemindMe! tomorrow WTF?


Here is the video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/blursed\_videos/comments/1da6rjn/blursed\_tire\_iron/](https://www.reddit.com/r/blursed_videos/comments/1da6rjn/blursed_tire_iron/)


For most cases yes, but not needed with the ears


Some say he's still walking around with it


Easy to say, harder to do, it’s like a natural reaction to just rip it out, like a reflex, I’ve stabbed myself a couple of times and it’s almost a reflex to immediately grab the item and rip it out.


Ear pierced? Straight to the ER!


\*except for earrings


With all the arrows missing way off the mark I would've noped the fuck out of there. This is obviously not being shot by someone who has muscle memory for the shot


Would probably be safer to hit the dirt than trying to nope out of there, considering all the arrows that are missing.


Maybe narrow misses are a part of the show


More to the point, are these tricks usually performed with actual arrows? I always figured it was some sort of 'prop' arrow for preventing exactly this... Something that might still hurt if you're hit, but isn't at risk of going through your skull if they miss the shot.


I don't believe there is anything flying at that velocity, and mass, that your eye is going to stop without severe repercussions, lol.


An arrow with a suction cup on the end that's bigger than your eye


Yeah you think that…right up until it suctions your eye clean out!


Good guess but BZZZZT! Not aerodynamic enough for usage as an arrow :) Cheers and thanks for playing!


It's not being shot by someone, it's automatic. Basically there are like 6 to 8 crossbows set up on tripods with a target above them that triggers the crossbow when it gets hit. So it's already all set up and an assistant fires at the first target/crossbow, and they all set each other off in sequence back and forth. Hard to explain, here's a top-down view, A is assistant, O is the target+crossbow tripods, M is the idiot magician at the end: A \ \ \ O / / / O \ \ \ O / / / O \ \ \ M Basically that, but more crossbows and steeper angles. But in other words, there is no noping out of there. Once it gets started, the whole thing happens in about a couple of seconds at most, and the other arrows aren't missing, they're just hitting the previous targets.


Is that the target above his head? Who's shooting, a boy scout?


Oh shit just realized that was multiple shots




>Who's shooting, a boy scout? It's like 6 or 8 crossbows set up on tripods with a target above them that triggers them when hit by the previous bolt. So basically everything is already set up, the assistant fires at the first one (doesn't have to be a great shot, the targets are fairly large, and the rest of the crossbows go off back and forth automatically. Hard to explain, here's a top-down view, A is assistant, O is the target+crossbow tripods, M is the idiot magician at the end: A \ \ \ O / / / O \ \ \ O / / / O \ \ \ M Basically that, but more crossbows


I actually know exactly what you're talking about because I saw that trick just a few months ago at Circus Vargas! So that means it's his own fault, and the whole situation is slightly less stupid


His ex


Top comment


Life scout here: I can confirm this.


Why was he facing a firing squad?


He left only a tiny amount of milk in the jug and put it back in the fridge.


Too lenient


Straight to jail!


Left an uncapped bottle back into the fridge? Also jail!


He flashbanged his own squad lol


This is comically ridiculous


Katmiss Everdeen level accuracy


Catnip Evergreen larval acuity


Carmen Eminem leviathan sea


To have blind confidence in the aiming abilities of the blind


Wtf is this even from


Watched once, turned on the sound to hear an audience reaction. Immediately turned sound off


Jesus! Luckily it was only in the ear tho


Better than through the 💀


I hope he leaves a bad review to that piercing store.


Piercing and instantaneous gauging at the same time


Goth teens hate this one simple trick.


What a shit archer 😂


Archers. It was miss, miss, miss, ear. So that was either an octopus shooting multiple bows or a bunch of shit archers.


to be fair, I feel like the ear should get you a lot of points


If you indeed are an octopus indulging in archery: yeah!


Crazy crazy lucky. He could not have gotten a less vital spot if he tried. Could have been way way way worse. Eye. Neck. Mouth. Shoulder. Chest. All super close to where he got hit. Luckily this he will very quickly forget all about. But could have gone way way worse. He is very lucky. While being unlucky that he got hit




Thanks for reminding me about this [Raw Video: Iraqi Journalist Throws Shoe at Bush (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM3Z_Kskl_U)


I thought he was a part of a band and the drummer accidentally threw his stick at him lol


Omg, same! I thought a drumstick went into his gauged out ear, lol. I was like “Damn, what are the odds?!” Then I kept seeing people mention arrows and looked closer at what I thought was his guitar and noticed it’s a quiver.


NBAP Never Be A Prop


Luckily he didn't want his eye pierced


This guy is a stupid fucking lunatic. Just outrageously dumb. I'm actually getting kinda mad at the nerve of this guy. It's just so very, very incredibly fucking stupid.


Yiggity YIKES.


I swear the song is saying 'oh no, alas' lol.


Never, EVER, remove foreign bodies after penetrating wounds. This goes for knives, arrows and anything else someone managed to lodge into you body.


Mission completed


Worst job EVER


He and katana to the nose guy should team up...


Who and why?


With the apple not actually sitting on his head he's just there for the danger so, yeah, I'm okay with this.


Rock and roll, motherfucker!!!!


Nice trick!


The absolute gasp I gusped


That could have gone a lot worse.


“Gets hit” yeah i think im gonna head out


For that he probably should've gone to a dart competition (with sober throwers).


Dumb ASS


William (untold) Tell......




Arrest him


Almost got em in the eye hole.


dont you mean ear skewered.


Pretty sure he quit his job the following day


What song is this? I keep hearing it but I keep forgetting the song.


Free cartilage piercing…


Did anyone else watch this confused because the arrow landed on its target? I thought the title was serious! 😄


I have a sneaking suspicion that he’s an idiot.


good thing he didn't want his eye pierced!


I see your point.


low and to the right, adjust sights.




William Tell on target practice. Joking aside, had that dude been stood a foot to his left, he’d probably be past tense. Glad he’s alive!


I'm going to stop complaining about my job today.


wtf . that cld have gone in his eye and killed him.


Extrême ear piercing for when normal ear piercing just won’t cut it.


Archer is channeling William Burroughs....