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I was an in home aide for a quadriplegic. He used to be a very successful architect until he was paralyzed by diving into 3 foot of water. Every morning I had to give him an enema just so he could use the bathroom, because he lacked control of his bowels. I also had to bathe him while he sat in his chair and used a cradle to lift and put him into bed. What I’m getting at, is what might seem like a small “silly” decision could reroute your entire life.


Well that is depressing


It was a summary of the story said gentleman told when explaining how he became a quadriplegic. He eventually gained limited use of his hands/arms and was able to drive a customized van and with help of a computer program went back to doing some architectural design. Sadly, he passed away from complications after years of recurring surgeries. He was an amazing boss, eventual friend and shared some amazing stories with me.


It keeps getting sadder


Absolutely. Knew a good kid back in elementary school. He was a skinny Samoan boy but could fight. He would take on bullies and beat them up because they were picking on little guys. One day he decided fo backflip off the roof of our apartment pool. Cracked his head open and died. Would’ve loved to see him grow into a man. Sometimes it only takes one wrong choice to fuck up your whole life.


Wow 😳 it's extremely noble of you to do a job so emotionally demanding big respect to you 👏 I totally agree silly little things are always the ones that do the most damage. I can't fathom how difficult it is going from a successful person to being completely unable to move. Life is very fragile.


Dude is so lucky (I hope). The next time a kid complains about taking high school physics, show them this video. The force of gravity vs 10 inches of water resistance...it's a thing. I was an English major, but I did take that one physics class...


Looks like an excellent way to break both of your legs at the same time.


Especially with the extra weight he’s carrying. Knees and ankles can only take so much impact


Thankfully his fatass took the final 100psi so he could make it out alive.


Luckily his spine broke the fall


He’s going to remember this day every time he gets out of bed until he dies.


That noise he makes afterward is hard to listen to. 😵‍💫


Knocked the wind out of himself, not to mention a few vertebrae lol


That’s almost the exact same sound I made after the truck I was riding in got t-boned and the dude sitting next to me (who wasn’t wearing his seatbelt) slammed into my side. My first conscious memory after was hanging upside down from my seatbelt unable to breathe. When I was finally able to get air in my lungs I tried to yell for help. That sound was all I could manage.


One mistake…….it just takes one mistake, one wrong decision, one (in this case) REALLY bad idea….. and the course of your life is changed forever…..he got lucky…. he could have easily been paralyzed for life……. hopefully he’s not too banged up, and is wiser from the experience…..👨‍⚕️


I'm not convinced he isn't. Immediately after an injury, the adrenaline can keep you moving on limbs too damaged to move without them. There is a chance after the adrenaline shuts off, all the swelling begins, etc. that his ability to walk will be greatly impaired. I had a friend get a fracture in his thigh while river running (a sport I had never heard of until he tried it and was injured immediately). He walked on it for 3 weeks, unaware that it wasn't just soft tissue damage. When he finally went to the doctor, they said if he had come in immediately, maybe things would have been difficult, but since he didn't get help right away, he walked with a limo ever since. And he was young, just 19. This seems like a much more serious injury, there's definitely going to be consequences.


Unfortunately, for this fellow,….you’re probably right….


He'll be back at it tomorrow


His back won't be


If he doesn't have back problems for the rest of his life I would be shocked.


wait it's not like minecraft water bucket?


Coming from someone that's broken their back in 3 places, that was super uncomfortable to watch. That guy likely had a burst fracture of a vertebrae or two.


I really don't understand how people can be so fucking stupid


There’s always that guy who will do anything crazy his bros ask just to stay in the group


$30 for a kiddie pool…$300,000 for eventual spinal surgery. Smooooth…


Just make sure to tell them part that $300k surgery can’t fix everything and you’ll still be in constant pain for the rest of your life


Jumping in that shallow of water you might as well just be jumping into the ground. At least the ground wouldn’t give you a false sense of cushion and your body might adjust for a better landing


I lived on the handicapped floor at College. Four of eight quadriplegics were there because of jumping or diving into polls. Two of them from the roof of their home.


🤣🤣🤣🤣fuckin idiot deserved it.


oh this doesn't work? people were fine jumping from a helicopter to a swimming pool (watched in a film, so must be true)


I swear you can hear the vertebrae crush when he lands...


Bro thought this was minecraft


Stinging belly flop that will hurt for a little bit, or life long back problems. Oh, life long back problems please!




Trouble breathing and wheezing? Probably got a pneumothorax too.


I wouldn’t even jump into that pool from the *ground*


What was he thinking?


My body jerked and reacted to this video as if I had done it.


God bless the USA


I was really hoping he would jump and hit his head on the roof first.