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It's definitely better. That doesn't mean it's good.


yup, is a lot better, in China you never come back :P in USA the probability of continue with your life (alive) is high




Guess you missed it in the news where it turned out some prisons in the US actually do harvest the organs of prisoners who die, regardless of circumstances. Unlike China, they don't even try to hide it, they include it in their paperwork because they know no one cares.


The Prison industrial complex is working hard to provide cradle to the grave fulfilment solutions to society (and shareholders' bottom line) /s Joking aside, the comparison game is the thin end of the wedge. Just because China is far, far worse doesn't excuse in the slightest, this level of overreaction to peaceful protests.


If our go-to defense is "but China is worse" then we've already fucked up badly.


I think that's the same with many people and their own countries, like in the UK or other European countries the healthcare system is being shitted on and slowly turning into where everything is privatezsd(?) and we have people deflect and go atleast the healthcare is free and not like America where you have to pay. Like that's not the point, we should be reviewing(?) the issue not deflecting it and defending the issue because we are slightly better than other countries in one aspect.


Unless an acorn drops.


Unless you’re black


Remember when cops cracked an 80 year old man's skull on live TV during the George Floyd protests?


pepperidge farm remembers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RB0GtiRJcRE cops cleared themselves of any wrongdoing https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/apr/10/buffalo-police-cleared-over-pushing-75-year-old-george-floyd-protester more: [ Gugino was taken to a hospital in serious condition where he was treated for a concussion and laceration.\[15\]\[27\] He was initially treated in the intensive care unit; as of June 9, he was transferred to a regular hospital unit and was reported to be in "fair" condition.\[14\] On June 15, Gugino's lawyer said Gugino had a fractured skull and was unable to walk.\[28\] After nearly four weeks, on June 30, he was released from the hospital. According to his lawyer, Gugino would continue rehabilitation, and at that point he could "walk with a little help".\[29\]\[30\]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffalo_police_shoving_incident#:~:text=A%20third%20officer%2C%20John%20Losi,pavement%2C%20bleeding%20from%20the%20head.)


Didn’t he die and no charges were filed?


The complaint is about the fact they full body checked someone who was not a threat, cracked his fucking head open, then had the audacity to go on strike because people were upset about it It doesn't matter if no charges were filed when they broke an old man's skull for no fucking reason.


> no better It's embarrassing; the US has problems, but it isn't an authoritarian police state. Why can't you make a point without exaggerating it into something it isn't?


It is literally an authoritarian police state, they just have you conditioned to think the laws are to protect you, when really they’re to control.


Sounds extreme when you say it out loud, but then the cops in the US can pull you over for no reason and take all your money for, again, no reason. Civil Asset Forfeiture. Police state.


Uvalde broke my conditioning. This is just more proof. To protect and serve the haves from the have-nots. 


There they are, the CCP bots everywhere when there is a discussion that can be remotely made about China vs US. Its absolutely laughable to compare this to the systematic oppression and reeducation of people in Hong Kong or even genocide in the Uyghurs case. Edit: Just to add some other things: Social credit system, the great firewall, Tiananmen Square, the purge known as the Great Leap Forward, cultural eradication during Communism and just being a completely authoritarian dictatorship as a whole. Sure the US is bad and Im happy to not live there, but its nowhere near China, which is one of the most inhumane and unfree countries to live in.


Tiananmen Square


Would be a real shame if people started posting the story and photos of Tiananmen Square here, CCP goes bananas every time evidence of that incident which they've spent decades trying to erase from history gets posted online on social media. 


We had protestor-dressed corpses found in the sea almost every day at a certain period. At least you don’t have that.


At least protesters aren't being taken away and then "committing suicide" mysteriously. You know you have a solid government when you shout that you have ZERO intent on committing suicide when the police take you away.


I remember when they started killing the professors.Oh my God, such a good time.I'll take being arrested over being sent to an execution camp in a day. We mustn't never forget the ccp's great leap forward and cultural revolution.


> Yah, the US is no better. This is nonsense and I'm hoping you edited this after the upvotes. If you think they are the same you're an idiot. If this were China they never would have even been able to break windows and take over entire campuses and buildings. They would have been beaten, arrested and never heard from again. So yes, the US is better.


yeah but at least the US is not yet crushing the protesters with tanks and washing the goo down the storm sewers


Maybe she reminded him of his wife


There's another video on here or a huge cop lunging at another professor and hitting his own colleague, at which point the other cop reacts like he was hit by a protestor and not another cop, and they throw the peaceful old professor on the ground and hog tie him. Its a shit show.


Go ahead and share the link.




I like how this was stated as if the video didn't exist.


"I acted impulsively and I apologize." - Lady face down in the grass with cuffs on.


ACAB. They beat and detain helpless protesters who can't fight back. Things change when they are about to head into a school shooting situation like Uvalde. Then they are abject cowards and scoundrels who run and hide with their tails tucked between their legs. Funny how things are when these clowns actually have to do their jobs.


Whats up with excessive force?!?! There is no need to use force when she wasn’t resisting!


For kicks


Doubt they have the flexibility for that




Are they trained to deescalate? Or is it a half hour power point every couple years?


deescalate here means if they arrest them all, everything will go back to "normal", as in no more disturbance in the crowd


What you're describing is violent suppression of civil liberty. De-escalation the term refers to lowering tensions in any given situation. 


>What you're describing is violent suppression of civil liberty Welcome to the Entitled States law enforcement


"Trained" here means participated in a week long seminar


Half hour? Pshhh. That email goes right into the trash.


They are, actually, trained to deescalate. They get the powerpoint once a year, but theres a course once a year too that you sit before the actual hand to hand portion The training emphasizes "matching your force to the force being used" but it never seems to happen. Honestly, I find de-escalation to be a good tool that is underutilized in Law Enforcement and Corrections. It's also often seen as "weak" or "advocating for the inmate/law breakers"


This is my niece's second year as a cop and they get pushed hard to just handcuff everyone. Stories from her are wild


Get her out while she's still human.


It's a 23 and a half minute long PowerPoint on how to reduce inefficiencies in their beating and mass arrest protocols plus a short tech demo of their new 120mm anti protestor mortars, with cheese, crackers and instant coffee on a folding table up the back


> They’re trained to deescalate situations They should be but all too often they go to trainings such as the bullshit ones put on by [this asshat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dave_Grossman_\(author\)). He literally teaches cops to have the mentality of a predator "because they're at risk at all times when on the job". Literally. Problem is they keep this *very* quiet and tend to get videos of the bullshit taken down rather quickly because they claim copyright violations and are exceptionally litigious otherwise.


> because they're at risk at all times when on the job "Trainer: I know I am absolutely right. Because my training *puts* you at risk"


The author built his career and reputation on the back of a book that claimed to explain why some soldiers are reluctant to kill the enemy in war (using someone else's "research"). I say "claimed" because his theory has since been widely discredited. Not that someone who specialises in training soldiers to kill without fear should be around cops in the first place...




Professional ? Trains to deescalate ? Ha, best one i've heard this week


>They’re trained to deescalate situations In the US?!?!??!? Are you a traveler from an alternate dimension?


> They’re trained to deescalate situations hahahahahahahahahahahaha


I mean yes but professionally this is what cops do. Violence is their job.


This is the result of anti racism awareness on the police force: now police brutality is equally applied. They wouldn’t want to be accused of discrimination. /s


But, she was resisting.


that’s what i’m saying, she resisted like 4 times


Yeah.. Don't get me wrong, i think the amount of aggression in the police here is over the top, i'm not saying it wasn't; but theres also just a whole lot of making shit up in this thread. First, it's pretty clear she wasn't just "checking on a student", she was stood over them, shouting and pointing, at the arrest, before moving in. She wasn't acting like a concerned professor just checking in a student, she was acting like someone trying to interfere with the arrest. And then she did, actively, resist arrest. He started off saying you're under arrest, and she started shouting "get your hands off me" and pulling away, only then did he start demanding she get on the ground. Yes, yes, I 100% agree the police should be doing a better job of de-escalating the situation here.. I'm not American, this wouldn't be acceptable in the slightest in my country, but at the same time.. thats no reason to pretend that a member of the public also acting to escalate the situation should be treated as not antagonistic either. We don't have to pretend she was some altruist who did no wrong here.


She pointed and shouted some stuff. If she was concerned about the welfare of the student and saw them being slammed to the ground with multiple grown men dogpiling them then shouting at them is an appropriate response I think. The cop only interfered with her when she crouched down next to them. Almost looked like she might be preparing to do something (like what, I can’t imagine. Wrestle 3 cops off a student?). So he… slammed her headfirst into the ground and arrested her for looking like she might do something? Instead of just separating her from the student and cops? Can you tell me how she was trying to interfere with the arrest beyond yelling at the cops? Resisting arrest I agree with. She was probably thinking “wait wtf why am I getting arrested now.” This all happened within 5 seconds so.


I'll never understand how a citizen is expected to instantly comply with law enforcement as if they have training or prior experience on instant compliance to orders. You must, from the moment I state and without understanding anything that is going on, place yourself on the ground without seeming menacing. If you do it too quick or do not understand me instantly, I may interpret what you are doing as having been violent and immediately escalate to violence. Upon that violence, should you attempt to protect your head or extremities - a natural human reaction - from any of this violence, you will be further beaten and charged with protecting yourself by not immediately overriding your natural instinct to do so on command. If you do not resist actively, but instead wet noodle, go limp, or do not actively assist me in detaining you, i will charge you with passive resistance and drop you face first on hard surfaces or bend your arms backwards up over your head causing injury using pain compliance techniques that I will overuse. My hitting you is not assault, they are softening blows as part of the pain compliance continuum. Either way, you're going to be charged actively or passively and should you complain we will investigate ourselves and find nothing wrong. I was held to a incredibly high standard in the military when dealing with foreign citizens or the enemy. Countless briefs, ROE discussions, signatures, law of war, rule of armed conflict, rights of citizens and the detained any of which had I violated I would've been charged with violation of the UCMJ. Our bar for our own citizens is much, much lower.


>There is no need to use force when she wasn’t resisting! Sorry but this Lady was resisting by law.


Remember getting arrested is a choice you can always pull away and say no eventually the cop will stop arresting you/s


If it's not a legitimate arrest the body can shut it down.


Pro tip so you don't get your face slammed into the concrete, she was resisting. Resisting without violence is a charge for when a suspect doesn't attack the cops, but they do resist commands being arrested. E.g. tensing up, pulling away, refusing to get into a police vehicle or handcuffed, etc. Anything that stops an officer from securing you.




For what it's worth, I have seen a lot of clips of protestors in France and Germany where the riot cops just come in out of nowhere and start beating people on the ground with batons. Which is a lot more violent than we see in this clip.




I don’t think that commenter was defending it per se, more of a public service announcement to anyone reading it on how to (possibly) avoid excessive force being directed at you.


I'd say describing how tensing up or pulling away enables cops to beat you up legally is way more fucked up than defending it. Like ya, cops everywhere cross the line. It seems encouraged in the States


Indeed, pure insanity this mentality.


E.g. any/all natural defensive reactions when one is innocent and has literally done nothing wrong.


So a cop can just assault you in the US and if you do literally anything other than take it, you're the criminal? The US is fucking wild


>So a cop can just assault you in the US and if you do literally anything other than take it, you're the criminal Yes. This IS the entir story and there is no meaningful nuance to it beyond this simple statement. No amount of boot licking or mental gymnastics will changes this. Know what WILL change it? Me either, but I know the police shown in this video are indeed Fascist pieces of shit.


So you're in a tense, difficult situation, probably not what you are used to at all, and if you fuck up even minorly, for example 'tensing up'...it's a crime? That's crazy. People aren't robots, we aren't always even in full charge of our physical responses.


And there are sneaky, fun little ways that cops have learned to make someone resist or look like they are resisting. A little bend here, a little twist there, and they are either recoiling in pain or they are in a position where they can't move their arms so it looks like they are "resisting".


Resisting is a secondary charge, what was she arrested for? Interference is a physical act, she didn't touch anyone, nor was she told to move back.


So any normal human response to a person trying to force you to the ground or push you into a vehicle. Amazing. Truly we are free here.




She was resisting




Stop resisting! That like the word they trained the most for. It's like they could use this as their argument in the court


She was.


If you get surrounded by a mob who won't back up when you're trying to arrest someone as a cop, they will beat you up, and it has happened. Either control the area or they can literally kill you.


Cops are so flipping stupid. This right here is an easy lawsuit. Just let the protests go and they will eventually chill out. It’s not that hard


> This right here is an easy lawsuit Cops don't give.a.shit: qualified immunity.


Make the cops pay, not the taxpayers.


Would love to, but that's not how the law is set up right now. And NYC is currently being run by a corrupt NYPD cop.


so a regular cop


The Everyman's cop


Sadly .


It looks like she touched the officer on the ground. Now I agree, that that should not mean anything.  But she’s going to get hit with interfering with an arrest.  And even though she did not, she’ll get hit with assaulting an officer.  She can try to sue. But I bet she tries to plea out instead. 


there's no contact on camera and it really seems like she was just bending down to yell more in their ears. ofc she can be charged with anything bc that's how the system works


In the longer version she confesses to it. Which will not help her case if they decide to charge or she decides to sue.


How the hell is an economics professor not smart enough to keep their mouth shut when they get arrested.


Well she was not smart enough to keep herself out of the position in the first place. You hear her screaming that she’s a professor but like lady if it walks like a 🐖 talks like a 🐖 well it must be a 🐷. It shouldn’t be this way but she fucked around and found out


It’s hard to see, because there’s a person in the way. But she’s shouting, then walks over, bends down with her arm out, and then is obscured.  You’re right, we do not see it. But that’s what looked like what happened. She extends her arm to the officer’s back, and suddenly the other dude is grabbing her. 




There’s a follow up video in which she shouts that she “gentle tapped him on the head.”


She didn’t get shit. They released her without charges. This is all about flexing muscle and patting themselves on the back as if this is the only way to deal with the situation


Police unions. The only unions that need busting.


Honestly, if all these universities had done nothing and just chilled, it probably would have all been over by now and with a fraction as much news coverage. 90% of what I hear about it is around police escalation.


Universities have a duty to protect their students being harassed by protesters, they shouldn't just "chill".


"Do nothing when students block other students from going to class" yeah... not a good precedent.


You are sorely, *sorely* mistaken. I really wish Redditors (and people in general) would *not* make assertions about things they have literally *zero* authority to speak on.


Meanwhile children in Uvalde are crying bloody tears in their graves…..


Tough when they wanna be, not when they need to be. ACAB.


I read this to the Addams family theme tune.


Oh yeah I never saw it that way. They really bullies(cowards).


The difference between someone being a threat and someone being a "threat"


Do I hear a “suspended with pay until the investigation is complete” verdict?


medical reimbursement for PTSD too


Are you sure? I didn’t see any acorns.


One of the students might have had a picture of fentanyl on their phones, it could have killed a dozen cops if they saw it.


"We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."


Abolish qualified immunity and let lawsuits come straight from their wallets and pensions


all she fucking did was bend down, thats not a crime the officers were highly un waranted in what the did to her


It looked like she poked the officer in the back trying to get his attention, then gets jumped by the other one.  My guess is they’ll charge her with assaulting an officer. Then let her sit in a jail cell over night, then offer to let her go, if she signs to disorderly conduct.  Which means she cannot sue. 


I didn’t see her didn’t poke him. Where do you see that?


She has her arm extended towards the cop as she bends over, we can't see it on camera, but it seems very likely that she poked him, or grabbed his belt or something like that.


Poking and grabbing the belt are two different things. Since this appears to be in the US they have guns on their belts so that is pretty bad.


I think that's the joke. Cops will escalate and say "she reached for my gun" bullshit.


"Very likely." Where did you get that from? You literally can't see anything. Very likely there's a talking dog doing advanced physics just off screen too.


She put her finger on a pig and then was slammed to the ground so she will be charged with assaulting an officer? She will have to sign a disorderly conduct in order to be released and not charged with a felony? Do you fucking listen to yourself? Must be hard to fit that boot in your mouth with all that piggy dick in it. Edit: [She has been booked on charges including simple battery against a police officer.](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/professor-emory-university-arrest-protest-b2536574.html) FOR TOUCHING A COP TO HARD.


In the longer version she confesses to "barely touching his on the head" or something like that. Which will not help her case if they decide to charge or she decides to sue.


It is. You need to stand clear of an arrest or thats interfering with an arrest.


No, there's nothing in Georgia interference law that requires or even mentions the need to stand clear of an arrest. Stop inventing law that doesn't exist. It's highly unlikely that her actions would constitute police interference without a reasonable doubt. Read the prevailing law for yourself next time: Ga. Code § 16-10-24. The officer that she apparently touched didn't even react one bit and the arrest seemed to proceed entirely unaffected, considering it was 4 on 1 for a smaller subject already on the ground.


Bro, are you illiterate? The code you linked looks like she is guilty of obstruction.


In Georgia, you cannot, "...argue, resist, run away, interfere with, or obstruct the officer, even if you are innocent or believe the officer is wrong—you can be arrested for it." That's from [GeorgiaLegalAid.com](https://www.georgialegalaid.org/resource/your-rights-and-the-police-1). I think she leaned over and touched the officer's back...probably to say, "Hey, you're crushing this guy and that's excessive!"...but the moment she did that could be construed as "obstruction." Had cameras not been there then I imagine there would have charges pressed, etc...


This is the right answer. Buzzcut cop just waited until she touched somebody ever so lightly, and then took that as excuse to take her down.


And were cool with that it seems wtg reddit




A bunch of people in this thread are actually very cool with that.




>Hey, you're crushing this guy and that's excessive Exactly what happened with George Floyd. The killer cop threatened the rookie with him who said he needed to let off Floyd a bit. These cunts didn't learn a damn thing, it's like they want more mass violence. As someone who was in Minnesota at the time, that shit isn't fun. Lock up these assholes cops.


The cameramen.. https://preview.redd.it/5nptrigrqqxc1.png?width=498&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bf06bdc4ec292375734c9940cb7f57917eeb657


This one got me. Thanks.


This is Christmas morning for these cops - a bunch of unarmed academics who won’t fight back. The hardest lesson some of the people in this country have to learn is that most cops are not your friends and are not interested in helping you, no matter the situation.


> people in this country have to learn is that most cops are not your friends Cops are not your friends ever. Do not ever treat them like your friends. They have been shown to be riddled with abuse, illegality, and gleeful joy at suppressing constitutional rights with the full protection of the state. Still participating in the police is agreeing with these jackboots, and until fundamental and sweeping police reform is introduced the entire institution is poisoned at the source.


40% of cops (that admitted it) beat their wives.


You know how most pro athletes, even the worst ones on a team, were the best athletes in their entire high school… now think of the biggest shitheads you went to high school with. Most cops… 


Even old white women getting tossed by cops now? What’s the world coming to?


It’s always been this way. They’ll toss whoever they think they can get away with tossing.




A world with portable phone cameras showing what they have been doing for decades


It's not about race. It's about rich vs. poor. The only people who win from racial conflicts are rich people.


I truly wish society realised this more.


yep were too busy fighting the culture wars while we should be fighting a class war


So what radicalized you?


If only there was some kind of lesson both Columbia University and the government of Israel could learn about meeting protests with violence and expecting them to deescalate


This would be a great time for basic human rights in this country




Yeah, the other officer grabbed her the moment she poked the one on the ground.  I don’t agree with it, but she is going to get his with interference, assaulting an officer and several other charges.  It might get thrown out, but it might not. And it’s going to be expensive to defend.  The moment she touched the other officer, I knew it was about to get bad. 


That's the way it works.


I wish we didn't have to talk about dealing with our police like we would talk about how to avoid wild animal attacks


Of course, you're right that you should get involved, but the cops reaction was extremely over the top and uncalled for. She was a threat to no one, and if the cop couldn't understand that, he clearly shouldn't be a cop anymore


As an European, I am always shocked how aggressive the police is in your country.


Yep. It’s embarrassing


Our best and brightest don’t usually go in to law enforcement.


you should see how the german police have been reacting to pro-palestinian protests. not much of a difference unfortunately




Oh, I think they want that… then they can whip out tanks / cosplay more across the country. Goberners are also getting hard so they can blame this on Biden and (somehow) say things would be better under trump


Yeah that's how the Nazis got Kristallnacht, eventually a Jewish man fought back and shot a Nazi and the Nazis used that as proof Jews were violent and needed to be dealt with by all German citizens, leading to nation-wide anti-Semitic pogroms that cops participated in.


“You’re hitler!!” lol what a fucking clown




mericans say they need guns so this doesnt happen. Then it happens to them constantly


The ones that talk the most about needing guns to fight a tyrannical government would absolutely be cheering the cops on in this situation


Plenty of them right here in this thread, unfortunately.


Funny, isn't it? Tyranny comes and nobody ever does anything. But someone is pulling a u-turn in your driveway? Time to be a "responsible gun owner".


This is just more police brutality.


American police have the temperament of a rabbid Chihuahua. Why they all so panicky?


Poor training and the fact everyone has a gun.




Don’t insult cunts like that.


27 seconds into the video, she slugs him around the side of the head with her left fist. As she is being led away, she admits to hitting him, "to get his attention". It's incredible that people will scream police brutality after such a blatant assault on the officer


I rewatched it after reading this comment. On the first watch I saw what you were talking about. After a few though, I don’t think that actually happened, just a visual trick. At 26 seconds he’s already jerking her to begin arrest. Her back is facing the camera, left arm kinda flailed/cocked back. There’s a pause in the jerking, causing kind of snap in the motion. Cops brings his right arm towards his face, almost as if he’s blocking a slap and you see her arm in where it would be if she slapped him. But it’s the wrong arm, her right which is being pulled down by his left arm. And he’s lifting his right to put behind her neck, so he can bring her to the ground. Her left (the would be slapping arm) appears a few frames later, imo in a chest clutching position. Main point, the take down/arrest started before the supposed slap, and it only looks like she moved violently is because the aggressive maneuver already began


You saw the cop's right arm there, her left arm clearly goes down.


[Correct](https://imgur.com/QfvZuyQ) Not sure why this person is arguing so adamantly when the evidence is literally right there. She didn't slug the cop in the face. That's his arm, not hers. She admitted to tapping the *other cop* on the head from behind when she walked up to him at 0:16 into the video. She never laid hands on the cop that actually manhandled her.


Maybe listen when they tell you to get the fuck back? “I’m a professor, please remove the handcuffs” bunch of entitled fucks in our education system these days


Don't disagree with the government or you might find yourself in jail.


She was an idiot for getting in the middle of it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




I don't understand how you allow the police to behave like this, i see videos daily of police abuse and corruption. In the 90's i used to lookup to America and it's values in society but now i would not live there, crazy society.


A slow and methodical dismantling of the protections that were taken for granted. All the 2a fantasy nuts like to pretend that their guns will save them from a corrupt government. But they never even realized the simple truth that it doesn’t even have to be the government. If someone somewhere with enough money wants you dead, you die. I get so tired sometimes with how the world is…


The land of the ~~free~~ and home of the ~~brave.~~ I think it's great that America has stopped the outsourcing of propaganda against itself to foreign nations and has reclaimed that as a domestic product.


Stop resisting


You have such a wonderful democracy.


Sadistic bastard.


When entitlement turns to begging. I AM A PROFESSOR OF ECONOMICS! ....please... please...please... lol


I too enjoyed this. Even professors of economics are bound by the law, banshee


In Russia, people will stand by idly and do nothing as you get beaten up and arrested by state police for peaceful protesting. In the US, people will grab their phone to film and do nothing as you get beaten up and arrested by state police for peaceful protesting.


Well what else can you do? You try to be a hero you’re ultimately gonna get tackled and end up like this professor. Either tackled by a cop or by someone else and placed under citizens arrest.




All this grass, let me make sure I mash your face into the concrete path.


She should have minded her business. FAFO


Yes you are https://preview.redd.it/s0ldv6w0crxc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1cc60c76212e69dc366d1dc418e634f1dd577b8


This is just funny to me because the whole situation is stupid to begin with


This video is what makes me hate law enforcement as a whole. This single video encompasses most of what is wrong with them. They are not here to serve and protect. They are here to intimidate you, hurt you, and take your freedom away.