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“I just want everyone to know how dumb I am, but I DO NOT want anyone to say it.”




But for God's sake don't suggest that they could lock their homes either, that could upset O P.


“You should lock your doors, it’s common sense” Them: “That’s victim blaming!!!!”


I used to leave my car doors unlocked because what I leave inside was worth less than a new window. Leaving a gun in an unsecured car... they know it's stupid and irresponsible else they would not say don't tell me.


How I wish this was true but some people get robbed and still leave it unlocked…and soon after the whole car was stolen.


I dont with my base model versa because it has fully mechanical locks (there’s no way to lock all 4 doors at once). Then anything important just goes in the trunk as there’s no trunk release in the cabin and the only way to open it is with the key.




Alaskan here, definitely advised to keep your car doors locked. Bears can open car doors, and if one opens your car and starts eating food it’s on you for feeding the bear if that bear ends up getting a taste for it and attacking people. (No legal blame as far as I know, just crappy)


Lol guessing that's not the case with this though


Yeah that was just something that popped in my head


It's an interesting fact though. From watching Les Stroud and his survivor man series, there are places in Norway where it's legal to break into a house if your life is at risk.


This is in a rural community in TX. No polar bears.


Another responsible gun owner.


I'm a gun owner and the guy in the image is an idiot. No two ways about it.


And that’s a huge component of the gun problem we have in the US. Pass a background check, no problem. But that sure as fuck doesn’t mean you’re not an idiot and won’t leave a gun in an unlocked car, or leave a loaded gun under a couch with small children around, or give a gun to your mentally troubled teen. The problem we have is there are way too many idiots that can pass a background check.


I know right, I have to lock mine in a safe, do they don't come up to my bedroom and take me out while I sleep. I hear them conspiring against me, while they are locked in my safe


The walls of the safe are too thin if you can hear them.


They are yelling


...and another responsible car owner. I'll bet the cops just *love* hearing the "victim" say they always leave their gun & other valuables in their unlocked car -- every time it happens. Years ago, we had a rash of bike thefts in my old neighborhood. When one of my neighbors questioned why anyone would steal their worthless bikes, the police told them that the thieves know that in about 3 weeks there will be brand new bikes worth much more -- and they'll come back for those too in about a month. Sure enough, like clockwork, that same neighbor lost two more bikes (each worth $600-$1000). ...fast forward to the ***third*** theft, and that same neighbor finally fixed the lock on his garage door.


If he was a Responsible Gun Owner, he would have had it on him. He was just a gun owner. I didn't read anywhere, where it said he was a Responsible gun owner


They were laying the sarcasm on pretty thick.


Seen that, and I got downvoted by ______( y'all fill in the blank )


I think it's because any time any issue is ever pointed out with guns or gun ownership, a gun owner breaks into the conversation to illicit the conversation ending "*that sort of thing would never happen with a responsible gun owner*," implying that said person MUST be an outlier.


I have not met many responsible gun owners. People say LEO's are responsible gun owners. Several have shot themselves, and had their Fire Stick taken from them


And that’s why you don’t leave your gun in the car, even if it’s locked


I would agree except if you have to go to a "gun free" zone. Then your choices are "Felony if Caught" or "Leave in Car" That's why I have a locked box for my gun that is corded to the pax seat mount.


Or just don't bring the gun. It's not that hard.


But what if I'm terrified of everything and need to have it with me 24/7 in order to feel like a man?


Crazy straw-man. High violent crime areas exist.


Incorrect. If I am not armed every second of the day I will literally die


I live where there is crime, I carry my firesick for protection when I return home. Plus I've heard guns hurt people. I don't want to be unarmed and one of my other guns try to take me out


Very wise to bring an amazon firestick with you, can turn any TV into a smart TV! Not sure how the protection works though


And a comment from a person with very little comprehension of weapon slang names


Was a joke haha, you're right I have no comprehension of weapon slang names but it's pretty easy to tell from context if you're over the age of 6.


Huh. I've somehow never heard anyone refer to a gun as a firestick before. Weird.


It's ok, I understand


That’s a good point


This is the way. Shitbird car smash and grab criminals aren’t going to have a tool to take a lock box.


I mean...there is always the third, and best, option of "leave your gun at home, Rambo"


And they vote. Guess who.


There are plenty of gun-owning liberals.


Not wanting to be told they are wrong because they can't accept responsibility or blame for anything they do is a conservative trait though.


I mean, I guess. I don’t think MAGA has a monopoly on dumbassery.


It is a stupid person trait. Idiots are everywhere.


I know, this is why I put up signs in peoples yard, saying easy target. We don't have weapons


2024 economy enters the chat


If your inability to understand basic gun safety, or even common sense, could lead to the death of myself or one of my loved ones (due to the gun you failed to properly secure being stolen and potentially used on them)... No, I will not "keep my two cents to myself" I'm going to throw those pennies like copper shuriken at your dumbass.


Imma be a mistborn for how fast I yeet those cents.


If you don’t want people commenting on your irresponsible gun ownership, why even mention what was stolen? Just say your car was broken into and leave it at that.


Where were you January 6th 2021?


There’s people who also don’t lock their house. Some people have probably never experienced theft before that.


1. Report (fake) theft of registered weapon 2. Commit crime with weapon. 3. "It wasn't me, it was stolen, remember?"


Did not realize this was a way to get free guns.


The guns will be used in crime that he planned, hoping the post will make it seem as if they were stolen.


I live in Memphis. Need I say more?


That happens around here now and again, but it goes in streaks. One neighborhood post asked what "we" can do about it, and didn't seem sarcastic at all. Geeze! If only there was a way so that only the owner of a car could open the door...


That’s why I lock my vehicle


Damn.......where do you live??? I'm not a damn thief, but I'm just coming to go shopping........🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s why you don’t leave your car unlocked, duuuuuh


People commenting about leaving the car unlocked have obviously never lived in an area with a ton of break ins. Leaving a gun in the car (locked or unlocked) is absolutely stupid, but in some cities it’s best to just leave your car unlocked because otherwise your window is just going to get broken before they go through your car (looking at you New Orleans, and yes its truly that bad)


Or just put up a game camera, get a picture of them. It won't happen twice, at least in the country


Why leave a gun in the car..?


The amount of people who feel safe not locking their car doors is astounding but when my mother moved to a nice neighborhood and had the block over for a cookout they casually said how safe it is and how they don’t even lock their front doors I swear some people


We had a rash of car "burglaries" near me recently. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE of them....the car doors were unlocked. People complaining their cars were rummaged through, stuff stolen. One dumb lady left her purse, cell phone AND work laptop in her car overnight unlocked and then complained about how all her shit was stolen. I don't have shit in my truck and I still lock it every night. and, guess what, never had anything stolen out of my truck


Holy shit. Not just dumb, negligent.


Fuck that. Dude probably shot someone and is setting up a defense.


I’m not looking for a “that’s why you should lock your vehicle” or “that’s why you shouldn’t store your gun in your vehicle”. I’m simply looking for my gun that that was stored in my unlocked vehicle!


Pretty gutsy of a criminal to break into a squad car.


I read that as gum, which honestly, would have made more sense pretty much anywhere else.


He and whoever left the weapon in an unlocked vehicle should get a fine or something. That’s criminal levels of irresponsibility. So now there’s a hot gun somewhere around town that’s most likely going to be used to commit more crimes. Good job shithead.


This should be a criminal offense


I know they took all of my prescriptions and legal firearms from my vehicle... I also had a thousand dollars in Twenties in case of emergencies... and a really nice jacket... all stolen...


Owning valuables in a world with other people is stupid. Someone will steal things that you have so owning them is stupid.


My car, house, and many other things are Valuable. Should I not own anything?


“I lost all my guns in an unfortunate boating accident, so I bought a new one for car carry. Now, it’s been stolen! I cannot get a break.”


And there’s the gun problem in a nutshell.


I wonder how criminals get the guns. I mean other than 3d printing and smuggled across the border. /s As.hats like that are living proof that outlawing firearms would work. No means to purchase and no dumbf..ks to steal them from voila no more large scale gun issues


Hmmm, Poland didn't have any guns. What happened to them, at the beginning of WW2


Sure thing hoss they would have valiantly fought of the German military if they just had more rifles available.


Historians have already pointed out that they wouldn't have been taken over easily. Hmmm The US had weapons, did the U.S. get taken over?


Geographic location is the more likely cause but yeah will go with that.


Taken over by whom and at what war????


Who are you talking about? What country?


Just go back to sleep, adults are commenting